7. Interface and Gap Elements - Inter2D, Inter3D, Gap
Interface and gap elements are designed to model surface interactions between two surfaces termed the master and slave surfaces. In structural analysis these interactions include various types of surface contact in which the relative displacement of the interacting faces remains small and the nodes on opposite faces are closely positioned. In thermal analysis these interactions include thermal contact resistance, surface convection and radiation effects. In thermal analysis the nodes on opposite faces are not restrained to be closely positioned.
When used to model contacting surfaces, the surface interaction can consist of a normal pressure and two tangential tractions which would typically arise from contact and sliding frictional effects. The contact pressures are functions of the relative displacement of the master and slave surfaces. The exact nature of the pressure, relative displacement relationship is determined by the underlying interface material model (usually an InterProp object). The relative displacements, dx, dy, dz along the element local axes are computed given the total displacement of the master surface Dxm,Dym,Dzm and the slave surface Dxs,Dys,Dzs in the element local system.
dx = Dxm - Dxs - ci
dy = Dym - Dys
dz = Dzm - Dzs
where ci is the initial clearance. The initial clearance is the sum of the specified element node clearance and the actual geometric distance between the master and slave surfaces along the master surface normal. The inclusion of the actual geometric distance in the initial clearance calculation is optional.
When used to model thermal interactions, in all cases the geometry of the surface is determined solely from the coordinates and other element node properties associated with the nodes on the master surface. The type of thermal interaction selected determines the expression used to compute the generalized temperature difference, dt, given the temperature Tm of the master surface and the temperature Ts of the slave surface. The flux q across the interface is given by:
q = -h*dt
where h is the film coefficient supplied from the underlying interface material (usually an InterProp object) and as such may be temperature dependent. The type of interface is specified by selecting an exchange law and optional exponent, a. Currently supported thermal interactions are:
VFE_HEATEXCH_LINEAR, linear law, dt = Ts - Tm
VFE_HEATEXCH_EXP, exponential law, dt = Ts**a - Tm**a
VFE_HEATEXCH_POW, power law, dt = (Ts - Tm)**a
VFE_HEATEXCH_RAD, black body radiation law, dt = (Ts**4 - Tm**4)
7.1. 2D Interface Elements - Inter2D
The Inter2D module is used to simulate surface interactions in 2D space. The interface element may be used in structural and thermal analysis.
The methods associated with a Inter2D object are the following.
Begin and end an instance of an object, generic object functions
- create an instance of a Inter2D objectvfe_Inter2DEnd()
- destroy an instance of a Inter2D objectvfe_Inter2DError()
- return Inter2D object error flag
Attributes and Parameters
- set pointers to material historyvfe_Inter2DSetObject()
- set attribute objectvfe_Inter2DSetParami()
- set integer formulation parametersvfe_Inter2DSetParamd()
- set double formulation parametersvfe_Inter2DSetPropPtr()
- set pointer to element nodal propertiesvfe_Inter2DSetTopology()
- set input element topologyvfe_Inter2DDirCos()
- compute element local direction cosines
Degree of Freedom and Integration Information
- query element degree of freedom mapvfe_Inter2DNumDof()
- query number of element degrees of freedomvfe_Inter2DNumIntPnt()
- query number of element integration points
Structural analysis computations
- distributed load vectorvfe_Inter2DInitHist()
- initialize material historyvfe_Inter2DReact()
- reaction vectorvfe_Inter2DReactStiff()
- reaction vector, stiffness matrixvfe_Inter2DStiff()
- linear stiffness matrixvfe_Inter2DStrsStrn()
- stress and strain
Thermal analysis computations
- distributed heat loadsvfe_Inter2DPower()
- thermal powervfe_Inter2DPowerCond()
- thermal power, conductance matrixvfe_Inter2DCond()
- conductance matrixvfe_Inter2DHFlxTGrd()
- heat flux and temperature difference
Instance a Inter2D object using vfe_Inter2DBegin()
Once a Inter2D is instanced,
set the material function attribute object MatlFun using
The current topology of the element is specified using
Certain geometric details of the interface such as initial gap separation
are specified using vfe_Inter2DSetPropPtr()
Query the element degree of freedom map using vfe_Inter2DDofMap()
If the element is to support a material model,
such as a surface friction material model,
which requires a material history then the user must manage the material
history information using vfe_Inter2DSetHistPtr()
and vfe_Inter2DInitHist()
7.2. Element Geometry
The interface element consists of two matched surfaces termed the master
surface and the slave surface.
The basic interface element geometry is defined by the node coordinates of the
the master surface and possibly the coordinates of the slave surface.
The separation of the two surfaces is defined by
normals and clearances specified at the nodes of the master surface.
These properties are set using vfe_Inter2DSetPropPtr()
. Other element node
properties which may be set are temperature, depth and area factor.
The master and slave surfaces may be either explicitly defined as surfaces
in terms of the nodal geometry as shown in Figure 7-1a or implicitly
as lines in terms of the nodal geometry and associated nodal area factors
as shown in Figure 7-1b.
For 2D planar analysis the surface area is multiplied by the
element node depth.
If the interface element is being used to model surface contact in structural
analysis, the separation of the master and slave surfaces is always measured
along the normal to the master surface. The master surface normal may
be determined from the nodal geometry or specified at the master surface
nodes using vfe_Inter2DSetPropPtr()
The element local coordinate system is constructed so that the x’ direction
is along the specified normal to the master surface. The y’ direction
is perpendicular to x’.
In thermal analysis the geometry of the slave surface is ignored and only the temperatures of the slave surface nodes are used. For thermal analysis the element coordinate system is unused and is undefined.

Figure 7-1a, Geometry for 6 Node Surface 2D Interface Element
The implicit surface interface element is only available for thermal analysis. In this case, since the master surface is defined as a single node, the element node area factor is interpreted as an effective thickness at the node for the calculation of surface area.

Figure 7-1b, Geometry for 2 Node Line 2D Interface Element
7.3. Function Descriptions
vfe_Inter2D *vfe_Inter2DBegin(void)
create an instance of an Inter2D object
Create an instance of a Inter2D object. Memory is allocated for the object private data and the pointer to the object is returned. Default topology is the 4-node per surface quadrilateral interface
Destroy an instance of a Inter2D object using
void vfe_Inter2DEnd (vfe_Inter2D *inter2d)
Return the current value of a Inter2D object error flag using
Vint vfe_Inter2DError (vfe_Inter2D *inter2d)
- Returns:
The function returns a pointer to the newly created Inter2D object. If the object creation fails, NULL is returned.
void vfe_Inter2DEnd(vfe_Inter2D *p)
destroy an instance of an Inter2D object
Vint vfe_Inter2DError(vfe_Inter2D *p)
return the current value of an Inter2D object error flag
void vfe_Inter2DSetObject(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vint objecttype, Vobject *object)
set attribute object
Set a pointer to an attribute object. Users must supply a MatlFun object prior to computing any quantity that requires a material model definition. The InterProp module provides a suitable material model.
