- class cee.geo.CgeoModelGenerator()
Helper class for creating a Model from a .cgeo blob.
The .cgeo blob is typically received from a web service or a local file.
let geoModel = new cee.geo.GeometryModel(); let modelGenerator = new cee.geo.CgeoModelGenerator(buffer, geoModel); modelGenerator.buildModel();
** CGEO format documentation **
Int Magic Number (2072003) Int TextureCount Int PartCount Textures (TextureCount number of this block): Int Index : Zero based index Int Width : Width of texture in pixels (see note below about dimensions) Int Height : Height of texture in pixels (see note below about dimensions) Int WrapMode : 1: Clamp To Edge, 2: Repeat Int MinFilter : 1: Nearest, 2: Linear, 3: Nearest Mipmap Nearest, 4: Nearest Mipmap Linear, 5: Linear Mipmap Nearest, 6: Linear Mipmap Linear Int MagFilter : 1: Nearest, 2: Linear ubyte\*Width\*Height pixelData : First pixel is lower left corner Parts (PartCount number of this block): Int PartId Int Color (r,g,b,a) Int NumVertices Int HasNormals (1=true, 0=false) Int TextureIndex (-1 for none) Int NumPrimitives Int VerticesPerPrimitive Vertices: 3*float vertex x,y,z Normals: 3*float vertex nx,ny,nz TextureCoordinates: 2*float vertex s,t Indices:
Notes: Texture dimensions: Generally we recommend using textures where the dimensions (height and width) are a power of two (2,4,8,16, etc). Non-POT2 texture are partially supported in WebGL, but requires the sampler to be configured without MipMaps and with wrap mode set to ClampToEdge.
Color is r,g,b,a packet into one integer. Example with float colors (0..1 per component):
int intOpacity = (int)(opacity*255.0f); int intColor = (int)(color.r()*255.0f)<<24 | (int)(color.g()*255.0f)<<16 | (int)(color.b()*255.0f)<<8 | intOpacity;
- cee.geo.CgeoModelGenerator.constructor(cgeoBuffer, geoModel)
Creates a new CgeoModelGenerator with the given input Cgeo array and output geometry model
- Arguments
cgeoBuffer (
) –geoModel (
) –
- Return type
- cee.geo.CgeoModelGenerator.buildModel(preserveSharpEdges)
Adds parts to the input GeometryModel based on the content of the Cgeo array
- Arguments
preserveSharpEdges (
) –
- Return type