10. Examples

This chapter contains example VdmTools programs. The source code for all examples resides in CeetronSAM/src/sam/vdm/exam.

10.1. Example 1, List Datasets on a Library Device

This example illustrates opening an SDRC Universal file and listing all of the datasets. Initially a SDRCLib library device object and an associated DataFun object are created. The DataFun object is loaded with function pointers by the SDRCLib object. At this point all further data access of the library device is handled through the data function object.

The library device is opened and attached to a Universal file residing on file bumper.unv. The library name, “Bumper”, is completely arbitrary. Opening a library device is often the most time consuming operation performed on a library. In general the library file must be completely scanned to determine the number and type of datasets, number of nodes and elements, etc. At this point the library device may be queried for dataset information. First the number of nodes and elements are queried and printed. Next, in order to begin to query for dataset parameters, the generic Library object used by the library device must be retrieved. A loop is entered over the total number of datasets on the library. The Dataset object is retrieved for each dataset on the library and queried for the dataset parameters. These parameters are listed for each dataset. Finally the library device is closed and the DataFun and SDRCLib objects are destroyed.

#include "sam/base/base.h"
#include "sam/vdm/vdm.h"
#include "sam/base/license.h"
#include "sam/CEETRON_SAM_license.h"

                      List all Datasets
main(int argc, char** argv)
    char inputfile[256] = {0};
    vdm_SDRCLib* sdrclib;
    vdm_DataFun* datafun;
    vdm_Library* library;
    vdm_Dataset* dataset;
    Vint filetype;
    Vint numnp, numel;
    Vint numdatasets, numattributes;
    Vchar dsname[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vlong lrec;
    Vint nrow, ncol, ntyp;

    int i;


    /* create data function object */
    datafun = vdm_DataFunBegin();

    /* create SDRC Universal File library device */
    filetype = VDM_SDRC_UNIVERSAL;
    sdrclib = vdm_SDRCLibBegin();
    vdm_SDRCLibDataFun(sdrclib, datafun);

    if (argc < 2) {
        strcpy(inputfile, "bumper.unv");
    else {
        strcpy(inputfile, argv[1]);

    /* open library device */
    vdm_DataFunOpen(datafun, 0, inputfile, filetype);

    /* get number of nodes and elements */
    vdm_DataFunGetNumEntities(datafun, SYS_NODE, &numnp);
    vdm_DataFunGetNumEntities(datafun, SYS_ELEM, &numel);
    printf("Number of nodes    = %10d\n", numnp);
    printf("Number of elements = %10d\n", numel);

    /* get library object */
    vdm_DataFunGetLibrary(datafun, &library);

    /* get number of datasets on library */
    vdm_LibraryGetNumDatasets(library, &numdatasets);

    /* print heading */
    printf("Number of datasets = %10d\n", numdatasets);
    printf("  Seq     LRec  NRow     NCol  NTyp  NAtt  Name\n");

    /* loop through datasets */
    for (i = 0; i < numdatasets; i++) {
        vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, i, &dataset);
        vdm_DatasetInq(dataset, dsname, &lrec, &nrow, &ncol, &ntyp);
        vdm_DatasetGetNumAttributes(dataset, &numattributes);
        printf("%5d %8lld %5d %8d %5d %5d  %s\n", i, lrec, nrow, ncol, ntyp, numattributes, dsname);
    /* close library device */

    /* free objects */
    return 0;

10.2. Example 2, Read and Print Model Data

This example illustrates loading a Model object with typically a finite element model residing on an external file and then traversing and printing the node coordinates and element connectivity contained in the Connect object registered in the Model object. The finite element model may reside on any external file in a format supported by VdmTools. The external file name is entered as the first argument to the example executable. If no file name is entered then the file “bumper.unv”, a simple IDEAS universal file, is assumed. The model object is created and then loaded using the function vdm_LManLoadModel(). During this process many objects are created and registered in the Model object by the function. These objects represent the various components of the finite element model.

The Connect object is retrieved from the Model object and information about the nodes and elements is accessed and printed.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sam/base/base.h"
#include "sam/vis/visdata.h"
#include "sam/vdm/vdm.h"
#include "sam/base/license.h"
#include "sam/CEETRON_SAM_license.h"

static void
printNodes(vis_Connect* connect);
static void
printElements(vis_Connect* connect);

                      Read and Print Model Data
main(int argc, char** argv)
    char inputfile[256];
    vdm_ABAFil* abafil = NULL;
    vdm_ABALib* abalib = NULL;
    vdm_ANSFil* ansfil = NULL;
    vdm_ANSLib* anslib = NULL;
    vdm_NASFil* nasfil = NULL;
    vdm_NASLib* naslib = NULL;
    vdm_SDRCLib* sdrclib = NULL;
    vdm_FLUENTLib* fluentlib = NULL;
    vdm_SAMCEFLib* samceflib = NULL;
    vdm_DataFun* datafun = NULL;
    vdm_LMan* lman = NULL;
    Vint filetype;
    vis_Model* model = NULL;
    vis_Connect* connect = NULL;

    if (argc < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s inputfile\n", argv[0]);
        fprintf(stderr, " inputfile is blank, 'bumper.unv' is assumed\n");
        strcpy(inputfile, "bumper.unv");
    else {
        strcpy(inputfile, argv[1]);


    /* create data function object */
    datafun = vdm_DataFunBegin();

    /* determine file type from file extension */
    if (strstr(inputfile, ".bdf") != NULL || strstr(inputfile, ".dat") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_NASTRAN_BULKDATA;
        nasfil = vdm_NASFilBegin();
        vdm_NASFilDataFun(nasfil, datafun);
        printf("Nastran Bulk Data File: %s\n", inputfile);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, ".op2") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_NASTRAN_OUTPUT2;
        naslib = vdm_NASLibBegin();
        vdm_NASLibDataFun(naslib, datafun);
        printf("Nastran Output2 File: %s\n", inputfile);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, ".inp") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_ABAQUS_INPUT;
        abafil = vdm_ABAFilBegin();
        vdm_ABAFilDataFun(abafil, datafun);
        printf("Abaqus Input File: %s\n", inputfile);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, ".fil") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_ABAQUS_FIL;
        abalib = vdm_ABALibBegin();
        vdm_ABALibDataFun(abalib, datafun);
        printf("Abaqus Binary (.fil) File: %s\n", inputfile);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, ".cdb") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_ANSYS_INPUT;
        ansfil = vdm_ANSFilBegin();
        vdm_ANSFilDataFun(ansfil, datafun);
        printf("Ansys Input File: %s\n", inputfile);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, ".rst") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_ANSYS_RESULT;
        anslib = vdm_ANSLibBegin();
        vdm_ANSLibDataFun(anslib, datafun);
        printf("Ansys Result (.rst) File: %s\n", inputfile);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, ".unv") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_SDRC_UNIVERSAL;
        sdrclib = vdm_SDRCLibBegin();
        vdm_SDRCLibDataFun(sdrclib, datafun);
        printf("SDRC Universal File: %s\n", inputfile);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, ".cas") != NULL || strstr(inputfile, ".msh") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_FLUENT_MESH;
        fluentlib = vdm_FLUENTLibBegin();
        vdm_FLUENTLibDataFun(fluentlib, datafun);
        printf("Fluent Mesh File: %s\n", inputfile);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, ".des") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_SAMCEF;
        samceflib = vdm_SAMCEFLibBegin();
        vdm_SAMCEFLibDataFun(samceflib, datafun);
        printf("SAMCEF File: %s\n", inputfile);
    else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad input file %s\n", inputfile);
    /* open library device */
    vdm_DataFunOpen(datafun, 0, inputfile, filetype);
    /* instance model object for finite element model */
    model = vis_ModelBegin();
    /* use Library Manager object to load model */
    lman = vdm_LManBegin();
    vdm_LManSetObject(lman, VDM_DATAFUN, datafun);
    vdm_LManLoadModel(lman, model);
    if (vdm_LManError(lman)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unable to load model information\n");
    /* traverse Model object */
    /* get Connect object and print nodes and elements */
    vis_ModelGetObject(model, VIS_CONNECT, (Vobject**)&connect);
    if (connect != NULL) {
    /* delete objects registered in Model */
    /* destroy Model object itself */
    /* close library device and delete interface */
    if (filetype == VDM_NASTRAN_BULKDATA) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_NASTRAN_OUTPUT2) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_ABAQUS_INPUT) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_ABAQUS_FIL) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_ANSYS_INPUT) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_ANSYS_RESULT) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_SDRC_UNIVERSAL) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_FLUENT_MESH) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_SAMCEF) {
    return 0;

                      print nodes
static void
printNodes(vis_Connect* connect)
    Vint i;
    Vint numnp;
    Vint nid, cid;
    Vint featype;
    Vdouble x[3];

    vis_ConnectNumber(connect, SYS_NODE, &numnp);
    printf("Number of nodes=    %d\n", numnp);
    /* nodes: coordinates, user id and
       displacement coordinate system id */
    for (i = 1; i <= numnp; i++) {
        vis_ConnectCoordsdv(connect, 1, &i, (Vdouble(*)[3])x);
        vis_ConnectNodeAssoc(connect, VIS_USERID, 1, &i, &nid);
        vis_ConnectNodeAssoc(connect, VIS_CSYSID, 1, &i, &cid);
        printf("id= %d, cid= %d, x= %e %e %e\n", nid, cid, x[0], x[1], x[2]);
        /* check for scalar node */
        vis_ConnectNodeAssoc(connect, VIS_FEATYPE, 1, &i, &featype);
        if (featype == SYS_NODE_SCALAR) {
            printf("featype= Scalar node\n");

                      print elements
static void
printElements(vis_Connect* connect)
    Vint i, j;
    Vint numel;
    Vint cid;
    Vint eid, pid, mid, partid;
    Vint featype;
    Vint maxelemnode;
    Vint nix, *ix, *ux;
    Vint shape, maxi, maxj, maxk;

    vis_ConnectNumber(connect, SYS_ELEM, &numel);
    printf("Number of elements= %d\n", numel);
    /* elements: connectivity, user id, material and
       property id, etc. */
    vis_ConnectMaxElemNode(connect, &maxelemnode);
    /* allocate vectors for internal node ids and user ids */
    ix = (Vint*)malloc(maxelemnode * sizeof(Vint));
    ux = (Vint*)malloc(maxelemnode * sizeof(Vint));
    for (i = 1; i <= numel; i++) {
        vis_ConnectTopology(connect, i, &shape, &maxi, &maxj, &maxk);
        vis_ConnectElemNode(connect, i, &nix, ix);
        vis_ConnectElemAssoc(connect, VIS_USERID, 1, &i, &eid);
        vis_ConnectElemAssoc(connect, VIS_PARTID, 1, &i, &partid);
        vis_ConnectElemAssoc(connect, VIS_PROPID, 1, &i, &pid);
        vis_ConnectElemAssoc(connect, VIS_MATLID, 1, &i, &mid);
        vis_ConnectElemAssoc(connect, VIS_CSYSID, 1, &i, &cid);
        vis_ConnectElemAssoc(connect, VIS_FEATYPE, 1, &i, &featype);
        printf("id= %d, partid= %d, pid= %d, mid= %d, cid= %d, nodes= %d\n", eid, partid, pid, mid, cid, nix);
        /* interpret shape */
        if (shape == SYS_SHAPEPOINT) {
            printf(" shape= Point(s):");
        else if (shape == SYS_SHAPELINE) {
            printf(" shape= Line:");
        else if (shape == SYS_SHAPETRI) {
            printf(" shape= Triangle:");
        else if (shape == SYS_SHAPEQUAD) {
            printf(" shape= Quadrilateral:");
        else if (shape == SYS_SHAPETET) {
            printf(" shape= Tetrahedron:");
        else if (shape == SYS_SHAPEPYR) {
            printf(" shape= Pyramid:");
        else if (shape == SYS_SHAPEWED) {
            printf(" shape= Pentahedron:");
        else if (shape == SYS_SHAPEHEX) {
            printf(" shape= Hexahedron:");
        else if (shape == SYS_SHAPEPOLYGON) {
            printf(" shape= Polygon:");
        else if (shape == SYS_SHAPEPOLYHED) {
            printf(" shape= Polyhedron:");
        printf("  maxi= %d, maxj= %d, maxk= %d\n", maxi, maxj, maxk);
        /* convert internal index to user id */
        vis_ConnectNodeAssoc(connect, VIS_USERID, nix, ix, ux);
        /* print element connectivity */
        printf(" connectivity=");
        for (j = 0; j < nix; j++) {
            printf(" %d", ux[j]);
    /* free vectors */

10.3. Example 3, Read and Print Results State Data

This example is an extension of Example 3a and illustrates using VisTools global modules to store the model and results data read from a library device. The basic finite element model information is read into a VisTools Model object with the help of the LMan module function, vdm_LManLoadModel(). The Model object consists of single instances as well as lists and hashtables of other VisTools global modules which store information describing the finite element model. The Connect object, which stores the basic finite element connectivity and node coordinates values is retrieved from the Model object using vis_ModelGetObject(). The user defined node and element identifiers are queried from the Connect object and loaded into separate IdTran objects.

Results datasets are accessed in two basic ways. The first is illustrated by looking specifically for node displacement and element stress results. The second is illustrated by examining all datasets and attempting to identify and process any dataset which contains a result quantity of any kind. Results are read into State objects using vdm_LManLoadState(). The result property object, RProp is used in this case to pass the dataset name to vdm_LManLoadState(). The vdm_LManLoadState() function will populate the RProp and State objects with result properties such as title, subtitle, contents, numeric identifiers, etc. Any State object which is configured to hold element node data or is involved in a coordinate system transformation must have knowledge of the element connectivity and node coordinates. This is done by instancing a GridFun object, loading it with function pointers as an abstract interface to the Connect object and setting it as an attribute object into the State object using vis_StateSetObject().

The function vdm_LManLoadState() loads results data into State objects in the local coordinate system in which they appear on the library device. The vis_StateTransform() function may be used to transform the results to the global coordinate system. In order to perform this transformation, the State object must have the appropriate model information extracted from the Model object. This consists of the entity coordinate system identifiers stored in an IdTran object, the HashTable of CoordSys objects, and in the case of element results, the HashTable of ElemDat objects which is required to provide element property information.

