4. Analysis Procedures - SolProc

The analysis procedure modules are designed to manage the series of tasks which must be followed to perform various types of analysis. The modules direct execution using a “reverse communication” mechanism. A solution procedure module, such as SolProc is executed repeatedly. Each time it is executed it performs a task related to controlling a specified solution procedure. Upon completion of each task a user “action” is returned. The user must perform the action before the procedure module is called again. User actions consist of forming reaction vectors and stiffness matrices and performing operations upon the stiffness matrix. Time evolution analysis procedures, static or dynamic, are implemented in the SolProc module.

The SolProc module is designed to manage the execution of linear and non-linear time evolution, static (steady-state) or transient analysis. The methods associated with a SolProc object are the following.

Instance a SolProc object using vfs_SolProcBegin(). Once a SolProc object is instanced, specify the analysis type - structural or thermal - the number of equations, and the number of reactions using vfs_SolProcDef(). Equations where a temporary restraint has been applied must be flagged with vfs_SolProcSetTemp(). Use vfs_SolProcSetStrategy() to specify the time specification - static or transient - the procedure type - linear or nonlinear - and the final analysis time. The evolution is controlled by a single independent “time” variable, which is initialized to zero upon calling vfs_SolProcDef(). You can overwrite the initial time with vfs_SolProcSetParamd() with the SOLPROC_BEGINTIME parameter before you start execution. You can also use vfs_SolProcInitTimeStep() to specify an initial time step. Note that the time step is just a suggested value, and may be internally modified depending on convergence rate, and the final time specified in vfs_SolProcSetStrategy(). The minimum and maximum time steps can be set in vfs_SolProcSetParamd() using SOLPROC_MINTIMESTEP and SOLPROC_MAXTIMESTEP, respectively.

SOLPROC_MINTIMESTEP should be set according to the user’s knowledge of the physical parameters defining the problem, and by limiting the maximum number of time steps N to be computed, assuming a worst-case scenario, with N = T / dt_min, where T is the total time and dt_min the minimum time step. The analysis aborts if it cannot achieve convergence at the minimum time step.

Likewise, SOLPROC_MAXTIMESTEP should also be set based on the user’s knowledge of the physical parameters defining the problem. In transient problems this parameter is often shadowed by the half tolerance that controls the time integration error.

Various strategy parameters to control nonlinear analysis are set using vfs_SolProcSetParami() and vfs_SolProcSetParamd(). Strategy parameters include convergence tolerances, maximum number of iterations, etc.

For transient analysis, a predictor multi-corrector algorithm is employed. For structural analysis, the predictor is nothing but an initial guess at the displacements, velocities, and accelerations. These are consistent with two available methodologies, which can be set with vfs_SolProcSetParami(): either the displacements or the accelerations at the current time step are repeated on the next time step. The remaining quantities are adjusted to maintain consistency with the time integration scheme utilized. Likewise, in thermal analysis the predictor maintains either the same temperature, or the same temperature rate.

The time integration procedure allows for both increasing and reducing the time step. Two conditions may lead to a reduction of the time step: failure to converge and/or inaccuracy at the half step during a transient analysis. In either case the time step is divided by 2. Alternatively, if convergence is achieved quickly and the half step convergence is optimal, the time step is increased by multiplying it by a factor of 1.25 for structural problems and 2 for thermal problems.

The actual solution procedure is initiated by calling vfs_SolProcDef(). The SolProc module at this time will initialize internal counters, solution vectors, etc. The user then enters a continuous loop in which the function vfs_SolProcExecute() is called repeatedly. This function returns an “action” which the user must perform before calling vfs_SolProcExecute() again. This loop terminates when the action returned indicates that the solution procedure is complete. In order to carry out an action indicated by the SolProc module, the user will need to query the SolProc module for one or more SysVector objects using vfs_SolProcGetSysVector() which contain solution-related vectors which must be used or updated in some way. The functions vfs_SolProcGetDouble() and vfs_SolProcGetInteger() are used to return additional information which may be required.

User actions generally include operations upon system level matrices such as factorizing a matrix, forming a matrix based upon a particular solution vector, etc. The SolProc module performs most of the system vector related operations. One notable exception is the updating of the total global dof solution vector with a solution increment. This operation, for structural analysis involving large rotations or other reasons, may involve an operation more complicated than simple addition, and must be performed by the user outside of the SolProc module.

