3. Triangular Mesh Generation - TriMesh

The TriMesh module provides for the automatic generation of linear, parabolic or cubic triangular elements given a boundary mesh of linear, parabolic or cubic line segments. By default, the mesh generation procedure is guaranteed to not alter the boundary mesh in any way. The node numbering of the boundary mesh is preserved in the node numbering and connectivity of the resultant triangle mesh. The input boundary mesh is checked for closure.

The functions associated with a TriMesh object are the following.

Instance a TriMesh object using msh_TriMeshBegin(). Once a TriMesh object is instanced, define the number of nodes and lines which define the boundary mesh as well as the order of the lines (linear, parabolic or cubic) using msh_TriMeshDef(). The boundary mesh is then input as a set of nodes in space and a set of line connectivities. The nodes are defined using msh_TriMeshSetNode(), the line connectivities are defined using msh_TriMeshSetLine(). By default, the connectivity of the lines is such that the normal to the line is pointed out of the area. The input segments must form closed loops. Loops will either mark the boundaries of area or the boundaries of holes depending upon the connectivities. A special case exists for loops consisting of two “back-to-back” segments. These special loops are considered to be line constraints. The node connectivity and normal conventions for input boundary lines is illustrated in Figure 26-1. For linear input lines only two nodes are input, for parabolic lines three nodes are input and for cubic lines four nodes are input.


Figure 26-1, Input Linear and Parabolic Boundary Line Connectivity

The function msh_TriMeshSetNodeAssoc() is used to set associations at nodes. The function msh_TriMeshSetLineAssoc() is used to set associations at input lines which, depending upon the type of association which is set, will generate associations at generated triangles and triangle edges. These associations are useful for tagging triangles generated with an enclosed boundary, etc.

The function msh_TriMeshSetParami() is used to set integer parameters which affect the mesh generation process. By default, all input nodes must be connected to input boundary lines. If unconnected nodes are to be inserted in the interior then the user must call msh_TriMeshSetParami() to enable parameter type TRIMESH_UNCONNECT. It is possible to specify parabolic or cubic triangles to be produced if the input lines are linear. By default the output triangles are the same order as the input lines. Also the sense of the normals of the input lines may be changed so that normals are expected to point into the area. An option exists to generate a mesh with no obtuse triangles.

The function msh_TriMeshSetParamd() is used to set real double precision parameters which control the quality and size of the generated triangles. A global target edge length for interior elements may be prescribed. Specific, location dependent, sizes may be set at input nodes using msh_TriMeshSetNodeSizing() and at input lines and regions bound by input lines using msh_TriMeshSetLineSizing(). The specified growth rate is used to regulate the element size transition rate between the location dependent sizing and the overall target edge length. Note that the element size at any point in the mesh is taken to be the minimum of all user sizing input. Finally the function msh_TriMeshGenerate() generates the nodes and finite elements and enters them into a Connect object. The mesh generation process may fail due to errors in the boundary lines or failure of the triangulation procedure. Use msh_TriMeshGetInteger() to query for detailed information concerning errors in the boundary lines, etc.

An existing mesh may be refined using msh_TriMeshRefine(). Mesh refinement is performed on the mesh resulting from the call to msh_TriMeshGenerate() or the last previous call to msh_TriMeshRefine(). A State object of element edge length is input and the mesh is refined to satisfy the new element edge lengths. Only mesh refinement is performed, all previously existing nodes are retained in the refined mesh. By default the previous node locations are unchanged. If an element size is set to zero, the element will not be refined.

By default, all input boundary lines may be subdivided during mesh generation or refinement. Use msh_TriMeshSetLineStat() to control subdivision of input lines.

Mesh refinement is supported both for meshes generated with msh_TriMeshGenerate() or for orphan meshes. In the case of orphan meshes, in addition to specifying the line discretized boundary and its associations, the orphan mesh is specified by entering each original element with msh_TriMeshSetElem().

The function msh_TriMeshWrite() is provided to write a complete description of the defined input meshing parameters to a file. The primary use of this file is to encapsulate cases in which the TriMesh module fails in some respect. This output file can then be made available to Tech Soft 3D for failure diagnosis of TriMesh meshing algorithms.

