
class HPS::Exchange

The Exchange class contains objects and enumerations used for importing and exporting CAD files via Exchange.

Public Types

enum AnnotationCaptureFitting

Enumerates the type of data in the scene to use to generate cameras for annotation captures.


enumerator PMIOnly

Use only the bounds of the PMI referenced by the annotation capture to compute the camera.

enumerator ModelAndPMI

Use the bounds of the model and the PMI referenced by the annotation capture to compute the camera.

typedef std::vector<BIMRelationship, HPS::Allocator<BIMRelationship>> BIMRelationshipArray
typedef std::vector<BIMRelationshipEntity, HPS::Allocator<BIMRelationshipEntity>> BIMRelationshipEntityArray
enum BIMRelationshipType

Enumerates the BIM relationship types.


enumerator ContainedInSpatialStructure
enumerator Aggregates
enumerator VoidsElement
enumerator FillsElement
enumerator SpaceBoundary
enumerator ConnectsPathElements
typedef std::vector<BIMType, HPS::Allocator<BIMType>> BIMTypeArray
enum BRepMode

Enumerates the ways in which to import BRep and tessellation data for files imported via Exchange.


enumerator TessellationOnly

Only tessellation data will be requested from Exchange, which will tessellate items as necessary or extract existing tessellations as appropriate. No BRep data will be available for the file if this mode is used. (kA3DReadTessOnly)

enumerator BRepOnly

Only BRep data will be requested from Exchange, and each representation item will be tessellated individually as necessary. This can potentially lead to a lower peak memory level at the expense of a potentially longer import. (kA3DReadGeomOnly)

enumerator BRepAndTessellation

BRep and tessellation data will be requested from Exchange, which will perform the tessellations in one shot rather than on demand. This can potentially lead to a higher peak memory level with the benefit of a potentially faster import. (kA3DReadGeomAndTess)

typedef std::vector<Component, HPS::Allocator<Component>> ComponentArray
typedef std::vector<Configuration, HPS::Allocator<Configuration>> ConfigurationArray
enum CurveType

Enumerates the types of curves supported by Exchange


enumerator Blend

Blend boundary curve (kA3DTypeCrvBlend02Boundary ).

enumerator NURBS

NURBS curve (kA3DTypeCrvNurbs ).

enumerator Circle

Circle (kA3DTypeCrvCircle ).

enumerator Composite

Array of oriented curves (kA3DTypeCrvComposite ).

enumerator CurveOnSurface

Curve defined by a UV curve on a surface (kA3DTypeCrvOnSurf ).

enumerator Ellipse

Ellipse (kA3DTypeCrvEllipse ).

enumerator Equation

Curve described by an equation (kA3DTypeCrvEquation ).

enumerator Helix

Helix (kA3DTypeCrvHelix ).

enumerator Hyperbola

Hyperbola (kA3DTypeCrvHyperbola ).

enumerator Intersection

Intersection between two surfaces (kA3DTypeCrvIntersection ).

enumerator Line

Line (kA3DTypeCrvLine ).

enumerator Offset

Offset curve (kA3DTypeCrvOffset ).

enumerator Parabola

Parabola (kA3DTypeCrvParabola ).

enumerator Polyline

Polyhedric curve (kA3DTypeCrvPolyLine ).

enumerator Transform

Transformed curve (kA3DTypeCrvTransform ).

typedef std::vector<CurveType, HPS::Allocator<CurveType>> CurveTypeArray
enum ImportMode

Enumerates the ways in which to perform file import via Exchange.


enumerator Complete

The standard form of import. Import options will be respected as to what should be loaded (solids, surfaces, PMI, etc.), but all specified data will be imported for all product occurrences within a file.

enumerator Incremental

Only the structure of the CAD file will be imported. Product occurrences within that structure can then be loaded on demand. This type of import can only be performed for certain formats, in particular, SolidWorks, NX (Unigraphics), Creo (Pro/E), and CATIA V5 files.

typedef std::vector<Layer, HPS::Allocator<Layer>> LayerArray
enum LoadStatus

Enumerates the various load statuses for a ProductOccurrence.


enumerator Unknown

Unknown state.

enumerator Loaded

Product occurrence is loaded in Exchange and has visualization data.

enumerator VisualizationOnly

Product occurrence has only visualization data, no Exchange data is available.

enumerator PartiallyLoaded

Some product occurrences under the product occurrence are loaded, some are not.

enumerator NotLoaded

No Exchange or visualization data is loaded for the product occurrence.

typedef HPS::IntArray ParasolidEntityArray
typedef std::vector<Sheet, HPS::Allocator<Sheet>> SheetArray
enum SurfaceType

Enumerates the types of surfaces supported by Exchange


enumerator Blend01

Blend Type 1 surface (kA3DTypeSurfBlend01).

enumerator Blend02

Blend Type 2 surface (kA3DTypeSurfBlend02).

enumerator Blend03

Blend Type 3 surface (kA3DTypeSurfBlend03).

enumerator Blend04

Blend Type 4 surface (kA3DTypeSurfBlend04).

enumerator NURBS

NURBS surface (kA3DTypeSurfNurbs ).

enumerator Cone

Conical surface (kA3DTypeSurfCone ).

enumerator Cylinder

Cylindrical surface (kA3DTypeSurfCylinder ).

enumerator Offset

Offset surface (kA3DTypeSurfOffset ).

enumerator Pipe

Pipe surface (kA3DTypeSurfPipe ).

enumerator Plane

Planar surface (kA3DTypeSurfPlane ).

enumerator Ruled

Ruled surface (kA3DTypeSurfRuled ).

enumerator Sphere

Spherical surface (kA3DTypeSurfSphere ).

enumerator Revolution

Revolution surface (kA3DTypeSurfRevolution ).

enumerator Extrusion

An Extrusion (kA3DTypeSurfExtrusion ).

enumerator FromCurve

Surface defined from a curve (kA3DTypeSurfFromCurves).

enumerator Torus

Torus surface (kA3DTypeSurfTorus).

enumerator Transform

Transform (kA3DTypeSurfTransform ).

typedef std::vector<SurfaceType, HPS::Allocator<SurfaceType>> SurfaceTypeArray
enum Units

Enumerates the units for files imported via Exchange.


enumerator Unknown

Unknown unit type (kA3DUnitUnknown).

enumerator Point

Point (1/72 of an inch) units (kA3DUnitPoint).

enumerator Inch

Inch units (kA3DUnitInch).

enumerator Millimeter

Millimeter units (kA3DUnitMillimeter).

enumerator Centimeter

Centimeter units (kA3DUnitCentimeter).

enumerator Pica

Pica (1/72 of a foot) units (kA3DUnitPicas).

enumerator Foot

Foot units (kA3DUnitFoot).

enumerator Yard

Yard units (kA3DUnitYard).

enumerator Meter

Meter units (kA3DUnitMeter).

enumerator Kilometer

Kilometer units (kA3DUnitKilometer).

enumerator Mile

Mile units (kA3DUnitMile).

enum UnloadMode

Enumerates the ways in which a ProductOccurrence can be unloaded.


enumerator ExchangeAndVisualization

Exchange data will be unloaded for a ProductOccurrence via the A3DAsmModelFileUnloadParts and the Component objects corresponding to Exchange entities which were removed will be deleted.

enumerator ExchangeOnly

Exchange data will be unloaded for a ProductOccurrence via the A3DAsmModelFileUnloadParts while the corresponding Component objects will be kept around. This will invalidate the entity pointers for any Component which no longer exists in the Exchange data, but still allows use of the Component APIs to interact with the components. Any such components will have a load status of LoadStatus::VisualizationOnly, and would be reimported if they or a parent product occurrence get loaded again.

class BIMData : public HPS::Sprocket

BIM related data inside the model.

Public Functions


The default constructor creates an empty BIMData object.

BIMData(BIMData &&in_bim_data)

The move constructor creates a BIMData by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this BIMData thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.


in_bim_data – An rvalue reference to a BIMData to take the impl from.

BIMData(BIMData const &in_bim_data)

The copy constructor creates a new BIMData object that is associated with the same data as the source BIMData.


in_bim_data – The source BIMData to copy.

bool Equals(BIMData const &in_bim_data) const

Check if the source BIMData is equivalent to this BIMData.


in_bim_data – The source BIMData to compare to this BIMData.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

BIMRelationshipEntityArray GetRelatedEntities(HPS::Exchange::Component const &in_component, BIMRelationshipType in_relationship_type) const

Get an array of BIMRelationshipEntity that are related to the component given.


an array of BIMRelationshipEntity.

BIMRelationshipEntityArray GetRelatingEntities(HPS::Exchange::Component const &in_component, BIMRelationshipType in_relationship_type) const

Get an array of BIMRelationshipEntity that are relating to the component given.


an array of BIMRelationshipEntity.

BIMRelationshipArray GetRelationships(HPS::Exchange::Component const &in_component) const

Get an array of all relationships that target the component given.


in_component – the component whose relationships are requested.


the array of BIMRelationship for the component.

BIMTypeArray GetTypes() const

Get an array of BIMType present in this model.


the array of BIMType for this model.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(BIMData const &in_bim_data) const

Check if the source BIMData is not equivalent to this BIMData.


in_bim_data – The source BIMData to compare to this BIMData.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

BIMData &operator=(BIMData &&in_bim_data)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this BIMData thereby avoiding a copy.


in_bim_data – An rvalue reference to a BIMData to take the impl from.


A reference to this BIMData.

BIMData &operator=(BIMData const &in_that)

The copy assignment operator copies the underlying impl of the source value to this BIMData.


in_that – The source BIMData to copy.


A reference to this BIMData.

bool operator==(BIMData const &in_bim_data) const

Check if the source BIMData is equivalent to this BIMData.


in_bim_data – The source BIMData to compare to this BIMData.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

virtual ~BIMData()

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeBIMData
class BIMRelationship : public HPS::Sprocket

BIM relationship

Public Functions


The default constructor creates an empty BIMRelationship object.

BIMRelationship(BIMRelationship &&in_relationship)

The move constructor creates an BIMRelationship by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this BIMRelationship thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.


in_relationship – An rvalue reference to an BIMRelationship to take the impl from.

BIMRelationship(BIMRelationship const &in_relationship)

The copy constructor creates a new BIMRelationship object that is associated with the same data as the source BIMRelationship.


in_relationship – The source BIMRelationship to copy.

bool Equals(BIMRelationship const &in_relationship) const

Check if the source BIMRelationship is equivalent to this BIMRelationship.


in_relationship – The source BIMRelationship to compare to this BIMRelationship.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

BIMRelationshipEntityArray GetRelatedEntities() const

Get an array of related BIMRelationshipEntity.


an array of BIMRelationshipEntity acting as related in the BIMRelationship.

BIMRelationshipEntity GetRelatingEntity() const

Get the relating BIMRelationshipEntity.


the RelatingshipEntity acting as relating in the BIMRelationship.

BIMRelationshipType GetType() const

Get the type of this BIMRelationship.


the BIMRelationshipType of this BIMRelationship.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(BIMRelationship const &in_relationship) const

Check if the source BIMRelationship is not equivalent to this BIMRelationship.


in_relationship – The source BIMRelationship to compare to this BIMRelationship.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

BIMRelationship &operator=(BIMRelationship &&in_relationship)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this BIMRelationship thereby avoiding a copy.


in_relationship – An rvalue reference to an ImportNotifier to take the impl from.


A reference to this BIMRelationship.

BIMRelationship &operator=(const BIMRelationship &in_relationship)
bool operator==(BIMRelationship const &in_relationship) const

Check if the source BIMRelationship is equivalent to this BIMRelationship.


in_relationship – The source BIMRelationship to compare to this BIMRelationship.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

virtual ~BIMRelationship()

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeBIMRelationship
class BIMRelationshipEntity : public HPS::Sprocket

Entity inside a BIM relationship

Public Functions


The default constructor creates an empty BIMRelationshipEntity object.

BIMRelationshipEntity(BIMRelationshipEntity &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an BIMRelationshipEntity by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this BIMRelationshipEntity thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an BIMRelationshipEntity to take the impl from.

BIMRelationshipEntity(BIMRelationshipEntity const &in_that)

The copy constructor creates a new BIMRelationshipEntity object that is associated with the same data as the source BIMRelationshipEntity.


in_that – The source BIMRelationshipEntity to copy.

bool Equals(BIMRelationshipEntity const &in_relationshipEntity) const

Check if the source BIMRelationshipEntity is equivalent to this BIMRelationshipEntity.


in_relationshipEntity – The source BIMRelationshipEntity to compare to this BIMRelationshipEntity.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

HPS::Exchange::Component const &GetComponent() const

Get the component for this entity.


the component for this entity of an empty component is the element is not loaded (such as openings).

HPS::UTF8 GetName(bool use_generated_if_needed = false) const

Get the name of this BIMRelationshipEntity.


use_generated_if_needed – Whether to use the generated name if the component has no name.


the name of this BIMRelationshipEntity.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(BIMRelationshipEntity const &in_relationshipEntity) const

Check if the source BIMRelationshipEntity is not equivalent to this BIMRelationshipEntity.


in_relationshipEntity – The source BIMRelationshipEntity to compare to this BIMRelationshipEntity.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

BIMRelationshipEntity &operator=(BIMRelationshipEntity &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this BIMRelationshipEntity thereby avoiding a copy.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ImportNotifier to take the impl from.


A reference to this BIMRelationshipEntity.

BIMRelationshipEntity &operator=(BIMRelationshipEntity const &in_that)

The copy assignment operator copies the underlying impl of the source value to this BIMRelationshipEntity.


in_that – The source BIMRelationshipEntity to copy.


A reference to this BIMRelationshipEntity.

bool operator==(BIMRelationshipEntity const &in_relationshipEntity) const

Check if the source BIMRelationshipEntity is equivalent to this BIMRelationshipEntity.


in_relationshipEntity – The source BIMRelationshipEntity to compare to this BIMRelationshipEntity.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

virtual ~BIMRelationshipEntity()

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeBIMRelationshipEntity
class BIMType : public HPS::Sprocket

BIM Type

Public Functions


The default constructor creates an empty BIMType object.

BIMType(BIMType &&in_bim_type)

The move constructor creates a BIMType by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this BIMType thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.


in_bim_type – An rvalue reference to a BIMType to take the impl from.

BIMType(BIMType const &in_bim_type)

The copy constructor creates a new BIMType object that is associated with the same data as the source BIMType.


in_bim_type – The source BIMType to copy.

bool Equals(BIMType const &in_bim_type) const

Check if the source BIMType is equivalent to this BIMType.


in_bim_type – The source BIMType to compare to this BIMType.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

ComponentArray GetComponents() const

Get the components that are associated with this type.


an array of components that are associated with this type.

HPS::UTF8 GetName() const

Get the name of this type.


the name of this type.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(BIMType const &in_bim_type) const

Check if the source BIMType is not equivalent to this BIMType.


in_bim_type – The source BIMType to compare to this BIMType.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

BIMType &operator=(BIMType &&in_bim_type)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this BIMType thereby avoiding a copy.


in_bim_type – An rvalue reference to a BIMType to take the impl from.


A reference to this BIMType.

BIMType &operator=(BIMType const &in_bim_type)

The copy assignment operator copies the underlying impl of the source value to this BIMType.


in_bim_type – The source BIMType to copy.


A reference to this BIMType.

bool operator==(BIMType const &in_bim_type) const

Check if the source BIMType is equivalent to this BIMType.


in_bim_type – The source BIMType to compare to this BIMType.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

virtual ~BIMType()

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeBIMType
class CADModel : public HPS::CADModel

The CADModel class is a smart pointer. It represents an A3DAsmModelFile in Exchange. The primary purpose of this class is simply to provide access to the underlying A3DAsmModelFile pointer for use by Exchange library functions.

Public Functions


The default constructor creates an uninitialized CADModel object. The Type() function will return Type::None.

CADModel(Component const &in_that)

This constructor creates a CADModel object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Component. The copy will only be successful if the source component is really an upcast of an Exchange::CADModel object. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting Exchange::CADModel will be invalid.


in_that – The source Component to copy.

CADModel(Exchange::CADModel &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an Exchange::CADModel by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this Exchange::CADModel.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an Exchange::CADModel to take the underlying object from.

CADModel(Exchange::CADModel const &in_that)

The copy constructor creates an Exchange::CADModel object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Exchange::CADModel.


in_that – The source Exchange::CADModel to copy.

CADModel(HPS::CADModel const &in_that)

This constructor creates an Exchange::CADModel object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source HPS::CADModel. The copy will only be successful if the source component is really an upcast of an Exchange::CADModel object. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting Exchange::CADModel will be invalid.


in_that – The source HPS::CADModel to copy.

LayerArray GetAllLayers() const

Get all layers defined in this CAD Model.


A list of all layers defined in this CAD Model.

HPS::Exchange::BIMData GetBIMData() const

Gets a const reference to BIM data. Only formats which support the concept of BIM data can have a non empty BIM Data.


the BIM data for this CADModel.

HPS::Component GetComponentFromEntity(A3DEntity *in_entity) const

Gets the Component associated with the given A3DEntity pointer (if any).


in_entity – The A3DEntity pointer from which to find the associated Component.


The Component associated with the given A3DEntity pointer, or an empty component if there is no such Component.

ConfigurationArray GetConfigurations() const

Gets a list of configurations for this CADModel (if any). Only formats which support the concept of configurations can return a non-empty array, and only files of those formats which contain configurations will return a non-empty array.


The list of configurations for this CADModel.

UTF8Array GetCurrentConfiguration() const

Gets the current configuration for this CADModel if it exists. Only formats which support the concept of configurations can have a current configuration, and only files of those formats which contain configurations will have a current configuration.


The current configuration for this CADModel.

bool GetEntityOwnership() const

Whether this CADModel owns the associated A3DAsmModelFile or not. If this CADModel owns the associated A3DAsmModelFile, when it is deleted (via Exchange::CADModel::Delete), it will delete not only the associated Visualize components, segments and geometry but also the A3DAsmModelFile via A3DAsmModelFileDelete. If this CADModel does not own the associated A3DAsmModelFile, when it is deleted, it will only delete the associated Visualize components, segments and geometry, but not the A3DAsmModelFile. It will be up to the user to ensure the A3DAsmModelFile is deleted to reclaim any memory it has allocated in this case.


Whether this CADModel owns the associated A3DAsmModelFile.

A3DEntity *GetExchangeEntity() const

Gets the A3DEntity pointer corresponding to this Exchange::CADModel.


The A3DEntity pointer corresponding to this Exchange::CADModel.

SheetArray GetSheets() const

Gets a list of sheets for this CADModel (if any). Only formats which support the concept of sheets can return a non-empty array.


The list of sheets for this CADModel

void HideAllPMI(Canvas const &in_canvas, size_t in_layer = 0)

Forces the visibility of all PMI off in the given Canvas and layer. This will undo any hides, shows, isolates, or other highlights performed on PMI components contained within this CADModel via ComponentPath calls.

  • in_canvas – The Canvas in which to perform the the operation

  • in_layer – The layer in the Canvas in which to perform the operation.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

CADModel &operator=(Exchange::CADModel &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this Exchange::CADModel.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an Exchange::CADModel to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this Exchange::CADModel.

ReloadNotifier Reload(TessellationOptionsKit const &in_options = TessellationOptionsKit(), TranslationOptionsKit const &in_translation_options = TranslationOptionsKit())

Asynchronously reloads this CADModel. This will delete all underlying subcomponents and then reparse the underlying Exchange data.

  • in_options – The options to use to generate tessellations for new Components (if necessary).

  • in_translation_options – The options to use for translation from Exchange BRep to Parasolid. This option only applies if a file was loaded via the ExchangeParasolid module and there are components underlying this component that need to be translated to Parasolid.

bool ReplaceExchangeEntity(Component const &in_component, A3DEntity *in_a3d_entity)

Replace the Exchange entity associated with the provided component. You are required to sync the HPS model tree with the PRC structures after calling this via Reload.



  • in_component – The component whose entity is to be replaced.

  • in_a3d_entity – The new entity that will be associated with in_component.


true if the new entity was associated successfully, false otherwise.

void SetAllPMIInFront(bool in_enable, Canvas const &in_canvas, size_t in_layer = 0)

Forces all of the PMI in this CADModel to be rendered in front of the other geometry. contained within this CADModel via ComponentPath calls.

  • in_enable – Dictates whether the pmi will be forced in front or not.

  • in_canvas – The Canvas in which to perform the the operation

  • in_layer – The layer in the Canvas in which to perform the operation.

void ShowAllPMI(Canvas const &in_canvas, size_t in_layer = 0)

Forces the visibility of all PMI on in the given Canvas and layer. This will undo any hides, shows, isolates, or other highlights performed on PMI components contained within this CADModel via ComponentPath calls.

  • in_canvas – The Canvas in which to perform the the operation

  • in_layer – The layer in the Canvas in which to perform the operation.

void Tessellate(TessellationOptionsKit const &in_options)

Re-tessellate the given CADModel with the provided options. Tessellation occurs at the representation item level in Exchange. All representation items underneath this CADModel will be re-tessellated with the provided options. Additionally, only components for which there is BRep data can the tessellation be regenerated.


in_options – The options to use to generate the new tessellation for this CADModel

TranslationNotifier Translate(TranslationOptionsKit const &in_translation_options)

Asynchronously translates this CADModel into an array of Parasolid parts, using the options provided. A valid Parasolid session is required for this function to succeed. If this CADModel was imported in tessellation only mode an empty Parasolid assembly will be returned.


in_translation_options – Options used during the translation.


An TranslationNotifier object that can be used to query the import progress and status.

virtual ~CADModel()

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeCADModel
class Capture : public HPS::Capture

The Capture class is a smart pointer. It represents an A3DMkpView in Exchange. The primary purpose of this class is simply to provide access to the underlying A3DMkpView pointer for use by Exchange library functions.

Public Functions

HPS::View Activate(HPS::ComponentPath const &in_capture_path = HPS::ComponentPath())

Activates this capture.


in_capture_path – The capture path to operate on.


the View.


The default constructor creates an uninitialized Capture object. The Type() function will return Type::None.

Capture(Component const &in_that)

This constructor creates a Capture object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Component. The copy will only be successful if the source component is really an upcast of an Exchange::Capture object. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting Exchange::Capture will be invalid.


in_that – The source Component to copy.

Capture(Exchange::Capture &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an Exchange::Capture by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this Exchange::Capture.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an Exchange::Capture to take the underlying object from.

Capture(Exchange::Capture const &in_that)

The copy constructor creates an Exchange::Capture object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Exchange::Capture.


in_that – The source Exchange::Capture to copy.

Capture(HPS::Capture const &in_that)

This constructor creates an Exchange::Capture object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source HPS::Capture. The copy will only be successful if the source component is really an upcast of an Exchange::Capture object. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting Exchange::Capture will be invalid.


in_that – The source HPS::Capture to copy.

A3DEntity *GetExchangeEntity() const

Gets the A3DEntity pointer corresponding to this Exchange::Capture.


The A3DEntity pointer corresponding to this Exchange::Capture.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

Capture &operator=(Exchange::Capture &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this Exchange::Capture.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an Exchange::Capture to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this Exchange::Capture.

virtual ~Capture()

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeCapture
class CommonMeasurementOperator : public HPS::Operator

The CommonMeasurementOperator class defines an operator which contains many often used functions when inserting measurements. Users can build a custom measurement operator by deriving from this class. This operator requires the model be loaded using the Exchange bridge, and the model must contain B-rep.

Subclassed by HPS::Exchange::MeasurementOperator

Public Types

enum Tags


enumerator Name
enumerator MeasurementType
enumerator Radius
enumerator Inverted
enumerator VectorX
enumerator VectorY
enumerator VectorZ

Public Functions

CommonMeasurementOperator(Exchange::CADModel const &in_cad_model, MouseButtons in_mouse_trigger = MouseButtons::ButtonLeft(), ModifierKeys in_modifier_trigger = ModifierKeys())
void DeleteMeasurements()

Deletes all measurements

Exchange::CADModel GetCADModel() const
MaterialMappingKit GetMaterial() const

Returns the material used for the measurements

SegmentKey GetMeasurementSegment() const

Returns the top measurement segment containing all measurements

inline virtual HPS::UTF8 GetName() const override

Returns the name of the operator.

size_t GetPrecision() const

Returns the precision used in the measurement (number of digits after the decimal point)

TextAttributeKit GetTextAttributes() const

Returns the text attributes used for the measurements

virtual void OnViewAttached(HPS::View const &in_attached_view) override

This function is called whenever a view is attached to this operator.


in_attached_view – The view attached to this operator.

virtual void OnViewDetached(HPS::View const &in_detached_view) override

This function is called whenever a view is detached from this operator.


in_detached_view – The view detached from this operator.

void SetCADModel(Exchange::CADModel const &in_cad_model)
void SetMaterial(MaterialMappingKit const &in_material_mapping)

Changes the material used for the measurements. Affects all measurements, even those already inserted.

void SetPrecision(size_t in_precision)

Changes the precision used in the measurement (number of digits after the decimal point) Only affects future measurements.

void SetTextAttribute(TextAttributeKit const &in_text_attributes)

Changes the text attributes used for the measurements. Affects all measurements, even those already inserted.

Public Static Functions

static UTF8 GetNewMeasurementSegmentName(HPS::UTF8 const &in_prefix)

Returns the name to be used for the new measurement segment name

class MeasurementDeletedEvent : public HPS::Event

Public Functions

inline virtual Event *Clone() const

Allocates and returns a copy of this MeasurementDeletedEvent.


A copy of this MeasurementDeletedEvent.

inline MeasurementDeletedEvent()

The default constructor creates an empty MeasurementDeletedEvent object.

inline MeasurementDeletedEvent(Event const &in_event)

This constructor converts an Event Object to a MeasurementDeletedEvent object.


in_event – The Event Object to be converted.

inline MeasurementDeletedEvent(HPS::UTF8 const &in_measurement_name, HPS::View const &in_view)

Public Members

UTF8 measurement_name
View view
class MeasurementInsertedEvent : public HPS::Event

Public Functions

inline virtual Event *Clone() const

Allocates and returns a copy of this MeasurementInsertedEvent.


A copy of this MeasurementInsertedEvent.

inline MeasurementInsertedEvent()

The default constructor creates an empty MeasurementInsertedEvent object.

inline MeasurementInsertedEvent(Event const &in_event)

This constructor converts an Event Object to a MeasurementInsertedEvent object.


in_event – The Event Object to be converted.

inline MeasurementInsertedEvent(HPS::Key const &in_measurement_key, HPS::View const &in_view)

Public Members

Key measurement_key
View view
class Component : public HPS::Component

The Component class is a smart pointer. It represents a variety of Exchange components. The primary purpose of this class is simply to provide access to the underlying A3DEntity pointer for use by Exchange library functions.

Subclassed by HPS::Exchange::ProductOccurrence, HPS::Exchange::Sheet

Public Functions

bool AddTransform(MatrixKit const &in_transform)

Appends a transform to the underlying PRC data associated with this component. Only components of type ExchangeProductOccurrence, or components that have the type ExchangeRepresentationItemMask can have transforms applied to them. Additionally, AddTransform does not work on Exchange models which have a Drawing structure to them. This would include CATDrawing files and 2D DWG files loaded through Exchange. Any attempt to use this function on those models will produce a warning.


in_transform – The transform to apply to this component.


true if transform was applied correctly, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an uninitialized Exchange::Component object. The Type() function will return Type::None.

Component(Exchange::Component &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an Exchange::Component by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this Exchange::Component.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an Exchange::Component to take the underlying object from.

Component(Exchange::Component const &in_that)

The copy constructor creates an Exchange::Component object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Exchange::Component.


in_that – The source Exchange::Component to copy.

