13. Rigid, Mass, Spring and Gap Elements - RigidElem, MassElem, DiscElem, GapElem

The RigidElem, MassElem, DiscElem and GapElem modules provide for the visualization of rigid, mass, spring and uniaxial gap elements. The objective is to create graphic representations of these “discrete” elements which reveal their detailed element properties. For example mass elements will contain icons for both translational and/or rotational mass, draw any offsets of the mass from the attachment node and label any degree of freedom attachments defined.

An attempt has been made to make the features of the representation of all element types as consistent as possible. The basic representation of an element is dependent upon the topology, element local system, a given special type, and node coordinates. More detailed element properties may be drawn if an EProp element property object is registered as an attribute object.

13.1. Rigid Elements - RigidElem

Use the RigidElem module to draw various types of rigid elements. The basic element representation is primarily dependent upon the element special type. The special types include distributing couplings, kinematic couplings, inextensional couplings and multipoint constraints. The detailed element properties draw the dependent and independent degrees of freedom at each node and possible weights or coefficients.

The functions associated with a RigidElem object are the following.

Instance a RigidElem object using vis_RigidElemBegin(). The basic element representation is dependent upon the element topology set using vis_RigidElemSetTopology() and the element special type set using vis_RigidElemSetSpec() The element is drawn using vis_RigidElemCurv(). If the rigid element topology is VIS_SHAPEPOINT then the basic representation connects the first node to each of the subsequent nodes. If the rigid element topology is VIS_SHAPELINE then the basic representation connects the nodes with a line strip. If the rigid element topology is VIS_SHAPETRI or VIS_SHAPEQUAD then the basic representation connects the nodes with a line loop and optionally fills the interior of the line loop. The icon used to connect nodes depends upon the given element special type.

Detailed element properties may be drawn by registering an EProp attribute object using vis_RigidElemSetObject() and enabling property drawing using vis_RigidElemSetParami(). In this case the element dependent and independent degrees of freedom are labeled and distributing coupling weights or multipoint constraint coefficients are drawn. An option is provided to draw the thickness of distributing couplings dependent upon the weights of each independent node. Use vis_RigidElemSetParami() to enable this option and use vis_RigidElemSetParamf() to set the sizing factor for unit weight.

13.2. Attribute Objects

A RigidElem object uses DrawFun, VisContext, ColorMap, TransMap and EProp objects to define attributes to generate an element representation. The DrawFun, VisContext and ColorMap objects are required. The TransMap <TransMap> object is needed only to draw transparent element fill. The EProp object is required only if detailed property drawing is enabled using vis_RigidElemSetParami(). A RigidElem object uses the following VisContext components.


Color of degree of freedom flags raster text


Color of fill


Bitmap expansion factor


Element locations at which element bitmap and pixmap icons are drawn.


and VIS_ELEMREP_LINE draws connections between nodes which are
dependent upon the element special type. VIS_ELEMREP_PIXMAP and
VIS_ELEMREP_BITMAP draws simple line connections between nodes
and places a representative bitmap or pixmap icon at the locations
specified by ElemLoc.


Color of line connections.


Fill flag.


Line width of line connections


Minor color of line connections.


Ratio of minor color to color of line connections


Maximum width of rigid icons.


Fill transparency


The flag VIS_DOFBACK enables drawing a background on behind the
degree of freedom flags raster text.

The rigid element representation is dependent upon the element special type and its properties. Figures 12-1a through 12-1d illustrate the detailed representation using ElemRep set to VIS_ELEMREP_SOLID and a topology set to VIS_SHAPEPOINT for each of the 4 element special types.

The detailed rigid element properties consist of dependent and independent degrees of freedom at each node and possible distributing coupling weights or multipoint constraint coefficients. These properties are drawn using raster text at each applicable node. The independent degrees of freedom are drawn in bold text, the dependent degrees of freedom are drawn in regular text. If distributing coupling weights or multipoint constraint coefficients are defined they are drawn immediately below the degree of freedom flags at each node.

