Detailed Description
struct A3DMarkupLocatorData
Markup locator.
- Version
Public Members
EA3DLocatorSymbol m_eSymbol
Symbol type.
EA3DLocatorType m_eType
EA3DLocatorSubType m_eSubType
Sub type.
EA3DLocatorCoordinatePlane m_eCoordinatePlane
Coordinate plane type.
EA3DLocatorChangeLevel m_eChangeLevel
Change level.
A3DUTF8Char *m_sNoteFont
Corresponding font for following note.
A3DUTF8Char *m_sNote
Note fonts.
A3DUTF8Char *m_sPartNumberFont
Corresponding font for following text.
A3DUTF8Char *m_sPartNumber
Part number.
A3DUTF8Char **m_sCoordinateEntitiesNotesFont
Array of note fonts.
A3DUTF8Char **m_sCoordinateEntitiesNotes
Array of coordinate entities notes.
A3DVector3dData m_sHotSpot
Hot spot.
A3DVector3dData m_sPunchDirection
Punch direction.
A3DVector3dData m_sPinDirection
Pin direction.
A3DVector3dData m_sNormalDirection
Normal direction.
A3DUns32 m_iUnit
1 = mm, 2 = inch, 3 = radian, 4 = degree, 5 = grade, -1 no unit defined, use meter.
A3DMDTextProperties *m_pTextProperties
Pointer to the text properties.
See also