Component(HPS::Component const &in_that)

This constructor creates an Exchange::Component object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Component. The copy will only be successful if the source component is really an upcast of an Exchange::Component object. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting Exchange::Component will be invalid.


in_that – The source Component to copy.

HPS::Component CopyTo(HPS::Component const &in_new_owner)

Create a copy of this component under another component. This function will create a copy of the A3DEntity underlying this component and put it under the Exchange entity associated with the new owner. It will also create a new component, the keys associated to it and include those keys under the new owner. You are required to sync the HPS model tree with the PRC structures after calling this via Reload.




in_new_owner – The component which will be the owner of the newly created component.


The newly created component.

A3DEntity *GetExchangeEntity() const

Gets the A3DEntity pointer corresponding to this Exchange Component.


The A3DEntity pointer corresponding to this Exchange Component.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

Component &operator=(Exchange::Component &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this Exchange::Component.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an Exchange::Component to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this Exchange::Component.

ReloadNotifier Reload(TessellationOptionsKit const &in_tessellation_options = TessellationOptionsKit(), TranslationOptionsKit const &in_translation_options = TranslationOptionsKit())

Asynchronously reloads this component. This will delete all underlying subcomponents and then reparse the underlying Exchange data. This function should be invoked on the Component corresponding to an entity which was edited or a Component above such a Component.

  • in_tessellation_options – The options to use to generate tessellations for new Components (if necessary).

  • in_translation_options – The options to use for translation from Exchange BRep to Parasolid. This option only applies if a file was loaded via the ExchangeParasolid module and there are components underlying this component that need to be translated to Parasolid.


A ReloadNotifier object that can be used to query the reload progress and status.

bool SetName(char const *in_new_name)

Rename this component in the PRC.


in_new_name – The new name of the A3DEntity.


true if the name was set successfully, false otherwise.

bool SetTransform(MatrixKit const &in_transform)

Applies a transform to the underlying PRC data associated with this component, replacing any transform currently set on it. Only components of type ExchangeProductOccurrence, or components that have the type ExchangeRepresentationItemMask can have transforms applied to them. Additionally, SetTransform does not work on Exchange models which have a Drawing structure to them. This would include CATDrawing files and 2D DWG files loaded through Exchange. Any attempt to use this function on those models will produce a warning.


in_transform – The transform to apply to this component.


true if transform was applied correctly, false otherwise.

void Tessellate(TessellationOptionsKit const &in_options)

Re-tessellate the given Component with the provided options. Tessellation occurs at the representation item level in Exchange, so calling this function on Component objects below that level will have no effect. If this function is invoked on Component objects above that level, e.g., at the product occurrence level, all representation items underneath that Component will be re-tessellated with the provided options. Additionally, only components for which there is BRep data can the tessellation be regenerated.


in_options – The options to use to generate the new tessellation for this Component.

TranslationNotifier Translate(Units in_units, TranslationOptionsKit const &in_translation_options)

Asynchronously translates this component into an array of Parasolid parts, using the options provided. A valid Parasolid session is required for this function to succeed. The component has to be a Representation Item for this function to succeed.

  • in_units – The units for the representation item

  • in_translation_options – Options used during the translation.


A TranslationNotifier object that can be used to query the translation progress and status.

virtual ~Component()

Releases a reference to this Component. The Component will not be deleted unless the final reference is destroyed.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeComponent
class Configuration : public HPS::Sprocket

The Configuration class is a user space object. It is a used to get configuration information for a CAD file.

Public Functions


The default constructor creates an empty Configuration object.

Configuration(char const *in_name)

This constructor creates a Configuration with the given name and no subconfigurations.


in_name – UTF8-encoded string with the name for this Configuration.

Configuration(char const *in_name, ConfigurationArray const &in_subconfigurations)

This constructor creates a Configuration with the given name and the given subconfigurations

  • in_name – UTF8-encoded string with the name for this Configuration.

  • in_subconfigurations – The subconfigurations for this Configuration.

Configuration(char const *in_name, size_t in_count, Configuration const in_subconfigurations[])

This constructor creates a Configuration with the given name and the given subconfigurations

  • in_name – UTF8-encoded string with the name for this Configuration.

  • in_count – Size of the following array.

  • in_subconfigurations – The subconfigurations for this Configuration.

Configuration(Configuration &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an Configuration by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this Configuration thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an Configuration to take the impl from.

Configuration(Configuration const &in_configuration)

The copy constructor creates a new Configuration object that contains the same settings as the source Configuration.


in_configuration – The source Configuration to copy.

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this Configuration has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this Configuration, false otherwise.

bool Equals(Configuration const &in_kit) const

Check if the source Configuration is equivalent to this Configuration.


in_kit – The source Configuration to compare to this Configuration.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

HPS::UTF8 GetName() const

Gets the name for this Configuration.


The name for this Configuration.

ConfigurationArray GetSubconfigurations() const

Gets the subconfigurations for this Configuration.


The subconfigurations for this Configuration.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(Configuration const &in_kit) const

Check if the source Configuration is not equivalent to this Configuration.


in_kit – The source Configuration to compare to this Configuration.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

Configuration &operator=(Configuration &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this Configuration thereby avoiding a copy.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an Configuration to take the impl from.


A reference to this Configuration.

Configuration &operator=(Configuration const &in_kit)

Copies the source Configuration into this Configuration.


in_kit – The source Configuration to copy.


A reference to this Configuration.

bool operator==(Configuration const &in_kit) const

Check if the source Configuration is equivalent to this Configuration.


in_kit – The source Configuration to compare to this Configuration.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(Configuration const &in_kit)

Copies the source Configuration into this Configuration.


in_kit – The source Configuration to copy.

void Show(Configuration &out_kit) const

Copies this Configuration into the given Configuration.


out_kit – The Configuration to populate with the contents of this Configuration.

virtual ~Configuration()

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeConfiguration
class Export3MFOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit

The HPS::Exchange::Export3MFOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings controlling how 3MF data is exported via the Exchange interface.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this Export3MFOptionsKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this Export3MFOptionsKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals(Export3MFOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source Export3MFOptionsKit is equivalent to this Export3MFOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source Export3MFOptionsKit to compare to this Export3MFOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty Export3MFOptionsKit object.

Export3MFOptionsKit(Export3MFOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an Export3MFOptionsKit by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this Export3MFOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an Export3MFOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.

Export3MFOptionsKit(Export3MFOptionsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new Export3MFOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source Export3MFOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source Export3MFOptionsKit to copy.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(Export3MFOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source Export3MFOptionsKit is not equivalent to this Export3MFOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source Export3MFOptionsKit to compare to this Export3MFOptionsKit.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

Export3MFOptionsKit &operator=(Export3MFOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this Export3MFOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an Export3MFOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this Export3MFOptionsKit.

Export3MFOptionsKit &operator=(Export3MFOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source Export3MFOptionsKit into this Export3MFOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source Export3MFOptionsKit to copy.


A reference to this Export3MFOptionsKit.

bool operator==(Export3MFOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source Export3MFOptionsKit is equivalent to this Export3MFOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source Export3MFOptionsKit to compare to this Export3MFOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(Export3MFOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source Export3MFOptionsKit into this Export3MFOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source Export3MFOptionsKit to copy.

Export3MFOptionsKit &SetAdditionalKeyPaths(KeyPathArray const &in_additional_key_paths)

Sets an array of key paths which will be exported in addition to the model. Use this setting to export Visualize geometry to 3MF.


in_additional_key_paths – The key paths to be exported.


A reference to this Export3MFOptionsKit.

Export3MFOptionsKit &SetAdditionalKeyPaths(size_t in_count, KeyPath const in_additional_key_paths[])

Sets an array of key paths which will be exported in addition to the model. Use this setting to export Visualize geometry to 3MF.

  • in_count – The number of key paths contained in in_additional_key_paths.

  • in_additional_key_paths – The key paths to be exported.


A reference to this Export3MFOptionsKit.

Export3MFOptionsKit &SetCopyright(char const *in_copyright)

Sets the copyright metadata.


in_copyright – The copyright metadata.


A reference to this Export3MFOptionsKit.

Export3MFOptionsKit &SetCurrentTessellationRetention(bool in_state, TessellationOptionsKit const &in_tessellation_kit = TessellationOptionsKit())

Sets whether to retain the current tessellation during export.

  • in_state – Whether to retain the current tessellation during export.

  • in_tessellation_kit – The tessellation to use during export. Only used if in_state is false, or if no tessellation is present.


A reference to this Export3MFOptionsKit.

Export3MFOptionsKit &SetDescription(char const *in_description)

Sets a description. This will be reported in the output file as metadata.


in_description – The description.


A reference to this Export3MFOptionsKit .

Export3MFOptionsKit &SetLicenseTerms(char const *in_license)

Sets license terms metadata.


in_license – The license terms metadata.


A reference to this Export3MFOptionsKit.

void Show(Export3MFOptionsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this Export3MFOptionsKit into the given Export3MFOptionsKit.


out_kit – The Export3MFOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this Export3MFOptionsKit.

bool ShowAdditionalKeyPaths(KeyPathArray &out_additional_key_paths) const

Shows the additional key paths setting.


out_additional_key_paths – The key paths which will be added to the model


true if an additional key paths setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowCopyright(HPS::UTF8 &out_copyright) const

Shows the copyright setting.


out_copyright – The copyright metadata.


true if a copyright setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowCurrentTessellationRetention(bool &out_state, Exchange::TessellationOptionsKit &out_tessellation_kit) const

Shows the KeepCurrentTessellation setting.

  • out_state – Whether to retain the current tessellation during export.

  • out_tessellation_kit – The tessellation options to use during export. Only valid if out_state is false.


true if a tessellation retention setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowDescription(HPS::UTF8 &out_description) const

Shows the description setting.


out_description – The description.


true if a description setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowLicenseTerms(HPS::UTF8 &out_license) const

Shows the license setting.


out_license – The license metadata


true if a license setting was specified, false otherwise.

Export3MFOptionsKit &UnsetAdditionalKeyPaths()

Removes the additional key paths setting.


A reference to this Export3MFOptionsKit.

Export3MFOptionsKit &UnsetCopyright()

Removes the Copyright setting.


A reference to this Export3MFOptionsKit.

Export3MFOptionsKit &UnsetCurrentTessellationRetention()

Removes the KeepCurrentTessellation setting.


A reference to this Export3MFOptionsKit.

Export3MFOptionsKit &UnsetDescription()

Removes the description setting.


A reference to this Export3MFOptionsKit.

Export3MFOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this Export3MFOptionsKit.


A reference to this Export3MFOptionsKit.

Export3MFOptionsKit &UnsetLicenseTerms()

Removes the license setting.


A reference to this Export3MFOptionsKit.

virtual ~Export3MFOptionsKit()

Public Static Functions

static Export3MFOptionsKit GetDefault()

Creates an Export3MFOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have defaults. These values will be used for export unless an option in overridden by the options passed to File::Export3MF.


An Export3MFOptionsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeExport3MFOptionsKit
class ExportACISOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit

The HPS::Exchange::ExportACISOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings controlling how ACIS data is exported via the Exchange interface. Calling HPS::Exchange::ExportACISOptionsKit::GetDefault() will return an options kit with values found in here.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this ExportACISOptionsKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this ExportACISOptionsKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals(ExportACISOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportACISOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportACISOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportACISOptionsKit to compare to this ExportACISOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty ExportACISOptionsKit object.

ExportACISOptionsKit(ExportACISOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an ExportACISOptionsKit by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportACISOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportACISOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.

ExportACISOptionsKit(ExportACISOptionsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new ExportACISOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source ExportACISOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportACISOptionsKit to copy.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(ExportACISOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportACISOptionsKit is not equivalent to this ExportACISOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportACISOptionsKit to compare to this ExportACISOptionsKit.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

ExportACISOptionsKit &operator=(ExportACISOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportACISOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportACISOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this ExportACISOptionsKit.

ExportACISOptionsKit &operator=(ExportACISOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportACISOptionsKit into this ExportACISOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportACISOptionsKit to copy.


A reference to this ExportACISOptionsKit.

bool operator==(ExportACISOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportACISOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportACISOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportACISOptionsKit to compare to this ExportACISOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(ExportACISOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportACISOptionsKit into this ExportACISOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportACISOptionsKit to copy.

ExportACISOptionsKit &SetBinary(bool in_state)

Sets whether to write ACIS data in binary form. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportAcisData::m_bSaveAsBinary.


Default value


in_state – Whether to write ACIS data in binary form.


A reference to this ExportACISOptionsKit.

ExportACISOptionsKit &SetMillimeterUnits(bool in_state)

Sets whether to write ACIS data in millimeter units instead of the native units of the CADModel. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportAcisData::m_bSaveAsMillimeter.


Default value


in_state – Whether to write ACIS data in millimeter units instead of the native units of the CADModel.


A reference to this ExportACISOptionsKit.

void Show(ExportACISOptionsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this ExportACISOptionsKit into the given ExportACISOptionsKit.


out_kit – The ExportACISOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this ExportACISOptionsKit.

bool ShowBinary(bool &out_state) const

Shows the binary export setting.


out_state – Whether to write ACIS data in binary form.


true if a binary export setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowMillimeterUnits(bool &out_state) const

Shows the millimeter unit export setting.


out_state – Whether to write ACIS data in millimeter units instead of the native units of the CADModel.


true if a millimeter unit export setting was specified, false otherwise.

ExportACISOptionsKit &UnsetBinary()

Removes the binary export setting.


A reference to this ExportACISOptionsKit.

ExportACISOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this ExportACISOptionsKit.


A reference to this ExportACISOptionsKit.

ExportACISOptionsKit &UnsetMillimeterUnits()

Removes the millimeter unit export setting.


A reference to this ExportACISOptionsKit.

virtual ~ExportACISOptionsKit()

Public Static Functions

static ExportACISOptionsKit GetDefault()

Creates an ExportACISOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for import unless an option is overridden by the options passed to File::ExportACIS.


An ExportACISOptionsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeExportACISOptionsKit
class ExportFBXOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit

The HPS::Exchange::ExportFBXOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings controlling how FBX data is exported via the Exchange interface. Calling HPS::Exchange::ExportFBXOptionsKit::GetDefault() will return an options kit with values found in here.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this ExportFBXOptionsKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this ExportFBXOptionsKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals(ExportFBXOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportFBXOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportFBXOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportFBXOptionsKit to compare to this ExportFBXOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty ExportFBXOptionsKit object.

ExportFBXOptionsKit(ExportFBXOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an ExportFBXOptionsKit by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportFBXOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportFBXOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.

ExportFBXOptionsKit(ExportFBXOptionsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new ExportFBXOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source ExportFBXOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportFBXOptionsKit to copy.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(ExportFBXOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportFBXOptionsKit is not equivalent to this ExportFBXOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportFBXOptionsKit to compare to this ExportFBXOptionsKit.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

ExportFBXOptionsKit &operator=(ExportFBXOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportFBXOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportFBXOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this ExportFBXOptionsKit.

ExportFBXOptionsKit &operator=(ExportFBXOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportFBXOptionsKit into this ExportFBXOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportFBXOptionsKit to copy.


A reference to this ExportFBXOptionsKit.

bool operator==(ExportFBXOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportFBXOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportFBXOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportFBXOptionsKit to compare to this ExportFBXOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(ExportFBXOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportFBXOptionsKit into this ExportFBXOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportFBXOptionsKit to copy.

ExportFBXOptionsKit &SetAscii(bool in_state)

Sets whether to write FBX data in ascii form. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportFBXData::m_bAscii.


Default value


in_state – Whether to write FBX data in ascii form.


A reference to this ExportFBXOptionsKit.

ExportFBXOptionsKit &SetTextureFolder(char const *in_name)

Sets folder where texture will be exported (if any). If NULL, then texture are written in the same directory as the .fbx. Symbol @ is expanded as Filename of current file (without extension) Example: If the output file is ‘C:/out/myfile.obj’ and the texture folder is set to ‘C:/out/myfile.obj’, the export process will create a directory called ‘C:/out/myfile’ and place the textures there


Default value


in_name – UTF8-encoded path to the folder where texture will be exported. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to and A3DRWParamsExportFbxData::m_pcTextureFolder.


A reference to this ExportFBXOptionsKit.

void Show(ExportFBXOptionsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this ExportFBXOptionsKit into the given ExportFBXOptionsKit.


out_kit – The ExportFBXOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this ExportFBXOptionsKit.

bool ShowAscii(bool &out_state) const

Shows the ascii export setting.


out_state – Whether to write FBX data in ascii form.


true if a ascii export setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTextureFolder(UTF8 &out_path) const

Shows the texture folder setting.


out_path – The path to the folder where texture will be exported.


true if a texture folder setting was specified, false otherwise.

ExportFBXOptionsKit &UnsetAscii()

Removes the ascii export setting.


A reference to this ExportFBXOptionsKit.

ExportFBXOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this ExportFBXOptionsKit.


A reference to this ExportFBXOptionsKit.

ExportFBXOptionsKit &UnsetTextureFolder()

Removes the texture folder setting.


A reference to this ExportFBXOptionsKit.

virtual ~ExportFBXOptionsKit()

Public Static Functions

static ExportFBXOptionsKit GetDefault()

Creates an ExportFBXOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for import unless an option is overridden by the options passed to File::ExportFBX.


An ExportFBXOptionsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeExportFBXOptionsKit
class ExportGLTFOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit

The HPS::Exchange::ExportGLTFOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings controlling how GLTF data is exported via the Exchange interface. Calling HPS::Exchange::ExportGLTFOptionsKit::GetDefault() will return an options kit with values found in here.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this ExportGLTFOptionsKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this ExportGLTFOptionsKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals(ExportGLTFOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportGLTFOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportGLTFOptionsKit to compare to this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty ExportGLTFOptionsKit object.

ExportGLTFOptionsKit(ExportGLTFOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an ExportGLTFOptionsKit by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportGLTFOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.

ExportGLTFOptionsKit(ExportGLTFOptionsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new ExportGLTFOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source ExportGLTFOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportGLTFOptionsKit to copy.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(ExportGLTFOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportGLTFOptionsKit is not equivalent to this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportGLTFOptionsKit to compare to this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

ExportGLTFOptionsKit &operator=(ExportGLTFOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportGLTFOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.

ExportGLTFOptionsKit &operator=(ExportGLTFOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportGLTFOptionsKit into this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportGLTFOptionsKit to copy.


A reference to this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.

bool operator==(ExportGLTFOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportGLTFOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportGLTFOptionsKit to compare to this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(ExportGLTFOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportGLTFOptionsKit into this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportGLTFOptionsKit to copy.

ExportGLTFOptionsKit &SetAscii(bool in_state)

Sets whether to write GLTF data in ascii form. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportGLTFData::m_bAscii.


Default value


in_state – Whether to write GLTF data in ascii form.


A reference to this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.

ExportGLTFOptionsKit &SetTextureFolder(char const *in_name)

Sets folder where texture will be exported (if any). If NULL, then texture are written in the same directory as the .fbx. Symbol @ is expanded as Filename of current file (without extension) Example: If the output file is ‘C:/out/myfile.obj’ and the texture folder is set to ‘C:/out/myfile.obj’, the export process will create a directory called ‘C:/out/myfile’ and place the textures there


Default value


in_name – UTF8-encoded path to the folder where texture will be exported. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to and A3DRWParamsExportFbxData::m_pcTextureFolder.


A reference to this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.

void Show(ExportGLTFOptionsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this ExportGLTFOptionsKit into the given ExportGLTFOptionsKit.


out_kit – The ExportGLTFOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.

bool ShowAscii(bool &out_state) const

Shows the ascii export setting.


out_state – Whether to write GLTF data in ascii form.


true if a ascii export setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTextureFolder(UTF8 &out_path) const

Shows the texture folder setting.


out_path – The path to the folder where texture will be exported.


true if a texture folder setting was specified, false otherwise.

ExportGLTFOptionsKit &UnsetAscii()

Removes the ascii export setting.


A reference to this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.

ExportGLTFOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.


A reference to this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.

ExportGLTFOptionsKit &UnsetTextureFolder()

Removes the texture folder setting.


A reference to this ExportGLTFOptionsKit.

virtual ~ExportGLTFOptionsKit()

Public Static Functions

static ExportGLTFOptionsKit GetDefault()

Creates an ExportGLTFOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for import unless an option is overridden by the options passed to File::ExportGLTF.


An ExportGLTFOptionsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeExportGLTFOptionsKit
class ExportIGESOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit

The HPS::Exchange::ExportIGESOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings controlling how IGES data is exported via Exchange. Calling HPS::Exchange::ExportIGESOptionsKit::GetDefault() will return an options kit with values found in here.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this ExportIGESOptionsKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this ExportIGESOptionsKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals(ExportIGESOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportIGESOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportIGESOptionsKit to compare to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty ExportIGESOptionsKit object.

ExportIGESOptionsKit(ExportIGESOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an ExportIGESOptionsKit by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportIGESOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.

ExportIGESOptionsKit(ExportIGESOptionsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new ExportIGESOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source ExportIGESOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportIGESOptionsKit to copy.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(ExportIGESOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportIGESOptionsKit is not equivalent to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportIGESOptionsKit to compare to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

ExportIGESOptionsKit &operator=(ExportIGESOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportIGESOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.

ExportIGESOptionsKit &operator=(ExportIGESOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportIGESOptionsKit into this ExportIGESOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportIGESOptionsKit to copy.


A reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.

bool operator==(ExportIGESOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportIGESOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportIGESOptionsKit to compare to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(ExportIGESOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportIGESOptionsKit into this ExportIGESOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportIGESOptionsKit to copy.

ExportIGESOptionsKit &SetAnalyticsAsNURBS(bool in_state)

Sets whether to convert analytic surfaces (planes, cones, cylinder, etc.) to NURBS surfaces for export. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportIgesData::m_bSaveAnalyticsToNurbs.


Default value


in_state – Whether to convert analytic surfaces to NURBS surfaces for export.


A reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.

ExportIGESOptionsKit &SetApplication(char const *in_name)

Sets the application name to put in the IGES data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportIgesData::m_pcApplication.


in_name – UTF8-encoded application name to put in the IGES data.


A reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.

ExportIGESOptionsKit &SetFacetedAsWireframe(bool in_state)

Sets whether to convert polyhedrics to wireframe data for export. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportIgesData::m_bSaveFacetedToWireframe.


Default value


in_state – Whether to convert polyhedrics to wireframe data for export.


A reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.

ExportIGESOptionsKit &SetHiddenObjects(bool in_state)

Sets whether to export hidden objects. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportIgesData::m_bWriteHiddenObjects.


Default value


in_state – Whether to export hidden objects.


A reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.

ExportIGESOptionsKit &SetSolidsAsFaces(bool in_state)

Sets whether to convert solids to a set of independent faces for export. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportIgesData::m_bSaveSolidsAsFaces.


Default value


in_state – Whether to convert solids to a set of independent faces for export.


A reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.

ExportIGESOptionsKit &SetTessellation(bool in_state)

Sets whether to export tessellation data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportIgesData::m_bWriteTessellation.


Default value


in_state – Whether to export tessellation data.


A reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.

ExportIGESOptionsKit &SetVersion(char const *in_version)

Sets the version string to put in the IGES data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportIgesData::m_pcVersion.


in_version – UTF8-encoded version string to put in the IGES data.


A reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.

void Show(ExportIGESOptionsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this ExportIGESOptionsKit into the given ExportIGESOptionsKit.


out_kit – The ExportIGESOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this ExportIGESOptionsKit.

bool ShowAnalyticsAsNURBS(bool &out_state) const

Shows the analytics to NURBS conversion setting.


out_state – Whether to convert analytic surfaces to NURBS surfaces for export.


true if an analytics to NURBS conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowApplication(UTF8 &out_name) const

Shows the application name setting.


out_name – The application name to put in the IGES data.


true if an application name setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowFacetedAsWireframe(bool &out_state) const

Shows the faceted to wireframe conversion setting.


out_state – Whether to convert polyhedrics to wireframe data for export.


true if a faceted to wireframe conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowHiddenObjects(bool &out_state) const

Shows the hidden object export setting.


out_state – Whether to export hidden objects.


true if a hidden object export setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSolidsAsFaces(bool &out_state) const

Shows the solids to faces conversion setting.


out_state – Whether to convert solids to a set of independent faces for export.


true if a solids to faces conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTessellation(bool &out_state) const

Shows the tessellation export setting.


out_state – Whether to export tessellation data.


true if a tessellation export setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowVersion(UTF8 &out_version) const

Shows the version string setting.


out_version – The version string to put in the IGES data.


true if a version string setting was specified, false otherwise.

ExportIGESOptionsKit &UnsetAnalyticsAsNURBS()

Removes the analytics to NURBS conversion setting.


A reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.

ExportIGESOptionsKit &UnsetApplication()

Removes the application name setting.


A reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.

ExportIGESOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this ExportIGESOptionsKit.


A reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.

ExportIGESOptionsKit &UnsetFacetedAsWireframe()

Removes the faceted to wireframe conversion setting.


A reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.

ExportIGESOptionsKit &UnsetHiddenObjects()

Removes the hidden objects export setting.


A reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.

ExportIGESOptionsKit &UnsetSolidsAsFaces()

Removes the solids to faces conversion setting.


A reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.

ExportIGESOptionsKit &UnsetTessellation()

Removes the tessellation export setting.


A reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.

ExportIGESOptionsKit &UnsetVersion()

Removes the version string setting.


A reference to this ExportIGESOptionsKit.

virtual ~ExportIGESOptionsKit()

Public Static Functions

static ExportIGESOptionsKit GetDefault()

Creates an ExportIGESOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for import unless an option is overridden by the options passed to File::ExportIGES.


An ExportIGESOptionsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeExportIGESOptionsKit
class ExportJTOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit

The HPS::Exchange::ExportJTOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings controlling how JT data is exported via Exchange. Calling HPS::Exchange::ExportJTOptionsKit::GetDefault() will return an options kit with values found in here.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this ExportJTOptionsKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this ExportJTOptionsKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals(ExportJTOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportJTOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportJTOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportJTOptionsKit to compare to this ExportJTOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty ExportJTOptionsKit object.

ExportJTOptionsKit(ExportJTOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an ExportJTOptionsKit by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportJTOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportJTOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.

ExportJTOptionsKit(ExportJTOptionsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new ExportJTOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source ExportJTOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportJTOptionsKit to copy.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(ExportJTOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportJTOptionsKit is not equivalent to this ExportJTOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportJTOptionsKit to compare to this ExportJTOptionsKit.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

ExportJTOptionsKit &operator=(ExportJTOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportJTOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportJTOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this ExportJTOptionsKit.

ExportJTOptionsKit &operator=(ExportJTOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportJTOptionsKit into this ExportJTOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportJTOptionsKit to copy.


A reference to this ExportJTOptionsKit.

bool operator==(ExportJTOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportJTOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportJTOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportJTOptionsKit to compare to this ExportJTOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(ExportJTOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportJTOptionsKit into this ExportJTOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportJTOptionsKit to copy.

ExportJTOptionsKit &SetContent(JT::Content in_content)

Sets the type of data to export. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportJTData::m_eWriteGeomTessMode.


Default value


in_content – The type of data to export.


A reference to this ExportJTOptionsKit.

ExportJTOptionsKit &SetHiddenObjects(bool in_state)

Sets whether to export hidden objects. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportJTData::m_bWriteHiddenObjects.


Default value


in_state – Whether to export hidden objects.


A reference to this ExportJTOptionsKit.

ExportJTOptionsKit &SetPMI(bool in_state)

Sets whether to export PMI. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportJTData::m_bWritePMI.


Default value


in_state – Whether to export PMI.


A reference to this ExportJTOptionsKit.

ExportJTOptionsKit &SetVersion(JT::Version in_version)

Sets the version of the JT format to export. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportJTData::m_eJTVersion.


