4. 3D Curve and Surface Mesh Generation - CurvMesh, SurfMesh

CEETRON Mesh supports automatic 3D curve and surface mesh generation using the CurvMesh and SurfMesh modules. The modules are designed to generate linear, parabolic or cubic elements from a discrete input representation of the underlying geometry. This means that input curves are specified as a series of line segments and input surfaces are specified as a set of triangles. This type of geometry representation is often referred to as “facetted” geometry. Options exist to allow the input geometry to be augmented by specification of normal vector information at line or triangle vertices. An important addition to the facetted geometry is the specification of certain topological constraints such as geometry points and edges in a surface triangulation. These points and edges are termed “preserved” points and edges in the input to CurvMesh and SurfMesh.

The input geometry is often the result of a tessellation produced from an underlying geometry engine such as Parasolid or ACIS. The refinement of the tessellation may generally be controlled by a number of parameters. The parameters fall into two general categories; 1) angular tolerances and 2) size tolerances. It is advised that curve and surface angular tolerances be set to 2*PI/8 radians (45 degrees). This is the maximum angle spanned by a curve chord or surface plane in the tessellation. The size tolerances should be relative to the length of the diagonal of the bounding box of the geometry model. The maximum facet width should be between .25 and .5 (.4 recommended) of the diagonal length. The curve chord height and surface plane height tolerance should be between .0001 and .001 (.0005 recommended) of the diagonal length.

4.1. Curve Mesh Generation - CurvMesh

The CurvMesh module provides for the automatic generation of linear, parabolic or cubic line elements given an input curve geometry as a set of line segments. The input lines consist of a segmentation of the curve geometry into line segments with optional line end point tangent vectors. There are no limits placed on the length of the input lines, they only need to represent the curve geometry to the desired degree of precision. Any point of the input curve may be preserved in the final mesh. The input segmentation must be conformal but not necessarily closed or manifold. This implies that CurvMesh may be used to generate line meshes on tessellations produced by CAD systems, existing finite element meshes, etc. The functions associated with a CurvMesh object are the following.

  • Begin and end an instance of an object, return object error flag

  • Define curve mesh, mesh parameters and generate mesh

    • msh_CurvMeshDef() - define number of curve points, lines.

    • msh_CurvMeshInq() - inquire number of curve points, lines

    • msh_CurvMeshGenerate() - generate finite element mesh

    • msh_CurvMeshGetConnect() - get internal Connect object

    • msh_CurvMeshGetInteger() - get integer mesh generation information

    • msh_CurvMeshSetParami() - set mesh generation parameters

    • msh_CurvMeshGetParami() - get mesh generation parameters

    • msh_CurvMeshSetParamd() - set mesh generation parameters

    • msh_CurvMeshGetParamd() - get mesh generation parameters

    • msh_CurvMeshSetPoint() - define a curve point

    • msh_CurvMeshSetPointAssoc() - define a point association

    • msh_CurvMeshSetPointSizing() - define a point sizing

    • msh_CurvMeshSetLine() - define a curve line segment

    • msh_CurvMeshSetLineAssoc() - define a line association

    • msh_CurvMeshSetLineTang() - define line segment tangents

    • msh_CurvMeshWrite() - write curve description to file

    • msh_CurvMeshRead() - read curve description from file

Instance a CurvMesh object using msh_CurvMeshBegin(). Once a CurvMesh object is instanced, define the number of points and lines which define the curve mesh using msh_CurvMeshDef(). The curve geometry is then input as a set of points in 3D space and a set of line connectivities. The points are defined using msh_CurvMeshSetPoint(). The line connectivities are defined using msh_CurvMeshSetLine().

The function msh_CurvMeshSetParami() is used to set integer parameters which affect the mesh generation process.

The function msh_CurvMeshSetParamd() is used to set real double precision parameters which control the quality and size of the generated elements. A global target edge length for elements may be prescribed. Element size in areas of high curvature may be controlled by a user specified maximum spanning angle. The overall bound on the minimum edge length may also be input. Edge lengths may be specified at each input point using the function msh_CurvMeshSetPointSizing(). This function is used to input sizing information for a mesh adaptation or regridding. If the input curves represent the boundary of a surface mesh, additional sizing information from the surface mesh due to proximity or curvature may be input in this way.

The user is able to define integer associations at points and lines which will be assigned to the node or nodes generated on the respective entity. These associations are useful for identifying nodes and elements in the output mesh for the application of boundary conditions. The function msh_CurvMeshSetPointAssoc() is used to set associations at nodes generated at defined points, while the function msh_CurvMeshSetLineAssoc() is used to set associations for nodes generated along the input lines. if a node is assigned associations from both point and line associations specified by the user, then point associations take precedence over line associations.

Finally the function msh_CurvMeshGenerate() generates the nodes and finite elements and enters them into a Connect object. It is strongly suggested that the Connect object be set to store node coordinates in double precision using vis_ConnectPre(). Use msh_CurvMeshGetInteger() to query for detailed information concerning errors in the input lines, etc.

The function msh_CurvMeshWrite() is provided to write a complete description of the defined input geometry and meshing parameters to a file. The primary use of this file is to encapsulate cases in which the CurvMesh module fails in some respect. This output file can then be made available to Tech Soft 3D for failure diagnosis of CurvMesh meshing algorithms.

The following code fragment illustrates the basic framework of using the CurvMesh module to generate parabolic line elements on a curve defined by a set of line segments.

                /* declare objects */
msh_CurvMesh *curvmesh;
vis_Connect  *connect;
                /* define curve data */
Vint numpnts, numlins;
Vdouble xpnt[][3] = { ... };
Vint    pres[]    = { ... };
Vint ixlin[][3] = { ... };

                /* create curvmesh object */
curvmesh = msh_CurvMeshBegin ();
msh_CurvMeshDef (curvmesh,numpnts,numlins);

                /* input points and lines */
for (i = 0; i < numpnts; i++) {
    msh_CurvMeshSetPoint (curvmesh,i+1,xpnt[i],pres[i]);
for (i = 0; i < numlins; i++) {
    msh_CurvMeshSetLine (curvmesh,i+1,ixlin[i]);

                /* create empty connect object to hold generated mesh */
connect = vis_ConnectBegin ();
vis_ConnectPre (connect,SYS_DOUBLE);
vis_ConnectDef (connect,0,0);

                /* ask for about 200 generated parabolic lines */
msh_CurvMeshSetParami (curvmesh,VIS_MESH_NUMELEMENTS,200);
msh_CurvMeshSetParami (curvmesh,VIS_MESH_MAXI,3);

                /* generate mesh */
msh_CurvMeshGenerate (curvmesh,connect);

                /* access generated nodes and elements from Connect */
                /* delete objects */
vis_ConnectEnd (connect);
msh_CurvMeshEnd (curvmesh);

4.2. Function Descriptions

The currently available CurvMesh functions are described in detail in this section.

void msh_CurvMeshEnd(msh_CurvMesh *p)

destroy an instance of a CurvMesh object

See msh_CurvMeshBegin()

Vint msh_CurvMeshError(msh_CurvMesh *p)

return the current value of a CurvMesh object error flag

See msh_CurvMeshBegin()

void msh_CurvMeshGetParami(msh_CurvMesh *p, Vint type, Vint *iparam)

get mesh generation parameters

See msh_CurvMeshSetParami()

4.3. Surface Mesh Generation - SurfMesh

The SurfMesh module provides for the automatic generation of linear, parabolic or cubic triangular or quadrilateral elements given an input surface geometry. The input surface geometry consists of a tessellation of the surface geometry into triangles. There are no limits placed on the size and shape of the input triangles, they only need to represent the surface geometry to the desired degree of precision. Any edge of any input triangulation may be flagged to be preserved in the final mesh. The input triangulation must be conformal but not necessarily closed. This implies that SurfMesh may be used to generate meshes on tessellations produced by CAD systems, existing finite element meshes, the triangulations produced by isosurfacing algorithms, etc. The functions associated with a SurfMesh object are the following.

Instance a SurfMesh object using msh_SurfMeshBegin(). Once a SurfMesh object is instanced, define the number of points and triangles which define the surface geometry using msh_SurfMeshDef(). The surface geometry is then input as a set of points in 3D space and a set of triangle connectivities and edge flags. The points are defined using msh_SurfMeshSetPoint(). The triangle connectivities and preserved edge flags are defined using msh_SurfMeshSetTri(). Optional triangle vertex normals may be specified using msh_SurfMeshSetTriNorm(). Optional triangle edge vertex tangents may be specified using msh_SurfMeshSetTriTang(). A user defined callback function may be optionally defined to project generated points exactly to the underlying geometry using msh_SurfMeshSetFunction(). The node connectivity and edge numbering convention for input surface triangles is illustrated in Figure 27-1.


Figure 27-1, Input Surface Triangle Connectivity and Edge Convention

The geometry of the input triangulation is assumed to have the following properties.

  • The input points lie on the surface geometry.

  • The surface geometry as represented by the planar triangular facets is non-intersecting.

The input triangulation should represent the underlying geometry to the desired degree of precision. It is highly recommended in this regard that the basic point location and triangle connectivity be augmented with triangle vertex normals and triangle preserved edge tangents. If triangle normals or tangents are not supplied they are approximated from the input tesselation. Everywhere in which surface curvature is present the input linear triangles are converted to quadratic triangles using the normal information which has been supplied. This allows for a more accurate surface approximation. The quadratic triangles are represented by calculating 3 additional points at the midside of each triangle edge. The calculation of a midside point on a triangle edge begins by estimating a midside location from a Hermitian polynomial which constructs a cubic from the edge endpoint locations and normals. Since the computed midside point must be shared by an adjacent triangle, the initial midside point location is iteratively modified to lie on the edge intersection between the surfaces described by adjacent parabolic triangles.

