Tech Soft 3D CEETRON SDK suite

Welcome to the main landing page for the documentation of Tech Soft 3D’s CAE-specific suite of toolkits. Here you will find an overview of the product line as a whole and links to the documentation pages relevant to each component.
Tech Soft 3D’s CEETRON SDK suite is the result of the acquisition in 2020 of two component vendors specialized in CAE data management and visualization (Ceetron AS and Visual Kinematics Inc.). The combination of technologies, along with Tech Soft 3D’s original HOOPS offering, yields a unique collection of technologies that span across the CAE workflow, from importing CAD data, to meshing, solving, post-processing and sharing engineering know-how.
The first set of three toolkits are blended into one global library known as the CEETRON SAM SDKs: Solve, Access and Mesh. They focus on interoperability, mesh generation, as well as FEM formulation and solving. They are the immediate descendants of the Visual Kinematics DevTools suite: VfeTools, VfsTools, VdmTools and VisTools/Mesh. Legacy components VisTools and VglTools are also included.
The fourth toolkit of the suite is CEETRON Envision and is all about extracting CAE data from input or output files, generating display models which can then be rendered on screens or in documents. Depending on your license agreement you will have access to the Desktop Edition to develop classical desktop applications and/or the Web Edition to build efficient web-native applications that run in a browser.