Note the use of the Dataset module functions vdm_DatasetResult(), vdm_DatasetInq(), vdm_DatasetDecode(), vdm_DatasetDataType() and vdm_DatasetContents() to help in the result identification process.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sam/base/base.h"
#include "sam/vis/visdata.h"
#include "sam/vdm/vdm.h"
#include "datafile.h"
#include "sam/base/license.h"
#include "sam/CEETRON_SAM_license.h"

static void
print_displacement(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library, vis_Model* model);

static void
print_temp_gradient(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library, vis_Model* model);
static void
print_stress(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library, vis_Model* model);
static void
print_result(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library, vis_Model* model);
static void
print_section(Vint lpos, Vint isec);
static void
print_attributes(vdm_Dataset* dataset);

                     Read and Print Results State Data
main(int argc, char** argv)
    Vint i;
    char inputfile[256];
    vdm_DataFun* datafun;
    vdm_Library* library;
    vdm_LMan* lman;
    Vint filetype, filetype1;
    Vint numnp, numel;
    vis_Model* model;
    vis_Connect* connect;
    Vint ierr;

    /* check input arguments */
    if (argc < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s inputfile [appendfile]\n", argv[0]);
        fprintf(stderr, " inputfile is blank, 'cantilever.unv' is assumed\n");
        strcpy(inputfile, "cantilever.unv");
    else {
        strcpy(inputfile, argv[1]);


    /* create data function object */
    datafun = vdm_DataFunBegin();

    datafiletype(inputfile, &filetype);
    if (filetype == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad input file %s\n", inputfile);
    datafileinit(filetype, datafun);
    /* set convention to support sparse datasets */
    vdm_DataFunSetConvention(datafun, VDM_CONVENTION_SPARSE);
    /* open library device */
    vdm_DataFunOpen(datafun, 0, inputfile, filetype);
    /* check for error */
    ierr = vdm_DataFunError(datafun);
    if (ierr) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: opening file %s\n", inputfile);
        datafileterm(filetype, datafun);
    /* look for appended file */
    for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
        if (strstr(argv[i], ".op2") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_NASTRAN_OUTPUT2;
        else if (strstr(argv[i], ".unv") != NULL || strstr(argv[i], ".bun") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_SDRC_UNIVERSAL;
        else if (strstr(argv[i], ".vdm") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_NATIVE;
        else if (strstr(argv[i], ".dis") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_PATRAN_RESULT;
        else if (strstr(argv[i], ".q") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_PLOT3D_SOLUTION;
        else if (strstr(argv[i], ".dat") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_FLUENT_MESH;
        else if (strstr(argv[i], ".cgns") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_CGNS;
        else {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad appended file %s\n", argv[i]);
        vdm_DataFunAppend(datafun, argv[i], filetype1);
        /* check for error */
        ierr = vdm_DataFunError(datafun);
        if (ierr) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: appending file %s to file %s\n", argv[i], argv[1]);
    /* instance Model object for finite element model */
    model = vis_ModelBegin();

    /* use Library Manager object to load model */
    lman = vdm_LManBegin();
    vdm_LManSetObject(lman, VDM_DATAFUN, datafun);
    vdm_LManLoadModel(lman, model);

    /* get Connect object created in Model */
    vis_ModelGetObject(model, VIS_CONNECT, (Vobject**)&connect);
    vis_ConnectNumber(connect, SYS_NODE, &numnp);
    vis_ConnectNumber(connect, SYS_ELEM, &numel);
    printf("number of nodes= %d\n", numnp);
    printf("number of elems= %d\n", numel);

    /* get library object */
    vdm_DataFunGetLibrary(datafun, &library);

    /* access and print displacments */
    print_displacement(lman, library, model);
    /* access and print temperature gradients */
    print_temp_gradient(lman, library, model);

    /* access and print stresses */
    print_stress(lman, library, model);
    /* access and print all results */
    print_result(lman, library, model);

    /* close library device */

    /* delete objects in Model created by LManLoadModel */

    datafileterm(filetype, datafun);
    /* free objects */

    return 0;

                      print displacments
static void
print_displacement(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library, vis_Model* model)
    vdm_Dataset* dataset;
    Vchar dsname[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vlong lrec;
    Vint nrow, ncol, ntyp;
    Vint numdatasets;
    Vint ndst_d;
    Vint* idst_d;
    Vint numids, ids[3];
    Vint numnp, nodenumber;
    Vint cid;
    Vint i, n;
    vis_Connect* connect;
    vsy_HashTable* hashcsys;
    vis_IdTran* idtrannsys;
    vis_GridFun* gridfun;
    vis_State* state;
    vis_RProp* rprop;
    Vfloat dvec[6], dmag, rmag;
    Vint nument, enttype, subtype, datatype;
    Vint system;
    Vint thermalflag;

    /* determine maximum number of datasets */
    vdm_LibraryGetNumDatasets(library, &numdatasets);

    /* allocate array for dataset indices */
    idst_d = (Vint*)malloc(numdatasets * sizeof(Vint));

    /* search for displacement results datasets */
    thermalflag = 0;
    vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, "D.*N:*", numdatasets, idst_d, &ndst_d);
    /* if no displacement, search for temperature */
    if (ndst_d == 0) {
        thermalflag = 1;
        vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, "TEMP.*N:*", numdatasets, idst_d, &ndst_d);

    if (ndst_d == 0) {
    /* get Connect object created in Model */
    vis_ModelGetObject(model, VIS_CONNECT, (Vobject**)&connect);
    vis_ConnectNumber(connect, SYS_NODE, &numnp);

    /* create a grid function object */
    gridfun = vis_GridFunBegin();
    vis_ConnectGridFun(connect, gridfun);

    /* get HashTable of CoordSys objects */
    vis_ModelGetHashTable(model, VIS_COORDSYS, &hashcsys);

    /* install coordinate system ids into IdTran object */
    idtrannsys = vis_IdTranBegin();
    vis_IdTranDef(idtrannsys, numnp);
    for (i = 1; i <= numnp; i++) {
        vis_ConnectNodeAssoc(connect, VIS_CSYSID, 1, &i, &cid);
        vis_IdTranSetId(idtrannsys, i, cid);
    /* create state */
    state = vis_StateBegin();

    /* initialize result property object */
    rprop = vis_RPropBegin();
    vis_RPropDef(rprop, SYS_NODE, SYS_NONE);

    /* print first, middle and last node */
    numids = 3;
    ids[0] = 1;
    ids[1] = numnp / 2;
    ids[2] = numnp;

    /* loop over displacement datasets */
    for (i = 0; i < ndst_d; i++) {
        vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, idst_d[i], &dataset);
        vdm_DatasetInq(dataset, dsname, &lrec, &nrow, &ncol, &ntyp);

        /* print header */
        printf("\n\nDataset: %s\n", dsname);
        if (thermalflag == 0) {
        else {

        /* load state */
        vis_RPropSetDatasetIndex(rprop, idst_d[i]);
        vdm_LManLoadState(lman, state, rprop);
        vis_StateInq(state, &nument, &enttype, &subtype, &datatype);

        /* loop over requested nodes */
        for (n = 0; n < numids; n++) {
            if (ids[n] == 0)
            vis_ConnectNodeAssoc(connect, VIS_USERID, 1, &ids[n], &nodenumber);
            printf("%8d", nodenumber);
            vis_StateSetDerive(state, datatype);

            if (datatype == VIS_SCALAR) {
                vis_StateData(state, 1, &ids[n], dvec);
                printf("%14e\n", dvec[0]);
                /* vector type */
            else if (datatype == VIS_VECTOR) {
                /* print components */
                vis_StateData(state, 1, &ids[n], dvec);
                printf("%14e %14e %14e", dvec[0], dvec[1], dvec[2]);
                /* print magnitude */
                vis_StateSetDerive(state, VIS_VECTOR_MAG);
                vis_StateData(state, 1, &ids[n], &dmag);
                printf("  magnitude= %14e\n", dmag);
                /* six dof vector type */
            else if (datatype == VIS_SIXDOF) {
                /* print components */
                vis_StateData(state, 1, &ids[n], dvec);
                printf("%14e %14e %14e  %14e %14e %14e", dvec[0], dvec[1], dvec[2], dvec[3], dvec[4], dvec[5]);
                /* print magnitudes */
                vis_StateSetDerive(state, VIS_SIXDOF_TMAG);
                vis_StateData(state, 1, &ids[n], &dmag);
                vis_StateSetDerive(state, VIS_SIXDOF_RMAG);
                vis_StateData(state, 1, &ids[n], &rmag);
                printf("  magnitudes= %14e %14e\n", dmag, rmag);

        /* print global components if originally local components */

        /* the system is set in State by LManLoadState */
        vis_StateGetSystem(state, &system);
        if (system == STATE_LOCAL) {
            vis_StateSetObject(state, VIS_GRIDFUN, gridfun);
            vis_StateSetHashTable(state, VIS_COORDSYS, hashcsys);
            vis_StateSetObject(state, VIS_IDTRAN, idtrannsys);
            vis_StateTransform(state, STATE_GLOBAL, NULL);
            /* loop over requested nodes */
            vis_StateSetDerive(state, datatype);
            printf("global system\n");
            for (n = 0; n < numids; n++) {
                if (ids[n] == 0)
                vis_ConnectNodeAssoc(connect, VIS_USERID, 1, &ids[n], &nodenumber);
                printf("%8d", nodenumber);
                /* vector type */
                if (datatype == VIS_VECTOR) {
                    vis_StateData(state, 1, &ids[n], dvec);
                    printf("%14e %14e %14e\n", dvec[0], dvec[1], dvec[2]);
                    /* six dof vector type */
                else if (datatype == VIS_SIXDOF) {
                    vis_StateData(state, 1, &ids[n], dvec);
                    printf("%14e %14e %14e  %14e %14e %14e\n", dvec[0], dvec[1], dvec[2], dvec[3], dvec[4], dvec[5]);
        /* print attributes */

    /* free memory */

                      load element coordinate system indices
static void
load_idtrancid(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library, vis_RProp* rprop, vis_IdTran* idtrancid)
    Vint m;
    Vchar cidname[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vint ids, nds;
    vdm_Dataset* dataset;
    vdm_DataFun* datafun;
    Vint ncol;
    Vint* pcid;
    /* get name of coordinate system id dataset */
    vis_RPropValueString(rprop, RPROP_LINK_CID, cidname);
    /* find dataset */
    vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, cidname, 1, &ids, &nds);
    vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, ids, &dataset);
    vdm_DatasetGetNCol(dataset, &ncol);
    vdm_LManGetObject(lman, VDM_DATAFUN, (Vobject**)&datafun);
    pcid = (Vint*)malloc(ncol * sizeof(Vint));
    vdm_DataFunReadDataset(datafun, ids, pcid);
    for (m = 1; m <= ncol; m++) {
        vis_IdTranSetId(idtrancid, m, pcid[m - 1]);

                      load rotation angle vector
static void
load_staterotang(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library, vis_RProp* rprop, vis_State* staterotang)
    Vchar raname[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vint ids, nds;
    vdm_Dataset* dataset;
    vis_RProp* rproprotang;
    Vint enttype, subtype;
    /* get name of rotation angle dataset */
    vis_RPropValueString(rprop, RPROP_LINK_ROTANG, raname);
    /* find dataset */
    vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, raname, 1, &ids, &nds);
    vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, ids, &dataset);
    vdm_DatasetEntType(dataset, &enttype, &subtype);
    /* read rotation angles */
    rproprotang = vis_RPropBegin();
    vis_RPropDef(rproprotang, enttype, subtype);
    vis_RPropSetDatasetIndex(rproprotang, ids);
    vdm_LManLoadState(lman, staterotang, rproprotang);

                      print temperature gradients
static void
print_temp_gradient(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library, vis_Model* model)
    vdm_Dataset* dataset;
    Vchar dsname[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vlong lrec;
    Vint nrow, ncol, ntyp;
    Vint numdatasets;
    Vint ndst_d;
    Vint* idst_d;
    Vint numids, ids[3];
    Vint numel, elemnumber;
    Vint i, n;
    vis_Connect* connect;
    vsy_HashTable *hashcsys, *hasheldt;
    vis_IdTran* idtranesys;
    vis_GridFun* gridfun;
    vis_State* state;
    vis_RProp* rprop;
    Vfloat dvec[3], dmag;
    Vint system;

    /* determine maximum number of datasets */
    vdm_LibraryGetNumDatasets(library, &numdatasets);

    /* allocate array for dataset indices */
    idst_d = (Vint*)malloc(numdatasets * sizeof(Vint));

    /* search for temp gradient results datasets */
    vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, "TEMP_GRAD.*E:*", numdatasets, idst_d, &ndst_d);

    if (ndst_d == 0) {
    /* get Connect object created in Model */
    vis_ModelGetObject(model, VIS_CONNECT, (Vobject**)&connect);
    vis_ConnectNumber(connect, SYS_ELEM, &numel);

    /* create a grid function object */
    gridfun = vis_GridFunBegin();
    vis_ConnectGridFun(connect, gridfun);

    /* get HashTable of CoordSys objects */
    vis_ModelGetHashTable(model, VIS_COORDSYS, &hashcsys);
    /* get HashTable of ElemDat objects */
    vis_ModelGetHashTable(model, VIS_ELEMDAT, &hasheldt);

    /* coordinate system ids */
    idtranesys = vis_IdTranBegin();
    vis_IdTranDef(idtranesys, numel);

    /* create state */
    state = vis_StateBegin();

    /* initialize result property object */
    rprop = vis_RPropBegin();
    vis_RPropDef(rprop, SYS_ELEM, SYS_NONE);

    /* print first, middle and last element */
    numids = 3;
    ids[0] = 1;
    ids[1] = numel / 2;
    ids[2] = numel;

    /* loop over datasets */
    for (i = 0; i < ndst_d; i++) {
        vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, idst_d[i], &dataset);
        vdm_DatasetInq(dataset, dsname, &lrec, &nrow, &ncol, &ntyp);

        /* print header */
        printf("\n\nDataset: %s\n", dsname);
        printf("\nTemperature Gradients\n");

        /* load state */
        vis_RPropSetDatasetIndex(rprop, idst_d[i]);
        vdm_LManLoadState(lman, state, rprop);

        /* loop over requested elements */
        for (n = 0; n < numids; n++) {
            if (ids[n] == 0)
            vis_ConnectElemAssoc(connect, VIS_USERID, 1, &ids[n], &elemnumber);
            printf("%8d %8d", ids[n], elemnumber);
            vis_StateSetDerive(state, VIS_VECTOR);
            /* print components */
            vis_StateData(state, 1, &ids[n], dvec);
            printf("%14e %14e %14e", dvec[0], dvec[1], dvec[2]);
            /* print magnitude */
            vis_StateSetDerive(state, VIS_VECTOR_MAG);
            vis_StateData(state, 1, &ids[n], &dmag);
            printf("  magnitude= %14e\n", dmag);

        /* print global components if originally local components */

        /* the system is set in State by LManLoadState */
        vis_StateGetSystem(state, &system);
        if (system == STATE_LOCAL) {
            vis_StateSetObject(state, VIS_GRIDFUN, gridfun);
            vis_StateSetHashTable(state, VIS_COORDSYS, hashcsys);
            vis_StateSetHashTable(state, VIS_ELEMDAT, hasheldt);
            load_idtrancid(lman, library, rprop, idtranesys);
            vis_StateSetObject(state, VIS_IDTRAN, idtranesys);
            vis_StateTransform(state, STATE_GLOBAL, NULL);
            /* loop over requested elements */
            vis_StateSetDerive(state, VIS_VECTOR);
            printf("global system\n");
            for (n = 0; n < numids; n++) {
                if (ids[n] == 0)
                vis_ConnectElemAssoc(connect, VIS_USERID, 1, &ids[n], &elemnumber);
                printf("%8d %8d", ids[n], elemnumber);
                vis_StateData(state, 1, &ids[n], dvec);
                printf("%14e %14e %14e\n", dvec[0], dvec[1], dvec[2]);
        /* print attributes */

    /* free memory */

                      print stresses
static void
print_stress(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library, vis_Model* model)
    vdm_Dataset* dataset;
    Vchar dsname[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vlong lrec;
    Vint nrow, ncol, ntyp;
    Vint numdatasets;
    Vint nds, ndst_s;
    Vint* idst_s = NULL;
    Vint numids, ids[3];
    Vint nix;
    Vint numel, maxelno, elemnumber, complexmode;
    Vint i, j, n;
    vis_Connect* connect = NULL;
    vsy_HashTable *hashcsys = NULL, *hasheldt = NULL, *hasheprop = NULL;
    vis_IdTran* idtranesys = NULL;
    vis_GridFun* gridfun = NULL;
    vis_State* state = NULL;
    vis_State* staterotang = NULL;
    vis_RProp* rprop = NULL;
    Vfloat(*sten)[6], *smean = NULL, (*cten)[12];
    Vint system;
    Vint enttype, subtype;

    /* determine maximum number of datasets */
    vdm_LibraryGetNumDatasets(library, &numdatasets);

    /* allocate array for dataset indices */
    idst_s = (Vint*)malloc(numdatasets * sizeof(Vint));

    /* search for stress results datasets */
    vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, "S.*EL:*", numdatasets, idst_s, &nds);
    vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, "S.*E:*", numdatasets, &idst_s[nds], &ndst_s);
    ndst_s += nds;
    if (ndst_s == 0) {
    /* get Connect object created in Model */
    vis_ModelGetObject(model, VIS_CONNECT, (Vobject**)&connect);
    vis_ConnectNumber(connect, SYS_ELEM, &numel);

    /* find maximum number of element nodes */
    vis_ConnectMaxElemNode(connect, &maxelno);

    /* allocate arrays to fit maximum element node data */
    sten = (Vfloat(*)[6])malloc(2 * maxelno * 6 * sizeof(Vfloat));
    cten = (Vfloat(*)[12])sten;
    smean = (Vfloat*)malloc(maxelno * sizeof(Vfloat));

    /* create a grid function object */
    gridfun = vis_GridFunBegin();
    vis_ConnectGridFun(connect, gridfun);

