A3DRWHtmlOfflineData const * |
A3DRwHtmlMetaTag const * |
Detailed Description
struct A3DRWParamsExportHtmlData
A structure that specifies parameters used to write a model file to HTML format.
- Version
Public Members
A3DBool m_bIncludeMeasurementInformation
A value of
includes the measurement information in the SCS representation.
A3DUTF8Char const *m_pcHtmlTemplateName
(see Export SCS Module).
File name for input HTML file to be used as template.
A3DUTF8Char const *m_pcAdditionalFontDirectory
Path to a directory where additional fonts can be found.
A3DUTF8Char const *m_pcSubstitutionFont
The font used to replace any fonts that are not installed on the computer.
A3DWebEHtmlOutputMode m_eHtmlOutputMode
Manages the number of files exported. This value is only used if the export is called with kA3DWebOutFormatHtml.
A3DWebOutPdfFormat m_ePdfOutputFormat
enumeration value to define the ouput of the PDF structure (see A3DWebOutPdfFormat). Default is kA3DWebOutPdfFormatXml.
A3DUns8 m_i3dOutputFormat
flag that describe in which format the export has to be done (see HTML Module module). Default is kA3DWebOutFormatHtml.
A3DRWHtmlOfflineData const *m_pHtmlOfflineData
When exporting a PDF file using a A3DWebEHtmlOutputMode offline variants, this field must be set to a valid reference to an A3DRWHtmlOfflineData instance.
A3DUTF8Char const *m_pcOutputDocumentTitle
Name of the HTML document inside a web browser.
A3DRwHtmlMetaTag const *m_pOutputDocumentMetaTags
Array of A3DRwHtmlMetaTag to be injected into the output HTML document.