- Errors
is generated if an improper objecttype is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
objecttype – The object type identifier
x=VFE_MATLFUN MatlFun object
object – Pointer to the object to be set.
void vfe_Inter2DSetTopology(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vint shape, Vint maxi, Vint maxj)
set element topology
Specify the topology of a 2D interface element. If maxi is set to 3 then a quadratic element form is assumed. The default topology is SYS_SHAPEQUAD with maxi = 0 and maxj = 2.
- Errors
is generated if an improper maxi or maxj is specified.SYS_ERROR_ENUM
is generated if an improper shape is input.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
shape – The topological shape for the element
maxi – The number of points along the i direction. If maxi = 0 then the linear Serendipity element form of the specified shape is assumed.
maxj – The number of points along the j direction. For quadrilateral shapes maxj = 2. For line shapes maxj = 0.
void vfe_Inter2DSetParami(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vint type, Vint iparam)
set element formulation parameters
Set element formulation parameters. Set element heat exchange law using
. By defaultVFE_HEATEXCH
.The parameter
is used to toggle the inclusion of the actual geometric location of the slave nodes in the calculation of the clearance between the master and slave surfaces. IfVFE_GEOMCLEARANCE
is disabled then the geometry of the slave surface is ignored and the initial clearance between the master and slave surfaces is determined by the element node clearances set usingvfe_Inter2DSetPropPtr()
is enabled then the actual geometric separation of the master and slave surfaces is added to the specified element node clearances. By defaultVFE_GEOMCLEARANCE
is set toSYS_OFF
.The parameter
sets the particular 2D approximation for the element. The choices include plane stress,VFE_PLANESTRESS
, plane strain,VFE_PLANESTRAIN
and axisymmetric,VFE_AXISYMMETRIC
. By defaultVFE_2D
.- Errors
is generated if an improper type is specified.SYS_ERROR_VALUE
is generated if an improper iparam is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
type – Type of formulation parameter to set
x=VFE_HEATEXCH Element exchange law =VFE_GEOMCLEARANCE Clearance determined by geometry =VFE_2D 2D Approximation
iparam – Integer parameter value.
x=VFE_HEATEXCH_NONE No exchange =VFE_HEATEXCH_LINEAR Linear exchange law =VFE_HEATEXCH_EXP Exponential exchange law =VFE_HEATEXCH_POW Power exchange law =VFE_HEATEXCH_RAD Black body radiation law =VFE_AXISYMMETRIC 2D axisymmetric =VFE_PLANESTRAIN 2D plane strain =VFE_PLANESTRESS 2D plane stress
void vfe_Inter2DSetParamd(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vint type, Vdouble dparam)
set double formulation parameters
Set double formulation parameters. Set element heat exchange exponent law using
. This value is used ifVFE_HEATEXCH
. Defaults to 1.0.Set the absolute zero temperature for radiation exchange. Defaults to 0.
- Errors
is generated if an improper type is specified.SYS_ERROR_VALUE
is generated if an improper dparam is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
type – Type of formulation parameter to set
x=VFE_HEATEXP Heat exchange exponent =VFE_ABSZEROTEMP Absolute zero temperature
dparam – Double parameter value.
void vfe_Inter2DStiff(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble kl[])
linear stiffness matrix
Compute the linear stiffness matrix, kl, given the node coordinates, x. The lower triangle of the stiffness matrix is returned.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
x – Array of node locations.
kl – [out] Degree of freedom stiffness matrix
void vfe_Inter2DStrsStrn(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble u[], Vdouble strs[], Vdouble strn[])
stress and strain
Compute nodal stresses and strains, strs and strn, given the node coordinates, x, and the degree of freedom displacement vector, u. The stresses and strains are computed in the interface local system.
The strs is composed of 3 contact pressures and the strn is composed of 3 associated relative displacements in the element local system. The z’ values are returned as 0.
The strs and strn values are ordered first by the 3 vectoral components followed by the the number of element nodes.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
x – Array of node locations.
u – Degree of freedom vector of displacements
strs – [out] Array of nodal stresses
strn – [out] Array of nodal strains
void vfe_Inter2DReact(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble u[], Vdouble r[])
reaction vector
Compute the reaction vector, r, given the node coordinates, x, and the degree of freedom displacement vector, u.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
x – Array of node locations.
u – Degree of freedom vector of displacements
r – [out] Degree of freedom reaction vector
void vfe_Inter2DReactStiff(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble u[], Vint kflag, Vdouble r[], Vdouble k[])
reaction vector, stiffness matrix
Compute the reaction vector, r, and optionally the stiffness matrix, k, given the node coordinates, x, and the degree of freedom displacement vector, u. The lower triangle of the stiffness matrix is returned.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
x – Array of node locations.
u – Degree of freedom vector of displacements
kflag – Flag to compute stiffness matrix, k
=SYS_OFF Do not compute stiffness matrix =SYS_ON Compute and return stiffness matrix
r – [out] Degree of freedom reaction vector
k – [out] Degree of freedom stiffness matrix
void vfe_Inter2DNumDof(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vint analysistype, Vint *nedofs)
query number of element degrees of freedom
Query for number of element degree of freedom nedofs. The number of degrees of freedom will generally be equal to the number of nodal degrees of freedom per node times the number of nodes plus the number of elemental degrees of freedom. Use
to return the location and type of each degree of freedom.- Errors
is generated if an improper analysistype is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
analysistype – The type of analysis
x=VFE_ANALYSIS_STRUCTURAL Structural analysis =VFE_ANALYSIS_THERMAL Thermal analysis
nedofs – [out] Number of element degrees of freedom
void vfe_Inter2DDofMap(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vint analysistype, Vint loc[], Vint tag[])
query element degree of freedom map
Query for element degree of freedom map. The degree of freedom map consists of a location index, loc and type, tag for each degree of freedom used by the element.
The location index is either a positive node index into the element connectivity indicating a nodal freedom or a zero value indicating an elemental degree of freedom. The tag indicates the type of the degree of freedom. Tag values are one of a set of enumerated types which indicate whether the degree of freedom is a translation, temperature, etc.
The length of the loc and tag vectors is equal to the number of element degrees of freedom. Use
to return the number of element degrees of freedom.- Errors
is generated if an improper analysistype is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
analysistype – The type of analysis
x=VFE_ANALYSIS_STRUCTURAL Structural analysis =VFE_ANALYSIS_THERMAL Thermal analysis
loc – [out] Vector of degree of freedom locations
tag – [out] Vector of degree of freedom types
void vfe_Inter2DInitHist(vfe_Inter2D *p)
initialize material history
Initialize the values of the history variables used in the underlying element or primitive material model for the element. This operation should be performed once for each element (at the first load or time step for example) to initialize the old history variables to reflect the initial configuration condition. If the number of history variables is zero, this function need not be called.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
void vfe_Inter2DNumIntPnt(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vint analysistype, Vint *nepnts)
query number of element integration points
Query for number of element integration points nepnts.
