
Detailed Description

struct A3DPDFGraphicCompositePathData

Structure that defines a graphic path.

The elements are given ordered from the first to the last element to be drawn. For example, if there are 4 graphics, and m_peGraphicOrder is: m_peGraphicOrder[0]=kA3DPDFGraphicArc, m_peGraphicOrder[1]=kA3DPDFGraphicLine, m_peGraphicOrder[2]=kA3DPDFGraphicArc, m_peGraphicOrder[3]=kA3DPDFGraphicLine, m_iNumberOfLines is 2 m_iNumberOfArcs is 2 the first element to be drawn will be m_pArcsData[0] the second will be m_pLinesData[0] the third m_pArcsData[1] the last m_pLinesData[1]


Public Members

A3DUns32 m_iNumberOfGraphics

The total number of lines, arcs, bezier curves of the path.

A3DPDFEGraphicType *m_peGraphicOrder

The order to draw the following elements. The size of the array is m_iNumberOfGraphics.

A3DUns32 m_iNumberOfLines

The number of lines of the path.

A3DPDFGraphicLineData *m_pLinesData

The data of the lines of the path, ordered from the first line to be drawn to the last.

A3DUns32 m_iNumberOfArcs

The number of arcs of the path.

A3DPDFGraphicArcData *m_pArcsData

The data of the arcs of the path, ordered from the first arc to be drawn to the last.

A3DUns32 m_iNumberOfBezierCurves

The number of curves of the path.

A3DPDFGraphicBezierCurveData *m_pCurvesData

The data of the curves of the path, ordered from the first curve to be drawn to the last.

A3DPDFRgbColorData m_sPathColor

The path color, overrides the colors given in LinesData, ArcsData, CurvesData.

A3DPDFRgbColorData *m_pFillColor

Optional: the filling color. Overrides the colors given in LinesData, ArcsData, CurvesData.

A3DDouble m_dWidth

The width of the path. Overrides the colors given in LinesData, ArcsData, CurvesData.

A3DDouble m_dDashSize

The size of the visible part of a dashed path in points. If O the path will be plain. Overrides the colors given in LinesData, ArcsData, CurvesData.

A3DDouble m_dGapSize

The size of the invisible part of a dashed path in points. If O the path will be plain. Overrides the colors given in LinesData, ArcsData, CurvesData.

A3DPDFDashPatternData *m_pDashPattern

Optional: the dash pattern. If m_pDashPattern is defined, it supersedes m_dDashSize and m_dGapSize.