Miscellaneous Module
Detailed Description
- group a3d_misc_module
Tools and common structures.
This module describes tools and common structures.
Type Documentation
enum A3DMaterialPhysicType
Material physical type properties.
- Version
enumerator A3DPhysicType_None
If no material type set
enumerator A3DPhysicType_Fiber
Fiber Type
enumerator A3DPhysicType_HoneyComb
Honey Comb Type
enumerator A3DPhysicType_Isotropic
Isotropic Type
enumerator A3DPhysicType_Orthotropic2D
Orthotropic Type
enumerator A3DPhysicType_Orthotropic3D
Orthotropic 3D Type
enumerator A3DPhysicType_Anisotropic
Anisotropic Type
Function Documentation
A3DStatus A3DMiscGetMaterialProperties(const A3DEntity *pEntity, A3DMiscMaterialPropertiesData *pMaterialPropertiesData)
Get material properties read from the file. Equal to -1.0 if not set. \ Can call it on product occurrences, part, and representation item.
- Version
A3DStatus A3DMiscSetMaterialProperties(A3DEntity *pEntity, const A3DMiscMaterialPropertiesData *pMaterialPropertiesData)
Store the provided material properties in the global data structure and set the corresponding index on a product occurrence, a part, or a representation item.
- Version
A3DStatus A3DMiscGetBoundingBox(const A3DEntity *pEntity, A3DBoundingBoxData *pAABB)
Read the axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) of the given A3DEntity directly from the CAD data.
- Version
This function does not compute any bounding box. To do so please check A3DMiscComputeBoundingBox.
- Parameters:
pEntity – [in] The Entity to get the bounding box from. It can be any of A3DAsmModelFile, A3DAsmProductOccurrence, A3DAsmPartDefinition or A3DRiSet.
pAABB – [out] A pointer to a valid A3DBoundingBoxData which will be filled in with the found bounding box. If no AABB is found in the CAD data, A3DBoundingBoxData::m_sMin and A3DBoundingBoxData::m_sMax will be set to zero vectors ({0.0, 0.0, 0.0}).
- Return values:
- Returns:
A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code
A3DStatus A3DMiscComputeBoundingBox(const A3DEntity *pEntity, A3DDouble const *pOptPlacement, A3DBoundingBoxData *pAABB)
Use the tessellation to compute the axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) of the given entity.
The bounding box computation is done on visible entities only. The unit used is the same as the given entity.
- Version
An invalid bounding box corresponds to those values:
A3DBoundingBoxData::m_sMin is
{1.0, 0.0, 0.0}
A3DBoundingBoxData::m_sMax is
{-1.0, 0.0, 0.0}
It can occur under following conditions:
The computation is done on infinite elements.
The CAD data do not contain any tessellation.
is of type A3DRiPlane.
This function computes the bounding box using tessellation data. If you want to read the actual bounding box from CAD data, see A3DMiscGetBoundingBox.
- Parameters:
pEntity – [in] The Entity to get the bounding box from. It can be any of A3DAsmProductOccurrence, A3DAsmPartDefinition or A3DRiSet.
pOptPlacement – [in] Reserved for future use. Must be set to 0.
pAABB – [out] A pointer to a valid A3DBoundingBoxData which will be filled in with the computed bounding box. If not possible an invalid bounding box is filled in (see below).
- Return values:
- Returns:
A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code