
class HPS.ImageKit : public HPS.Kit

The ImageKit class is a user space object. It is used for specifying all data associated with images.

Public Functions

void Convert (HPS.Image.Format in_format)

Converts this ImageKit to the specified format.

Param in_format

The format to convert the ImageKit to.

void Convert (HPS.ImageKit in_kit, HPS.Image.Format in_format)

Copies the source ImageKit into this ImageKit but converts it to the specified format.

Param in_kit

The source ImageKit to copy and convert.

Param in_format

The format to convert the source ImageKit to.

override void Dispose ()
override bool Empty ()

Indicates whether this ImageKit has any values set on it.


true if no values are set on this ImageKit, false otherwise.

bool Equals (HPS.ImageKit in_kit)

Check if the source ImageKit is equivalent to this ImageKit.

Param in_kit

The source ImageKit to compare to this ImageKit.


true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

override bool Equals (Object obj)
override int GetHashCode ()
ImageKit ()

The default constructor creates an empty ImageKit object.

ImageKit (HPS.ImageKit in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new ImageKit object that contains the same settings as the source ImageKit.

Param in_kit

The source ImageKit to copy.

ImageKit (HPS.ImageKit in_kit, HPS.Image.Format in_format)

This constructor creates a new ImageKit object that contains the same settings as the source ImageKit but converts it to the specified format.

Param in_kit

The source ImageKit to copy and convert.

Param in_format

The format to convert the source ImageKit to.

override HPS.Type ObjectType ()

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

void Set (HPS.ImageKit in_kit)

Copies the source ImageKit into this ImageKit.

Param in_kit

The source ImageKit to copy.

HPS.ImageKit SetCompressionQuality (float in_quality)

Sets the compression quality for the image. Values range from highest compression and poorest quality (0) to no compression and full quality (1).

Param in_quality

The compression quality for the image, a floating point value between 0 and 1.


A reference to this ImageKit.

HPS.ImageKit SetData (byte[] in_image_data)

Sets the data for the image.

Param in_image_data

The array of data for the image.


A reference to this ImageKit.

HPS.ImageKit SetDownSampling (bool in_state)

Sets the whether to down-sample the image.

Param in_state

Whether to down-sample the image.


A reference to this ImageKit.

HPS.ImageKit SetFormat (HPS.Image.Format in_format)

Sets the format of the image.

Param in_format

The format of the image.


A reference to this ImageKit.

HPS.ImageKit SetSize (uint in_width, uint in_height)

Sets the width and height (in pixels) of the image.

Param in_width

The width (in pixels) of the image.

Param in_height

The height (in pixels) of the image.


A reference to this ImageKit.

void Show (out HPS.ImageKit out_kit)

Copies this ImageKit into the given ImageKit.

Param out_kit

The ImageKit to populate with the contents of this ImageKit.

bool ShowCompressionQuality (out float out_quality)

Shows the compression quality for the image.

Param out_quality

The compression quality for the image.


true if the compression quality is valid, false otherwise.

bool ShowData (out byte[] out_image_data)

Shows the data for the image.

Param out_image_data

The array of data for the image.


true if the data array is valid, false otherwise.

bool ShowDownSampling (out bool out_state)

Shows whether to down-sample the image.

Param out_state

whether to down-sample the image.


true if the flag is valid, false otherwise.

bool ShowFormat (out HPS.Image.Format out_format)

Shows the format of the image.

Param out_format

The format of the image.


true if the format is valid, false otherwise.

bool ShowSize (out uint out_width, out uint out_height)

Shows the width and height (in pixels) of the image.

Param out_width

The width (in pixels) of the image.

Param out_height

The height (in pixels) of the image.


true if the width and height are valid, false otherwise.

HPS.ImageKit UnsetCompressionQuality ()

Removes the compression quality for the image.


A reference to this ImageKit.

HPS.ImageKit UnsetData ()

Removes the data for the image.


A reference to this ImageKit.

HPS.ImageKit UnsetDownSampling ()

Removes whether to down-sample the image.


A reference to this ImageKit.

HPS.ImageKit UnsetEverything ()

Removes all settings from this ImageKit.


A reference to this ImageKit.

HPS.ImageKit UnsetFormat ()

Removes the format of the image.


A reference to this ImageKit.

HPS.ImageKit UnsetSize ()

Removes the width and height of the image.


A reference to this ImageKit.

Public Static Functions

bool operator!= (HPS.ImageKit a, HPS.ImageKit b)
bool operator== (HPS.ImageKit a, HPS.ImageKit b)