Definition for pattern
Detailed Description
- group a3d_feature_pattern_module
- Version
Type Documentation
enum EA3DFRMEnumValue_Pattern
Enumerate the possible types of shape for a pattern
This allow to specify the type of pattern, and so the Definition you should expect to have under the
kA3DFRMFeatureDefinitionType_Pattern.- Version
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_Pattern_None
Invalid Pattern Type.
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_Pattern_General
Generic Pattern that combine multiple definition.
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_Pattern_Linear
Pattern Linear with all instances placed along a direction.
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_Pattern_Cyclic
Pattern Circular with all instances placed on a circle.
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_Pattern_Matrix
Pattern Rectangular with instances placed on a Grid along 2 directions.
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_Pattern_CyclicMultiple
Pattern Circular with instances placed on several concentric circles.
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_Pattern_Polygonal
Pattern with instances placed on a regular polygon (specific to NX).
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_Pattern_PolygonalMultiple
Pattern with instances placed on several concentric regular polygons (specific to NX).
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_Pattern_Spiral
Pattern with instances placed on a 2D Spiral (specific to NX).
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_Pattern_ByReference
Pattern parameterized with the same properties than another referenced Pattern.
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_Pattern_Point
Pattern with a list of points to specify each instance position.
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_Pattern_Curve
Pattern Curvilinear with all instances placed along a curve.
Not implemented Yet
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_Pattern_Table
Pattern with instances specified by a table sheet of parameters.
Not implemented Yet.
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_Pattern_Dimension
Pattern parameterized with a dimension and the incremental changes.
Not implemented Yet.
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_Pattern_Fill
Pattern with instances that fill up a specified region (loop, sketch, etc.).
Not implemented Yet
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_Pattern_LinearMultiple
Pattern Linear with instances placed along multiple directions, in a cross shape for example.
Only the master is patterned in each direction.
enum EA3DFRMDefinitionPatternType
Feature definition pattern types
Enumerate the specific types of Definition Feature that can be found under a
kA3DFRMFeatureDefinitionType_Pattern.- Version
enumerator kA3DFRMDefinitionPatternType_None
Invalid Pattern Definition Type.
enumerator kA3DFRMDefinitionPatternType_PatternMaster
Type of Definition containing information specific to Pattern Master:
links to master features
enumerator kA3DFRMDefinitionPatternType_PolygonalShape
Type of Definition containing information specific to Pattern of shape polygon (how the polygon is parameterized):
Parameter Definition:
Definition Position: polygon center point
Definition Direction: normal
Parameter Data:
IntegerData Count: number of sides
Value Angle: total angle to apply instances
enumerator kA3DFRMDefinitionPatternType_SpiralShape
Type of Definition containing information specific to Pattern of shape spiral (how the spiral is parameterized):
Parameter Definition:
Definition Direction: normal
Parameter Data:
IntegerData Count: number of turn
IntegerData Boolean: isClockwise, the spiral rotation direction
Value Angle: total angle to apply instances
Value Length: spiral radial step (between each turn)
enumerator kA3DFRMDefinitionPatternType_DirectionSpacing
Type of Definition that define a pattern spacing along a linear direction:
Parameter Definition:
Definition Direction: linear direction
Parameter Data:
IntegerData Count: instance count
DoubleData ExtensionAndStep: extension (first value) and steps (next values)
DoubleData Unit: length unit. (optional)
enumerator kA3DFRMDefinitionPatternType_AxialSpacing
Type of Definition that define a pattern spacing along a angular direction (around an axis):
Parameter Definition:
Definition Position: axis position
Definition Direction: axis direction
Parameter Data:
IntegerData Count: instance count
DoubleData ExtensionAndStep: extension (first value) and steps (next values)
DoubleData Unit: angle unit. (optional)
enumerator kA3DFRMDefinitionPatternType_RadialSpacing
Type of Definition that define a pattern spacing along a radial direction.
This is used for the second direction in case of pattern with concentric circles/polygons: Pattern of type CyclicMultiple OR PolygonalMultiple:
Parameter Data:
IntegerData Count: instance count
DoubleData ExtensionAndStep: extension (first value) and steps (next values)
DoubleData Unit: length unit. (optional)
enumerator kA3DFRMDefinitionPatternType_PolygonalSpacing
Type of Definition that define a pattern spacing along a polygon:
Parameter Definition:
Definition PolygonalShape: polygon shape, of type kA3DFRMDefinitionPatternType_PolygonalShape
Parameter Data:
IntegerData Count: instance count
DoubleData ExtensionAndStep: extension (first value) and steps (next values)
DoubleData Unit: length unit. (optional)
enumerator kA3DFRMDefinitionPatternType_SpiralSpacing
Type of Definition that define a pattern spacing along a spiral:
Parameter Definition:
Definition SpiralShape: spiral shape, of type kA3DFRMDefinitionPatternType_SpiralShape
Parameter Data:
IntegerData Count: instance count
DoubleData ExtensionAndStep: extension (first value) and steps (next values)
DoubleData Unit: length unit. (optional)
enumerator kA3DFRMDefinitionPatternType_InstanceStatus
Type of Definition containing status of pattern instances:
Parameter Data:
IntegerData Boolean: specify if the instance is enable/disable. In case of boolean array, specify the status of all instances in the pattern.
enumerator kA3DFRMDefinitionPatternType_InstanceInformation
Type of Definition containing information specific to a pattern instance.
Parameter Definition:
Definition Position: instance position
Definition InstanceStatus: instance status, of type kA3DFRMDefinitionPatternType_InstanceStatus
Parameter Data:
IntegerData Index: list of instance index for each pattern direction
enum EA3DFRMEnumValue_PatternMaster
Enumerate the possible pattern master type.
- Version
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_PatternMaster_None
Invalid Pattern master Type.
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_PatternMaster_Features
The pattern master is features.
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_PatternMaster_CurrentBody
The pattern master is the current body.
enumerator kA3DFRMEnumValue_PatternMaster_Geometries
The pattern master is Geometries.