Distributing coupling properties include the distributing weights for each independent node. The element topology should be set to VIS_SHAPEPOINT and the dependent node should be the first node. Figure 12-1a illustrates a distributed coupling with degree of freedom flags and weights.


Figure 12-1a, Distributing Coupling and Properties

Kinematic couplings can be used to represent a number of rigid element topologies. Use VIS_SHAPEPOINT to represent a set of couplings arranged as a set of “spokes” connected to a single independent node. Use VIS_SHAPELINE for a series of couplings. Use VIS_SHAPETRI and VIS_SHAPEQUAD for rigid triangular plates and quadrilaterals. Figure 12-1b illustrates a set of 3 kinematic couplings connected to a single independent node with degree of freedom flags.


Figure 12-1b, Kinematic Coupling and Properties

Links are designed for representing inextensional couplings which usually involve translational freedoms only. The element topology is usually VIS_SHAPEPOINT or VIS_SHAPELINE with 2 points. Figure 12-1c illustrates a single link with degree of freedom flags.


Figure 12-1c, Link and Properties

Multipoint constraints are drawn assuming that the dependent node is the first node. Therefore the topology should be set to VIS_SHAPEPOINT. Figure 12-1d illustrates a multipoint constraint involving 4 nodes.


Figure 12-1d, Multipoint Constraint and Properties

If a rigid element is drawn as a bitmap or pixmap then the basic representation is the same for all special types. The pixmap representation is shown in Figure 12-1e.


Figure 12-1e, Rigid Element as a Pixmap

A kinematic coupling with a topology set to VIS_SHAPEQUAD drawn in the basic representation is illustrated in Figure 12-1f. The element is filled with 50 percent transparency.


Figure 12-1f, Basic Quadrilateral Kinematic Coupling

13.3. Function Descriptions

The currently available RigidElem functions are described in detail in this section.

vis_RigidElem *vis_RigidElemBegin(void)

create an instance of an RigidElem object

Create an instance of an RigidElem object. Memory is allocated for the object private data and the pointer to the data is returned. By default all attribute object pointers are NULL.

Destroy an instance of a RigidElem object using

void vis_RigidElemEnd (vis_RigidElem *rigidelem)

Return the current value of a RigidElem object error flag using

Vint vis_RigidElemError (vis_RigidElem *rigidelem)


The function returns a pointer to the newly created RigidElem object. If the object creation fails, NULL is returned.

void vis_RigidElemEnd(vis_RigidElem *p)

destroy an instance of a RigidElem object

See vis_RigidElemBegin()

Vint vis_RigidElemError(vis_RigidElem *p)

return the current value of a RigidElem object error flag

See vis_RigidElemBegin()

void vis_RigidElemSetObject(vis_RigidElem *p, Vint objecttype, Vobject *object)

set pointers to attribute objects

Set a pointer to an attribute object.


VIS_ERROR_OBJECTTYPE is generated if an improper objecttype is specified

  • p – Pointer to RigidElem object.

  • objecttype – The name of the object type to be set.

    x=VIS_COLORMAP           ColorMap object
     =VGL_DRAWFUN            DrawFun object
     =VIS_TRANSMAP           TransMap object
     =VIS_VISCONTEXT         VisContext object
     =VIS_EPROP              EProp object

  • object – Pointer to the object to be set.

void vis_RigidElemSetParami(vis_RigidElem *p, Vint ptype, Vint iparam)

set element display parameters

Set element display parameters. The parameter RIGIDELEM_PROP enables drawing detailed element properties contained in the EProp attribute object. By default RIGIDELEM_PROP is set to VIS_OFF.

The parameter RIGIDELEM_WGTSIZEFLAG enables drawing the sizing of distributing couplings proportionately to the weights at each independent node. Use vis_RigidElemSetParamf() to set the size of unit weight. By default RIGIDELEM_WGTSIZEFLAG is set to VIS_OFF.


VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper ptype is specified.

  • p – Pointer to RigidElem object.

