Envision 1.2.1

February 16, 2023 - SHA: d026d7a8

web CEETRON Envision for Web desktop CEETRON Envision for Desktop

Fixed Bugs

CAE-1065 Can get null reference on mouse wheel while RemoteModel is loading web

Using the mouse wheel early when the model is loading and having mouseWheelZoomAndWalkBehavior set to other than TO_CENTER might cause a throw and thus error logs in the console.

CAE-1067 ImportCAE OpenFOAM reader crashes on models with polyhedron elements web desktop

The built-in OpenFOAM reader in ImportCAE might cause a crash when opening models with polyhedron elements. This fixes a regression introduced in Envision 1.1

CAE-1071 VTFx component: Exported file can’t be opened in the viewer (wrong vendor id) desktop

Files exported with the VTFx components (standalone export) was not signed properly and thus not able to open in the free desktop 3D viewer.

CAE-1072 Simple null vectors would sometimes not be positioned correctly on some hardware platforms desktop

In some rare cases on some hardware platforms the null vectors could be drawn in the wrong position.