Default value


in_version – The version of the JT format to export.


A reference to this ExportJTOptionsKit.

void Show(ExportJTOptionsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this ExportJTOptionsKit into the given ExportJTOptionsKit.


out_kit – The ExportJTOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this ExportJTOptionsKit.

bool ShowContent(JT::Content &out_content) const

Shows the content export setting.


out_content – The type of data to export.


true if a content export setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowHiddenObjects(bool &out_state) const

Shows the hidden object export setting.


out_state – Whether to export hidden objects.


true if a hidden object export setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowPMI(bool &out_state) const

Shows the PMI export setting.


out_state – Whether to export PMI.


true if a PMI export setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowVersion(JT::Version &out_version) const

Shows the version export setting.


out_version – The version of the JT format to export.


true if a version export setting was specified, false otherwise.

ExportJTOptionsKit &UnsetContent()

Removes the content export setting.


A reference to this ExportJTOptionsKit.

ExportJTOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this ExportJTOptionsKit.


A reference to this ExportJTOptionsKit.

ExportJTOptionsKit &UnsetHiddenObjects()

Removes the hidden objects export setting.


A reference to this ExportJTOptionsKit.

ExportJTOptionsKit &UnsetPMI()

Removes the PMI export setting.


A reference to this ExportJTOptionsKit.

ExportJTOptionsKit &UnsetVersion()

Removes the version export setting.


A reference to this ExportJTOptionsKit.

virtual ~ExportJTOptionsKit()

Public Static Functions

static ExportJTOptionsKit GetDefault()

Creates an ExportJTOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for import unless an option is overridden by the options passed to File::ExportJT.


An ExportJTOptionsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeExportJTOptionsKit
class ExportNotifier : public HPS::IONotifier

The ExportNotifier class is a smart-pointer that is tied to a file export. It is used to interact with an ongoing export or get the results from a completed export.

Public Functions

void Assign(ExportNotifier const &in_that)

Associate this ExportNotifier with the same file export as the source ExportNotifier.


in_that – The source ExportNotifier for the assignment.


The default constructor creates an ExportNotifier object which is not tied to any file export.

ExportNotifier(ExportNotifier &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an ExportNotifier by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportNotifier thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportNotifier to take the underlying object from.

ExportNotifier(ExportNotifier const &in_that)

The copy constructor creates a new ExportNotifier object that is associated with the same file export as the source ExportNotifier.


in_that – The source ExportNotifier to copy.

ExportNotifier(IONotifier const &in_that)

The conversion constructor creates a new derived ExportNotifier object from a base IONotifier object. The copy will only be successful if the source notifier is really an upcast of this notifier type. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting ExportNotifier will be invalid.


in_that – The source IONotifier to copy.

A3DAsmModelFile *GetModelFile() const

Get the A3DAsmModelFile created during the export. Throws an IOException if the export is not complete, was not successful or was canceled. It will be up to the user to delete this A3DAsmModelFile via A3DAsmModelFileDelete.


The A3DAsmModelFile for a successful file export.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

ExportNotifier &operator=(ExportNotifier &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportNotifier thereby avoiding a copy.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportNotifier to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this ExportNotifier.

ExportNotifier &operator=(ExportNotifier const &in_that)

Associate this ExportNotifier with the same file export as the source ExportNotifier.


in_that – The source ExportNotifier for the assignment.


A reference to this ExportNotifier.

virtual ~ExportNotifier()

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeExportNotifier
class ExportOBJOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit

The HPS::Exchange::ExportOBJOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings controlling how OBJ data is exported via Exchange. Calling HPS::Exchange::ExportOBJOptionsKit::GetDefault() will return an options kit with values found in here.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this ExportOBJOptionsKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this ExportOBJOptionsKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals(ExportOBJOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportOBJOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportOBJOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportOBJOptionsKit to compare to this ExportOBJOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty ExportOBJOptionsKit object.

ExportOBJOptionsKit(ExportOBJOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an ExportOBJOptionsKit by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportOBJOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportOBJOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.

ExportOBJOptionsKit(ExportOBJOptionsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new ExportOBJOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source ExportOBJOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportOBJOptionsKit to copy.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(ExportOBJOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportOBJOptionsKit is not equivalent to this ExportOBJOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportOBJOptionsKit to compare to this ExportOBJOptionsKit.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

ExportOBJOptionsKit &operator=(ExportOBJOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportOBJOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportOBJOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this ExportOBJOptionsKit.

ExportOBJOptionsKit &operator=(ExportOBJOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportOBJOptionsKit into this ExportOBJOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportOBJOptionsKit to copy.


A reference to this ExportOBJOptionsKit.

bool operator==(ExportOBJOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportOBJOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportOBJOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportOBJOptionsKit to compare to this ExportOBJOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(ExportOBJOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportOBJOptionsKit into this ExportOBJOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportOBJOptionsKit to copy.

ExportOBJOptionsKit &SetTextureFolder(char const *in_name)

Sets folder where texture will be exported (if any). If NULL, then texture are written in the same directory as the .fbx. Symbol @ is expanded as Filename of current file (without extension)


in_name – UTF8-encoded path to the folder where texture will be exported. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to and A3DRWParamsExportObjData::m_pcTextureFolder.


A reference to this ExportOBJOptionsKit.

void Show(ExportOBJOptionsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this ExportOBJOptionsKit into the given ExportOBJOptionsKit.


out_kit – The ExportOBJOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this ExportOBJOptionsKit.

bool ShowTextureFolder(UTF8 &out_path) const

Shows the texture folder setting.


out_path – The path to the folder where texture will be exported.


true if a texture folder setting was specified, false otherwise.

ExportOBJOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this ExportOBJOptionsKit.


A reference to this ExportOBJOptionsKit.

ExportOBJOptionsKit &UnsetTextureFolder()

Removes the texture folder setting.


A reference to this ExportOBJOptionsKit.

virtual ~ExportOBJOptionsKit()

Public Static Functions

static ExportOBJOptionsKit GetDefault()

Creates an ExportOBJOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for import unless an option is overridden by the options passed to File::ExportOBJ.


An ExportOBJOptionsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeExportOBJOptionsKit
class ExportParasolidOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit

The HPS::Exchange::ExportParasolidOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings controlling how Parasolid data is exported via Exchange. Calling HPS::Exchange::ExportParasolidOptionsKit::GetDefault() will return an options kit with values found in here.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this ExportParasolidOptionsKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this ExportParasolidOptionsKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals(ExportParasolidOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportParasolidOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportParasolidOptionsKit to compare to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty ExportParasolidOptionsKit object.

ExportParasolidOptionsKit(ExportParasolidOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an ExportParasolidOptionsKit by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportParasolidOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.

ExportParasolidOptionsKit(ExportParasolidOptionsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new ExportParasolidOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source ExportParasolidOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportParasolidOptionsKit to copy.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(ExportParasolidOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportParasolidOptionsKit is not equivalent to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportParasolidOptionsKit to compare to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

ExportParasolidOptionsKit &operator=(ExportParasolidOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportParasolidOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.

ExportParasolidOptionsKit &operator=(ExportParasolidOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportParasolidOptionsKit into this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportParasolidOptionsKit to copy.


A reference to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.

bool operator==(ExportParasolidOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportParasolidOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportParasolidOptionsKit to compare to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(ExportParasolidOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportParasolidOptionsKit into this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportParasolidOptionsKit to copy.

ExportParasolidOptionsKit &SetApplication(char const *in_name)

Sets the application name to put in the Parasolid data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportParasolidData::m_pcApplication.


in_name – UTF8-encoded application name to put in the Parasolid data.


A reference to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.

ExportParasolidOptionsKit &SetExplodeMultiBodies(bool in_state)

Sets whether to explode multi-connexes B-reps into multiple bodies. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportParasolidData::m_bExplodeMultiBodies.


Default value


in_state – Whether to explode multi-connexes B-reps into multiple bodies.


A reference to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.

ExportParasolidOptionsKit &SetHiddenObjects(bool in_state)

Sets whether to export hidden objects. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportParasolidData::m_bWriteBlankedEntities.


Default value


in_state – Whether to export hidden objects.


A reference to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.

ExportParasolidOptionsKit &SetSolidsAsFaces(bool in_state)

Sets whether to convert solids to a set of independent faces for export. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportIgesData::m_bSaveSolidsAsFaces.


Default value


in_state – Whether to convert solids to a set of independent faces for export.


A reference to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.

ExportParasolidOptionsKit &SetTessellation(bool in_state)

Sets whether to export tessellation data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportParasolidData::m_bWriteTessellation.


Default value


in_state – Whether to export tessellation data.


A reference to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.

ExportParasolidOptionsKit &SetVersion(char const *in_version)

Sets the version string to put in the Parasolid data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportParasolidData::m_pcVersion.


in_version – UTF8-encoded version string to put in the Parasolid data.


A reference to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.

void Show(ExportParasolidOptionsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this ExportParasolidOptionsKit into the given ExportParasolidOptionsKit.


out_kit – The ExportParasolidOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.

bool ShowApplication(UTF8 &out_name) const

Shows the application name setting.


out_name – The application name to put in the Parasolid data.


true if an application name setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowExplodeMultiBodies(bool &out_state) const

Shows the explode multi bodies setting.


out_state – The explode multi bodies setting to put in the Parasolid data.


true if a explode multi bodies setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowHiddenObjects(bool &out_state) const

Shows the hidden object export setting.


out_state – Whether to export hidden objects.


true if a hidden object export setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSolidsAsFaces(bool &out_state) const

Shows the solids to faces conversion setting.


out_state – Whether to convert solids to a set of independent faces for export.


true if a solids to faces conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTessellation(bool &out_state) const

Shows the tessellation export setting.


out_state – Whether to export tessellation data.


true if a tessellation export setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowVersion(UTF8 &out_version) const

Shows the version string setting.


out_version – The version string to put in the Parasolid data.


true if a version string setting was specified, false otherwise.

ExportParasolidOptionsKit &UnsetApplication()

Removes the application name setting.


A reference to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.

ExportParasolidOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.


A reference to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.

ExportParasolidOptionsKit &UnsetExplodeMultiBodies()

Removes the explode multi bodies setting.


A reference to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.

ExportParasolidOptionsKit &UnsetHiddenObjects()

Removes the hidden objects export setting.


A reference to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.

ExportParasolidOptionsKit &UnsetSolidsAsFaces()

Removes the solids to faces conversion setting.


A reference to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.

ExportParasolidOptionsKit &UnsetTessellation()

Removes the tessellation export setting.


A reference to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.

ExportParasolidOptionsKit &UnsetVersion()

Removes the version string setting.


A reference to this ExportParasolidOptionsKit.

virtual ~ExportParasolidOptionsKit()

Public Static Functions

static ExportParasolidOptionsKit GetDefault()

Creates an ExportParasolidOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for import unless an option is overridden by the options passed to File::ExportParasolid.


An ExportParasolidOptionsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeExportParasolidOptionsKit
class ExportPRCOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit

The HPS::Exchange::ExportPRCOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings controlling how PRC data is exported via Exchange. Calling HPS::Exchange::ExportPRCOptionsKit::GetDefault() will return an options kit with values found in here.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this ExportPRCOptionsKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this ExportPRCOptionsKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals(ExportPRCOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportPRCOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportPRCOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportPRCOptionsKit to compare to this ExportPRCOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty ExportPRCOptionsKit object.

ExportPRCOptionsKit(ExportPRCOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an ExportPRCOptionsKit by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportPRCOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportPRCOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.

ExportPRCOptionsKit(ExportPRCOptionsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new ExportPRCOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source ExportPRCOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportPRCOptionsKit to copy.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(ExportPRCOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportPRCOptionsKit is not equivalent to this ExportPRCOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportPRCOptionsKit to compare to this ExportPRCOptionsKit.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

ExportPRCOptionsKit &operator=(ExportPRCOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportPRCOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportPRCOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this ExportPRCOptionsKit.

ExportPRCOptionsKit &operator=(ExportPRCOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportPRCOptionsKit into this ExportPRCOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportPRCOptionsKit to copy.


A reference to this ExportPRCOptionsKit.

bool operator==(ExportPRCOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportPRCOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportPRCOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportPRCOptionsKit to compare to this ExportPRCOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(ExportPRCOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportPRCOptionsKit into this ExportPRCOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportPRCOptionsKit to copy.

ExportPRCOptionsKit &SetAdditionalKeyPaths(KeyPathArray const &in_additional_key_paths)

Sets an array of key paths which will be exported to PRC in addition to the model. Use this setting to export Visualize geometry to PRC.


in_additional_key_paths – The key paths to be exported.


A reference to this AnnotationKit.

ExportPRCOptionsKit &SetAdditionalKeyPaths(size_t in_count, KeyPath const in_additional_key_paths[])

Sets an array of key paths which will be exported to PRC in addition to the model. Use this setting to export Visualize geometry to PRC.

  • in_count – The number of key paths contained in in_additional_key_paths.

  • in_additional_key_paths – The key paths to be exported.


A reference to this AnnotationKit.

ExportPRCOptionsKit &SetAttributeRemoval(bool in_state)

Sets whether to remove the attribute information for export. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportPrcData::m_bRemoveAttributes.


Default value


in_state – Whether to remove the attribute information in the PRC data for this annotation.


A reference to this AnnotationKit.

ExportPRCOptionsKit &SetBRepCompression(PRC::BRepCompression in_level)

Sets the level of compression to apply to BRep data for export. This corresponds to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportPrcData::m_bCompressBrep and A3DRWParamsExportPrcData::m_eCompressBrepType.


Default value


in_level – The level of compression to apply to BRep data for export.


A reference to this ExportPRCOptionsKit.

ExportPRCOptionsKit &SetBRepRemoval(bool in_state)

Sets whether to remove the BRep information for export. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportPrcData::m_bRemoveBRep.


Default value


in_state – Whether to remove BRep information in the PRC data for this annotation.


A reference to this AnnotationKit.

ExportPRCOptionsKit &SetTessellationCompression(bool in_state)

Sets whether to compress tessellation for export. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportPrcData::m_bCompressTessellation.


Default value


in_state – Whether to compress tessellation for export.


A reference to this ExportPRCOptionsKit.

void Show(ExportPRCOptionsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this ExportPRCOptionsKit into the given ExportPRCOptionsKit.


out_kit – The ExportPRCOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this ExportPRCOptionsKit.

bool ShowAdditionalKeyPaths(KeyPathArray &out_additional_key_paths) const

Shows the additional key paths setting.


out_additional_key_paths – The key paths which will be added to the model


true if an additional key paths setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowAttributeRemoval(bool &out_state) const

Shows the attribute removal setting.


out_state – Whether to remove attribute information for export.


true if an attribute removal setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowBRepCompression(PRC::BRepCompression &out_level) const

Shows the BRep compression level setting.


out_level – The level of compression to apply to BRep data for export.


true if a BRep compression level setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowBRepRemoval(bool &out_state) const

Shows the BRep removal setting.


out_state – Whether to remove BRep information for export.


true if a BRep removal setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTessellationCompression(bool &out_state) const

Shows the tessellation compression setting.


out_state – Whether to compress tessellation for export.


true if a tessellation compression setting was specified, false otherwise.

ExportPRCOptionsKit &UnsetAdditionalKeyPaths()

Removes the additional key paths setting.


A reference to this ExportPRCOptionsKit.

ExportPRCOptionsKit &UnsetAttributeRemoval()

Removes the attribute removal setting.


A reference to this ExportPRCOptionsKit.

ExportPRCOptionsKit &UnsetBRepCompression()

Removes the BRep compression level setting.


A reference to this ExportPRCOptionsKit.

ExportPRCOptionsKit &UnsetBRepRemoval()

Removes the BRep removal setting.


A reference to this ExportPRCOptionsKit.

ExportPRCOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this ExportPRCOptionsKit.


A reference to this ExportPRCOptionsKit.

ExportPRCOptionsKit &UnsetTessellationCompression()

Removes the tessellation compression setting.


A reference to this ExportPRCOptionsKit.

virtual ~ExportPRCOptionsKit()

Public Static Functions

static ExportPRCOptionsKit GetDefault()

Creates an ExportPRCOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for import unless an option is overridden by the options passed to File::ExportPRC.


An ExportPRCOptionsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeExportPRCOptionsKit
class ExportSTEPOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit

The HPS::Exchange::ExportSTEPOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings controlling how STEP data is exported via Exchange. Calling HPS::Exchange::ExportSTEPOptionsKit::GetDefault() will return an options kit with values found in here.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this ExportSTEPOptionsKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this ExportSTEPOptionsKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals(ExportSTEPOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportSTEPOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportSTEPOptionsKit to compare to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty ExportSTEPOptionsKit object.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit(ExportSTEPOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an ExportSTEPOptionsKit by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportSTEPOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit(ExportSTEPOptionsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new ExportSTEPOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source ExportSTEPOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportSTEPOptionsKit to copy.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(ExportSTEPOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportSTEPOptionsKit is not equivalent to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportSTEPOptionsKit to compare to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &operator=(ExportSTEPOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportSTEPOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &operator=(ExportSTEPOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportSTEPOptionsKit into this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportSTEPOptionsKit to copy.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

bool operator==(ExportSTEPOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportSTEPOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportSTEPOptionsKit to compare to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(ExportSTEPOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportSTEPOptionsKit into this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportSTEPOptionsKit to copy.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &SetAnalyticsAsNURBS(bool in_state)

Sets whether to convert analytic surfaces (planes, cones, cylinder, etc.) to NURBS surfaces for export. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportStepData::m_bSaveAnalyticsToNurbs.


Default value


in_state – Whether to convert analytic surfaces to NURBS surfaces for export.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &SetApplication(char const *in_name)

Sets the application name to put in the STEP data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportStepData::m_pcApplication.


in_name – UTF8-encoded application name to put in the STEP data.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &SetAttributes(bool in_state)

Sets whether to export attributes. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportStepData::m_bWriteAttributes.


in_state – Whether to export attributes.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &SetCurves(bool in_state)

Sets whether to export curves. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportStepData::m_bWriteUVCurves.


in_state – Whether to export curves.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &SetFacetedAsWireframe(bool in_state)

Sets whether to convert polyhedrics to wireframe data for export. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportStepData::m_bSaveFacetedToWireframe.


Default value


in_state – Whether to convert polyhedrics to wireframe data for export.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &SetFormat(STEP::Format in_format)

Sets the format of the STEP data to export. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportStepData::m_eStepFormat.


Default value


in_format – The format of the STEP data to export.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &SetNameShortening(bool in_state)

Sets whether to shorten names in the STEP data for export. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportStepData::m_bUseShortNames.


Default value


in_state – Whether to shorten names in the STEP data for export.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &SetPMI(bool in_state)

Sets whether to export PMI. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportStepData::m_bWritePMI.


in_state – Whether to export PMI.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &SetPMIAsTessellated(bool in_state)

Sets whether to export PMI as tessellated rather than polyline. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportStepData::m_bWritePMIAsTessellated.


in_state – Whether to export PMI as tessellated.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &SetPMIWithSemantic(bool in_state)

Sets whether to export PMI with semantic information. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportStepData::m_bWritePMIWithSemantic.


in_state – Whether to export PMI semantic information.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &SetVersion(char const *in_version)

Sets the version string to put in the STEP data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportStepData::m_pcVersion.


in_version – UTF8-encoded version string to put in the STEP data.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

void Show(ExportSTEPOptionsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this ExportSTEPOptionsKit into the given ExportSTEPOptionsKit.


out_kit – The ExportSTEPOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

bool ShowAnalyticsAsNURBS(bool &out_state) const

Shows the analytics to NURBS conversion setting.


out_state – Whether to convert analytic surfaces to NURBS surfaces for export.


true if an analytics to NURBS conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowApplication(UTF8 &out_name) const

Shows the application name setting.


out_name – The application name to put in the STEP data.


true if an application name setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowAttributes(bool &out_state) const

Shows the attributes setting.


out_state – Whether to export attributes.


true if an attributes setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowCurves(bool &out_state) const

Shows the curves setting.


out_state – Whether to export curves.


true if a curves setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowFacetedAsWireframe(bool &out_state) const

Shows the faceted to wireframe conversion setting.


out_state – Whether to convert polyhedrics to wireframe data for export.


true if a faceted to wireframe conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowFormat(STEP::Format &out_format) const

Shows the format setting.


out_format – The format of the STEP data to export.


true if a format setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowNameShortening(bool &out_state) const

Shows the name shortening setting.


out_state – Whether to shorten names in the STEP data for export.


true if a name shortening setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowPMI(bool &out_state) const

Shows the pmi setting.


out_state – Whether to export PMI.


true if a PMI setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowPMIAsTessellated(bool &out_state) const

Shows the pmi as tessellated setting.


out_state – Whether to export PMI as tessellated information.


true if a PMI as tessellated setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowPMIWithSemantic(bool &out_state) const

Shows the pmi with semantic setting.


out_state – Whether to export PMI with semantic information.


true if a PMI with semantic setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowVersion(UTF8 &out_version) const

Shows the version string setting.


out_version – The version string to put in the STEP data.


true if a version string setting was specified, false otherwise.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &UnsetAnalyticsAsNURBS()

Removes the analytics to NURBS conversion setting.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &UnsetApplication()

Removes the application name setting.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &UnsetAttributes()

Removes the attributes setting.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &UnsetCurves()

Removes the curves setting.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &UnsetFacetedAsWireframe()

Removes the faceted to wireframe conversion setting.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &UnsetFormat()

Removes the format setting.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &UnsetNameShortening()

Removes the name shortening setting.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &UnsetPMI()

Removes the PMI setting.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &UnsetPMIAsTessellated()

Removes the PMI as tessellated setting.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &UnsetPMIWithSemantic()

Removes the PMI with semantic setting.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

ExportSTEPOptionsKit &UnsetVersion()

Removes the version string setting.


A reference to this ExportSTEPOptionsKit.

virtual ~ExportSTEPOptionsKit()

Public Static Functions

static ExportSTEPOptionsKit GetDefault()

Creates an ExportSTEPOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for import unless an option is overridden by the options passed to File::ExportSTEP.


An ExportSTEPOptionsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeExportSTEPOptionsKit
class ExportSTLOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit

The HPS::Exchange::ExportSTLOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings controlling how STL data is exported via Exchange. Calling HPS::Exchange::ExportSTLOptionsKit::GetDefault() will return an options kit with values found in here.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this ExportSTLOptionsKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this ExportSTLOptionsKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals(ExportSTLOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportSTLOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportSTLOptionsKit to compare to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty ExportSTLOptionsKit object.

ExportSTLOptionsKit(ExportSTLOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an ExportSTLOptionsKit by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportSTLOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.

ExportSTLOptionsKit(ExportSTLOptionsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new ExportSTLOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source ExportSTLOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportSTLOptionsKit to copy.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(ExportSTLOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportSTLOptionsKit is not equivalent to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportSTLOptionsKit to compare to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

ExportSTLOptionsKit &operator=(ExportSTLOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportSTLOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.

ExportSTLOptionsKit &operator=(ExportSTLOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportSTLOptionsKit into this ExportSTLOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportSTLOptionsKit to copy.


A reference to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.

bool operator==(ExportSTLOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportSTLOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportSTLOptionsKit to compare to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(ExportSTLOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportSTLOptionsKit into this ExportSTLOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportSTLOptionsKit to copy.

ExportSTLOptionsKit &SetBinary(bool in_state)

Sets whether to write STL data in binary form. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportStlData::m_bBinaryFile.


Default value


in_state – Whether to write STL data in binary form.


A reference to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.

ExportSTLOptionsKit &SetCurrentTessellationRetention(bool in_state)

Sets whether to keep the current tessellation. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportStlData::m_bKeepCurrentTessellation.


Default value


in_state – Whether to keep the current tessellation.


A reference to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.

ExportSTLOptionsKit &SetMaximumEdgeLength(double in_length)

Sets the maximum length of triangle edges in the tessellation generated for BRep data. This is only relevant if the tessellation level is set to Tessellation::Level::UserDefined. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportStlData::m_dMaximalTriangleEdgeLength.


Default value


in_length – The maximum length of triangle edges in the tessellation generated for BRep data. The value must be non-negative.


A reference to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.

ExportSTLOptionsKit &SetTessellationAccuracy(Tessellation::Accuracy in_type)

Sets the accuracy of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data.


Default value


in_type – The accuracy to use for tessellation generation.


A reference to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.

ExportSTLOptionsKit &SetTessellationLevel(Tessellation::Chord::Limit in_limit_type, double in_limit, double in_angle_tolerance)

Sets the user defined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data using the standard or accurate tessellation algorithm. This implicitly sets A3DRWParamsExportStlData::m_eTessellationLevel to kA3DTessLODUserDefined.

  • in_limit_type – The type of the chord limit to be specified.

  • in_limit – Either the ratio of the tessellation chord height to the bounding box height which should be in the range [50, 10000], or the maximum distance between the surface definition and the tessellation approximation, depending on the preceding argument.

  • in_angle_tolerance – The maximum angle in degrees between two consecutive wire elements in the generated tessellation which should be in the range [10, 40]. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportStlData::m_dAngleToleranceDeg.


A reference to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.

ExportSTLOptionsKit &SetTessellationLevel(Tessellation::Level in_level)

Sets the predefined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data using the standard tessellation algorithm. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportStlData::m_eTessellationLevelOfDetail.


Default value


in_level – The predefined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data using the standard tessellation algorithm.


A reference to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.

ExportSTLOptionsKit &SetUnits(Units in_units)

Sets the units to associate with the STL export. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportStlData::m_eExportUnit. This function will result in a scale being applied to the exported model. The CADModel will NOT have a unit associated with it, since STL is a unit-less format. For example: exporting a cube with a 1mm side with Units set to Meter, will cause the side of the cube to shrink by a factor of 1000, since every unit in the file, which used to correspond to one mm, now corresponds to a meter. This is useful in the case where the STL file needs to be loaded in a scene alongside another model, so that the units of the two models can match.


Default value


in_units – The units to associate with the export. Passing Units::Unknown will preserve the original units.


A reference to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.

void Show(ExportSTLOptionsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this ExportSTLOptionsKit into the given ExportSTLOptionsKit.


out_kit – The ExportSTLOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this ExportSTLOptionsKit.

bool ShowBinary(bool &out_state) const

Shows the binary export setting.


out_state – Whether to write STL data in binary form.


true if a binary export setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowCurrentTessellationRetention(bool &out_state) const

Shows the current tessellation retention setting.


out_state – Whether to keep the current tessellation.


true if a current tessellation retention setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowMaximumEdgeLength(double &out_length) const

Shows the tessellation maximum edge length setting.


out_length – The tessellation maximum edge length setting.


true if a tessellation maximum edge length setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTessellationAccuracy(Tessellation::Accuracy &out_type) const

Shows the tessellation accuracy setting.


out_type – The type of the tessellation accuracy which was specified.


true if a tessellation accuracy setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTessellationLevel(Tessellation::Type &out_type, Tessellation::Level &out_level, Tessellation::Chord::Limit &out_limit_type, double &out_limit, double &out_angle_tolerance) const

Shows the tessellation level setting.

  • out_type – The type of the tessellation level setting which was specified.

  • out_level – The predefined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data using the standard tessellaiton algorithm. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Standard.

  • out_limit_type – The type of chord limit which was specified. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Custom.

  • out_limit – The chord limit to use to generate tessellation for BRep data. Its interpretation depends on the preceding argument. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Custom.

  • out_angle_tolerance – The maximum angle in degrees between two consecutive wire elements in the generated tessellation. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Custom.


true if a tessellation level setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowUnits(Units &out_units) const

Shows the binary export setting.


out_units – The units that will be associated with this export.


true if a units export setting was specified, false otherwise.

ExportSTLOptionsKit &UnsetBinary()

Removes the binary export setting.


A reference to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.