- Errors
is generated if an improper analysistype is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
analysistype – The type of analysis
x=VFE_ANALYSIS_STRUCTURAL Structural analysis =VFE_ANALYSIS_THERMAL Thermal analysis
nepnts – [out] Number of element integration points
void vfe_Inter2DDirCos(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble tm[][3][3])
compute interface local direction cosines
Compute the direction cosine matrices of the element local coordinate system. For stress and strain computation the local coordinate system at each stress output location is the coordinate system in which the output stresses and strains at the location using
are expressed. Given that X’ and Y’ are two orthonormal vectors indicating the direction of the local coordinate axes in the global coordinate system (x,y,z), then the direction cosine matrix, tm for this local coordinate system is defined as:The local coordinate system is determined by the local system convention and the element node normals which may be optionally set usingtm[0][0] = X'x tm[0][1] = X'y tm[0][2] = 0. tm[1][0] = Y'x tm[1][1] = Y'y tm[1][2] = 0. tm[2][0] = 0. tm[2][1] = 0. tm[2][2] = 1.
.- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
x – Array of node locations.
tm – [out] Array of direction cosine matrices at the element nodes.
void vfe_Inter2DSetPropPtr(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vint type, Vdouble *propptr)
set pointer to element nodal properties
Set a pointer to the start of a specified type of element properties. Note that the properties are not copied by this function, only the pointer itself is copied. If a property pointer is not set the element assumes a default value for the associated property. By default the temperature is 0., the depth is 1., the area factor is 1., the initial clearance is 0. and the normal is assumed to be computed from the master surface geometry.
- Errors
is generated if an improper type is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
type – Type of element property
propptr – Pointer to start of element nodal properties
void vfe_Inter2DSetHistPtr(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vdouble *oldhist, Vdouble *newhist)
set pointers to material history
Set pointers to the start of the material history data at the previous step, oldhist and the current step newhist. This function is required when an underlying material model such as plasticity is used. Note that the material history data is not copied by this function, only the pointers themselves are copied. The number of double precision values required for the material history at a step is the number of history variables at an integration point times the number of element integration points. The number of history variables depends on the underlying material model and may be queried using
. The number of element integration points is returned usingvfe_Inter2DNumIntPnt()
. By default the pointers to the material history are NULL. If the number of history variables is zero, this function need not be called.- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
oldhist – Pointer to start of material history at previous step
newhist – Pointer to start of material history at current step
void vfe_Inter2DPowerCond(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble u[], Vint kflag, Vdouble r[], Vdouble k[])
thermal power, conductance matrix
Compute the power vector, r, and optionally the conductance matrix, k, given the node coordinates, x, and the degree of freedom temperature vector, u. The lower triangle of the conductance matrix is returned.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
x – Array of node locations.
u – Degree of freedom vector of temperatures
kflag – Flag to compute conductance matrix, k
=SYS_OFF Do not compute conductance matrix =SYS_ON Compute and return conductance matrix
r – [out] Degree of freedom power vector
k – [out] Degree of freedom conductance matrix
void vfe_Inter2DPower(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble u[], Vdouble r[])
thermal power vector
Compute the power vector, r, given the node coordinates, x, and the degree of freedom temperature vector, u.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
x – Array of node locations.
u – Degree of freedom vector of temperatures
r – [out] Degree of freedom power vector
void vfe_Inter2DCond(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble kl[])
thermal conductance matrix
Compute the linear conductance matrix, kl, given the node coordinates, x. The lower triangle of the conductance matrix is returned.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
x – Array of node locations.
kl – [out] Degree of freedom conductance matrix
void vfe_Inter2DHFlxTGrd(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble u[], Vdouble hflx[], Vdouble tgrd[])
Heat flux and temperature difference.
Compute nodal heat fluxes and temperature differences, hflx and tgrd, given the node coordinates, x, and the degree of freedom temperature vector, u.
The hflx is a scalar flux and the tgrd is the associated temperature difference across the interface at each element node.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
x – Array of node locations.
u – Degree of freedom vector of temperatures
hflx – [out] Array of nodal heat fluxes
tgrd – [out] Array of nodal temperature differences
void vfe_Inter2DDistHeat(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vint enttype, Vint no, Vdouble q[], Vdouble f[])
distributed heat loads
Compute the consistent degree of freedom loads given a distributed heat load, q on a 2D interface element edge or node. The vector q contains values for the heat flux for each node in the element. The distributed flux for both edges and nodes are in units of flux per unit area.
- Errors
is generated if an improper enttype is specified.SYS_ERROR_VALUE
is generated if an improper no is specified.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a zero edge Jacobian is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
x – Array of node locations.
enttype – Entity type on which load is applied
=SYS_NODE Element node =SYS_EDGE Element edge
no – Element node or edge number
q – Vector of distributed load values
f – [out] Degree of freedom vector of consistent loads.
void vfe_Inter2DDistLoad(vfe_Inter2D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vint enttype, Vint no, Vint loadtype, Vdouble q[], Vdouble f[])
distributed load vector
Compute the consistent degree of freedom loads given a distributed load, q on a 2D interface element face. The vector q contains values for the load type for each node in the element. If the loadtype is
then q contains a vector traction at each element node. If the loadtype isVFE_DISTLOAD_PRES
then q contains a scalar pressure at each element node.- Errors
is generated if an improper enttype or loadtype is specified.SYS_ERROR_OPERATION
is generated if an invalid combination of enttype and loadtype is specified.SYS_ERROR_VALUE
is generated if an improper no is specified.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a zero face Jacobian is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter2D object.
x – Array of node locations.
enttype – Entity type on which load is applied
=SYS_EDGE Element edge
no – Element edge number
=1 Master face =3 Slave face
loadtype – Distributed load type
x=VFE_DISTLOAD_PRES Pressure normal to face =VFE_DISTLOAD_TRAC Traction directed along vector
q – Vector of distributed load values
f – [out] Degree of freedom vector of consistent loads.
7.4. 3D Interface Elements - Inter3D
The Inter3D module is used to simulate surface interactions in 3D space. The interface element may be used in structural and thermal analysis.
The methods associated with a Inter3D object are the following.