    /* get HashTable of CoordSys objects */
    vis_ModelGetHashTable(model, VIS_COORDSYS, &hashcsys);
    /* get HashTable of ElemDat objects */
    vis_ModelGetHashTable(model, VIS_ELEMDAT, &hasheldt);
    /* get HashTable of EProp objects */
    vis_ModelGetHashTable(model, VIS_EPROP, &hasheprop);

    /* element coordinate system ids into IdTran object */
    idtranesys = vis_IdTranBegin();
    vis_IdTranDef(idtranesys, numel);

    /* create state and install GridFun object */
    state = vis_StateBegin();
    vis_StateSetObject(state, VIS_GRIDFUN, gridfun);

    /* instance result property object */
    rprop = vis_RPropBegin();

    /* print first, middle and last element */
    numids = 3;
    ids[0] = 1;
    ids[1] = numel / 2;
    ids[2] = numel;
    /* loop over stress datasets */
    for (i = 0; i < ndst_s; i++) {
        vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, idst_s[i], &dataset);
        vdm_DatasetInq(dataset, dsname, &lrec, &nrow, &ncol, &ntyp);
        if (nrow != 6)
        vdm_DatasetEntType(dataset, &enttype, &subtype);

        /* print header */
        printf("\n\nDataset: %s\n", dsname);

        /* set entity type and dataset index */
        vis_RPropDef(rprop, enttype, subtype);
        vis_RPropSetDatasetIndex(rprop, idst_s[i]);
        /* load state */
        vdm_LManLoadState(lman, state, rprop);
        vis_StateGetComplexMode(state, &complexmode);

        /* print stress components first */
        vis_StateSetDerive(state, VIS_TENSOR);

        /* loop over requested elements */
        for (n = 0; n < numids; n++) {
            if (ids[n] == 0)
            vis_ConnectElemAssoc(connect, VIS_USERID, 1, &ids[n], &elemnumber);
            printf("%8d, component stresses\n", elemnumber);

            nix = 1;
            /* if element node get number of nodes */
            if (subtype == SYS_NODE) {
                vis_ConnectElemNum(connect, SYS_NODE, ids[n], &nix);
            vis_StateData(state, 1, &ids[n], (Vfloat*)sten);

            /* loop over nodes in element */
            for (j = 0; j < nix; j++) {
                if (complexmode == SYS_COMPLEX_REAL) {
                    printf(" %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e\n", sten[j][0], sten[j][1], sten[j][2], sten[j][3],
                           sten[j][4], sten[j][5]);
                else {
                    printf(" %12.5e %12.5e(i) %12.5e %12.5e(i) %12.5e %12.5e(i)\n", cten[j][0], cten[j][1], cten[j][2],
                           cten[j][3], cten[j][4], cten[j][5]);
                    printf(" %12.5e %12.5e(i) %12.5e %12.5e(i) %12.5e %12.5e(i)\n", cten[j][6], cten[j][7], cten[j][8],
                           cten[j][9], cten[j][10], cten[j][11]);
        /* skip derived quantities if complex data */
        if (complexmode != SYS_COMPLEX_REAL)
        /* print mean stress second */
        vis_StateSetDerive(state, VIS_TENSOR_MEAN);

        /* loop over requested elements */
        for (n = 0; n < numids; n++) {
            if (ids[n] == 0)
            vis_ConnectElemAssoc(connect, VIS_USERID, 1, &ids[n], &elemnumber);
            printf("%8d, mean stress\n", elemnumber);

            nix = 1;
            /* if element node get number of nodes */
            if (subtype == SYS_NODE) {
                vis_ConnectElemNum(connect, SYS_NODE, ids[n], &nix);
            vis_StateData(state, 1, &ids[n], smean);

            /* loop over nodes in element */
            for (j = 0; j < nix; j++) {
                printf(" %12.5e\n", smean[j]);
        vis_StateSetDerive(state, VIS_TENSOR);

        /* print stress in global if originally in local */
        /* the system is set in State by LManLoadState */
        vis_StateGetSystem(state, &system);
        if (system == STATE_LOCAL || system == STATE_ROTANG) {
            vis_StateSetObject(state, VIS_GRIDFUN, gridfun);
            if (system == STATE_LOCAL) {
                vis_StateSetHashTable(state, VIS_COORDSYS, hashcsys);
                vis_StateSetHashTable(state, VIS_ELEMDAT, hasheldt);
                load_idtrancid(lman, library, rprop, idtranesys);
                vis_StateSetObject(state, VIS_IDTRAN, idtranesys);
            else if (system == STATE_ROTANG) {
                staterotang = vis_StateBegin();
                vis_StateSetObject(staterotang, VIS_GRIDFUN, gridfun);
                load_staterotang(lman, library, rprop, staterotang);
                vis_StateSetObject(state, VIS_STATE_ROTANG, staterotang);
            vis_StateTransform(state, STATE_GLOBAL, NULL);
            printf("global system\n");

            /* loop over requested elements */
            for (n = 0; n < numids; n++) {
                if (ids[n] == 0)
                vis_ConnectElemAssoc(connect, VIS_USERID, 1, &ids[n], &elemnumber);
                printf("%8d, component stresses\n", elemnumber);

                nix = 1;
                /* if element node get number of nodes */
                if (subtype == SYS_NODE) {
                    vis_ConnectElemNum(connect, SYS_NODE, ids[n], &nix);
                vis_StateData(state, 1, &ids[n], (Vfloat*)sten);

                /* loop over nodes in element */
                for (j = 0; j < nix; j++) {
                    printf(" %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e\n", sten[j][0], sten[j][1], sten[j][2], sten[j][3],
                           sten[j][4], sten[j][5]);
        if (system == STATE_ROTANG) {
        /* print in material system */
        vis_StateSetHashTable(state, VIS_COORDSYS, hashcsys);
        vis_StateSetHashTable(state, VIS_ELEMDAT, hasheldt);
        vis_StateSetObject(state, VIS_IDTRAN, NULL);
        vis_StateTransform(state, STATE_MATERIAL, NULL);
        if (vis_StateError(state))
        /* loop over requested elements */
        printf("material system\n");
        for (n = 0; n < numids; n++) {
            if (ids[n] == 0)
            vis_ConnectElemAssoc(connect, VIS_USERID, 1, &ids[n], &elemnumber);
            printf("%8d, component stresses\n", elemnumber);

            nix = 1;
            /* if element node get number of nodes */
            if (subtype == SYS_NODE) {
                vis_ConnectElemNum(connect, SYS_NODE, ids[n], &nix);
            vis_StateData(state, 1, &ids[n], (Vfloat*)sten);

            /* loop over nodes in element */
            for (j = 0; j < nix; j++) {
                printf(" %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e\n", sten[j][0], sten[j][1], sten[j][2], sten[j][3], sten[j][4],
        /* print attributes */
    /* free memory */

                      print link to section, layers
static void
print_linksection(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library, vdm_Dataset* dataset)
    Vint i, m;
    Vint iat, nat, iatl, natl;
    vdm_Attribute* attribute = NULL;
    vdm_Dataset *datasetsect = NULL, *datasetlays = NULL;
    Vint idssect, ndssect;
    Vint idslays, ndslays, ind;
    Vint ipos, ilay;
    Vint *psec = NULL, *play = NULL;
    Vchar dsname[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vchar cvalue[ATTRIBUTE_MAXVALUE];
    Vlong lrec, lreclays;
    Vint nrow, ncol, ntyp;
    vdm_DataFun* datafun = NULL;
    Vint lpos, nsec;
    static const Vchar* lposnames[12] = {"Sec", "Mid", "BT ", "BMT", "Ipt", "BM ", "MT ", "Bot", "Top", "B1M", "M1T", "B5T"};
    /* look for Link to Section */
    vdm_DatasetSearchAttribute(dataset, (Vchar*)"Link.Section", 1, &iat, &nat);
    if (nat == 0)
    /* look for Link to Layers */
    vdm_DatasetSearchAttribute(dataset, (Vchar*)"Link.Layers", 1, &iatl, &natl);
    /* read section dataset */
    vdm_DatasetGetAttribute(dataset, iat, &attribute);
    vdm_AttributeValueString(attribute, cvalue);
    vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, cvalue, 1, &idssect, &ndssect);
    vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, idssect, &datasetsect);
    vdm_DatasetInq(datasetsect, dsname, &lrec, &nrow, &ncol, &ntyp);
    psec = (Vint*)malloc(ncol * sizeof(Vint));
    vdm_LManGetObject(lman, VDM_DATAFUN, (Vobject**)&datafun);
    vdm_DataFunReadDataset(datafun, idssect, psec);
    /* read layers dataset */
    if (natl) {
        vdm_DatasetGetAttribute(dataset, iatl, &attribute);
        vdm_AttributeValueString(attribute, cvalue);
        vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, cvalue, 1, &idslays, &ndslays);
        vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, idslays, &datasetlays);
        vdm_DatasetGetLRec(datasetlays, &lreclays);
        play = (Vint*)malloc(lreclays * sizeof(Vint));
        vdm_DataFunReadDataset(datafun, idslays, play);
    /* print first element with 2 or more sections */
    /* loop over elements */
    ind = 0;
    for (m = 0; m < ncol; m++) {
        lpos = (psec[m] >> 24) & 0xff;
        nsec = psec[m] & 0xffffff;
        if (nsec >= 2) {
            printf("Section information\n");
            printf("elem= %d, nsec= %d\n", m + 1, nsec);
            for (i = 0; i < nsec; i++) {
                if (natl == 0) {
                    if (lpos == SYS_LAYERPOSITION_BOTTOP) {
                        if (i % 2 == 0) {
                            ipos = SYS_LAYERPOSITION_BOT;
                        else {
                            ipos = SYS_LAYERPOSITION_TOP;
                        ilay = i / 2 + 1;
                    else if (lpos == SYS_LAYERPOSITION_BOTMID) {
                        if (i % 2 == 0) {
                            ipos = SYS_LAYERPOSITION_BOT;
                        else {
                            ipos = SYS_LAYERPOSITION_MID;
                        ilay = i / 2 + 1;
                    else if (lpos == SYS_LAYERPOSITION_MIDTOP) {
                        if (i % 2 == 0) {
                            ipos = SYS_LAYERPOSITION_MID;
                        else {
                            ipos = SYS_LAYERPOSITION_TOP;
                        ilay = i / 2 + 1;
                    else if (lpos == SYS_LAYERPOSITION_BOTMIDTOP) {
                        if (i % 3 == 0) {
                            ipos = SYS_LAYERPOSITION_BOT;
                        else if (i % 3 == 1) {
                            ipos = SYS_LAYERPOSITION_MID;
                        else {
                            ipos = SYS_LAYERPOSITION_TOP;
                        ilay = i / 3 + 1;
                    else if (lpos == SYS_LAYERPOSITION_B5T) {
                        if (i % 5 == 0) {
                            ipos = SYS_LAYERPOSITION_BOT;
                        else if (i % 5 == 1) {
                            ipos = SYS_LAYERPOSITION_B1M;
                        else if (i % 5 == 2) {
                            ipos = SYS_LAYERPOSITION_MID;
                        else if (i % 5 == 3) {
                            ipos = SYS_LAYERPOSITION_M1T;
                        else {
                            ipos = SYS_LAYERPOSITION_TOP;
                        ilay = i / 5 + 1;
                    else {
                        ipos = lpos;
                        ilay = i + 1;
                else {
                    ipos = (play[ind + i] >> 24) & 0xff;
                    ilay = play[ind + i] & 0xffffff;
                printf("section= %d, layer= %d, position= %s\n", i + 1, ilay, lposnames[ipos]);
        ind += nsec;
    if (natl) {

                      print result
static void
print_result(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library, vis_Model* model)
    Vint i, j, k, n;
    vdm_Dataset* dataset;
    Vchar dsname[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vchar dsroot[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vchar caux[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vchar dime[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vchar andata[ATTRIBUTE_MAXVALUE];
    Vchar ancont[ATTRIBUTE_MAXVALUE];
    Vlong lrec;
    Vint nrow, ncol, ntyp;
    Vint numdatasets;
    Vint index, id = 0, elnoid;
    Vint maxelno, nix, *ix;
    vis_Connect* connect;
    vis_GridFun* gridfun;
    vis_State* state;
    vis_RProp* rprop;
    Vint type, hist, cplx, sect, nument, enttype, subtype, datatype;
    Vint nqua, iqua[SYS_NQUA_MAX];
    Vchar cqua[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vint id1, id2, id3;
    Vint system, flag, stat;
    Vint ncmp, nsec;
    Vfloat* res;
    Vint *pos, *lay;
    Vint mres, msec, maxdat, maxloc, maxsec;
    Vint numno, ne[VIS_MAX_MAXJ];

    /* determine maximum number of datasets */
    vdm_LibraryGetNumDatasets(library, &numdatasets);

    /* get Connect object created in Model */
    vis_ModelGetObject(model, VIS_CONNECT, (Vobject**)&connect);

    /* find maximum number of element nodes */
    vis_ConnectMaxElemNode(connect, &maxelno);

    /* allocate connectivity array to fit maximum number */
    ix = (Vint*)malloc(maxelno * sizeof(Vint));

    /* create a grid function object */
    gridfun = vis_GridFunBegin();
    vis_ConnectGridFun(connect, gridfun);

    /* create state and install GridFun object */
    state = vis_StateBegin();
    vis_StateSetObject(state, VIS_GRIDFUN, gridfun);

    /* create result property object */
    rprop = vis_RPropBegin();

    /* pointer for returned results data */
    res = NULL;
    pos = NULL;
    lay = NULL;
    mres = 0;
    msec = 0;
    /* loop over datasets */
    for (i = 0; i < numdatasets; i++) {
        vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, i, &dataset);

        /* identify result quantity */
        vdm_DatasetResult(dataset, dsroot, &type, &hist, &nqua, iqua, cqua, &cplx, caux, &sect, &enttype, &subtype, &id1, &id2,
        /* not a result */
        if (type == SYS_RES_NONE) {
        /* get dataset name and parameters */
        vdm_DatasetInq(dataset, dsname, &lrec, &nrow, &ncol, &ntyp);

        /* get DataType attribute */
        vdm_DatasetDataType(dataset, andata, &datatype);

        /* get Contents attribute */
        vdm_DatasetContents(dataset, ancont);

        /* get result physical dimensions */
        vdm_DatasetDimensions(dataset, dime);

        /* print dataset name */
        printf("\n\nDataset: %s\n", dsname);

        /* print DataType, Contents and dimensions */
        printf("DataType: %s\n", andata);
        printf("Contents: %s\n", ancont);
        printf("Dimensions: %s\n", dime);
        /* skip history datasets */
        if (hist) {
        /* skip non-entity datasets */
        if (enttype == 0) {
        /* skip dof parent datasets */
        if (enttype == SYS_DOF) {
        /* print section and layer position */
        /* useful for obtaining section information without
           needing to load the entire State */
        if (sect == SYS_ELEMSEC_ALL) {
            print_linksection(lman, library, dataset);
        /* load state from dataset */
        vis_RPropDef(rprop, enttype, subtype);
        vis_RPropSetDatasetIndex(rprop, i);
        vdm_LManLoadState(lman, state, rprop);

        /* number of entities, datatype */
        vis_StateInq(state, &nument, &enttype, &subtype, &datatype);

        /* maximum data size, number of locations and sections */
        vis_StateDataMax(state, &maxdat, &maxloc, &maxsec);
        if (maxdat > mres) {
            mres = maxdat;
            res = (Vfloat*)realloc(res, mres * sizeof(Vfloat));
        if (maxsec > msec) {
            msec = maxsec;
            pos = (Vint*)realloc(pos, msec * sizeof(Vint));
            lay = (Vint*)realloc(lay, msec * sizeof(Vint));
        /* query local or global system */
        vis_StateGetSystem(state, &system);
        if (system == STATE_GLOBAL) {
            printf("system= Global\n");
        else {
            printf("system= Local\n");
        /* query engineering strain flag */
        vis_StateGetEngineeringStrain(state, &flag);
        if (flag) {
            printf("strain= Engineering\n");
        /* query number of components */
        vis_StateNumDerive(state, &ncmp);