ExportSTLOptionsKit &UnsetCurrentTessellationRetention()

Removes the current tessellation retention setting.


A reference to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.

ExportSTLOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this ExportSTLOptionsKit.


A reference to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.

ExportSTLOptionsKit &UnsetMaximumEdgeLength()

Removes the tessellation maximum edge length setting.


A reference to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.

ExportSTLOptionsKit &UnsetTessellationAccuracy()

Removes the tessellation accuracy setting.


A reference to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.

ExportSTLOptionsKit &UnsetTessellationLevel()

Removes the tessellation level setting.


A reference to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.

ExportSTLOptionsKit &UnsetUnits()

Removes the units export setting.


A reference to this ExportSTLOptionsKit.

virtual ~ExportSTLOptionsKit()

Public Static Functions

static ExportSTLOptionsKit GetDefault()

Creates an ExportSTLOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for import unless an option is overridden by the options passed to File::ExportSTL.


An ExportSTLOptionsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeExportSTLOptionsKit
class ExportU3DOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit

The HPS::Exchange::ExportU3DOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings controlling how U3D data is exported via Exchange. Calling HPS::Exchange::ExportU3DOptionsKit::GetDefault() will return an options kit with values found in here.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this ExportU3DOptionsKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this ExportU3DOptionsKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals(ExportU3DOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportU3DOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportU3DOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportU3DOptionsKit to compare to this ExportU3DOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty ExportU3DOptionsKit object.

ExportU3DOptionsKit(ExportU3DOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an ExportU3DOptionsKit by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportU3DOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportU3DOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.

ExportU3DOptionsKit(ExportU3DOptionsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new ExportU3DOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source ExportU3DOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportU3DOptionsKit to copy.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(ExportU3DOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportU3DOptionsKit is not equivalent to this ExportU3DOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportU3DOptionsKit to compare to this ExportU3DOptionsKit.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

ExportU3DOptionsKit &operator=(ExportU3DOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportU3DOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportU3DOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this ExportU3DOptionsKit.

ExportU3DOptionsKit &operator=(ExportU3DOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportU3DOptionsKit into this ExportU3DOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportU3DOptionsKit to copy.


A reference to this ExportU3DOptionsKit.

bool operator==(ExportU3DOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportU3DOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportU3DOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportU3DOptionsKit to compare to this ExportU3DOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(ExportU3DOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportU3DOptionsKit into this ExportU3DOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportU3DOptionsKit to copy.

ExportU3DOptionsKit &SetCompression(unsigned char in_level)

Sets the level of compression to apply to tessellations in the U3D data for export. If no compression level is set, no compression will be applied. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportU3DData::m_ucMeshQualityValue.


in_level – The level of compression to apply to tessellations in the U3D data for export. This value should be in the range [0, 100].


A reference to this ExportU3DOptionsKit.

ExportU3DOptionsKit &SetVersion(U3D::Version in_version)

Sets the version of the U3D data to export. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportU3DData::m_eU3DVersion.


Default value


in_version – The version of the U3D data to export.


A reference to this ExportU3DOptionsKit.

void Show(ExportU3DOptionsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this ExportU3DOptionsKit into the given ExportU3DOptionsKit.


out_kit – The ExportU3DOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this ExportU3DOptionsKit.

bool ShowCompression(unsigned char &out_level) const

Shows the compression setting.


out_level – The level of compression to apply to tessellations in the U3D data for export.


true if a compression setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowVersion(U3D::Version &out_version) const

Shows the version setting.


out_version – The version of the U3D data to export.


true if a version setting was specified, false otherwise.

ExportU3DOptionsKit &UnsetCompression()

Removes the compression setting.


A reference to this ExportU3DOptionsKit.

ExportU3DOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this ExportU3DOptionsKit.


A reference to this ExportU3DOptionsKit.

ExportU3DOptionsKit &UnsetVersion()

Removes the version setting.


A reference to this ExportU3DOptionsKit.

virtual ~ExportU3DOptionsKit()

Public Static Functions

static ExportU3DOptionsKit GetDefault()

Creates an ExportU3DOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for import unless an option is overridden by the options passed to File::ExportU3D.


An ExportU3DOptionsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeExportU3DOptionsKit
class ExportXMLOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit

The HPS::Exchange::ExportXMLOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings controlling how XML data is exported via Exchange. Calling HPS::Exchange::ExportXMLOptionsKit::GetDefault() will return an options kit with values found in here.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this ExportXMLOptionsKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this ExportXMLOptionsKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals(ExportXMLOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportXMLOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportXMLOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportXMLOptionsKit to compare to this ExportXMLOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty ExportXMLOptionsKit object.

ExportXMLOptionsKit(ExportXMLOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an ExportXMLOptionsKit by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportXMLOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportXMLOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.

ExportXMLOptionsKit(ExportXMLOptionsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new ExportXMLOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source ExportXMLOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportXMLOptionsKit to copy.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(ExportXMLOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportXMLOptionsKit is not equivalent to this ExportXMLOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportXMLOptionsKit to compare to this ExportXMLOptionsKit.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

ExportXMLOptionsKit &operator=(ExportXMLOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ExportXMLOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ExportXMLOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this ExportXMLOptionsKit.

ExportXMLOptionsKit &operator=(ExportXMLOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportXMLOptionsKit into this ExportXMLOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportXMLOptionsKit to copy.


A reference to this ExportXMLOptionsKit.

bool operator==(ExportXMLOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ExportXMLOptionsKit is equivalent to this ExportXMLOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportXMLOptionsKit to compare to this ExportXMLOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(ExportXMLOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ExportXMLOptionsKit into this ExportXMLOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ExportXMLOptionsKit to copy.

ExportXMLOptionsKit &SetMaterials(bool in_state)

Sets whether to export materials. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportXMLData::m_bExportColorMaterial.


Default value


in_state – Whether to export materials.


A reference to this ExportXMLOptionsKit.

ExportXMLOptionsKit &SetMetadata(bool in_state)

Sets whether to export metadata. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportXMLData::m_bExportMetadata.


Default value


in_state – Whether to export metadata.


A reference to this ExportXMLOptionsKit.

ExportXMLOptionsKit &SetTransformations(bool in_state)

Sets whether to export transformations. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportXMLData::m_bExportTransformations.


Default value


in_state – Whether to export transformations.


A reference to this ExportXMLOptionsKit.

void Show(ExportXMLOptionsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this ExportXMLOptionsKit into the given ExportXMLOptionsKit.


out_kit – The ExportXMLOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this ExportXMLOptionsKit.

bool ShowMaterials(bool &out_state) const

Shows the material export setting.


out_state – Whether to export materials.


true if a material export setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowMetadata(bool &out_state) const

Shows the metadata export setting.


out_state – Whether to export metadata.


true if a metadata export setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTransformations(bool &out_state) const

Shows the transformation export setting.


out_state – Whether to export transformations.


true if a transformation export setting was specified, false otherwise.

ExportXMLOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this ExportXMLOptionsKit.


A reference to this ExportXMLOptionsKit.

ExportXMLOptionsKit &UnsetMaterials()

Removes the material export setting.


A reference to this ExportXMLOptionsKit.

ExportXMLOptionsKit &UnsetMetadata()

Removes the metadata export setting.


A reference to this ExportXMLOptionsKit.

ExportXMLOptionsKit &UnsetTransformations()

Removes the transformation export setting.


A reference to this ExportXMLOptionsKit.

virtual ~ExportXMLOptionsKit()

Public Static Functions

static ExportXMLOptionsKit GetDefault()

Creates an ExportXMLOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for import unless an option is overridden by the options passed to File::ExportXML.


An ExportXMLOptionsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeExportXMLOptionsKit
class Factory : public HPS::Sprocket

The Factory class is used to create and Exchange objects which inherit from HPS::Component or one of its subclasses.

Public Static Functions

static CADModel CreateCADModel(Model const &in_model = HPS::Factory::CreateModel(), A3DAsmModelFile *in_entity = nullptr, bool in_owns_entity = false)

Creates a new Exchange::CADModel.

static Capture CreateCapture(HPS::Component const &in_owner, A3DEntity *in_entity = nullptr, bool in_is_default = false)

Creates a new Exchange::Capture as a subcomponent of a given Component.

static Component CreateComponent(HPS::Component const &in_owner, HPS::Component::ComponentType in_type, A3DEntity *in_entity = nullptr)

Creates a new Exchange::Component as a subcomponent of a given Component.

static Filter CreateFilter(HPS::Component const &in_owner, A3DEntity *in_entity = nullptr)

Creates a new Exchange::Filter as a subcomponent of a given Component.

static Sheet CreateSheet(HPS::Component const &in_owner, A3DEntity *in_entity = nullptr)

Creates a new Exchange::Sheet as a subcomponent of a given Component.

static Component DeInstanceComponent(HPS::ComponentPath const &in_component_path)

Returns the component at whose level changes can be made without influencing other instances of the same component. The ComponentPath passed to this function needs to include a component of type Representation Item.


in_component_path – The ComponentPath to operate on.


The newly de-instanced Component.

class File

The File class provides functions to import and export CAD files via Exchange.

Public Types

enum Format

Enumerates the formats Exchange can recognize.


enumerator Unsupported

Format cannot be imported via Exchange.

enumerator ACIS

ACIS file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerAcis).

enumerator CADDS

CADDS file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerCadds). This format requires the “From The Vault” libraries to import.

enumerator CATIAV4

CATIA V4 file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerCatia).

enumerator CATIAV5

CATIA V5 file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerCatiaV5).

enumerator CGR

CATIA Graphical Represenation file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerCgr).

enumerator COLLADA

COLLADA (DAE) file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerDAE).

enumerator CreoProE

Creo (Pro/E) file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerProE).

enumerator DWG

DWG file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerDWG).

enumerator DXF

Dxf file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerDxf).

enumerator IDEAS

I-DEAS file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerIdeas).

enumerator IFC

Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerIFC).

enumerator IGES

IGES file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerIges).

enumerator Inventor

Autodesk Inventor file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerInventor).

enumerator JT

JT file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerJt).

enumerator KeyholeMarkupLanguage

Keyhole Markup Language (KMZ) file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerKMZ). This format requires the “From The Vault” libraries.

enumerator LatticeXVL

Lattice XVL file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerXvl). This format requires the “From The Vault” libraries to import.

enumerator OneSpaceDesigner

OneSpace Designer file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerOneSpaceDesigner). This format requires the “From The Vault” libraries to import.

enumerator Parasolid

Parasolid file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerParasolid).

enumerator PDF

PDF file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerPDF). PRC or U3D data stored inside the PDF can be imported.

enumerator PRC

Product Representation Compact (PRC) file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerPrc).

enumerator Rhino

Rhinocerous 3D file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerRhino).

enumerator NXUnigraphics

NX (Unigraphics) file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerUnigraphics).

enumerator SolidEdge

Solid Edge file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerSE).

enumerator SolidWorks

SolidWorks file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerSlw).

enumerator STEP

STEP file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerStep).

enumerator StereoLithography

Stereo Lithography (STL) file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerStl).

enumerator ThreeDStudioMax

Autodesk 3D Studio Max file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModeller3DS).

enumerator ThreeDXML

3DXML file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModeller3dxml).

enumerator Universal3D

Universal 3D (U3D) file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerU3D).

enumerator VDAFS

VDA-FS file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerVda).

enumerator VRML

VRML file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerWrl).

enumerator WavefrontObject

Wavefront Object (OBJ) file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerOBJ).

enumerator Revit

Revit file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerRevit). This format is only available on 64bit compilers.

enumerator GLTF

GLTF file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerGLTF).

enumerator DWF

Autodesk DWF file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerDwf).

enumerator FBX

FBX file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerFbx).

enumerator STEPXML

STEP XML file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerStepXml)

enumerator ThreeMF

3MF file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModeller3mf)

enumerator Navisworks

Navisworks file (A3DEModellerType::kA3DModellerNavisworks)

Public Static Functions

static ExportNotifier Export3MF(CADModel const &in_cad_model, char const *in_file_name, Export3MFOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs an asynchronous 3MF export of the given CADModel with the provided options to a given filename. An exception will be thrown if a problem is encountered during export.

  • in_cad_model – The CADModel containing the data to export. This CADModel must have come from a CAD file imported via Exchange, if it did not, the export will not succeed.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the 3MF data to.

  • in_options – The options controlling the export of the 3MF data.

static ExportNotifier Export3MF(KeyPath in_source, char const *in_file_name, Export3MFOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs an asynchronous 3MF export of the given CADModel with the provided options to a given filename. An exception will be thrown if a problem is encountered during export.

  • in_source – A key path containing the data to export. The geometry and segments under this key path will be used to create the A3DAsmModelFile to export as 3MF.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the 3MF data to.

  • in_options – The options controlling the export of the 3MF data.


An ExportNotfier object that can be used to query the export progress and status.

static ExportNotifier Export3MF(KeyPathArray const &in_source, char const *in_file_name, Export3MFOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs an asynchronous 3MF export of the given CADModel with the provided options to a given filename. An exception will be thrown if a problem is encountered during export.

  • in_source – An array of key paths containing the data to export. The geometry and segments under these key paths will be used to create the A3DAsmModelFile to export as 3MF.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the 3MF data to.

  • in_options – The options controlling the export of the 3MF data.


An ExportNotfier object that can be used to query the export progress and status.

static ExportNotifier Export3MF(size_t in_count, KeyPath const in_source[], char const *in_file_name, Export3MFOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs an asynchronous 3MF export of the given CADModel with the provided options to a given filename. An exception will be thrown if a problem is encountered during export.

  • in_count – The number of key paths stored in in_source.

  • in_source – An array of key paths containing the data to export. The geometry and segments under these key paths will be used to create the A3DAsmModelFile to export as 3MF.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the 3MF data to.

  • in_options – The options controlling the export of the 3MF data.


An ExportNotfier object that can be used to query the export progress and status.

static void ExportACIS(CADModel const &in_cad_model, char const *in_file_name, ExportACISOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs a synchronous ACIS export of the given CADModel with the provided options to a given filename. An exception will be thrown if a problem is encountered during export.

  • in_cad_model – The CADModel containing the data to export. This CADModel must have come from a CAD file imported via Exchange, if it did not, the export will not succeed.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the ACIS data to.

  • in_options – The options controlling the export of the ACIS data.

static void ExportFBX(CADModel const &in_cad_model, char const *in_file_name, ExportFBXOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs a synchronous FBX export of the given CADModel with the provided options to a given filename. An exception will be thrown if a problem is encountered during export.

  • in_cad_model – The CADModel containing the data to export. This CADModel must have come from a CAD file imported via Exchange, if it did not, the export will not succeed.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the FBX data to.

  • in_options – The options controlling the export of the FBX data.

static void ExportGLTF(CADModel const &in_cad_model, char const *in_file_name, ExportGLTFOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs a synchronous GLTF export of the given CADModel with the provided options to a given filename. An exception will be thrown if a problem is encountered during export.

  • in_cad_model – The CADModel containing the data to export. This CADModel must have come from a CAD file imported via Exchange, if it did not, the export will not succeed.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the GLTF data to.

  • in_options – The options controlling the export of the GLTF data.

static void ExportIGES(CADModel const &in_cad_model, char const *in_file_name, ExportIGESOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs a synchronous IGES export of the given CADModel with the provided options to a given filename. An exception will be thrown if a problem is encountered during export.

  • in_cad_model – The CADModel containing the data to export. This CADModel must have come from a CAD file imported via Exchange, if it did not, the export will not succeed.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the IGES data to.

  • in_options – The options controlling the export of the IGES data.

static void ExportJT(CADModel const &in_cad_model, char const *in_file_name, ExportJTOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs a synchronous JT export of the given CADModel with the provided options to a given filename. An exception will be thrown if a problem is encountered during export.

  • in_cad_model – The CADModel containing the data to export. This CADModel must have come from a CAD file imported via Exchange, if it did not, the export will not succeed.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the JT data to.

  • in_options – The options controlling the export of the JT data.

static void ExportOBJ(CADModel const &in_cad_model, char const *in_file_name, ExportOBJOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs a synchronous OBJ export of the given CADModel with the provided options to a given filename. An exception will be thrown if a problem is encountered during export.

  • in_cad_model – The CADModel containing the data to export. This CADModel must have come from a CAD file imported via Exchange, if it did not, the export will not succeed.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the OBJ data to.

  • in_options – The options controlling the export of the OBJ data.

static void ExportParasolid(CADModel const &in_cad_model, char const *in_file_name, ExportParasolidOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs a synchronous Parasolid export of the given CADModel with the provided options to a given filename. An exception will be thrown if a problem is encountered during export.

  • in_cad_model – The CADModel containing the data to export. This CADModel must have come from a CAD file imported via Exchange, if it did not, the export will not succeed.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the Parasolid data to.

  • in_options – The options controlling the export of the Parasolid data.

static ExportNotifier ExportPRC(CADModel const &in_cad_model, char const *in_file_name, ExportPRCOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs an asynchronous PRC export of the given CADModel with the provided options to a given filename. An exception will be thrown if a problem is encountered during export.

  • in_cad_model – The CADModel containing the data to export. This CADModel must have come from a CAD file imported via Exchange, if it did not, the export will not succeed.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the PRC data to.

  • in_options – The options controlling the export of the PRC data.


An ExportNotfier object that can be used to query the export progress and status.

static ExportNotifier ExportPRC(KeyPath const &in_source)

Performs an asynchronous creation of an A3DAsmModelFile from a KeyPath.


in_source – A key path containing the data to export. The geometry and segments under these key paths will be used to create the A3DAsmModelFile.


An ExportNotfier object that can be used to query the export progress and status.

static ExportNotifier ExportPRC(KeyPath const &in_source, char const *in_file_name, bool in_compress_tessellation = false)

Performs an asynchronous PRC export from an A3DAsmModelFile created from a KeyPath.

  • in_source – An array of key paths containing the data to export. The geometry and segments under these key paths will be used to create the A3DAsmModelFile to export as PRC.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the PRC data to.

  • in_compress_tessellation – Whether to compress the tessellation data in the PRC data. Defaults to false.


An ExportNotfier object that can be used to query the export progress and status.

static ExportNotifier ExportPRC(KeyPathArray const &in_source)

Performs an asynchronous creation of an A3DAsmModelFile from a KeyPathArray.


in_source – An array of key paths containing the data to export. The geometry and segments under these key paths will be used to create the A3DAsmModelFile.


An ExportNotfier object that can be used to query the export progress and status.

static ExportNotifier ExportPRC(KeyPathArray const &in_source, char const *in_file_name, bool in_compress_tessellation = false)

Performs an asynchronous PRC export from an A3DAsmModelFile created from a KeyPathArray.

  • in_source – An array of key paths containing the data to export. The geometry and segments under these key paths will be used to create the A3DAsmModelFile to export as PRC.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the PRC data to.

  • in_compress_tessellation – Whether to compress the tessellation data in the PRC data. Defaults to false.


An ExportNotfier object that can be used to query the export progress and status.

static ExportNotifier ExportPRC(size_t in_count, KeyPath const in_source[])

Performs an asynchronous creation of an A3DAsmModelFile from a KeyPathArray.

  • in_count – The size of in_source

  • in_source – An array of key paths containing the data to export. The geometry and segments under these key paths will be used to create the A3DAsmModelFile.


An ExportNotfier object that can be used to query the export progress and status.

static ExportNotifier ExportPRC(size_t in_count, KeyPath const in_source[], char const *in_file_name, bool in_compress_tessellation = false)

Performs an asynchronous PRC export from an A3DAsmModelFile created from a KeyPathArray.

  • in_count – The size of in_source

  • in_source – An array of key paths containing the data to export. The geometry and segments under these key paths will be used to create the A3DAsmModelFile to export as PRC.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the PRC data to.

  • in_compress_tessellation – Whether to compress the tessellation data in the PRC data. Defaults to false.


An ExportNotfier object that can be used to query the export progress and status.

static void ExportSTEP(CADModel const &in_cad_model, char const *in_file_name, ExportSTEPOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs a synchronous STEP export of the given CADModel with the provided options to a given filename. An exception will be thrown if a problem is encountered during export.

  • in_cad_model – The CADModel containing the data to export. This CADModel must have come from a CAD file imported via Exchange, if it did not, the export will not succeed.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the STEP data to.

  • in_options – The options controlling the export of the STEP data.

static void ExportSTL(CADModel const &in_cad_model, char const *in_file_name, ExportSTLOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs a synchronous STL export of the given CADModel with the provided options to a given filename. An exception will be thrown if a problem is encountered during export.

  • in_cad_model – The CADModel containing the data to export. This CADModel must have come from a CAD file imported via Exchange, if it did not, the export will not succeed.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the STL data to.

  • in_options – The options controlling the export of the STL data.

static void ExportU3D(CADModel const &in_cad_model, char const *in_file_name, ExportU3DOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs a synchronous U3D export of the given CADModel with the provided options to a given filename. An exception will be thrown if a problem is encountered during export.

  • in_cad_model – The CADModel containing the data to export. This CADModel must have come from a CAD file imported via Exchange, if it did not, the export will not succeed.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the U3D data to.

  • in_options – The options controlling the export of the U3D data.

static void ExportVRML(CADModel const &in_cad_model, char const *in_file_name)

Performs a synchronous VRML export of the given CADModel with the provided options to a given filename. An exception will be thrown if a problem is encountered during export.

  • in_cad_model – The CADModel containing the data to export. This CADModel must have come from a CAD file imported via Exchange, if it did not, the export will not succeed.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the VRML data to.

static void ExportXML(CADModel const &in_cad_model, char const *in_file_name, ExportXMLOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs a synchronous XML export of the given CADModel with the provided options to a given filename. An exception will be thrown if a problem is encountered during export.

  • in_cad_model – The CADModel containing the data to export. This CADModel must have come from a CAD file imported via Exchange, if it did not, the export will not succeed.

  • in_file_name – The name of the file to write the XML data to.

  • in_options – The options controlling the export of the XML data.

static ConfigurationArray GetConfigurations(char const *in_file_name)

Gets a list of configurations for the given file (if any). It should be called prior to Import if a file has configurations and the user wants or needs to specify the configuration to import and requires a list of the available configurations. If there are configurations, the function will return an array which has been populated with the list of configurations. If there are no configurations, the function will return an empty array. May throw an IOException if a problem is encountered when querying the configurations.

static Format GetFormat(char const *in_file_name)

Gets the format for the given file as determined by Exchange. May throw an IOException if a problem is encountered when querying the format.

static void GetInformation(const char *in_file_name, Format &out_format, UTF8 &out_model_name, UTF8 &out_version, UTF8 &out_author, UTF8 &out_organization, UTF8 &out_time_stamp)

Returns information associated with the given file as determined by Exchange, without performing a full conversion. CatiaV5 and Solidworks are the only formats currently supported. May thrown an IOException if a problem is encountered. Some of the fields returned may be empty.

  • in_file_name – The file to query

  • out_format – The format of the file

  • out_model_name – The name of the model contained in the file

  • out_version – The software release version

  • out_author – The file author

  • out_organization – The organization associated with the file

  • out_time_stamp – The time stamp

static HPS::ImageKit GetThumbnailImage(const char *in_file_name)

Returns the thumbnail image associated with the given file as determined by Exchange, if any. CatiaV5 and Solidworks are the only formats currently supported. May thrown an IOException if a problem is encountered.


in_file_name – The file to query


An ImageKit containing the thumbnail

static ImportNotifier Import(A3DAsmModelFile const *in_model_file, ModelFileImportOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs an asynchronous import of the specified A3DAsmModelFile with the provided options. May throw an IOException prior to starting the asynchronous import. Note that if the import is successful, the CADModel created from this import will not own its associated A3DAsmModelFile (see Exchange::CADModel::GetEntityOwnership for more details).

  • in_model_file – The A3DAsmModelFile to import.

  • in_options – The options controlling the import of the CAD file. Whether these options will have any effect depends on how the A3DAsmModelFile was created.


An ImportNotfier object that can be used to query the import progress and status.

static ImportNotifier Import(ByteArray const &in_prc_data, ModelFileImportOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs an asynchronous import of the specified PRC data with the provided options. May throw an IOException prior to starting the asynchronous import. Note that if the import is successful, the CADModel created from this import will own its associated A3DAsmModelFile (see Exchange::CADModel::GetEntityOwnership for more details).

  • in_prc_data – Buffer of PRC data to import.

  • in_options – The options controlling the import of the CAD file. Whether these options will have any effect depends on what is contained in the PRC data.


An ImportNotfier object that can be used to query the import progress and status.

static ImportNotifier Import(char const *in_file_name, ImportOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs an asynchronous import of the specified CAD file with the provided options. May throw an IOException prior to starting the asynchronous import. Note that if the import is successful, the CADModel created from this import will own its associated A3DAsmModelFile (see Exchange::CADModel::GetEntityOwnership for more details).

  • in_file_name – The name of the CAD file to import.

  • in_options – The options controlling the import of the CAD file.


An ImportNotfier object that can be used to query the import progress and status.

static ImportNotifier Import(size_t in_byte_count, byte const in_prc_data[], ModelFileImportOptionsKit const &in_options)

Performs an asynchronous import of the specified PRC data with the provided options. May throw an IOException prior to starting the asynchronous import. Note that if the import is successful, the CADModel created from this import will own its associated A3DAsmModelFile (see Exchange::CADModel::GetEntityOwnership for more details).

  • in_byte_count – Size of the following array.

  • in_prc_data – Buffer of PRC data to import.

  • in_options – The options controlling the import of the CAD file. Whether these options will have any effect depends on what is contained in the PRC data.


An ImportNotfier object that can be used to query the import progress and status.

static TranslationNotifier Translate(char const *in_file_name, ImportOptionsKit const &in_options, TranslationOptionsKit const &in_translation_options)

Asynchronously translates the specified CAD files into an array of Parasolid parts, using the options provided. A valid Parasolid session is required for this function to succeed.

  • in_file_name – The name of the CAD file to translate.

  • in_options – The options controlling the translation of the CAD file.

  • in_translation_options – Options used during the translation.


An TranslationNotifier object that can be used to query the import progress and status.

class Filter : public HPS::Filter

The Filter class is a smart pointer. It represents an A3DAsmFilter in Exchange. The primary purpose of this class is simply to provide access to the underlying A3DAsmFilter pointer for use by Exchange library functions.

Public Functions


The default constructor creates an uninitialized Filter object. The Type() function will return Type::None.

Filter(Component const &in_that)

This constructor creates a Filter object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Component. The copy will only be successful if the source component is really an upcast of an Exchange::Filter object. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting Exchange::Filter will be invalid.


in_that – The source Component to copy.

Filter(Exchange::Filter &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an Exchange::Filter by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this Exchange::Filter.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an Exchange::Filter to take the underlying object from.

Filter(Exchange::Filter const &in_that)

The copy constructor creates an Exchange::Filter object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Exchange::Filter.


in_that – The source Exchange::Filter to copy.

Filter(HPS::Filter const &in_that)

This constructor creates an Exchange::Filter object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source HPS::Filter. The copy will only be successful if the source component is really an upcast of an Exchange::Filter object. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting Exchange::Filter will be invalid.


in_that – The source HPS::Filter to copy.

A3DEntity *GetExchangeEntity() const

Gets the A3DEntity pointer corresponding to this Exchange::Filter.


The A3DEntity pointer corresponding to this Exchange::Filter.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

Filter &operator=(Exchange::Filter &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this Exchange::Filter.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an Exchange::Filter to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this Exchange::Filter.

virtual ~Filter()

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeFilter
class ImportNotifier : public HPS::IONotifier

The ImportNotifier class is a smart-pointer that is tied to a file import. It is used to interact with an ongoing import or get the results from a completed import.

