2. Degree of Freedom and Connection Management - DofTab

The DofTab module is designed to manage the assignment of global degrees of freedom (dofs) arising from the assembly of individual finite elements. It is also responsible for storing model information such as nodal coordinates and element connectivity that are necessary for the iterative solver in SysMatrix. The DofTab module will manage both nodal and elemental (internal element) degrees of freedom. Once the global dof have been assigned then the global dof at a node or an element may be queried. This information is used to assemble element matrices and vectors into the global equation system for solution and to gather the resultant solution quantities for output. The methods associated with a DofTab object are the following.

Instance a DofTab object using vfs_DofTabBegin(). Once a DofTab object is instanced, set the number of nodes and elements for which degrees of freedom are to be managed using vfs_DofTabDef().

Initially all node and element freedoms are assumed to be constrained. Degrees of freedom are activated by declaring their use by a finite element. By looping through all elements and setting the freedoms used by each, all degrees of freedom required by the assembly of all elements will be activated. This is accomplished by setting the degree of freedom map for each element using vfs_DofTabSetMap() and then declaring the degrees of freedom used by calling vfs_DofTabElemUse().

After the degree of freedom use for all elements has been established, permanent degree of freedom suppressions at a node are applied using vfs_DofTabNodePerm(). These suppressions reflect restraints at nodes. Note that there is no mechanism in DofTab to suppress internal elemental freedoms.

if multipoint constraints (MPCs) are present and they are to be enforced by direct matrix transformation, then the MPCs must be specified using vfs_DofTabSetMPC() for each MPC equation.

At this point the DofTab object will have a representation of all active degrees of freedom required by the finite element model. The global active dof can now be numbered by calling vfs_DofTabProcess(). The global dof are numbered starting from 1. The total number of global active dof and the total number of global suppressed dof are returned by this function. The function vfs_DofTabProcess() also separately numbers the global suppressed dof starting from 1. The degree of freedom numbering is done to minimize the fill for matrix factoring. The current fill reducing algorithm uses Metis.

Once the global dof have been assigned to the active freedoms, the user can query for the global dof numbers at a single node using vfs_DofTabNodeDof() or for an entire element using vfs_DofTabElemDof(). Calls to vfs_DofTabElemDof() must be preceded by vfs_DofTabSetMap(). The complete global dof for an element consist of the global dof assigned to the nodal freedoms at each element node plus the global dof assigned to the internal elemental freedoms for the element. A global dof number of 0 returned by these functions represents a suppressed degree of freedom.

The global suppressed dof at a node are returned using vfs_DofTabNodeSup(). The global suppressed dof for an element are returned using vfs_DofTabElemSup(). A global dof number of 0 returned by this function represents an active degree of freedom. The suppressed dof numbers are useful for assembling reactions.

The function, vfs_DofTabGetUseTag(), returns the number and types, or “tags”, of all the degrees of freedom used at nodes. For example in a finite element model using only 3D solid elements which use translational degrees of freedom at nodes, the number of degree of freedom types is 3 and the degree of freedom tags are SYS_DOF_TX, SYS_DOF_TY, SYS_DOF_TZ. Use the function vfs_DofTabInvDof() to find the node or element ids and degree of freedom tags associated with a set of global degrees of freedom.

Destroy an instance of a DofTab object using vfs_DofTabEnd().

2.1. Parallel Assembly

The DofTab and SysMatrix modules have been extensively parallelized internally for performance. One important parallelization opportunity requires parallelization at the application level and that is assembly of element matrices in a SysMatrix object. The currently supported parallelization methodology involves computing a series of groups of elements which are disjoint using an element coloring algorithm. These groups are computed by DofTab if enabled using vfs_DofTabSetParami() with type DOFTAB_THREADASSEM. All of the elements in each group can be safely assembled in parallel. The groups are computed by the function vfs_DofTabProcess(). Once this function is complete, use vfs_DofTabThreadAssemNum() to query the number of element groups and vfs_DofTabThreadAssemGroups() to get the number of elements and list of elements in each group. It suggested to use OpenMP to parallelize the loop over elements in each group. The basic procedure is as follows where numel is the number of elements.