The TriMesh module provides for a callback function to be specified which is called intermittently during the mesh generation process in msh_TriMeshGenerate() or msh_TriMeshRefine(). The primary purpose of this function is to allow the user to interrupt or interrogate the on-going mesh generation process for any reason. If mesh generation is to be terminated, call msh_TriMeshAbort(). This call will set an internal flag which will cause msh_TriMeshGenerate() or msh_TriMeshRefine() to terminate the mesh generation process and return. Set callback functions using msh_TriMeshSetFunction().

The following code fragment illustrates the basic framework of using the TriMesh module to generate linear triangular finite elements in an area bounded by a set of straight line segments.

                        /* declare objects */
msh_TriMesh *trimesh;
vis_Connect *connect;
                /* input boundary lines */
Vint numnode, numline;
Vdouble xnod[][3] = { ... };
Vint ixlin[][2] = { ... };
Vdouble edgelength;
Vint ierr;

                /* create trimesh object */
trimesh = msh_TriMeshBegin ();
msh_TriMeshDef (trimesh,numnode,numline,2);

                /* define nodes and lines */
for (i = 0; i < numnode; i++) {
    msh_TriMeshSetNode (trimesh,i+1,xnod[i]);
for (i = 0; i < numline; i++) {
    msh_TriMeshSetLine (trimesh,i+1,ixlin[i]);
                /* set meshing parameters */
msh_TriMeshSetParamd (trimesh,VIS_MESH_EDGELENGTH,edgelength);

                /* create empty connect object to hold generated mesh */
connect = vis_ConnectBegin ();
vis_ConnectPre (connect,SYS_DOUBLE);
vis_ConnectDef (connect,0,0);

                /* generate mesh */
msh_TriMeshGenerate (trimesh,connect);

                /* process any errors */
ierr = msh_TriMeshError (trimesh);
if(ierr) {
                /* access generated nodes and elements from Connect */
                /* delete objects */
vis_ConnectEnd (connect);
msh_TriMeshEnd (trimesh);

3.1. Function Descriptions

The currently available TriMesh functions are described in detail in this section.

msh_TriMesh *msh_TriMeshBegin(void)

create an instance of a TriMesh object

Create an instance of a TriMesh object. Memory is allocated for the object private data and the pointer to the data is returned.

Destroy an instance of a TriMesh object using

void msh_TriMeshEnd (msh_TriMesh *trimesh)

Return the current value of a TriMesh object error flag using

Vint msh_TriMeshError (msh_TriMesh *trimesh)


The function returns a pointer to the newly created TriMesh object. If the object creation fails, NULL is returned.

void msh_TriMeshEnd(msh_TriMesh *p)

destroy an instance of a TriMesh object

See msh_TriMeshBegin()

Vint msh_TriMeshError(msh_TriMesh *p)

return the current value of a TriMesh object error flag

See msh_TriMeshBegin()

void msh_TriMeshDef(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint numnode, Vint numline, Vint maxi)

define number of boundary nodes, lines.

Define the number of nodes and lines which define the input boundary mesh. The number of nodes on a boundary line segment is specified by maxi . Define node coordinates using msh_TriMeshSetNode() and define line connectivities which reference the input nodes using msh_TriMeshSetLine().

Inquire of defined numnode, numline and maxi as output arguments using

void msh_TriMeshInq (msh_TriMesh *trimesh,
                     Vint *numnode,
                     Vint *numline,
                     Vint *maxi)


VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper maxi is input or numnode is less than or equal to zero or numline is less than zero.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • numnode – Number of nodes on input boundary mesh

  • numline – Number of lines on input boundary mesh

  • maxi – Number of nodes on line segment

    =2            Linear boundary line segments
    =3            Parabolic boundary line segments
    =4            Cubic boundary line segments

void msh_TriMeshInq(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint *numnode, Vint *numline, Vint *maxi)

inquire of defined numnode, numline and maxi as output arguments

See msh_TriMeshDef()

void msh_TriMeshSetFunction(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint funtype, Vfunc *function, Vobject *object)

set a call back function

Set callback functions. By default the callback functions are NULL. A callback is not invoked if it is NULL. If an anisotropic sizing function is set, it takes precedence over any isotropic sizing function which has been set.

The monitor callback function prototype is

void function (msh_TriMesh *trimesh,
               Vobject *object)
The first argument is the TriMesh object, p, and the second is a user defined object, object.

The isotropic sizing callback function prototype is

void function (msh_TriMesh *trimesh,
               Vobject *object,
               Vdouble x[3],
               Vdouble *s)
The first argument is the TriMesh object, trimesh, the second is a user defined object, object, the third is the coordinate location x and the fourth is the returned size s.