Public Functions

void Assign(ImportNotifier const &in_that)

Associate this ImportNotifier with the same file import as the source ImportNotifier.


in_that – The source ImportNotifier for the assignment.

Exchange::CADModel GetCADModel() const

Get the CADModel for the file import. Throws an IOException if the import is not complete, was not successful or was canceled.


The CADModel for a successful file import.

Time GetImportTime() const

Get the number of milliseconds it took Exchange to read the CAD file(s) and generate the corresponding PRC data. Throws an IOException if the import is not complete, was not successful or was canceled.

Time GetParseTime() const

Get the number of milliseconds it took Visualize to parse the PRC data and create the corresponding scene graph. Throws an IOException if the import is not complete, was not successful or was canceled.

A3DRWParamsPrcReadHelper *GetPRCReadHelper() const

Get the PRC Read Helper for the file import. Throws an IOException if the import is not complete, was not successful or was canceled. The returned value will only be non-null if the Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetPRCReadHelper option was set to true and the file that was imported was a PRC file or a PRC stream.




The A3DRWParamsPrcReadHelper * created during a successful file import.


The default constructor creates an ImportNotifier object which is not tied to any file import.

ImportNotifier(ImportNotifier &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an ImportNotifier by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this ImportNotifier thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ImportNotifier to take the impl from.

ImportNotifier(ImportNotifier const &in_that)

The copy constructor creates a new ImportNotifier object that is associated with the same file import as the source ImportNotifier.


in_that – The source ImportNotifier to copy.

ImportNotifier(IONotifier const &in_that)

The conversion constructor creates a new derived ImportNotifier object from a base IONotifier object. The copy will only be successful if the source notifier is really an upcast of this notifier type. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting ImportNotifier will be invalid.


in_that – The source IONotifier to copy.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

ImportNotifier &operator=(ImportNotifier &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this ImportNotifier thereby avoiding a copy.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ImportNotifier to take the impl from.


A reference to this ImportNotifier.

ImportNotifier &operator=(ImportNotifier const &in_that)

Associate this ImportNotifier with the same file import as the source ImportNotifier.


in_that – The source ImportNotifier for the assignment.


A reference to this ImportNotifier.

virtual ~ImportNotifier()

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeImportNotifier
class ImportOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit

The HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings controlling what and how data is imported via Exchange. Calling HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::GetDefault() will return an options kit with values found in here.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this ImportOptionsKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this ImportOptionsKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals(ImportOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ImportOptionsKit is equivalent to this ImportOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ImportOptionsKit to compare to this ImportOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty ImportOptionsKit object.

ImportOptionsKit(ImportOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an ImportOptionsKit by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this ImportOptionsKit thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ImportOptionsKit to take the impl from.

ImportOptionsKit(ImportOptionsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new ImportOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source ImportOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ImportOptionsKit to copy.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(ImportOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ImportOptionsKit is not equivalent to this ImportOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ImportOptionsKit to compare to this ImportOptionsKit.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

ImportOptionsKit &operator=(ImportOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this ImportOptionsKit thereby avoiding a copy.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ImportOptionsKit to take the impl from.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &operator=(ImportOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ImportOptionsKit into this ImportOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ImportOptionsKit to copy.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

bool operator==(ImportOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ImportOptionsKit is equivalent to this ImportOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ImportOptionsKit to compare to this ImportOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(ImportOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ImportOptionsKit into this ImportOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ImportOptionsKit to copy.

ImportOptionsKit &SetActiveFilter(bool in_state)

Sets whether to only import data from the active filter in the CAD file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadActiveFilter.


Default value


in_state – Whether to only import data from the active filter in the CAD file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetAnnotationCaptureFitting(AnnotationCaptureFitting in_fitting)

Sets the type of data that should be used to generate the camera for annotation captures.


in_fitting – The type of fitting to use for annotation captures.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetAttributes(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import attributes (or metadata) from the CAD file. Even if attributes are not imported, some things like names and certain IDs will be available, though all other attributes will not be. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadAttributes.


Default value


in_state – Whether to import attributes from the CAD file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetBRepMode(BRepMode in_mode)

Sets the import mode for BRep data in the CAD file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_eReadGeomTessMode.


Default value


in_mode – The import mode for BRep data in the CAD file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetCatiaV4LogicalNameForRootDirectory(char const *in_name)

Sets the logical name for the root directory for a Catia V4 file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsCatiaV4Data::m_pcRootDirLogicalName.


Default value


in_name – UTF8-encoded logical name for the root directory for a Catia V4 file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetCatiaV4LogicalNameSearching(bool in_state)

Sets the whether to allow searching in additional logical names for a Catia V4 file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsCatiaV4Data::m_bAllowSearchInOtherLogicalNames.




Default value


in_state – Whether to allow searching in addtional logical names for a Catia V4 file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetCatiaV5Cache(bool in_active, char const *in_path)

Sets whether to use the a cache for a Catia V5 file.


Default value


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetCatiaV5MaterialRendering(bool in_active)

Sets whether to use material for rendering for a Catia V5 file. The path to search for the materials needs to be specified through ImportOptionsKit::SetTextureDirectories.


Default value


in_active – Whether to use materials for rendering for a Catia V5 file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsCatiaV5Data::m_bUseMaterialRendering.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetComputePreferredOpenShellOrientation(bool in_state)

This option lets you redirect the normal of non-solid bodies. eg: when a body is not able to be sewed closed it still has the notion of an inside and outside. the in_state will be passed to A3DSewOptionsData With this option, you are asking Exchange to use a predictive algorithm to correctly identify inside vs outside.


in_state – The state of the option used when importing a file


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetConfiguration(char const *in_configuration)

Sets the configuration to import from a CAD file. This is only applicable to Catia V4, Solidworks and I-deas file formats. If no configuration is specified, the default configuration will be loaded if possible. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsMultiEntriesData::m_ppcEntries.


in_configuration – UTF8-encoded configuration name to import from a CAD file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetConfiguration(size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_configuration[])

Sets a nested configuration to import from a CAD file. This is only applicable to Catia V4, Solidworks and I-deas file formats. If no configuration is specified, the default configuration will be loaded if possible. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsMultiEntriesData::m_ppcEntries.

  • in_count – Size of the following array.

  • in_configuration – List of nested configuration names to import from a CAD file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetConfiguration(UTF8Array const &in_configuration)

Sets a nested configuration to import from a CAD file. This is only applicable to Catia V4, Solidworks and I-deas file formats. If no configuration is specified, the default configuration will be loaded if possible. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsMultiEntriesData::m_ppcEntries.


in_configuration – List of nested configuration names to import from a CAD file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetConstraintsInfo(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import constraints from the CAD file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadConstraints. Furthermore, assembly constraints are only supported in files of the following formats: CatiaV5.


Default value


in_state – Whether to import constraints info from the CAD file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetConstructionAndReferences(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import construction and references from the CAD file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadConstructionAndReferences.


Default value


in_state – Whether to import construction and references from the CAD file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetDefaultUnits(Units in_units)

Sets the units to use for a CAD file if it is not well defined. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_eDefaultUnit.


Default value


in_units – The units to use for the CAD file if it is not well defined.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetDrawings(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import drawings from the CAD file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_eReadDrawings.


Default value


in_state – Whether to import 2d drawings from the CAD file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetExternalProductOccurrence(bool read_external_po)

Dictates whether Visualize will read the external data Product Occurrence in the PRC.


In the PRC sometime Product Occurrence contains another Product Occurrence in its ExternalData. Normally Visualize will not include this level of Product Occurrence in its model tree, but by activate this we will have this level in the model tree.


read_external_po – Whether or not to have Visualize read the Product occurrence of the ExternalData.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetFeatureTrees(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import feature trees from the CAD file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadFeature. The following Import Options are incompatible with Feature Trees: sewing, importing a file using multiple processes, and using the Incremental import Mode. Furthermore, features are only supported in files of the following formats: CatiaV5, NX (also known as Unigraphics) and ProE (also known as Creo).


Default value


in_state – Whether to import feature trees from the CAD file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetGeometryDefaultColor(RGBAColor const &in_color)

Sets the color to use for non-PMI geometry in the CAD file if none is specified.




in_color – The color to use for non-PMI geometry in the CAD file if none is specified.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetHiddenObjects(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import hidden objects from the CAD file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadHiddenObjects.


Default value


in_state – Whether to import hidden objects from the CAD file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetIFCAttributeXMLFile(char const *in_filename)

Sets the file to write attribute data to in XML format for an IFC file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsIFCData::m_pcXMLFilePathForAttributes.




Default value


in_filename – UTF8-encoded filename for attribute data.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetIFCCodePageName(char const *in_name)

Sets the code page name for an IFC file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsIFCData::m_pcCodePageName.


Default value


in_name – UTF8-encoded code page name for an IFC file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetIFCEdges(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import edges for IFC files When this is set to false the import time will decrease. It is still possible to achieve visual fidelity by turning on hard edge visibility.


Default value


in_state – Whether to import edges for an IFC file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetIFCFaceOptimization(bool in_state)

Sets whether to optimize importing of faces. Setting this to true will reduce the number of polyhedra generated during the import. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsIFCData::m_bFACETED_BREPAsOnFace.


Default value


in_state – Whether to optimize face import for an IFC file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetIFCMetadata(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import all IFC metadata or to import only each part’s GloablID. . This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsIFCData::m_bAttributesOnlyGlobalId.


Default value


in_state – Whether to import all IFC metadata or to import only each part’s GlobalID


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetIFCOpenings(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import opening elements for IFC files. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsIFCData::m_bReadOpeningElements.


Default value


in_state – Whether to import opening elements for an IFC file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetIFCOwnerHistoryOptimization(bool in_state)

Sets whether to optimize the setting of IFCOWNERHISTORY for an IFC file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsIFCData::m_bIFCOWNERHISTORYOptimized.


Default value


in_state – Whether to optimize the setting of IFCOWNERHISTORY for an IFC file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetIFCRelationships(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import relationships for IFC files. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsIFCData::m_bReadRelationships.


Default value


in_state – Whether to import relationships for an IFC file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetIncrementalComponentPath(HPS::ComponentPath const &in_path)

The path to the product occurrence to load. This option should only be used if a file was imported incrementally (i.e., with the SetMode option set to ImportMode::Incremental) and the specified path has not already been loaded, otherwise an exception will be thrown from the ImportNotifier. Note that you can check the load status of a product occurrence by using ProductOccurrence::GetLoadStatus. The leaf of the path should be a product occurrence, though if it is not, the closest product occurrence in the path will be loaded. It is important to note that this option is mutually exclusive with the mode option, i.e., if one is set, the other will be unset.






in_path – The path to the product occurrence to load.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetIncrementalComponentPaths(HPS::ComponentPathArray const &in_paths)

The paths to the product occurrences to load. This option has the same behavior and limitations as SetIncrementalPath, but allows one to specify multiple paths to load.






in_paths – The paths to the product occurrences to load.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetIncrementalComponentPaths(size_t in_count, HPS::ComponentPath const in_paths[])

The paths to the product occurrences to load. This option has the same behavior and limitations as SetIncrementalPath, but allows one to specify multiple paths to load.





  • in_count – Size of the following array.

  • in_paths – The paths to the product occurrences to load.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetInventorEmbeddedTessellation(bool in_state)

Whether to use the tessellation embedded in the file, for Inventor files. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsInventorData::m_bUseTessForFile.


in_state – Whether to use the tessellation embedded in the file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetJTTessellationLevel(JT::TessellationLevel in_jt_tessellation_level)

Sets the tessellation level to load for JT files. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsJTData::m_eReadTessellationLevelOfDetail.


Default value


in_jt_tessellation_level – The tessellation level to load.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetLargeTranslationExtraction(bool in_state, intptr_t in_data_index, float in_cutoff_value)

When this option is enabled, translations that are deemed to be especially large compared to the model size are removed from the scene graph and instead imported as user data, at the index specified, on the segment where the translation would have been. Removing very large translation is useful to avoid visual artifacts due to loss in precision. Note that only part of a translation might be extracted. If you are adding a model to an existing scene through the SetLocation feature, and the original model was loaded using the SetLargeTranslationExtraction setting, the same data_index value should be used for the model being added to the existing scene, so that any translations previously extracted from the model can be taken into account during import.


Default value

  • in_state – Whether to enable large translation extraction

  • in_data_index – The index at which the user data representing the extracted translation will be stored

  • in_cutoff_value – The cutoff value which will be used to check for large translation


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetLargeTranslationExtraction(bool in_state, intptr_t in_data_index = 1)

When this option is enabled, translations that are deemed to be especially large compared to the model size are removed from the scene graph and instead imported as user data, at the index specified, on the segment where the translation would have been. Removing very large translation is useful to avoid visual artifacts due to loss in precision. Note that only part of a translation might be extracted. If you are adding a model to an existing scene through the SetLocation feature, and the original model was loaded using the SetLargeTranslationExtraction setting, the same data_index value should be used for the model being added to the existing scene, so that any translations previously extracted from the model can be taken into account during import.


Default value

  • in_state – Whether to enable large translation extraction

  • in_data_index – The index at which the user data representing the extracted translation will be stored


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetLocation(ComponentPath const &in_path, MatrixKit const &in_transform = MatrixKit())

Sets where to insert the imported file in an existing Component hierarchy. If this option is not set, a new CADModel will be created for the imported file. If this option is specified, the underlying PRC data of the existing CADModel will be modified to include the imported file and the data will be imported into the specified location in the existing Component hierarchy and its corresponding scene graph.

  • in_path – The path describing the location to insert the imported file into. This path must either terminate at a CADModel or a Component corresponding to an A3DAsmProductOccurrence. Note that if the imported file is added along a ComponentPath with attributes specified in the PRC data, the components added to the existing PRC data will also inherit those attributes. Note also that if the path is just a CADModel, a new A3DAsmModelFile underyling the CADModel must be created to include both the existing product occurrences and the new product occurrences, and the existing A3DAsmModelFile will be deleted.

  • in_transform – A transform to apply to the components being added to the existing CADModel. This transform will also be added to the underlying PRC data. Defaults to an identity transform.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetMode(ImportMode in_mode)

Sets the type of import to perform. If set to ImportMode::Incremental, only the structural components of the CAD file will be created, but the underlying representation items will not be loaded. These empty product occurrence objects can then be loaded by using the SetIncrementalComponentPath or SetIncrementalComponentPaths functions. If set to ImportMode::Complete, the CAD file will be imported respecting the other specified import options. It is important to note that incremental import can only be performed for certain formats (see ImportMode::Incremental for the specific formats). Trying to use incremental import with an unsupported format will cause the import to fail and an exception to be thrown by the ImportNotifier. Also it is important to note that this option is mutually exclusive with the incremental ComponentPath option, i.e., if one is set, the other will be unset.






in_mode – The type of import to perform.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetMultiProcessCount(unsigned int in_count)

Sets the number of processes to use when performing the import. This should be a value between 1 and the number of cores on your system.


This function has been deprecated.


Values greater than 1 can only be used for imports of certain formats, in particular, JT, SolidWorks, NX (Unigraphics), Creo (Pro/E), and CATIA V5 files.


in_count – The number of processes to use when performing the import.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetNURBSConversion(HPS::Exchange::NURBSConversionOptionsKit const &in_nurbs_conversion_options)

Converts the curves and surfaces of the model file according to the options specified.


in_nurbs_conversion_options – The options to use during conversion


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetPDF3DStreamIndex(size_t in_index)

Sets the index into the list 3D streams contained in a PDF to load.


Default value


in_index – The index into the list of 3D stream contained in a PDF to load.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetPMI(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import PMI from the CAD file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadPmis.


Default value


in_state – Whether to import PMI from the CAD file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetPMIDefaultColor(RGBColor const &in_color, bool in_override_color = false)

Sets the color to use for the PMI in the CAD file if none is specified. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsPmiData::m_sDefaultColor. Optionally, it is possible to force all PMI to appear in the specified color. Thie corresponds to the value what will be passed to A3DRWParamsPmiData::m_bAlwaysUseDefaultColor.


Default value

  • in_color – The color to use for the PMI in the CAD file if none is specified.

  • in_override_color – Whether to force all PMIs to use the color specified by in_color.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetPMIDefaultUnits(Units in_units)

Sets the units to use for the PMI in the CAD file if it is not well defined. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsPmiData::m_eDefaultUnit.


Default value


in_units – The units to use for the PMI in the CAD file if it is not well defined.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetPMIFlipping(bool in_flip)

Dictates whether Visualize will flip pmi when rotating so that text / symbols remain readable.


If exchange reports that a markup does not contain leader lines, but the tessellation does contain lines that markup will not be flipped. This is a precaution for models where the leader line geometry was included as part of the markup tessellation and flipping the geometry would cause any present leader lines to point in the wrong direction.


in_flip – Whether or not to have Visualize flip pmi when rotating.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetPMIPrecision(size_t in_precision)

Sets the precision to use for PMI which has no precision information in the CAD file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsPmiData::m_iNumberOfDigitsAfterDot.


Default value


in_precision – The precision to use for PMI which has no precision information in the CAD file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetPMISubstitutionFont(char const *in_font_name, bool in_always_substitute = false)

Sets the font to use to replace those referenced by the CAD file but which are not present on the system.

  • in_font_name – UTF8-encoded name of the font to use to replaced those referenced by the CAD file but which are not present on the system. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsPmiData::m_pcSubstitutionFont.

  • in_always_substitute – Whether to always use this font even in place of those which are present on the system. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsPmiData::m_bAlwaysSubstituteFont.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetPRCReadHelper(bool in_use_helper)

Sets whether to create an A3DRWParamsPrcReadHelper when importing a PRC file or a PRC stream. The resulting A3DRWParamsPrcReadHelper can be accessed by Exchange::ImportNotifier::GetPRCReadHelper.




in_use_helper – Whether to create an A3DRWParamsPrcReadHelper during import.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetProECodePageName(char const *in_name)

Sets the code page name for a Pro/E file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_pcCodePageName.


Default value


in_name – UTF8-encoded code page name for a Pro/E file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetProEConstructionEntities(ProE::ConstructionEntities in_state)

Sets whether to import construction entities for a Pro/E file This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_eReadConstrucEntities.


Default value


in_state – Whether to import construction entities for a Pro/E file


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetProEDatum(bool in_source)

Sets whether datums are visible, for a Pro/E file This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_bDisplayVisibleDatum.


Default value


in_source – Whether visible datums are visible for a Pro/E file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetProEDimensionTolerance(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import dimension tolerances for a Pro/E file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_bDisplayTolerance.


Default value


in_state – Whether to import dimension tolerances for a Pro/E file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetProEExplodedViews(bool in_source)

Sets whether to create additional Views for a Pro/E file, with each view representing an explode state. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_bReadExplodeStateAsView.


Default value


in_source – Whether to create a views for exploded states, for a Pro/E file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetProEFamilyTableSource(ProE::FamilyTable in_source)

Sets the source for Family Tables for a Pro/E file This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_eFamilyTables.


Default value


in_source – Sets the family tables source for a Pro/E file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetProEHomeView(bool in_source)

Sets whether to create an additional Home View for a Pro/E file. This view will reflect the state in which the file was saved. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_bComputeHomeView.


Default value


in_source – Whether to create a home view for a Pro/E file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetProEMissingBoolean(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import the entities making up a boolean operation for a Pro/E file, in the case where the tessellation for the result of this boolean operation cannot be found. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_bBoolOpUseGenericIfNoTess.


Default value


in_state – Whether to import the entities of a boolean operation for which there is no available tessellation for a Pro/E file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetProEMissingFlexibleComponent(bool in_state)

Sets whether to try to import a flexible component for a Pro/E file, even in the case where the tessellation for the component cannot be found. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_bFlexCompUseGenericIfNoTess.


Default value


in_state – Whether to always try to import a flexible component, even in the event of missing tessellation, for a Pro/E file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetProESessionColor(ProE::SessionColor in_type)

Sets the session color for a Pro/E file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_eSessionColorType.


Default value


in_type – The session color for a Pro/E file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetProESkeletons(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import skeleton entities for a Pro/E file. This corresponds to the inverse value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_bHideSkeletons.


Default value


in_state – Whether import skeleton entities for a Pro/E file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetProESubpartPMI(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import subpart PMI for a Pro/E file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_bDisplaySubpartAnnotations.


Default value


in_state – Whether to import subpart PMI for a Pro/E file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetRemovedViews(bool read_removed_views)

Dictates whether Visualize will read the views in the PRC that have kA3DGraphicsRemoved bit set.


In the PRC sometime views in subassemblies or Part of the model file are marked with kA3DGraphicsRemoved bit. These views still exist in the PRC, however normally are ignored by viewer.


read_removed_views – Whether or not to have Visualize read the removed views in PRC.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetRevitPhysicalProperties(Revit::PhysicalProperties in_physical_properties)

Sets how physical properties are imported. By default, no physical property is imported. This setting also will only be taken into account only if we choose to import attributes from the model. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsRevitData::m_ePhysicalProperties.


in_physical_properties – Physical properties setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetRhinoForceRenderedModeColors(bool in_state)

Rhino files can be viewed in either ‘shaded’ mode or ‘render’ mode. By default the shaded mode colors will be imported. This function allows you to import render model colors instead. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsRhinoData::m_bForceRenderedModeColors.


in_state – Whether to force rendered mode colors instead of shading mode colors.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetSearchDirectories(size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_directories[], bool const in_recurse_flags[])

Sets the directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly. If no search directories are set, the directory containing the CAD assembly will be searched recursively. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsAssemblyData::m_ppcSearchDirectories.

  • in_count – Size of the following arrays.

  • in_directories – The directories to search for files references by a CAD assembly.

  • in_recurse_flags – Whether to search recursively in each of the corresponding directories.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetSearchDirectories(size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_directories[], UTF8 const in_logical_names[], bool const in_recurse_flags[])

Sets the directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly. This variant additionally allows the specification of logical names for each search directory for use by Catia V4 files. If no search directories are set, the directory containing the CAD assembly will be searched recursively. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsAssemblyData::m_ppcSearchDirectories.



  • in_count – Size of the following arrays.

  • in_directories – The directories to search for files references by a CAD assembly.

  • in_logical_names – The logical names for each corresponding directory. If there are no logical names for the directories, this value can be null.

  • in_recurse_flags – Whether to search recursively in each of the corresponding directories.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetSearchDirectories(UTF8Array const &in_directories, BoolArray const &in_recurse_flags)

Sets the directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly. If no search directories are set, the directory containing the CAD assembly will be searched recursively. If the size of the directory and flag arrays are different, the smaller size will be used. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsAssemblyData::m_ppcSearchDirectories.

  • in_directories – The directories to search for files references by a CAD assembly.

  • in_recurse_flags – Whether to search recursively in each of the corresponding directories.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetSearchDirectories(UTF8Array const &in_directories, UTF8Array const &in_logical_names, BoolArray const &in_recurse_flags)

Sets the directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly. This variant additionally allows the specification of logical names for each search directory for use by Catia V4 files. If no search directories are set, the directory containing the CAD assembly will be searched recursively. If the size of the directory, (non-empty) logical name, or flag arrays are different, the smallest size will be used. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsAssemblyData::m_ppcSearchDirectories.



  • in_directories – The directories to search for files references by a CAD assembly.

  • in_logical_names – The logical names for each corresponding directory. If there are no logical names for the directories, this array can be empty.

  • in_recurse_flags – Whether to search recursively in each of the corresponding directories.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetSearchDirectoriesByFile(size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_file_names[])

Sets the directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly. This is an alternative manner to specify search directories by using text files which contain lists of directories to search. These correspond to the values will be passed to A3DRWParamsAssemblyData::m_ppcPathDefinitions.

  • in_count – Size of the following array.

  • in_file_names – The names of text files containing the lists of directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetSearchDirectoriesByFile(UTF8Array const &in_file_names)

Sets the directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly. This is an alternative manner to specify search directories by using text files which contain lists of directories to search. These correspond to the values will be passed to A3DRWParamsAssemblyData::m_ppcPathDefinitions.


in_file_names – The names of text files containing the lists of directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetSearchRootDirectory(bool in_state, bool in_recursive = true)

Sets whether to search the CAD file root directory for sub-parts. The values passed to this function correspond to A3DRWParamsAssemblyData::m_bUseRootDirectory and A3DRWParamsAssemblyData::m_bRootDirRecursive respectively.

  • in_state – Whether to search the root CAD file directory for sub-parts

  • in_recursive – Whether to search subdirectories of the root directory for sub-parts. This option is only considered if in_state is true, and the subdirectories are only searched if the sub-parts are not found in the root directory.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetSewingTolerance(double in_tolerance)

The sewing tolerance to use on the A3DAsmModelFile after importing a file. If this option is set, after a file is successfully imported, the A3DAsmModelFile will be passed to A3DAsmModelFileSew with this tolerance.


in_tolerance – The sewing tolerance in millimeters to use on the A3DAsmModelFile after importing a file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetSolids(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import solids from the CAD file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadSolids.


Default value


in_state – Whether to import solids from the CAD file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetSolidworksDisplayVisibleDatum(bool in_state)

Manage the visibility of datum entities: if set to 0, visibility is hidden if set to 1, visibility is as in SLW feature tree manager This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsSolidworksData::m_usDisplayVisibleDatum.


in_state – Whether to use the visibility defined in the file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetSTEPCodePageName(char const *in_name)

Sets the code page name for a STEP file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsStepData::m_pcCodePageName


Default value


in_name – UTF8-encoded code page name for a STEP file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetSTEPFirstColorPreference(bool in_state)

Sets whether to prefer the first color if geometry has several colors for a STEP file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsStepData::m_bPreferFirstColor.


Default value


in_state – Whether to prefer the first color if geometry has several colors for a STEP file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetSTEPNamePreference(STEP::Field in_field)

Sets the field to get the occurrence name from for a STEP file. These correspond to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsStepData::m_bPreferProductName and A3DRWParamsStepData::m_eNameFromNAUO.


Default value


in_field – The field to get the occurrence name from for a STEP file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetSTEPOrientationHealing(bool in_state)

Sets whether to heal orientations for a STEP file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsStepData::m_bHealOrientations.


Default value


in_state – Whether to heal orientations for a STEP file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetSTEPShellBasedSurfaceModelSplitting(bool in_state)

Sets whether to split SHELL_BASED_SURFACE_MODEL with several OPEN_SHELLs into several bodies for a STEP file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsStepData::m_bSplitSHELL_BASED_SURFACE_MODEL.


Default value


in_state – Whether to split SHELL_BASED_SURFACE_MODEL with several OPEN_SHELLs into several bodies for a STEP file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetSTEPValidationProperties(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import validation properties for a STEP file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsStepData::m_bReadValidationProperties. This option is valid only if Attributes are being imported.


in_state – Whether to import validation properties for a STEP file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetSurfaces(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import surfaces from the CAD file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadSurfaces.


Default value


in_state – Whether to import surfaces from the CAD file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetTessellationAccuracy(Tessellation::Accuracy in_type, bool in_accurate_normals = true, bool in_accurate_surface_curvatures = false, double in_accurate_grid_maximum_stitch_length = 0.0)

Sets the accuracy of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data.


Default value


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetTessellationCleanup(bool in_cleanup)

Dictates whether Exchange tesselation data will be released from their parent representation items during import.


Setting this option to true will cause future exports to output without tessellation data.


in_cleanup – Whether to clean up tessellation data from representation items.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetTessellationLevel(Tessellation::Chord::Limit in_limit_type, double in_limit, double in_angle_tolerance)

Sets the user defined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data. This implicitly sets A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_eTessellationLevel to kA3DTessLODUserDefined.

  • in_limit_type – The type of the chord limit to be specified.

  • in_limit – Either the ratio of the tessellation chord height to the bounding box height which should be in the range [50, 10000], or the maximum distance between the surface definition and the tessellation approximation, depending on the preceding argument.

