Fixed Bugs List
As of 2025-01-29
As of HOOPS Exchange 2024.6.0, the list of fixed bugs for each release is now included directly in the release notes for the corresponding version.
HP 2024.5.0
SDHP-2833: Fixed extra views generated in HTML after an export to PDF
SDHP-2811: Fixed incorrect alignement and position in DWG texts
SDHP-2801: Fixed PMI positioning in PDF
HP 2024.4.0
SDHP-2821: The model failed to publish to 3D PDF[jt][PDF]
SDHP-2818: SubAssy attributes are lost when converting NX to HTML
SDHP-2807: When converting NX files, the ON/OFF state of display by layer is not reflected correctly when converted to HTML.
SDHP-2780: zlib1.3 has security vulnerabilities.
HP 2024.3.0
SDHP-2795: Fixed missing datum in Creo
SDHP-2775: Fixed selection issue in associated annotation topology
HP 2024.2.0
SDHP-2782: Removed ZLib 1.1.4 dependency (CVE)
SDHP-2731: Updated FreeType to 2.13.0 (CVE)
SDHP-2661: Fix Poster image not updated with A3DPDFDocumentUpdateData
HP 2024.1.0
SDHP-2782: Fixed vulnerability issue in TfFontMgr.dll
SDHP-2731: Fixed vulnerability issue in TfFontMgr.dll
SDHP-2666: Fixed A3DPDFDocumentUpdateData to have consistency on views on child nodes depending on ActivatePMICrossHighlight
SDHP-2663: Fixed A3DPDFDocumentUpdateData to not remove views on child nodes
HP 2024
SDHP-2737: Fixed a vulnerability with STB Image 2.23
SDHP-2713: Fixed an issue where some PMIs are not visible in certain section views
SDHP-2694: Fixed security issues with Expat 2.4.8 dependency
SDHP-2668: Fixed vulnerability with TinyGLTF 2.5.0 dependency
SDHP-2667: Fixed vulnerability with Lib3MF 2.0.0 dependency
SDHP-2659: Fixed incorrect zoom factor with Fit Visible
SDHP-2585: Fixed vulnerability with TinyXML 2.6.2
SDHP-2548: Fixed visibility of some PMIs in certain section views
SDHP-2523: Fix crash in A3DGet3DPDFStreams
HP 2023 SP2 U2
SDHP-2734: Addressed vulnerability issue in QPDF dependency
SDHP-2725: Fixed incorrect markup type passed to A3DMkpMarkupCreate()
SDHP-2714: Fixed a bug on file attachments when filename has non Unicode characters
SDHP-2555: Improved documentation about binary distribution
SDHP-2512: Upgrade OpenSSL dependency
HP 2023 SP2 U1
SDHP-2711: Fixed crash while publishing to 3D PDF
HP 2023 SP2
SDHP-2628: Fixed incorrect display of PMI annotation
SDHP-2296: Fixed incorrect display of all character glyphs in BOM tables at model area
HP 2023 SP1 U1
SDHP-2612: Fixed failing conversion of PDF to HTML with output Japanese file names
SDHP-2584: Upgraded PDFium dependencies
SDHP-2496: Fixed issue when using A3DConvertPDFToWebFormat with double-byte characters
HP 2023 U1
SDHP-2583: Updated Boost dependency from 1.78 to 1.81
SDHP-2453: Fixed incorrect 3D PDF button labels
SDHP-1587: Fixed incorrect scaling when mixing JT assemblies with different units
HP 2023
SDHP-2608: Updated Adobe DLL to address CVE
SDHP-2605: Fixed incorrect support of comma character in PMI name
SDHP-2593: Fixed PDF animation in exported HTML
SDHP-2586: Improved documentation for 3rd party dependencies
SDHP-2582: Improved documentation for 3rd party dependencies
SDHP-2561: Updated psbodyshop.dll to address CVE
SDHP-2559: Fixed incorrect font display when using AdobeHeitiStd-Regular.otf
SDHP-2558: Fixed text display when using Chinese fonts
SDHP-2474: Fixed parts not highlighted correctly on annotation and datum entities
SDHP-2446: Fixed infinite loop for A3DPosterGeneration
SDHP-2352: Fixed display of border line in the primary view
HP 2022 SP2 U2
SDHP-2622: Fixed red highlight on edges after selecting the reference in 3D PDF
SDHP-2616: Fixed regression on wireframe association with PMI
HP 2022 SP2 U1
SDHP-2594: Fixed lost datum
HP 2022 SP2
SDHP-2597: Fixed regression with View button as 3DPDF
SDHP-2595: Fixed load fail with exported HTML
SDHP-2590: Fixed showing of unwanted geometries on clicking inside viewport
SDHP-2575: Fixed missing colors upon exporting from SolidWorks
SDHP-2544: Fixed display of unwanted geometries when PMI is deselected
SDHP-1608: Fixed incorrect behavior with PMI cross-highlighting
HP 2022 SP1 U1
SDHP-2587: Fixed monolithic HTML output in the ExportPDFToHtml sample
SDHP-2545: Fix highlight for PMI referenced geometry