During the quadratic reconstruction of each triangle a continuous check is made for the maintenance of accurate normals by the triangle. It is possible that a quadratic triangle may distort sufficiently that its computed normals become inaccurate or even suffer a reversal of sense. In this case the midside point locations are successively relaxed to the original facetted geometry until the computed normals are accurate.

Any point which is defined using msh_SurfMeshSetPoint() and is not referenced by a triangle connectivity is termed an “unconnected” point. Any unconnected point is entered into the geometry triangulation and is automatically preserved. The function msh_SurfMeshSetTriHint() is used to guide the placement of unconnected points in the triangulation. If an unconnected point is inserted very close to a preserved edge, it is important to set the appropriate triangle edge hint for such a point, otherwise it will project to the triangle very near the edge. Since all user defined nodes are preserved this means that a very small triangle must be generated to connect the node somehow to the edge which is very close to it.

The function msh_SurfMeshSetParami() is used to set integer parameters which affect the mesh generation process. Use this function to indicate such options as whether triangles or quadrilaterals are to be generated, the order of the generated elements (linear, parabolic or cubic), etc.

The function msh_SurfMeshSetParamd() is used to set real double precision parameters which control the quality and size of the generated elements. A global target edge length for elements may be prescribed. Element size in areas of high curvature may be controlled by a user specified maximum spanning angle. The overall bound on the minimum edge length may also be input. The minimum small feature length and angle are specified using msh_SurfMeshSetParamd(). These parameters are used for the deletion of small features from the input geometry. In addition to the global sizing parameters, specific size controls may be set on specific points using msh_SurfMeshSetPointSizing() and triangle faces and edges using msh_SurfMeshSetTriSizing(). Note that the size assigned to any location on the input geometry is subject to the minimum of all input sizes.

The user is able to define integer associations at points and triangles which will be assigned to the node or nodes and elements generated on the respective entity. These associations are useful for identifying nodes and elements in the output mesh for the application of loads, boundary conditions, material properties, etc. The function msh_SurfMeshSetPointAssoc() is used to set associations at nodes generated at defined points. The function msh_SurfMeshSetTriAssoc() is used to set associations which will be attached to nodes generated along triangle edges or on triangle faces. These associations will also be generated as element entity associations along the respective triangle edges and faces. It is also used to set element associations on elements generated on a triangle. In order to be used effectively, identical edge associations should be placed on every triangle edge bound by preserved input nodes. Similarly, identical face and element associations should be placed on every triangle bound by preserved input edges.

Finally the function msh_SurfMeshGenerate() generates the nodes and elements and enters them into a Connect object. It is strongly suggested that the Connect object be set to store node coordinates in double precision using vis_ConnectPre(). The user may query for non-manifold and inconsistent triangles detected in the input by calling msh_SurfMeshGetInteger() after msh_SurfMeshGenerate() is called. The function msh_SurfMeshWrite() is provided to write a complete description of the defined input surface and meshing parameters to a file. The primary use of this file is to encapsulate cases in which the SurfMesh module fails in some respect. This output file can then be made available to Tech Soft 3D for failure diagnosis of SurfMesh meshing algorithms.

An option is provided to compute normals at the generated element nodes. Enable this option using msh_SurfMeshSetParami() with parameter VIS_MESH_COMPUTENORMAL. The computed normals are entered into an ElemDat object which must be registered with the Connect object used to receive the output mesh. Note that since this ElemDat object will manage element node data, a GridFun object must be registered with it which has been initialized with vis_ConnectGridFun() on the output Connect object.

An existing element mesh may be refined using msh_SurfMeshRefine(). Mesh refinement is performed on the mesh resulting from the call to msh_SurfMeshGenerate() or the last previous call to msh_SurfMeshRefine(). A State object of element edge length is input and the mesh is refined to satisfy the new element edge lengths. Only mesh refinement is performed, all previously existing nodes are retained in the refined mesh. Any element with a size of zero in the state object will not be refined.

The SurfMesh module provides for a monitor callback function to be specified which is called intermittently during the mesh generation process in msh_SurfMeshGenerate(). The primary purpose of this function is to allow the user to interrupt or interrogate the on-going mesh generation process for any reason. If mesh generation is to be terminated, call msh_SurfMeshAbort(). This call will set an internal flag which will cause msh_SurfMeshGenerate() or msh_SurfMeshRefine() to terminate the mesh generation process and return. In addition to a monitor function, user defined isotropic and anisotropic sizing callback functions and geometry projection callback functions may be set. Set callback functions using msh_SurfMeshSetFunction().

The following code fragment illustrates the basic framework of using the SurfMesh module to generate parabolic triangular finite elements on a surface defined by a set of linear triangular facets.

                /* declare objects */
msh_SurfMesh *surfmesh;
vis_Connect  *connect;
                /* define surface triangle data */
Vint numpnts, numtris;
Vdouble xpnt[][3] = { ... };
Vint    pres[]    = { ... };
Vint ixtri[][3] = { ... };
Vint eftri[][3] = { ... };
Vdouble vtri[][3] = { ... };

                /* create surfmesh object */
surfmesh = msh_SurfMeshBegin ();
msh_SurfMeshDef (surfmesh,numpnts,numtris);

                /* input points */
for (i = 0; i < numpnts; i++) {
    msh_SurfMeshSetPoint (surfmesh,i+1,xpnt[i],pres[i]);
                /* input triangles and triangle normals */
for (i = 0; i < numtris; i++) {
    msh_SurfMeshSetTri (surfmesh,i+1,ixtri[i],eftri[i]);
    msh_SurfMeshSetTriNorm (surfmesh,i+1,vtri[i]);

                /* create empty connect object to hold generated mesh */
connect = vis_ConnectBegin ();
vis_ConnectPre (connect,SYS_DOUBLE);
vis_ConnectDef (connect,0,0);

                /* set target edge length to .1 */
msh_SurfMeshSetParamd (surfmesh,VIS_MESH_EDGELENGTH,.1);

                /* generate parabolic elements */
msh_SurfMeshSetParami (surfmesh,VIS_MESH_MAXI,3);

                /* generate mesh */
msh_SurfMeshGenerate (surfmesh,connect);

                /* access generated nodes and elements from Connect */
                /* delete objects */
vis_ConnectEnd (connect);
msh_SurfMeshEnd (surfmesh);

An example of an input surface triangulation and the output generated triangle mesh is shown in Figures 27-2a and 27-2b. In this case the input surface is a closed surface enclosing a solid body. The output triangle mesh is suitable as an input surface triangulation for a subsequent volume tetrahedralization mesh generation process as provided by a CEETRON Mesh module such as TetMesh.


Figure 27-2a, Input Surface Triangles


Figure 27-2b, Output Generated Triangles

4.4. Conic Section Geometry

The SurfMesh module supports explicit specification of geometry which can be represented by conic sections. These sections include plane, cone, cylinder, torus and sphere. Each conic section is input using msh_SurfMeshSetConic() and is assigned an arbitrary positive integer identifier. Each input triangle which lies on a particular conic section must be identified as such by using msh_SurfMeshSetTriConic().

All conic sections are presented by a type and sense, an origin, an axis unit vector, a reference unit vector as well as a scalar constant representing a distance, radius or angle (in degrees) and a scalar parameter representing a major radius. The axis represents the local z axis of the coordinte system, and the reference direction represents the local x axis. The sense indicates the direction of the normals to the surface represented by the conic section.

  • Plane, type SURFMESH_CONIC_PLANE, is positioned normal to the axis a scalar constant distance along the specified axis from the origin. Positive sense normals are in the direction of the axis.

  • Cone, type SURFMESH_CONIC_CONE, is positioned with its apex at the origin and aligned to the axis. The scalar constant half angle of the cone is measured from the positive direction of the axis. The half angle is greater than zero and less than 90 degrees. Positive sense normals point away from the axis.

  • Cylinder, type SURFMESH_CONIC_CYLINDER, is aligned to the axis which passes through the origin. The cylinder has a specified scalar constant radius. Positive sense normals point away from the axis.

  • Torus, type SURFMESH_CONIC_TORUS, is aligned to the axis which passes through the origin. The torus has specified scalar parameter major radius and scalar constant minor radius. The major radius is measured from the origin perpendicular to the axis. The minor radius is measured from the center line defined by the major radius. Positive sense normals point away from the center line of the minor radius.

  • Sphere, type SURFMESH_CONIC_SPHERE, is aligned to the axis with its center at the the origin. The sphere has a specified scalar constant radius. Positive sense normals point away from the center.

4.5. Mapped Mesh Regions

The SurfMesh module can detect faces bound by preserved edges which form rectangular regions which are suitable for mapped meshes to be generated. Mapped meshing of such regions provides for the generation of highly regular, rectilinear meshes. The detection of map meshable regions is enabled with the VIS_MESH_MAPDETECT parameter using the function msh_SurfMeshSetParami(). By default mapped mesh region detection is disabled. A single angle parameter, VIS_MESH_MAPANGLE, can be set using msh_SurfMeshSetParamd to control orthogonality of the map meshable regions. The angle parameter is a deviation from 90 degrees for corner edges and a deviation from 180 degrees for side edges.

If triangular elements are generated in map meshable regions, the elements will contain a nearly right angle. This is in contrast to the equilateral triangles which are generated in free meshed regions. If quadrilateral elements are to be generated, an option exists to quadrilateralize only map meshable regions and triangulate all other regions. Set this option with the parameter VIS_MESH_MAPRECTONLY using the function msh_SurfMeshSetParami().