The anisotropic sizing callback function prototype is

void function (msh_TriMesh *trimesh,
               Vobject *object,
               Vdouble x[3],
               Vdouble s[3][3])
The first argument is the TriMesh object, trimesh, the second is a user defined object, object, the third is the coordinate location x and the fourth is the returned anisotropic scaled orthogonal direction vectors. The first 3 components are the first size scaled direction, the next 3 components are the second size scaled direction, the next 3 components are the third size scaled direction.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • funtype – Type of callback function to set

    x=SYS_FUNCTION_MONITOR     Monitor callback
     =SYS_FUNCTION_SIZING      Isotropic sizing callback
     =SYS_FUNCTION_ASIZING     Anisotropic sizing callback

  • function – Pointer to callback function

  • object – Pointer to the object to be returned as function argument

void msh_TriMeshSetNode(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint id, Vdouble x[3])

define a node

Set a node location. The node id must be in the interval 1 <= id <= numnode where numnode is defined by msh_TriMeshDef(). The node location is projected to the x,y plane, the x[2] entry is ignored. Input boundary lines are defined using msh_TriMeshSetLine().


VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id is specified.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • id – Node id

  • x – Node coordinate location

void msh_TriMeshSetNodeAssoc(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint type, Vint id, Vint aid)

define a node association

Set a node association. The association will be propagated to the node in the generated mesh. This function may be called any number of times for a particular node and association type, all association values are accumulated.


VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id is specified.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • type – Type of association

  • id – Node id

  • aid – Association value

void msh_TriMeshSetNodeSizing(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint id, Vdouble h)

set node sizing

Set element size to be enforced at a node.


VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id is specified.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • id – Node id

  • h – Sizing.

void msh_TriMeshSetLine(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint id, Vint ix[])

define a boundary line

Set a boundary line connectivity. The line id must be in the interval 1 <= id <= numline where numline is defined by msh_TriMeshDef(). The line connectivity, ix, must contain 2 nodes for linear boundary lines, 3 nodes for parabolic boundary lines and 4 nodes for cubic lines. By default, the connectivity of the lines is be such that the normal to the lines is pointed out of the area. The direction of the normal is determined by the right-hand rule applied to the line connectivity. The outward normal convention may be changed to an inward normal convention using msh_TriMeshSetParami(). Note that all lines must be entered sequentially.


  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id or ix is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if an id is entered out of order.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • id – Line id

  • ix – Line connectivity

void msh_TriMeshSetLineStat(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint id, Vint stat)

set line status

Set line status. By default, boundary lines are split during generation and refinement.


VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id is specified.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • id – Line id

  • stat – Status, bitwise OR

    x=VIS_MESH_BIT_GENSPLIT     Split during generation
     =VIS_MESH_BIT_REFSPLIT     Split during refinement

void msh_TriMeshSetLineSizing(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint id, Vint enttype, Vdouble h)

set line and region sizing

Set element sizing to be enforced along an input line or a region bounded by an input line. if enttype is SYS_EDGE the specified size is applied to the input line. if enttype is SYS_ELEM the specified size is enforced within a region. The region is defined as the material bound by input lines that exists to the right of the specified line. If a size is specified on more than one line bounding a region, the minimum size is used for the region.


  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper enttype is specified.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • id – Line id

  • enttype – Entity type to which association is assigned

    =SYS_EDGE     Edge sizing
    =SYS_ELEM     Region sizing

  • h – Sizing.

void msh_TriMeshSetLineDepthSizing(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint id, Vdouble d, Vdouble h)

set sizing within a depth in a region

Set element size to be enforced within a specified depth from the input boundary line.


  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if either d or h is less than zero.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • id – Line id

  • d – Depth

  • h – Sizing

void msh_TriMeshSetLineAssoc(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint type, Vint id, Vint enttype, Vint aid)

define a line association

Set associations to be assigned to generated triangles and triangle edges. The entity type of SYS_EDGE will propagate the association to triangle edges. The entity type of SYS_ELEMwill propagate the association to all triangles adjacent to specified the line, bounded by adjacent input lines.


  • VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper type or enttype is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id is specified.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • type – Type of association

  • id – Line id

  • enttype – Entity type to which association is assigned

    =SYS_EDGE     Element edge association
    =SYS_ELEM     Element association

  • aid – Association value

void msh_TriMeshSetElem(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint id, Vint shape, Vint maxi, Vint ix[])

set an orphan mesh for refinement

Input elements for an orphan triangle mesh to be refined. The API has been defined in a general way to support other element shapes. However, only triangle elements, linear, parabolic or cubic, are currently supported.


  • VIS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if TriMesh was previously used to generate a mesh. msh_TriMeshSetElem() should only be used for orphan meshes.

  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if id’s are entered in a non-sequential manner.

  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if shape is not VIS_SHAPETRI.

  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if maxi is not equal to 0, 2, 3 or 4.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • id – Element index

  • shape – Element shape. Only SYS_SHAPETRI is supported.

  • maxi – Order of the elements in the initial mesh.

  • ix – Element connectivity

void msh_TriMeshSetParami(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint ptype, Vint iparam)

set mesh generation parameters

Specify mesh generation parameters. These parameters specify the order and connectivity convention to be used for the generated triangles.

The parameter VIS_MESH_MAXI sets the order of the generated triangular elements by specifying the number of nodes to generate along an edge. A value of 2 generates linear triangles, a value of 3 generates parabolic triangles and a value of 4 generates cubic triangles. By default VIS_MESH_MAXI is set to the order of the input boundary lines defined by msh_TriMeshDef().

The parameter VIS_MESH_INWARD sets the normal convention of the input lines to point into the area. By default VIS_MESH_INWARD is set to SYS_OFF, that is, the line normals are expected to point out of the area.

The parameter VIS_MESH_BOUNDREFINE enables the refinement of the boundary. By default VIS_MESH_BOUNDREFINE is set to SYS_ON.

The parameter VIS_MESH_INTERREFINE enables the refinement of the interior. By default VIS_MESH_INTERREFINE is set to SYS_ON.

The parameter VIS_MESH_DELAUNAY requests that the final mesh satisfy the Delaunay criterion. By default VIS_MESH_DELAUNAY is set to SYS_OFF.

The parameter VIS_MESH_FUNSIZINGMIN is used to control the way final element sizing is computed when a sizing callback is installed. By default, the sizing returned by the sizing callback is used. If VIS_MESH_FUNSIZINGMIN is enabled, then the sizing is the minimum of the sizing callback and normal sizing. By default VIS_MESH_FUNSIZINGMIN is set to VIS_OFF.

The parameter VIS_MESH_FUNSIZINGLEGACY is used to revert the sizing callback behavior to its legacy implementation. In this case the sizing is only applied to the nodes, and not to elements nor edges. By default VIS_MESH_FUNSIZINGLEGACY is set to VIS_OFF.

The parameter VIS_MESH_NONOBTUSE requests that the final mesh contain no obtuse triangles. By default VIS_MESH_NONOBTUSE is set to SYS_OFF.

The parameter VIS_MESH_POINTSET requests a Delaunay triangulation of the input points. The mesh boundary is the convex hull of the point set. By default VIS_MESH_POINTSET is set to SYS_OFF.

The parameter TRIMESH_SMOOTH enables node location smoothing during msh_TriMeshGenerate(). By default TRIMESH_SMOOTH is set to SYS_OFF.

The parameter VIS_MESH_REFINESMOOTH enables node location smoothing during msh_TriMeshRefine(). By default VIS_MESH_REFINESMOOTH is set to SYS_OFF.

The parameter TRIMESH_BOUNDCUT enables the generation of rectilinear boundary lines in the interior. The generated boundary lines will connect input boundary lines which are nearly parallel to one another. The generated boundary lines will always connect an input node to a point on an opposing parallel boundary line. The point on the opposing boundary line may be an existing node or a generated point. The deviation from parallel in degrees is specified using msh_TriMeshSetParamd() with parameter TRIMESH_CUTANGLE. Use the parameter TRIMESH_CUTMINEDGELENGTH to inhibit cuts which produce small edges. By default TRIMESH_BOUNDCUT is set to SYS_OFF.

The parameters TRIMESH_CUTFLAG and TRIMESH_LINEFLAG enable generation of specified element associations which flag the edges of each triangle which lie on a rectilinear boundary cut or boundary line respectively. The value of these parameters is an association type and must be zero or one of VIS_MISCID0 through VIS_MISCID8. The value of each parameter may be the same association value, in which case the association will flag both hard edges and boundary lines. A value of zero disables the association generation. By default TRIMESH_CUTFLAG and TRIMESH_LINEFLAG are set to zero.