  • in_angle_tolerance – The maximum angle in degrees between two consecutive wire elements in the generated tessellation which should be in the range [10, 40]. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_dAngleToleranceDeg.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetTessellationLevel(Tessellation::Level in_level)

Sets the predefined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_eTessellationLevelOfDetail.


Default value


in_level – The predefined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetTessellationMaximumEdgeLength(double in_length)

Sets the maximum length of triangle edges in the tessellation generated for BRep data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_dMaximalTriangleEdgeLength.


Default value


in_length – The maximum length of triangle edges in the tessellation generated for BRep data. The value must be non-negative, and if set to 0.0, the length will not be used when generating the tessellation.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetTessellationPreservesUVPoints(bool in_state)

Sets whether to keep parametric points as texture coordinates when generating the tessellation for BRep data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_bKeepUVPoints.


Default value


in_state – Whether to keep parametric points as texture coordinates when generating the tessellation for BRep data.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetTextureDirectories(size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_directories[])

Sets the directories to search to find textures referenced by a CAD assembly. If no search directories are set, the directory containing the CAD assembly will be searched recursively. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_ppcSearchTextureDirectories.

  • in_count – Size of the following arrays.

  • in_directories – The directories to search for textures referenced by a CAD assembly.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetTextureDirectories(UTF8Array const &in_directories)

Sets the directories to search to find textures referenced by a CAD assembly. If no search directories are set, the directory containing the CAD assembly will be searched recursively. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_ppcSearchTextureDirectories.


in_directories – The directories to search for textures referenced by a CAD assembly.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetTrueColorMode(bool in_true_color)

Sets whether we use the true color coming from the software for model rendering.


Default value


in_true_color – Whether to use the exact RGB color value coming from the software. True: The exact RGB value from the diffuse channel is used to color the face. This is useful if you want to have exact value from the native software. Note: the color from the ambient channel will not be honored and some models may look different. False: Default mode. HOOPS Visualize uses ambient and diffuse channel to have a good looking material. The rendering color matches the model but the RGB value may differ slightly from the native model.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetUnigraphicsFittedCamera(bool in_state)

Sets whether to make view cameras fitted for a Unigraphics file.


Default value


in_state – Whether to make view cameras fit all visible geometry for a Unigraphics file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsUnigraphicsData::m_bFitAllToUpdateViewCameras.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetUnigraphicsPreferredReferenceSets(size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_reference_sets[], bool in_apply_to_all_levels)

Sets the preferred reference sets for a Unigraphics file.


Default value


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetUnigraphicsPreferredReferenceSets(UTF8Array const &in_reference_sets, bool in_apply_to_all_levels)

Sets the preferred reference sets for a Unigraphics file.


Default value


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &SetWireframes(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import wireframes from the CAD file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadWireframes.


Default value


in_state – Whether to import wireframes from the CAD file.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

void Show(ImportOptionsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this ImportOptionsKit into the given ImportOptionsKit.


out_kit – The ImportOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this ImportOptionsKit.

bool ShowActiveFilter(bool &out_state) const

Shows the active filter import setting.


out_state – Whether to only import data from the active filter in the CAD file.


true if an active filter import setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowAnnotationCaptureFitting(AnnotationCaptureFitting &out_fitting) const

Shows the annotation capture fitting setting.


out_fitting – The type of fitting to use for annotation captures.


true if an annotation capture fitting setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowAttributes(bool &out_state) const

Shows the attribute import setting.


out_state – Whether to import attributes from the CAD file.


true if an attribute import setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowBRepMode(BRepMode &out_mode) const

Shows the BRep mode import setting.


out_mode – The import mode for BRep data in the CAD file.


true if a BRep mode import setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowCatiaV4LogicalNameForRootDirectory(UTF8 &out_name) const

Shows the Catia V4 logical name for the root directory.


out_name – The Catia V4 logical name for the root directory.


true if a Catia V4 logical name for the root directory setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowCatiaV4LogicalNameSearching(bool &out_state) const

Shows the Catia V4 logical name searching setting.


out_state – Whether to allow searching in addtional logical names for a Catia V4 file.


true if a Catia V4 logical name searching setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowCatiaV5Cache(bool &out_active, UTF8 &out_path) const

Shows the Catia V5 cache setting.

  • out_active – Whether the cache should be activated for a Catia V5 file.

  • out_path – The path to the folder to be used for the Catia V5 cache.


true if a Catia V5 cache setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowCatiaV5MaterialRendering(bool &out_active) const

Shows the Catia V5 material rendering setting.


out_active – Whether the option material rendering should be activated for a Catia V5 file.


true if a Catia V5 material rendering setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowComputePreferredOpenShellOrientation(bool &out_state) const

Shows the compute preferred open shell orientation setting.


out_state – The compute preferred open shell orientation to use in the A3DSewOptionsData structure when importing a file.


true if compute preferred open shell orientation setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowConfiguration(UTF8Array &out_configuration) const

Shows the configuration settting.


out_configuration – List of nested configuration names to import from a CAD file.


true if a configuation setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowConstraintsInfo(bool &out_state) const

Shows the constraints import setting.


out_state – Whether to import constraints info from the CAD file.


true if a constraints info import setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowConstructionAndReferences(bool &out_state) const

Shows the construction and references import setting.


out_state – Whether to import construction and references from the CAD file.


true if a construction and references import setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowDefaultUnits(Units &out_units) const

Shows the default units setting.


out_units – The default units setting.


true if a default units setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowDrawings(bool &out_state) const

Shows the drawings import setting.


out_state – Whether to import 2d drawings from the CAD file.


true if a drawings import setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowExternalProductOccurrence(bool &out_read_external_po) const

Shows the read external data Product Occurrence setting.


out_read_external_po – The read external data Product Occurrence setting that was specified.


true if a read external data Product Occurrence setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowFeatureTrees(bool &out_state) const

Shows the feature trees import setting.


out_state – Whether to import feature trees from the CAD file.


true if a feature trees import setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowGeometryDefaultColor(RGBAColor &out_color) const

Shows the geometry default color setting.


out_color – The geometry default color setting.


true if a geometry default color setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowHiddenObjects(bool &out_state) const

Shows the hidden objects import setting.


out_state – Whether to import hidden objects from the CAD file.


true if a hidden objects import setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowIFCAttributeXMLFile(UTF8 &out_filename) const

Shows the IFC attribute XML file setting.


out_filename – The filename for attribute data for an IFC file.


true if an IFC attribute XML file setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowIFCCodePageName(UTF8 &out_name) const

Shows the IFC code page name setting.


out_name – The code page name for an IFC file.


true if an IFC code page name setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowIFCEdges(bool &out_state) const

Shows the IFC edges setting.


out_state – Whether to import edges for an IFC file.


true if an IFC edge setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowIFCFaceOptimization(bool &out_state) const

Shows the IFC face optimization setting.


out_state – Whether to optimize face import for an IFC file.


true if an IFC face optimization setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowIFCMetadata(bool &out_state) const

Shows the IFC metadata setting.


out_state – Whether to import all IFC metadata or just each part’s GloablID


true if an IFC metadata setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowIFCOpenings(bool &out_state) const

Shows the IFC openings setting.


out_state – Whether to import openings for an IFC file.


true if an IFC openings setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowIFCOwnerHistoryOptimization(bool &out_state) const

Shows the IFC owner history optimization setting.


out_state – Whether to optimize the setting of IFCOWNERHISTORY for an IFC file.


true if an IFC owner history optimization setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowIFCRelationships(bool &out_state) const

Shows the IFC relationships setting.


out_state – Whether to import relationships for an IFC file.


true if an IFC relationships setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowIncrementalComponentPaths(HPS::ComponentPathArray &out_paths) const

Shows the incremental ComponentPaths setting.


out_paths – The paths to the product occurrences to load.


true if an incremental ComponentPaths setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowInventorEmbeddedTessellation(bool &out_state) const

Shows the Inventor embedded tessellation setting.


out_state – The embedded tessellation setting for Inventor files.


true if an Inventor embedded tessellation setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowJTTessellationLevel(JT::TessellationLevel &out_tessellation_level) const

Shows the JT tessellation level setting.


out_tessellation_level – The tessellation level used when loading the JT file


true if a JT tessellation level setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowLargeTranslationExtraction(bool &out_state, intptr_t &out_data_index, float &out_cutoff_value) const

Shows the large translation extraction setting.

  • out_state – Whether to extract large translations during an import.

  • out_data_index – The index at which the user data representing the extracted translation will be stored

  • out_cutoff_value – The cutoff value that was used to check for large translation


true if a large translation extraction setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowLocation(ComponentPath &out_path, MatrixKit &out_transform) const

Shows the location setting.

  • out_path – The path describing the location to insert the imported file into.

  • out_transform – The transform to apply to the components being added to the existing CADModel.


true if a location setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowMode(ImportMode &out_mode) const

Shows the mode setting.


out_mode – The type of import to perform.


true if a mode setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowMultiProcessCount(unsigned int &out_count) const

Shows the multi-process count setting.


out_count – The number of processes to use when performing the import.


true if a multi-process count setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowNURBSConversion(HPS::Exchange::NURBSConversionOptionsKit &out_nurbs_conversion_options) const

Shows the NURBS conversion setting.


out_nurbs_conversion_options – The options to be used during the conversion.


true if NURBS conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowPDF3DStreamIndex(size_t &out_index) const

Shows the PDF 3D stream index setting.


out_index – The index into the list of 3D stream contained in a PDF to load.


true if a PDF 3D stream index setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowPMI(bool &out_state) const

Shows the PMI import setting.


out_state – Whether to import PMI from the CAD file.


true if a PMI import setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowPMIDefaultColor(RGBColor &out_color, bool &out_override) const

Shows the PMI default color setting.

  • out_color – The PMI default color setting.

  • out_override – Whether out_color overrides all PMI color


true if a PMI default color setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowPMIDefaultUnits(Units &out_units) const

Shows the PMI default units setting.


out_units – The PMI default units setting.


true if a PMI default units setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowPMIFlipping(bool &out_pmi_flipping) const

Shows the pmi flipping setting.


out_pmi_flipping – The pmi flipping setting that was specified.


true if a pmi flipping setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowPMIPrecision(size_t &out_precision) const

Shows the PMI precision setting.


out_precision – The precision to use for PMI which has no precision information in the CAD file.


true if a PMI precision setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowPMISubstitutionFont(UTF8 &out_font_name, bool &out_always_substitute) const

Shows the PMI substitution font setting.

  • out_font_name – UTF8-encoded name of the font to use to replaced those referenced by the CAD file but which are not present on the system.

  • out_always_substitute – Whether to always use this font even in place of those which are present on the system.


true if a PMI substitution font setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowPRCReadHelper(bool &out_use_helper) const

Shows the PRC read helper setting.


out_use_helper – Whether to create an A3DRWParamsPrcReadHelper during import.


true if a PRC read helper setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowProECodePageName(UTF8 &out_name) const

Shows the Pro/E code page name setting.


out_name – The code page name for a Pro/E file.


true if a Pro/E code page name setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowProEConstructionEntities(ProE::ConstructionEntities &out_state) const

Shows the Pro/E construction entities setting.


out_state – How to import construction entities, for a Pro/E file.


true if a Pro/E construction entities setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowProEDatum(bool &out_state) const

Shows the Pro/E datum setting.


out_state – Whether datums are visible, for a Pro/E file.


true if a Pro/E datum setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowProEDimensionTolerance(bool &out_state) const

Shows the Pro/E dimension tolerance setting.


out_state – Whether to import dimension tolerances for a Pro/E file.


true if a Pro/E dimension tolerance setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowProEExplodedViews(bool &out_state) const

Shows the Pro/E exploded views setting.


out_state – Whether to create one view for each exploded state, for a Pro/E file.


true if a Pro/E exploded views setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowProEFamilyTableSource(ProE::FamilyTable &out_source) const

Shows the Pro/E family table setting.


out_source – How to import family tables, for a Pro/E file.


true if a Pro/E family table setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowProEHomeView(bool &out_state) const

Shows the Pro/E home view setting.


out_state – Whether to create a home view, for a Pro/E file.


true if a Pro/E home view setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowProEMissingBoolean(bool &out_state) const

Shows the Pro/E missing boolean setting.


out_state – Whether to import boolean entities when their tessellation is missing, for a Pro/E file.


true if a Pro/E missing boolean setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowProEMissingFlexibleComponent(bool &out_state) const

Shows the Pro/E missing flexible setting.


out_state – Whether to import flexible entities when their tessellation is missing, for a Pro/E file.


true if a Pro/E missing flexible setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowProESessionColor(ProE::SessionColor &out_type) const

Shows the Pro/E session color setting.


out_type – The session color for a Pro/E file.


true if a Pro/E session color setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowProESkeletons(bool &out_state) const

Shows the Pro/E skeletons setting.


out_state – Whether to import skeletons, for a Pro/E file.


true if a Pro/E skeletons setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowProESubpartPMI(bool &out_state) const

Shows the Pro/E subpart PMI setting.


out_state – Whether to import subpart PMI for a Pro/E file.


true if a Pro/E subpart PMI setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowRemovedViews(bool &out_read_removed_views) const

Shows the read removed views setting.


out_read_removed_views – The read removed views setting that was specified.


true if a read removed views setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowRevitPhysicalProperties(Revit::PhysicalProperties &out_physical_properties) const

Shows the Revit physical properties import setting.


out_physical_properties – The physical properties import setting for Revit files.


true if a physical properties import setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowRhinoForceRenderedModeColors(bool &out_state) const

Shows the Rhino force rendered mode colors setting.


out_state – The force rendered mode colors setting for Rhino files.


true if an Rhino embedded force rendered mode colors setting setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSearchDirectories(UTF8Array &out_directories, UTF8Array &out_logical_names, BoolArray &out_recurse_flags) const

Shows the search directories setting.

  • out_directories – The directories to search for files referenced by a CAD assembly.

  • out_logical_names – The logical names for each corresponding directory. If there are no logical names for the directories, this array can be empty.

  • out_recurse_flags – Whether to search recursively in each of the corresponding directories.


true if a search directories setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSearchDirectoriesByFile(UTF8Array &out_file_names) const

Shows the search directories by file setting.


out_file_names – The names of text files containing the lists of directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly.


true if a search directories by file setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSearchRootDirectory(bool &out_state, bool &out_recursive) const

Shows the search root directory setting.

  • out_state – Whether to search the CAD file root directory for sub-parts

  • out_recursive – Whether to search subdirectories of the CAD file root directory for sub-parts, if they are not found in the root directory.


true if a root search setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSewingTolerance(double &out_tolerance) const

Shows the sewing tolerance setting.


out_tolerance – The sewing tolerance to use on the A3DAsmModelFile after importing a file.


true if a sewing tolerance setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSolids(bool &out_state) const

Shows the solid import setting.


out_state – Whether to import solids from the CAD file.


true if a solid import setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSolidworksDisplayVisibleDatum(bool &out_state) const

Shows the Solidworks display visible datum setting.


out_state – The display visible datum setting for Solidworks files.


true if an Solidworks display visible datum setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSTEPCodePageName(UTF8 &out_name) const

Shows the STEP code page name setting.


out_name – The code page name for a STEP file.


true if a STEP code page name setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSTEPFirstColorPreference(bool &out_state) const

Shows the STEP first color preference setting.


out_state – Whether to prefer the first color if geometry has several colors for a STEP file.


true if a STEP first color preference setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSTEPNamePreference(STEP::Field &out_field) const

Shows the STEP name preference setting.


out_field – The field to get the occurrence name from for a STEP file.


true if a STEP name preference setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSTEPOrientationHealing(bool &out_state) const

Shows the STEP orientation healing setting.


out_state – The orientation healing setting for a STEP file.


true if a STEP orientation healing setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSTEPShellBasedSurfaceModelSplitting(bool &out_state) const

Shows the STEP shell based surface model splitting setting.


out_state – Whether to split SHELL_BASED_SURFACE_MODEL with several OPEN_SHELLs into several bodies for a STEP file.


true if a STEP shell based surface model splitting setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSTEPValidationProperties(bool &out_state) const

Shows the STEP validation properties setting.


out_state – The validation properties setting for a STEP file.


true if a STEP validation property setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSurfaces(bool &out_state) const

Shows the surface import setting.


out_state – Whether to import surfaces from the CAD file.


true if a surface import setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTessellationAccuracy(Tessellation::Accuracy &out_type, bool &out_accurate_normals, bool &out_accurate_surface_curvatures, double &out_accurate_grid_maximum_stitch_length) const

Shows the tessellation accuracy setting.

  • out_type – The type of the tessellation accuracy which was specified.

  • out_accurate_normals – Whether to compute surface normals when performing accurate tessellation. This only applies if out_type is different than Tessellation::Accuracy::Standard.

  • out_accurate_surface_curvatures – Whether to take into account surfaces curvature in accurate tessellation to controle triangles elongation directions. This only applies if out_type is different than Tessellation::Accuracy::Standard.

  • out_accurate_grid_maximum_stitch_length – Maximal grid stitch length. Disabled if value is 0. Be careful, a too small value can generate a huge tessellation. This only applies if out_type is Tessellation::Accuracy::GridAccurate.


true if a tessellation accuracy setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTessellationCleanup(bool &out_cleanup) const

Shows the tessellation cleanup setting.


out_cleanup – The tesselation cleanup setting that was specified.


true if a tessellation cleanup setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTessellationLevel(Tessellation::Type &out_type, Tessellation::Level &out_level, Tessellation::Chord::Limit &out_limit_type, double &out_limit, double &out_angle_tolerance) const

Shows the tessellation level setting.

  • out_type – The type of the tessellation level setting which was specified.

  • out_level – The predefined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Standard.

  • out_limit_type – The type of chord limit which was specified. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Custom.

  • out_limit – The chord limit to use to generate tessellation for BRep data. Its interpretation depends on the preceding argument. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Custom.

  • out_angle_tolerance – The maximum angle in degrees between two consecutive wire elements in the generated tessellation. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Custom.


true if a tessellation level setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTessellationMaximumEdgeLength(double &out_length) const

Shows the tessellation maximum edge length setting.


out_length – The tessellation maximum edge length setting.


true if a tessellation maximum edge length setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTessellationPreservesUVPoints(bool &out_state) const

Shows the tessellation UV preservation setting.


out_state – Whether to keep parametric points as texture coordinates when generating the tessellation for BRep data.


true if a tessellation UV preservation setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTextureDirectories(UTF8Array &out_directories) const

Shows the texture search directories setting.


out_directories – The directories to search for textures referenced by a CAD assembly.


true if a texture search directories setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTrueColorMode(bool &out_state) const

Shows the true color mode setting.


out_state – Whether to use the true color mode during an import.


true if a true color mode setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowUnigraphicsFittedCamera(bool &out_state) const

Shows the Unigraphics fitted camera setting.


out_state – Whether to make view cameras fit all visible geometry for a Unigraphics file.


true if a Unigraphics fitted camera setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowUnigraphicsPreferredReferenceSets(UTF8Array &out_reference_sets, bool &out_apply_to_all_levels) const

Shows the Unigraphics preferred reference sets setting.

  • out_reference_sets – List of preferred references sets for a Unigraphics file.

  • out_apply_to_all_levels – Whether the reference sets will apply to subassemblies for a Unigraphics file.


true if a Unigraphics preferred reference sets setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowWireframes(bool &out_state) const

Shows the wireframe import setting.


out_state – Whether to import wireframes from the CAD file.


true if a wireframe import setting was specified, false otherwise.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetActiveFilter()

Removes the active filter import state.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetAnnotationCaptureFitting()

Removes the annotation capture fitting setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetAttributes()

Removes the attribute import state.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetBRepMode()

Removes the BRep mode import setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetCatiaV4LogicalNameForRootDirectory()

Removes the Catia V4 logical name for the root directory setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetCatiaV4LogicalNameSearching()

Removes the Catia V4 logical name searching setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetCatiaV5Cache()

Removes the Catia V5 cache setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetCatiaV5MaterialRendering()

Removes the Catia V5 material rendering setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetComputePreferredOpenShellOrientation()

Removes the compute preferred open shell orientation setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetConfiguration()

Removes the configuration setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetConstraintsInfo()

Removes the constraints import state.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetConstructionAndReferences()

Removes the construction and references import state.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetDefaultUnits()

Removes the default units setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetDrawings()

Removes the drawing state.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this ImportOptionsKit.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetExternalProductOccurrence()

Removes the read external data Product Occurrence setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetFeatureTrees()

Removes the feature trees import state.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetGeometryDefaultColor()

Removes the geometry default color setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetHiddenObjects()

Removes the hidden objects import state.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetIFCAttributeXMLFile()

Removes the IFC attribute XML file setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetIFCCodePageName()

Removes the IFC code page name setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetIFCEdges()

Removes the IFC edges setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetIFCFaceOptimization()

Removes the IFC face optimization setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetIFCMetadata()

Removes the IFC metadata setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetIFCOpenings()

Removes the IFC openings setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetIFCOwnerHistoryOptimization()

Removes the IFC owner history optimization setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetIFCRelationships()

Removes the IFC relationships setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetIncrementalComponentPaths()

Removes the incremental ComponentPaths setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetInventorEmbeddedTessellation()

Removes the Inventor embedded tessellation setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetJTTessellationLevel()

Removes the JT tessellation level setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetLargeTranslationExtraction()

Removes the large translation extraction setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetLocation()

Removes the location setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetMode()

Removes the mode setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetMultiProcessCount()

Removes the multi-process count setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetNURBSConversion()

Removes the NURBS conversion setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetPDF3DStreamIndex()

Removes the PDF 3D stream index setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetPMI()

Removes the PMI import state.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetPMIDefaultColor()

Removes the PMI default color setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetPMIDefaultUnits()

Removes the PMI default units setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetPMIFlipping()

Removes the pmi flipping setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetPMIPrecision()

Removes the PMI precision setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetPMISubstitutionFont()

Removes the PMI substitution font setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetPRCReadHelper()

Removes the PRC read helper setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetProECodePageName()

Removes the Pro/E code page name setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetProEConstructionEntities()

Removes the Pro/E construction entities setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetProEDatum()

Removes the Pro/E datum setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetProEDimensionTolerance()

Removes the Pro/E dimension tolerance setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetProEExplodedViews()

Removes the Pro/E exploded views setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetProEFamilyTreeSource()

Removes the Pro/E family table setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetProEHomeView()

Removes the Pro/E home view setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetProEMissingBoolean()

Removes the Pro/E missing boolean setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetProEMissingFlexibleComponent()

Removes the Pro/E missing flexible setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetProESessionColor()

Removes the Pro/E session color setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetProESkeletons()

Removes the Pro/E skeletons setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetProESubpartPMI()

Removes the Pro/E subpart PMI setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetRemovedViews()

Removes the read removed views setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetRevitPhysicalProperties()

Removes the Revit physical property setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetRhinoForceRenderedModeColors()

Removes the Rhino force rendered mode color color setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetSearchDirectories()

Removes the search directories setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetSearchDirectoriesByFile()

Removes the search directories by file setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetSearchRootDirectory()

Removes the search root directory setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetSewingTolerance()

Removes the sewing tolerance setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetSolids()

Removes the solid import state.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetSolidworksDisplayVisibleDatum()

Removes the Solidworks display visible datum setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetSTEPCodePageName()

Removes the STEP code page name setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetSTEPFirstColorPreference()

Removes the STEP first color preference setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetSTEPNamePreference()

Removes the STEP name preference setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetSTEPOrientationHealing()

Removes the STEP orientation healing setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetSTEPShellBasedSurfaceModelSplitting()

Removes the STEP shell based surface model splitting setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetSTEPValidationProperties()

Removes the STEP validation properties setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetSurfaces()

Removes the surface import state.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetTessellationAccuracy()

Removes the tessellation accuracy setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetTessellationCleanup()

Removes the tessellation cleanup setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetTessellationLevel()

Removes the tessellation level setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetTessellationMaximumEdgeLength()

Removes the tessellation maximum edge length setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetTessellationPreservesUVPoints()

Removes the tessellation UV preservation setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetTextureDirectories()

Removes the texture search directories setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetTrueColorMode()

Removes the true color mode setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetUnigraphicsFittedCamera()

Removes the Unigraphics fitted camera setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetUnigraphicsPreferredReferenceSets()

Removes the Unigraphics preferred reference sets setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ImportOptionsKit &UnsetWireframes()

Removes the wireframe import state.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

virtual ~ImportOptionsKit()

Public Static Functions

static ImportOptionsKit GetDefault()

Creates an ImportOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for import unless an option is overridden by the options passed to File::Import(const char*,const ImportOptionsKit&) or File::Translate.


An ImportOptionsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeImportOptionsKit
class JT

The Exchange::JT class is a concept class for JT-related enums.

Public Types

enum Content

Enumerates the type of content to export to a JT file.


enumerator Geometry

Export only B-rep geometry data (kA3DWriteGeomOnly).

enumerator Tessellation

Export only tessellation data (kA3DWriteTessOnly).

enumerator GeometryAndTessellation

Export BRep geometry and tessellation data (kA3DWriteGeomAndTess).

enum TessellationLevel

Enumerates the tessellation levels used when importing JT files.


enumerator Low

Load the lowest level of tessellation available in the JT file. (A3DRWParamsJTData::m_eReadTessellationLevelOfDetail = JTTessLODLow).

enumerator Medium

Load the medium level of tessellation available in the JT file. (A3DRWParamsJTData::m_eReadTessellationLevelOfDetail = JTTessLODMedium).

enumerator High

Load the highest level of tessellation available in the JT file. (A3DRWParamsJTData::m_eReadTessellationLevelOfDetail = JTTessLODHigh).

enum Version

Enumerates the version of the JT format to export to a JT file.


enumerator JT81

Version 8.1 of the JT format. (kA3DE_JT81).

enumerator JT95

Version 9.5 of the JT format. (kA3DE_JT95).

enumerator JT100

Version 10.0 of the JT format. (kA3DE_JT100).

class Layer : public HPS::Sprocket

The Filter class is a smart pointer. It represents an A3DAsmLayer in Exchange. The primary purpose of this class is simply to provide access to the underlying A3DAsmLayer pointer for use by Exchange library functions.

Public Functions

ComponentArray GetComponents() const

Get the list of components in this layer.


A list of components in this layer.

unsigned int GetIdentifier() const

Get the identifier of the layer.


The identifier of the layer.

HPS::UTF8 GetName() const

Get the layer name.


The name of the layer.

ProductOccurrence GetProductOccurrence() const

Get the product occurrence in which the layer is defined.


The product occurrence in which the layer is defined.


The default constructor creates an uninitialized Layer object. The Type() function will return Type::None.

Layer(Layer &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an Exchange::Layer by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this Exchange::Layer.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an Exchange::Layer to take the underlying object from.

Layer(Layer const &in_that)

The copy constructor creates an Exchange::Layer object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Exchange::Layer.


in_that – The source Exchange::Layer to copy.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

Layer &operator=(Layer &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this Exchange::Layer.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an Exchange::Layer to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this Exchange::Layer.

Layer &operator=(Layer const &in_that)

The copy assignment operator copies the underlying impl of the source value to this Layer.


in_that – The source Layer to copy.


A reference to this Layer.

virtual ~Layer()

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeLayer
class MeasurementOperator : public HPS::Exchange::CommonMeasurementOperator

The MeasurementOperator class defines an operator which allows the user to insert measurements into the scene This operator requires the model be loaded using the Exchange bridge, and the model must contain B-rep.

The behavior of the operator, and its usage, vary based on the type of measurement the user wishes to insert.

  • Point to Point measurement: The Point to Point measurement mode allows the user to measure the distance between two arbitrary points. Usage:

  • Click or tap where you want to insert the first measurement point.

  • Click or tap where you want to insert the second measurement point

  • Move the mouse or drag your finger to move the measurement geometry around.