        /* return all sections */
        vis_StateSetSection(state, 0);

        /* loop through all entities */
        for (index = 1; index <= nument; index++) {
            /* select entities to ignore for whatever reason */
            if (index != 1)
            /* print entity id */
            if (enttype == SYS_NODE) {
                vis_ConnectNodeAssoc(connect, VIS_USERID, 1, &index, &id);
                printf("node= %d\n", id);
            else if (enttype == SYS_ELEM || enttype == SYS_FACE || enttype == SYS_EDGE) {
                vis_ConnectElemAssoc(connect, VIS_USERID, 1, &index, &id);
                printf("elem= %d\n", id);
            else if (enttype == SYS_MODE) {
                printf("mode= %d\n", id);
            /* see if data defined */
            vis_StateDataStat(state, 1, &index, &stat);
            if (stat == 0) {
                printf(" no data\n");
            /* get results data for entity */
            vis_StateData(state, 1, &index, res);
            /* print data */
            /* data at node */
            if (enttype == SYS_NODE) {
                for (j = 0; j < ncmp; j++) {
                    printf(" %e", res[j]);
                /* data at element face or edge */
            else if (enttype == SYS_FACE || enttype == SYS_EDGE) {
                vis_StateDataEnt(state, index, &numno, ne);
                /* element face or edge */
                if (subtype == SYS_NONE) {
                    for (k = 0; k < numno; k++) {
                        printf("%4d", ne[k]);
                        for (j = 0; j < ncmp; j++) {
                            printf(" %e", res[k * ncmp + j]);
                    /* element face or edge node */
                else {
                    for (k = 0; k < numno; k++) {
                        printf("%4d", ne[k]);
                        vis_ConnectElemCon(connect, enttype, i, ne[k], &nix, ix);
                        for (n = 0; n < nix; n++) {
                            printf("%4d", n + 1);
                            for (j = 0; j < ncmp; j++) {
                                printf(" %e", res[k * ncmp * nix + n * ncmp + j]);
                /* data at element */
            else if (enttype == SYS_ELEM) {
                /* get number of sections */
                vis_StateDataSect(state, 1, &index, &nsec);
                /* get layer position */
                vis_StateDataLayers(state, index, pos, lay);
                /* element */
                if (subtype == SYS_NONE) {
                    for (k = 0; k < nsec; k++) {
                        if (nsec > 1) {
                            print_section(pos[k], lay[k]);
                        for (j = 0; j < ncmp; j++) {
                            printf(" %e", res[k * ncmp + j]);
                    /* element node */
                else {
                    vis_ConnectElemNode(connect, index, &nix, ix);
                    for (k = 0; k < nsec; k++) {
                        if (nsec > 1) {
                            print_section(pos[k], lay[k]);
                        for (n = 0; n < nix; n++) {
                            vis_ConnectNodeAssoc(connect, VIS_USERID, 1, &ix[n], &elnoid);
                            printf("node= %d\n", elnoid);
                            for (j = 0; j < ncmp; j++) {
                                printf(" %e", res[k * ncmp * nix + n * ncmp + j]);
                /* data at mode */
            else if (enttype == SYS_MODE) {
                for (j = 0; j < ncmp; j++) {
                    printf(" %e", res[j]);
        /* print attributes */
    /* free memory */
    if (res) {
    if (pos) {

                      print section and type
static void
print_section(Vint lpos, Vint isec)
    printf("section= %d", isec);
    if (lpos == SYS_LAYERPOSITION_NONE) {
        printf(" none");
    else if (lpos == SYS_LAYERPOSITION_MID) {
        printf(" middle");
    else if (lpos == SYS_LAYERPOSITION_BOT) {
        printf(" bottom");
    else if (lpos == SYS_LAYERPOSITION_TOP) {
        printf(" top");
    else if (lpos == SYS_LAYERPOSITION_INTPNT) {
        printf(" eip");

                      print dataset attributes
static void
print_attributes(vdm_Dataset* dataset)
    int j, k;
    vdm_Attribute* attribute;
    Vint numatts;
    Vint atleng, attype;
    Vchar atname[ATTRIBUTE_MAXNAME];
    Vchar cvalue[ATTRIBUTE_MAXVALUE];
    Vint* ivalue = (Vint*)cvalue;
    Vfloat* rvalue = (Vfloat*)cvalue;
    Vdouble* dvalue = (Vdouble*)cvalue;

    /* loop over attributes */
    vdm_DatasetGetNumAttributes(dataset, &numatts);
    for (j = 0; j < numatts; j++) {
        vdm_DatasetGetAttribute(dataset, j, &attribute);
        vdm_AttributeInq(attribute, atname, &atleng, &attype);
        printf("    Attribute: %s\n               ", atname);
        if (attype == SYS_INTEGER) {
            vdm_AttributeValueInteger(attribute, ivalue);
            for (k = 0; k < atleng; k++)
                printf("%i  ", ivalue[k]);
        else if (attype == SYS_FLOAT) {
            vdm_AttributeValueFloat(attribute, rvalue);
            for (k = 0; k < atleng; k++)
                printf("%e  ", rvalue[k]);
        else if (attype == SYS_CHAR) {
            vdm_AttributeValueString(attribute, cvalue);
            printf("%s  ", cvalue);
        else if (attype == SYS_DOUBLE) {
            vdm_AttributeValueDouble(attribute, dvalue);
            for (k = 0; k < atleng; k++)
                printf("%e  ", dvalue[k]);

10.4. Example 3a, Read and Print Results History Data

This example illustrates using VisTools global modules to store the model and results history data read from a library device. It is similar to Example 3, except that the History module is used instead of the State module.

History results are read into History objects using vdm_LManLoadHistory(). The result property object, RProp is used in this case to pass the dataset name to vdm_LManLoadHistory(). The vdm_LManLoadHistory() function will populate the RProp and History objects with result properties such as title, subtitle, contents, numeric identifiers, etc. Any History object which is configured to hold element node data must have knowledge of the element connectivity. This is done by instancing a GridFun object, loading it with function pointers as an abstract interface to the Connect object and setting it as an attribute object into the History object using vis_HistorySetObject(). The function vdm_LManLoadHistory() loads results data into History objects in the local coordinate system in which they appear on the library device.

Note the use of the function vis_HistoryDataStat() to query for undefined components of a data type.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sam/base/base.h"
#include "sam/vis/visdata.h"
#include "sam/vdm/vdm.h"
#include "sam/base/license.h"
#include "sam/CEETRON_SAM_license.h"

static void
print_displacement(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library, vis_Model* model);
static void
print_stress(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library, vis_Model* model);
static void
print_attributes(vdm_Dataset* dataset);

                     Read and Print Results History Data
main(int argc, char** argv)
    char inputfile[256];
    Vint filetype;
    vdm_NASLib* naslib = NULL;
    vdm_NatLib* natlib = NULL;
    vdm_SDRCLib* sdrclib = NULL;
    vdm_ANSLib* anslib = NULL;
    vdm_ABALib* abalib = NULL;
    vdm_D3DLib* d3dlib = NULL;
    vdm_DataFun* datafun = NULL;
    vdm_Library* library = NULL;
    vdm_LMan* lman = NULL;
    vis_Model* model = NULL;

    /* check input arguments */
    if (argc < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s inputfile\n", argv[0]);
        fprintf(stderr, " inputfile is blank, 'rod.op2' is assumed\n");
        strcpy(inputfile, "rod.op2");
    else {
        strcpy(inputfile, argv[1]);


    /* create data function object */
    datafun = vdm_DataFunBegin();

    /* determine file type from file extension */
    if (strstr(inputfile, ".unv") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_SDRC_UNIVERSAL;
        sdrclib = vdm_SDRCLibBegin();
        vdm_SDRCLibDataFun(sdrclib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, ".op2") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_NASTRAN_OUTPUT2;
        naslib = vdm_NASLibBegin();
        vdm_NASLibDataFun(naslib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, ".vdm") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_NATIVE;
        natlib = vdm_NatLibBegin();
        vdm_NatLibDataFun(natlib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, ".rst") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_ANSYS_RESULT;
        anslib = vdm_ANSLibBegin();
        vdm_ANSLibDataFun(anslib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, ".fil") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_ABAQUS_FIL;
        abalib = vdm_ABALibBegin();
        vdm_ABALibDataFun(abalib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, "d3thdt") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_LSTC_HISTORY;
        d3dlib = vdm_D3DLibBegin();
        vdm_D3DLibDataFun(d3dlib, datafun);
    else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad input file %s\n", inputfile);
    /* open library device */
    vdm_DataFunOpen(datafun, 0, inputfile, filetype);

    /* instance Model object for finite element model */
    model = vis_ModelBegin();

    /* use Library Manager object to load model */
    lman = vdm_LManBegin();
    vdm_LManSetObject(lman, VDM_DATAFUN, datafun);
    vdm_LManLoadModel(lman, model);

    /* get library object */
    vdm_DataFunGetLibrary(datafun, &library);

    /* access and print displacment history */
    print_displacement(lman, library, model);

    /* access and print stress history */
    print_stress(lman, library, model);

    /* close library device */

    /* delete objects in Model created by LManLoadModel */

    /* free objects */
    if (filetype == VDM_SDRC_UNIVERSAL) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_NASTRAN_OUTPUT2) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_NATIVE) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_ANSYS_RESULT) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_ABAQUS_FIL) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_LSTC_HISTORY) {
    return 0;

                      print displacment history
static void
print_displacement(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library, vis_Model* model)
    Vint i, j, k, n;
    vdm_Dataset* dataset;
    Vchar dsname[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vlong lrec;
    Vint nrow, ncol, ntyp;
    Vint numdatasets;
    Vint ndst;
    Vint* idst;
    Vint *inds, *stps;
    Vfloat* tstp;
    Vint nodenumber;
    vis_Connect* connect;
    vis_GridFun* gridfun;
    vis_History* history;
    vis_RProp* rprop;
    Vfloat dvec[6], dmag, rmag;
    Vint nstat, stat[6];
    Vint numstp, nument, enttype, subtype, datatype;
    Vchar indepname[81];
    Vint thermalflag;

    /* query maximum number of datasets */
    vdm_LibraryGetNumDatasets(library, &numdatasets);

    /* allocate array for dataset indices */
    idst = (Vint*)malloc(numdatasets * sizeof(Vint));

    /* search for node history results datasets */
    /* displacement, velocity, accleration */
    thermalflag = 0;
    vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, "HIST.D.*N:*", numdatasets, idst, &ndst);
    if (ndst == 0) {
        vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, "HIST.V.*N:*", numdatasets, idst, &ndst);
    if (ndst == 0) {
        vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, "HIST.A.*N:*", numdatasets, idst, &ndst);
    /* if no displacement, search for temperature */
    if (ndst == 0) {
        thermalflag = 1;
        vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, "HIST.TEMP.*N:*", numdatasets, idst, &ndst);
    if (ndst == 0) {
    /* get Connect object created in Model */
    vis_ModelGetObject(model, VIS_CONNECT, (Vobject**)&connect);

    /* create a grid function object */
    gridfun = vis_GridFunBegin();
    vis_ConnectGridFun(connect, gridfun);

    /* create history */
    history = vis_HistoryBegin();
    vis_HistorySetObject(history, VIS_GRIDFUN, gridfun);

    /* initialize result property object */
    rprop = vis_RPropBegin();
    vis_RPropDef(rprop, SYS_NODE, SYS_NONE);

    /* loop over displacement datasets */
    for (i = 0; i < ndst; i++) {
        vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, idst[i], &dataset);
        vdm_DatasetInq(dataset, dsname, &lrec, &nrow, &ncol, &ntyp);

        /* print header */
        printf("\n\nDataset: %s\n", dsname);
        if (thermalflag == 0) {
            printf("\nDisplacement History\n");
        else {
            printf("\nTemperature History\n");
        /* load history */
        vis_RPropSetDatasetName(rprop, dsname);
        vdm_LManLoadHistory(lman, history, rprop);

        /* query history for number of steps, indices, etc. */
        vis_HistoryInq(history, &numstp, &nument, &enttype, &subtype, &datatype);

        /* get step numbers */
        stps = (Vint*)malloc(numstp * sizeof(Vint));
        vis_HistorySteps(history, &numstp, stps);

        /* get independent variable */
        tstp = (Vfloat*)malloc(numstp * sizeof(Vfloat));
        vis_HistoryIndepSteps(history, tstp);
        vis_HistoryGetIndepName(history, indepname);

        /* get index numbers */
        inds = (Vint*)malloc(nument * sizeof(Vint));
        vis_HistoryIndices(history, &nument, inds);

        /* loop over nodes */
        for (n = 0; n < nument; n++) {
            vis_ConnectNodeAssoc(connect, VIS_USERID, 1, &inds[n], &nodenumber);
            printf("node= %8d\n", nodenumber);
            /* get defined components and count them */
            vis_HistoryDataStat(history, inds[n], stat);
            nstat = 0;
            for (k = 0; k < nrow; k++) {
                if (stat[k])
            if (nstat == 0) {
                printf("No data\n");
            /* loop over steps */
            for (j = 0; j < numstp; j++) {
                vis_HistorySetDerive(history, datatype);
                printf("step= %4d", stps[j]);
                if (indepname[0] != '\0') {
                    printf(" %s= %f", indepname, tstp[j]);
                else {
                vis_HistoryData(history, stps[j], 1, &inds[n], dvec);
                /* print only defined datatype components */
                if (nstat != nrow) {
                    for (k = 0; k < nrow; k++) {
                        if (stat[k] == 0) {
                            printf("   no data     ");
                        else {
                            printf("%14e ", dvec[k]);
                /* print complete datatype */
                /* scalar type */
                if (datatype == VIS_SCALAR) {
                    printf("%14e\n", dvec[0]);
                    /* vector type */
                else if (datatype == VIS_VECTOR) {
                    /* print components */
                    printf("%14e %14e %14e", dvec[0], dvec[1], dvec[2]);
                    /* print magnitude */
                    vis_HistorySetDerive(history, VIS_VECTOR_MAG);
                    vis_HistoryData(history, stps[j], 1, &inds[n], &dmag);
                    printf("  mag= %14e\n", dmag);
                    /* six dof vector type */
                else if (datatype == VIS_SIXDOF) {
                    /* print components */
                    printf("%14e %14e %14e %14e %14e %14e", dvec[0], dvec[1], dvec[2], dvec[3], dvec[4], dvec[5]);
                    /* print magnitudes */
                    vis_HistorySetDerive(history, VIS_SIXDOF_TMAG);
                    vis_HistoryData(history, stps[j], 1, &inds[n], &dmag);
                    vis_HistorySetDerive(history, VIS_SIXDOF_RMAG);
                    vis_HistoryData(history, stps[j], 1, &inds[n], &rmag);
                    printf("  mag= %14e %14e\n", dmag, rmag);

        /* print attributes */

    /* free memory */

                      print stresses
static void
print_stress(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library, vis_Model* model)
    vdm_Dataset* dataset;
    Vchar dsname[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vlong lrec;
    Vint nrow, ncol, ntyp;
    Vint numdatasets;
    Vint ndst;
    Vint* idst;
    Vint *inds, *stps;
    Vfloat* tstp;
    Vint nix, *ix, *ixd;
    Vint elemnumber;
    Vint i, j, k, m, n;
    vis_Connect* connect;
    vis_GridFun* gridfun;
    vis_History* history;
    vis_RProp* rprop;
    Vint maxelno;
    Vfloat* sten;
    Vint nstat, *stat;
    Vint numstp, nument, enttype, subtype, datatype;
    Vchar indepname[81];
    Vint thermalflag;

    /* determine maximum number of datasets */
    vdm_LibraryGetNumDatasets(library, &numdatasets);

    /* allocate array for dataset indices */
    idst = (Vint*)malloc(numdatasets * sizeof(Vint));

    /* search for stress,strain results datasets */
    thermalflag = 0;
    subtype = SYS_NODE;
    vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, "HIST.S*.*EL:*", numdatasets, idst, &ndst);
    if (ndst == 0) {
        vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, "HIST.E*.*EL:*", numdatasets, idst, &ndst);
    if (ndst == 0) {
        thermalflag = 1;
        subtype = SYS_NONE;
        vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, "HIST.HEAT_FLUX.*E:*", numdatasets, idst, &ndst);
    if (ndst == 0) {
    /* get Connect object created in Model */
    vis_ModelGetObject(model, VIS_CONNECT, (Vobject**)&connect);