By default, all input nodes must be connected to input lines. If unconnected nodes are to be inserted in the interior then parameter TRIMESH_UNCONNECT must be enabled. By default TRIMESH_UNCONNECT is set to SYS_OFF.

Inquire of defined integer parameters as output arguments using

void msh_TriMeshGetParami (msh_TriMesh *trimesh,
                           Vint ptype,
                           Vint *iparam)


  • VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper ptype is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper order of generated elements is specified.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • ptype – Type of display parameter to set

    x=VIS_MESH_BOUNDREFINE   Boundary refinement flag
     =VIS_MESH_DELAUNAY      Delaunay mesh flag
     =VIS_MESH_FUNSIZINGMIN  Size is min'ed with sizing callback
     =VIS_MESH_FUNSIZINGLEGACY  Legacy sizing callback
     =VIS_MESH_INWARD        Inward normal line flag
     =VIS_MESH_INTERREFINE   Interior refinement flag
     =VIS_MESH_MAXI          Order of generated elements
     =VIS_MESH_NONOBTUSE     Nonobtuse mesh flag
     =VIS_MESH_POINTSET      Delaunay triangulation of point set
     =TRIMESH_SMOOTH         Smooth generated node locations
     =VIS_MESH_REFINESMOOTH  Smooth refined node locations
     =TRIMESH_BOUNDCUT       Toggle boundary cutting
     =TRIMESH_CUTFLAG        Boundary cut flag associations
     =TRIMESH_LINEFLAG       Element line flag associations
     =TRIMESH_UNCONNDECT     Toggle unconnected interior nodes

  • iparam – Specifies the integer value that ptype will be set to.

    x=SYS_OFF                Disable
     =SYS_ON                 Enable

void msh_TriMeshGetParami(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint type, Vint *iparam)

get mesh generation parameters

See msh_TriMeshSetParami()

void msh_TriMeshSetParamd(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint ptype, Vdouble dparam)

set mesh generation parameters

Specify mesh generation parameters. These parameters are used to control the quality and size of the generated triangles.

The parameter VIS_MESH_EDGELENGTH specifies a target edge length of generated triangles. The edge length constraint may not be satisfied for triangles generated near the boundary mesh due to boundary mesh sizing. By default VIS_MESH_EDGELENGTH is set to 0. and is ignored.

The parameter VIS_MESH_GROWTHRATE specifies a maximum growth rate. The growth rate governs the rate at which the size of adjacent elements can grow. The ratio of edge lengths of unconstrained adjacent elements will not exceed the specified growth rate. The growth rate must be greateer than 1.001. By default VIS_MESH_GROWTHRATE is set to 2.0

The parameter VIS_MESH_MAXEDGELENGTH specifies a maximum edge length of generated triangles. The maximum edge length is strictly enforced. By default VIS_MESH_MAXEDGELENGTH is set to 0. and is ignored.

The parameter TRIMESH_CUTANGLE specifies a deviation from parallel in degrees for use with the rectilinear boundary cut option enabled using msh_TriMeshSetParami() with parameter TRIMESH_BOUNDCUT. By default TRIMESH_CUTANGLE is set to 2. degrees.

The parameter TRIMESH_CUTMINEDGELENGTH specifies a minimum edge length which will be generated along an existing edge by a point introduced by a boundary cut. By default TRIMESH_CUTMINEDGELENGTH is set to 0.

Inquire of defined double precision parameters as output arguments using

void msh_TriMeshGetParamd (msh_TriMesh *trimesh,
                           Vint ptype,
                           Vdouble *dparam)


  • VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper ptype is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper target edge length is specified.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • ptype – Type of display parameter to set

    x=VIS_MESH_EDGELENGTH     Target edge length
     =VIS_MESH_GROWTHRATE     Maximum growth rate
     =VIS_MESH_MAXEDGELENGTH  Maximum edge length
     =TRIMESH_CUTANGLE        Deviation from parallel angle
     =TRIMESH_CUTMINEDGELENGTH Minimum edge length generated

  • dparam – Specifies the value that ptype will be set to.

void msh_TriMeshGetParamd(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint type, Vdouble *param)

get mesh generation parameters

See msh_TriMeshSetParamd()

void msh_TriMeshAbort(msh_TriMesh *p)

set abort flag

Set mesh generation abort flag. During the mesh generation process in msh_TriMeshGenerate() or msh_TriMeshRefine() this flag is intermittently checked. If it has been set, the mesh generation process terminates and returns. The abort flag is usually set in the user defined callback function specified by msh_TriMeshSetFunction().


p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

void msh_TriMeshSetGeomSizing(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint type, Vdouble xo[3], Vdouble xa[3], Vdouble xb[3], Vdouble d[3], Vdouble h)

specify sizing within geometric shape

Set element size to be enforced within a geometric shape.


VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper type is specified.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • type – Geometry type

    x=VIS_MESH_GEOMSPHERE       Ellipsoid
     =VIS_MESH_GEOMCYLINDER     Ellipsoidal cylinder
     =VIS_MESH_GEOMBOX          Box

  • xo – Coordinates of geometry origin

  • xa – Coordinates of point along x’ axis

  • xb – Coordinates of point in x’y’ plane

  • d – Half length of geometric shape along each axis

  • h – Sizing

void msh_TriMeshGetConnect(msh_TriMesh *p, vis_Connect **connect)

get internal Connect object

Get the internal Connect object which contains the user input nodes and lines. The Connect object must not be changed by the user.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • connect[out] Pointer to Connect object.

void msh_TriMeshWrite(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint type, const Vchar *path)

write input description to file

Write a mesh description to a file which has been input to TriMesh. The contents of the file is intended for internal use only. This function should be called after all input and meshing parameters have been set to ensure that an accurate input description including correct meshing parameters is written. The binary file format is preferred for accuracy and generally results in smaller file sizes. The primary use of this function is to create a file of the complete mesh description in the case that the TriMesh module fails to properly generate a mesh. This file can then be transmitted to Visual Kinematics for debugging purposes. It is suggested that a file extension of .tri be used for ASCII files and .btri be used for BINARY files.


  • SYS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper type is specified.

  • SYS_ERROR_FILE is generated if the file can not be opened.

  • SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if the input has not been defined.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • type – File type

    x=SYS_ASCII              ASCII format
     =SYS_BINARY             Binary format

  • path – File path

void msh_TriMeshRead(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint type, const Vchar *path)

read input description from file

Read a mesh description from a file which has been previously written by msh_TriMeshWrite(). The format of the file is not published and is intended for internal use only.


  • SYS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper type is specified.

  • SYS_ERROR_FILE is generated if the file can not be opened.

  • SYS_ERROR_FORMAT is generated if the file contents are not correctly formatted or if a file written by a later version of TriMesh is read.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • type – File type

    x=SYS_ASCII              ASCII format
     =SYS_BINARY             Binary format

  • path – File path

void msh_TriMeshGetInteger(msh_TriMesh *p, Vint type, Vint iparam[])

get integer mesh generation information

Query for integer mesh generation information. This function is useful for determining where errors in the mesh generation procedure occurred during a call to msh_TriMeshGenerate() or msh_TriMeshRefine().

Use TRIMESH_NUMFREEEND to determine the number of lines which contain a free end. The query TRIMESH_FREEEND will return the list of all free end lines detected.

Use TRIMESH_NUMEXNODE to determine the number of input nodes which lie outside the domain. The query TRIMESH_EXNODE will return the list of all nodes outside the domain.

The query type TRIMESH_NUMNONMAN returns the number of non-manifold lines detected in the input. The query TRIMESH_NONMAN will return the list of non-manifold lines detected.

The query type TRIMESH_NUMINCONS returns the number of inconsistent lines detected in the input. The query TRIMESH_INCONS will return the list of inconsistent lines detected.

Use TRIMESH_NUMINTERSECT to determine the number of intersecting input lines. The query TRIMESH_INTERSECT will return the list of all intersecting input lines.

The query type TRIMESH_NUMUNCONN returns the number of unconnected nodes detected in the input. The query TRIMESH_UNCONN will return the list of unconnected nodes detected.

Use TRIMESH_NUMREPEATEDNODE to determine the number of input lines with repeated nodes. The query TRIMESH_REPEATEDNODE will return the list of all input lines with repeated nodes.

Use TRIMESH_NUMDUPLICATELINE to determine the number of duplicate input lines. The query TRIMESH_DUPLICATELINE will return the list of all input lines duplicated.