If quadrilateral elements are to be generated, by default a quad “dominant” mesh is generated in which triangle elements are used in transitions, etc. where a quadrilateral is not strictly required due to topological or severe geometrical constraints. If an all quadrilateral mesh is meant to be generated then the quad dominant option must be disabled using the parameter SURFMESH_QUADDOM in the function msh_SurfMeshSetParami().

4.6. Non-manifold Geometry, Voids and Inclusions

The SurfMesh module supports the surface meshing of non-manifold geometries, in which more than two input triangles share a common edge. Such geometries are common when modelling branched shell structures, assemblies of solids, multiple material solids, regions with baffles, etc. By default however for historical reasons, the SurfMesh module assumes that non-manifold geometry is a modelling error and attempts to remove non-manifold input triangles from the geometry. Use the SURFMESH_NONMANIFOLD parameter with the function msh_SurfMeshSetParami() to enable support for non-manifold geometries.

The SurfMesh module is often used to triangulate the boundaries of a solid region for subsequent tetrahedral mesh generation. In this case it is necessary to be able to distinguish whether a particular generated triangle is on an external boundary (including the boundary of a void) of the solid or an internal surface of the solid. Such internal surfaces would include non-manifold surfaces not on an external boundary and any surface of an inclusion. All generated triangles on internal surfaces may be flagged with an element association. Use the parameter SURFMESH_INTSURFFLAG in function msh_SurfMeshSetParami() to specify the element association to be flagged.

Two procedures exist to facilitate generating triangulations on the boundaries of solids which are to be subsequently tetrahedralized by the TetMesh module. The TetMesh module requires the right-hand rule connectivity sense of all input triangles to point out of a material region. This means that all triangles on internal surfaces which bound two material regions must be “double backed”, that is, there are two coincident triangles sharing nodes with opposite sense. The first procedure is an option to automatically detect all internal triangles and generate double-backed triangles on these internal surfaces. This option is enabled using the SURFMESH_INTSURFBACK parameter in function msh_SurfMeshSetParami(). There are cases when this automatic detection will fail. For example if an inclusion is bound by input triangles which all point into the inclusion. The second procedure requires the user to explicitly flag each input triangle with its material boundedness with respect to its connectivity sense. The material boundedness is specified using msh_SurfMeshSetTriBack(). This option is normally used when the SurfMesh input is being driven by a commercial geometry engine. The function msh_SurfMeshSetTriAssoc() has options to set an element association for both the right and left sides of an input triangle. These element associations are ultimately propagated to TetMesh to specify the element associations to identify material regions of the generated tetrahedra.

4.7. Periodic Meshes

The SurfMesh module supports generating periodic meshes on specified periodic geometry faces. The function msh_SurfMeshSetTriPair() is used to specify matching pairs of input triangles which mark a master face and the paired slave face. Each triangle must lie on a preserved edge attached to a preserved node. The preserved node on the master triangle is meant to match the preserved node on the slave triangle. This implies that each face must contain at least one preserved node which matches a preserved node on the other face. A face is a set of triangles bound by preserved edges. The topology of the master and slave faces must match exactly and when geometrically oriented must be geometrically identical to within a small tolerance.

If the periodic faces are planar and rotationally periodic, the function msh_SurfMeshComputeTriPair() may be used to compute the triangle pairs for all geometry faces on the geometrically specified master and slave planes.

4.8. Function Descriptions

The currently available SurfMesh functions are described in detail in this section.

msh_SurfMesh *msh_SurfMeshBegin(void)

create an instance of a SurfMesh object

Create an instance of a SurfMesh object. Memory is allocated for the object private data and the pointer to the data is returned.

Destroy an instance of a SurfMesh object using

void msh_SurfMeshEnd (msh_SurfMesh *surfmesh)

Return the current value of a SurfMesh object error flag using

Vint msh_SurfMeshError (msh_SurfMesh *surfmesh)


The function returns a pointer to the newly created SurfMesh object. If the object creation fails, NULL is returned.

void msh_SurfMeshEnd(msh_SurfMesh *p)

destroy an instance of a SurfMesh object

See msh_SurfMeshBegin()

Vint msh_SurfMeshError(msh_SurfMesh *p)

return the current value of a SurfMesh object error flag

See msh_SurfMeshBegin()

void msh_SurfMeshDef(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint numpnts, Vint numtris)

define number of surface points, tris.

Define the number of points and triangles which define the input surface mesh. Define point coordinates using msh_SurfMeshSetPoint() and define triangle connectivities which reference the input points using msh_SurfMeshSetTri().

Inquire of defined numpnts and numtris as output arguments using

void msh_SurfMeshInq (msh_SurfMesh *surfmesh,
                      Vint *numpnts,
                      Vint *numtris)


VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if numpnts or numtris is less than or equal to zero.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • numpnts – Number of points on input surface mesh

  • numtris – Number of triangles on input surface mesh

void msh_SurfMeshInq(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint *numpnts, Vint *numtris)

inquire of defined numpnts and numtris as output arguments

See msh_SurfMeshDef()

void msh_SurfMeshSetNumThreads(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint num)

set the number of threads to be used during execution

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • num – number of threads

void msh_SurfMeshSetFunction(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint funtype, Vfunc *function, Vobject *object)

set a call back function

Set callback functions. By default the callback functions are NULL. A callback is not invoked if it is NULL. If an anisotropic sizing function is set, it takes precedence over any isotropic sizing function which has been set.

The monitor callback function prototype is

void function (msh_SurfMesh *surfmesh,
               Vobject *object)
The first argument is the SurfMesh object, surfmesh, and the second is a user defined object, object.

The sizing callback function prototype is

void function (msh_SurfMesh *surfmesh,
               Vobject *object,
               Vdouble x[3],
               Vdouble *s)
The first argument is the SurfMesh object, surfmesh, the second is a user defined object, object, the third is the coordinate location x and the fourth is the returned size s.

The anisotropic sizing callback function prototype is

void function (msh_SurfMesh *surfmesh,
               Vobject *object,
               Vdouble x[3],
               Vdouble s[3][3])
The first argument is the SurfMesh object, surfmesh, the second is a user defined object, object, the third is the coordinate location x and the fourth is the returned anisotropic scaled orthogonal direction vectors. The first 3 components are the first size scaled direction, the next 3 components are the second size scaled direction, the next 3 components are the third size scaled direction.

The geometry projection callback function prototype is

void function (msh_SurfMesh *surfmesh,
               Vobject *object,
               Vint enttype,
               Vint entaid,
               Vdouble uh[], Vdouble xh[3],
               Vdouble ug[], Vdouble xg[3])
The first argument is the SurfMesh object, surfmesh, the second is a user defined object, object. The third argument, enttype is SYS_EDGE or SYS_FACE depending upon whether the projection is to be to a specified geometry edge or face. The argument, entaid is a unique integer identifier for the geometry edge or face. This identifier is the node association for SYS_EDGE or SYS_FACE specified in the function msh_SurfMeshSetTriAssoc(). The arguments, uh and xh are the initial parameter and global coordinate point locations. The arguments, ug and xg are the returned projected parameter and global coordinate point locations.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • funtype – Type of callback function to set

    x=SYS_FUNCTION_MONITOR     Monitor callback
     =SYS_FUNCTION_SIZING      Isotropic sizing callback
     =SYS_FUNCTION_ASIZING     Anisotropic sizing callback
     =SYS_FUNCTION_GEOPROJ     Geometry projection callback

  • function – Pointer to callback function

  • object – Pointer to the object to be returned as function argument

void msh_SurfMeshSetParami(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint ptype, Vint iparam)

set mesh generation parameters

Specify mesh generation parameters. These parameters specify the order, shape and connectivity convention to be used for the generated elements.

Parameters with a name following the regular expression SURFMESH_EXPERIMENTAL_(*) are not garantied to be part of the public API in future releases, they can evolve into non-experimental parameters or be deleted.

The parameter VIS_MESH_MAXI sets the order of the generated elements by specifying the number of nodes to generate along an edge. A value of 2 generates linear elements, a value of 3 generates parabolic elements and a value of 4 generates cubic elements. By default VIS_MESH_MAXI is set to 2.

The parameter VIS_MESH_SHAPE sets the shape of the generated elements. Either triangular, VIS_SHAPETRI, or quadrilateral, VIS_SHAPEQUAD, elements may be generated. If quadrilateral elements are to be generated it is not guaranteed that all generated elements will be quadrilateral shape, a few isolated triangular elements may be generated. By default VIS_MESH_SHAPE is set to VIS_SHAPETRI.

The parameter VIS_MESH_INTERREFINE enables the refinement of the surface edges and faces. By default VIS_MESH_INTERREFINE is set to SYS_ON.

The parameter VIS_MESH_MAPDETECT toggles the detection of map meshable regions. By default VIS_MESH_MAPDETECT is set to VIS_OFF.

The parameter VIS_MESH_MAPRECTONLY toggles the generation of quadrilateral elements in mapped mesh regions only. This option is useful when quadrilateral element generation is enabled but is to be restricted to mapped mesh regions only. All other regions will be triangulated. By default VIS_MESH_MAPRECTONLY is set to VIS_OFF.

The parameter VIS_MESH_MIDSIDEPROJ toggles the projection of midside nodes of parabolic and cubic elements. If this parameter is disabled, then all midside nodes will be placed at the midpoint between corner nodes. If the parameter is enabled then midside nodes will be projected to the underlying geometry and adjusted to satisfy possible quality constraints specified by the parameter VIS_MESH_MIDSIDEQUAL. By default VIS_MESH_MIDSIDEPROJ is set to VIS_ON.