SDHP-2462: Fixed Model not appearing in HTML
SDHP-2414: Fixed highlight on PMI selection
SDHP-2396: Fixed incorrect display of scroll tables
HP 2022 U1
SDHP-2473: Fixed missing features in STEP 242 files
SDHP-2419: Updated FreeType dependencies (CVE)
SDHP-2418: Updated Boost dependencies (CVE)
HP 2022
SDHP-2504: Fixed crash upon calling A3DConvertPDFToWebFormat
SDHP-2485: Fixed incorrect Markup type when creating unknown subtype
SDHP-2476: Fixed BOM table content layout in exported PDF
SDHP-2473: Fixed missing features in STEP 242 files
SDHP-2448: Fixed error upon calling A3DGet3DPDFStreams from 3D PDF File
SDHP-2419: Updated FreeType dependencies (CVE)
SDHP-2418: Updated Boost dependencies (CVE)
SDHP-1594: Fixed missing highlight with Gtol selection
HP 2021 SP2 U1
SDHP-2500: Fixed infinite spinner in ExportPDFToHtml sample
SDHP-2470: Fix crash upon calling A3DPDF3DStreamCreateFromModelFileAsPRC with A3DRWParamsExportPrcData::m_bCompressBrep enabled
HP 2021 SP2
SDHP-2481: Fixed appearance of annotations in HTML file
SDHP-2477: Fixed incorrect display of origin axis
SDHP-2471: Fixed invalid SCS file generated from OBJ
SDHP-2440: Updated ICU dependencies (CVE)
SDHP-2419: Updated FreeType dependencies (CVE)
SDHP-2418: Updated Boost dependencies (CVE)
SDHP-2399: Fixed crash upon exporting PDF with AddPMISemanticInformation set to true.
SDHP-2332: Fixed incorrect section view
SDHP-2299: Fixed export to HTML not completing with Unicode characters
HP 2021 SP1 U1
SDHP-2350: Fixed display of HLV display style in HTML
SDHP-2320: Fixed truncated double values with A3DPDFGetModelFileNodes
SDHP-2310: Fixed format of HLR mode in HTML
SDHP-2302: Fixed missing lines in exploded view within HTML pages
SDHP-1600: Fix color inconsistencies for PMIs between HTML and 3DPDF
SDHP-1591: Fixed incorrect projection viewport update
SDHP-1589: Fixed missing model in HTML file
SDHP-1558: Fixed BOM table in HTML model area
HP 2021 SP1
SDHP-2427: Fixed bend lines not showing in HTML export
SDHP-2404: Fixed text alignment in HTML export
SDHP-2356: Fixed text alignment in HTML export
SDHP-2350: Fixed display of HLV display style in HTML
SDHP-2349: Fix text alignment for multiline ‘Note’ in HTML
SDHP-2347: Fixed display of sketches in HTML
SDHP-2310: Fixed format of HLR mode in HTML
SDHP-2301: Fixed incorrect behavior upon selecting the down arrow in bend table
SDHP-1607: Fixed inconsistencies between HTML and PDF
SDHP-1599: Fixed play animation not working in HTML
SDHP-1590: Fixed incorrect model loaded in assigned independent viewport
SDHP-1568: Fixed inconsistent units
SDHP-1563: Fixed missing bounding box in HTML file model area
SDHP-1562: Fixed missing bend lines in HTML
SDHP-1559: Fixed missing sketches in HTML
HP 2021
SDHP-2348: Fixed missing color on sectioned part at model area
SDHP-2301: Fixed incorrect behavior upon selecting the down arrow in bend table</td>
SDHP-2297: Fixed missing models in model area</td>
SDHP-2296: Fixed incorrect display of all character glyphs in BOM tables at model area</td>
SDHP-1630: Fix incorrect rendering of geometric differences</td>
SDHP-1613: Fixed a JavaScript crash in monolithic HTML</td>
SDHP-1599: Fixed play animation not working in HTML</td>
SDHP-1593: Fixed missing assigned face color in HTML</td>
SDHP-1592: Fixed missing underline from text in HTML</td>
SDHP-1591: Fixed incorrect projection viewport update</td>
SDHP-1590: Fixed incorrect model loaded in assigned independent viewport</td>
HP2020 SP2 U1
36322: Fixed an issue with 3D notes when converting from 3D PDF to HTML
3632: Fixed an issue with coordinate system in HTML export
HP 2020 SP2
35477: New function to print views from a 3D PDF
34425: Fixed a vulnerabilities of CoolType dll
34349: Fixed a vulnerabilities of Adobe XMP dll
33643: Improvement of PointSets support
HP 2020 SP1
36257: Added a way to hide toolbar on HTML export from 3DPDF
35455: Added the standalone export to monolithic HTML
34060: Fixed incorrect report of units in PDF
HP 2020 U1
35545: Fixed JS actions not properly executed in generated HTML files
35486: Fixed an error occurring when converting a 3DPDF with attachment to monolithic HTML
HP 2020
35329: Fixed incorrect sizes of icons on mobile devices