Begin and end an instance of an object, generic object functions
- create an instance of a Inter3D objectvfe_Inter3DEnd()
- destroy an instance of a Inter3D objectvfe_Inter3DError()
- return Inter3D object error flag
Attributes and Parameters
- set pointers to material historyvfe_Inter3DSetLocalSystem()
- set stress axes directionvfe_Inter3DSetMatlSystem()
- set material axes directionvfe_Inter3DSetObject()
- set attribute objectvfe_Inter3DSetParami()
- set integer formulation parametersvfe_Inter3DSetParamd()
- set double formulation parametersvfe_Inter3DSetPropPtr()
- set pointer to element nodal propertiesvfe_Inter3DSetTopology()
- set input element topologyvfe_Inter3DDirCos()
- compute element local direction cosines
Degree of Freedom and Integration Information
- query element degree of freedom mapvfe_Inter3DNumDof()
- query number of element degrees of freedomvfe_Inter3DNumIntPnt()
- query number of element integration points
Structural analysis computations
- distributed load vectorvfe_Inter3DInitHist()
- initialize material historyvfe_Inter3DReact()
- reaction vectorvfe_Inter3DReactStiff()
- reaction vector, stiffness matrixvfe_Inter3DStiff()
- linear stiffness matrixvfe_Inter3DStrsStrn()
- stress and strain
Thermal analysis computations
- distributed heat loadsvfe_Inter3DPower()
- thermal powervfe_Inter3DPowerCond()
- thermal power, conductance matrixvfe_Inter3DCond()
- conductance matrixvfe_Inter3DHFlxTGrd()
- heat flux and temperature difference
Instance a Inter3D object using vfe_Inter3DBegin()
Once a Inter3D is instanced,
set the material function attribute object MatlFun using
The current topology of the element is specified using
Certain geometric details of the interface such as initial gap separation
are specified using vfe_Inter3DSetPropPtr()
Query the element degree of freedom map using vfe_Inter3DDofMap()
If the element is to support a material model,
such as a surface friction material model,
which requires a material history then the user must manage the material
history information using vfe_Inter3DSetHistPtr()
and vfe_Inter3DInitHist()
7.5. Element Geometry
The interface element consists of two matched surfaces termed the master
surface and the slave surface.
The basic interface element geometry is defined by the node coordinates of the
the master surface and possibly the coordinates of the slave surface.
The separation of the two surfaces is defined by
normals and clearances specified at the nodes of the master surface.
These properties are set using vfe_Inter3DSetPropPtr()
. Other element node
properties which may be set are temperature and area factor.
The master and slave surfaces may be either explicitly defined as surfaces
in terms of the nodal geometry as shown in Figure 7-2a or implicitly
as lines in terms of the nodal geometry and associated nodal area factors
as shown in Figure 7-2b.
If the interface element is being used to model surface contact in structural
analysis, the separation of the master and slave surfaces is always measured
along the normal to the master surface. The master surface normal may
be determined from the nodal geometry or specified at the master surface
nodes using vfe_Inter3DSetPropPtr()
The element local coordinate system is constructed so that the x’ direction
is along the specified normal to the master surface. The y’ and z’ directions
are constructed using the prescription specified using
. If the normal, x’ direction, is specified using
, the y’ and z’ tangential directions are adjusted
to remain orthogonal to x’.
In thermal analysis the geometry of the slave surface is ignored and only the temperatures of the slave surface nodes are used. For thermal analysis the element coordinate system is unused and is undefined.

Figure 7-2a, Geometry for 16 Node Surface 3D Interface Element
The implicit surface interface element is only available for thermal analysis. In this case, since the master surface is defined as a line of nodes, the element node area factor is interpreted as an effective thickness at each node for the calculation of surface area.

Figure 7-2b, Geometry for 6 Node Line 3D Interface Element
7.6. Function Descriptions
The currently available Inter3D functions are described in detail in this section.
vfe_Inter3D *vfe_Inter3DBegin(void)
create an instance of an Inter3D object
Create an instance of a Inter3D object. Memory is allocated for the object private data and the pointer to the object is returned. Default topology is the 4-node per surface quadrilateral interface
Destroy an instance of a Inter3D object using
void vfe_Inter3DEnd (vfe_Inter3D *inter3d)
Return the current value of a Inter3D object error flag using
Vint vfe_Inter3DError (vfe_Inter3D *inter3d)
- Returns:
The function returns a pointer to the newly created Inter3D object. If the object creation fails, NULL is returned.
void vfe_Inter3DEnd(vfe_Inter3D *p)
destroy an instance of an Inter3D object
Vint vfe_Inter3DError(vfe_Inter3D *p)
return the current value of an Inter3D object error flag
void vfe_Inter3DSetObject(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vint objecttype, Vobject *object)
set attribute object
Set a pointer to an attribute object. Users must supply a MatlFun object prior to computing any quantity that requires a material model definition.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
objecttype – The object type identifier
x=VFE_MATLFUN MatlFun object
object – Pointer to the object to be set.
void vfe_Inter3DSetTopology(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vint shape, Vint maxi, Vint maxj, Vint maxk)
set element topology
Specify the topology of a 3D interface element. If maxi is set to 3 then a quadratic element form is assumed. The default topology is SYS_SHAPEHEX with maxi = maxj = 0 and maxk = 2.
- Errors
is generated if an improper maxi, maxj or maxk is specified.SYS_ERROR_ENUM
is generated if an improper shape is input.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
shape – The topological shape for the element
x=VIS_SHAPEWED Wedge =VIS_SHAPEHEX Hexahedron =VIS_SHAPEQUAD Quadrilateral
maxi – The number of points along the i direction. If maxi = 0 then the linear Serendipity element form of the specified shape is assumed.
maxj – The number of points along the j direction. If maxj = 0 then a Serendipity finite element is assumed. If 2 <= maxj <= 3 and 2 <= maxi <= 3, then a Lagrange finite element is assumed. If maxi != 0 then maxj = 0 or maxj = maxi. For quadrilateral shapes maxj = 2.
maxk – The number of points along the k direction. For wedge and hexahedron shapes maxk = 2. For quadrilateral shapes maxk is ignored.
void vfe_Inter3DSetParami(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vint type, Vint iparam)
set element formulation parameters
Set element formulation parameters. Set element heat exchange law using
. By defaultVFE_HEATEXCH
.The parameter
is used to toggle the inclusion of the actual geometric location of the slave nodes in the calculation of the clearance between the master and slave surfaces. IfVFE_GEOMCLEARANCE
is disabled then the geometry of the slave surface is ignored and the initial clearance between the master and slave surfaces is determined by the element node clearances set usingvfe_Inter3DSetPropPtr()
is enabled then the actual geometric separation of the master and slave surfaces is added to the specified element node clearances. By defaultVFE_GEOMCLEARANCE
is set toSYS_OFF
.- Errors
is generated if an improper type is specified.SYS_ERROR_VALUE
is generated if an improper iparam is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
type – Type of formulation parameter to set
x=VFE_HEATEXCH Element exchange law =VFE_GEOMCLEARANCE Clearance determined by geometry
iparam – Integer parameter value.
x=VFE_HEATEXCH_NONE No exchange =VFE_HEATEXCH_LINEAR Linear exchange law =VFE_HEATEXCH_EXP Exponential exchange law =VFE_HEATEXCH_POW Power exchange law =VFE_HEATEXCH_RAD Black body radiation law =VFE_HEATEXCH_RAD_ABSORPTIVITY Radiation law with absorptivity (boundary condition only)
void vfe_Inter3DSetParamd(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vint type, Vdouble dparam)
set double formulation parameters
Set double formulation parameters. Set element heat exchange exponent law using
. This value is used ifVFE_HEATEXCH
. Defaults to 1.0.Set the tolerance for clamping the natural coordinates when performing projections. Defaults to 0.1.
Set the absolute zero temperature for radiation exchange. Defaults to 0.
