
class HPS.Stream.ExportStartedEvent : public HPS.Event

The ExportStartedEvent class indicates that a Stream export has started. It will always be injected synchronously.

Public Functions

override HPS.Event Clone ()

Allocates and returns a copy of this ExportStartedEvent.


A copy of this TimerEvent.

override void Dispose ()
override bool Drop (HPS.Event in_that_event)

Determines if this ExportStartedEvent can be drop in favor of the following event of the same type

Param in_that_event

Event to compare with this ExportStartedEvent.


true if this event can be dropped, false otherwise.

ExportStartedEvent ()

The default constructor creates a ExportStartedEvent object.

ExportStartedEvent (HPS.Event in_event)

This constructor converts an EventObject to a ExportStartedEvent object.

Param in_event

The EventObject to be converted.

ExportStartedEvent (HPS.Stream.ExportStartedEvent in_that)
override IntPtr Freshen ()

This optional function is used to determine if the current event can be dropped in favor of newer event of the same type if one is available.


A cookie representing the freshen category. Zero indicates a non-freshening event.


double export_started_time { get; set; }