7. Isovalues - Segment, Contour, Threshold, IsoLabel
Four modules, Segment, Contour, Threshold, and IsoLabel provide a general isovalue visualization capability for scalar fields in 1D, 2D and 3D domains. This capability includes contour line, color filled contour, continuous tone, isosurface, vector surface and dot surface generation. All isovalue modules accept curvilinear, rectilinear and uniform computational cell arrays. However, each module is designed to produce isovalue displays on only a certain subset of cell topologies. The Segment module accepts 1D topologies (line), the Contour module accepts 2D topologies (triangle and quadrilateral) and the Threshold module accepts 3D topologies (tetrahedron, pyramid, wedge and hexahedron). All isovalue modules produce at least two types of isovalue displays; a discrete representation of an isovalue such as a contour line or isosurface, and a continuous representation of the region between discrete isovalues such as a color filled contour plot or so-called fringe plot. The number of isovalues generated by an isovalue module is determined by the number of levels defined in the Levels object set as an attribute object.
Each isovalue module may be requested to perform a data interpolation function while generating an isovalue display. For example, the Threshold module can interpolate all components of a stress tensor to an isosurface of a given scalar field. Any isovalue module which has been put into the data interpolation mode invokes the “data” drawing functions rather than the attribute and graphics primitive drawing functions. This allows isovalue regions such as isosurfaces to be used as sampling planes to produce displays such as contour plots on arbitrary cutting planes. Data interpolation is activated in any isovalue module by setting a DataInt object as an attribute object.
The IsoLabel module is specifically designed to be used with the Contour module to generate contour line labeling. It operates by storing the line primitives generated by Contour and performing a global analysis to generate appropriately sized and positioned labels for the individual contour lines.
7.1. 1D Domains - Segment
Represent isovalues of scalar fields along lines. Geometry is input as individual polylines. No special functions are provided for rectilinear or uniform polylines. Isovalue displays may be generated as color filled line segments between isovalue intersections or as points at isovalue intersections. Color may be mapped to the scalar field magnitude. The methods associated with a Segment object are the following.
Begin and end an instance of an object, return object error flag
- create an instance of a Segment objectvis_SegmentEnd()
- destroy an instance of a Segment objectvis_SegmentError()
- return Segment object error flag
- compute gradients of a scalar fieldvis_SegmentCurv()
- draw isovalues along a polylinevis_SegmentGetExit()
- get isovalue intersection informationvis_SegmentPolyLineData()
- draw isovalues on PolyLineData primitivevis_SegmentSetContinuous()
- set continuous line modevis_SegmentSetObject()
- set pointers to attribute objects.vis_SegmentSetTopology()
- set input cell topologyvis_SegmentTrav()
- traverse and draw a group of element edges.
Instance a Segment object using vis_SegmentBegin()
Set attribute objects using vis_SegmentSetObject()
The current edge topology is specified using vis_SegmentSetTopology()
Draw isovalues on edges using vis_SegmentCurv()
The convenience routine, vis_SegmentTrav()
will traverse and draw isovalues on a group of element edges.
7.2. Attribute Objects
A Segment object uses DrawFun, Levels,
ColorMap and VisContext
objects to define attributes required to generate a segment
visualization. The color of points may be mapped to scalar field
magnitude. All line segments drawn between isovalue intersections are
color mapped to scalar field magnitude. Use a DataInt
object to activate data interpolation. Use a IsoClip
object to activate isosurface clipping. If model traversal is performed
using vis_EdgeTrav()
, then a GridFun
object is required and an IdTran
object is optional for specifying entity color. A Segment
object uses the following VisContext components.
Color |
Point color if color not mapped to field value. Accent color. |
Draw |
Flag to call graphics attribute and graphics primitive drawing |
Flags |
OR the following flags: VIS_ISOVALACCENT marks the isovalue |
Frequency |
Frequency with which segment points are labelled. If Frequency = |
IsoValInterp |
Interpolation method. |
IsoValType |
One of the following segment types: VIS_ISOVALPOINT draws |
LineWidth |
Line width of line segments |
LineStyle |
Line style of line segments |
MapColor |
Flag to map point color to field value, Color is ignored. |
PointSize |
Point size used for points |
PrimType |
Primitive type output |
Refinement |
Level of refinement |
Shade |
Attribute to determine the type of polygon normals generated. |
Shrink |
Shrink factor used during model traversal only |
ShrinkType |
Shrink type used during model traversal only |
Size |
Unit line width of cylindrical line style. |
The Segment object calls the following grid functions set in the GridFun attribute object.
Figure 7-1 illustrates segment fringes of displacement in which a wide cylindrical line style has been used on the “free” edges of the finite element model and a unit width, solid line style has been used on the interior edges.