- Errors
is generated if an improper type is specified.SYS_ERROR_VALUE
is generated if an improper dparam is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
type – Type of formulation parameter to set
x=VFE_HEATEXP Heat exchange exponent =VFE_EXTENSION Tolerance for natural coordinates clamping =VFE_ABSZEROTEMP Absolute zero temperature
dparam – [in] Double parameter value.
void vfe_Inter3DStiff(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble kl[])
linear stiffness matrix
Compute the linear stiffness matrix, kl, given the node coordinates, x. The lower triangle of the stiffness matrix is returned.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
x – Array of node locations.
kl – [out] Degree of freedom stiffness matrix
void vfe_Inter3DStrsStrn(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble u[], Vdouble strs[], Vdouble strn[])
stress and strain
Compute nodal stresses and strains, strs and strn, given the node coordinates, x, and the degree of freedom displacement vector, u. The stresses and strains are computed in the interface local system. The convention used to generate local coordinate systems is specified using
with an optional surface normal specified usingvfe_Inter3DSetPropPtr()
.The strs is composed of 3 contact pressures and the strn is composed of 3 associated relative displacements in the element local system.
The strs and strn values are ordered first by the 3 vectoral components followed by the the number of element nodes.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
x – Array of node locations.
u – Degree of freedom vector of displacements
strs – [out] Array of nodal stresses
strn – [out] Array of nodal strains
void vfe_Inter3DReact(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble u[], Vdouble r[])
reaction vector
Compute the reaction vector, r, given the node coordinates, x, and the degree of freedom displacement vector, u.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
x – Array of node locations.
u – Degree of freedom vector of displacements
r – [out] Degree of freedom reaction vector
void vfe_Inter3DReactStiff(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble u[], Vint kflag, Vdouble r[], Vdouble k[])
reaction vector, stiffness matrix
Compute the reaction vector, r, and optionally the stiffness matrix, k, given the node coordinates, x, and the degree of freedom displacement vector, u. The lower triangle of the stiffness matrix is returned.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
x – Array of node locations.
u – Degree of freedom vector of displacements
kflag – Flag to compute stiffness matrix, k
=SYS_OFF Do not compute stiffness matrix =SYS_ON Compute and return stiffness matrix
r – [out] Degree of freedom reaction vector
k – [out] Degree of freedom stiffness matrix
void vfe_Inter3DNumDof(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vint analysistype, Vint *nedofs)
query number of element degrees of freedom
Query for number of element degree of freedom nedofs. The number of degrees of freedom will generally be equal to the number of nodal degrees of freedom per node times the number of nodes plus the number of elemental degrees of freedom. Use
to return the location and type of each degree of freedom.- Errors
is generated if an improper analysistype is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
analysistype – The type of analysis
x=VFE_ANALYSIS_STRUCTURAL Structural analysis =VFE_ANALYSIS_THERMAL Thermal analysis
nedofs – [out] Number of element degrees of freedom
void vfe_Inter3DDofMap(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vint analysistype, Vint loc[], Vint tag[])
query element degree of freedom map
Query for element degree of freedom map. The degree of freedom map consists of a location index, loc and type, tag for each degree of freedom used by the element.
The location index is either a positive node index into the element connectivity indicating a nodal freedom or a zero value indicating an elemental degree of freedom. The tag indicates the type of the degree of freedom. Tag values are one of a set of enumerated types which indicate whether the degree of freedom is a translation, temperature, etc.
The length of the loc and tag vectors is equal to the number of element degrees of freedom. Use
to return the number of element degrees of freedom.- Errors
is generated if an improper analysistype is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
analysistype – The type of analysis
x=VFE_ANALYSIS_STRUCTURAL Structural analysis =VFE_ANALYSIS_THERMAL Thermal analysis
loc – [out] Vector of degree of freedom locations
tag – [out] Vector of degree of freedom types
void vfe_Inter3DInitHist(vfe_Inter3D *p)
initialize material history
Initialize the values of the history variables used in the underlying element or primitive material model for the element. This operation should be performed once for each element (at the first load or time step for example) to initialize the old history variables to reflect the initial configuration condition. If the number of history variables is zero, this function need not be called.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
void vfe_Inter3DNumIntPnt(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vint analysistype, Vint *nepnts)
query number of element integration points
Query for number of element integration points nepnts.
- Errors
is generated if an improper analysistype is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
analysistype – The type of analysis
x=VFE_ANALYSIS_STRUCTURAL Structural analysis =VFE_ANALYSIS_THERMAL Thermal analysis
nepnts – [out] Number of element integration points
void vfe_Inter3DSetLocalSystem(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vint type, Vdouble vec[], Vdouble angle)
set local coordinate system convention
Specify the convention to be used to construct the orientation of the element local x’,y’,z’ coordinate system with respect to the interface surface.
For stress and strain computation for output using
, the local coordinate system is evaluated at each output location and is the coordinate system in which the output stresses and strains at the output location are expressed.The vec array is only used if the specified type requires position or direction vectors. An additional rotation of the y’,z’ axes about the x’ axis can be specified with angle. By default the local system convention is
with angle set to 0.For a description of element coordinate systems, type, and associated orientation vector data, please see Element Coordinate Systems
- Errors
is generated if an improper type is input.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
type – Local system convention
vec – Orientation vector data
angle – Angle to rotate element y’,z’ axes about the element x’ axis in degrees.
void vfe_Inter3DSetMatlSystem(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vint type, Vdouble vec[], Vdouble angle)
set material coordinate system convention
Specify the convention to be used to construct the orientation of the element material x’,y’,z’ coordinate system with respect to the interface surface. This material system is computed at each integration point location on the interface and is assumed to be the coordinate system in which the material properties of the element at the integration point are expressed.
The vec array is only used if the specified type requires position or direction vectors. An additional rotation of the y’,z’ axes about the x’ axis can be specified with angle. By default the local system convention is
with angle set to 0.For a description of element coordinate systems, type, and associated orientation vector data, please see Element Coordinate Systems
- Errors
is generated if an improper type is input.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
type – Local system convention
vec – Orientation vector data
angle – Angle to rotate element y’,z’ axes about the element x’ axis in degrees.
void vfe_Inter3DDirCos(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble tm[][3][3])
compute interface local direction cosines
Compute the direction cosine matrices of the element local coordinate system. For stress and strain computation the local coordinate system at each stress output location is the coordinate system in which the output stresses and strains at the location using
are expressed. Given that X’,Y’ and Z’ are three orthonormal vectors indicating the direction of the local coordinate axes in the global coordinate system (x,y,z), then the direction cosine matrix, tm for this local coordinate system is defined as:The local coordinate system is determined by the local system convention set usingtm[0][0] = X'x tm[0][1] = X'y tm[0][2] = X'z tm[1][0] = Y'x tm[1][1] = Y'y tm[1][2] = Y'z tm[2][0] = Z'x tm[2][1] = Z'y tm[2][2] = Z'z
and the element node normals which may be optionally set usingvfe_Inter3DSetPropPtr()
.- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
x – Array of node locations.
tm – [out] Array of direction cosine matrices at the element nodes.
void vfe_Inter3DSetPropPtr(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vint type, Vdouble *propptr)
set pointer to element nodal properties
Set a pointer to the start of a specified type of element properties. Note that the properties are not copied by this function, only the pointer itself is copied. If a property pointer is not set the element assumes a default value for the associated property. By default the temperature is 0., the area factor is 1., the initial clearance is 0. and the normal is assumed to be computed from the master surface geometry.