The parameter VIS_MESH_MIDSIDEQUAL toggles the adjustment of midside nodes of parabolic and cubic elements to satisfy specified quality constraints. If this parameter is disabled, then midside nodes are projected to the geometry directly and are not adjusted for element quality constraints. If the parameter is enabled then the midside nodes are adjusted to ensure that all corner node Jacobians are positive and that the Jacobian ratio in any element is less than the specified upper Jacobian ratio bound. This bound is specified using msh_SurfMeshSetParamd(). This parameter is ignored if VIS_MESH_MIDSIDEPROJ is disabled. By default VIS_MESH_MIDSIDEQUAL is set to VIS_ON.

The parameter VIS_MESH_COMPUTENORMAL toggles the computation of normals at the generated element nodes. The computed normals are entered into an ElemDat object which must be registered with the Connect object used to receive the output mesh. By default VIS_MESH_COMPUTENORMAL is set to VIS_OFF.

The parameter VIS_MESH_REFINESMOOTH toggles the use of node smoothing during mesh refinement using msh_SurfMeshRefine(). By default VIS_MESH_REFINESMOOTH is set to VIS_OFF.

The parameter SURFMESH_EDGETANGSIZE toggles the use of the spanning angle sizing due to edge curvature. By default SURFMESH_EDGETANGSIZE is set to VIS_OFF.

The parameter SURFMESH_GLOBALINTERSECT toggles the checking and repair of surface intersections in the final mesh. This option is useful for thin walled structures which are to be subsequently volume meshed. By default SURFMESH_GLOBALINTERSECT is set to VIS_OFF.

The parameter VIS_MESH_FUNSIZINGMIN is used to control the way final element sizing is computed when a sizing callback is installed. By default, the sizing returned by the sizing callback is used. If VIS_MESH_FUNSIZINGMIN is enabled, then the sizing is the minimum of the sizing callback and normal sizing. By default VIS_MESH_FUNSIZINGMIN is set to VIS_OFF.

The parameter VIS_MESH_FUNSIZINGLEGACY is used to revert the sizing callback behavior to its legacy implementation. In this case the sizing is only applied to the nodes, and not to elements nor edges. By default VIS_MESH_FUNSIZINGLEGACY is set to VIS_OFF.

The parameter SURFMESH_INTSURFBACK toggles the identification of internal faces in non-manifold geometry. If this parameter is enabled, then internal surfaces are detected and back to back triangles are generated on them. This is specifically designed for subsequent input to the TetMesh or VolMesh modules. By default internal regions bound by inward pointing triangles are identified as holes. The parameter SURFMESH_INTSURFBACKNOHOLE can be used to control hole identification. If the user flags all material boundedness with msh_SurfMeshSetTriBack() these parameters should not be set. By default SURFMESH_INTSURFBACK and SURFMESH_INTSURFBACKNOHOLE are set to VIS_OFF.

The parameter SURFMESH_INTSURFBACKNOHOLE toggles the identification of internal faces in non-manifold geometry as possible holes. If this parameter is enabled, then internal regions with all bounding facets pointing inward are not detected as holes By default SURFMESH_INTSURFBACKNOHOLE is set to VIS_OFF.

The parameter SURFMESH_NONMANIFOLD toggles the checking for non-manifold geometry. If this parameter is enabled, then non-manifold geometry is allowed otherwise it is not allowed. By default SURFMESH_NONMANIFOLD is set to VIS_OFF.

The parameter SURFMESH_SINGDETECT toggles the checking and marking of surface singularities in the input geometry. This option is useful for detecting singularities such as the apex of conical geometry. The input points at such singularities may not be preserved and the triangle normals at the attached points may not reflect the normal discontinuity present at the point. If a singular point is found, the point is preserved, the triangle normals at the point are recomputed to represent surface normals slightly off the singularity. The mesh size at the point is set to the input minimum edge length. By default SURFMESH_SINGDETECT is set to VIS_OFF.

The parameter SURFMESH_MATE controls mesh mating. A value of SURFMESH_MATE_WELD merges free edges to any coincident geometry in which no penetrations exist. A value of SURFMESH_MATE_FREE merges free edges to any other free edges. Use the function msh_SurfMeshSetParamd() to set the mating tolerance parameter SURFMESH_MATELENGTH. By default SURFMESH_MATE is set to SURFMESH_MATE_NONE.

The parameter SURFMESH_QUADDOM controls quad dominant meshing. By default SURFMESH_QUADDOM is set to VIS_ON.

The parameter SURFMESH_LOOPNOFRONT can be used to flag certain small edge loops to not be an advancing front source. If set to a non-zero value, any edge loop containing a number of element edges less than or equal to the specified value will not be a front source. Generally this will result in many fewer irregular nodes in a quadrilateral mesh. By default SURFMESH_LOOPNOFRONT is set to 0.

The parameter SURFMESH_LOOPWASHER can be used to flag certain small edge loops to have a very regular single layer of quadrilateral elements generated around them. If set to a non-zero value, any edge loop containing a number of element edges less than or equal to the specified value will have a single layer washer generated. By default SURFMESH_LOOPWASHER is set to 0.

The parameter SURFMESH_EXPERIMENTAL_EDGEHEAPSIZEFACT enables experimental developements on the treatment of edges during mesh optimization, by default is set to SYS_ON.

The parameter SURFMESH_GEOMCHORDEDGE_INTERSECT enables additional checks while collapsing chord edges to avoid creating new intersection. This is useful for thin structures. This parameter is set SYS_OFF by default.

The parameter SURFMESH_PARALLEL_FEATURE_CHECK enables the check for unsupported features for the parallel mesher. This parameter is set SYS_ON by default.

Inquire of defined integer parameters as output arguments using

void msh_SurfMeshGetParami (msh_SurfMesh *surfmesh,
                            Vint ptype,
                            Vint *iparam)


  • VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper ptype is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper order or shape of generated elements is specified.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • ptype – Type of display parameter to set

    x=VIS_MESH_MAXI          Order of generated elements
     =VIS_MESH_SHAPE         Shape of generated elements
     =VIS_MESH_COMPUTENORMAL Compute normals
     =VIS_MESH_INTERREFINE   Interior refinement flag
     =SURFMESH_EDGETANGSIZE  Enable spanning angle on edges
     =VIS_MESH_FUNSIZINGMIN  Size is min'ed with sizing callback
     =VIS_MESH_FUNSIZINGLEGACY  Legacy sizing callback
     =SURFMESH_GLOBALINTERSECT Repair surface intersection
     =SURFMESH_INTSURFBACK   Identify internal surfaces
     =SURFMESH_INTSURFBACKNOHOLE Do not identify internal holes
     =SURFMESH_NONMANIFOLD   Allow non manifold geometry
     =VIS_MESH_MAPDETECT     Detect mapped mesh regions
     =VIS_MESH_MAPRECTONLY   Quadrilateralize mapped meshes only
     =VIS_MESH_MIDSIDEPROJ   Project midside nodes
     =VIS_MESH_MIDSIDEQUAL   Quality midside node adjustment
     =VIS_MESH_REFINESMOOTH  Smooth node locations during refine
     =SURFMESH_SINGDETECT    Detect surface singularities
     =SURFMESH_MATE          Enable mesh mating.
     =SURFMESH_QUADDOM       Enable quad dominant mesh
     =SURFMESH_LOOPNOFRONT   Specify edge loop front treatment
     =SURFMESH_LOOPWASHER    Specify edge loop washer treatment
     =SURFMESH_EXPERIMENTAL_EDGEHEAPSIZEFACT  Enable experimental behaviour on edge enqueuing
     =SURFMESH_GEOMCHORDEDGE_INTERSECT Avoid new intersections while collapsing chord egdes
     =SURFMESH_PARALLEL_FEATURE_CHECK  Enable check of unsupported features for the parallel mesher

  • iparam – Specifies the integer value that ptype will be set to.

    x=VIS_SHAPETRI           Triangle shape
     =VIS_SHAPEQUAD          Quadrilateral shape
     =VIS_OFF                Turn parameter off
     =VIS_ON                 Turn parameter on
     =SURFMESH_MATE_NONE     Disable mesh mating.
     =SURFMESH_MATE_WELD     Enable mesh mating weld.
     =SURFMESH_MATE_FREE     Enable mesh mating free edges.

void msh_SurfMeshGetParami(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint type, Vint *iparam)

get mesh generation parameters

See msh_SurfMeshSetParami()

void msh_SurfMeshSetParamd(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint ptype, Vdouble dparam)

set mesh generation parameters

Specify mesh generation parameters. These parameters are used to control the quality and size of the generated elements.

The parameter VIS_MESH_EDGELENGTH specifies a target edge length of generated elements. The edge length constraint may not be satisfied for elements generated near preserved edges of the surface due to preserved edge sizing. By default VIS_MESH_EDGELENGTH is set to 1.

The parameter VIS_MESH_MINANGLE specifies a minimum triangle angle. In the absence of geometrical constraints, minimum angles of approximately 30. degrees may often be achieved in practice. However if there are small geometrical features or other geometry constrained regions, a minimum angle of just a few degrees may be difficult to achieve. The maximum possible minimum angle is, of course, 60. degrees. Use this option with caution, it may cause unwanted overrefinement. By default VIS_MESH_MINANGLE is set to 0. degrees.

The parameter VIS_MESH_GROWTHRATE specifies a maximum growth rate. The growth rate governs the rate at which the size of adjacent elements can grow. The ratio of edge lengths of unconstrained adjacent elements will not exceed the specified growth rate. The growth rate must be greateer than 1.001. By default VIS_MESH_GROWTHRATE is set to 2.0

The parameter VIS_MESH_MAXEDGELENGTH specifies a maximum edge length of generated elements. The maximum edge length is strictly enforced. By default VIS_MESH_MAXEDGELENGTH is set to 0. and is ignored.