  • ptype – Type of display parameter to set

    x=RIGIDELEM_PROP         Draw detailed properties
     =RIGIDELEM_WGTSIZEFLAG  Weight sizing flag

  • iparam – Specifies the integer value that ptype will be set to.

    x=VIS_OFF                Turn parameter off
     =VIS_ON                 Turn parameter on

void vis_RigidElemSetParamf(vis_RigidElem *p, Vint ptype, Vfloat fparam)

set element display parameters

Set element display parameters.

The parameter RIGIDELEM_WGTSIZE sets the size of a unit weight. Use vis_RigidElemSetParami() to enable weight sizing and detailed element properties. By default RIGIDELEM_WGTSIZE is set 1.


  • VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper ptype is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper fparam is specified.

  • p – Pointer to RigidElem object.

  • ptype – Type of display parameter to set

    x=RIGIDELEM_WGTSIZE      Size of unit weight

  • fparam – Specifies the value that ptype will be set to.

void vis_RigidElemSetTopology(vis_RigidElem *p, Vint shape, Vint maxi)

set element topology

Set element topology. For triangle and quadrilateral shapes maxi = 0 or 2 and Serendipity element node connectivity convention is assumed. See section Computational Cells for a description of element topology conventions.


  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper maxi is input.

  • VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper shape is input.

  • p – Pointer to RigidElem object.

  • shape – Element shape parameter

    x=VIS_SHAPEPOINT         Point
     =VIS_SHAPELINE          Line
     =VIS_SHAPETRI           Triangle
     =VIS_SHAPEQUAD          Quadrilateral

  • maxi – The number of points along the i direction. If maxi = 0 then the linear element form of the specified shape is assumed.

void vis_RigidElemSetSpec(vis_RigidElem *p, Vint spec)

set special type

Set element special type. By default spec is set to SYS_RIGID_KINE. The types SYS_RIGID_DIST and SYS_RIGID_RBE3 are drawn identically.

  • p – Pointer to RigidElem object.

  • spec – Element special type

    x=SYS_RIGID_KINE         Kinematic coupling
     =SYS_RIGID_DIST         Distributing coupling
     =SYS_RIGID_JOINT        Joint constraint
     =SYS_RIGID_LINK         Inextensional coupling
     =SYS_RIGID_MPC          Multipoint constraint
     =SYS_RIGID_RBE3         Interpolation constraint
     =SYS_RIGID_SPLINE       Spline constraint

void vis_RigidElemCurv(vis_RigidElem *p, Vfloat x[][3])

draw element

Draw a rigid element with node points, x.


VIS_ERROR_NULLOBJECT is generated if required attribute objects have not been set using vis_RigidElemSetObject().

  • p – Pointer to RigidElem object.

  • x – Array of node locations defining element connections.

13.4. Mass Elements - MassElem

Use the MassElem module to draw various types of mass elements. The basic element representation is primarily dependent upon the element special type. The special types include scalar mass, lumped mass, and mass matrix. The detailed element properties draw icons for translational and/or rotational mass, mass offset and degree of freedom attachments.

The functions associated with a MassElem object are the following.

Instance a MassElem object using vis_MassElemBegin(). The basic element representation is dependent upon the element topology set using vis_MassElemSetTopology(), the element special type set using vis_MassElemSetSpec() and the element local system set using vis_MassElemSetLocalSystem(). The element is drawn using vis_MassElemCurv(). A mass element topology is restricted to VIS_SHAPEPOINT with one or two nodes and VIS_SHAPELINE with two nodes only.

Detailed element properties may be drawn by registering an EProp attribute object using vis_MassElemSetObject() and enabling property drawing using vis_MassElemSetParami(). In this case the element icons are drawn depending upon the existence of translational and/or rotational mass. In addition any offset of the mass from the attachment node is drawn. and any defined degree of freedom attachments are labeled.

13.5. Attribute Objects

A MassElem object uses DrawFun, VisContext, ColorMap and EProp objects to define attributes to generate an element representation. The DrawFun, VisContext and ColorMap objects are required. The EProp object is required only if detailed property drawing is enabled using vis_MassElemSetParami(). A MassElem object uses the following VisContext components.