At any time after vfs_SolProcExecute() has been called at least once, you can query for the current time with vfs_SolProcGetDouble() and request the value of SOLPROC_TIME.

The following actions are used.

  • VFS_ACTION_STIFF form matrix to be factored in linear analysis. In static structural analysis, this is the stiffness matrix; in static thermal analysis, this is the conductance matrix. In transient structural analysis, this matrix is a linear combination of the stiffness, damping, and mass matrices, with a coefficient of 1.0 for the stiffness matrix, SOLPROC_DAMPFACTOR for the damping matrix, and SOLPROC_MASSFACTOR for the mass matrix. These factors can be both obtained with a call to vfs_SolProcGetDouble().

  • VFS_ACTION_REACT form reaction vector given a solution vector and a time. The reaction vector consists of the external loads and the internal forces generated by each element. It does not include inertia terms in transient analysis, which are computed separately. These internal forces can be computed by retrieving the current variables, displacement - VFS_VECTOR_U1 - velocity - VFS_VECTOR_V1 - and acceleration - VFS_VECTOR_A1 - for structural analysis. For thermal analysis, use VFS_VECTOR_U1 and VFS_VECTOR_V1 for the temperature and the temperature rate, respectively. The reaction vector where this accumulation takes place is retrieved via VFS_VECTOR_REACT. If vfs_SolProcDef() is called with a nonzero value of nre, then the reactions on the eliminated degrees of freedom can be obtained with vector VFS_VECTOR_BCREACT.

  • VFS_ACTION_REACTSTIFF form reaction vector and the nonlinear stiffness matrix. It combines the functionality of VFS_ACTION_STIFF and VFS_ACTION_REACT above.

  • VFS_ACTION_PREDICTOR allows you to modify variables based on boundary conditions to be imposed as a function of time. Available vectors are VFS_VECTOR_U1, VFS_VECTOR_V1, and VFS_VECTOR_A1 for structural analysis, and VFS_VECTOR_U1 and VFS_VECTOR_V1 for thermal analysis. Note that, for a particular degree of freedom, only one of these vectors may be modified. An error will be generated if more than one vector is modified by the user in a way that invalidates the transient integrator for the particular degree of freedom.

  • VFS_ACTION_FACTOR factorize the current stiffness matrix built via either VFS_ACTION_STIFF or VFS_ACTION_REACTSTIFF.

  • VFS_ACTION_SOLVE solve for a solution vector using the current factorized matrix given a rhs vector. The right-hand-side vector is retrieved via VFS_VECTOR_REACT, and the vector that stores the solution to the linear system is given by VFS_VECTOR_DELTAINC.

  • VFS_ACTION_UPDATE allows you to modify the current solution when a more complex update is required, as is the case with large rotations. Solution values at the beginning - VFS_VECTOR_U0 - end - VFS_VECTOR_U1 - and the increment VFS_VECTOR_INC are available for the user to perform this operation.

  • VFS_ACTION_ENDSTEP solution obtained, step complete. Solution vector may be used for output, etc. Available vectors are VFS_VECTOR_U1, VFS_VECTOR_V1, and, for structural analysis, VFS_VECTOR_A1.

  • VFS_ACTION_COMPLETE solution procedure successfully complete.

  • VFS_ACTION_INCOMPLETE solution procedure unsuccessful, solution incomplete, most probably because of non-convergence.

  • VFS_ACTION_INITIAL allows you to specify initial conditions for transient analysis. Available vectors are VFS_VECTOR_U0 and, for structural analysis, VFS_VECTOR_V0.

  • VFS_ACTION_INERTIA allows you to compute the product of the mass matrix and the acceleration vector, storing the result in an inertia vector. Vectors retrieved are VFS_VECTOR_A1 and VFS_VECTOR_INERTIA.

  • VFS_ACTION_FACTORMASS indicates that the mass matrix must be factorized. In thermal analysis, this is an indication to factor the initial capacitance matrix is to be factored. Note that no action will require that either of these matrices be formed; it is your responsibility to form and factor these matrices upon request. This action will only be requested once in the entire analysis, and only in a transient analysis, to compute either the initial acceleration or the initial temperature rate.

  • VFS_ACTION_SOLVEMASS allows you to solve for the initial acceleration. The right-hand-side vector is given by VFS_VECTOR_REACT, and the resulting acceleration should be set in VFS_VECTOR_DELTAINC.

Destroy an instance of a SolProc object using vfs_SolProcEnd().