- Errors
is generated if an improper type is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
type – Type of element property
propptr – Pointer to start of element nodal properties
void vfe_Inter3DSetHistPtr(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vdouble *oldhist, Vdouble *newhist)
set pointers to material history
Set pointers to the start of the material history data at the previous step, oldhist and the current step newhist. This function is required when an underlying material model such as plasticity is used. Note that the material history data is not copied by this function, only the pointers themselves are copied. The number of double precision values required for the material history at a step is the number of history variables at an integration point times the number of element integration points. The number of history variables depends on the underlying material model and may be queried using
. The number of element integration points is returned usingvfe_Inter3DNumIntPnt()
. By default the pointers to the material history are NULL. If the number of history variables is zero, this function need not be called.- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
oldhist – Pointer to start of material history at previous step
newhist – Pointer to start of material history at current step
void vfe_Inter3DPowerCond(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble u[], Vint kflag, Vdouble r[], Vdouble k[])
thermal power, conductance matrix
Compute the power vector, r, and optionally the conductance matrix, k, given the node coordinates, x, and the degree of freedom temperature vector, u. The lower triangle of the conductance matrix is returned.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
x – Array of node locations.
u – Degree of freedom vector of temperatures
kflag – Flag to compute conductance matrix, k
=SYS_OFF Do not compute conductance matrix =SYS_ON Compute and return conductance matrix
r – [out] Degree of freedom power vector
k – [out] Degree of freedom conductance matrix
void vfe_Inter3DPower(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble u[], Vdouble r[])
thermal power vector
Compute the power vector, r, given the node coordinates, x, and the degree of freedom temperature vector, u.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
x – Array of node locations.
u – Degree of freedom vector of temperatures
r – [out] Degree of freedom power vector
void vfe_Inter3DCond(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble kl[])
thermal conductance matrix
Compute the linear conductance matrix, kl, given the node coordinates, x. The lower triangle of the conductance matrix is returned.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
x – Array of node locations.
kl – [out] Degree of freedom conductance matrix
void vfe_Inter3DHFlxTGrd(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble u[], Vdouble hflx[], Vdouble tgrd[])
Heat flux and temperature difference.
Compute nodal heat fluxes and temperature differences, hflx and tgrd, given the node coordinates, x, and the degree of freedom temperature vector, u.
The hflx is a scalar flux and the tgrd is the associated temperature difference across the interface at each element node.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
x – Array of node locations.
u – Degree of freedom vector of temperatures
hflx – [out] Array of nodal heat fluxes
tgrd – [out] Array of nodal temperature differences
void vfe_Inter3DDistLoad(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vint enttype, Vint no, Vint loadtype, Vdouble q[], Vdouble f[])
distributed load vector
Compute the consistent degree of freedom loads given a distributed load, q on a 3D interface element face. The vector q contains values for the load type for each node in the element. If the loadtype is
then q contains a vector traction at each element node. If the loadtype isVFE_DISTLOAD_PRES
then q contains a scalar pressure at each element node.- Errors
is generated if an improper enttype or loadtype is specified.SYS_ERROR_OPERATION
is generated if an invalid combination of enttype andloadtype
is specified.SYS_ERROR_VALUE
is generated if an improper no is specified.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a zero face Jacobian is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
x – Array of node locations.
enttype – Entity type on which load is applied
=SYS_FACE Element face
no – Element face number
=1 Master face
loadtype – Distributed load type
x=VFE_DISTLOAD_PRES Pressure normal to face =VFE_DISTLOAD_TRAC Traction directed along vector
q – Vector of distributed load values
f – [out] Degree of freedom vector of consistent loads.
void vfe_Inter3DDistHeat(vfe_Inter3D *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vint enttype, Vint no, Vdouble q[], Vdouble f[])
distributed heat loads
Compute the consistent degree of freedom loads given a distributed heat load, q on a 3D interface element face or edge. The vector q contains values for the heat flux for each node in the element. The distributed flux for faces and edges are in units of flux per unit area.
- Errors
is generated if an improper enttype is specified.SYS_ERROR_VALUE
is generated if an improper no is specified.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a zero edge Jacobian is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Inter3D object.
x – Array of node locations.
enttype – Entity type on which load is applied
=SYS_EDGE Element edge =SYS_FACE Element face
no – Element edge or face number
=1 Master edge or face
q – Vector of distributed load values
f – [out] Degree of freedom vector of consistent loads.
7.7. Gap Elements - Gap
The Gap module is used to simulate simple surface interactions in 2D or 3D space. The master and slave surfaces are assumed to be infinite, passing through the gap element end points and and perpendicular to the specified normal at the first end point. The gap element may be used in structural and thermal analysis.
The methods associated with a Gap object are the following.
Begin and end an instance of an object, generic object functions
- create an instance of a Gap objectvfe_GapEnd()
- destroy an instance of a Gap objectvfe_GapError()
- return Gap object error flag
Attributes and Parameters
- define gap dimensionalityvfe_GapSetHistPtr()
- set pointers to material historyvfe_GapSetLocalSystem()
- set stress axes directionvfe_GapSetObject()
- set attribute objectvfe_GapSetParami()
- set integer formulation parametersvfe_GapSetParamd()
- set double formulation parametersvfe_GapSetPropPtr()
- set pointer to element nodal propertiesvfe_GapDirCos()
- compute element local direction cosines
Degree of Freedom and Integration Information
- query element degree of freedom mapvfe_GapNumDof()
- query number of element degrees of freedomvfe_GapNumIntPnt()
- query number of element integration points
Structural analysis computations
- initialize material historyvfe_GapReact()
- reaction vectorvfe_GapReactStiff()
- reaction vector, stiffness matrixvfe_GapStiff()
- linear stiffness matrixvfe_GapStrsStrn()
- stress and strain
Thermal analysis computations
- thermal powervfe_GapPowerCond()
- thermal power, conductance matrixvfe_GapCond()
- conductance matrixvfe_GapHFlxTGrd()
- heat flux and temperature difference
Instance a Gap object using vfe_GapBegin()
Once a Gap is instanced,
set the material function attribute object MatlFun using
The function vfe_GapDef()
is used to defined the gap as either being used
in 2D or 3D analysis.
Certain geometric details of the gap such as initial gap separation
are specified using vfe_GapSetPropPtr()
Query the element degree of freedom map using vfe_GapDofMap()
If the element is to support a material model,
such as a surface friction material model,
which requires a material history then the user must manage the material
history information using vfe_GapSetHistPtr()
and vfe_GapInitHist()
7.8. Element Geometry
The gap element consists of two matched surfaces termed the master
surface and the slave surface.