Vint num, hasserial;
Vint *numelem, *blockid, *elems;

vfs_DofTabThreadAssemNum (doftab,&num,&hasserial);

                /* allocate arrays */
numelem = (Vint*)malloc(num*sizeof(Vint);
blockid = (Vint*)malloc(num*sizeof(Vint);
elems = (Vint*)malloc(numel*sizeof(Vint);

vfs_DofTabThreadAssemGroups (doftab,&num,numelem,blockid,elems);

The number of groups is num. The variable hasserial is non-zero if the last group is meant to be processed serially.

The array numelems contains the number of elements in each group, and the array elems contains the elements in each group. The element numbers in elems are one based. The first numelem[0] elements in elems are in the first group, the next numelem[1] elements are in the second group, etc. Note that if DOFTAB_THREADASSEM has not be enabled, num is returned as 1 and hasserial is enabled.

Assembly of elements can then proceed as follows. In this example 8 threads are used.

Vint n, m;
Vint in, istart;
Vint numthreads;

maxthreads = 8;
                /* setup SysMatrix for parallel assembly */
vfs_SysMatrixSetNumThreadsAssem (sysmatrix,maxthreads);
                /* loop over groups */
istart = 0;
for(n = 0; n < num; n++) {
                /* special case of serial last group */
    if(blockid[n] <= 0) {
        numthreads = 1;
    } else {
        numthreads = maxthreads;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(numthreads)
                /* loop over elements in group */
    for(m = 0; m < numelem[n]; m++) {
        Vint ithread;
        Vint in, nedofs, lm[maximum_element_dofs];
        Vint nix, ix[maximum_element_connectivity];
        Vdouble s[maximum_element_matrix_size];

        in = elems[istart+m];
                /* get element connectivity, ix[nix] */
                /* get number of element freedoms and freedom list */
        vfs_DofTabElemDof (doftab,in,nix,ix,&nedofs,lm);

                /* gather/compute element matrix s element in */
                /* get thread number, increment by one */
        ithread = omp_get_thread_num()+1;
                /* assemble */
        vfs_SysMatrixThreadAssem (sysmatrix,ithread,nedofs,lm,s);
    istart += numelem[n];
                /* assembly complete, free memory */

2.2. Special Considerations for the Iterative Solver

If the iterative solver is to be used in SysMatrix, all elements must have their topology specified with vfs_DofTabSetTopology(), and all nodes must have their coordinates specified with vfs_DofTabSetCoords(). If there are local coordinate systems for unknowns at nodes, their direction cosine matrices must be entered using vfs_DofTabNodeDirCos(). If there are temporary restraints to be applied in SysMatrix using vfs_SysMatrixSetTemp() then this information must be supplied to DofTab using the function vfs_DofTabNodeDofSpec(). This function is a subset of the function vfs_DofTabNodeSpec(). The effect is that the degree of freedom(s) is/are exactly represented in the preconditioner matrix. Any freedom which is temporarily constained for any reason, eg. to apply a non-zero displacement, can be treated exactly.

In addition vfs_DofTabSetParami() must be used to set DOFTAB_REDUCE to DOFTAB_REDUCE_ITER.

A feature of the iterative solver is to flag particular nodes to be given special treatment - the “stiffness” associated with the node shall be represented exactly in the preconditioner at the expense of making the preconditioner somewhat more heavy weight. Use the function vfs_DofTabNodeSpec() to specify such nodes. Examples of candidate nodes would be nodes attached to distorted elements, nodes in areas of very high solution gradients, nodes on discrete contacting surfaces, etc. All of this information must be supplied before vfs_DofTabProcess() is called.

The iterative solver preconditioner technology has two “aggressiveness” settings, DOFTAB_ITERMEMLEVEL and DOFTAB_ITEREXPLEVEL, which can be changed from the default values if a model is relatively large and contains highly refined regions. These parameters are set using vfs_DofTabSetParami().

2.3. Special Considerations for Rigid Mode Analysis

If a rigid body analysis is to be performed by SysMatrix, all elements must have their topology specified with vfs_DofTabSetTopology(), and all nodes must have their coordinates specified with vfs_DofTabSetCoords(). If there are local coordinate systems for unknowns at nodes, their direction cosine matrices must be entered using vfs_DofTabNodeDirCos(). If there are temporary restraints to be applied in SysMatrix using vfs_SysMatrixSetTemp() then this information should be supplied to DofTab using the function vfs_DofTabNodeDofSpec(). This information is identical to the requirements of the iterative solver. Also element types should be set using vfs_DofTabSetFeaType(). The efficiency of the rigid mode analysis is dependent upon the higher dimensionality element types being properly set. For example, 3D elements of type SYS_ELEM_SOLID and SYS_ELEM_SHELL and 2D elements of type SYS_ELEM_SOLID are particularly important. In addition vfs_DofTabSetParami() must be used to set DOFTAB_REDUCE to DOFTAB_REDUCE_RIGID.