4.1. Function Descriptions

The currently available SolProc functions are described in detail in this section.

vfs_SolProc *vfs_SolProcBegin(void)

create an instance of a SolProc object

Create an instance of a SolProc object. Memory is allocated for the object private data and the pointer to the object is returned.

Destroy an instance of a SolProc object using

void vfs_SolProcEnd (vfs_SolProc *solproc )

Return the current value of a SolProc object error flag using

Vint vfs_SolProcError (vfs_SolProc *solproc )


The function returns a pointer to the newly created SolProc object. If the object creation fails, NULL is returned.

void vfs_SolProcEnd(vfs_SolProc *p)

destroy an instance of a SolProc object

See vfs_SolProcBegin()

Vint vfs_SolProcError(vfs_SolProc *p)

return the current value of a SolProc object error flag

See vfs_SolProcBegin()

void vfs_SolProcDef(vfs_SolProc *p, Vint atype, Vint neq, Vint nre)

define type of analysis

Specify the number of global dof and the procedure’s analysis type.

Inquire of defined neq, nre, and atype as output arguments using

void vfs_SolProcInq (vfs_SolProc *solproc,
                     Vint *atype,
                     Vint *neq,
                     Vint *nre)


  • SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if neq is less than or equal to zero or if nre is less than zero.

  • SYS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper atype is specified.

  • p – Pointer to SolProc object.

  • atype – Analysis type

    x=SYS_ANALYSIS_STRUCTURAL  Structural analysis
     =SYS_ANALYSIS_THERMAL     Thermal analysis

  • neq – Number of global dof

  • nre – Number of reaction dof

void vfs_SolProcInq(vfs_SolProc *p, Vint *atype, Vint *neq, Vint *nre)

inquire of defined neq, nre, and atype as output arguments

See vfs_SolProcDef()

void vfs_SolProcSetStrategy(vfs_SolProc *p, Vint sproptype, Vint type, Vdouble endtime)

sets major strategy parameters for subsequent analysis

Completes the specification of the analysis by indicating whether a static or transient analysis is to be performed, and whether the analysis is to be treated as linear or nonlinear. vfs_SolProcSetStrategy() can be repeatedly called with the same endtime; if this is the case, then the last step will be repeated until convergence is achieved.


  • SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if SolProcDef has not been called.

  • SYS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if either sproptype or type have invalid values.

  • SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if endtime is not positive.

  • p – Pointer to SolProc object.

  • sproptype – Solution property type

    x=SYS_SOL_STATIC                 Static analysis
     =SYS_SOL_TRANSIENT              Transient or dynamic analysis

  • type – Linear or nonlinear toggle

    x=SOLPROC_LINEAR                 Linear analysis
     =SOLPROC_NONLINEAR              Nonlinear analysis

  • endtime – The final analysis time

void vfs_SolProcInitTimeStep(vfs_SolProc *p, Vdouble dt)

set the initial time step

Set the initial time step to be used in the analysis. It may be subsequently changed for convergence or divergence reasons. Defaults to 1.0.


SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if dt < 0.

  • p – Pointer to SolProc object.

  • dt – Initial time step to be used

void vfs_SolProcSetParami(vfs_SolProc *p, Vint type, Vint iparam)

set integer procedure parameters

The parameter SOLPROC_FIXEDTIMESTEP determines whether the time step is allowed to change. If a fixed time step is chosen and, in a nonlinear problem iteration is not achieved within the maximum number of iterations then an error is generated and the analysis terminates. Defaults to SYS_OFF.

The parameter SOLPROC_LHS_ITERFREQ indicates the nonlinear iteration frequency with which the stiffness matrix is forced to be reformed, regardless of other convergence criteria. Defaults to 0, which forces the matrix to be reformed based only on failure to converge or time step changes.

The parameter SOLPROC_LHS_STEPFREQ indicates the time step frequency with which the stiffness matrix is forced to be reformed, regardless of other convergence criteria. Defaults to 0, which forces the matrix to be reformed based only on failure to converge or time step changes.

The parameter SOLPROC_MAXITER indicates the maximum number of nonlinear iterations that can be performed within a time step. Failure to converge within this limit will trigger actions such as time step reduction. Defaults to 10.

The parameter SOLPROC_REACTCONVFLAG indicates whether convergence is based on the magnitude of the reaction forces. Defaults to SYS_ON.

The parameter SOLPROC_SOLCONVFLAG indicates whether convergence is based on the change in the solution from nonlinear iteration to nonlinear iteration. Defaults to SYS_ON.