    /* find maximum number of element nodes */
    vis_ConnectMaxElemNode(connect, &maxelno);
    /* allocate arrays for maximum element node stress data */
    sten = (Vfloat*)malloc(maxelno * 6 * sizeof(Vfloat));
    stat = (Vint*)malloc(maxelno * 6 * sizeof(Vint));
    /* allocate arrays for maximum element node connectivity */
    ix = (Vint*)malloc(maxelno * sizeof(Vint));
    ixd = (Vint*)malloc(maxelno * sizeof(Vint));

    /* create a grid function object */
    gridfun = vis_GridFunBegin();
    vis_ConnectGridFun(connect, gridfun);

    /* create history and install GridFun object */
    history = vis_HistoryBegin();
    vis_HistorySetObject(history, VIS_GRIDFUN, gridfun);

    /* initialize result property object */
    rprop = vis_RPropBegin();
    vis_RPropDef(rprop, SYS_ELEM, subtype);

    /* loop over stress datasets */
    for (i = 0; i < ndst; i++) {
        vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, idst[i], &dataset);
        vdm_DatasetInq(dataset, dsname, &lrec, &nrow, &ncol, &ntyp);

        /* print header */
        printf("\n\nDataset: %s\n", dsname);
        if (thermalflag == 0) {
            printf("\nStress History\n");
        else {
            printf("\nHeat Flux History\n");

        vis_RPropSetDatasetName(rprop, dsname);
        vdm_LManLoadHistory(lman, history, rprop);

        /* query history for number of steps, indices, etc. */
        vis_HistoryInq(history, &numstp, &nument, &enttype, &subtype, &datatype);

        /* get step numbers */
        stps = (Vint*)malloc(numstp * sizeof(Vint));
        vis_HistorySteps(history, &numstp, stps);

        /* get independent variable */
        tstp = (Vfloat*)malloc(numstp * sizeof(Vfloat));
        vis_HistoryIndepSteps(history, tstp);
        vis_HistoryGetIndepName(history, indepname);

        /* get index numbers */
        inds = (Vint*)malloc(nument * sizeof(Vint));
        vis_HistoryIndices(history, &nument, inds);

        /* loop over elements */
        for (n = 0; n < nument; n++) {
            vis_ConnectElemAssoc(connect, VIS_USERID, 1, &inds[n], &elemnumber);
            printf("elem= %8d\n", elemnumber);
            /* single node or element value */
            if (subtype == SYS_NONE) {
                nix = 1;
                /* get nodes in element and query user node ids */
            else {
                vis_ConnectElemNode(connect, inds[n], &nix, ix);
                vis_ConnectNodeAssoc(connect, VIS_USERID, nix, ix, ixd);
            /* get defined components and count them */
            vis_HistoryDataStat(history, inds[n], stat);
            nstat = 0;
            for (k = 0; k < nrow * nix; k++) {
                if (stat[k])
            if (nstat == 0) {
                printf("No data\n");
            /* loop over steps */
            for (j = 0; j < numstp; j++) {
                vis_HistorySetDerive(history, datatype);
                printf("step= %4d", stps[j]);
                if (indepname[0] != '\0') {
                    printf(" %s= %f\n", indepname, tstp[j]);
                else {
                vis_HistoryData(history, stps[j], 1, &inds[n], (Vfloat*)sten);

                /* node or element */
                if (subtype == SYS_NONE) {
                    for (k = 0; k < nrow; k++) {
                        if (stat[k] == 0) {
                            printf("  no data    ");
                        else {
                            printf("%12.5e ", sten[k]);
                    /* element node */
                else {
                    for (m = 0; m < nix; m++) {
                        printf(" %8d ", ixd[m]);
                        for (k = 0; k < nrow; k++) {
                            if (stat[m * nrow + k] == 0) {
                                printf("  no data    ");
                            else {
                                printf("%12.5e ", sten[m * nrow + k]);
        /* print attributes */
    /* free memory */

                      print dataset attributes
static void
print_attributes(vdm_Dataset* dataset)
    int j, k;
    vdm_Attribute* attribute;
    Vint numatts;
    Vint atleng, attype;
    Vchar atname[ATTRIBUTE_MAXNAME];
    Vchar cvalue[ATTRIBUTE_MAXVALUE];
    Vint* ivalue = (Vint*)cvalue;
    Vfloat* rvalue = (Vfloat*)cvalue;
    Vdouble* dvalue = (Vdouble*)cvalue;

    /* loop over attributes */
    vdm_DatasetGetNumAttributes(dataset, &numatts);
    for (j = 0; j < numatts; j++) {
        vdm_DatasetGetAttribute(dataset, j, &attribute);
        vdm_AttributeInq(attribute, atname, &atleng, &attype);
        printf("    Attribute: %s\n               ", atname);
        if (attype == SYS_INTEGER) {
            vdm_AttributeValueInteger(attribute, ivalue);
            for (k = 0; k < atleng; k++)
                printf("%i  ", ivalue[k]);
        else if (attype == SYS_FLOAT) {
            vdm_AttributeValueFloat(attribute, rvalue);
            for (k = 0; k < atleng; k++)
                printf("%e  ", rvalue[k]);
        else if (attype == SYS_CHAR) {
            vdm_AttributeValueString(attribute, cvalue);
            printf("%s  ", cvalue);
        else if (attype == SYS_DOUBLE) {
            vdm_AttributeValueDouble(attribute, dvalue);
            for (k = 0; k < atleng; k++)
                printf("%e  ", dvalue[k]);

10.5. Example 3b, Read and Print Remeshing Results

This example illustrates traversing a library dataset hierarchy. This is the case, for example, when a results file contains multiple mesh topologies due to adaptive remeshing of some kind. Remeshed topologies exist in a library as a dataset named REMESH.L:id where id normally represents an integer sequentially assigned to the mesh. This dataset has a special datatype, SYS_NODATATYPE, and the resulting dataset is termed a library dataset. It represents a sublibrary. Use vdm_DataFunLibDataset() to change to the sublibrary represented by the dataset. The function print_toc can be called to traverse this sublibrary. Then pop back to the parent library and continue. A sublibrary containing a remeshed model will contain a complete set of model related datasets and possible associated results datasets. The function print_model illustrates using vdm_LManLoadModel() and vdm_LManLoadState() for a remeshed model.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sam/base/base.h"
#include "sam/vdm/vdm.h"
#include "sam/base/license.h"
#include "sam/CEETRON_SAM_license.h"

static void
print_toc(vdm_DataFun* datafun);
static void
print_attributes(vdm_Dataset* dataset);
static void
print_model(vdm_DataFun* datafun);

                     Read and Print Remeshing Results
main(int argc, char** argv)
    char inputfile[256];
    vdm_MarcLib* marclib = NULL;
    vdm_D3DLib* d3dlib = NULL;
    vdm_EnSightLib* ensightlib = NULL;
    vdm_DataFun* datafun = NULL;
    Vint filetype = 0;
    Vint numnp, numel;

    if (argc < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s inputfile\n", argv[0]);
        fprintf(stderr, " inputfile is blank, 'impact.t19' is assumed\n");
        strcpy(inputfile, "impact.t19");
    else {
        strcpy(inputfile, argv[1]);


    /* create data function object */
    datafun = vdm_DataFunBegin();

    /* determine file type from file extension */
    if (strstr(inputfile, "d3plot") != NULL) {
        filetype = SYS_LSTC_STATE;
        d3dlib = vdm_D3DLibBegin();
        vdm_D3DLibDataFun(d3dlib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, ".t16") != NULL || strstr(inputfile, ".t19") != NULL) {
        filetype = SYS_MARC_POST;
        marclib = vdm_MarcLibBegin();
        vdm_MarcLibDataFun(marclib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, ".case") != NULL || strstr(inputfile, ".encas") != NULL) {
        filetype = SYS_ENSIGHT;
        ensightlib = vdm_EnSightLibBegin();
        vdm_EnSightLibDataFun(ensightlib, datafun);
    else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad input file %s\n", inputfile);
    /* open library device */
    vdm_DataFunOpen(datafun, 0, inputfile, filetype);

    /* get number of nodes and elements */
    vdm_DataFunGetNumEntities(datafun, SYS_NODE, &numnp);
    vdm_DataFunGetNumEntities(datafun, SYS_ELEM, &numel);
    printf("number of nodes= %d\n", numnp);
    printf("number of elems= %d\n", numel);

    /* traverse tables of contents */
    /* load model and states */

    /* close library device */

    /* free objects */
    if (filetype == SYS_LSTC_STATE) {
    else if (filetype == SYS_MARC_POST) {
    else if (filetype == SYS_ENSIGHT) {
    return 0;

                      print toc
static void
print_toc(vdm_DataFun* datafun)
    Vint i;
    vdm_Library* library;
    vdm_Dataset* dataset;
    Vint numdatasets;
    Vchar dsname[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vlong lrec;
    Vint nrow, ncol, ntyp;
    Vint type;
    Vfloat* d;

    vdm_DataFunGetLibrary(datafun, &library);
    vdm_LibraryGetNumDatasets(library, &numdatasets);
    /* loop through datasets */
    for (i = 0; i < numdatasets; i++) {
        vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, i, &dataset);
        vdm_DatasetInq(dataset, dsname, &lrec, &nrow, &ncol, &ntyp);
        printf("\n\nDataset: %s\n", dsname);
        printf("lrec= %lld, nrow= %d, ncol= %d, ntyp= %d\n", lrec, nrow, ncol, ntyp);
        /* library dataset */
        if (ntyp == SYS_NODATATYPE) {
            vdm_DataFunLibDataset(datafun, VDM_LIBDATASET_PUSH, i);
            vdm_DataFunLibDataset(datafun, VDM_LIBDATASET_POP, 0);
            /* possible displacement or coordinate result dataset */
        else {
            vdm_DatasetResType(dataset, &type);
            if (type == SYS_RES_X || type == SYS_RES_D) {
                d = (Vfloat*)malloc((size_t)lrec * sizeof(Vfloat));
                vdm_DataFunReadDataset(datafun, i, d);
                printf("d[0]= %e, d[1]= %e, d[2]= %e\n", d[0], d[1], d[2]);

                      print dataset attributes
static void
print_attributes(vdm_Dataset* dataset)
    int j, k;
    vdm_Attribute* attribute;
    Vint numatts;
    Vint atleng, attype;
    Vchar atname[ATTRIBUTE_MAXNAME];
    Vchar cvalue[ATTRIBUTE_MAXVALUE];
    Vint* ivalue = (Vint*)cvalue;
    Vfloat* rvalue = (Vfloat*)cvalue;
    Vdouble* dvalue = (Vdouble*)cvalue;

    /* loop over attributes */
    vdm_DatasetGetNumAttributes(dataset, &numatts);
    for (j = 0; j < numatts; j++) {
        vdm_DatasetGetAttribute(dataset, j, &attribute);
        vdm_AttributeInq(attribute, atname, &atleng, &attype);
        printf("    Attribute: %s\n               ", atname);
        if (attype == SYS_INTEGER) {
            vdm_AttributeValueInteger(attribute, ivalue);
            for (k = 0; k < atleng; k++)
                printf("%i  ", ivalue[k]);
        else if (attype == SYS_FLOAT) {
            vdm_AttributeValueFloat(attribute, rvalue);
            for (k = 0; k < atleng; k++)
                printf("%e  ", rvalue[k]);
        else if (attype == SYS_CHAR) {
            vdm_AttributeValueString(attribute, cvalue);
            printf("%s  ", cvalue);
        else if (attype == SYS_DOUBLE) {
            vdm_AttributeValueDouble(attribute, dvalue);
            for (k = 0; k < atleng; k++)
                printf("%e  ", dvalue[k]);

                      print model and coordinates
static void
print_model(vdm_DataFun* datafun)
    Vint i, j;
    vdm_Library* library;
    vdm_Dataset* dataset;
    Vchar dsname[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vint numdatasets;
    Vlong lrec;
    Vint nrow, ncol, ntyp, type;
    vdm_LMan* lman;
    vis_Model* model;
    vis_Connect* connect;
    vis_GridFun* gridfun;
    vis_State* state;
    vis_RProp* rprop;
    Vint enttype, subtype, numel, numnp;
    Vint id, ndat, nloc, nsec;
    Vfloat d[16];

    /* instance Model object for finite element model */
    model = vis_ModelBegin();
    /* use Library Manager object to load model */
    lman = vdm_LManBegin();
    vdm_LManSetObject(lman, VDM_DATAFUN, datafun);
    vdm_LManLoadModel(lman, model);
    /* get Connect object created in Model */
    vis_ModelGetObject(model, VIS_CONNECT, (Vobject**)&connect);
    vis_ConnectNumber(connect, SYS_ELEM, &numel);
    vis_ConnectNumber(connect, SYS_NODE, &numnp);
    printf("numel= %d\n", numel);
    printf("numnp= %d\n", numnp);
    /* create a grid function object */
    gridfun = vis_GridFunBegin();
    vis_ConnectGridFun(connect, gridfun);

    vdm_DataFunGetLibrary(datafun, &library);
    vdm_LibraryGetNumDatasets(library, &numdatasets);
    /* loop through datasets */
    for (i = 0; i < numdatasets; i++) {
        vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, i, &dataset);
        vdm_DatasetInq(dataset, dsname, &lrec, &nrow, &ncol, &ntyp);
        /* library dataset */
        if (ntyp == SYS_NODATATYPE) {
            printf("\n\nLib Dataset: %s\n", dsname);
            vdm_DataFunLibDataset(datafun, VDM_LIBDATASET_PUSH, i);
            vdm_DataFunLibDataset(datafun, VDM_LIBDATASET_POP, 0);
            /* possible coordinate dataset */
        else {
            vdm_DatasetResType(dataset, &type);
            vdm_DatasetEntType(dataset, &enttype, &subtype);
            if (enttype != SYS_NODE)
            if (type == SYS_RES_X) {
                printf("\n\nCoordinate Dataset: %s\n", dsname);
                state = vis_StateBegin();
                vis_StateSetObject(state, VIS_GRIDFUN, gridfun);
                rprop = vis_RPropBegin();
                vis_RPropDef(rprop, SYS_NODE, SYS_NONE);
                vis_RPropSetDatasetIndex(rprop, i);
                vdm_LManLoadState(lman, state, rprop);
                /* print coordinates for first node */
                id = 1;
                vis_StateDataNum(state, id, &ndat, &nloc, &nsec);
                vis_StateData(state, 1, &id, d);
                printf("node 1, x= ");
                for (j = 0; j < ndat; j++) {
                    printf(" %e", d[j]);

10.6. Example 3c, Read and Print Results History Summary

This example illustrates accessing and printing summaries of the history results related datasets.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sam/base/base.h"
#include "sam/vis/visdata.h"
#include "sam/vdm/vdm.h"
#include "sam/base/license.h"
#include "sam/CEETRON_SAM_license.h"

static void
print_histinfo(vdm_DataFun* datafun, vdm_Library* library, vis_IdTran* idtrannode, vis_IdTran* idtranelem);
static void
print_index(Vint enttype, vis_IdTran* idtran, vdm_DataFun* datafun, vdm_Library* library, vdm_Attribute* attribute);
static void
print_step(vdm_DataFun* datafun, vdm_Library* library, vdm_Attribute* attribute, Vint indep, Vchar* indepname,
           vdm_Attribute* attributev);

                     Read and Print Results History Summary
main(int argc, char** argv)
    char inputfile[256];
    vdm_NASLib* naslib = NULL;
    vdm_NatLib* natlib = NULL;
    vdm_SDRCLib* sdrclib = NULL;
    vdm_ANSLib* anslib = NULL;
    vdm_ABALib* abalib = NULL;
    vdm_DataFun* datafun = NULL;
    vdm_Library* library = NULL;
    Vint filetype;
    Vint i;
    Vint ndst, idst;
    Vint* ptrint = NULL;
    Vint numnp, numel;
    vis_IdTran *idtrannode = NULL, *idtranelem = NULL;