The parameter VIS_MESH_CHORDHEIGHT specifies a maximum chord height tolerance for elements generated on curved surfaces. The chord height is defined as the distance from the midpoint of an element edge to the input geometry. A value of 0. turns off chord height sizing. The element sizing on curved surfaces is the minimum of the chord height and spanning angle sizings. By default VIS_MESH_CHORDHEIGHT is set to 0.

The parameter VIS_MESH_SPANANGLE specifies a maximum spanning angle in degrees for elements generated on curved surfaces. The element sizing on curved surfaces is the minimum of the chord height and spanning angle sizings. By default VIS_MESH_SPANANGLE is set to 30. degrees.

The parameter VIS_MESH_MAXEDGEALT specifies an upper bound on the edge-altitude ratio of an element. The edge-altitude ratio is defined as the maximum edge length over the smallest altitude. A series of operations are performed in an attempt to satisfy the edge-altitude ratio quality. By default VIS_MESH_MAXEDGEALT is set to 100.

The parameter VIS_MESH_MAXANGLE specifies a maximum triangle angle. By default VIS_MESH_MAXANGLE is set to 135. degrees.

The parameter VIS_MESH_MAPANGLE specifies an angular tolerance in degrees used to detect mapped mesh regions. The angle parameter is a deviation from 90 degrees for corner edges and a deviation from 180 degrees for side edges. By default VIS_MESH_MAPANGLE is set to 2. degrees.

The parameter VIS_MESH_MINEDGELENGTH specifies a minimum edge length of generated elements. Use this parameter to limit refinement around small features such as small holes, sharp corners, cone tips, etc. By default VIS_MESH_MINEDGELENGTH is set to .01 of the target edge length VIS_MESH_EDGELENGTH.

The parameter VIS_MESH_MAXQUADANGLE specifies a maximum angle allowed in a quadrilateral element. Any generated quadrilateral with an angle exceeding this value will be split into two triangle elements. Note that the maximum angle can not be less than 90. degrees. By default VIS_MESH_MAXQUADANGLE is set to 135. degrees.

The parameter VIS_MESH_MAXWARPANGLE specifies a maximum warp angle allowed in a quadrilateral element. The warp angle for a quadrilateral element is the maximum deviation from 180 degrees of the two dihedral angles between the two sets of triangles into which a quadrilateral element may be split. Any generated quadrilateral with an angle exceeding this value will be split into two triangle elements. By default VIS_MESH_MAXWARPANGLE is set to 15. degrees.

The parameters VIS_MESH_MINFEATLENGTH and VIS_MESH_MINFEATANGLE control the deletion of small features from the original input geometry. The parameter VIS_MESH_MINFEATLENGTH is a minimum small feature size. A recommended value for the minimum small feature size is about 5 percent of VIS_MESH_MINEDGELENGTH. The parameter VIS_MESH_MINFEATANGLE is a minimum small feature angle in degrees. If this parameter is set to a non zero value then the minimum small feature size should also be set. A recommended value for the minimum small feature angle is about 2 degrees. If these parameters are 0., then no small feature deletion is performed. By default VIS_MESH_MINFEATLENGTH and VIS_MESH_MINFEATANGLE are set to 0.

The parameter VIS_MESH_MAXPROXRATIO specifies proximity base sizing for closely spaced surfaces. The associated value is a desired aspect ratio of elements generated between surfaces. A ratio greater than one will typically result in one element with the given aspect ratio connecting the closely spaced surfaces. A ratio less than one will typically generate isotropic elements with the reciprocal of the given ratio number of elements between the closely spaced surfaces. By default VIS_MESH_MAXPROXRATIO is set to 0.

The parameter SURFMESH_MATELENGTH specifies a mesh mating length. This mating length is used only if SURFMESH_MATE as set by msh_SurfMeshSetParami() is on. If the length is zero then a small fraction of the model extent is used. By default SURFMESH_MATELENGTH is set to 0.

The SURFMESH_PRESEDGEANGLE and SURFMESH_PRESNODEANGLE parameters specify feature angles in degrees which are used to internally preserve input triangle edges and nodes. The SURFMESH_PRESEDGEANGLE parameter is a dihedral angle tolerance. Any manifold edge between two adjacent triangles which form a dihedral angle which exceeds this parameter is preserved. The SURFMESH_PRESNODEANGLE parameter is an angle at a node lying on two preserved edges. Any node between two adjacent preserved edges which form an angle which exceeds this parameter is preserved.

By default SURFMESH_PRESEDGEANGLE and SURFMESH_PRESNODEANGLE are set to 0. which specifies that no feature edges are nodes will be preserved.

Inquire of defined double precision parameters as output arguments using

void msh_SurfMeshGetParamd (msh_SurfMesh *surfmesh,
                            Vint ptype,
                            Vdouble *dparam)


  • VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper ptype is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper value is specified.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • ptype – Type of display parameter to set

    x=VIS_MESH_EDGELENGTH     Target edge length
     =VIS_MESH_MINEDGELENGTH  Minimum edge length
     =VIS_MESH_MAXEDGELENGTH  Maximum edge length
     =VIS_MESH_MAXEDGEALT     Maximum edge altitude ratio
     =VIS_MESH_MAXANGLE       Maximum triangle angle
     =VIS_MESH_MINANGLE       Minimum triangle angle
     =VIS_MESH_CHORDHEIGHT    Chord height
     =VIS_MESH_SPANANGLE      Spanning angle
     =VIS_MESH_GROWTHRATE     Maximum growth rate
     =VIS_MESH_MAPANGLE       Mapped mesh region angle tolerance
     =VIS_MESH_MAXQUADANGLE   Maximum quad element angle
     =VIS_MESH_MAXWARPANGLE   Maximum quad warp angle
     =VIS_MESH_MINFEATLENGTH  Minimum feature length
     =VIS_MESH_MINFEATANGLE   Minimum feature angle
     =VIS_MESH_MAXPROXRATIO   Proximity sizing
     =SURFMESH_MATELENGTH     Mesh mating length
     =SURFMESH_PRESEDGEANGLE  Preserved edge feature angle
     =SURFMESH_PRESNODEANGLE  Preserved node feature angle

  • dparam – Specifies the value that ptype will be set to.

void msh_SurfMeshGetParamd(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint type, Vdouble *param)

get mesh generation parameters

See msh_SurfMeshSetParamd()

void msh_SurfMeshAbort(msh_SurfMesh *p)

set abort flag

Set mesh generation abort flag. During the mesh generation process in msh_SurfMeshGenerate() or msh_SurfMeshRefine() this flag is intermittently checked. If it has been set, the mesh generation process terminates and returns. The abort flag is usually set in the user defined callback function specified by msh_SurfMeshSetFunction().


p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

void msh_SurfMeshSetPoint(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint id, Vdouble x[3], Vint pres)

define a surface point

Set a surface point location. The point id must be in the interval 1 <= id <= numpnts where numpnts is defined by msh_SurfMeshDef(). Set optional point sizing using msh_SurfMeshSetPointSizing() and point associations using msh_SurfMeshSetPointAssoc(). Input surface triangles are specified using msh_SurfMeshSetTri().

Inquire of defined surface point as output arguments using

void msh_SurfMeshGetPoint (msh_SurfMesh *surfmesh,
                           Vint id,
                           Vdouble x[3],
                           Vint *pres)


VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id is specified.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • id – Point id

  • x – Point coordinate location

  • pres – Preserve point flag

void msh_SurfMeshGetPoint(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint id, Vdouble x[3], Vint *pflag)

inquire of defined surface point

See msh_SurfMeshSetPoint()

void msh_SurfMeshSetPointSizing(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint id, Vdouble h)

define a point sizing

Set a point target edge length. This allows the resulting mesh density to be controlled on a point wise basis.


VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id is specified or if h is less than zero.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • id – Point id

  • h – Sizing, target edge length

void msh_SurfMeshSetPointAssoc(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint type, Vint id, Vint aid)

define a point association

Set a point association. The association is assigned to the node generated under the specified point. The point, id, is also marked as preserved. The type of associations allowed are those accepted by the Connect module function vis_ConnectSetNodeAssoc(). Use msh_SurfMeshSetTriAssoc() to set associations to be assigned at nodes or at elements generated on an input triangle.

It is recommended that for all points coincident with an underlying geometry vertex that the specific association type, VIS_GEOVERT be used. The point association value should be a unique integer identifier for the underlying geometry vertex.

Inquire of defined surface point association as an output argument using

void msh_SurfMeshGetPointAssoc (msh_SurfMesh *surfmesh,
                                Vint type,
                                Vint id,
                                Vint *aid)


  • VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper type is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id is specified.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • type – Type of association

  • id – Point id

  • aid – Point association value

void msh_SurfMeshGetPointAssoc(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint type, Vint id, Vint *aid)

inquire of defined surface point association as an output argument

See msh_SurfMeshSetPointAssoc()

void msh_SurfMeshSetTri(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint id, Vint ix[], Vint eflag[])

define a surface triangle

Set a surface triangle connectivity and edge flags. The triangle id must be in the interval 1 <= id <= numtris where numtris is defined by msh_SurfMeshDef(). The triangle connectivity, ix, must contain 3 points.

The edge flags, eflag, specify whether or not the edge of an input triangle is to be preserved in the final mesh.

