Detailed Description
struct A3DPDF3DViewCarouselData
Structure to define a view carousel widget.
The PDF document must contain the buttons for the views and the buttons to go to the next and the previous view. All buttons should be on the same page. The buttons should have been primarily created with A3DPDFButtonCreate and positioned on the page with A3DPDFPageInsertButton, or they might already exist on the page.
- Version
- Retval A3D_SUCCESS:
- Return:
A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code
Public Members
A3DUTF8Char **m_ppcButtonsNames
List of buttons names.
A3DUTF8Char *m_pcPreviousButtonName
Button name for ‘previous’ button.
A3DUTF8Char *m_pcNextButtonName
Button name for ‘next’ button.
A3DPDFEDirection m_eScrollDirection
Reserved for future use.
A3DInt32 m_iScrollStep
Scroll step (how much buttons icons are scrolled when pushing previous or next). If m_iScrollStep = m_iNbButtons, the carousel scrolls the icons by page (all the icons are replaced in the carousel). If m_iScrollStep = the number of rows, the icons are scrolled by rows. If m_iScrollStep = the number of columns, the icons are scrolled by columns. If m_iScrollStep = 1, the carousel scrolls the icons one by one (all the icons are shifted of 1 increment in the carousel).
A3DBool m_bTransitionActive
See A3DPDF3DViewListEnableViewTransitions to control view transition. For the carousel, it is set to A3D_TRUE by default.
- Version