    /* check input arguments */
    if (argc < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s inputfile\n", argv[0]);
        fprintf(stderr, " inputfile is blank, 'cantilever.unv' is assumed\n");
        strcpy(inputfile, "cantilever.unv");
    else {
        strcpy(inputfile, argv[1]);


    /* create data function object */
    datafun = vdm_DataFunBegin();

    /* determine file type from file extension */
    if (strstr(inputfile, ".unv") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_SDRC_UNIVERSAL;
        sdrclib = vdm_SDRCLibBegin();
        vdm_SDRCLibDataFun(sdrclib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, ".op2") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_NASTRAN_OUTPUT2;
        naslib = vdm_NASLibBegin();
        vdm_NASLibDataFun(naslib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, ".vdm") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_NATIVE;
        natlib = vdm_NatLibBegin();
        vdm_NatLibDataFun(natlib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, ".rst") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_ANSYS_RESULT;
        anslib = vdm_ANSLibBegin();
        vdm_ANSLibDataFun(anslib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(inputfile, ".fil") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_ABAQUS_FIL;
        abalib = vdm_ABALibBegin();
        vdm_ABALibDataFun(abalib, datafun);
    else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad input file %s\n", inputfile);
    /* open library device */
    vdm_DataFunOpen(datafun, 0, inputfile, filetype);

    /* query number of nodes and elements */
    vdm_DataFunGetNumEntities(datafun, SYS_NODE, &numnp);
    vdm_DataFunGetNumEntities(datafun, SYS_ELEM, &numel);

    /* get library object */
    vdm_DataFunGetLibrary(datafun, &library);

    /* establish node identifiers */
    vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, "NID.N", 1, &idst, &ndst);
    idtrannode = vis_IdTranBegin();
    vis_IdTranDef(idtrannode, numnp);
    if (ndst) {
        ptrint = (Vint*)malloc(numnp * sizeof(Vint));
        vdm_DataFunReadDataset(datafun, idst, ptrint);
        for (i = 1; i <= numnp; i++) {
            vis_IdTranSetId(idtrannode, i, ptrint[i - 1]);
    /* establish element identifiers */
    vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, "EID.E", 1, &idst, &ndst);
    idtranelem = vis_IdTranBegin();
    vis_IdTranDef(idtranelem, numel);
    if (ndst) {
        ptrint = (Vint*)malloc(numel * sizeof(Vint));
        vdm_DataFunReadDataset(datafun, idst, ptrint);
        for (i = 1; i <= numel; i++) {
            vis_IdTranSetId(idtranelem, i, ptrint[i - 1]);
    /* print history information */
    print_histinfo(datafun, library, idtrannode, idtranelem);

    /* free IdTran objects */

    /* close library device */

    /* free objects */
    if (filetype == VDM_SDRC_UNIVERSAL) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_NASTRAN_OUTPUT2) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_NATIVE) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_ANSYS_RESULT) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_ABAQUS_FIL) {
    return 0;

                      print history information
static void
print_histinfo(vdm_DataFun* datafun, vdm_Library* library, vis_IdTran* idtrannode, vis_IdTran* idtranelem)
    Vint i;
    vdm_Dataset* dataset;
    vdm_Attribute* attribute;
    vdm_Attribute* attributev;
    Vint type, hist, cplx, sect, enttype, subtype;
    Vint nqua, iqua[SYS_NQUA_MAX];
    Vchar cqua[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vint id1, id2, id3;
    Vchar dsname[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vlong lrec;
    Vint nrow, ncol, ntyp;
    Vchar cvalue[ATTRIBUTE_MAXVALUE];
    Vint numdatasets;
    Vint ndst, *idst;
    Vint natt, iatt;
    Vint indep, nattv, iattv;
    Vchar indepname[81];

    /* query maximum number of datasets */
    vdm_LibraryGetNumDatasets(library, &numdatasets);

    /* allocate array for dataset indices */
    idst = (Vint*)malloc(numdatasets * sizeof(Vint));

    /* search for all history related datasets */
    vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, "HIST.*", numdatasets, idst, &ndst);
    if (ndst == 0) {
    /* loop over history datasets */
    for (i = 0; i < ndst; i++) {
        vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, idst[i], &dataset);

        /* identify result quantity information */
        vdm_DatasetResult(dataset, dsroot, &type, &hist, &nqua, iqua, cqua, &cplx, caux, &sect, &enttype, &subtype, &id1, &id2,

        /* skip if not results type */
        if (type == SYS_RES_NONE) {
        /* skip if imaginary or phase */
        if (cplx) {
        /* print dataset name, etc. */
        vdm_DatasetInq(dataset, dsname, &lrec, &nrow, &ncol, &ntyp);
        printf("Dataset: %s\n", dsname);
        if (enttype == SYS_NODE) {
            printf("Node result\n");
        else if (enttype == SYS_ELEM) {
            if (subtype == SYS_NONE) {
                printf("Element result\n");
            else {
                printf("Element node result\n");
        /* query Contents */
        vdm_DatasetSearchAttribute(dataset, (Vchar*)"Contents", 1, &iatt, &natt);
        if (natt) {
            vdm_DatasetGetAttribute(dataset, iatt, &attribute);
            vdm_AttributeValueString(attribute, cvalue);
            printf("Contents: %s\n", cvalue);
        /* query Link.Complex */
        vdm_DatasetSearchAttribute(dataset, (Vchar*)"Link.Complex", 1, &iatt, &natt);
        if (natt) {
            vdm_DatasetGetAttribute(dataset, iatt, &attribute);
            vdm_AttributeValueString(attribute, cvalue);
            printf("Link.Complex: %s\n", cvalue);
        /* query Link.Index */
        vdm_DatasetSearchAttribute(dataset, (Vchar*)"Link.Index", 1, &iatt, &natt);
        if (natt) {
            vdm_DatasetGetAttribute(dataset, iatt, &attribute);
            if (enttype == SYS_NODE) {
                print_index(enttype, idtrannode, datafun, library, attribute);
            else {
                print_index(enttype, idtranelem, datafun, library, attribute);
        /* query Link.Step */
        vdm_DatasetSearchAttribute(dataset, (Vchar*)"Link.Step", 1, &iatt, &natt);
        /* query Link to independent variable */
        vdm_DatasetSearchAttribute(dataset, (Vchar*)"Link.Time", 1, &iattv, &nattv);
        indep = 1;
        strcpy(indepname, "Time");
        if (nattv == 0) {
            vdm_DatasetSearchAttribute(dataset, (Vchar*)"Link.Frequency", 1, &iattv, &nattv);
            indep = 2;
            strcpy(indepname, "Frequency");
        if (nattv == 0) {
            vdm_DatasetSearchAttribute(dataset, (Vchar*)"Link.LoadFactor", 1, &iattv, &nattv);
            indep = 3;
            strcpy(indepname, "LoadFactor");
        if (natt) {
            vdm_DatasetGetAttribute(dataset, iatt, &attribute);
            if (nattv) {
                vdm_DatasetGetAttribute(dataset, iattv, &attributev);
                print_step(datafun, library, attribute, indep, indepname, attributev);
            else {
                print_step(datafun, library, attribute, 0, NULL, NULL);
    /* free memory */

                      print index dataset
static void
print_index(Vint enttype, vis_IdTran* idtran, vdm_DataFun* datafun, vdm_Library* library, vdm_Attribute* attribute)
    Vint i;
    Vchar cvalue[ATTRIBUTE_MAXVALUE];
    Vint idst, ndst;
    vdm_Dataset* dataset;
    Vchar dsname[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vlong lrec;
    Vint nrow, ncol, ntyp;
    Vint index, id;
    Vint* inds;

    vdm_AttributeValueString(attribute, cvalue);
    vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, cvalue, 1, &idst, &ndst);
    vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, idst, &dataset);

    /* ncol is the number of entities, nrow is 1 */
    vdm_DatasetInq(dataset, dsname, &lrec, &nrow, &ncol, &ntyp);

    /* read and print entity indices */
    inds = (Vint*)malloc(ncol * sizeof(Vint));
    vdm_DataFunReadDataset(datafun, idst, inds);

    /* use IdTran to get user id */
    for (i = 0; i < ncol; i++) {
        index = inds[i];
        vis_IdTranGetId(idtran, index, &id);
        if (enttype == SYS_NODE) {
            printf("node index= %d, id= %d\n", index, id);
        else {
            printf("element index= %d, id= %d\n", index, id);


                      print step and independent variable datasets
static void
print_step(vdm_DataFun* datafun, vdm_Library* library, vdm_Attribute* attribute, Vint indep, Vchar* indepname,
           vdm_Attribute* attributev)
    Vint i;
    Vint idst, ndst, idstv, ndstv;
    vdm_Dataset *dataset = NULL, *datasetv = NULL;
    Vchar dsname[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vlong lrec;
    Vint nrow, ncol, ntyp;
    Vint* inds = NULL;
    Vfloat* indv = NULL;

    vdm_AttributeValueString(attribute, cvalue);
    vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, cvalue, 1, &idst, &ndst);
    vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, idst, &dataset);

    /* ncol is the number of steps, nrow is 1 */
    vdm_DatasetInq(dataset, dsname, &lrec, &nrow, &ncol, &ntyp);

    /* read step numbers */
    inds = (Vint*)malloc(ncol * sizeof(Vint));
    vdm_DataFunReadDataset(datafun, idst, inds);

    /* read independent variable values */
    if (indep) {
        vdm_AttributeValueString(attributev, cvaluev);
        vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, cvaluev, 1, &idstv, &ndstv);
        vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, idstv, &datasetv);
        vdm_DatasetInq(datasetv, dsname, &lrec, &nrow, &ncol, &ntyp);
        indv = (Vfloat*)malloc(ncol * sizeof(Vfloat));
        vdm_DataFunReadDataset(datafun, idstv, indv);

    for (i = 0; i < ncol; i++) {
        printf("stepnumber= %d", inds[i]);
        if (indep) {
            printf(", %s= %e", indepname, indv[i]);

    if (indep) {

10.7. Example 3d, Read and Print Reduced Matrix Data

This example illustrates using VisTools global modules to store the model and reduced matrix data read from a library device. It is similar to Example 3, except that the RedMat module is used instead of the State module.

Reduced matrix results are read into RedMat objects using vdm_LManLoadRedMat(). The result property object, RProp is used in this case to pass the dataset name to vdm_LManLoadRedMat(). The vdm_LManLoadRedMat() function will populate the RedMat object with the node index, degree of freedom type and associated data value.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sam/base/base.h"
#include "sam/vis/visdata.h"
#include "sam/vdm/vdm.h"
#include "datafile.h"
#include "sam/base/license.h"
#include "sam/CEETRON_SAM_license.h"

static void
print_redmat(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library, vis_Model* model);

                     Read and Print Reduced Matrix Data
main(int argc, char** argv)
    Vint i;
    char inputfile[256];
    vdm_DataFun* datafun;
    vdm_Library* library;
    vdm_LMan* lman;
    Vint filetype, filetype1;
    Vint numnp, numel;
    vis_Model* model;
    vis_Connect* connect;
    Vint ierr;
    /* check input arguments */
    if (argc < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s inputfile [appendfile]\n", argv[0]);
    else {
        strcpy(inputfile, argv[1]);


    /* create data function object */
    datafun = vdm_DataFunBegin();

    datafiletype(inputfile, &filetype);
    if (filetype == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad input file %s\n", inputfile);
    datafileinit(filetype, datafun);
    /* set convention to support sparse datasets */
    vdm_DataFunSetConvention(datafun, VDM_CONVENTION_SPARSE);
    /* open library device */
    vdm_DataFunOpen(datafun, 0, inputfile, filetype);
    /* check for error */
    ierr = vdm_DataFunError(datafun);
    if (ierr) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: opening file %s\n", inputfile);
    /* look for appended file */
    for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
        if (strstr(argv[i], ".op2") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_NASTRAN_OUTPUT2;
        else if (strstr(argv[i], ".unv") != NULL || strstr(argv[i], ".bun") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_SDRC_UNIVERSAL;
        else if (strstr(argv[i], ".vdm") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_NATIVE;
        else if (strstr(argv[i], ".dis") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_PATRAN_RESULT;
        else if (strstr(argv[i], ".q") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_PLOT3D_SOLUTION;
        else if (strstr(argv[i], ".dat") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_FLUENT_MESH;
        else if (strstr(argv[i], ".cgns") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_CGNS;
        else {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad appended file %s\n", argv[i]);
        vdm_DataFunAppend(datafun, argv[i], filetype1);
        /* check for error */
        ierr = vdm_DataFunError(datafun);
        if (ierr) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: appending file %s to file %s\n", argv[i], argv[1]);
    /* instance Model object for finite element model */
    model = vis_ModelBegin();

    /* use Library Manager object to load model */
    lman = vdm_LManBegin();
    vdm_LManSetObject(lman, VDM_DATAFUN, datafun);
    vdm_LManLoadModel(lman, model);

    /* get Connect object created in Model */
    vis_ModelGetObject(model, VIS_CONNECT, (Vobject**)&connect);
    vis_ConnectNumber(connect, SYS_NODE, &numnp);
    vis_ConnectNumber(connect, SYS_ELEM, &numel);
    printf("number of nodes= %d\n", numnp);
    printf("number of elems= %d\n", numel);

    /* get library object */
    vdm_DataFunGetLibrary(datafun, &library);

    /* access and print reduced matrices and vectors */
    print_redmat(lman, library, model);

    /* close library device */

    /* delete objects in Model created by LManLoadModel */

    datafileterm(filetype, datafun);
    /* free objects */

    return 0;

                      print reduced matrices and vectors
static void
print_redmat(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library, vis_Model* model)
    Vint i, j, k, n;
    vdm_Dataset* dataset;
    Vchar dsname[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vchar dsroot[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vchar caux[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vchar andata[ATTRIBUTE_MAXVALUE];
    Vchar ancont[ATTRIBUTE_MAXVALUE];
    Vlong lrec;
    Vint nrow, ncol, ntyp;
    Vint ncols, *cols;
    Vint numdatasets;
    Vint ndofs, redmattype, index, doftag, sparse;
    Vint nval;
    Vlong nent;
    Vfloat fv[2];
    vis_RedMat* redmat;
    vis_RProp* rprop;
    Vint type, hist, cplx, sect, enttype, subtype, datatype;
    Vint nqua, iqua[SYS_NQUA_MAX];
    Vchar cqua[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vint id1, id2, id3;

    /* determine maximum number of datasets */
    vdm_LibraryGetNumDatasets(library, &numdatasets);

    /* create redmat */
    redmat = vis_RedMatBegin();

    /* create result property object */
    rprop = vis_RPropBegin();

    /* loop over datasets */
    for (n = 0; n < numdatasets; n++) {
        vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, n, &dataset);

        /* identify result quantity */
        vdm_DatasetResult(dataset, dsroot, &type, &hist, &nqua, iqua, cqua, &cplx, caux, &sect, &enttype, &subtype, &id1, &id2,
        /* not a matrix result */
        if (type != SYS_RES_K_MAT && type != SYS_RES_M_MAT && type != SYS_RES_D_MAT && type != SYS_RES_L_VEC) {
        /* get dataset name and parameters */
        vdm_DatasetInq(dataset, dsname, &lrec, &nrow, &ncol, &ntyp);

        /* get DataType attribute */
        vdm_DatasetDataType(dataset, andata, &datatype);

        /* get Contents attribute */
        vdm_DatasetContents(dataset, ancont);

        /* print dataset name */
        printf("\n\nDataset: %s\n", dsname);

        /* print DataType and Contents */
        printf("DataType: %s\n", andata);
        printf("Contents: %s\n", ancont);

        /* load state from dataset */
        vis_RPropDef(rprop, SYS_DOF, SYS_NONE);
        vis_RPropSetDatasetIndex(rprop, n);
        vdm_LManLoadRedMat(lman, redmat, rprop);
        /* number of entities, datatype */
        vis_RedMatInq(redmat, &ndofs, &redmattype);
        /* number of matrix entries, number of values per entry */
        /* nval = 1 real, nval= 2 complex */
        vis_RedMatNum(redmat, &nent, &nval);
        vis_RedMatSparse(redmat, &sparse);