Eflag value 1, means the edge is preserved, but nodes can be added along the edge Eflag value 2, means the edge is preserved, no-nodes are added to the edge

For edges which are connected to more than one triangle, the edge flag need only be set for one triangle to which the edge is connected. An edge shared by more than one triangle will be given the highest valued edge flag of all connected triangles. All free edges, connected to only one triangle, are implicitly preserved in the final mesh. Set optional triangle sizing using msh_SurfMeshSetTriSizing() and triangle associations using msh_SurfMeshSetTriAssoc(). Note that all triangles must be entered sequentially.

Inquire of defined triangle ix and eflag as output arguments using

void msh_SurfMeshGetTri (msh_SurfMesh *surfmesh,
                         Vint id,
                         Vint ix[3],
                         Vint eflag[3])


  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if an id is entered out of order.

  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper eflag is specified.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • id – Triangle id

  • ix – Triangle connectivity

  • eflag – Triangle preserve edge flags

    =0       Edge not preserved
    =1       Edge preserved
    =2       Edge preserved and purged of all unpreserved nodes [block edge]
    =3       Edge preserved and not defeatured

void msh_SurfMeshGetTri(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint id, Vint ix[], Vint eflag[])

inquire of defined triangle ix and eflag as output arguments

See msh_SurfMeshSetTri()

void msh_SurfMeshSetTriSizing(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint id, Vint enttype, Vint no, Vdouble h)

define triangle face and edge sizing

Set target edge length to be enforced along a triangle edge or within a triangle face. If enttype is SYS_FACE, then no is ignored.


  • VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper enttype is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id, no is specified or if h is less than zero.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • id – Triangle id

  • enttype – Entity type

    =SYS_EDGE     Triangle edge
    =SYS_FACE     Triangle face

  • no – Triangle edge number

  • h – Sizing, target edge length

void msh_SurfMeshSetTriDepthSizing(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint id, Vdouble d, Vdouble h)

set sizing within a depth at a triangle

Set element size to be enforced within a specified depth of an input triangle.


  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if either d or h is less than zero.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • id – Triangle id

  • d – Depth

  • h – Sizing

void msh_SurfMeshSetTriAssoc(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint type, Vint id, Vint enttype, Vint no, Vint aid)

define a triangle association

Set associations to be assigned to generated nodes or elements on an edge or the face of a surface triangle, id. The type of associations allowed are those accepted by the Connect module function vis_ConnectSetNodeAssoc(). Use msh_SurfMeshSetPointAssoc() to set associations to be assigned to the node generated at an input point.

If enttype is SYS_EDGE, then node associations are assigned to all nodes generated on the specified triangle edge, no . This association will also be generated as element entity associations along the triangle edges generated on the specified triangle edge. The input triangle edge is marked as preserved. Since it is generally possible for a preserved edge to be collapsed during the mesh generation process, any connected set of preserved edges on which a particular node association is specified should be bound by preserved nodes. It is recommended that for all triangle edges coincident with an underlying geometry edge that the specific association type, VIS_GEOEDGE be used. The association value should be a unique integer identifier for the underlying geometry edge.

If enttype is SYS_FACE, then node associations are assigned to all nodes generated on the specified triangle. This association will also be generated as element entity associations along the element faces generated on the specified triangle. It is recommended that for all triangles lying on an underlying geometry face that the specific association type, VIS_GEOFACE be used as a face association. The association value should be a unique integer identifier for the underlying geometry face.

If enttype is SYS_ELEM, then element associations are assigned to all elements generated on the specified triangle. Since it is generally possible for the edges of adjacent triangles to be swapped during the mesh generation process, any connected set of triangles on which a particular node or element association is specified should be bound by preserved edges. It is recommended that for all triangles lying on an underlying geometry face that the specific association type, VIS_GEOFACE be used as an element association. The association value should be a unique integer identifier for the underlying geometry face.

In addition, the association type, VIS_GEOBODY should be used as an element association if the triangle is associated with a geometric body or bounds particular material regions.

Inquire of defined triangle association as an output argument using

void msh_SurfMeshGetTriAssoc (msh_SurfMesh *surfmesh,
                              Vint type,
                              Vint id,
                              Vint enttype,
                              Vint no,
                              Vint *aid)


  • VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper type or enttype is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id or no is specified.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • type – Type of association

  • id – Triangle id

  • enttype – Entity type to which association is assigned

    =SYS_EDGE     Triangle edge for node association
    =SYS_FACE     Triangle face for node association
    =SYS_ELEM     Triangle for element association

  • no – Triangle edge or face number

    >0            Triangle edge number
    =0 or 1       Triangle right face
    =-1           Triangle left face

  • aid – Triangle association

void msh_SurfMeshGetTriAssoc(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint type, Vint id, Vint enttype, Vint no, Vint *aid)

inquire of defined triangle association as an output argument

See msh_SurfMeshSetTriAssoc()

void msh_SurfMeshSetTriNorm(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint id, Vdouble v[3][3])

define a triangle vertex normals

Specify triangle vertex normals. The triangle id must be in the interval 1 <= id <= numtris where numtris is defined by msh_SurfMeshDef(). The triangle vertex normals, v, must contain normals for the corner nodes of the triangle.

Inquire of defined triangle normals as an output argument using

void msh_SurfMeshGetTriNorm (msh_SurfMesh *surfmesh,
                             Vint id,
                             Vdouble v[3][3])


  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_COMPUTE is generated if a zero length normal is specified.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • id – Triangle id

  • v – Triangle vertex normals

void msh_SurfMeshGetTriNorm(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint id, Vdouble v[3][3])

inquire of defined triangle normals as an output argument

See msh_SurfMeshSetTriNorm()

void msh_SurfMeshSetTriTang(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint id, Vint no, Vdouble v[2][3])

define triangle edge vertex tangents

Specify triangle edge vertex tangents at preserved edges. The triangle id must be in the interval 1 <= id <= numtris where numtris is defined by msh_SurfMeshDef(). The triangle edge number, no, must be in the interval 1 <= no <= 3. Two triangle edge tangents appear in v for each edge. For example the edge tangents for triangle edge 3 would contain the tangent located at triangle vertex 3 followed by the tangent located at triangle vertex 1. The tangent vector must be in the direction of the triangle connectivity along the edge. In general a preserved edge will have a set of tangents for each element connected to it. Note that for the case of a manifold edge with two triangles, the tangents from each triangle will have opposite sign.

Inquire of defined triangle tangents as an output argument using

void msh_SurfMeshGetTriTang (msh_SurfMesh *surfmesh,
                             Vint id,
                             Vint no,
                             Vdouble v[2][3])


  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id or no is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_COMPUTE is generated if a zero length tangent is specified.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • id – Triangle id

  • no – Triangle edge number

  • v – Triangle edge vertex tangents

void msh_SurfMeshGetTriTang(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint id, Vint no, Vdouble v[2][3])

inquire of defined triangle tangents as an output argument

See msh_SurfMeshSetTriTang()

void msh_SurfMeshSetTriHint(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint id, Vint enttype, Vint no, Vint nid)

specify topological location of point

Specify a topological entity on which an unconnected point, nid, is assumed to lie. If the entity type is SYS_EDGE, then the point is inserted in the closest connected triangle edge. The search region is bounded by preserved nodes. The triangle edge hint should be a preserved edge. If the triangle id is set to zero, and the entity type is SYS_EDGE, then a global search is done over all preserved triangle edges and the point is inserted in the closest edge.

If the entity type is SYS_FACE, then the point is inserted in the closest connected triangle face. The search region is bounded by preserved edges. If a hint is not given for an unconnected point, a global search is done over all triangle faces and the point is inserted in the closest triangle. Note that unconnected point coordinates are not changed, the geometry is modified to include the point coordinate.


  • VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper enttype is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id, no or nid is specified.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • id – Triangle id

  • enttype – Entity type on which unconnected point is assumed to lie.

    =SYS_EDGE     Triangle edge
    =SYS_FACE     Triangle face

  • no – Triangle edge number

  • nid – Point id

void msh_SurfMeshSetTriPair(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint enttype, Vint idm, Vint nom, Vint ids, Vint nos, Vint sense)

specify paired triangles on periodic faces

Set paired triangles on the master and slave faces of a pair of periodic faces. Paired faces must have identical topology and congruent geometry. The specified triangles must have an edge on a preserved edge containing a preserved node of the face. The preserved nodes must be paired so that the two periodic faces can be oriented properly with respect to one another. The triangle node numbers indicate the position of the node in the associated triangle connectivity. They must be 1 <= nom <= 3 and 1 <= nos <= 3.


  • VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper enttype is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper idm, nom, ids, nos or sense is specified.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • enttype – Entity type

    =SYS_FACE     Triangle face

  • idm – Triangle id on master face

  • nom – Triangle node number on preserved node of master face

  • ids – Triangle id on slave face

  • nos – Triangle node number on preserved node of slave face

  • sense – Sense

    =1            Faces not reflected
    =-1           Faces reflected

void msh_SurfMeshSetTriFeat(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint id, Vint no, Vint feat, Vint flag, Vint nlay, Vdouble rate)

define triangle edge feature

Specify specialized mesh feature treatment adjacent to a specified edge. The triangle edge must reference a preserved edge, otherwise the feature specification is ignored. The feature treatment will affect all triangle edges connected to the preserved edge bound by preserved nodes. The feat types SURFMESH_FEAT_EDGEWASHER and SURFMESH_FEAT_EDGELAYER are similar. Both will generate nlay layers of elements adjacent to the specified preserved edge. The value SURFMESH_FEAT_EDGEWASHER will sample the edge size of the specified triangle edge and set it on all triangle edges attached to the preserved edge bound by preserved nodes. This ensures that the layers will be of constant radial size. The value SURFMESH_FEAT_EDGELAYER does not coerce the edge sizes to be uniform. It is possible to generate variable size layers if the edge sizes along the preserved edge vary.