Color of degree of freedom flags raster text


Bitmap expansion factor


Element local coordinate system axes flags


and VIS_ELEMREP_LINE draws simple line connections between nodes
and a three dimensional element icon at the element centroid.
connections between nodes and a representative bitmap or pixmap icon
at the element centroid.


Color of line connections and mass icon.


Fill flag.


Line width of mass offset.


Line style of mass offset.


Color of rotational mass and mass offset.


The length of the vector head relative to the total length of the
vector of rotational mass icon.


Level of refinement


Flag to apply light source shading


Size of mass icons and length of coordinate system axes.


The flag VIS_DOFBACK enables drawing a background on behind the
degree of freedom flags raster text.


Color of coordinate system x axes


Color of coordinate system y axes


Color of coordinate system z axes

The mass element representation is generally dependent upon the element special type and its properties. Figures 12-2a through 12-2c illustrate the detailed representation using ElemRep set to VIS_ELEMREP_SOLID and a topology set to VIS_SHAPEPOINT for each of the 3 element special types.

The detailed mass element properties consist of the existence of translational and/or rotational mass, mass offset and any defined degree of freedom attachments. The degree of freedom attachments are drawn using raster text at each applicable node. The properties drawn depend upon the element special type.

Scalar mass properties include the degree of freedom attachments only. Figure 12-2a illustrates a scalar mass with these properties. A BitmapSize of 2 is used. An element local system is not applicable.


Figure 12-2a, Scalar Mass and Properties

Lumped mass properties include translational and/or rotational mass and mass offset. Figure 12-2b illustrates a lumped mass with these properties. An element local system is drawn.


Figure 12-2b, Lumped Mass and Properties

The mass matrix representation does not depend on the element properties. Figure 12-2c illustrates a mass matrix. An element local system is drawn.


Figure 12-2c, Mass Matrix

13.6. Function Descriptions

The currently available MassElem functions are described in detail in this section.

vis_MassElem *vis_MassElemBegin(void)

create an instance of an MassElem object

Create an instance of a MassElem object. Memory is allocated for the object private data and the pointer to the data is returned. By default all attribute object pointers are NULL.

Destroy an instance of a MassElem object using

void vis_MassElemEnd (vis_MassElem *masselem)

Return the current value of a MassElem object error flag using

Vint vis_MassElemError (vis_MassElem *masselem)


The function returns a pointer to the newly created MassElem object. If the object creation fails, NULL is returned.

void vis_MassElemEnd(vis_MassElem *p)

destroy an instance of a MassElem object

See vis_MassElemBegin()

Vint vis_MassElemError(vis_MassElem *p)

return the current value of a MassElem object error flag

See vis_MassElemBegin()

void vis_MassElemSetObject(vis_MassElem *p, Vint objecttype, Vobject *object)

set pointers to attribute objects

Set a pointer to an attribute object.


VIS_ERROR_OBJECTTYPE is generated if an improper objecttype is specified.

  • p – Pointer to MassElem object.

  • objecttype – The name of the object type to be set.

    x=VIS_COLORMAP           ColorMap object
     =VGL_DRAWFUN            DrawFun object
     =VIS_VISCONTEXT         VisContext object
     =VIS_EPROP              EProp object

  • object – Pointer to the object to be set.

void vis_MassElemSetTopology(vis_MassElem *p, Vint shape, Vint maxi)

set element topology

Set element topology. For line shapes, maxi must equal 0 or 2. See section Computational Cells for a description of element topology conventions.


  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper maxi is input.

  • VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper shape is input.

  • p – Pointer to MassElem object.

  • shape – Element shape parameter

    x=VIS_SHAPEPOINT         Point
     =VIS_SHAPELINE          Line

  • maxi – The number of points along the i direction. If maxi = 0 then the linear element form of the specified shape is assumed.

void vis_MassElemSetLocalSystem(vis_MassElem *p, Vint type, Vfloat vec[], Vfloat angle)

set local coordinate system convention

Specify the convention to be used to construct the orientation of the mass element. Note that if the element consists of a single node or two coincident nodes then the local system must be SYS_ELEMSYS_GLOBAL or SYS_ELEMSYS_ROTANG. By default type is SYS_ELEMSYS_GLOBAL and angle is zero.


VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper type is input.

  • p – Pointer to MassElem object.

  • type – Local system convention

    x=SYS_ELEMSYS_STANDARD   Standard orientation
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_POSITION   Orient to position vector
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_GLOBAL     Global axis
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_GLOBALPROJECT  Orient to global axis projection
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_GLOBALCLOSEST  Orient to closest global axis
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_VECTOR     Orient to direction vector
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_ROTANG     Orient to rotation angle vector
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_BISECTOR   Orient to element bisector

  • vec – Orientation position, direction or normal vector(s)

  • angle – Angle to rotate element y’,z’ axes about the element x’ axis in degrees.

void vis_MassElemSetParami(vis_MassElem *p, Vint ptype, Vint iparam)

set element display parameters

Set element display parameters.

The parameter MASSELEM_PROP enables drawing detailed element properties contained in the EProp attribute object. By default MASSELEM_PROP is set to VIS_OFF.

The parameter MASSELEM_CHECKER enables drawing a mass matrix element as a checkered cube. If disabled, a mass matrix is drawn as an “edged” cube. By default MASSELEM_CHECKER is set to VIS_OFF.


VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper ptype is specified.

  • p – Pointer to MassElem object.

  • ptype – Type of display parameter to set

    x=MASSELEM_PROP          Draw detailed properties
     =MASSELEM_CHECKER       Draw checkered cube mass matrix

  • iparam – Specifies the integer value that ptype will be set to.

    x=VIS_OFF                Turn parameter off
     =VIS_ON                 Turn parameter on

void vis_MassElemSetSpec(vis_MassElem *p, Vint spec)

set special type

Set element special type. By default type is set to SYS_MASS_SCALAR.

  • p – Pointer to MassElem object.

  • spec – Element special type

    x=SYS_MASS_SCALAR        Scalar mass
     =SYS_MASS_LUMP          Lumped mass
     =SYS_MASS_MATRIX        Mass matrix

void vis_MassElemCurv(vis_MassElem *p, Vfloat x[][3])

draw element

Draw a mass element with node points, x.


VIS_ERROR_NULLOBJECT is generated if required attribute objects have not been set using vis_MassElemSetObject().

  • p – Pointer to MassElem object.

  • x – Array of node locations defining element connections.

13.7. Spring and Dashpot Elements - DiscElem

Use the DiscElem module to draw various types of spring and dashpot elements. The basic element representation is primarily dependent upon the element special type. The special types include scalar spring and dashpot, link, spot weld, and bushing. The detailed element properties draw icons for translational and/or rotational stiffness, damping and degree of freedom attachments.

The functions associated with a DiscElem object are the following.

Instance a DiscElem object using vis_DiscElemBegin(). The basic element representation is dependent upon the element topology set using vis_DiscElemSetTopology(), the element special type set using vis_DiscElemSetSpec() and the element local system set using vis_DiscElemSetLocalSystem(). The element is drawn using vis_DiscElemCurv(). A spring element topology is restricted to VIS_SHAPEPOINT with any number of nodes and VIS_SHAPELINE with two nodes only.

Detailed element properties may be drawn by registering an EProp attribute object using vis_DiscElemSetObject() and enabling property drawing using vis_DiscElemSetParami(). In this case the element icons are drawn depending upon the existence of translational and/or rotational stiffness and damping. Any defined degree of freedom attachments are labeled.

13.8. Attribute Objects

A DiscElem object uses DrawFun, VisContext, ColorMap and EProp objects to define attributes to generate an element representation. The DrawFun, VisContext and ColorMap objects are required. The EProp object is required only if detailed property drawing is enabled using vis_DiscElemSetParami(). A DiscElem object uses the following VisContext components.


Color of degree of freedom flags raster text


Bitmap expansion factor


Element local coordinate system axes flags


and VIS_ELEMREP_LINE draws simple line connections between nodes
and a three dimensional element icon at the element centroid.
connections between nodes and a representative bitmap or pixmap icon
at the element centroid.