2.4. Function Descriptions

The currently available DofTab functions are described in detail in this section.

vfs_DofTab *vfs_DofTabBegin(void)

create an instance of a DofTab object

Create an instance of a DofTab object. Memory is allocated for the object private data and the pointer to the object is returned.

Destroy an instance of a DofTab object using

void vfs_DofTabEnd (vfs_DofTab *doftab )

Return the current value of a DofTab object error flag using

Vint vfs_DofTabError (vfs_DofTab *doftab )


The function returns a pointer to the newly created DofTab object. If the object creation fails, NULL is returned.

void vfs_DofTabEnd(vfs_DofTab *p)

destroy an instance of a DofTab object

See vfs_DofTabBegin()

Vint vfs_DofTabError(vfs_DofTab *p)

return the current value of a DofTab object error flag

See vfs_DofTabBegin()

void vfs_DofTabDef(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint numnp, Vint numel)

define number of nodes and elements

Specify the number of nodes and elements to be managed in the DofTab object. All degrees of freedom are initialized as constrained.

Inquire of defined numnp and numel as output arguments using

void vfs_DofTabInq (vfs_DofTab *doftab,
                    Vint *numnp,
                    Vint *numel)


SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if either numnp or numel is less than or equal to zero.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • numnp – Number of nodes

  • numel – Number of elements

void vfs_DofTabInq(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint *numnp, Vint *numel)

inquire of defined numnp and numel as output arguments

See vfs_DofTabBegin()

void vfs_DofTabSetParami(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint type, Vint param)

set integer parametersset integer parameters

Set processing parameters.

The parameter DOFTAB_REDUCE enables the processing required by the iterative solver or the rigid mode solver. The iterative solver is selected using DOFTAB_REDUCE_ITER, the rigid mode solver is selected using DOFTAB_REDUCE_RIGID. By default DOFTAB_REDUCE is set to DOFTAB_REDUCE_NONE.

The parameter DOFTAB_ITERMEMLEVEL sets the aggressiveness level for the iterative solver used for higher order element contributions to the system matrix. By default DOFTAB_ITERMEMLEVEL is set to zero. A level of 1 would be used for models containing large, highly refined higher order element regions.

The parameter DOFTAB_ITEREXPLEVEL sets the aggressiveness level for the iterative solver used for linear order element contributions to the system matrix. By default DOFTAB_ITEREXPLEVEL is set to 3. A level of 4 or 5 would be used for models containing large, highly refined linear order element regions.

The parameter DOFTAB_THREADASSEM is used to enable the calculation of disjoint element groups using a coloring algorithm. The number of groups and group contents are queried using vfs_DofTabThreadAssemNum() and vfs_DofTabThreadAssemGroups(). These disjoint groups are to be used with the SysMatrix object using a threaded assembly procedure. By default DOFTAB_THREADASSEM is disabled.


  • SYS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper type is specified.

  • SYS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper param is specified.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • type – Integer parameter type to set.

    x=DOFTAB_REDUCE                 Select reduced solver
     =DOFTAB_ITERMEMLEVEL           Iterative low memory level
     =DOFTAB_ITEREXPLEVEL           Iterative expansion level
     =DOFTAB_THREADASSEM            Threaded assembly flag

  • param – Specifies the integer value that type will be set to.

    =DOFTAB_REDUCE_NONE            No reduction
    =DOFTAB_REDUCE_ITER            Iterative solver reduction
    =DOFTAB_REDUCE_RIGID           Rigid mode reduction
    =SYS_OFF                       Disable
    =SYS_ON                        Enable

void vfs_DofTabSetMap(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint nedofs, Vint loc[], Vint tag[])

set current element degree of freedom map

Set the current number of element degrees of freedom and the degree of freedom map. The loc vector consists of nedofs one-based node indices into the element connectivity. A zero entry in loc denotes an internal elemental degree of freedom. The tag vector consists of nedofs defined constants which specify the degree of freedom type, eg. x-translation, y-rotation, etc. See Degrees of Freedom for a definition of the degree of freedom types. This function must be called before element usage can be declared with vfs_DofTabElemUse().