  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id or no is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper feat, flag or rate

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • id – Triangle id

  • no – Triangle edge number

  • feat – Edge feature type

    =SURFMESH_FEAT_EDGEWASHER  Generate constant size layers
    =SURFMESH_FEAT_EDGELAYER   Generate variable size layers

  • flag – Front suppression flag

    =SYS_ON   Suppress front source
    =SYS_OFF  Do not suppress front source

  • nlay – Number of layers

  • rate – Layer size expansion rate -1. <= rate <= 1.

void msh_SurfMeshSetTriBack(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint id, Vint right, Vint left)

specify material boundedness

Specify the material boundedness of an input triangle by explicitly flagging which triangle back sides face material. This function is only required for output meshes which represent solid bodies that are to be volumetrically meshed by a VisTools/Mesh volumetric meshing object.

By default material is assumed to exist only on the back side of the right-handed normal to a triangle. All triangle normals which bound material on only one side (external triangles and internal triangles which bound voids) should point out of the material region. The default material boundedness is correct for this case and it is not required that this function be called for this type of triangle. If for any reason an input triangle facing a void does not have the proper orientation, then this function should be called to explicitly specify which side of the triangle faces the material region. All internal triangles which bound two material regions should have their material boundedness specified.


VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper id is specified.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • id – Triangle id

  • right – Material in back of right handed normal

  • left – Material in back of left handed normal

void msh_SurfMeshSetTriConic(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint id, Vint conicid)

specify conic associated with a triangle

Specify the conic section associated with an input triangle, id. The conic section must be defined using msh_SurfMeshSetConic().


VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an impropera id is specified.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • id – Triangle id

  • conicid – Associated conic section identifier

void msh_SurfMeshSetConic(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint conicid, Vint type, Vint sense, Vdouble xo[3], Vdouble axis[3], Vdouble ref[3], Vdouble c, Vdouble r)

set conic sections

Define a conic section. Each section is given a positive identifier, conicid.


VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper conicid, type or sense is specified.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • conicid – Conic section identifier

  • type – Conic section type


  • sense – Surface normal sense

    x=1     Positive direction
     =-1    Negative direction

  • xo – Origin

  • axis – Axis unit vector

  • ref – Reference direction unit vector

  • c – Surface constant

  • r – Surface parameter

void msh_SurfMeshSetEdge(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint trimflag, Vint nix, Vint ix[], Vint midsflag, Vdouble x[][3])

set edges to be recovered

Set a series of edges to be recovered in final mesh. The series of edges is specified as a connected set of nix points in vector ix. The points, ix are marked as preserved. The edge connectivity,ix, must contain at least 2 points. If the series of edges are meant to form a closed loop then ix[0] must equal ix[nix-1] and nix >= 4. If the series of edges forms a closed loop it is possible to specify that the surface outside of the loop is to be trimmed away by setting a nonzero trimflag. The outside surface relative to the trimming loop is determined by the sense of the loop. All surface to the right as one traverses the loop lies on the outside. Note that a trimmed closed loop which has a clockwise sense in the plane of the surface would result in a hole being created by the loop.

The midside node locations, x, may be optionally specified. If midsflag is enabled then nix-1 midside node locations must be entered in x. These midside node locations will be enforced exactly in the final mesh. If linear elements are being generated then the specified midside node locations are unused. If midsflag is not enabled, then x is ignored and may be entered as NULL.

It is possible that an edge between the two specified points may not be able to be recovered. This may occur if a preserved edge intersects the edge between two points or the curvature of the surface is very high between two points. In this case use msh_SurfMeshGetInteger() to query for the number of unrecovered edges.


  • VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if an improper nix is specified.

  • VIS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if trimflag is set and the edge set does not form a closed loop, ie. ix[0] does not equal ix[nix-1];

  • VIS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if two adjacent points are repeated in ix.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • trimflag – Toggle trimming of surface outside of edge set

  • nix – Number of points on edge set, nix >= 2

  • ix – Edge set connectivity

  • midsflag – Flag to specify midside node locations, x

    =SYS_OFF      Midside node locations not specified
    =SYS_ON       Midside node locations specified

  • x – Midside node locations

void msh_SurfMeshSetGeomSizing(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint type, Vdouble xo[3], Vdouble xa[3], Vdouble xb[3], Vdouble d[3], Vdouble h)

specify sizing within geometric shape

Set element size to be enforced within a geometric shape.


VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper type is specified.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • type – Geometry type

    x=VIS_MESH_GEOMSPHERE       Ellipsoid
     =VIS_MESH_GEOMCYLINDER     Ellipsoidal cylinder
     =VIS_MESH_GEOMBOX          Box

  • xo – Coordinates of geometry origin

  • xa – Coordinates of point along x’ axis

  • xb – Coordinates of point in x’y’ plane

  • d – Half length of geometric shape along each axis

  • h – Sizing

void msh_SurfMeshGetConnect(msh_SurfMesh *p, vis_Connect **connect)

get internal Connect object

Get the internal Connect object which contains the user input nodes and triangles. The Connect object must not be changed by the user.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • connect[out] Pointer to Connect object.

void msh_SurfMeshWrite(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint type, const Vchar *path)

write surface description to file

Write a geometry description to a file which has been input to SurfMesh. The contents of the file is intended for internal use only. This function should be called after all geometry input and meshing parameters have been set to ensure that an accurate geometry description including correct meshing parameters is written. The binary file format is preferred for accuracy and generally results in smaller file sizes. The primary use of this function is to create a file of the complete surface description in the case that the SurfMesh module fails to properly generate a mesh. This file can then be transmitted to Visual Kinematics for debugging purposes. It is suggested that a file extension of .srf be used for ASCII files and .bsrf be used for BINARY files.


  • SYS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper type is specified.

  • SYS_ERROR_FILE is generated if the file can not be opened.

  • SYS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if the input surface has not been defined.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • type – File type

    x=SYS_ASCII              ASCII format
     =SYS_BINARY             Binary format

  • path – File path

void msh_SurfMeshRead(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint type, const Vchar *path)

read surface description from file

Read a surface description from a file which has been previously written by msh_SurfMeshWrite(). The format of the file is not published and is intended for internal use only.


  • SYS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper type is specified.

  • SYS_ERROR_FILE is generated if the file can not be opened.

  • SYS_ERROR_FORMAT is generated if the file contents are not correctly formatted or if a file written by a later version of SurfMesh is read.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • type – File type

    x=SYS_ASCII              ASCII format
     =SYS_BINARY             Binary format

  • path – File path

void msh_SurfMeshComputeArea(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vdouble *area)

compute area

Compute area of input tesseleation surface.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • area[out] Computed area

static void msh_SurfMesh_destroySurfMeshKernel(msh_SurfMesh *p)

Deallocate main objects for surface mesh generation.

Deallocate objects required for the surfaceMeshGenerate method.


p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

static void msh_SurfMesh_createSurfMeshKernel(msh_SurfMesh *p)

Allocate main objects for surface mesh generation.

Allocate objects required for the surfaceMeshGenerate method.


p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

void msh_SurfMeshGenerate(msh_SurfMesh *p, vis_Connect *connect)

generation of a finite element mesh

Generate interior nodes and elements. If the number of threads using the method msh_SurfMeshSetNumThreads() has been called and more than 1 thread is set, this method will create the mesh in parallel. The generated nodes and elements are appended to any existing nodes and elements in the input Connect object. Use msh_SurfMeshGetInteger() to query for detailed information about the mesh generation process including errors.

The current parallel implementation is limited for only triangle meshes, and for closed bodies. The current parallel implementation does not allow the use of msh_SurfMeshRefine. The parallel implementation of this method set internally these flags:

            msh_SurfMeshSetParami(p, VIS_MESH_SHAPE, VIS_SHAPETRI);
            msh_SurfMeshSetParami(p, SURFMESH_QUADDOM, VIS_OFF);
            msh_SurfMeshSetParami(p, SURFMESH_NONMANIFOLD, VIS_ON);
            msh_SurfMeshSetParami(p, SURFMESH_INTSURFBACK, VIS_OFF);
to customize the partition strategy for the parallel algorithm, use msh_SurfMeshSetPartitionStrategy.

The current implementation of the parallel mesher does not support all SurfMesh features. Here is the list of functions that are generating not supported information:


VIS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if the mesh generation fails.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • connect – Pointer to Connect object to receive generated mesh

void msh_SurfMeshGetExecutionReport(msh_SurfMesh *p, vsy_DblDict **executionreport)

parallel generation report

Retrive some information data during parallell execution of the mesher.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • executionreport – Pointer to Pointer to DblDict object

void msh_SurfMeshSetPartitionStrategy(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint iterationcount, Vint *partitions)

Define the Partition strategy to be used during parallel surfmesh generation.

The parallel algorithm partitions the mesh in each iteration. The default partition strategy is three iterations. The partition strategy is set to be { threadCount, threadCount, 1}. The last iteration is always set to 1.

In order to set 3 iterations with values {12,12,1} the user only needs to send the array {12,12}. This method will append an iteration using 1 partition automatically.

The parallel algorithm starts with the full input mesh and performs the first iteration. Then, It will gather ONLY elements that do not comply with the target shape parameters to perform the next iteration. At this step, the partition of the second iteration can be different. For the last iteration, only one partition is used and the results of compliant-elements for all iteration are merged.

The partition count per iteration can be independent of the thread count.

For very homogeneous input meshes the default strategy is a good strategy. For very heterogeneous input meshes, when partitionning the input meshes, the partition work might not be balanced. reducing the performance. In such cases, increasing the number of iterations and partitions might increase the performance. To generate the same output mesh independently of the thread count, set the partitions to be independent of the thread count.