Color of line connections and spring icon.


Fill flag.


Color of ground icon


Level of refinement


Flag to apply light source shading


Size of spring icons and length of coordinate system axes.


Color of coordinate system x axes


Color of coordinate system y axes


Color of coordinate system z axes

The spring element representation is dependent upon the element topology, special type and its properties. Figures 12-3a through 12-3d illustrate the detailed representation using ElemRep set to VIS_ELEMREP_SOLID and a topology set to VIS_SHAPEPOINT for each of the 4 element special types.

Scalar spring properties include the degree of freedom attachments only. Figure 12-3a illustrates a scalar spring with these properties. A BitmapSize of 2 is used. An element local system is not applicable.


Figure 12-3a, Scalar Spring and Properties

The link spring and dashpot properties include the existence of stiffness and/or damping coefficients. Figure 12-3b illustrates a scalar spring and and dashpot. An element local system is drawn


Figure 12-3b, Link Spring and Dashpot

The weld spring properties include the diameter. The icon is a cylinder of the specified diameter. Figure 12-3c illustrates a weld spring. An element local system is drawn


Figure 12-3c, Weld Spring

The bush spring properties include spring stiffnesses in each of 3 translational and 3 rotational directions. Figure 12-3d illustrates a bush spring. An element local system is drawn


Figure 12-3d, Bush Spring

13.9. Function Descriptions

The currently available DiscElem functions are described in detail in this section.

vis_DiscElem *vis_DiscElemBegin(void)

create an instance of an DiscElem object

Create an instance of a DiscElem object. Memory is allocated for the object private data and the pointer to the data is returned. By default all attribute object pointers are NULL.

Destroy an instance of a DiscElem object using

void vis_DiscElemEnd (vis_DiscElem *discelem)

Return the current value of a DiscElem object error flag using

Vint vis_DiscElemError (vis_DiscElem *discelem)


The function returns a pointer to the newly created DiscElem object. If the object creation fails, NULL is returned.

void vis_DiscElemEnd(vis_DiscElem *p)

destroy an instance of a DiscElem object

See vis_DiscElemBegin()

Vint vis_DiscElemError(vis_DiscElem *p)

return the current value of a DiscElem object error flag

See vis_DiscElemBegin()

void vis_DiscElemSetObject(vis_DiscElem *p, Vint objecttype, Vobject *object)

set pointers to attribute objects

Set a pointer to an attribute object.


VIS_ERROR_OBJECTTYPE is generated if an improper objecttype is specified.

  • p – Pointer to DiscElem object.

  • objecttype – The name of the object type to be set.

    x=VIS_COLORMAP           ColorMap object
     =VGL_DRAWFUN            DrawFun object
     =VIS_VISCONTEXT         VisContext object
     =VIS_EPROP              EProp object

  • object – Pointer to the object to be set.

void vis_DiscElemSetTopology(vis_DiscElem *p, Vint shape, Vint maxi)

set element topology

Set element topology. For line shapes, maxi must equal 0 or 2. See section Computational Cells for a description of element topology conventions.


  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper maxi is input.

  • VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper shape is input.

  • p – Pointer to DiscElem object.

  • shape – Element shape parameter

  • maxi – The number of points along the i direction. If maxi = 0 then the linear element form of the specified shape is assumed.

void vis_DiscElemSetLocalSystem(vis_DiscElem *p, Vint type, Vfloat vec[], Vfloat angle)

set local coordinate system convention

Specify the convention to be used to construct the orientation of the spring element. Note that if the element consists of a single node or two coincident nodes then the local system must be SYS_ELEMSYS_GLOBAL or SYS_ELEMSYS_ROTANG. By default type is SYS_ELEMSYS_GLOBALCLOSEST and angle is zero.


VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper type is input.

  • p – Pointer to DiscElem object.