For example, the degree of freedom map for a 4 node tetrahedron, with translational degrees of freedom at each node, is set as follows.

Vint loc[12] = {1,1,1, 2,2,2, 3,3,3, 4,4,4};
Vint tag[12] = {SYS_DOF_TX, SYS_DOF_TY, SYS_DOF_TZ,
                SYS_DOF_TX, SYS_DOF_TY, SYS_DOF_TZ,
                SYS_DOF_TX, SYS_DOF_TY, SYS_DOF_TZ,
                SYS_DOF_TX, SYS_DOF_TY, SYS_DOF_TZ};
vfs_DofTabSetMap (doftab,12,loc,tag);

As another example, the degree of freedom map for a homogeneous multipoint constraint equation of the general form a*tx(node 20) + b*ty(node 20) + c*ty(node 1) = 0. to be enforced using a Lagrange multiplier is set as follows.

Vint loc[4] = {1,1,2,0};
Vint tag[12] = {SYS_DOF_TX, SYS_DOF_TY,
vfs_DofTabSetMap (doftab,4,loc,tag);


  • SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper nedofs or loc is specified.

  • SYS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper tag is specified.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • nedofs – Number of element degrees of freedom

  • loc – Vector of degree of freedom locations

  • tag – Vector of degree of freedom types

void vfs_DofTabElemUse(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint eid, Vint nix, Vint ix[])

specify element degree of freedom use

Declare all degrees of freedom used by an element. The degrees of freedom for an element consist of the nodal degrees of freedom used by nix element nodes in vector ix, and the internal elemental freedoms used by element eid. The degree of freedom map for the element must have been previously specified using vfs_DofTabSetMap().


  • SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper eid or nix is specified.

  • SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if the global dof have already been processed by vfs_DofTabProcess() or if no element degree of freedom map has been specified.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • eid – Element number

  • nix – Number of nodes per element

  • ix – Vector of element node connectivity

void vfs_DofTabSetCoords(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint nid, Vdouble x[3])

set the nodal coordinates

Set the nodal coordinate so that a preconditioner can be built for SysMatrix.


  • SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if vfs_DofTabDef() has not been called.

  • SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if nid is less than 1 or nid is greater than the number of nodes.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • nid – Node id

  • x – Vector of nodal (x,y,z) coordinates

void vfs_DofTabNodePerm(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint nid, Vint ntags, Vint tag[])

set nodal degree of freedom constraints

Specify permanent constraints at node nid for a set of ntags degree of freedom types tag. The specified degrees of freedom are marked as inactive and will not be included in the global active dof when vfs_DofTabProcess() is called. This function should be called after all element usage has been specified using vfs_DofTabElemUse().


  • SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper nid or ntags is specified.

  • SYS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper tag is specified.

  • SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if the global dof have already been processed.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • nid – Node number

  • ntags – Number of degrees of freedom types at node

  • tag – Vector of degree of freedom types

void vfs_DofTabElemDof(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint eid, Vint nix, Vint ix[], Vint *nedofs, Vint lm[])

query element global dof

Query for the global dof assigned to element eid. The complete global dof for an element consist of the global dof assigned to the nodal freedoms at each element node plus the global dof assigned to the internal elemental freedoms for the element. The element number, eid is required to assign any elemental freedoms. The element node connectivity, ix, is required to assign nodal freedoms. The global dof must have been previously processed using vfs_DofTabProcess(). Use vfs_DofTabElemSup() to return the global suppressed dof for an element.


  • SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper eid entry, nix or ix entry is specified.

  • SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if the global dof have not been processed.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • eid – Element number

  • nix – Number of nodes per element

  • ix – Vector of element node connectivity

  • nedofs[out] Number of elements dofs

  • lm[out] Vector of element global dof numbers

void vfs_DofTabElemSup(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint eid, Vint nix, Vint ix[], Vint *nedofs, Vint lm[])

query element global suppressed dof

Query for the global suppressed dof assigned to element eid. The global dof must have been previously processed using vfs_DofTabProcess(). Use vfs_DofTabElemDof() to return the global active dof for an element.


  • SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper eid entry, nix or ix entry is specified.

  • SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if the global dof have not been processed.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • eid – Element number

  • nix – Number of nodes per element

  • ix – Vector of element node connectivity

  • nedofs[out] Number of element dofs

  • lm[out] Vector of element global dof numbers

void vfs_DofTabNodeDof(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint nid, Vint ntags, Vint tag[], Vint lm[])

query node global dof

Query for the global dof assigned to a node nid for a set of ntags degree of freedom types in vector tag. Use vfs_DofTabGetUseTag() to determine the number and type of degrees of freedom used at nodes. The global dof must have been previously processed using vfs_DofTabProcess(). Use vfs_DofTabNodeSup() to return the global suppressed dof for a node.


  • SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper nid or ntags is specified.

  • SYS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper tag is specified.

  • SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if the global dof have not been processed.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • nid – Node number

  • ntags – Number of degrees of freedom types used at nodes

  • tag – Vector of degree of freedom types at nodes

  • lm[out] Vector of global dof numbers at node

void vfs_DofTabNodeSup(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint nid, Vint ntags, Vint tag[], Vint lm[])

query node global suppressed dof

Query for the global suppressed dof assigned to a node nid for a set of ntags degree of freedom types in vector tag. Use vfs_DofTabGetUseTag() to determine the number and type of degrees of freedom used at nodes. The global dof must have been previously processed using vfs_DofTabProcess(). Use vfs_DofTabNodeDof() to return the global active dof for a node.


  • SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper nid or ntags is specified.

  • SYS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper tag is specified.

  • SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if the global dof have not been processed.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • nid – Node number

  • ntags – Number of degrees of freedom types used at nodes

  • tag – Vector of degree of freedom types at nodes

  • lm[out] Vector of global suppressed dof numbers at node

void vfs_DofTabProcess(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint *neq, Vint *nre)

process and assign global dof

Number the global dof and global suppressed dof. The global dof consist of all degrees of freedom used by elements excluding any explicit suppressions at nodes. The global suppressed dof consist of explicitly suppressed degrees of freedom at nodes. This function must be called before the global dof can be queried using vfs_DofTabElemDof(), vfs_DofTabNodeDof(), etc. If the degrees of freedom have already been processed this function returns with the values of neq and nre without reprocessing the degrees of freedom.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • neq[out] Number of global (active) dof

  • nre[out] Number of global suppressed dof

void vfs_DofTabGetUseTag(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint *ntags, Vint tag[])

query used degree of freedom tags

Return the number, ntags, and types, tag, of all the degrees of freedom used at nodes. The global dof must have been previously processed using vfs_DofTabProcess(). This information is useful for gathering computed displacements, etc. at nodes from the global system solution vector. Use vfs_DofTabNodeDof() to query for the global dof numbers at a node given ntags and tag returned by this function.


SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if the global dof have not been processed.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • ntags[out] Number of degrees of freedom types used at nodes

  • tag[out] Vector of degree of freedom types

void vfs_DofTabMaxElemDof(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint *maxelemdof)

query for maximum size of element global dof

Return the maximum number of degrees of freedom occurring in any element.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • maxelemdof[out] Maximum number of element degrees of freedom

void vfs_DofTabInvDof(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint ndofs, Vint lm[], Vint ids[], Vint tag[])

query inverse degree of freedom information

Return the node or element ids and degree of freedom types, tag, for a set of ndofs global dof numbers lm. The global dof must have been previously processed using vfs_DofTabProcess().


SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if the global dof have not been processed.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • ndofs – Number of degrees of freedom

  • lm – Vector of global dof numbers

  • ids[out] Node or element ids associated with global dof

  • tag[out] Vector of degree of freedom types

void vfs_DofTabSetTopology(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint id, Vint shape, Vint maxi, Vint maxj, Vint maxk)

set the element topology

Set the element topology so that a preconditioner can be subsequently built. See section Computational Cells for a description of element topology conventions. For example, the topology of element number 350, a 10 node tetrahedron, with Serendipity node connectivity (corner nodes first followed by midsides) is set as follows.

vfs_DofTabSetTopology (doftab,350,SYS_SHAPETET,3,0,0)


  • SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if vfs_DofTabDef() has not been called.