        /* sparse matrix */
        if (redmattype == SYS_MATRIX_SYMM && sparse) {
            cols = (Vint*)malloc(ndofs * sizeof(Vint));
            for (i = 1; i <= ndofs; i++) {
                vis_RedMatGetDof(redmat, i, &index, &doftag);
                printf("   i= %2d, index= %d, doftag= %d\n", i, index, doftag);
                vis_RedMatDataCols(redmat, i, &ncols, cols);
                for (k = 0; k < ncols; ++k) {
                    j = cols[k];
                    printf("   row= %d, col= %d", i, j);
                    vis_RedMatData(redmat, i, j, fv);
                    if (nval == 1) {
                        printf("  fv= %11.4e\n", fv[0]);
                    else if (nval == 2) {
                        printf("  fv= %11.4e %11.4e(i)\n", fv[0], fv[1]);
        /* not sparse */
        /* loop through dofs */
        for (j = 1; j <= ndofs; j++) {
            vis_RedMatGetDof(redmat, j, &index, &doftag);
            printf("   j= %2d, index= %d, doftag= %d\n", j, index, doftag);
            if (redmattype == SYS_VECTOR) {
                i = 1;
                printf("   i= %d, j= %d", i, j);
                vis_RedMatData(redmat, i, j, fv);
                if (nval == 1) {
                    printf("  fv= %11.4e\n", fv[0]);
                else if (nval == 2) {
                    printf("  fv= %11.4e %11.4e(i)\n", fv[0], fv[1]);
            else if (redmattype == SYS_MATRIX_DIAG) {
                i = j;
                printf("   i= %d, j= %d", i, j);
                vis_RedMatData(redmat, i, j, fv);
                if (nval == 1) {
                    printf("  fv= %11.4e\n", fv[0]);
                else if (nval == 2) {
                    printf("  fv= %11.4e %11.4e(i)\n", fv[0], fv[1]);
            else if (redmattype == SYS_MATRIX_SYMM) {
                for (i = 1; i <= j; ++i) {
                    printf("   i= %d, j= %d", i, j);
                    vis_RedMatData(redmat, i, j, fv);
                    if (nval == 1) {
                        printf("  fv= %11.4e\n", fv[0]);
                    else if (nval == 2) {
                        printf("  fv= %11.4e %11.4e(i)\n", fv[0], fv[1]);
    /* free memory */

10.8. Example 3e, Read and Print Particle Data

This example illustrates using VisTools global modules to store particle data read from a library device. It is similar to Example 3, except that the State module is used with a parent entity type of SYS_PARTICLE. No particle related information is contained in the model, all particle data are treated as result data.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sam/base/base.h"
#include "sam/vis/visdata.h"
#include "sam/vdm/vdm.h"
#include "datafile.h"
#include "sam/base/license.h"
#include "sam/CEETRON_SAM_license.h"

static void
print_particle(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library);

                     Read and Print Particle Data
main(int argc, char** argv)
    char inputfile[256] = {0};
    vdm_DataFun* datafun = NULL;
    vdm_Library* library = NULL;
    vdm_LMan* lman = NULL;
    Vint filetype, ierr;
    /* check input arguments */
    if (argc < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s inputfile\n", argv[0]);
    else {
        strcpy(inputfile, argv[1]);


    /* create data function object */
    datafun = vdm_DataFunBegin();

    datafiletype(inputfile, &filetype);
    if (filetype == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad input file %s\n", inputfile);
    datafileinit(filetype, datafun);
    /* set convention to support sparse datasets */
    vdm_DataFunSetConvention(datafun, VDM_CONVENTION_SPARSE);
    /* open library device */
    vdm_DataFunOpen(datafun, 0, inputfile, filetype);
    /* check for error */
    ierr = vdm_DataFunError(datafun);
    if (ierr) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: opening file %s\n", inputfile);
    /* use Library Manager object */
    lman = vdm_LManBegin();
    vdm_LManSetObject(lman, VDM_DATAFUN, datafun);

    /* get library object */
    vdm_DataFunGetLibrary(datafun, &library);

    /* access and print particle results */
    print_particle(lman, library);

    /* close library device */

    datafileterm(filetype, datafun);
    /* free objects */

    return 0;

                      print particle scalars and vectors
static void
print_particle(vdm_LMan* lman, vdm_Library* library)
    Vint i, n;
    vdm_Dataset* dataset;
    Vchar dsname[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vchar dsroot[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vchar caux[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vchar andata[ATTRIBUTE_MAXVALUE];
    Vchar ancont[ATTRIBUTE_MAXVALUE];
    Vlong lrec;
    Vint nrow, ncol, ntyp;
    Vint numdatasets;
    Vint nument;
    vis_RProp* rprop;
    vis_State* state;
    Vfloat fv[16];
    Vint type, hist, cplx, sect, enttype, subtype, datatype;
    Vint nqua, iqua[SYS_NQUA_MAX];
    Vchar cqua[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vint id1, id2, id3;

    /* determine maximum number of datasets */
    vdm_LibraryGetNumDatasets(library, &numdatasets);

    /* create state */
    state = vis_StateBegin();

    /* create result property object */
    rprop = vis_RPropBegin();

    /* loop over datasets */
    for (n = 0; n < numdatasets; n++) {
        vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, n, &dataset);

        /* identify result quantity */
        vdm_DatasetResult(dataset, dsroot, &type, &hist, &nqua, iqua, cqua, &cplx, caux, &sect, &enttype, &subtype, &id1, &id2,
        /* not a particle result */
        if (enttype != SYS_PARTICLE) {
        /* get dataset name and parameters */
        vdm_DatasetInq(dataset, dsname, &lrec, &nrow, &ncol, &ntyp);

        /* get DataType attribute */
        vdm_DatasetDataType(dataset, andata, &datatype);

        /* get Contents attribute */
        vdm_DatasetContents(dataset, ancont);

        /* print dataset name */
        printf("\n\nDataset: %s\n", dsname);

        /* print DataType and Contents */
        printf("DataType: %s\n", andata);
        printf("Contents: %s\n", ancont);

        /* load state from dataset */
        vis_RPropDef(rprop, SYS_PARTICLE, SYS_NONE);
        vis_RPropSetDatasetIndex(rprop, n);
        vdm_LManLoadState(lman, state, rprop);

        vis_StateInq(state, &nument, &enttype, &subtype, &datatype);
        /* loop over entities */
        for (i = 1; i <= nument; i++) {
            /* check for entities to be printed */
            if (i != 1 && i != nument) {
            vis_StateData(state, 1, &i, fv);
            if (datatype == VIS_SCALAR) {
                printf("particle= %d, scalar= %14e\n", i, fv[0]);
                /* vector type */
            else if (datatype == VIS_VECTOR) {
                printf("particle= %d, vector= %14e %14e %14e\n", i, fv[0], fv[1], fv[2]);
    /* free memory */

10.9. Example 3f, Read and Print Modal and Panel Contribution Results

This example illustrates using VisTools global modules to read modal and panel history data from a library device. It is similar to Example 3a, except that the History module is used with a parent entity type of SYS_MODE or SYS_PANEL.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sam/base/base.h"
#include "sam/vis/visdata.h"
#include "sam/vdm/vdm.h"
#include "datafile.h"
#include "sam/base/license.h"
#include "sam/CEETRON_SAM_license.h"

static void
print_hist(vdm_DataFun* datafun, vdm_Library* library, vis_Model* model);

                     Read and Print Modal and Panel Contribution Results
main(int argc, char** argv)
    char inputfile[256];
    vdm_DataFun* datafun;
    vdm_Library* library;
    vdm_LMan* lman;
    Vint filetype;
    Vint numnp, numel;
    vis_Model* model;
    vis_Connect* connect;
    Vint ierr;

    /* check input arguments */
    if (argc < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s inputfile [appendfile]\n", argv[0]);
    else {
        strcpy(inputfile, argv[1]);


    /* create data function object */
    datafun = vdm_DataFunBegin();

    datafiletype(inputfile, &filetype);
    if (filetype == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad input file %s\n", inputfile);
    datafileinit(filetype, datafun);
    /* set convention to support sparse datasets */
    vdm_DataFunSetConvention(datafun, VDM_CONVENTION_SPARSE);
    /* open library device */
    vdm_DataFunOpen(datafun, 0, inputfile, filetype);
    /* check for error */
    ierr = vdm_DataFunError(datafun);
    if (ierr) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: opening file %s\n", inputfile);
    /* instance Model object for finite element model */
    model = vis_ModelBegin();

    /* use Library Manager object to load model */
    lman = vdm_LManBegin();
    vdm_LManSetObject(lman, VDM_DATAFUN, datafun);
    vdm_LManLoadModel(lman, model);

    /* get Connect object created in Model */
    vis_ModelGetObject(model, VIS_CONNECT, (Vobject**)&connect);
    vis_ConnectNumber(connect, SYS_NODE, &numnp);
    vis_ConnectNumber(connect, SYS_ELEM, &numel);
    printf("number of nodes= %d\n", numnp);
    printf("number of elems= %d\n", numel);

    /* get library object */
    vdm_DataFunGetLibrary(datafun, &library);

    /* access and print modal contribution histories */
    print_hist(datafun, library, model);

    /* close library device */

    /* delete objects in Model created by LManLoadModel */

    datafileterm(filetype, datafun);
    /* free objects */

    return 0;

                      print histories
static void
print_hist(vdm_DataFun* datafun, vdm_Library* library, vis_Model* model)
    Vint i, j, k, n;
    vdm_Dataset *dataset, *datasetlink;
    Vchar dsname[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vchar dsroot[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vchar caux[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vchar andata[ATTRIBUTE_MAXVALUE];
    Vchar ancont[ATTRIBUTE_MAXVALUE];
    Vchar dslink[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vint ids[2], nds, ind;
    Vlong lrec, lreclink;
    Vint nrow, ncol, ntyp, nrowlink, ncollink, ntyplink;
    Vint numdatasets;
    Vint type, hist, cplx, sect, enttype, subtype, datatype;
    Vint nqua, iqua[SYS_NQUA_MAX];
    Vchar cqua[DATASET_MAXNAME];
    Vint id1, id2, id3;
    Vfloat *res, *freq;
    Vint maxres, maxdat, maxfreq;
    Vint complexflag;
    Vint iatts[2], natts;
    vdm_Attribute* attribute;
    Vint nodeid;

    /* determine maximum number of datasets */
    vdm_LibraryGetNumDatasets(library, &numdatasets);

    /* pointer for returned results data */
    res = NULL;
    maxres = 0;
    freq = NULL;
    maxfreq = 0;
    /* loop over datasets */
    for (i = 0; i < numdatasets; i++) {
        vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, i, &dataset);

        /* identify result quantity */
        vdm_DatasetResult(dataset, dsroot, &type, &hist, &nqua, iqua, cqua, &cplx, caux, &sect, &enttype, &subtype, &id1, &id2,
        /* test for no result */
        if (type == SYS_RES_NONE) {
        /* skip non-history datasets */
        if (hist == 0) {
        /* skip anything but mode and panel entities */
        if (enttype != SYS_MODE && enttype != SYS_PANEL) {
        /* get dataset name and parameters */
        vdm_DatasetInq(dataset, dsname, &lrec, &nrow, &ncol, &ntyp);

        /* get DataType attribute */
        vdm_DatasetDataType(dataset, andata, &datatype);

        /* get Contents attribute */
        vdm_DatasetContents(dataset, ancont);

        /* print dataset name */
        printf("\n\nDataset: %s\n", dsname);

        /* print DataType and Contents */
        printf("DataType: %s\n", andata);
        printf("Contents: %s\n", ancont);

        /* test overall result type */
        if (type == SYS_RES_D) {
            printf("result: Displacement\n");
        else if (type == SYS_RES_V) {
            printf("result: Velocity\n");
        else if (type == SYS_RES_A) {
            printf("result: Acceleration\n");
        else if (type == SYS_RES_PRES) {
            printf("result: Pressure\n");
        /* test qualifiers */
        for (n = 0; n < nqua; n++) {
            if (iqua[n] == SYS_QUA_TX) {
                printf("qualifier: TX component\n");
            else if (iqua[n] == SYS_QUA_TY) {
                printf("qualifier: TY component\n");
            else if (iqua[n] == SYS_QUA_TZ) {
                printf("qualifier: TZ component\n");
            else if (iqua[n] == SYS_QUA_RX) {
                printf("qualifier: RX component\n");
            else if (iqua[n] == SYS_QUA_RY) {
                printf("qualifier: RY component\n");
            else if (iqua[n] == SYS_QUA_RZ) {
                printf("qualifier: RZ component\n");
            else if (iqua[n] == SYS_QUA_ABS) {
                printf("qualifier: Abs\n");
            else if (iqua[n] == SYS_QUA_NORM) {
                printf("qualifier: Norm\n");
            else if (iqua[n] == SYS_QUA_MODAL) {
                printf("qualifier: Modal\n");
            else if (iqua[n] == SYS_QUA_PANEL) {
                printf("qualifier: Panel\n");
        /* parse cqua, "Node-n */
        if (cqua[0] != '\0') {
            sscanf(&cqua[5], "%d", &nodeid);
            printf("node= %d\n", nodeid);
        /* find link to associated response frequencies */
        /* there should be a frequency for each column in the history */
        vdm_DatasetSearchAttribute(dataset, (Vchar*)"Link.Frequency", 1, iatts, &natts);
        if (natts) {
            vdm_DatasetGetAttribute(dataset, iatts[0], &attribute);
            vdm_AttributeValueString(attribute, dslink);
            vdm_LibrarySearchDataset(library, dslink, 1, ids, &nds);
            vdm_LibraryGetDataset(library, ids[0], &datasetlink);
            vdm_DatasetInq(datasetlink, dslink, &lreclink, &nrowlink, &ncollink, &ntyplink);
            maxdat = (Vint)(lreclink * sizeof(Vfloat));
            if (maxdat > maxfreq) {
                maxfreq = maxdat;
                freq = (Vfloat*)realloc(freq, maxfreq * sizeof(Vfloat));
            vdm_DataFunReadDataset(datafun, ids[0], freq);
        /* compute length of data in dataset */
        complexflag = 0;
        maxdat = (Vint)(lrec * sizeof(Vfloat));
            complexflag = 1;
            maxdat *= 2;
        if (maxdat > maxres) {
            maxres = maxdat;
            res = (Vfloat*)realloc(res, maxres * sizeof(Vfloat));
        /* read data */
        vdm_DataFunReadDataset(datafun, i, res);
        ind = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < ncol; j++) {
            for (k = 0; k < nrow; k++) {
                if (natts) {
                    printf("frequency= %e\n", freq[j]);
                if (complexflag == 0) {
                    printf("col= %d, row= %d, val= %e\n", j, k, res[ind]);
                else {
                    printf("col= %d, row= %d, val= %e %e(i)\n", j, k, res[2 * ind], res[2 * ind + 1]);
                ind += 1;
    /* free memory */

10.10. Example 4, Export all Datasets

This example illustrates using the LMan to print the table of contents of all datasets on a library and export the contents of all datasets to file exam4.exp. Exporting the contents of library datasets writes the contents in an ASCII representation. The LMan object accepts a DataFun object as an attribute using vdm_LManSetObject(). This example also illustrates a technique for initializing a DataFun object with one of several possible of external library types.