The parameter SOLPROC_PREDICTOR defines the methodology to be used to consistently extrapolate the current solution to the next step. Use either SOLPROC_SAME_DISP or SOLPROC_SAME_ACCEL for structural analysis, and SOLPROC_SAME_TEMP or SOLPROC_SAME_TEMPRATE for thermal analysis. Defaults to SOLPROC_SAME_ACCEL for structural analysis and SOLPROC_SAME_TEMPRATE for thermal analysis.

The parameter SOLPROC_LINESEARCH_FLAG toggles between using an internal line search algorithm. Defaults to SYS_OFF.

The parameter SOLPROC_LINESEARCH_TYPE specifies the type of line search algorithm to use, if enabled by SOLPROC_LINESEARCH_FLAG. For a linear algorithm use SOLPROC_LINESEARCH_LINEAR; for a bisection algorithm use SOLPROC_LINESEARCH_BISECTION. Defaults to SOLPROC_LINESEARCH_LINEAR.

The parameter SOLPROC_LINESEARCH_MAXITER specifies the maximum number of line search iterations. Defaults to 10.


  • SYS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper type is specified, or if an invalid enumerated iparam is specified.

  • SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if SOLPROC_LHS_REFORM is less than 1; or SOLPROC_MAXITER is less than 1; or SOLPROC_MINITER is less than 0.

  • p – Pointer to SolProc object.

  • type – Parameter type

    x=SOLPROC_FIXEDTIMESTEP     Toggle to run with fixed time step
     =SOLPROC_LHS_ITERFREQ       Matrix nonlinear reform frequency
     =SOLPROC_LHS_STEPFREQ       Matrix time step reform frequency
     =SOLPROC_MAXITER           Maximum number of nonlinear iterations
     =SOLPROC_MINITER           Minimum number of nonlinear iterations
     =SOLPROC_REACTCONVFLAG     Toggle to check convergence on reaction
     =SOLPROC_SOLCONVFLAG       Toggle to check convergence on solution
     =SOLPROC_PREDICTOR         Set predictor type
     =SOLPROC_LINESEARCH_FLAG   Toggle to use line search
     =SOLPROC_LINESEARCH_TYPE   Type of line search method to use
     =SOLPROC_LINESEARCH_MAXITER Maximum number of line search iterations

  • iparam – Specifies the integer value that type will be set to.

    x=SYS_ON                    Turn parameter on
     =SYS_OFF                   Turn parameter off
     =SOLPROC_SAME_DISP         Set structural predictor to same displacement
     =SOLPROC_SAME_ACCEL        Set structural predictor to same acceleration
     =SOLPROC_SAME_TEMP         Set thermal predictor to same temperature
     =SOLPROC_SAME_TEMPRATE     Set thermal predictor to same temperature rate
     =SOLPROC_LINESEARCH_LINEAR Set linear line search type
     =SOLPROC_LINESEARCH_BISECTION Set bisection line search type

void vfs_SolProcSetParamd(vfs_SolProc *p, Vint type, Vdouble iparam)

set double procedure parameters

The parameter SOLPROC_FTOL defines the tolerance to be used when checking convergence based on reaction forces. Defaults to 5.0e-03.

The parameter SOLPROC_UTOL defines the tolerance to be used when checking convergence based on solution changes. Defaults to 1.0e-03.

The parameter SOLPROC_ETOL defines the tolerance to be used when checking convergence based on energy changes. Defaults to 1.0e-06.

The parameter SOLPROC_REACTMINVAL defines a reaction force below which the reactions are assumed converged. Defaults to 1.0e-12.

The parameter SOLPROC_SOLMINVAL defines a solution change below which the solution is assumed converged. Defaults to 1.0e-12.

The parameter SOLPROC_BEGINTIME defines the time the analysis is to start. It can only be set before calling vfs_SolProcExecute(). Defaults to 0.0.

The parameter SOLPROC_ENDTIME defines the time the analysis is to end. Defaults to 1.0.

The parameter SOLPROC_MINTIMESTEP defines a minimum time step to increment the analysis. Defaults to 0.0.

The parameter SOLPROC_MAXTIMESTEP defines a maximum time step to increment the analysis. Defaults to 0.0, which in turns forces SolProc to ignore this parameter.