The basic gap element geometry is defined by the node coordinates of the
the first node and possibly the coordinates of the second node.
The separation of the two surfaces is defined by
normals and clearances specified at the first of the master surface.
These properties are set using vfe_GapSetPropPtr()
. Other element node
properties which may be set are temperature and area.
The master surface passes through the first node and is perpendicular
to the normal at the first node. The normal may be computed to be along
the line connecting the first and second node or may be explicitly specified
using vfe_GapSetPropPtr()
. The slave surface passes through the second
node and is parallel to the master surface. Both surfaces are assumed to
be of infinite extent for contact purposes.
The 3D gap element geometry is shown in Figure 7-3a and the 2D gap geometry
is shown in Figure 7-3b.
If the gap element is being used to model surface contact in structural
analysis, the separation of the master and slave surfaces is always measured
along the normal to the master surface.
The element local coordinate system is constructed so that the x’ direction
is along the specified normal to the master surface. The y’ and z’ directions
are constructed using the prescription specified using
. If the normal, x’ direction, is specified using
, the y’ and z’ tangential directions are adjusted
to remain orthogonal to x’.
In thermal analysis the geometry of the slave surface is ignored and only the temperature of the slave surface node is used. The element node area is used at the master node for the calculation of surface area. For thermal analysis the element coordinate system is unused and is undefined.

Figure 7-3a, Geometry for 3D Gap Element
In 2D, the gap element may be used for either 2D axisymmetric or 2D planar analysis.

Figure 7-3b, Geometry for 2D Gap Element
7.9. Function Descriptions
The currently available Gap functions are described in detail in this section.
vfe_Gap *vfe_GapBegin(void)
create an instance of a Gap object
Create an instance of a Gap object. Memory is allocated for the object private data and the pointer to the object is returned.
Destroy an instance of a Gap object using
void vfe_GapEnd (vfe_Gap *gap)
Return the current value of a Gap object error flag using
Vint vfe_GapError (vfe_Gap *gap)
- Returns:
The function returns a pointer to the newly created Gap object. If the object creation fails, NULL is returned.
void vfe_GapEnd(vfe_Gap *p)
destroy an instance of a Gap object
Vint vfe_GapError(vfe_Gap *p)
return the current value of a Gap object error flag
void vfe_GapSetObject(vfe_Gap *p, Vint objecttype, Vobject *object)
set attribute object
Set a pointer to an attribute object. Users must supply a MatlFun object prior to computing any quantity that requires a material model definition. The InterProp module provides a suitable material model.
- Errors
is generated if an improper objecttype is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
objecttype – The object type identifier
x=VFE_MATLFUN MatlFun object
object – [out] Pointer to the object to be set.
void vfe_GapDef(vfe_Gap *p, Vint dimension)
define gap dimensionality
Define the dimension of the gap element.
- Errors
is generated if an improper dime is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
dimension – Gap dimension
=VFE_2D 2D analysis =VFE_3D 3D analysis
void vfe_GapSetParami(vfe_Gap *p, Vint type, Vint iparam)
set element formulation parameters
Set element formulation parameters. Set element heat exchange law using
. By defaultVFE_HEATEXCH
.The parameter
is used to toggle the inclusion of the actual geometric location of the slave nodes in the calculation of the clearance between the master and slave surfaces. IfVFE_GEOMCLEARANCE
is disabled then the geometry of the slave surface is ignored and the initial clearance between the master and slave surfaces is determined by the element node clearances set usingvfe_GapSetPropPtr()
is enabled then the actual geometric separation of the master and slave surfaces is added to the specified element node clearances. By defaultVFE_GEOMCLEARANCE
is set toSYS_OFF
.- Errors
is generated if an improper type is specified.SYS_ERROR_VALUE
is generated if an improper iparam is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
type – Type of formulation parameter to set
x=VFE_HEATEXCH Element exchange law =VFE_GEOMCLEARANCE Clearance determined by geometry
iparam – Integer parameter value.
x=VFE_HEATEXCH_NONE No exchange =VFE_HEATEXCH_LINEAR Linear exchange law =VFE_HEATEXCH_EXP Exponential exchange law =VFE_HEATEXCH_POW Power exchange law
void vfe_GapSetParamd(vfe_Gap *p, Vint type, Vdouble dparam)
set double formulation parameters
Set element heat exchange exponent law using
. This value is used ifVFE_HEATEXCH
. Defaults to 1.0.- Errors
is generated if an improper type is specified.SYS_ERROR_VALUE
is generated if an improper dparam is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
type – Type of formulation parameter to set
x=VFE_HEATEXP Heat exchange exponent
dparam – [out] Double parameter value.
void vfe_GapStiff(vfe_Gap *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble kl[])
linear stiffness matrix
Compute the linear stiffness matrix, kl, given the node coordinates, x. The lower triangle of the stiffness matrix is returned.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
x – Array of node locations.
kl – [out] Degree of freedom stiffness matrix
void vfe_GapStrsStrn(vfe_Gap *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble u[], Vdouble strs[], Vdouble strn[])
stress and strain
Compute nodal stresses and strains, strs and strn, given the node coordinates, x, and the degree of freedom displacement vector, u. The stresses and strains are computed in the gap local system. The convention used to generate local coordinate systems is specified using
with an optional surface normal specified usingvfe_GapSetPropPtr()
.The strs is composed of 3 contact pressures and the strn is composed of 3 associated relative displacements in the element local system.
The strs and strn values are ordered first by the 3 vectoral components followed by the the number of element nodes.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
x – Array of node locations.
u – Degree of freedom vector of displacements
strs – [out] Array of nodal stresses
strn – [out] Array of nodal strains
void vfe_GapReact(vfe_Gap *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble u[], Vdouble r[])
reaction vector
Compute the reaction vector, r, given the node coordinates, x, and the degree of freedom displacement vector, u.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
x – Array of node locations.
u – Degree of freedom vector of displacements
r – [out] Degree of freedom reaction vector
void vfe_GapReactStiff(vfe_Gap *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble u[], Vint kflag, Vdouble r[], Vdouble k[])
reaction vector, stiffness matrix
Compute the reaction vector, r, and optionally the stiffness matrix, k, given the node coordinates, x, and the degree of freedom displacement vector, u. The lower triangle of the stiffness matrix is returned.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
x – Array of node locations.
u – Degree of freedom vector of displacements
kflag – Flag to compute stiffness matrix, k
=SYS_OFF Do not compute stiffness matrix =SYS_ON Compute and return stiffness matrix
r – [out] Degree of freedom reaction vector
k – [out] Degree of freedom stiffness matrix
void vfe_GapNumDof(vfe_Gap *p, Vint analysistype, Vint *nedofs)
query number of element degrees of freedom
Query for number of element degree of freedom nedofs. The number of degrees of freedom will generally be equal to the number of nodal degrees of freedom per node times the number of nodes plus the number of elemental degrees of freedom. Use
to return the location and type of each degree of freedom.- Errors
is generated if an improper analysistype is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
analysistype – The type of analysis
x=VFE_ANALYSIS_STRUCTURAL Structural analysis =VFE_ANALYSIS_THERMAL Thermal analysis
nedofs – [out] Number of element degrees of freedom
void vfe_GapDofMap(vfe_Gap *p, Vint analysistype, Vint loc[], Vint tag[])
query element degree of freedom map
Query for element degree of freedom map. The degree of freedom map consists of a location index, loc and type, tag for each degree of freedom used by the element.