  • type – Local system convention

    x=SYS_ELEMSYS_STANDARD   Standard orientation
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_POSITION   Orient to position vector
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_GLOBAL     Global axis
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_GLOBALPROJECT  Orient to global axis projection
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_GLOBALCLOSEST  Orient to closest global axis
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_VECTOR     Orient to direction vector
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_ROTANG     Orient to rotation angle vector
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_BISECTOR   Orient to element bisector

  • vec – Orientation position, direction or normal vector(s)

  • angle – Angle to rotate element y’,z’ axes about the element x’ axis in degrees.

void vis_DiscElemSetParami(vis_DiscElem *p, Vint ptype, Vint iparam)

set element display parameters

Set element display parameters. The parameter DISCELEM_PROP enables drawing detailed element properties contained in the EProp attribute object. By default DISCELEM_PROP is set to VIS_OFF.


VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper ptype is specified.

  • p – Pointer to DiscElem object.

  • ptype – Type of display parameter to set

    x=DISCELEM_PROP          Draw detailed properties

  • iparam – Specifies the integer value that ptype will be set to.

    x=VIS_OFF                Turn parameter off
     =VIS_ON                 Turn parameter on

void vis_DiscElemSetSpec(vis_DiscElem *p, Vint spec)

set special type

Set element special type. By default spec is set to SYS_SPRINGDASHPOT_SCALAR.

  • p – Pointer to DiscElem object.

  • spec – Element special type

    x=SYS_SPRINGDASHPOT_SCALAR Scalar springdashpot

void vis_DiscElemCurv(vis_DiscElem *p, Vfloat x[][3])

draw element

Draw a spring element with node points, x.


VIS_ERROR_NULLOBJECT is generated if required attribute objects have not been set using vis_DiscElemSetObject().

  • p – Pointer to DiscElem object.

  • x – Array of node locations defining element connections.

13.10. Gap Elements - GapElem

Use the GapElem module to draw uniaxial gap elements. There are currently no special types for gap elements. The detailed element properties include representing the initial gap.

The functions associated with a GapElem object are the following.

Instance a GapElem object using vis_GapElemBegin(). The basic element representation is dependent upon the element topology set using vis_GapElemSetTopology() and the element local system set using vis_GapElemSetLocalSystem(). The element is drawn using vis_GapElemCurv(). A gap element topology is restricted to VIS_SHAPEPOINT with one or two nodes and VIS_SHAPELINE with two nodes only. A gap element with a single node is assumed to be a node to ground gap, a special ground icon is included in the gap element representation.

Detailed element properties may be drawn by registering an EProp attribute object using vis_GapElemSetObject() and enabling property drawing using vis_GapElemSetParami(). In this case the gap element initial gap is represented exactly in the spacing of the gap element icons.

13.11. Attribute Objects

A GapElem object uses DrawFun, VisContext, ColorMap and EProp objects to define attributes to generate an element representation. The DrawFun, VisContext and ColorMap objects are required. The EProp object is required only if detailed property drawing is enabled using vis_GapElemSetParami(). A GapElem object uses the following VisContext components.


Color of degree of freedom flags raster text


Bitmap expansion factor


Element local coordinate system axes flags


and VIS_ELEMREP_LINE draws simple line connections between nodes
and a three dimensional element icon at the element centroid.
connections between nodes and a representative bitmap or pixmap icon
at the element centroid.


Color of line connections and gap icon.


Fill flag.


Color of ground icon


Level of refinement


Flag to apply light source shading


Size of gap icons and length of coordinate system axes.


Color of coordinate system x axes


Color of coordinate system y axes


Color of coordinate system z axes

The gap element representation is dependent upon the element topology and its properties. Figures 12-4a and 12-4b illustrate the point to point gap and the point to ground gap using ElemRep set to VIS_ELEMREP_SOLID. The detailed gap element properties consist of the initial gap.

The point to point gap orients the gap icon along the element x’ coordinate system which may, in general, not necessarily be aligned between the node connections. Figure 12-4a illustrates a point to point gap. An element local system is drawn.


Figure 12-4a, Point to Point Gap

The point to ground gap orients the gap icon along the element x’ coordinate system. Figure 12-4b illustrates a point to ground gap. An element local system is drawn.


