
class HPS.Exchange.CommonMeasurementOperator : public HPS.Operator

The CommonMeasurementOperator class defines an operator which contains many often used functions when inserting measurements. Users can build a custom measurement operator by deriving from this class. This operator requires the model be loaded using the Exchange bridge, and the model must contain B-rep.

Subclassed by HPS.Exchange.MeasurementOperator

Public Types

enum Tags



Public Functions

CommonMeasurementOperator ()
CommonMeasurementOperator (HPS.Exchange.CADModel in_cad_model)
CommonMeasurementOperator (HPS.Exchange.CADModel in_cad_model, HPS.MouseButtons in_mouse_trigger)
CommonMeasurementOperator (HPS.Exchange.CADModel in_cad_model, HPS.MouseButtons in_mouse_trigger, HPS.ModifierKeys in_modifier_trigger)
CommonMeasurementOperator (HPS.Exchange.CommonMeasurementOperator in_that)
void DeleteMeasurements ()

Deletes all measurements

override void Dispose ()
HPS.Exchange.CADModel GetCADModel ()
HPS.MaterialMappingKit GetMaterial ()

Returns the material used for the measurements

HPS.SegmentKey GetMeasurementSegment ()

Returns the top measurement segment containing all measurements

override string GetName ()

Returns the name of the operator.

ulong GetPrecision ()

Returns the precision used in the measurement (number of digits after the decimal point)

HPS.TextAttributeKit GetTextAttributes ()

Returns the text attributes used for the measurements

override void OnViewAttached (HPS.View in_attached_view)

This function is called whenever a view is attached to this operator.

Param in_attached_view

The view attached to this operator.

override void OnViewDetached (HPS.View in_detached_view)

This function is called whenever a view is detached from this operator.

Param in_detached_view

The view detached from this operator.

void SetCADModel (HPS.Exchange.CADModel in_cad_model)
void SetMaterial (HPS.MaterialMappingKit in_material_mapping)

Changes the material used for the measurements. Affects all measurements, even those already inserted.

void SetPrecision (ulong in_precision)

Changes the precision used in the measurement (number of digits after the decimal point) Only affects future measurements.

void SetTextAttribute (HPS.TextAttributeKit in_text_attributes)

Changes the text attributes used for the measurements. Affects all measurements, even those already inserted.

Public Static Functions

string GetNewMeasurementSegmentName (string in_prefix)
class MeasurementDeletedEvent : public HPS.Event

Public Functions

override HPS.Event Clone ()

Allocates and returns a copy of this MeasurementDeletedEvent.


A copy of this MeasurementDeletedEvent.

override void Dispose ()
MeasurementDeletedEvent ()

The default constructor creates an empty MeasurementDeletedEvent object.

MeasurementDeletedEvent (HPS.Event in_event)

This constructor converts an Event Object to a MeasurementDeletedEvent object.

Param in_event

The Event Object to be converted.

MeasurementDeletedEvent (HPS.Exchange.CommonMeasurementOperator.MeasurementDeletedEvent in_that)
MeasurementDeletedEvent (string in_measurement_name, HPS.View in_view)


string measurement_name { get; set; }
HPS.View view { get; set; }
class MeasurementInsertedEvent : public HPS.Event

Public Functions

override HPS.Event Clone ()

Allocates and returns a copy of this MeasurementInsertedEvent.


A copy of this MeasurementInsertedEvent.

override void Dispose ()
MeasurementInsertedEvent ()

The default constructor creates an empty MeasurementInsertedEvent object.

MeasurementInsertedEvent (HPS.Event in_event)

This constructor converts an Event Object to a MeasurementInsertedEvent object.

Param in_event

The Event Object to be converted.

MeasurementInsertedEvent (HPS.Exchange.CommonMeasurementOperator.MeasurementInsertedEvent in_that)
MeasurementInsertedEvent (HPS.Key in_measurement_key, HPS.View in_view)


HPS.Key measurement_key { get; set; }
HPS.View view { get; set; }