
class HPS.LeaderLineClippingElement : public HPS.ShapeElement

The LeaderLineClippingElement class is a user space object. It is used to define clipping of leader lines around a text background If LeaderLineClippingElement does not have another ShapeElement set for the clip region, it will use the background shape. If LeaderLineClippingElement has another ShapeElement set for the clip region, it will use that instead

Public Functions

override void Dispose ()
LeaderLineClippingElement ()

The default constructor creates an empty LeaderLineClippingElement object.

LeaderLineClippingElement (HPS.LeaderLineClippingElement in_that)

The copy constructor creates a new LeaderLineClippingElement object that contains the same settings as the source LeaderLineClippingElement.

Param in_that

The source LeaderLineClippingElement to copy.

LeaderLineClippingElement (HPS.ShapeElement in_that)

This constructor creates a LeaderLineClippingElement object that contains the same settings as the source ShapeElement. The copy will only be successful if the source shape element is really an upcast of a line clipping shape element. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting LeaderLineClippingElement will be invalid.

Param in_that

The source ShapeElement to copy.

override HPS.Type ObjectType ()

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

HPS.LeaderLineClippingElement SetShape (HPS.CircleShapeElement in_shape)

Sets the explicit Circle clip shape for this LeaderLineClippingElement. if no explicit shape is set, the background shape will be used

Param in_shape

The shape to clip leader lines with.

HPS.LeaderLineClippingElement SetShape (HPS.CircularArcShapeElement in_shape)

Sets the explicit Circular Arc clip shape for this LeaderLineClippingElement. if no explicit shape is set, the background shape will be used

Param in_shape

The shape to clip leader lines with.

HPS.LeaderLineClippingElement SetShape (HPS.EllipseShapeElement in_shape)

Sets the explicit Ellipse clip shape for this LeaderLineClippingElement. if no explicit shape is set, the background shape will be used

Param in_shape

The shape to clip leader lines with.

HPS.LeaderLineClippingElement SetShape (HPS.EllipticalArcShapeElement in_shape)

Sets the explicit Elliptical Arcclip shape for this LeaderLineClippingElement. if no explicit shape is set, the background shape will be used

Param in_shape

The shape to clip leader lines with.

HPS.LeaderLineClippingElement SetShape (HPS.PolygonShapeElement in_shape)

Sets the explicit Polygon clip shape for this LeaderLineClippingElement. if no explicit shape is set, the background shape will be used

Param in_shape

The shape to clip leader lines with.

bool ShowClipShapeType (out HPS.Type out_type)
bool ShowShape (out HPS.CircleShapeElement out_shape)

Shows the explicit Circle clip shape for this LeaderLineClippingElement. If the wrong type is provided, will return false

Param out_shape

The explicit clip shape.


true if out_shape was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowShape (out HPS.CircularArcShapeElement out_shape)

Shows the explicit Ciruclar Arc clip shape for this LeaderLineClippingElement. If the wrong type is provided, will return false

Param out_shape

The explicit clip shape.


true if out_shape was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowShape (out HPS.EllipseShapeElement out_shape)

Shows the explicit Ellipse clip shape for this LeaderLineClippingElement. If the wrong type is provided, will return false

Param out_shape

The explicit clip shape.


true if out_shape was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowShape (out HPS.EllipticalArcShapeElement out_shape)

Shows the explicit EllipticalArc clip shape for this LeaderLineClippingElement. If the wrong type is provided, will return false

Param out_shape

The explicit clip shape.


true if out_shape was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowShape (out HPS.PolygonShapeElement out_shape)

Shows the explicit Polygon clip shape for this LeaderLineClippingElement. If the wrong type is provided, will return false

Param out_shape

The explicit clip shape.


true if out_shape was set, false otherwise.

HPS.LeaderLineClippingElement UnSetShape ()

Unsets the explicit clip shape and returns to the default functionality of clipping around the background shape