Module Index:
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1. Module Summary
- 1.2. Element Library
- 1.3. Element Technologies
- 1.4. Accuracy of Finite Element Formulations
- 1.5. Computed Element Quantities
- 1.6. Degrees of Freedom
- 1.7. Material Models
- 1.8. Error Estimation and Mesh Adaptation
- 1.9. Performance Issues
- 1.10. Compiling and Linking a VfeTools Application
- 1.11. A First Program - C Version
- 1.12. A First Program - C++ Version
- 1.13. A First Program - FORTRAN Version
- 1.14. A First Program - C# Version
- 2. Solid Elements - Solid2D, Solid3D
- 3. Shell and Membrane Elements - Shell2D, Shell3D, Mem3D
- 4. Beam Elements - Beam3D
- 5. Truss Elements - Truss3D
- 6. Discrete Elements - ConElas, ConMass, Bulk, Spring
- 7. Interface and Gap Elements - Inter2D, Inter3D, Gap
- 8. MultiPoint Constraints - MPC
- 9. Material Model Functions - MatlFun
- 10. Primitive Material Models - LinMat, PlasMat, HyperMat
- 10.1. Linear Materials - LinMat
- 10.2. Elastic Moduli
- 10.3. Thermal Conductivity
- 10.4. Thermal Expansions and Reference Temperature
- 10.5. Density and Specific Heat
- 10.6. Function Descriptions
- 10.7. Elasto-Plastic Materials - PlasMat
- 10.8. Elastic Moduli and Hardening Laws
- 10.9. Thermal Expansions and Reference Temperature
- 10.10. Function Descriptions
- 10.11. Hyperelastic Materials - HyperMat
- 10.12. Hyperelastic Models
- 10.13. Thermal Expansions and Reference Temperature
- 10.14. Function Descriptions
- 11. Element Material Models - ShellProp, BeamProp, InterProp
- 12. Element and Node Utilities - ElemTran, NodeGeom, Corot
- 12.1. Element Transformations - ElemTran
- 12.2. Direction Cosine Matrix
- 12.3. Element Degree of Freedom Condensation and Elimination
- 12.4. Function Descriptions
- 12.5. Node Geometry Utilities - NodeGeom
- 12.6. Rigid Body Motion, Accelerations and Inertia Relief
- 12.7. Function Descriptions
- 12.8. Corotational Utilities - Corot
- 12.9. Element Independent Corotation Frames
- 12.10. Function Descriptions
- 13. User-defined element functions - Functions
- 14. Examples
- 14.1. Example 1, Generate Stiffness, Mass and Loads for a 3D 10 Node Tetrahedron
- 14.2. Example 1a, Query for Element Degrees of Freedom
- 14.3. Example 2, Generate Stiffness, Loads for a 2D Plane Stress Cantilever Beam
- 14.4. Example 3, Generate Stiffness, Mass and Loads for a 3D 4 Node Shell
- 14.5. Example 3a, Using a Custom MatlFun Object with Example 3
- 14.6. Example 4, Generate Stiffness, Mass and Loads for a 3D 3 Node Beam
- 14.7. Example 5, Rigid Body MPC Using Penalty Function
- 14.8. Example 6, Infinitesimal Elasto-plasticity under Biaxial Stretching
- 14.9. Example 7, Mooney-Rivlin Material in Plane Stress
- 14.10. Example 8, Corotational Frame for a 3D Solid Element
- 14.11. Example 9, Rigid Body Mode Detection using NodeGeom
- 14.12. Example 10, Linear Stress Analysis Using 10 Node Tetrahedra
- 14.13. Example 10a, Linear Stress Analysis Using 3D Solid Elements
- 14.14. Example 11, Generate Gradients of Shape Functions
- 14.15. Example 14, Gap Element Property Using InterProp
- 14.16. Example 15, 2D 4-nodes interface element
- 14.17. Example 16, 3D interface elements
- 14.18. Example 20, Generate Flexible Body Using Component Mode Synthesis
- 14.19. Example 21, Inertia Relief and Linear Stress Analysis