


Communicator.Animation.Util.createCameraChannels(animation, namePrefix, interpolationType)

Convenience method that sets up Animation channels, samplers, and keyframe buffers for the supplied camera.

The created channel and buffer names will have the form: - where type is the corresponding value of CameraProperty

  • animation (Animation()) – Animation that will receive the new camera channels. This animation should not contain any camera channels.

  • namePrefix (string()) – Prefix to use for channel names.

  • interpolationType (InterpolationType) – The type of interpolation that will be set on each sampler that is created.

Return type


The created channel and buffer names will have the form: - where type is the corresponding value of CameraProperty


Communicator.Animation.Util.keyframeCamera(t, camera, animation)

Convenience method that will update keyframe buffers for animation channels created with createChannelsForCamera

  • t (number()) – Animation time (in seconds) that will be used for the created keyframes

  • camera (Camera()) – Camera containing the current values to keyframe.

  • animation (Animation()) – An animation containing camera channels created using createChannelsForCamera

Return type
