Detailed Description
struct A3DPDFRichMediaAnnotData
A3DPDFRichMediaAnnotData structure: options for the RichMedia annot behavior in the PDF.
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A3DPDFEActivateWhen m_eActivateWhen
Option to specify when the RichMedia annot should be activated.
A3DPDFEDesactivateWhen m_eDesactivateWhen
Option to specify when the RichMedia annot should be deactivated.
A3DPDFEPlaybackControlsSkin m_ePlaybackControlsSkin
Option to specify the controls that should be present for the RichMedia annot.
A3DPDFRgbColorData m_sPlaybackControlsColor
PlaybackControls color.
A3DInt32 m_iPlaybackControlsOpacity
PlaybackControls opacity. Values are from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque).
A3DPDFImage *m_pPosterImage
Specifies a poster image to be displayed when the RichMedia Annot is not activated. Null can not be specified.
A3DUTF8Char *m_pcName
Name of the RichMedia Annot. If NULL is specified, the name is automatically generated.