35067: Fixed animation creation issue caused in environments with ‘,’ decimal separator
34860: Upgraded example script to Python 3
34725: Added a way to set custom properties in PDF
HP 2019 SP2 U2
35526: Fixed security vulnerabilities caused by binary dependencies
HP 2019 SP2 U1
33564: Wrong datum symbol when reading a PROE file
34819: Unexpected part rotation when creating animation with attached model
34776: Part shape is crushed when creating animation with attached model
HP 2019 SP2
22131: Publish font issues
32592: Arial Unicode MS Regular Font Text
31293: For Imported Notes, the Chinese text is not getting published in pdf.
33568: GT-Indicator not converted
HP 2019 SP1 U1
34348: ICU Component
34196: Crash in SolidWorks with official 2019 SP1 version
HP 2019 SP1
33311: Setting a Japanese file path to m_pcJavaScriptFileName causes failure
33121: A3DPDFPageData2 page height misspelled
32780: Crash in A3DPDFTextCreateEx when we try to create 2 different texts with different A3DPDFELanguage, with the font ArialUnicodeMS and the option embedFont set to true
32517: Planar Transparent Status lost during View Selection
32245: Initial transformation of the nodes are not taken into account without interpolation
33609: HOOPS Publish sample update
HP 2019 U1
33323: HOOPS Publish sample update
HP 2019
33122: HOOPS Publish sample update
32922: Executing A3DPDFMakeSnapshotFromModelFile is too slow
32921: Compressed tessellation messes geometry
32577: IFC reading improvements
32406: Textures are poor after PDF export with compressed B-rep.
32368: Publish posters improvements
31640: STEP geometry fix
31043: Export HTML: wrong default camera
31019: Low accuracy messes 3dpdf
33137: Low accuracy messes 3dpdf
HP 2018 SP2 U2
32433: Low accuracy messes 3dpdf
32629: Update JS library to decode SC
HP 2018 SP2 U1
32169: Regression: Font size not respected and inconsistent poster size in carousel buttons
HP 2018 SP2
27514: Set A3DMkpView as default view, affect A3DPDF3DAnnotData rendering mode
31794: Regression: A3DPDF3DArtworkCreate2 crashes with PMI Cross Highlighting
HP 2018 SP1 U1
31552: Regression on selection of PMI
30673: Regression in View Control with JT files
30531: Publish Forces default view in Acrobat
30263: Crash with A3DPDFDocumentAppendPageFromPDFFileEx
30221: A3DPDFMakeSnapshotFromModelFile - crash
30001: Bad texts in AnimWorkInstruction sample
29638: Crash save as 3DPDF
29408: Highlight PMI and RIPolyBrep
26559: Crash in poster if file can’t be created
15184: Publish crashes when AdobePDFLib DLLs are not with A3DLIBS.dll
30790: Missing RI / PO highlight in Acrobat
HP 2018 U2
30599: View in PDF is incorrect
HP 2018 U1
30051: Adobe Reader/Acrobat crashes on opening the published PDF file
30861: Color on component lost
HP 2018
28844: Color on component lost
27309: A3DMkpMarkup create the wrong type of markup
29285: A3DMkpMarkup create the wrong type of markup
HP 2017 SP2 U1
29639: A3DMkpMarkup create the wrong type of markup
HP 2017 SP2
29498: A3DMkpMarkup create the wrong type of markup
29469: A3DMkpMarkup create the wrong type of markup
29433: A3DMkpMarkup create the wrong type of markup
29211: Animations improvements with FoV
29157: Model color turn black in animation with m_bResetAppearance=false
29076: Template reading errors
28871: Animation doesn’t work properly
28803: CV5 poster regression fix
18825: bug fix
29530: Hidden Datum become visible on selecting Gtol frame
HP 2017 SP1 U1
28843: Hidden Datum become visible on selecting Gtol frame
28851: Hidden Datum become visible on selecting Gtol frame
HP 2017 SP1
28218: JT: Missing PMI in poster views
28203: Poster generation stability improvements
27786: 3D PDF Animation regression
26075: template issues with date fields
25136: Memory improvements
28446: Crash with A3DGet3DPDFStreams
HP 2017 U3
27803: Element wrong position in exploded view
HP 2017 U2
28029: Poster generation memory improvements
HP 2017
27934: Poster generation memory improvements
27729: Wrong poster generated from Solid Edge file
27147: can’t extract stream from PDF
26277: Highlight is missing some faces with Creo file
26163: Highlight is missing some faces with Creo file
21183: View don’t hide the right PMI.