SOLPROC_MINTIMESTEP and SOLPROC_MAXTIMESTEP are ignored when the integer parameter SOLPROC_FIXEDTIMESTEP is set to SYS_ON. The time step value specified in vfs_SolProcInitTimeStep() is then used to run the entire analysis.

The parameter SOLPROC_HALFTOL is a tolerance that controls the variation of the solution within a time step. It controls transient problems so that the time step is kept under control so as to properly capture transient phenomena. Defaults to 0.01.

The parameters SOLPROC_LINESEARCH_MAXSEARCH and SOLPROC_LINESEARCH_MINSEARCH control the maximum and minimum line search values. Default to 4. and 0.001, respectively.



  • SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if you attempt to specify SOLPROC_BEGINTIME after a call to vfs_SolProcExecute().

  • p – Pointer to SolProc object.

  • type – Parameter type

    x=SOLPROC_ETOL              Tolerance for energy convergence
     =SOLPROC_ENERMINVAL        Minimum residual for energy check
     =SOLPROC_FTOL              Tolerance for reaction convergence
     =SOLPROC_REACTMINVAL       Minimum residual for convergence check
     =SOLPROC_UTOL              Tolerance for solution convergence
     =SOLPROC_SOLMINVAL         Minimum residual for solution check
     =SOLPROC_BEGINTIME         Time at beginning of analysis
     =SOLPROC_MINTIMESTEP       Minimum time step
     =SOLPROC_MAXTIMESTEP       Maximum time step
     =SOLPROC_HHTALPHA          Damping for structural analysis
     =SOLPROC_HALFTOL           Half-step tolerance
     =SOLPROC_LINESEARCH_MAXSEARCH Maximum line search value
     =SOLPROC_LINESEARCH_MINSEARCH Minimum line search value

  • iparam – Specifies the integer value that type will be set to.

void vfs_SolProcExecute(vfs_SolProc *p, Vint *action)

execute next procedure and return action

Execute the next task in the solution procedure and return a user action. The user must perform the action and call this function again.

  • p – Pointer to SolProc object.

  • action – Execution action

    x=VFS_ACTION_COMPLETE       Final procedure step complete
     =VFS_ACTION_INCOMPLETE     Unable to reach final solution step
     =VFS_ACTION_FACTOR         Factorize current matrix
     =VFS_ACTION_SOLVE          Solve given load vector
     =VFS_ACTION_STIFF          Form linear matrix
     =VFS_ACTION_REACT          Form reaction given solution vector
     =VFS_ACTION_REACTSTIFF     Form reaction and matrix
     =VFS_ACTION_ENDSTEP        Solution step complete
     =VFS_ACTION_UPDATE         Update solution vector
     =VFS_ACTION_PREDICTOR      Set boundary conditions
     =VFS_ACTION_FACTORMASS     Form and factor mass/capacitance matrix
     =VFS_ACTION_SOLVEMASS      Solve for initial acceleration/temperature rate
     =VFS_ACTION_INERTIA        Compute inertia contribution

void vfs_SolProcGetSysVector(vfs_SolProc *p, Vint type, vfs_SysVector **sysvector)

get a system vector for processing

Each of the above vectors is properly described along with the resulting actions from vfs_SolProcExecute().


  • SYS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper type is specified.

  • SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if vfs_SolProcExecute() has not been called.

  • p – Pointer to SolProc object.

  • type – Parameter type

    x=VFS_VECTOR_REACT          Reaction/load vector
     =VFS_VECTOR_U0             Displacement at beginning of step
     =VFS_VECTOR_U1             Displacement at end of step
     =VFS_VECTOR_V0             Velocity at beginning of step
     =VFS_VECTOR_V1             Velocity at end of step
     =VFS_VECTOR_A0             Acceleration at beginning of step
     =VFS_VECTOR_A1             Acceleration at end of step
     =VFS_VECTOR_INC            Displacement increment
     =VFS_VECTOR_DELTAINC       Linear system solution
     =VFS_VECTOR_INERTIA        Inertia vector
     =VFS_VECTOR_BCREACT        Reaction/load vector on BC dofs

  • sysvector[out] requested vector

void vfs_SolProcGetInteger(vfs_SolProc *p, Vint type, Vint *iparam)

get running SolProc parameters

The integer parameter SOLPROC_NUMITER indicates the total number of iterations performed. It is reset to zero at the beginning of each time step.

The integer parameter SOLPROC_STEPID indicates the current step number.

The integer parameter SOLPROC_STEPLAST returns either SYS_ON or SYS_OFF depending on whether the end of the analysis has been reached.

