Image Module
Detailed Description
- group a3d_pdf_image_module
Add Images in the page.
This module describes the functions and structures that allow you to add images in the page. These images can only be added on a page, and cannot be retrieved from an existing page.
An image can be used as a static image to be inserted on a page at a specific position. Use A3DPDFPageInsertImage2 for positionning such an image on a page. Also, an image can be stored as an icon in the document, and then be used for interactivity.
Type Documentation
enum A3DPDFEImageFormat
The following image formats are available in HOOPS.
EMF is only supported on Windows.
Starting from version 2020, some of these formats are not supported anymore. These are Cel, ILBM, PSD, PCX and TIFF.
See also
See also
See also
See also
- Version
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatUnknown
Undefined format
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatBmp
BMP format
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatPng
PNG format
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatJpg
JPEG format
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatBitmapRgbByte
Bitmap RGB format
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatBitmapRgbaByte
Bitmap RGBA format
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatBitmapGreyByte
Bitmap grey format
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatBitmapGreyaByte
Bitmap greya format
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatEmf
EMF format, Windows only
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatUrl
URL format
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatGif
GIF format
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatTif
TIFF format, unsupported
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatPcx
PCX format, unsupported
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatTga
TGA format
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatPpm
PPM format
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatIlbm
ILBM format, unsupported
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatCel
Cel format, unsupported
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatRgb
RGB format
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatPsd
PSD format, unsupported
enumerator kA3DPDFImageFormatSoftimagepic
Softimagepic format
Function Documentation
A3DStatus deprecated_A3DPDFImageCreate(A3DPDFDocument *pDoc, const deprecated_A3DPDFImageData *pImageData, A3DPDFImage **ppImage)
Function to create a picture image object.
- Deprecated:
This function is deprecated. Please use A3DPDFImageCreateFromFile or A3DPDFImageCreateFromStream instead. This will be removed in version 2026.1.0.
The image object is primarily created with this function, and it should be positioned on the page with the function A3DPDFPageInsertImage.
- Version
- Parameters:
pDoc – [inout] The Document object to work with.
pImageData – [in] The image parameters.
ppImage – [out] The Image object created.
- Return values:
- Returns:
A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code
A3DStatus deprecated_A3DPDFPageInsertImage(A3DPDFPage *pPage, A3DPDFImage *pImage, const A3DInt32 iPosLeft, const A3DInt32 iPosBottom)
Function to insert a static image in a page. With this, an image is positionned on a page but can not be used for interactivity.
- Deprecated:
This function is deprecated. Please use A3DPDFPageInsertImage2 instead. This will be removed in version 2026.1.0.
- Version
- Parameters:
pPage – [inout] The Page object to work with.
pImage – [in] The Image object to insert on the page.
iPosLeft – [in] The x coordinate of the insertion point of the image. The insertion point is the bottom left corner of the image. The coordinate origin (0, 0) is the bottom left of the page. The unit is point.
iPosBottom – [in] The y coordinate of the insertion point of the image. The insertion point is the bottom left corner of the image. The coordinate origin (0, 0) is the bottom left of the page. The unit is point.
- Return values:
- Returns:
A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code
A3DStatus A3DPDFImageCreateFromFile(A3DPDFDocument *pDoc, const A3DUTF8Char *pcFileName, const A3DPDFEImageFormat eFormat, A3DPDFImage **ppImage)
Function to create an image object from a file.
The image object is primarily created with this function, and it should be positioned on the page with the function A3DPDFPageInsertImage2.
- Version
- Parameters:
pDoc – [inout] The Document object to work with.
pcFileName – [in] File name of the image file.
eFormat – [in] Format of the image. If kA3DPDFImageFormatUnknown, the format is deducted from file extension.
ppImage – [out] The Image object created.
- Return values:
- Returns:
A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code
A3DStatus A3DPDFImageCreateFromStream(A3DPDFDocument *pDoc, const A3DUTF8Char *pcStream, const A3DInt32 iLengthStream, const A3DPDFEImageFormat eFormat, A3DPDFImage **ppImage)
Function to create an image object from a file.
The image object is primarily created with this function, and it should be positioned on the page with the function A3DPDFPageInsertImage2.
- Version
- Parameters:
pDoc – [inout] The Document object to work with.
pcStream – [in] The buffer.
iLengthStream – [in] The length of the buffer.
eFormat – [in] Format of the image. It is mandatory to be specified for a buffer.
ppImage – [out] The Image object created.
- Return values:
- Returns:
A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code
A3DStatus A3DPDFPageInsertImage2(A3DPDFPage *pPage, A3DPDFImage *pImage, const A3DPDFRectData *pRectData)
Function to insert a static image in a page. With this, an image is positionned on a page but can not be used for interactivity.
- Version
- Parameters:
pPage – [inout] The Page object to work with.
pImage – [in] The Image object to insert on the page.
pRectData – [in] The rectangle to specify the position on the page.
- Return values:
- Returns:
A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code