28183: View don’t hide the right PMI.
HP 2016 SP2 U2
25521: View don’t hide the right PMI.
27365: View don’t hide the right PMI.
HP 2016 SP2 U1
27229: View don’t hide the right PMI.
HP 2016 SP2
26951: View don’t hide the right PMI.
26410: PMICrossHighlight gives duplicated matrix
26057: PMICrossHighlight gives duplicated matrix
23351: PMICrossHighlight gives duplicated matrix
27007: PMICrossHighlight gives duplicated matrix
HP 2016 SP1 U2
26471: The function A3DMiscUnicodeToUTF8 doesn’t convert foreign language characters properly. As a result if you attach any file having name with foreign characters while publishing to 3DPDF, the file doesn’t open in attachments in pdf
23350: The function A3DMiscUnicodeToUTF8 doesn’t convert foreign language characters properly. As a result if you attach any file having name with foreign characters while publishing to 3DPDF, the file doesn’t open in attachments in pdf
22943: 3D PDF Size is too big due to CAD PMI views
26849: 3D PDF Size is too big due to CAD PMI views
HP 2016 SP1 U1
26447: Publish memory improvements
HP 2016 SP1
26161: Fixed in 2016_SP1
26135: Fixed in 2016_SP1
26100: Fixed in 2016_SP1
25771: A3DGet3DPDFStreams returns 0 stream
24112: Error -1000000 in A3DPDFDocumentSave under Linux
26170: Error -1000000 in A3DPDFDocumentSave under Linux
HP 2016
25255: Error -1000000 in A3DPDFDocumentSave under Linux
25148: A3DPDFDefineViewCarousel crash
24870: Bad visibility for parts in PDF Views
24832: PDF-Export BREP Compression (high) fails
24766: No explosion in exploded view
24718: Unable to create view carousel from JT file
24296: Unable to create view carousel from JT file
24173: 3D PDF export size improvements
23889: Section view are not correctly converted to PDF View
23396: Memory improvements
22139: posters fails (HPS can’t load PRC)
16358: Poster generation stability improvements
25323: CATPart file does not convert into PDF when PMI reading is activated
HP 2015 SP2
23654: bug fix
23441: Bad placement of the camera in views
21699: PMI are hidden in the view by default
16359: Publish posters: issue with rectangular markups
24230: crash
HP 2015 SP1 U2
24275: PDF parsing issue
HP 2015 SP1 U1
24212: PDF parsing issue
22048: bug fix
24229: PDF parsing issue
HP 2015 SP1
23456: Images no longer forced to appear on label only form element
23442: Images no longer forced to appear on label only form element
23435: Images no longer forced to appear on label only form element
23416: Images no longer forced to appear on label only form element
23227: PDF parsing issue
21177: poster issue
17784: poster generation crash
23785: bug fix
HP 2015 U1
22847: bug fix
23254: bug fix
HP 2015
22921: animation
22675: animation
22586: crash
22409: fix for Remove B-rep setting
20756: fix for Remove B-rep setting
23074: carousel view bug
HPS HP 2017
27333: The function A3DMiscUnicodeToUTF8 doesn’t convert foreign language characters properly. As a result if you attach any file having name with foreign characters while publishing to 3DPDF, the file doesn’t open in attachments in PDF