VIS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if the mesh generation fails.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • iterationcount – Number of steps/iterations during execution of partition strategy.

  • partitions – Array size [iterationcount]. Number of partitions per iteration of the algorithm.

void msh_SurfMeshRefine(msh_SurfMesh *p, vis_State *state, vis_Connect *connect)

refine a existing finite element mesh

Refine a previously generated or refined mesh. The input State object must be an element scalar state of target element edge lengths. The number of elements in State must be exactly equal to the number of elements resulting from the last call to msh_SurfMeshGenerate() or msh_SurfMeshRefine(). If an element edge length is zero, it is ignored. The refinement process does not coarsen the mesh, all previously existing element corner nodes are preserved and by default their coordinate locations are unaltered. Use msh_SurfMeshSetParami() with parameter VIS_MESH_REFINESMOOTH to control smoothing node locations.

The generated nodes and elements are appended to any existing nodes and elements in the input Connect object. Use msh_SurfMeshGetInteger() is query for detailed information about the mesh generation process including errors.


  • VIS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if the input State object is not an element scalar state with the proper number of element entities.

  • VIS_ERROR_OPERATION is generated if the mesh generation fails.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • state – Pointer to State object of element edge length

  • connect – Pointer to Connect object to receive refined mesh

void msh_SurfMeshGetInteger(msh_SurfMesh *p, Vint type, Vint iparam[])

get integer mesh generation information

Query for integer mesh generation information. This function is useful for determining where errors in the mesh generation procedure occurred during a call to msh_SurfMeshGenerate().

The query type SURFMESH_NUMNONMAN returns the number of non-manifold triangles detected in the input. The query SURFMESH_NONMAN will return the list of non-manifold triangles detected.

The query type SURFMESH_NUMINCONS returns the number of inconsistent triangles detected in the input. Inconsistent triangles are adjacent triangles, sharing an unpreserved edge, which have their triangle connectivity senses in opposite directions. The query SURFMESH_INCONS will return the list of inconsistent triangles detected.

The query type SURFMESH_NUMFREEEDGE returns the number of triangles with free edges detected in the input. The query SURFMESH_FREEEDGE will return the list of free edge triangles detected.

The query type SURFMESH_NUMNEGJAC returns the number of generated elements with negative corner Jacobians. This check is only performed if it is enabled using msh_SurfMeshSetParami().

The query type SURFMESH_NUMINTERSECT returns the number of triangles intersected by other triangles, ie. other triangle edges, detected in the input. The query SURFMESH_INTERSECT will return the list of intersected triangles.

The query type SURFMESH_NUMINTERSECTPAIR returns the number of pairs of intersecting triangles detected in the input. This is similar to the SURFMESH_NUMINTERSECT query except that pairs of intersecting triangles are returned. The query SURFMESH_INTERSECTPAIR will return the list of pairs of intersecting triangles. Note that the array of triangles returned needs large enough to hold 2 times the number of triangle pairs triangles.

The query type SURFMESH_NUMUNPURGED returns the number of unpurged points remaining. This query is only valid if a triangle edge has been flagged in msh_SurfMeshSetTri() to be purged of unpreserved points. This purging is not always possible and this query returns the number of points which failed to be purged. The query SURFMESH_UNPURGED will return the list of unpurged points detected.

The query type SURFMESH_NUMUNREC returns the number of unrecovered edges remaining. This query is only valid if a n edge has been flagged in msh_SurfMeshSetEdge() to be recovered in the final mesh. This edge recovery is not always possible and this query returns the number of edges which failed to be recovered. The query SURFMESH_UNREC will return the list of endpoints of the unrecovered edges. There are two endpoints returned for each unrecovered edge.

The query type SURFMESH_NUMPENTRATE returns the number of input triangles which penetrate one another if SURFMESH_MATE has been set to SURFMESH_MATE_WELD. Normally penetrating (a subset of intersecting) triangles are allowed, but when this type of mating is enabled and a penetration is detected, the meshing process will terminate. The query SURFMESH_PENETRATE will return the list of penetrating triangles.

The query type SURFMESH_NUMUNCONNECT returns the number of input points which are not connected to any input triangles. The query SURFMESH_UNCONNECT will return the list of unconnected points.

The query type VIS_MESH_PROGRESS returns information about the current state of the meshing process. This function is most useful when called from the monitor function. The following four integer values are returned.

 iparam[0]   Meshing phase
             Phase 1 - Geometry loading and verification
             Phase 2 - Geometry healing and defeaturing
             Phase 3 - Size map computation
             Phase 4 - Initial triangle mesh
             Phase 5 - Triangle mesh smoothing and cleanup
             Phase 6 - Quadrilateral morph of triangle mesh
             Phase 7 - Quadrilateral meshing smoothing and cleanup
             Phase 101 - Refine Pre-processing
             Phase 102 - Refine point insertion
             Phase 103 - Refine Mesh quality improvement
 iparam[1]   Current number of nodes
 iparam[2]   Current number of elements
 iparam[3]   Estimate percent completion

VIS_ERROR_ENUM is generated if an improper type is specified.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • type – Type of integer information to query

    x=SURFMESH_NUMNONMAN     Number of non-manifold triangles
     =SURFMESH_NONMAN        Non-manifold triangles
     =SURFMESH_NUMINCONS     Number of inconsistent triangles
     =SURFMESH_INCONS        Inconsistent triangles
     =SURFMESH_NUMFREEEDGE   Number of free edge triangles
     =SURFMESH_FREEEDGE      Free edge triangles
     =SURFMESH_NUMNEGJAC     Number of negative Jacobians
     =SURFMESH_NUMINTERSECT  Number of intersected triangles
     =SURFMESH_INTERSECT     Intersected triangles
     =SURFMESH_NUMINTERSECTPAIR No. of intersecting triangle pairs
     =SURFMESH_INTERSECTPAIR    Intersecting triangle pairs
     =SURFMESH_NUMUNPURGED   Number of unpurged points
     =SURFMESH_UNPURGED      Unpurged points
     =SURFMESH_NUMUNREC      Number of unrecovered edges
     =SURFMESH_UNREC         Endpoints of unrecovered edges
     =SURFMESH_NUMPENETRATE  Number of penetrating triangles
     =SURFMESH_PENETRATE     Penetrating triangles
     =SURFMESH_NUMUNCONNECT  Number of unconnected points
     =SURFMESH_UNCONNECT     Unconnected points
     =VIS_MESH_PROGRESS      Current meshing progress

  • iparam[out] Returned integer information

void msh_SurfMeshFindNonCompliantElements(msh_SurfMesh *p, vis_Connect *connect, vis_Group *sourceElementGroup, vis_Group *nonCompliantElementGroup, Vint *nonCompliantElementCount)

check the conformity with respect to the surface mesh input parameters

This method flags the elements that does not complie to the target shape parameters defined in the surfmesh object.

This method calls the vis_ElemChkCompliesWithShapeParameters and flag the non-compliant elements in nonCompliantElementGroup. The number of non-compliant elements is stored in the variable nonCompliantElementCount.

the current implementation will check for: Minimum edge length and Maximum edge length. Minimum triangle angle and Maximum triangle angle Maximum egde altitude ratio. A tolerance of 2% is used.

This method does not check for: Chord height, Spanning angle and Maximum growth, Mapped mesh region angle tolerance, maximum quad element angle, Maximum quad warp angle, Minimum feature length, Minimum feature angle, Proximity sizing, Mesh mating length, Preserved edge feature angle and Preserved node feature angle.

The elements not complying to the targert shape parameters are flag with SYS_ON in the output nonCompliantElementGroup.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • connect – Pointer to Connect object generated with current SurfMesh

  • sourceElementGroup – Pointer to Group object source. If NULL Alll elements are used

  • nonCompliantElementGroup[out] Pointer to Group object, flags with SYS_ON for non-compliant elements.

  • nonCompliantElementCount[out] Count of non-compliant elements.

void msh_SurfMeshComputeMetric(msh_SurfMesh *p, vis_Connect *connect, Vint inputParameter, vis_MeshMetric *metric)

Compute mesh metric associated with input parameter.

This function computes the mesh metric associated with the input parameter. The metric is computed for each element in the mesh. The computed metric for each element is stored in the MeshMetric object.



’SYS_ERROR_NULLOBJECT’ is generated if p, connect or metric is NULL. ‘SYS_ERROR_VALUE’ is generated if inputParameter is not a valid input parameter.

  • p – Pointer to SurfMesh object.

  • connect – Pointer to Connect object generated with current SurfMesh

  • inputParameter – Input parameter to check compliance with.

  • metric[out] Pointer to MeshMetric object where the computed metric will be stored.

void vis_MeshMetricDef(vis_MeshMetric *p, Vint elementCount, Vdouble referenceValue, Vchar name[], Vint comparisonOperation)

define a MeshMetric object

Define a MeshMetric object with elementCount elements, a referenceValue for comparison, a name, and a comparisonOperation.

Inquire of defined elementCount, referenceValue, name, and comparisonOperation as output arguments using

void vis_MeshMetricInq (vis_MeshMetric *metric,
                   Vint *elementCount,
                  Vdouble *referenceValue,
                 Vchar name[],
                Vint *comparisonOperation)

VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if elementCount is less than or equal to zero. VIS_ERROR_VALUE is generated if comparisonOperation is not a valid comparison operation. SYS_ERROR_MEMORY is generated if memory allocation fails.

  • p – Pointer to MeshMetric object.

  • elementCount – Number of elements in the metric.

  • referenceValue – Reference value for comparison.

  • name – Name of the metric.

  • comparisonOperation – Comparison operation to use for compliance check.