  • SYS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper shape is specified. And

  • SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if id is greater than the number of elements, or if maxi, maxj, or maxk are invalid.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • id – Element id

  • shape – Element shape parameter

    x=SYS_SHAPEPOINT         Point
     =SYS_SHAPELINE          Line
     =SYS_SHAPETRI           Triangle
     =SYS_SHAPEQUAD          Quadrilateral
     =SYS_SHAPETET           Tetrahedron
     =SYS_SHAPEWED           Wedge
     =SYS_SHAPEHEX           Hexahedron

  • maxi – The number of points along the i direction. If maxi = 0 then the linear element form of the specified shape is assumed.

  • maxj – The number of points along the j direction. If maxj = 0 and 2 <= maxi <= 4, then a Serendipity finite element is assumed. If 2 <= maxj and 2 <= maxi, then a Lagrange finite element is assumed. For triangle, tetrahedron and wedge shapes, set either maxj = 0 or maxj = maxi.

  • maxk – The number of points along the k direction. For tetrahedron shapes, set either maxk = 0 or maxk = maxi For hexahedron and wedge shapes, set either maxk = 2 or maxk = maxi

void vfs_DofTabNodeSpec(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint level, Vint nix, Vint ix[])

flag all of a node’s degrees of freedom for preconditioner

Flag all active degrees of freedom on a list of nodes to be treated with special care by the preconditioner. Typical candidates are degrees of freedom where temporary restraints have been specified with vfs_SysMatrixSetTemp(), or where the user suspects potential sources of ill-conditioning may arise (e.g., very distorted elements). If level is set to 1, then all degrees of freedom at the node are flagged; if level is set to 2, then all degrees of freedom of the node and its neighbors are flagged. This function may be called as many times as necessary.


  • SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if level is less than 1 or greater than 2; or if nix is less than 1; or if any entry in ix is less than 1 or greater than the number of nodes specified in vfs_DofTabDef(); or if any entry in tags is not a valid nodal degree of freedom.

  • SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if vfs_DofTabProcess() has already been called, or if vfs_DofTabDef() has not yet been called.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • level – Propagation level for flagging node

  • nix – Number of nodes being flagged

  • ix – List of nodes being flagged

void vfs_DofTabNodeDirCos(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint nid, Vdouble tm[3][3])

set direction cosine matrix at nodes for iterative solver

Set the direction cosine matrix necessary for the iterative solver

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • nid – Node id

  • tm – Direction cosine matrix at node

void vfs_DofTabNodeDofSpec(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint nix, Vint ix[], Vint ntags, Vint tags[])

flag degree of freedom for preconditioner

Flag a list of degrees of freedom on a list of nodes to be treated with special care by the preconditioner. Typical candidates are degrees of freedom where temporary restraints have been specified with vfs_SysMatrixSetTemp(), or where the user suspects potential sources of ill-conditioning may arise (e.g., very distorted elements).


  • SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if nix is less than 1; or if any entry in ix is less than 1 or greater than the number of nodes specified in vfs_DofTabDef(); or if any entry in tags is not a valid nodal degree of freedom.

  • SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if vfs_DofTabProcess() has already been called, or if vfs_DofTabDef() has not yet been called.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • nix – Number of nodes being flagged

  • ix – List of nodes being flagged

  • ntags – Number of nodal degree of freedom tags being flagged

  • tags – List of degrees of freedom being flagged

void vfs_DofTabSetFeaType(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint eid, Vint featype)

set the element type

Set the element type so a rigid body analysis can be efficiently performed by SysMatrix. In particular, 2D and 3D elements of type SYS_ELEM_SOLID and 3D elements of type SYS_ELEM_SHELL are relevant to a rigid body analysis.


  • SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if vfs_DofTabDef() has not been called.

  • SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if eid is less than 1 or eid is greater than the number of elements.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • eid – Element id

  • featype – The element type

void vfs_DofTabSetMode(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint mode, Vint param)

set operating mode

Set operating modes.

Specify the shape point iterative solver preconditioner treatment for shape point elements using DOFTAB_SHAPEPOINTMODE. If enabled shape point element connected nodes will be treated internally as specified nodes using the function vfs_DofTabNodeSpec(). If disabled they will not be given this treatment. If a shape point element nodes represent very discrete topologies then enable this mode. If the shape point nodes represent a distributed connection along an edge or particularly a face disable this mode. By default DOFTAB_SHAPEPOINTMODE mode is to SYS_ON.


