Tree information
Detailed Description
- group a3d_feature_data_root_module
There are three kinds of features that define the model tree.
Feature Node (kA3DFamily_Root - kA3DFRMRoot_Node
This type of feature corresponds to a simple node in the tree, with the following structure
Feature Package (kA3DFamily_Root - kA3DFRMRoot_Package
This node will embed multiple feature definition, to define in one time several feature with the same cad file.
It’s the case of multi-pad, with the possibility to have different depth size.
Another example, a feature that define multiple hole at different positions.
Feature Container (kA3DFamily_Root - kA3DFRMRoot_Container
This type of feature corresponds to a sub tree. Underneath, a parameter with type
kA3DParameterType_Container that regroup all sub nodes.
Type Documentation
enum EA3DFRMRoot
Feature root features enum.
- Version
enumerator kA3DFRMRoot_None
enumerator kA3DFRMRoot_Node
feature defining a node in the tree
Parameter Type:
Cad type
Parameter Specification:
Mode type: cut, srf, thickness…
Depth Level: where chamfer is applied. see EA3DFRMEnumValue_DepthLevel
Parameter Feature_Definition:
Definition specific
enumerator kA3DFRMRoot_Container
feature defining a sub tree
Parameter Type:
Cad type
Parameter Specification:
Mode type: cut, srf, thickness…
Parameter Feature_Definition:
Definition specific
Parameter Container:
Feature Root: all sub features visible in the tree
enumerator kA3DFRMRoot_Package
feature package defining sereval feature in one time; and contains multiple feature definition with same type
Parameter Type:
Cad type
Parameter Specification:
Mode type: cut, srf, thickness…
Depth Level: where chamfer is applied. see EA3DFRMEnumValue_DepthLevel
Parameter Feature_Definition:
Definition specific: multiple cad specific definitions
Parameter Container_Internal:
Feature Root: all sub features not visible in the tree