The query type VIS_MESH_PROGRESS returns information about the current state of the meshing process. This function is most useful when called from the monitor function. The following four integer values are returned.

 iparam[0]   Meshing phase
             Phase 1 - Pre-processing boundary data
             Phase 2 - Boundary recovery
             Phase 3 - Generating interior points
             Phase 4 - Mesh cleanup
             Phase 5 - Mesh quality improvement
             Phase 101 - Refine Pre-processing
             Phase 102 - Refine point insertion
             Phase 103 - Refine Mesh quality improvement
 iparam[1]   Current number of nodes
 iparam[2]   Current number of elements
 iparam[3]   Estimate percent completion


VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper type is specified.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • type – Type of integer information to query

    x=TRIMESH_NUMNONMAN         Number of non-manifold lines
     =TRIMESH_NONMAN            Non-manifold lines
     =TRIMESH_NUMEXNODE         Number of nodes outside domain
     =TRIMESH_EXNODE            Nodes outside domain
     =TRIMESH_NUMINCONS         Number of inconsistent lines
     =TRIMESH_INCONS            Inconsistent lines
     =TRIMESH_NUMINTERSECT      Number of intersecting lines
     =TRIMESH_INTERSECT         Intersecting lines
     =TRIMESH_NUMFREEEND        Number of free end lines
     =TRIMESH_FREEEND           Free end lines
     =TRIMESH_NUMUNCONN         Number of unconnected nodes
     =TRIMESH_UNCONN            Unconnected nodes
     =TRIMESH_NUMREPEATEDNODE   Number of lines with repeated nodes
     =TRIMESH_REPEATEDNODE      Lines with repeated nodes
     =TRIMESH_NUMDUPLICATELINE  Number of duplicate lines
     =TRIMESH_DUPLICATELINE     Duplicate lines
     =TRIMESH_NUMNEGJAC         Number of negative Jacobians
     =TRIMESH_NUMNONQUAL        Number of bad jacobian ratio
     =VIS_MESH_PROGRESS         Current meshing progress

  • iparam[out] Returned integer information

void msh_TriMeshComputeArea(msh_TriMesh *p, Vdouble *area)

compute area

Compute area enclosed by input boundary.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • area[out] Computed area

void msh_TriMeshGenerate(msh_TriMesh *p, vis_Connect *connect)

generate finite element mesh

Generate interior nodes and triangle elements. The generated nodes and elements are appended to any existing nodes and elements in the input Connect object. The input boundary lines are checked for free ends, connectivity consistency, enclosing negative or zero area, etc. Use msh_TriMeshGetInteger() is query for detailed information about the mesh generation process including errors.


  • VIS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if mesh generation fails due to errors detected in the boundary lines.

  • VIS_ERROR_COMPUTE is generated if mesh generation fails during triangulation.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • connect – Pointer to Connect object to receive generated mesh

void msh_TriMeshRefine(msh_TriMesh *p, vis_State *state, vis_Connect *connect)

refine a triangle mesh

Refine a previously generated or refined mesh. The input State object must be an element scalar state of target element edge lengths. The number of elements in State must be exactly equal to the number of elements resulting from the last call to msh_TriMeshGenerate() or msh_TriMeshRefine(). If an element edge length is zero, it is ignored. The refinement process does not coarsen the mesh, all previously existing element corner nodes are preserved and by default their coordinate locations are unaltered. Use msh_TriMeshSetParami() with parameter VIS_MESH_REFINESMOOTH to control smoothing node locations.

If an orphan mesh is to be refined - i.e., a mesh not generated with TriMeshGenerate, use msh_TriMeshSetElem() to set the initial triangle mesh. The boundary of the orphan mesh must be specified with msh_TriMeshSetLine() and, if needed, msh_TriMeshSetLineAssoc(), etc.

The generated nodes and elements are appended to any existing nodes and elements in the input Connect object. Use msh_TriMeshGetInteger() is query for detailed information about the mesh generation process including errors.


  • VIS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if TriMesh has not been used to generate the original mesh or an orphan mesh is to be refined and msh_TriMeshSetElem() has not been called.

  • VIS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if the input State object is not an element scalar state with the proper number of element entities.

  • VIS_ERROR_OPERATIONis generated if the mesh generation fails.

  • p – Pointer to TriMesh object.

  • state – Pointer to State object of element edge length

  • connect – Pointer to Connect object to receive refined mesh