  • Click or lift your finger to position the measurement.

  • Edge and Radius measurement: The Edge and Radius measurement mode allows the user to measure the length of an edge, or the radius of a circle, based on whether the edge clicked on is a line or a circle. Usage:

  • Click or tap on the edge you want to measure

  • Move the mouse or drag your finger to move the measurement geometry around.

  • Click again or lift your finger to position the measurement.

  • If the edge you selected is part of a circle, the circle radius will be measured, otherwise the edge length will be measured.

  • Feature to Feature measurement: The Feature to Feature measurement mode allows the user to measure the shortest distance between two features. Usage:

  • Click or tap on a face

  • Click or tap on a different face

  • Move the mouse or drag your finger to move the measurement geometry around.

  • Click again or lift your finger to position the measurement.

  • If both faces are planar, the shortest distance between them is measured

  • If one face is planar and the other is id conical or cylindrical, the shortest distance between the center line and the face is measured

  • If both faces are conical or cylindrical, the shortest distance between the two center lines is measured

  • Face Angle measurement: The Face Angle measurement mode allows the user to measure the angle between two planar, non-parallel faces. Usage:

  • Click or tap on a face

  • Click or tap on a different face, which is not parallel to the first face

  • Move the mouse or drag your finger to move the measurement geometry around.

  • Click again or lift your finger to position the measurement.

Once a measurement has been inserted, its position can be modified by clicking on it, moving the mouse, and clicking once more once it is in the desired position. On touch-enabled devices measurements can be repositioned by dragging them into a new position. Pressing Escape will delete the measurement currently being inserted.

The operator will inject an Event of type MeasurementInsertedEvent every time a new measurement is inserted. The user can handle this event to obtain the segment key associated with every inserted measurement.

A valid CADModel needs to be passed to the constructor of this class.

Public Types

enum MeasurementType


enumerator PointToPoint
enumerator EdgeAndRadius
enumerator FeatureToFeature
enumerator FaceAngle

Public Functions

void ComputeExchangeScale(HPS::Exchange::Component const &in_edge_component, double &out_product_occurrence_scale, double &out_ri_scale, double &out_context_scale)

Compute the accumulated scales applied on the product occurrences, on the representation items, and on the context, until the given edge. The scales are set to 1 by default.

  • in_edge_component – The edge on which the scales are retrieved.

  • out_product_occurrence_scale – The accumulated scale on the product occurrences.

  • out_ri_scale – The scale on the representation item.

  • out_context_scale – The context scale.

void DeleteLastMeasurement()

Delete the current measurement and brings the operator back to a state to start a new measurement

HighlightOptionsKit GetHighlightOptions()

Returns the highlight option kit currently used for mouse over highlighting.


the highlight option kit currently used for mouse over highlighting.

MeasurementType GetMeasurementType()

Returns the type of measurement the operator is currently set up to insert.


The type of measurement the operator is currently set up to insert.

bool GetMouseOverHighlighting()

Whether measurable geometry is highlighted when mousing over it


true if measurable geometry is highlighted on mouse over, false otherwise.

inline virtual HPS::UTF8 GetName() const override

Returns the name of the operator.

bool IsMeasurementActive()

Whether a measurement is currently being inserted or edited.


true if a measurement is being inserted or manipulated, false otherwise.

MeasurementOperator(Exchange::CADModel const &in_cad_model, MouseButtons in_mouse_trigger = MouseButtons::ButtonLeft(), ModifierKeys in_modifier_trigger = ModifierKeys())
virtual bool OnKeyDown(KeyboardState const &in_state) override

This function is called whenever HPS receives a KeyDownEvent that signals a key was pressed. Pressing Escape while in the process of inserting a measurement deletes that measurement.


true if the input event was handled, false otherwise.

virtual bool OnMouseDown(MouseState const &in_state) override

This function is called whenever HPS receives a MouseEvent that signals a mouse button was pressed. This function inserts the measuring points.


in_state – A MouseState object describing the current mouse state.


true if the input event was handled, false otherwise.

virtual bool OnMouseMove(MouseState const &in_state) override

This function is called whenever HPS receives a MouseEvent that signals the mouse moved When the user has just inserted the second measurement point, this function allows the user to move the measurement If the user has selected an already existing measurement, this function allows the user to reposition the measurement


in_state – A MouseState object describing the current mouse state.


true if the input event was handled, false otherwise.

virtual bool OnMouseUp(MouseState const &in_state) override

This function is called whenever HPS receives a MouseEvent that signals a mouse button was released.


in_state – A MouseState object describing the current mouse state.


true if the input event was handled, false otherwise.

virtual bool OnTouchDown(TouchState const &in_state) override

This function is called whenever HPS receives a TouchEvent that signals the device was touched. This function inserts the measuring points.


in_state – A TouchState object describing the current touch state.


true if the input event was handled, false otherwise.

virtual bool OnTouchMove(TouchState const &in_state) override

This function is called whenever HPS receives a TouchEvent that signals a point of contact has moved. When the user has just inserted the second measurement point, this function allows the user to move the measurement If the user has selected an already existing measurement, this function allows the user to reposition the measurement


in_state – A TouchState object describing the current touch state.


true if the input event was handled, false otherwise.

virtual bool OnTouchUp(TouchState const &in_state) override

This function is called whenever HPS receives a TouchEvent that signals a point of contact has been released.


in_state – A TouchState object describing the current touch state.


true if the input event was handled, false otherwise.

virtual void OnViewAttached(HPS::View const &in_attached_view) override

This function is called whenever a view is attached to this operator.


in_attached_view – The view attached to this operator.

virtual void OnViewDetached(HPS::View const &in_detached_view) override

This function is called whenever a view is detached from this operator.


in_detached_view – The view detached from this operator.

void SetMeasurementType(MeasurementType in_measurement_type)

Sets the type of measurement to insert.


in_measurement_type – The type of measurement to insert.

void SetMouseOverHighlighting(bool in_highlighting)

Whether measurable geometry should be highlighted when mousing over it


in_highlighting – Whether measurable geometry should be highlighted when mousing over it.

void SetMouseOverHighlighting(bool in_highlighting, HighlightOptionsKit const &in_highlight_options_kit)

Whether measurable geometry should be highlighted when mousing over it

  • in_highlighting – Whether measurable geometry should be highlighted when mousing over it.

  • in_highlight_options_kit – The highlight kit used for mouse over highlights

class ModelFileImportOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit

The HPS::Exchange::ModelFileImportOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings (potentially) controlling how data is imported via Exchange. This particular options kit is used when importing an A3DAsmModelFile directly (see Exchange::File::Import(void*,const ModelFileImportOptionsKit&)) and as such the options will only be used if the A3DAsmModelFile permits (e.g., tessellation options will only be used if tessellation needs to be generated and the A3DAsmModelFile has BRep data). Calling HPS::Exchange::ModelFileImportOptionsKit::GetDefault() will return an options kit with values found in here.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this ModelFileImportOptionsKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this ModelFileImportOptionsKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals(ModelFileImportOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ModelFileImportOptionsKit is equivalent to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ModelFileImportOptionsKit to compare to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty ModelFileImportOptionsKit object.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit(ModelFileImportOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an ModelFileImportOptionsKit by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ModelFileImportOptionsKit to take the impl from.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit(ModelFileImportOptionsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new ModelFileImportOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source ModelFileImportOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ModelFileImportOptionsKit to copy.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(ModelFileImportOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ModelFileImportOptionsKit is not equivalent to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ModelFileImportOptionsKit to compare to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &operator=(ModelFileImportOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit thereby avoiding a copy.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ModelFileImportOptionsKit to take the impl from.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &operator=(ModelFileImportOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ModelFileImportOptionsKit into this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ModelFileImportOptionsKit to copy.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

bool operator==(ModelFileImportOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ModelFileImportOptionsKit is equivalent to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ModelFileImportOptionsKit to compare to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(ModelFileImportOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source ModelFileImportOptionsKit into this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source ModelFileImportOptionsKit to copy.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &SetAnnotationCaptureFitting(AnnotationCaptureFitting in_fitting)

Sets the type of data that should be used to generate the camera for annotation captures.


in_fitting – The type of fitting to use for annotation captures.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &SetComputePreferredOpenShellOrientation(bool in_state)

This option lets you redirect the normal of non-solid bodies. eg: when a body is not able to be sewed closed it still has the notion of an inside and outside. the in_state will be passed to A3DSewOptionsData With this option, you are asking Exchange to use a predictive algorithm to correctly identify inside vs outside.


in_state – The state of the option used when importing a file


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &SetConfiguration(char const *in_configuration)

Sets the configuration to import from a CAD Model. This is only applicable to Catia V4, Solidworks and I-deas file formats. If no configuration is specified, the default configuration will be loaded if possible. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsMultiEntriesData::m_ppcEntries.


in_configuration – UTF8-encoded configuration name to import from a CAD file.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &SetConfiguration(size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_configuration[])

Sets a nested configuration to import from a CAD Model. This is only applicable to Catia V4, Solidworks and I-deas file formats. If no configuration is specified, the default configuration will be loaded if possible. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsMultiEntriesData::m_ppcEntries.

  • in_count – Size of the following array.

  • in_configuration – List of nested configuration names to import from a CAD file.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &SetConfiguration(UTF8Array const &in_configuration)

Sets a nested configuration to import from a CAD Model. This is only applicable to Catia V4, Solidworks and I-deas file formats. If no configuration is specified, the default configuration will be loaded if possible. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsMultiEntriesData::m_ppcEntries.


in_configuration – List of nested configuration names to import from a CAD file.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &SetGeometryDefaultColor(RGBAColor const &in_color)

Sets the color to use for non-PMI geometry in the CAD file if none is specified.




in_color – The color to use for non-PMI geometry in the CAD file if none is specified.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &SetHiddenObjects(bool in_state)

Sets whether we import the hidden objects from the CAD Model or not. The in_state will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadHiddenObjects With this option, you are asking Exchange read the objects that are marked as hidden or graphics removed.


in_state – The state of the option used when importing a file


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &SetIFCEdges(bool in_state)

Sets whether to import edges for IFC files When this is set to false the import time will decrease. It is still possible to achieve visual fidelity by turning on hard edge visibility.


Default value


in_state – Whether to import edges for an IFC file.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &SetLocation(ComponentPath const &in_path, MatrixKit const &in_transform = MatrixKit())

Sets where to insert the imported file in an existing Component hieararchy. If this option is not set, a new CADModel will be created for the imported file. If this option is specified, the underlying PRC data of the existing CADModel will be modified to include the imported file and the data will be imported into the specified location in the existing Component hierarchy and its corresponding scene graph.

  • in_path – The path describing the location to insert the imported file into. This path must either terminate at a CADModel or a Component corresponding to an A3DAsmProductOccurrence. Note that if the imported file is added along a ComponentPath with attributes specified in the PRC data, the components added to the existing PRC data will also inherit those attributes. Note also that if the path is just a CADModel, a new A3DAsmModelFile underyling the CADModel must be created to include both the existing product occurrences and the new product occurrences. This new A3DAsmModelFile will be owned by the CADModel being imported into (see CADModel::GetEntityOwnership), but the existing A3DAsmModelFile will still need to be cleaned up via A3DAsmModelFileDelete since it was not owned by the CADModel.

  • in_transform – A transform to apply to the components being added to the existing CADModel. This transform will also be added to the underlying PRC data. Defaults to an identity transform.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &SetNURBSConversion(HPS::Exchange::NURBSConversionOptionsKit const &in_nurbs_conversion_options)

Converts the curves and surfaces of the model file according to the options specified.


in_nurbs_conversion_options – The options to use during conversion


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &SetPMIFlipping(bool in_flip)

Dictates whether Visualize will flip pmi when rotating so that text / symbols remain readable.


If exchange reports that a markup does not contain leader lines, but the tessellation does contain lines that markup will not be flipped. This is a precaution for models where the leader line geometry was included as part of the markup tessellation and flipping the geometry would cause any present leader lines to point in the wrong direction.


in_cleanup – Whether or not to have visualize flip pmi when rotating.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &SetSewingTolerance(double in_tolerance)

The sewing tolerance to use on the A3DAsmModelFile prior to generating the scene graph. If this option is set, prior to generating the scene graph, the A3DAsmModelFile will be passed to A3DAsmModelFileSew with this tolerance.


in_tolerance – The sewing tolerance to use on the A3DAsmModelFile.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &SetTessellationAccuracy(Tessellation::Accuracy in_type, bool in_accurate_normals = true, bool in_accurate_surface_curvatures = false, double accurate_grid_maximum_stitch_length = 0.0)

Sets the accuracy of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data.


Default value


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &SetTessellationCleanup(bool in_cleanup)

Dictates whether Exchange tesselation data will be released from their parent representation items during import.


Setting this option to true will cause future exports to output without tessellation data.


in_cleanup – Whether to clean up tessellation data from representation items.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &SetTessellationLevel(Tessellation::Chord::Limit in_limit_type, double in_limit, double in_angle_tolerance)

Sets the user defined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data. This implicitly sets A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_eTessellationLevel to kA3DTessLODUserDefined.

  • in_limit_type – The type of the chord limit to be specified.

  • in_limit – Either the ratio of the tessellation chord height to the bounding box height which should be in the range [50, 10000], or the maximum distance between the surface definition and the tessellation approximation, depending on the preceding argument.

  • in_angle_tolerance – The maximum angle in degrees between two consecutive wire elements in the generated tessellation which should be in the range [10, 40]. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_dAngleToleranceDeg.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &SetTessellationLevel(Tessellation::Level in_level)

Sets the predefined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_eTessellationLevelOfDetail.


Default value


in_level – The predefined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &SetTessellationMaximumEdgeLength(double in_length)

Sets the maximum length of triangle edges in the tessellation generated for BRep data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_dMaximalTriangleEdgeLength.


Default value


in_length – The maximum length of triangle edges in the tessellation generated for BRep data. The value must be non-negative, and if set to 0.0, the length will not be used when generating the tessellation.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &SetTessellationPreservesUVPoints(bool in_state)

Sets whether to keep parametric points as texture coordinates when generating the tessellation for BRep data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_bKeepUVPoints.


Default value


in_state – Whether to keep parametric points as texture coordinates when generating the tessellation for BRep data.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

void Show(ModelFileImportOptionsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this ModelFileImportOptionsKit into the given ModelFileImportOptionsKit.


out_kit – The ModelFileImportOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

bool ShowAnnotationCaptureFitting(AnnotationCaptureFitting &out_fitting) const

Shows the annotation capture fitting setting.


out_fitting – The type of fitting to use for annotation captures.


true if an annotation capture fitting setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowComputePreferredOpenShellOrientation(bool &out_state) const

Shows the compute preferred open shell orientation setting.


out_state – The compute preferred open shell orientation to use in the A3DSewOptionsData structure when importing a file.


true if compute preferred open shell orientation setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowConfiguration(UTF8Array &out_configuration) const

Shows the configuration setting.


out_configuration – List of nested configuration names to import from a CAD file.


true if a configuation setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowGeometryDefaultColor(RGBAColor &out_color) const

Shows the geometry default color setting.


out_color – The geometry default color setting.


true if a geometry default color setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowHiddenObjects(bool &out_state) const

Shows the read hidden objects setting.


out_state – Whether to import hidden objects from the CAD model or not.


true if the read hidden objects setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowIFCEdges(bool &out_state) const

Shows the IFC edges setting.


out_state – Whether to import edges for an IFC file.


true if an IFC edge setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowLocation(ComponentPath &out_path, MatrixKit &out_transform) const

Shows the location setting.

  • out_path – The path describing the location to insert the imported file into.

  • out_transform – The transform to apply to the components being added to the existing CADModel.


true if a location setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowNURBSConversion(HPS::Exchange::NURBSConversionOptionsKit &out_nurbs_conversion_options) const

Shows the NURBS conversion setting.


out_nurbs_conversion_options – The options to be used during the conversion.


true if NURBS conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowPMIFlipping(bool &out_pmi_flipping) const

Shows the pmi flipping setting.


out_pmi_flipping – The pmi flipping setting that was specified.


true if a pmi flipping setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSewingTolerance(double &out_tolerance) const

Shows the sewing tolerance setting.


out_tolerance – The sewing tolerance to use on the A3DAsmModelFile prior to generating the scene graph.


true if a sewing tolerance setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTessellationAccuracy(Tessellation::Accuracy &out_type, bool &out_accurate_normals, bool &out_accurate_surface_curvatures, double &out_accurate_grid_maximum_stitch_length) const

Shows the tessellation accuracy setting.

  • out_type – The type of the tessellation accuracy which was specified.

  • out_accurate_normals – Whether to compute surface normals when performing accurate tessellation. This only applies if out_type is different than Tessellation::Accuracy::Standard.

  • out_accurate_surface_curvatures – Whether to take into account surfaces curvature in accurate tessellation to controle triangles elongation directions. This only applies if out_type is different than Tessellation::Accuracy::Standard.

  • out_accurate_grid_maximum_stitch_length – Maximal grid stitch length. Disabled if value is 0. Be careful, a too small value can generate a huge tessellation. This only applies if out_type is Tessellation::Accuracy::GridAccurate.


true if a tessellation accuracy setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTessellationCleanup(bool &out_cleanup) const

Shows the tessellation cleanup setting.


out_cleanup – The tesselation cleanup setting that was specified.


true if a tessellation cleanup setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTessellationLevel(Tessellation::Type &out_type, Tessellation::Level &out_level, Tessellation::Chord::Limit &out_limit_type, double &out_limit, double &out_angle_tolerance) const

Shows the tessellation level setting.

  • out_type – The type of the tessellation level setting which was specified.

  • out_level – The predefined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Standard.

  • out_limit_type – The type of chord limit which was specified. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Custom.

  • out_limit – The chord limit to use to generate tessellation for BRep data. Its interpretation depends on the preceding argument. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Custom.

  • out_angle_tolerance – The maximum angle in degrees between two consecutive wire elements in the generated tessellation. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Custom.


true if a tessellation level setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTessellationMaximumEdgeLength(double &out_length) const

Shows the tessellation maximum edge length setting.


out_length – The tessellation maximum edge length setting.


true if a tessellation maximum edge length setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTessellationPreservesUVPoints(bool &out_state) const

Shows the tessellation UV preservation setting.


out_state – Whether to keep parametric points as texture coordinates when generating the tessellation for BRep data.


true if a tessellation UV preservation setting was specified, false otherwise.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &UnsetAnnotationCaptureFitting()

Removes the annotation capture fitting setting.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &UnsetComputePreferredOpenShellOrientation()

Removes the compute preferred open shell orientation setting.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &UnsetGeometryDefaultColor()

Removes the geometry default color setting.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &UnsetHiddenObjects()

Removes the read hidden objects setting.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &UnsetIFCEdges()

Removes the IFC edges setting.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &UnsetLocation()

Removes the location setting.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &UnsetNURBSConversion()

Removes the NURBS conversion setting.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &UnsetPMIFlipping()

Removes the pmi flipping setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &UnsetSewingTolerance()

Removes the sewing tolerance setting.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &UnsetTessellationAccuracy()

Removes the tessellation accuracy setting.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &UnsetTessellationCleanup()

Removes the tessellation cleanup setting.


A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &UnsetTessellationLevel()

Removes the tessellation level setting.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &UnsetTessellationMaximumEdgeLength()

Removes the tessellation maximum edge length setting.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

ModelFileImportOptionsKit &UnsetTessellationPreservesUVPoints()

Removes the tessellation UV preservation setting.


A reference to this ModelFileImportOptionsKit.

virtual ~ModelFileImportOptionsKit()

Public Static Functions

static ModelFileImportOptionsKit GetDefault()

Creates an ModelFileImportOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for import unless an option is overridden by the options passed to File::Import(void*,const ModelFileImportOptionsKit&).


A ModelFileImportOptionsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeModelFileImportOptionsKit
class NURBSConversionOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit

The HPS::Exchange::NURBSConversionOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings controlling how data is converted to NURBS curves and surfaces during import.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this NURBSConversionOptionsKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this NURBSConversionOptionsKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals(NURBSConversionOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source NURBSConversionOptionsKit is equivalent to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source NURBSConversionOptionsKit to compare to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty NURBSConversionOptionsKit object.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit(NURBSConversionOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an NURBSConversionOptionsKit by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an NURBSConversionOptionsKit to take the impl from.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit(NURBSConversionOptionsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new NURBSConversionOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source NURBSConversionOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source NURBSConversionOptionsKit to copy.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(NURBSConversionOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source NURBSConversionOptionsKit is not equivalent to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source NURBSConversionOptionsKit to compare to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &operator=(NURBSConversionOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit thereby avoiding a copy.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an NURBSConversionOptionsKit to take the impl from.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &operator=(NURBSConversionOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source NURBSConversionOptionsKit into this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source NURBSConversionOptionsKit to copy.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

bool operator==(NURBSConversionOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source NURBSConversionOptionsKit is equivalent to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source NURBSConversionOptionsKit to compare to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(NURBSConversionOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source NURBSConversionOptionsKit into this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source NURBSConversionOptionsKit to copy.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &Set3DCurvesComputation(bool in_state)

Sets whether to compute 3D curves from BRep data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DCopyAndAdaptBrepModelData::m_bForceCompute3D.


in_state – Whether to compute 3D curves from BRep data.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &SetAllowedCurves(CurveTypeArray const &in_allowed_curves)

Sets a list of curves types which are allowed in the resulting conversion This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DCopyAndAdaptBrepModelData::m_puiAcceptableCurves. The array passed to this function will be sorted.


in_allowed_curves – An array of curves which the conversion can produce.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &SetAllowedCurves(size_t in_count, CurveType const in_allowed_curves[])

Sets a list of curves types which are allowed in the resulting conversion This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DCopyAndAdaptBrepModelData::m_puiAcceptableCurves. The array passed to this function will be sorted.

  • in_count – The size of in_allowed_curves.

  • in_allowed_curves – An array of curves which the conversion can produce.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &SetAllowedSurfaces(size_t in_count, SurfaceType const in_allowed_surfaces[])

Sets a list of surface types which are allowed in the resulting conversion This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DCopyAndAdaptBrepModelData::m_puiAcceptableSurfaces. The array passed to this function will be sorted.

  • in_count – The size of in_allowed_surfaces.

  • in_allowed_surfaces – An array of surfaces which the conversion can produce.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &SetAllowedSurfaces(SurfaceTypeArray const &in_allowed_surfaces)

Sets a list of surface types which are allowed in the resulting conversion This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DCopyAndAdaptBrepModelData::m_puiAcceptableSurfaces. The array passed to this function will be sorted.


in_allowed_surfaces – An array of surfaces which the conversion can produce.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &SetClosedFaceSplitting(bool in_state)

Sets whether to split closed faces. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DCopyAndAdaptBrepModelData::m_bSplitClosedFaces.


in_state – Whether to split closed faces at the parametric seam and mid-parameter.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &SetCrossSeamCurveReplacement(bool in_state)

Sets whether to replace UV curves which cross seams of periodic surfaces with 3D curves. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DCopyAndAdaptBrepModelData::m_bDeleteCrossingUV.


in_state – Whether to replace UV curves which cross seams of periodic surfaces.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &SetParameterization(bool in_state)

Sets whether to keep or recompute the parametrization of surfaces This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DCopyAndAdaptBrepModelData::m_bUseSameParam.


in_state – If true, the parametrization information for surfaces will be retained, otherwise it will be recalculated.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &SetPeriodicFaceSplitting(bool in_state)

Sets whether to split periodic faces. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DCopyAndAdaptBrepModelData::m_bSplitFaces.


in_state – Whether to split periodic faces on parametric seams.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &SetTolerance(double in_tolerance)

Sets the tolerance for the conversion. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DCopyAndAdaptBrepModelData::m_dTol.


in_tolerance – The tolerance of the resulting BRep data. The value is relative to the scale of the model.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &SetUVCurvesComputation(bool in_state, bool in_allow_cross_seam_curves)

Sets whether to compute UV curves from BRep data.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

void Show(NURBSConversionOptionsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this NURBSConversionOptionsKit into the given NURBSConversionOptionsKit.


out_kit – The NURBSConversionOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

bool Show3DCurvesComputation(bool &out_state) const

Shows the 3D curve computation conversion setting.


out_state – Whether 3D curves will be computed by the conversion


true if a 3D curve computation conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowAllowedCurves(CurveTypeArray &out_allowed_curves) const

Shows the allowed curves conversion setting.


out_allowed_curves – The types of curves the conversion is allowed to produce.


true if an allowed curves conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowAllowedSurfaces(SurfaceTypeArray &out_allowed_surfaces) const

Shows the allowed surfaces conversion setting.


out_allowed_surfaces – The types of surfaces the conversion is allowed to produce.


true if an allowed surfaces conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowClosedFaceSplitting(bool &out_state) const

Shows the face splitting conversion setting.


out_state – Whether faces will be split by the conversion


true if a closed face splitting conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowCrossSeamCurveReplacement(bool &out_state) const

Shows the cross seam curve replacement conversion setting.


out_state – Whether cross seam curves are going to be replaced by the conversion


true if a cross seam replacement conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowParameterization(bool &out_state) const

Shows the parameterization conversion setting.


out_state – Whether existing parameterization will be maintained by the conversion


true if a parameterization conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowPeriodicFaceSplitting(bool &out_state) const

Shows the periodic face splitting conversion setting.


out_state – Whether periodic faces will be split by the conversion


true if a periodic face splitting conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTolerance(double &out_tolerance) const

Shows the tolerance conversion setting.


out_tolerance – The tolerance that will be used for the conversion


true if a tolerance conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowUVCurvesComputation(bool &out_state, bool &out_allow_cross_seam_curves) const

Shows the UV curve computation conversion setting.

  • out_state – Whether UV curves will be computed by the conversion

  • out_allow_cross_seam_curves – Whether UV curves will be allowed to cross seams


true if a UV curve computation conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &Unset3DCurvesComputation()

Removes the 3D curves computation conversion state.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &UnsetAllowedCurves()

Removes the allowed curves conversion state.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &UnsetAllowedSurfaces()

Removes the allowed surfaces conversion state.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &UnsetClosedFaceSplitting()

Removes the closed face splitting conversion state.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &UnsetCrossSeamCurveReplacement()

Removes the cross seam replacement conversion state.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &UnsetParameterization()

Removes the parameterization conversion state.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &UnsetPeriodicFaceSplitting()

Removes the periodic face splitting conversion state.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &UnsetTolerance()

Removes the tolerance conversion state.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

NURBSConversionOptionsKit &UnsetUVCurvesComputation()

Removes the UV curves computation conversion state.


A reference to this NURBSConversionOptionsKit.

virtual ~NURBSConversionOptionsKit()

Public Static Functions

static NURBSConversionOptionsKit GetDefault()

Creates a NURBSConversionOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default.


A NURBSConversionOptionsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeNURBSConversionOptionsKit
class PRC

The Exchange::PRC class is a concept class for PRC-related enums.

Public Types

enum BRepCompression

Enumerates the compression to apply to BRep data when exporting a PRC file.


enumerator None

No compression (A3DRWParamsExportPrcData::m_bCompressBrep = false).

enumerator Low

Low compression, high accurracy (kA3DCompressionLow).

enumerator Medium

Medium compression, medium accurracy (kA3DCompressionMedium).

enumerator High

High compression, low accurracy (kA3DCompressionHigh).

class ProductOccurrence : public HPS::Exchange::Component

Public Functions

bool Equals(ProductOccurrence const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ProductOccurrence is equivalent to this ProductOccurrence.


in_kit – The source ProductOccurrence to compare to this ProductOccurrence.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

LayerArray GetLayers() const

Get the layers defined in this product occurrence.


A list of all layers defined in this product occurrence.

