Detailed Description
Structure that describes dimension tolerance format.
for member m_iType:
- 1: Numerical side by side,
- 2: Numerical super-imposed,
- 3: Resolved numerical side by side,
- 4: Resolved numerical super-imposed,
- 5: Alphanumerical single value,
- 6: Alphanumerical side by side,
- 7: Alphanumerical super-imposed.
for member m_dSymbolH: Ratio between separator character and value text font sizes
for member m_iTrailing: Display of tolerance trailing zeros. This value is composed of a control bit and the actual value
- m_iTrailing & ~kA3DMDTrailingToleranceConsistentDigitsMask == 0: Display (number of digits specified in the value precision),
- m_iTrailing & ~kA3DMDTrailingToleranceConsistentDigitsMask == 1: No Display,
- m_iTrailing & ~kA3DMDTrailingToleranceConsistentDigitsMask == 2: Same “display” mode as the dimension value
- In case of separate values for numerical tolerances (m_iType = 1 or 2 and m_iMergeSame = 2), the m_iTrailing control bit (whose value is obtained through kA3DMDTrailingToleranceConsistentDigitsMask) indicates if the number of digits between the ‘plus’ and ‘minus’ tolerances is consistent or not. Concretely, it means that one of the tolerances will still have some trailing zeros.
For example, if m_iTrailing & kA3DMDTrailingToleranceConsistentDigitsMask == kA3DMDTrailingToleranceConsistentDigitsMask and m_iTrailing & ~kA3DMDTrailingToleranceConsistentDigitsMask == 1, the annotation 12.34567(+0.01000; -0.10000) is displayed as 12.34567(+0.01; 0.10) while it would have been displayed as 12.34567(+0.01; 0.1) if m_iTrailing & kA3DMDTrailingToleranceConsistentDigitsMask == 0
for member m_iFractLine:
- 1: No fraction line,
- 2: Fraction line.
for member m_iPtOnValue:
- 7: Top,
- 8: Middle,
- 9: Bottom.
for member m_iAnchorPt:
- 1: Top,
- 2: Middle,
- 3: Bottom.
for member m_iMergeSame:
- 1: Display common value,
- 2: Display separate values.
for member m_iShowNull: for numerical tolerances only and
- 1: Display null value with sign,
- 2: Display null value without sign,
- 3: No display of null value.
Public Members
A3DUTF8Char *
Name of the tolerance format.