Figure 12-4b, Point to Ground Gap

13.12. Function Descriptions

The currently available GapElem functions are described in detail in this section.

vis_GapElem *vis_GapElemBegin(void)

create an instance of a GapElem object

Create an instance of a GapElem object. Memory is allocated for the object private data and the pointer to the data is returned. By default all attribute object pointers are NULL.

Destroy an instance of a GapElem object using

void vis_GapElemEnd (vis_GapElem *gapelem)

Return the current value of a GapElem object error flag using

Vint vis_GapElemError (vis_GapElem *gapelem)


The function returns a pointer to the newly created GapElem object. If the object creation fails, NULL is returned.

void vis_GapElemEnd(vis_GapElem *p)

destroy an instance of a GapElem object

See vis_GapElemBegin()

Vint vis_GapElemError(vis_GapElem *p)

return the current value of a GapElem object error flag

See vis_GapElemBegin()

void vis_GapElemSetObject(vis_GapElem *p, Vint objecttype, Vobject *object)

set pointers to attribute objects

Set a pointer to an attribute object.


VIS_ERROR_OBJECTTYPE is generated if an improper objecttype is specified.

  • p – Pointer to GapElem object.

  • objecttype – The name of the object type to be set.

    x=VIS_COLORMAP           ColorMap object
     =VGL_DRAWFUN            DrawFun object
     =VIS_VISCONTEXT         VisContext object
     =VIS_EPROP              EProp object

  • object – Pointer to the object to be set.

void vis_GapElemSetTopology(vis_GapElem *p, Vint shape, Vint maxi)

set element topology

Set element topology. For line shapes, maxi must equal 0 or 2. See section Computational Cells for a description of element topology conventions.


  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper maxi is input.

  • VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper shape is input.

  • p – Pointer to GapElem object.

  • shape – Element shape parameter

    x=VIS_SHAPEPOINT         Point
     =VIS_SHAPELINE          Line

  • maxi – The number of points along the i direction. If maxi = 0 then the linear element form of the specified shape is assumed.

void vis_GapElemSetLocalSystem(vis_GapElem *p, Vint type, Vfloat vec[], Vfloat angle)

set local coordinate system convention

Specify the convention to be used to construct the orientation of the gap element. Note that if the element consists of a single node or two coincident nodes then the local system must be SYS_ELEMSYS_GLOBAL or SYS_ELEMSYS_ROTANG. By default type is SYS_ELEMSYS_GLOBALCLOSEST and angle is zero.


VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper type is input.

  • p – Pointer to GapElem object.

  • type – Local system convention

    x=SYS_ELEMSYS_STANDARD   Standard orientation
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_POSITION   Orient to position vector
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_GLOBAL     Global axis
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_GLOBALPROJECT  Orient to global axis projection
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_GLOBALCLOSEST  Orient to closest global axis
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_VECTOR     Orient to direction vector
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_ROTANG     Orient to rotation angle vector
     =SYS_ELEMSYS_BISECTOR   Orient to element bisector

  • vec – Orientation position, direction or normal vector(s)

  • angle – Angle to rotate element y’,z’ axes about the element x’ axis in degrees.

void vis_GapElemSetParami(vis_GapElem *p, Vint ptype, Vint iparam)

set element display parameters

Set element display parameters. The parameter GAPELEM_PROP enables drawing detailed element properties contained in the EProp attribute object. By default GAPELEM_PROP is set to VIS_OFF.


VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper ptype is specified.

  • p – Pointer to GapElem object.

  • ptype – Type of display parameter to set

    x=GAPELEM_PROP           Draw detailed properties

  • iparam – Specifies the integer value that ptype will be set to.

    x=VIS_OFF                Turn parameter off
     =VIS_ON                 Turn parameter on

void vis_GapElemCurv(vis_GapElem *p, Vfloat x[][3])

draw element

Draw a gap element with node points, x.


VIS_ERROR_NULLOBJECT is generated if required attribute objects have not been set using vis_GapElemSetObject().

  • p – Pointer to GapElem object.

  • x – Array of node locations defining element connections.