The double precision parameter SOLPROC_REACTNORM returns the final reaction norm once convergence at a time step has been achieved.

The double precision parameter SOLPROC_SOLNORM returns the final solution increment norm once convergence at a time step has been achieved.

The double precision parameter SOLPROC_TIME returns the time at the end of the current time step.

The double precision parameter SOLPROC_DAMPFACTOR returns the factor that multiplies the damping matrix during a structural analysis when forming the matrix to be factored. It is also the factor that multiplies the capacitance matrix during a thermal analysis. The double precision parameter SOLPROC_MASSFACTOR returns the factor that multiplies the mass matrix during a structural analysis when forming the matrix to be factored.

The integer parameter SOLPROC_STIFFFLAG returns an indicator of what caused SolProc to request a new stiffness. Possible return values are VFS_STIFF_LS_DIVERGE, issued when the internal line search algorithm diverges; VFS_STIFF_LS_MAXITER, issued when the maximum number of line search iterations is reached; VFS_STIFF_LS_MAXVAL, when the upper bound for the line search is reached; VFS_STIFF_LS_MINVAL, when the lower bound for the line search is reached; VFS_STIFF_LS_STALL, when the line search algorithm is stalled; VFS_STIFF_SPROP_NONLINEAR, when vfs_SolProcSetStrategy() is called that changes the linear/nonlinear toggle; VFS_STIFF_SPROP_ANALYSIS, when vfs_SolProcSetStrategy() is called that changes the analysis type; VFS_STIFF_START, if a stiffness has never been formed before; VFS_STIFF_NEWDT, when the time step changes; VFS_STIFF_NEWBC, whenever vfs_SolProcSetTemp() is called; VFS_STIFF_REFORM_FREQ, when the number of time steps using the same stiffness reaches the value specified in vfs_SolProcSetParami() with a type of SOLPROC_LHS_STEPFREQ; and VFS_STIFF_HALFTOL, when the transient half step threshold is reached. This parameter is only available whenever the actions are either VFS_ACTION_STIFF or VFS_ACTION_REACTSTIFF.


  • SYS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper type is specified.

  • SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if vfs_SolProcExecute() has not been called.

  • p – Pointer to SolProc object.

  • type – Parameter type

    x=SOLPROC_NEWREACT          Flag for new computed reaction norm
     =SOLPROC_NUMITER           Number of iterations performed
     =SOLPROC_STEPID            The current step id
     =SOLPROC_STEPLAST          Query whether this is the last step
     =SOLPROC_REACTNORM         Final reaction norm
     =SOLPROC_SOLNORM           Final solution norm
     =SOLPROC_TIME              Current analysis time
     =SOLPROC_DAMPFACTOR        Factor that multiplies damping matrix
     =SOLPROC_MASSFACTOR        Factor that multiplies mass matrix
     =SOLPROC_STIFFFLAG         Flag with reason for stiffness reform
     =SOLPROC_LINESEARCH_ITER   Number of line search iterations

  • iparam[out] integer value

void vfs_SolProcGetDouble(vfs_SolProc *p, Vint type, Vdouble *iparam)

get running SolProc parameters

See vfs_SolProcGetInteger()

void vfs_SolProcSetTemp(vfs_SolProc *p, Vint ntemp, Vint temp[])

indicate which equations have temporary restraints on.

Lets SolProc know which equations are to be ignored when computing dot products and/or vector norms because of applied temporary restraints.

  • p – Pointer to SolProc object.

  • ntemp – Number of temporary restraints

  • temp – List of temporary restraints

void vfs_SolProcSetFactorized(vfs_SolProc *p, Vint factorized)

flag that a factorization exists or does not exist

Flag to SolProc that the stiffness matrix has or has not been factorized. This is invoked as a result of external factors to SolProc that may lead the matrix to change its status as it is known to SolProc.

  • p – Pointer to SolProc object.

  • factorized – Toggle for factorization flag

    x=SYS_ON                    Matrix factorized
     =SYS_OFF                   Matrix not factorized

void vfs_SolProcSetComputeError(vfs_SolProc *p, Vint *action)

flag that an error has occurred.

Flag to SolProc that an error has occurred while performing a requested task. For example, during factorization the matrix may have been found singular, or a material computation may have failed to converge. SolProc will return the corrective action to be taken to accommodate the error, such as a reduction in time step.

  • p – Pointer to SolProc object.

  • action[out] Next action to be performed by user