SYS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper mode is input.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • mode – Type of mode to set

    x=DOFTAB_SHAPEPOINTMODE    shape point preconditioner treatment

  • param – Mode parameter

    x=SYS_ON                   Enable mode
     =SYS_OFF                  Disable mode

void vfs_DofTabSetMPC(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint ndofs, Vint ix[], Vint tag[], Vdouble c[], Vdouble rhs)

set multipoint constraints

Set the multipoint node connectivity, degree of freedom type, coefficients and right hand side for a multipoint constraint. The number of multipoint degrees of freedom is ndofs. The first degree of freedom is assumed to be the dependent degree of freedom. The multipoint constraints must be set before vfs_DofTabProcess() is called.

If all coefficients in c are identically zero, the value rhs will still be associated with the first degree of freedom, and forces will be updated with this value during a solution procedure. However, in this case, and in this case only, the degree of freedom will not be considered dependent.


SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper nedofs is specified.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • ndofs – Number of multipoint degrees of freedom

  • ix – Vector of node connectivity

  • tag – Vector of degree of freedom types

  • c – Vector of multipoint coefficients

  • rhs – Right hand side

void vfs_DofTabSetNumThreads(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint num)

set number of threads

Set the number of threads used for parallel execution of DofTab functions. If num is 0, then DofTab functions are run serially. If num is greater than or equal to 1 then num threads are used for parallel execution of various algorithms in vfs_DofTabProcess() including, for example, equation numbering using Metis for factorization.


SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if num is less than 0.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • num – Number of threads

    x=0                   Default, serial execution.
     >=1                  Number of threads for parallel execution

void vfs_DofTabThreadAssemNum(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint *num)

query number of assembly groups

Return the number of assembly groups. Use vfs_DofTabThreadAssemGroups() to get the number of elements and elements in each group.


SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if the global dof have not been processed.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • num[out] Number of assembly groups

void vfs_DofTabThreadAssemGroups(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint *num, Vint numelem[], Vint blockid[], Vint elems[])

query assembly groups

Return the number of assembly groups, the number of elements in each group, the blockid in each group, and the list of elements in each group. The arrays numelems and blockid have a length of num and contains the number of elements and block id in each group. The array elems is length total number of elements and contains the elements in each group. The element numbers in elems are one based. The first numelem[0] elements are in the first group, the next numelem[1] elements are in the second group, etc. If a negative block id exists it will immediately follow its corresponding positive value, if it exists.


SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if the global dof have not been processed.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • num[out] Number of assembly groups

  • numelem[out] Vector of number of elements in each group

  • blockid[out] Vector of block ids in each group

  • elems[out] List of elements in each group

void vfs_DofTabPointersIndicesPtr(vfs_DofTab *p, Vlong pointers[], Vint indices[])

set pointers and indices

Both pointers and indices are 0-based arrays. The pointers[i] array entry points to a location in the indices array where the indices for the i-th column start. The number of nonzeros in the i-th column is given by pointers[i+1]-pointers[i] .

This function is used in conjunction with vfs_SysMatrixSetValue(). In this function, entry a_ij refers to the matrix value for column i, row j.


SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if DofTabProcess has already been called.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • pointers – Location in indices for first row in each column

  • indices – List of row indices for each column

void vfs_DofTabSetAssemBlock(vfs_DofTab *p, Vint blockid)

set running assembling block id

Set the blockid for all subsequent elements declared with vfs_DofTabElemUse().

This function is optional, and is only relevant for when users want to assemble elements in vfs_SysMatrix() in parallel. When this is the case, DofTab will group together elements that can be assembled in parallel.

Certain applications group elements in a particular way. As a result, the assembly parallelization must be done only for the group of elements available at the time. By assigning a blockid to each element users are guaranteed that a group of elements that can be assembled in parallel belongs to the same blockid.

In general, blockid values are positive. However, users can also specify negative blockid values. When this is the case, it is expected that all elements associated with this block will be assembled in serial mode and need not be grouped.

DofTab guarantees that if both blockid and -blockid are present, then the positive values will be listed immediately before the negative values. Hence, for each positive/negative pair, the elements that can be assembled in parallel will be listed first, immediately followed by the corresponding negative blockid values.

If this function is called for any element, then it must be called for all elements. By default, all elements have blockid set to zero. If any element has an assigned non-zero blockid, then the presence of a zero-valued blockid will generate an error during vfs_DofTabProcess().


SYS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if blockid is zero.

  • p – Pointer to DofTab object.

  • blockid – Running block id