Detailed Description
struct A3DPDFGraphicBezierCurveData
Structure that defines a graphic bezier curve.
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Public Members
A3DUns32 m_iNumberOfPoints
The size of m_pdPoints expressed in number of points.
A3DDouble *m_pdPoints
The coordinates x, y of the points. The coordinate origin (0, 0) is the bottom left of the page. The unit is point. They must be given as x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, …, xn, yn. So the size of the array will be 2*m_iNumberOfPoints.
A3DPDFRgbColorData m_sCurveColor
The color of the curve.
A3DPDFRgbColorData *m_pFillColor
Optional: the filling color.
A3DDouble m_dDashSize
The size of the visible part of a dashed curve in points. If O the curve will be plain.
A3DDouble m_dGapSize
The size of the invisible part of a dashed curve in points. If O the curve will be plain.
A3DPDFDashPatternData *m_pDashPattern
Optional: the dash pattern. If m_pDashPattern is defined, it supersedes m_dDashSize and m_dGapSize.