Detailed Description
struct A3DRWParamsExportStepData
A structure that specifies parameters used to write the model file to a STEP format.
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Public Members
A3DEStepFormat m_eStepFormat
Determines the STEP format. if the file extension is .stpZ the file will be compressed.
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A3DBool m_bSaveFacetedToWireframe
Determines if entities are faceted or exported as wireframes.
A value of
save polyedrics as wireframe.A value of
save polyedrics as faces.
A3DBool m_bSaveAnalyticsToNurbs
Determines the format for saving analytic surfaces, such as cylinders, cones, planes, and so forth.
A value of
converts all analytics to NURBS surfaces.A value of
keeps analytics as analytics.
A3DBool m_bUseShortNames
A value of
shortens entity names to reduce the file size. It is not recommended to use that option as not all CAD software are able to import such files. Not available in AP242.
A3DUTF8Char *m_pcApplication
Application name (will be reported in the output file).
A3DUTF8Char *m_pcVersion
Application version (will be reported in the output file).
A3DUTF8Char *m_pcConfig
Export only the configuration with this name
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A3DBool m_bWriteValidationProperties
Compute and Export ValidationPropertiess. Only available for AP242
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A3DBool m_bWritePMIWithSemantic
if m_bWritePMI is true, also export PMIs semantic information (in addition to tessellation). Only available for AP242
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A3DBool m_bWritePMIAsTessellated
if m_bWritePMI is true, export PMIs as Tessellated rather than polyline. Files are bigger with this option. Only available for AP242
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A3DUTF8Char *m_pcUser
User name (will be reported in the output file). If NULL, the system user name will be output.
A3DUTF8Char *m_pcOrganisation
Organisation name (will be reported in the output file). If NULL, “Unknown organisation” will be output.
A3DUTF8Char *m_pcAuthorisation
Authorisation name (will be reported in the output file). If NULL, “Unknown authorisation” will be output.