Interactive Layout Entities Module
Detailed Description
- group a3d_pdf_widget_module
Module for interactive widgets on a PDF page.
This module describes the functions and structures that allow you to define or retrieve widgets on a PDF Page. Widgets are interactive entitities that can be modified with JavaScript coding at runtime. Functions exist to create widgets on a page, or retrieve widgets on an existing page.
Widgets are divided in two categories: the Fields, and the High Level widgets. Fields are Acrobat Forms entities existing on a page. These Fields can be authored using Acrobat. High Level widgets are HOOPS Publish entities. They usually are built from a set of Fields. High Level widgets can only be authored by HOOPS Publish functions.
Type Documentation
enum A3DPDFEFieldType
Field type.
- Version
enumerator kA3DPDFText
Field of type ‘Text field’.
enumerator kA3DPDFButton
Field of type ‘Button’.
enumerator kA3DPDFDropDown
Field of type ‘Drop-down list’ (also named ‘Combo box’).
enumerator kA3DPDFListBox
Field of type ‘List Box’.
enumerator kA3DPDFCheckBox
Field of type ‘Check Box’.
enumerator kA3DPDFRadioButton
Field of type ‘Radio Button’.
enumerator kA3DPDFDigitalSignature
Field of type ‘Digital Signature’.
enumerator kA3DPDFBarCode
Field of type ‘Barcode’. Not used by Publish.
enum A3DPDFEFormField
Field flags.
- Version
enumerator kA3DPDFVisible
The field is visible and printable.
enumerator kA3DPDFHidden
The field is hidden and not printable.
enumerator kA3DPDFVisibleNoPrint
The field is visible but not printable.
enumerator kA3DPDFHiddenPrintable
The field is hidden but printable.
enum A3DPDFETextOrientation
Orientation of the text in a field.
- Version
enumerator kA3DPDFNormal
The text has a standard orientation.
enumerator kA3DPDF90
The button is turned 90 from counter clockwise.
enumerator kA3DPDF180
The button is turned 180 from counter clockwise.
enumerator kA3DPDF270
The button is turned 270 from counter clockwise.
Function Documentation
A3DStatus A3DPDFPageFieldListAddItem(A3DPDFPage *pPage, const A3DUTF8Char *pcFieldName, const A3DUTF8Char *pcItemValue, const A3DUTF8Char *pcItemExportValue)
Function to add an item to a form field of type list.
- Version
- Parameters:
pPage – [inout] The Page object to work with.
pcFieldName – [in] The name of the form field. Only Acroform fields are supported.
pcItemValue – [in] The item string which will be visible to the user in the list field.
pcItemExportValue – [in] The export value for the item. This value acts as a ‘symbolic value’ for the item.
- Return values:
- Returns:
A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code
A3DStatus A3DPDFPageGetFields(A3DPDFPage *pPage, A3DInt32 *piNbFields, A3DPDFField ***pppFields)
Function to retrieve the fields of a PDF page. The fields supported are only form fields created with Acrobat. LiveCycle Designer fields (XFA) are not supported.
Memory Management
In case of success,
contains heap allocated memory your are responsible for. To free the memory onpppFields
, callA3DPDFPageGetFields
set to 0.- Version
- Parameters:
pPage – [in] The Page object to work with.
piNbFields – [out] The number of fields.
pppFields – [out] The array of pointer on fields objects.
- Return values:
- Returns:
A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code
A3DStatus A3DPDFPageGetField(A3DPDFPage *pPage, const A3DUTF8Char *pcFieldName, A3DPDFField **ppField)
Function to get a PDF Field from an existing form field on a page.
- Version
- Parameters:
pPage – [in] The Page object on which is the field.
pcFieldName – [in] Unique name for existing field.
ppField – [out] The Field object.
- Return values:
- Returns:
A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code
A3DStatus A3DPDFFieldGetInformation(A3DPDFField *pField, A3DPDFFieldData *pFieldData)
Function to retrieve useful information regarding a field of a document.
- Version
- Parameters:
pField – [in] The Field object to work with.
pFieldData – [out] Data structure completed by the function. Contains the attributes of the field.
A3DStatus A3DPDFWidgetGetPosition(A3DPDFWidget *pWidget, A3DPDFRectDData *pRect)
Function to retrieve the position of a widget on a page.
Widgets are fields or more high-level entities.
- Version
- Parameters:
pWidget – [in] The Widget object to work with.
pRect – [out] Data structure completed by the function. Contains the position of the widget.
A3DStatus A3DPDFWidgetGetName(A3DPDFWidget *pWidget, A3DUTF8Char **ppcWidgetId)
Function to retrieve the name (identifier) of a widget.
Widgets are fields or more high-level entities.
Memory Management
In case of success,
contains heap allocated memory your are responsible for. To free the memory onppcWidgetId
, callA3DPDFWidgetGetName
set to 0.- Version
- Parameters:
pWidget – [in] The Widget object to work with.
ppcWidgetId – [out] The identifier as a string.
A3DStatus A3DPDFPageFieldSetVisibility(A3DPDFPage *pPage, const A3DUTF8Char *pcFieldName, const A3DBool bIsVisible)
Function to set the visibility of a form field.
- Version
- Parameters:
pPage – [inout] The Page object to work with.
pcFieldName – [in] The name of the form field. Only Acroform fields are supported.
bIsVisible – [in] Specifies if the field should be visible or not.
- Return values:
- Returns:
A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code