CugComposer (ConstantRemoteModel)

Authoring models for the Constant Remote Model


The Constant Remote Model can show CAE models with all the features of the RemoteModel for one pre-defined configuration. See for more info.

In order to prepare models for viewing in the Constant Remote Model, you have to configure the model and export it to a CUG database.

There are two main ways of doing this:

  1. Use Envision Desktop for Python, C++ or C# to open, configure and export to CUG using the cee.exp.ExportConstantRemoteModel class.

  2. Use the CugComposer to create a CUG Database from a VTFx file with a case

Using the CugComposer

The CugComposer is a native app that can be found in the NativeApplications/CugComposer/bin/[linux|mac|win] folder. It will convert a VTFx file to a CUG Database or Cug bundle files.

Command line options:

CugComposer <inputFileName> <outputFileOrFolder> [-outputFormat { JSBundle | BinBundle | CugDB (default) }] [-noSnapshot] [-license LICENSE_CODE] [-licenseFile LICENSE_FILENAME]
  • inputFileName : The input VTFx file. For multi-case files, use filename|caseid to select which case to export

  • outputFileOrFolder : The file or folder to output to. For CugDB (default) this should be a folder. For JSBundle or BinBundle this should be a filename.

  • -outputFormat: The format to output. Default is CugDB, which is used by the CugServer. The converter can also create bundle files (either binary or JSON object) which can be used for static serving of CUG Models (binBundle) or for embedding in a HTML page (JSBundle).

  • -noSnapshot : The default is to produce a snapshot image of the model. For CugDB output, this will be outputFileOrFolder/snapshot.png, for JSBundle/BinBundle it will be outputFileOrFolder.png. If this command line option is provided, the composer will not output an image.

  • -license LICENSE_CODE - Specify the CEETRON Envision for Web license on the command line.

  • -licenseFile LICENSE_FILENAME - Specify the filename of the hoops_license.h license file with the CEETRON Envision for Web license.

Note: You can also use the CEW_TECH_SOFT_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to provide the filename of the hoops_license.h file.