







Detailed Description

struct A3DGraphAmbientLightData

Data for an ambient light source entity (``)

An ambient light simulates lighting that bounces everywhere and thus comes from no specific location. Ambient lights illuminate every face of an object regardless of their position or orientation.



All colors within this structure are global indexes to RGB color codes. The actual values can be queried using A3DGlobalGetGraphRgbColorData.

A3DGraphAmbientLightData is one of the four light source types provided by HOOPS. It is associated to the kA3DTypeGraphAmbientLight entity type. The other available light sources are A3DGraphPointLightData, A3DGraphSpotLightData and A3DGraphDirectionalLightData.

Ligthing color

The color of a lighting source is usually described with a single color, referenced to by m_uiAmbientColorIndex which is applied to the receiving material. Different implementations can take benefit from making the distinction between ambient, diffuse and specular colors upon computing light. These additional information can be written into m_uiDiffuseColorIndex and m_uiSpecularColorIndex. When ununsed, these values are either set to the same value as m_uiAmbientColorIndex or A3D_DEFAULT_COLOR_INDEX.

Public Members

A3DUns32 m_uiAmbientColorIndex

The main or ambient color of the light source.

A3DUns32 m_uiDiffuseColorIndex

The diffuse color of the light source.

A3DUns32 m_uiSpecularColorIndex

The specular color of the light source.