#include "sam/base/base.h"
#include "sam/vdm/vdm.h"
#include "sam/base/license.h"
#include "sam/CEETRON_SAM_license.h"

static Vchar* vdmname[] = {(Vchar*)"VDM_NATIVE",          (Vchar*)"VDM_LSTC_STATE",      (Vchar*)"VDM_ABAQUS_FILBIN",
                           (Vchar*)"VDM_ABAQUS_INPUT",    (Vchar*)"VDM_NASTRAN_OUTPUT2", (Vchar*)"VDM_NASTRAN_BULKDATA",
                           (Vchar*)"VDM_SDRC_UNIVERSAL",  (Vchar*)"VDM_PAM_DAISY",       (Vchar*)"VDM_ANSYS_RESULT",
                           (Vchar*)"VDM_MECHANICA_STUDY", (Vchar*)"VDM_PAT_NEUTRAL",     NULL};

static Vint vdmtype[] = {VDM_NATIVE,          VDM_LSTC_STATE,       VDM_ABAQUS_FILBIN,  VDM_ABAQUS_INPUT,

                      Export all Datasets
main(int argc, char** argv)
    vdm_LMan* lman;

    vdm_SDRCLib* sdrclib = NULL;
    vdm_RASLib* raslib = NULL;
    vdm_D3DLib* d3dlib = NULL;
    vdm_ABALib* abalib = NULL;
    vdm_ABAFil* abafil = NULL;
    vdm_ANSLib* anslib = NULL;
    vdm_NASLib* naslib = NULL;
    vdm_NASFil* nasfil = NULL;
    vdm_PatLib* patlib = NULL;
    vdm_PAMLib* pamlib = NULL;
    vdm_NatLib* natlib = NULL;

    Vint i;
    vdm_DataFun* datafun;
    char inputfile[256];
    Vint filetype = 0;

    /* determine input file type */
    if (argc < 3) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s filetype pathname\n", argv[0]);
        fprintf(stderr, " VDM_SDRC_UNIVERSAL bumper.unv is assumed\n");
        filetype = VDM_SDRC_UNIVERSAL;
        strcpy(inputfile, "bumper.unv");
    else {
        for (i = 0; vdmname[i]; i++) {
            if (!strcmp(argv[1], vdmname[i])) {
                filetype = vdmtype[i];
                strcpy(inputfile, argv[2]);
        if (vdmname[i] == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s unrecognized file type\n", argv[0]);


    /* create data function object */
    datafun = vdm_DataFunBegin();

    /* create library device and fill data functions */
    if (filetype == VDM_SDRC_UNIVERSAL) {
        sdrclib = vdm_SDRCLibBegin();
        vdm_SDRCLibDataFun(sdrclib, datafun);
    else if (filetype == VDM_MECHANICA_STUDY) {
        raslib = vdm_RASLibBegin();
        vdm_RASLibDataFun(raslib, datafun);
    else if (filetype == VDM_LSTC_STATE) {
        d3dlib = vdm_D3DLibBegin();
        vdm_D3DLibDataFun(d3dlib, datafun);
    else if (filetype == VDM_ABAQUS_FILBIN) {
        abalib = vdm_ABALibBegin();
        vdm_ABALibDataFun(abalib, datafun);
    else if (filetype == VDM_ABAQUS_INPUT) {
        abafil = vdm_ABAFilBegin();
        vdm_ABAFilDataFun(abafil, datafun);
    else if (filetype == VDM_ANSYS_RESULT) {
        anslib = vdm_ANSLibBegin();
        vdm_ANSLibDataFun(anslib, datafun);
    else if (filetype == VDM_PAT_NEUTRAL) {
        patlib = vdm_PatLibBegin();
        vdm_PatLibDataFun(patlib, datafun);
    else if (filetype == VDM_NASTRAN_OUTPUT2) {
        naslib = vdm_NASLibBegin();
        vdm_NASLibDataFun(naslib, datafun);
    else if (filetype == VDM_NASTRAN_BULKDATA) {
        nasfil = vdm_NASFilBegin();
        vdm_NASFilDataFun(nasfil, datafun);
    else if (filetype == VDM_PAM_DAISY) {
        pamlib = vdm_PAMLibBegin();
        vdm_PAMLibDataFun(pamlib, datafun);
    else if (filetype == VDM_NATIVE) {
        natlib = vdm_NatLibBegin();
        vdm_NatLibDataFun(natlib, datafun);

    /* open library device */
    vdm_DataFunOpen(datafun, 0, inputfile, filetype);

    /* check for error */
    if (vdm_DataFunError(datafun)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: opening file %s\n", inputfile);

        /* load model */
    else {
        lman = vdm_LManBegin();
        vdm_LManSetObject(lman, VDM_DATAFUN, datafun);
        vdm_LManSetParami(lman, LMAN_VERBOSE, SYS_ON);
        vdm_LManTOC(lman, "*");
        vdm_LManExport(lman, (Vchar*)"*", (Vchar*)"exam4.exp");
    /* close library device */

    /* free objects */

    if (filetype == VDM_SDRC_UNIVERSAL) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_MECHANICA_STUDY) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_LSTC_STATE) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_ABAQUS_FILBIN) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_ABAQUS_INPUT) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_ANSYS_RESULT) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_PAT_NEUTRAL) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_NASTRAN_OUTPUT2) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_NASTRAN_BULKDATA) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_PAM_DAISY) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_NATIVE) {
    return 0;

10.11. Example 5, Open and Append Files

This example illustrates opening a library device and appending additional files. The file type of the opened and appended files is determined by examining the file extension typical of the file type. The first file on the command line is opened. The model and result datasets on the file are listed. The second and subsequent files on the command line are appended. The model datasets of any appended file are ignored. Only the results datasets on the appended files are added to the list of datasets on the library. Note that for some file types, VDM_CGNS for example, there is the possibility of duplicate dataset name due to non-unique identifiers. In the case of VDM_CGNS, use vdm_LibraryMaxIds() to query for the maximum result numeric identifiers and use vdm_DataFunSetIds() to set the base identifier to use for the appended datasets.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sam/base/base.h"
#include "sam/vdm/vdm.h"
#include "sam/base/license.h"
#include "sam/CEETRON_SAM_license.h"

                      Open and Append Files
main(int argc, char** argv)
    vdm_LMan* lman;
    /* primary libraries */
    vdm_SDRCLib* sdrclib = NULL;
    vdm_RASLib* raslib = NULL;
    vdm_ABALib* abalib = NULL;
    vdm_ABAFil* abafil = NULL;
    vdm_ANSLib* anslib = NULL;
    vdm_ANSFil* ansfil = NULL;
    vdm_D3DFil* d3dfil = NULL;
    vdm_D3DLib* d3dlib = NULL;
    vdm_NASLib* naslib = NULL;
    vdm_NatLib* natlib = NULL;
    vdm_NASFil* nasfil = NULL;
    vdm_STLFil* stlfil = NULL;
    vdm_PAMLib* pamlib = NULL;
    vdm_PatLib* patlib = NULL;
    vdm_PLOT3DLib* plot3dlib = NULL;
    vdm_FLUENTLib* fluentlib = NULL;
    vdm_CGNSVLib* cgnsvlib = NULL;
    vdm_EnSightLib* ensightlib = NULL;
    vdm_STARCCMLib* starccmlib = NULL;
    vdm_SAMCEFLib* samceflib = NULL;
    vdm_TecplotLib* tecplotlib = NULL;
    vdm_MarcLib* marclib = NULL;
    vdm_DataFun* datafun = NULL;
    vdm_Library* library = NULL;
    Vint filetype, filetype1;
    Vint ierr;
    Vint i;
    Vint id1, id2, id3;

    /* determine input file type */
    if (argc < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s pathname appendpathname\n", argv[0]);


    /* create data function object */
    datafun = vdm_DataFunBegin();

    /* determine first file type from file extension */
    if (strstr(argv[1], ".bdf") != NULL || strstr(argv[1], ".dat") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_NASTRAN_BULKDATA;
        nasfil = vdm_NASFilBegin();
        vdm_NASFilDataFun(nasfil, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".op2") != NULL || strstr(argv[1], ".OP2") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_NASTRAN_OUTPUT2;
        naslib = vdm_NASLibBegin();
        vdm_NASLibDataFun(naslib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".rst") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_ANSYS_RESULT;
        anslib = vdm_ANSLibBegin();
        vdm_ANSLibDataFun(anslib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".cdb") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_ANSYS_INPUT;
        ansfil = vdm_ANSFilBegin();
        vdm_ANSFilDataFun(ansfil, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".fil") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_ABAQUS_FIL;
        abalib = vdm_ABALibBegin();
        vdm_ABALibDataFun(abalib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".inp") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_ABAQUS_INPUT;
        abafil = vdm_ABAFilBegin();
        vdm_ABAFilDataFun(abafil, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".odb") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_ABAQUS_ODB;
        abalib = vdm_ABALibBegin();
        vdm_ABALibDataFun(abalib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".k") != NULL || strstr(argv[1], ".key") != NULL || strstr(argv[1], ".dyn") != NULL ||
             strstr(argv[1], ".DYN") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_LSTC_INPUT;
        d3dfil = vdm_D3DFilBegin();
        vdm_D3DFilDataFun(d3dfil, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], "d3plot") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_LSTC_STATE;
        d3dlib = vdm_D3DLibBegin();
        vdm_D3DLibDataFun(d3dlib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".neu") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_MECHANICA_STUDY;
        raslib = vdm_RASLibBegin();
        vdm_RASLibDataFun(raslib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".des") != NULL) {
        filetype = SYS_SAMCEF;
        samceflib = vdm_SAMCEFLibBegin();
        vdm_SAMCEFLibDataFun(samceflib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".unv") != NULL || strstr(argv[1], ".bun") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_SDRC_UNIVERSAL;
        sdrclib = vdm_SDRCLibBegin();
        vdm_SDRCLibDataFun(sdrclib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".stl") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_STL;
        stlfil = vdm_STLFilBegin();
        vdm_STLFilDataFun(stlfil, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".STL") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_STLBIN;
        stlfil = vdm_STLFilBegin();
        vdm_STLFilDataFun(stlfil, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".vdm") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_NATIVE;
        natlib = vdm_NatLibBegin();
        vdm_NatLibDataFun(natlib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".dsy") != NULL || strstr(argv[1], ".DSY") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_PAM_DAISY;
        pamlib = vdm_PAMLibBegin();
        vdm_PAMLibDataFun(pamlib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".out") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_PATRAN_NEUTRAL;
        patlib = vdm_PatLibBegin();
        vdm_PatLibDataFun(patlib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".x") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_PLOT3D_GRID;
        plot3dlib = vdm_PLOT3DLibBegin();
        vdm_PLOT3DLibSetGridType(plot3dlib, PLOT3DLIB_MULTIPLE, 3, SYS_OFF);
        vdm_PLOT3DLibDataFun(plot3dlib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".cas") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_FLUENT_MESH;
        fluentlib = vdm_FLUENTLibBegin();
        vdm_FLUENTLibDataFun(fluentlib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".cgns") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_CGNS;
        cgnsvlib = vdm_CGNSVLibBegin();
        vdm_CGNSVLibDataFun(cgnsvlib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".encas") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_ENSIGHT;
        ensightlib = vdm_EnSightLibBegin();
        vdm_EnSightLibDataFun(ensightlib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".ccm") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_STARCCM;
        starccmlib = vdm_STARCCMLibBegin();
        vdm_STARCCMLibDataFun(starccmlib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".plt") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_TECPLOT;
        tecplotlib = vdm_TecplotLibBegin();
        vdm_TecplotLibDataFun(tecplotlib, datafun);
    else if (strstr(argv[1], ".t16") != NULL) {
        filetype = VDM_MARC_POST;
        marclib = vdm_MarcLibBegin();
        vdm_MarcLibDataFun(marclib, datafun);
    else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad input file %s\n", argv[1]);
    /* set conventions */
    vdm_DataFunSetConvention(datafun, VDM_CONVENTION_SPARSE);

    /* open library device */
    vdm_DataFunOpen(datafun, 0, argv[1], filetype);
    vdm_DataFunGetLibrary(datafun, &library);

    /* check for error */
    ierr = vdm_DataFunError(datafun);
    if (ierr) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: opening file %s\n", argv[1]);
    /* instance lman object */
    lman = vdm_LManBegin();
    vdm_LManSetObject(lman, VDM_DATAFUN, datafun);
    vdm_LManSetParami(lman, LMAN_VERBOSE, SYS_ON);
    vdm_LManTOC(lman, "*");

    /* append library devices */
    for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
        if (strstr(argv[i], ".op2") != NULL || strstr(argv[i], ".OP2") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_NASTRAN_OUTPUT2;
        else if (strstr(argv[i], ".unv") != NULL || strstr(argv[i], ".bun") != NULL || strstr(argv[i], ".bud") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_SDRC_UNIVERSAL;
        else if (strstr(argv[i], ".vdm") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_NATIVE;
        else if (strstr(argv[i], ".dis") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_PATRAN_RESULT;
        else if (strstr(argv[i], ".q") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_PLOT3D_SOLUTION;
        else if (strstr(argv[i], ".dat") != NULL || strstr(argv[i], ".cas") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_FLUENT_MESH;
        else if (strstr(argv[i], ".cgns") != NULL) {
            filetype1 = VDM_CGNS;
        else {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad input file %s\n", argv[i]);
        /* set Ids computation for certain appended file types */
        if (filetype1 == VDM_CGNS) {
            vdm_LibraryMaxIds(library, &id1, &id2, &id3);
            vdm_DataFunSetIds(datafun, VDM_IDS_BASE, id1 + 1, 0, 0);
        vdm_DataFunAppend(datafun, argv[i], filetype1);

        /* check for error */
        ierr = vdm_DataFunError(datafun);
        if (ierr) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: appending file %s to file %s\n", argv[i], argv[1]);
        vdm_LManTOC(lman, "*");
    /* now export all datasets */
    vdm_LManExport(lman, (Vchar*)"*", (Vchar*)"exam5.exp");

    /* close library device */

    /* free objects */

    if (filetype == VDM_NASTRAN_BULKDATA) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_SDRC_UNIVERSAL) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_MECHANICA_STUDY) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_ABAQUS_FIL) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_ABAQUS_INPUT) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_ANSYS_RESULT) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_ANSYS_INPUT) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_NASTRAN_OUTPUT2) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_LSTC_INPUT) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_LSTC_STATE) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_NATIVE) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_PAM_DAISY) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_PATRAN_NEUTRAL) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_PLOT3D_GRID) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_FLUENT_MESH) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_CGNS) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_SAMCEF) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_ENSIGHT) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_STARCCM) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_TECPLOT) {
    else if (filetype == VDM_MARC_POST) {
    return 0;

10.12. Example 5a, Open Files without Model Data

This example illustrates an option to appending results only files. Files which can be appended may also be opened directly if a compatible Connect object has been previously set using vdm_DataFunSetConnect(). This Connect object provides the model context.

In this example two files are opened. The first contains model information, the second does not. The first file is opened and the Model object is loaded using vdm_LManLoadModel() and the Connect object is retrieved using vis_ModelGetObject(). A second DataFun object is instanced for the results only file and the Connect object is set using vdm_DataFunSetConnect(). The second file is then opened. This second DataFun object will only reveal the results datasets contained on the results only file.

Note that the Connect object can come from any source as long it is compatible with the results data.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sam/base/base.h"
#include "sam/vdm/vdm.h"
#include "sam/base/license.h"
#include "sam/CEETRON_SAM_license.h"

                      Open Files without Model Data
main(int argc, char** argv)
    vdm_LMan* lman = NULL;
    /* primary libraries */
    vdm_SDRCLib *sdrclib = NULL, *sdrclib1 = NULL;
    vdm_RASLib* raslib = NULL;
    vdm_ABALib* abalib = NULL;
    vdm_ABAFil* abafil = NULL;
    vdm_ANSLib* anslib = NULL;
    vdm_ANSFil* ansfil = NULL;
    vdm_D3DLib* d3dlib = NULL;
    vdm_NASLib *naslib = NULL, *naslib1 = NULL;
    vdm_NatLib* natlib = NULL;
    vdm_NASFil* nasfil = NULL;
    vdm_STLFil* stlfil = NULL;
    vdm_PAMLib* pamlib = NULL;
    vdm_PatLib* patlib = NULL;
    vdm_SAMCEFLib* samceflib = NULL;
    vdm_PLOT3DLib* plot3dlib = NULL;
    vdm_FLUENTLib* fluentlib = NULL;
    vdm_CGNSVLib* cgnsvlib = NULL;
    vdm_TecplotLib* tecplotlib = NULL;
    vdm_DataFun *datafun = NULL, *datafun1 = NULL;

    vis_Model* model = NULL;
    vis_Connect* connect = NULL;
    Vint filetype, filetype1;
    Vint ierr;

    if (argc < 2) {