LoadStatus GetLoadStatus() const

Gets the load status for this product occurrence. This is primarily relevant for product occurrences coming from formats that support incremental loading. For product occurrences coming from formats that don’t support incremental loading, it can provide information about which product occurrences contain no data or could not be loaded (e.g., if there are missing files in an assembly), however, such product occurrences are still not capable of being incrementally loaded.


The load status for this product occurrence.

bool IsExternalData() const

This function will check if the A3DEntity under the HPS::Exchange::Component from where we call it is an External Data Product Occurrence or not.


A boolean which indicates if the product occurrence is an external data or not.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(ProductOccurrence const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ProductOccurrence is not equivalent to this ProductOccurrence.


in_kit – The source ProductOccurrence to compare to this ProductOccurrence.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

ProductOccurrence &operator=(const ProductOccurrence &that)
ProductOccurrence &operator=(ProductOccurrence &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this ProductOccurrence thereby avoiding a copy.


in_that – An rvalue reference to a ProductOccurrence to take the impl from.


A reference to this ProductOccurrence.

bool operator==(ProductOccurrence const &in_kit) const

Check if the source ProductOccurrence is equivalent to this ProductOccurrence.


in_kit – The source ProductOccurrence to compare to this ProductOccurrence.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty ProductOccurrence object.

ProductOccurrence(Component const &in_that)

This constructor creates a ProductOccurrence object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Component. The copy will only be successful if the source component is really an upcast of an Exchange::ProductOccurrence object. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting Exchange::ProductOccurrence will be invalid.


in_that – The source Component to copy.

ProductOccurrence(HPS::Component const &in_that)

This constructor creates a ProductOccurrence object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Component. The copy will only be successful if the source component is really an upcast of an Exchange::ProductOccurrence object. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting Exchange::ProductOccurrence will be invalid.


in_that – The source Component to copy.

ProductOccurrence(ProductOccurrence &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an ProductOccurrence by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this ProductOccurrence thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.


in_that – An rvalue reference to a ProductOccurrence to take the impl from.

ProductOccurrence(ProductOccurrence const &in_sheet)

The copy constructor creates a new ProductOccurrence object that contains the same settings as the source ProductOccurrence.


in_sheet – The source ProductOccurrence to copy.

void Unload(UnloadMode in_mode = UnloadMode::ExchangeAndVisualization)

Unloads this product occurrence. This will remove the underlying data from Exchange for this component and potentially also the corresponding component objects depending on the specified UnloadMode. This operation can only be performed for product occurrence components coming from file formats that support incremental loading (see ImportMode::Incremental). If you try to unload a product occurrence coming from a format that does not support incremental loading, an exception will be thrown.


in_mode – The unload mode to use for this product occurrence.

virtual ~ProductOccurrence()

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeProductOccurrence
class ProE

The Exchange::ProE class is a concept class for ProE-related enums.

Public Types

enum ConstructionEntities

Enumerates how to import Construction Entities.


enumerator On

Import construction entities.(A3DProEReadConstructEntities_Yes).

enumerator Off

Do not import construction entities.(A3DProEReadConstructEntities_No).

enumerator AsDatum

Use the datum setting to determine whether to import construction entities.(A3DProEReadConstructEntities_AsDatum).

enum FamilyTable

Enumerates how to import Family Tables.


enumerator BRepOnly

Use BRep available in Accelerator files (.xpr and .xas), if available.(A3DProEFamTabAcceleratorFileOnly).

enumerator BRepOrTessellation

Use BRep available in Accelerator files (.xpr and .xas), if available. If BRep is not available use tessellation, when available(A3DProEFamTabOrUseTessellation).

enumerator BRepOrTessellationOrGeneric

Always import, even if no tessellation and no BRep is available, in which case a wire generic entity will be imported.(A3DProEFamTabOrUseWireAndGeneric).

enum SessionColor

Enumerates what colors should be used for PMI in Wildfire files which have no color.


enumerator LastCreoVersion

Use the default session color for the latest version of Creo supported by Exchange (kA3DLastCreoVersionSessionColor).

enumerator ExchangeDefault

Use the default session color for Exchange (kA3DHExchangeSessionColor).

enumerator UserDefined

Use the default PMI color specified in the import options (kA3DFileVersionSessionColor).



class ReloadNotifier : public HPS::IONotifier

The ReloadNotifier class is a smart-pointer that is tied to a Component::Reload or a CADModel::Reload. It is used to interact with an ongoing reload.

Public Functions

void Assign(ReloadNotifier const &in_that)

Associate this ReloadNotifier with the same component reload as the source ReloadNotifier.


in_that – The source ReloadNotifier for the assignment.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

ReloadNotifier &operator=(ReloadNotifier &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ReloadNotifier thereby avoiding a copy.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ReloadNotifier to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this ReloadNotifier.

ReloadNotifier &operator=(ReloadNotifier const &in_that)

Associate this ReloadNotifier with the same component reload as the source ReloadNotifier.


in_that – The source ReloadNotifier for the assignment.


A reference to this ReloadNotifier.


The default constructor creates an ReloadNotifier object which is not tied to any component reload.

ReloadNotifier(IONotifier const &in_that)

The conversion constructor creates a new derived ReloadNotifier object from a base IONotifier object. The copy will only be successful if the source notifier is really an upcast of this notifier type. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting ReloadNotifier will be invalid.


in_that – The source IONotifier to copy.

ReloadNotifier(ReloadNotifier &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an ReloadNotifier by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this ReloadNotifier thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an ReloadNotifier to take the underlying object from.

ReloadNotifier(ReloadNotifier const &in_that)

The copy constructor creates a new ReloadNotifier object that is associated with the same component reload as the source ReloadNotifier.


in_that – The source ReloadNotifier to copy.

virtual ~ReloadNotifier()

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeReloadNotifier
class Revit

The Exchange::Revit class is a concept class for Revit-related enums.

Public Types

enum PhysicalProperties


enumerator NotComputed

Physical properties are not read.

enumerator Computed

Physical properties are computed during reading process and stored as metadata.

class Sheet : public HPS::Exchange::Component

The Sheet class is a user space object. It allows users to activate drawing sheets imported via Exchange.

Public Functions

HPS::View Activate()

Activates this sheet.


the View.

bool Equals(Sheet const &in_kit) const

Check if the source Sheet is equivalent to this Sheet.


in_kit – The source Sheet to compare to this Sheet.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(Sheet const &in_kit) const

Check if the source Sheet is not equivalent to this Sheet.


in_kit – The source Sheet to compare to this Sheet.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

Sheet &operator=(Sheet &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this Sheet thereby avoiding a copy.


in_that – An rvalue reference to a Sheet to take the impl from.


A reference to this Sheet.

bool operator==(Sheet const &in_kit) const

Check if the source Sheet is equivalent to this Sheet.


in_kit – The source Sheet to compare to this Sheet.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty Sheet object.

Sheet(Component const &in_that)

This constructor creates a Sheet object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Component. The copy will only be successful if the source component is really an upcast of an Exchange::Sheet object. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting Exchange::Sheet will be invalid.


in_that – The source Component to copy.

Sheet(HPS::Component const &in_that)

This constructor creates a Sheet object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Component. The copy will only be successful if the source component is really an upcast of an Exchange::Sheet object. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting Exchange::Sheet will be invalid.


in_that – The source Component to copy.

Sheet(Sheet &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an Sheet by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this Sheet thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.


in_that – An rvalue reference to a Sheet to take the impl from.

Sheet(Sheet const &in_sheet)

The copy constructor creates a new Sheet object that contains the same settings as the source Sheet.


in_sheet – The source Sheet to copy.

virtual ~Sheet()

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeSheet
class STEP

The Exchange::STEP class is a concept class for STEP-related enums.

Public Types

enum Field

Enumerates the field from which to get the name for a product occurrence on import of a STEP file.


enumerator ProductName

Get the name from from the PRODUCT field (A3DRWParamsStepData::m_bPreferProductName = true).

enumerator NextAssemblyUsageOccurrenceID

Get the name from the first field of NEXT_ASSEMBLY_USAGE_OCCURRENCE (kA3DStepNameFromNAUO_ID).

enumerator NextAssemblyUsageOccurrenceName

Get the name from the second field of NEXT_ASSEMBLY_USAGE_OCCURRENCE (kA3DStepNameFromNAUO_NAME).

enumerator NextAssemblyUsageOccurrenceDescription

Get the name from the third field of NEXT_ASSEMBLY_USAGE_OCCURRENCE (kA3DStepNameFromNAUO_DESCRIPTION).

enum Format

Enumerates the format to use when exporting a STEP file.


enumerator AP203

The AP 203 STEP format (kA3DStepAP203).

enumerator AP214

The AP 214 STEP format (kA3DStepAP214).

enumerator AP242

The AP 242 STEP format (kA3DStepAP242).

class Tessellation

The Exchange::Tessellation class is a concept class for tessellation-related enums.

Public Types

enum Accuracy

Enumerates the tessellation accuracy modes for files imported or exported via HOOPS Exchange.


enumerator Standard

Tessellation suitable for visualization (either A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_bAccurateTessellation or A3DRWParamsExportStlData::m_bAccurateTessellation set to false)

enumerator Accurate

Tessellation suitable for analysis (either A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_bAccurateTessellation or A3DRWParamsExportStlData::m_bAccurateTessellation set to true)

enumerator GridAccurate

Tessellation suitable for analysis (either A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_bAccurateTessellationWithGrid

enum Level

Enumerates the standard tessellation levels for files imported or exported via Exchange.


enumerator ExtraLow

Pre-defined extra low tessellation level (kA3DTessLODExtraLow).

enumerator Low

Pre-defined low tessellation level (kA3DTessLODLow).

enumerator Medium

Pre-defined medium tessellation level (kA3DTessLODMedium).

enumerator High

Pre-defined high tessellation level (kA3DTessLODHigh).

enumerator ExtraHigh

Pre-defined extra high tessellation level (kA3DTessLODExtraHigh).

class Chord

The Exchange::Tessellation::Chord class is a concept class for chord-tessellation-related enums.

Public Types

enum Limit

Enumerates the type of chord limit that will be used to generate tessellation.


enumerator Ratio

The limit will correspond to the chord height ratio (either A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_dChordHeightRatio or A3DRWParamsExportStlData::m_dChordHeightRatio).

enumerator Height

The limit will correspond to the maximum chord height (either A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_dMaxChordHeight or A3DRWParamsExportStlData::m_dMaxChordHeight).

class TessellationOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit

The TessellationOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings controlling how STL data is exported via Exchange.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this TessellationOptionsKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this TessellationOptionsKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals(TessellationOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source TessellationOptionsKit is equivalent to this TessellationOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source TessellationOptionsKit to compare to this TessellationOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(TessellationOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source TessellationOptionsKit is not equivalent to this TessellationOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source TessellationOptionsKit to compare to this TessellationOptionsKit.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

TessellationOptionsKit &operator=(TessellationOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this TessellationOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an TessellationOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.


A reference to this TessellationOptionsKit.

TessellationOptionsKit &operator=(TessellationOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source TessellationOptionsKit into this TessellationOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source TessellationOptionsKit to copy.


A reference to this TessellationOptionsKit.

bool operator==(TessellationOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source TessellationOptionsKit is equivalent to this TessellationOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source TessellationOptionsKit to compare to this TessellationOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(TessellationOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source TessellationOptionsKit into this TessellationOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source TessellationOptionsKit to copy.

TessellationOptionsKit &SetAccuracy(Tessellation::Accuracy in_type, bool in_accurate_normals = true, bool in_accurate_surface_curvatures = false, double in_accurate_grid_maximum_stitch_length = 0.0)

Sets the accuracy of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data.


A reference to this TessellationOptionsKit.

TessellationOptionsKit &SetLevel(Tessellation::Chord::Limit in_limit_type, double in_limit, double in_angle_tolerance)

Sets the user defined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data. This implicitly sets A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_eTessellationLevel to kA3DTessLODUserDefined.

  • in_limit_type – The type of the chord limit to be specified.

  • in_limit – Either the ratio of the tessellation chord height to the bounding box height which should be in the range [50, 10000], or the maximum distance between the surface definition and the tessellation approximation, depending on the preceding argument.

  • in_angle_tolerance – The maximum angle in degrees between two consecutive wire elements in the generated tessellation which should be in the range [10, 40]. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_dAngleToleranceDeg.


A reference to this TessellationOptionsKit.

TessellationOptionsKit &SetLevel(Tessellation::Level in_level)

Sets the predefined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_eTessellationLevelOfDetail.


in_level – The predefined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data.


A reference to this TessellationOptionsKit.

TessellationOptionsKit &SetMaximumEdgeLength(double in_length)

Sets the maximum length of triangle edges in the tessellation generated for BRep data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_dMaximalTriangleEdgeLength.


in_length – The maximum length of triangle edges in the tessellation generated for BRep data. The value must be non-negative, and if set to 0.0, the length will not be used when generating the tessellation.


A reference to this TessellationOptionsKit.

TessellationOptionsKit &SetUVPointPreservation(bool in_state)

Sets whether to keep parametric points as texture coordinates when generating the tessellation for BRep data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_bKeepUVPoints.


in_state – Whether to keep parametric points as texture coordinates when generating the tessellation for BRep data.


A reference to this TessellationOptionsKit.

void Show(TessellationOptionsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this TessellationOptionsKit into the given TessellationOptionsKit.


out_kit – The TessellationOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this TessellationOptionsKit.

bool ShowAccuracy(Tessellation::Accuracy &out_type, bool &out_accurate_normals, bool &out_accurate_surface_curvatures, double &out_accurate_grid_maximum_stitch_length) const

Shows the accuracy setting.

  • out_type – The type of the accuracy which was specified.

  • out_accurate_normals – Whether to compute surface normals when performing accurate tessellation. This only applies if out_type is different than Tessellation::Accuracy::Standard.

  • out_accurate_surface_curvatures – Whether to take into account surfaces curvature in accurate tessellation to controle triangles elongation directions. This only applies if out_type is different than Tessellation::Accuracy::Standard.

  • out_accurate_grid_maximum_stitch_length – Maximal grid stitch length. Disabled if value is 0. Be careful, a too small value can generate a huge tessellation. This only applies if out_type is Tessellation::Accuracy::GridAccurate.


true if an accuracy setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowLevel(Tessellation::Type &out_type, Tessellation::Level &out_level, Tessellation::Chord::Limit &out_limit_type, double &out_limit, double &out_angle_tolerance) const

Shows the level setting.

  • out_type – The type of the level setting which was specified.

  • out_level – The predefined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Standard.

  • out_limit_type – The type of chord limit which was specified. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Custom.

  • out_limit – The chord limit to use to generate tessellation for BRep data. Its interpretation depends on the preceding argument. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Custom.

  • out_angle_tolerance – The maximum angle in degrees between two consecutive wire elements in the generated tessellation. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Custom.


true if a level setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowMaximumEdgeLength(double &out_length) const

Shows the maximum edge length setting.


out_length – The maximum edge length setting.


true if a maximum edge length setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowUVPointPreservation(bool &out_state) const

Shows the UV preservation setting.


out_state – Whether to keep parametric points as texture coordinates when generating the tessellation for BRep data.


true if a UV preservation setting was specified, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty TessellationOptionsKit object.

TessellationOptionsKit(TessellationOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an TessellationOptionsKit by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this TessellationOptionsKit.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an TessellationOptionsKit to take the underlying object from.

TessellationOptionsKit(TessellationOptionsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new TessellationOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source TessellationOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source TessellationOptionsKit to copy.

TessellationOptionsKit &UnsetAccuracy()

Removes the accuracy setting.


A reference to this TessellationOptionsKit.

TessellationOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this TessellationOptionsKit.


A reference to this TessellationOptionsKit.

TessellationOptionsKit &UnsetLevel()

Removes the level setting.


A reference to this TessellationOptionsKit.

TessellationOptionsKit &UnsetMaximumEdgeLength()

Removes the maximum edge length setting.


A reference to this TessellationOptionsKit.

TessellationOptionsKit &UnsetUVPointPreservation()

Removes the UV preservation setting.


A reference to this TessellationOptionsKit.

virtual ~TessellationOptionsKit()

Public Static Functions

static TessellationOptionsKit GetDefault()

Creates an TessellationOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for import unless an option is overridden by the options passed to File::Tessellation.


An TessellationOptionsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeTessellationOptionsKit
class Translation

The Exchange::Translation class is a concept class for translation-related enums.

Public Types

enum AccurateEdges

Enumerates the options related to computing accurate edges used when translating files.


enumerator Off

Do not compute accurate edges.

enumerator On

Compute accurate edges.

enumerator OnlyIfNotParasolid

Only compute accurate edges if the data comes from neither Parasolid nor a format which embeds Parasolid data (NX, Solidwords, Solid Edge and JT)

enum Healing

Enumerates the healing options used when translating files.


enumerator Off

Do not perform healing.

enumerator On

Perform healing.

enumerator OnlyIfNotParasolid

Only perform healing if the data comes from neither Parasolid nor a format which embeds Parasolid data (NX, Solidwords, Solid Edge and JT)

enum Merging

Enumerates the options related to merging entities used when translating files.


enumerator Off

Do not merge entities.

enumerator On

Merge entities.

enumerator OnlyIfNotParasolid

Only merge entities if the data comes from neither Parasolid nor a format which embeds Parasolid data (NX, Solidwords, Solid Edge and JT)

enum Simplification

Enumerates the options related to simplifying geometry used when translating files.


enumerator Off

Do not simplify geometry.

enumerator On

Simplify geometry.

enumerator OnlyIfNotParasolid

Only simplify geometry if the data comes from neither Parasolid nor a format which embeds Parasolid data (NX, Solidwords, Solid Edge and JT)

class TranslationNotifier : public HPS::IONotifier

The TranslationNotifier class is a smart-pointer that is tied to a file translation. It is used to interact with an ongoing translation or get the results from a completed translation.

Public Functions

void Assign(TranslationNotifier const &in_that)

Associate this TranslationNotifier with the same file translation as the source TranslationNotifier.


in_that – The source TranslationNotifier for the assignment.

HPS::Time GetImportTime() const

Get the number of milliseconds it took Exchange to read the CAD file(s) and generate the corresponding PRC data. Throws an IOException if the translation is not complete, was not successful or was canceled.

Exchange::ParasolidEntityArray GetParasolidParts() const

Get the Parasolid parts obtained from the translation. Throws an IOException if the translation is not complete, was not successful or was canceled.


The Parasolid Parts for a successful file translation.

HPS::Time GetTranslationTime() const

Get the number of milliseconds it took Exchange to translate the PRC data into Parasolid data. Throws an IOException if the translation is not complete, was not successful or was canceled.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

TranslationNotifier &operator=(TranslationNotifier &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this TranslationNotifier thereby avoiding a copy.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an TranslationNotifier to take the impl from.


A reference to this TranslationNotifier.

TranslationNotifier &operator=(TranslationNotifier const &in_that)

Associate this TranslationNotifier with the same file translation as the source TranslationNotifier.


in_that – The source TranslationNotifier for the assignment.


A reference to this TranslationNotifier.


The default constructor creates an TranslationNotifier object which is not tied to any file translation.

TranslationNotifier(IONotifier const &in_that)

The conversion constructor creates a new derived TranslationNotifier object from a base IONotifier object. The copy will only be successful if the source notifier is really an upcast of this notifier type. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting TranslationNotifier will be invalid.


in_that – The source IONotifier to copy.

TranslationNotifier(TranslationNotifier &&in_that)

The move constructor creates an TranslationNotifier by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this TranslationNotifier thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an TranslationNotifier to take the impl from.

TranslationNotifier(TranslationNotifier const &in_that)

The copy constructor creates a new TranslationNotifier object that is associated with the same file translation as the source TranslationNotifier.


in_that – The source TranslationNotifier to copy.

virtual ~TranslationNotifier()

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeTranslationNotifier
class TranslationOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit

The HPS::Exchange::TranslationOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings controlling what and how data is translated to Parasolid by Exchange. Calling HPS::Exchange::TranslationOptionsKit::GetDefault() will return an options kit with values found in here.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this TranslationOptionsKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this TranslationOptionsKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals(TranslationOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source TranslationOptionsKit is equivalent to this TranslationOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source TranslationOptionsKit to compare to this TranslationOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

bool operator!=(TranslationOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source TranslationOptionsKit is not equivalent to this TranslationOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source TranslationOptionsKit to compare to this TranslationOptionsKit.


true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

TranslationOptionsKit &operator=(TranslationOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this TranslationOptionsKit thereby avoiding a copy.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an TranslationOptionsKit to take the impl from.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &operator=(TranslationOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source TranslationOptionsKit into this TranslationOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source TranslationOptionsKit to copy.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

bool operator==(TranslationOptionsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source TranslationOptionsKit is equivalent to this TranslationOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source TranslationOptionsKit to compare to this TranslationOptionsKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

void Set(TranslationOptionsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source TranslationOptionsKit into this TranslationOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source TranslationOptionsKit to copy.

TranslationOptionsKit &SetAccurateEdges(Translation::AccurateEdges in_accurate_edges)

Sets whether accurate edges will be computed as part of the translation. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTranslateToPkPartsData::m_eComputeAccurateEdges.


in_accurate_edges – Whether to compute accurate edges.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &SetApplication(char const *in_name)

Sets the application name to put in the Parasolid data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportParasolidData::m_pcApplication.


in_name – UTF8-encoded application name to put in the Parasolid data.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &SetDisjointFaces(bool in_state)

Sets whether erroneous faces can be disjointed from their solids as part of the translation. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTranslateToPkPartsData::m_bDisjoinIfFaceFaceError.


in_state – Whether to disjoin erroneous faces from their owning solids.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &SetEntityMerging(Translation::Merging in_merging)

Sets whether entities can be merged as part of the translation. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTranslateToPkPartsData::m_eMergeEntities.


in_merging – Whether to merge entities.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &SetExplodeMultiBodies(bool in_state)

Sets whether to explode multi-connexes B-reps into multiple bodies. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportParasolidData::m_bExplodeMultiBodies.


Default value


in_state – Whether to explode multi-connexes B-reps into multiple bodies.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &SetHealing(Translation::Healing in_healing)

Sets whether healing will be performed as part of the translation. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTranslateToPkPartsData::m_eHealing.


in_healing – Whether to perform healing.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &SetHiddenObjects(bool in_state)

Sets whether to export hidden objects. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportParasolidData::m_bWriteBlankedEntities.


Default value


in_state – Whether to export hidden objects.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &SetMultiProcessCount(unsigned int in_count)

Sets the number of processes to use when performing translation. This should be a value between 1 and the number of cores on your system.


Presently this option is only used for translations performed when using HPS::ExchangeParsolid::File::Import and HPS::ExchangeParasolid::File::Reload.


in_count – The number of processes to use when performing translation.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &SetSewing(bool in_state, double in_tolerance = 0.0)

Sets whether perform sewing as part of the translation.

  • in_state – Whether to perform sewing.

  • in_tolerance – The sewing tolerance in millimeters.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &SetSimplification(Translation::Simplification in_simplification)

Sets whether geometry can be simplified as part of the translation. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTranslateToPkPartsData::m_eSimplifyGeometry.


in_simplification – Whether to simplify geometry.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &SetSolidsAsFaces(bool in_state)

Sets whether to convert solids to a set of independent faces for export. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportIgesData::m_bSaveSolidsAsFaces.


Default value


in_state – Whether to convert solids to a set of independent faces for export.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &SetTessellation(bool in_state)

Sets whether to export tessellation data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportParasolidData::m_bWriteTessellation.


Default value


in_state – Whether to export tessellation data.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &SetVersion(char const *in_version)

Sets the version string to put in the Parasolid data. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsExportParasolidData::m_pcVersion.


in_version – UTF8-encoded version string to put in the Parasolid data.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

void Show(TranslationOptionsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this TranslationOptionsKit into the given TranslationOptionsKit.


out_kit – The TranslationOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this TranslationOptionsKit.

bool ShowAccurateEdges(Translation::AccurateEdges &out_accurate_edges) const

Shows the accurate edges setting.


out_accurate_edges – Whether to compute accurate edges for translation.


true if an accurate edges setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowApplication(UTF8 &out_name) const

Shows the application name setting.


out_name – The application name to put in the Parasolid data.


true if an application name setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowDisjointFaces(bool &out_state) const

Shows the disjoin faces setting.


out_state – Whether to disjoin erroneous faces from their owning solids.


true if a disjoin faces setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowEntityMerging(Translation::Merging &out_merging) const

Shows the merging setting.


out_merging – Whether to merge entities for translation.


true if a merging setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowExplodeMultiBodies(bool &out_state) const

Shows the explode multi bodies setting.


out_state – The explode multi bodies setting to put in the Parasolid data.


true if a explode multi bodies setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowHealing(Translation::Healing &out_healing) const

Shows the healing setting.


out_healing – Whether to heal data for translation.


true if a healing setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowHiddenObjects(bool &out_state) const

Shows the hidden object translation setting.


out_state – Whether to translate hidden objects.


true if a hidden object export setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowMultiProcessCount(unsigned int &out_count) const

Shows the multi-process count setting.


out_count – The number of processes to use when performing translation.


true if a multi-process count setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSewing(bool &out_state, double &out_tolerance) const

Shows the sewing setting.

  • out_state – Whether to perform sewing for translation.

  • out_tolerance – The sewing tolerance. Only valid if out_state is true.


true if a sewing setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSimplification(Translation::Simplification &out_simplification) const

Shows the simplification setting.


out_simplification – Whether to simplify geometry for translation.


true if a simplification setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowSolidsAsFaces(bool &out_state) const

Shows the solids to faces conversion setting.


out_state – Whether to convert solids to a set of independent faces for translation.


true if a solids to faces conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowTessellation(bool &out_state) const

Shows the tessellation translation setting.


out_state – Whether to export tessellation data.


true if a tessellation export setting was specified, false otherwise.

bool ShowVersion(UTF8 &out_version) const

Shows the version string setting.


out_version – The version string to put in the Parasolid data.


true if a version string setting was specified, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an empty TranslationOptionsKit object.

TranslationOptionsKit(TranslationOptionsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates a TranslationOptionsKit by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this TranslationOptionsKit thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an TranslationOptionsKit to take the impl from.

TranslationOptionsKit(TranslationOptionsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new TranslationOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source TranslationOptionsKit.


in_kit – The source TranslationOptionsKit to copy.

TranslationOptionsKit &UnsetAccurateEdges()

Removes the accurate edges setting.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &UnsetApplication()

Removes the application name setting.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &UnsetDisjointFaces()

Removes the disjoin faces setting.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &UnsetEntityMerging()

Removes the merging setting.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this TranslationOptionsKit.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &UnsetExplodeMultiBodies()

Removes the explode multi bodies setting.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &UnsetHealing()

Removes the healing setting.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &UnsetHiddenObjects()

Removes the hidden objects export setting.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &UnsetMultiProcessCount()

Removes the multi-process count setting.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &UnsetSewing()

Removes the sewing setting.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &UnsetSimplification()

Removes the simplification setting.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &UnsetSolidsAsFaces()

Removes the solids to faces conversion setting.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &UnsetTessellation()

Removes the tessellation export setting.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

TranslationOptionsKit &UnsetVersion()

Removes the version string setting.


A reference to this TranslationOptionsKit.

virtual ~TranslationOptionsKit()

Public Static Functions

static TranslationOptionsKit GetDefault()

Creates a TranslationOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for translation unless an option is overridden by the options passed to one of the Translate functions.


A TranslationOptionsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeTranslationOptionsKit
class U3D

The Exchange::U3D class is a concept class for U3D-related enums.

Public Types

enum Version

Enumerates the version to use when exporting a U3D file.


enumerator ECMA1

ECMA-363, version 1 (kA3DECMA1).

enumerator ECMA3

ECMA-363, version 3 (kA3DECMA3).