The location index is either a positive node index into the element connectivity indicating a nodal freedom or a zero value indicating an elemental degree of freedom. The tag indicates the type of the degree of freedom. Tag values are one of a set of enumerated types which indicate whether the degree of freedom is a translation, temperature, etc.
The length of the loc and tag vectors is equal to the number of element degrees of freedom. Use
to return the number of element degrees of freedom.- Errors
is generated if an improper analysistype is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
analysistype – The type of analysis
x=VFE_ANALYSIS_STRUCTURAL Structural analysis =VFE_ANALYSIS_THERMAL Thermal analysis
loc – [out] Vector of degree of freedom locations
tag – [out] Vector of degree of freedom types
void vfe_GapInitHist(vfe_Gap *p)
initialize material history
Initialize the values of the history variables used in the underlying element or primitive material model for the element. This operation should be performed once for each element (at the first load or time step for example) to initialize the old history variables to reflect the initial configuration condition. If the number of history variables is zero, this function need not be called.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
void vfe_GapNumIntPnt(vfe_Gap *p, Vint analysistype, Vint *nepnts)
query number of element integration points
Query for number of element integration points nepnts.
- Errors
is generated if an improper analysistype is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
analysistype – The type of analysis
x=VFE_ANALYSIS_STRUCTURAL Structural analysis =VFE_ANALYSIS_THERMAL Thermal analysis
nepnts – [out] Number of element integration points
void vfe_GapDirCos(vfe_Gap *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble tm[][3][3])
compute gap local direction cosines
Compute the direction cosine matrices of the element local coordinate system. For stress and strain computation the local coordinate system at each stress output location is the coordinate system in which the output stresses and strains at the location using
are expressed. Given that X’,Y’ and Z’ are three orthonormal vectors indicating the direction of the local coordinate axes in the global coordinate system (x,y,z), then the direction cosine matrix,tm for this local coordinate system is defined as:The local coordinate system is determined by the local system convention set usingtm[0][0] = X'x tm[0][1] = X'y tm[0][2] = X'z tm[1][0] = Y'x tm[1][1] = Y'y tm[1][2] = Y'z tm[2][0] = Z'x tm[2][1] = Z'y tm[2][2] = Z'z
and the element node normals which may be optionally set usingvfe_GapSetPropPtr()
.- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
x – Array of node locations.
tm – [out] Array of direction cosine matrices at the element nodes.
void vfe_GapSetPropPtr(vfe_Gap *p, Vint type, Vdouble *propptr)
set pointer to element nodal properties
Set a pointer to the start of a specified type of element properties. Note that the properties are not copied by this function, only the pointer itself is copied. If a property pointer is not set the element assumes a default value. By default the temperature is 0., the area is 1., the initial clearance is 0. and the normal is assumed to be computed from the gap endpoint locations.
- Errors
is generated if an improper type is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
type – Type of element property
propptr – Pointer to start of element nodal properties
void vfe_GapSetHistPtr(vfe_Gap *p, Vdouble *oldhist, Vdouble *newhist)
set pointers to material history
Set pointers to the start of the material history data at the previous step, oldhist and the current step newhist. This function is required when an underlying material model such as plasticity is used. Note that the material history data is not copied by this function, only the pointers themselves are copied. The number of double precision values required for the material history at a step is the number of history variables at an integration point times the number of element integration points. The number of history variables depends on the underlying material model and may be queried using
. The number of element integration points is returned usingvfe_GapNumIntPnt()
. By default the pointers to the material history are NULL. If the number of history variables is zero, this function need not be called.- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
oldhist – Pointer to start of material history at previous step
newhist – Pointer to start of material history at current step
void vfe_GapPowerCond(vfe_Gap *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble u[], Vint kflag, Vdouble r[], Vdouble k[])
thermal power, conductance matrix
Compute the power vector, r, and optionally the conductance matrix, k, given the node coordinates, x, and the degree of freedom temperature vector, u. The lower triangle of the conductance matrix is returned.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
x – Array of node locations.
u – Degree of freedom vector of temperatures
kflag – Flag to compute conductance matrix, k
=SYS_OFF Do not compute conductance matrix =SYS_ON Compute and return conductance matrix
r – [out] Degree of freedom power vector
k – [out] Degree of freedom conductance matrix
void vfe_GapPower(vfe_Gap *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble u[], Vdouble r[])
thermal power vector
Compute the power vector, r, given the node coordinates, x, and the degree of freedom temperature vector, u.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
x – Array of node locations.
u – Degree of freedom vector of temperatures
r – [out] Degree of freedom power vector
void vfe_GapCond(vfe_Gap *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble kl[])
thermal conductance matrix
Compute the linear conductance matrix, kl, given the node coordinates, x. The lower triangle of the conductance matrix is returned.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
x – Array of node locations.
kl – [out] Degree of freedom conductance matrix
void vfe_GapHFlxTGrd(vfe_Gap *p, Vdouble x[][3], Vdouble u[], Vdouble hflx[], Vdouble tgrd[])
Heat flux and temperature difference.
Compute nodal heat fluxes and temperature differences, hflx and tgrd, given the node coordinates, x, and the degree of freedom temperature vector, u.
The hflx is a scalar flux and the tgrd is the associated temperature difference across the gap at each element node.
- Errors
is generated if a MatlFun attribute object has not been set.SYS_ERROR_COMPUTE
is generated if a negative Jacobian transformation is computed.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
x – Array of node locations.
u – Degree of freedom vector of temperatures
hflx – [out] Array of nodal heat fluxes
tgrd – [out] Array of nodal temperature difference
void vfe_GapSetLocalSystem(vfe_Gap *p, Vint type, Vdouble vec[], Vdouble angle)
set local coordinate system convention
Specify the convention to be used to construct the orientation of the element local x’,y’,z’ coordinate system.
For stress and strain computation for output using
, the local coordinate system is evaluated at each output location and is the coordinate system in which the output stresses and strains at the output location are expressed.The vec array is only used if the specified type requires position or direction vectors. An additional rotation of the y’,z’ axes about the x’ axis can be specified with angle. By default the local system convention is
with angle set to 0.For a description of element coordinate systems, type, and associated orientation vector data, please see Element Coordinate Systems
- Errors
is generated if an improper type is input.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Gap object.
type – Local system convention
vec – Orientation vector data
angle – Angle to rotate element y’,z’ axes about the element x’ axis in degrees.