Detailed Description
struct A3DPDFActionSetViewData
Structure to define an action to activate a view in a 3D annotation.
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Public Members
A3DPDF3DAnnot *m_p3DAnnot
The 3D annotation that holds the views.
A3DUTF8Char *m_pcViewName
Name identifier of the view in the 3D annotation. The view is identified primarily by m_pcViewName. If m_pcViewName is NULL, then the view is identified by its index (m_iViewIndex).
A3DUns32 m_iViewIndex
Index identifier of the view in the 3D annotation. This is the index in the list of views as returned by A3DPDF3DArtworkGetViews. Index starts from 0. The view is identified primarily by m_pcViewName. If m_pcViewName is NULL, then the view is identified by its index (m_iViewIndex).