7.3. Function Descriptions
The currently available Segment functions are described in detail in this section.
vis_Segment *vis_SegmentBegin(void)
create an instance of a Segment object
Create an instance of a Segment object. Memory is allocated for the object private data and the pointer to the data is returned. By default all attribute object pointers are NULL. The cell topology is set to a line element, ie. a simple straight line defined by two endpoints.
Destroy an instance of a Segment object using
void vis_SegmentEnd (vis_Segment *segment)
Return the current value of a Segment object error flag using
Vint vis_SegmentError (vis_Segment *segment)
- Returns:
The function returns a pointer to the newly created Segment object. If the object creation fails, NULL is returned.
void vis_SegmentEnd(vis_Segment *p)
destroy an instance of a Segment object
Vint vis_SegmentError(vis_Segment *p)
return the current value of a Segment object error flag
void vis_SegmentSetObject(vis_Segment *p, Vint objecttype, Vobject *object)
set pointers to attribute objects
Set a pointer to an attribute object. If an IsoClip attribute object is set then isosurface clipping is activated. To deactivate isosurface clipping, set a NULL IsoClip object pointer. If a DataInt object is set then data interpolation is activated. To deactivate data interpolation, set a NULL DataInt object pointer. The GridFun and IdTran objects are only used by
.- Errors
is generated if an improper objecttype is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Segment object.
objecttype – The name of the object type to be set.
x=VIS_COLORMAP ColorMap object =VIS_DATAINT DataInt object =VGL_DRAWFUN DrawFun object =VIS_GRIDFUN GridFun object =VIS_IDTRAN_COLOR IdTran color map index object =VIS_IDTRAN_DATAINDEX IdTran data index object =VIS_ISOCLIP IsoClip object =VIS_LEVELS Levels object =VIS_VISCONTEXT VisContext object
object – Pointer to the object to be set.
void vis_SegmentSetTopology(vis_Segment *p, Vint shape, Vint maxi)
set cell topology
Set cell topology. All subsequent draw and computation methods assume lines of this topology. See section Computational Cells for a description of element topology conventions.
- Errors
is generated if a maxi less than 0 or equal to 1 is input.VIS_ERROR_ENUM
is generated if an improper shape is input.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Segment object.
shape – Cell shape parameter
maxi – Topology parameter
void vis_SegmentGetExit(vis_Segment *p, Vfloat s[], Vint *flag)
get isovalue intersection information
Get isovalue intersection information for scalar field values s. If there are no isovalue intersections flag is zero. If isovalue intersections occur, then flag = 1.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Segment object.
s – Array of scalar field values.
flag – [out] Edge flag intersected by isovalues
void vis_SegmentCurv(vis_Segment *p, Vfloat s[], Vfloat x[][3])
draw isovalues along a polyline
Draw isovalues of scalar field s along a polyline with point locations x. Data value interpolation, if requested, is performed.
- Errors
is generated if no DrawFun or VisContext attribute objects are set.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Segment object.
s – Array of scalar field values.
x – Array of locations.
void vis_SegmentPolyLineData(vis_Segment *p, Vint polygontype, Vint npts, Vfloat x[][3], Vint nrws, Vfloat d[])
draw isovalues on PolyLineData primitive
Draw isovalues of scalar field d over a PolyLineData graphics primitive. This function has the same prototype as the PolyLineData drawing function. Use this function to draw the output from a Contour object which is performing data interpolation for generating a edge contour plot on a cutting line.
- Errors
is generated if no DrawFun or VisContext attribute objects are set.VIS_ERROR_VALUE
is generated if nrws is not equal to 1.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Segment object.
polygontype – Type of polygline to draw
npts – Number of vertices in polyline primitive
x – Vertex world coordinates
nrws – Number of values in d vector, must be 1.
d – Array of scalar field values.
void vis_SegmentComputeGrad(vis_Segment *p, Vfloat s[], Vfloat x[][3], Vint nflag, Vfloat v[][3])
compute gradients of a scalar field
Compute gradients, v, of the scalar field, s, at the point locations, x. An option is provided to normalize the computed gradient vectors. The gradient vectors will be tangent to the edge at the point locations, x.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Segment object.
s – Array of scalar field values.
x – Array of locations.
nflag – Normalize flag
v – [out] Array of gradients
void vis_SegmentTrav(vis_Segment *p, vis_State *state, vis_Group *group)
traverse and draw a group of element edges.
Traverse and draw isovalues of a scalar field contained in state on a group of element edges specified in group.
If color mapping is turned off, the isovalues are drawn with the constant color specified in the visualization context unless an IdTran attribute object is set which contains a color map index for each element. If a
IdTran attribute object has been set then a DataIndex drawing function is called with the value contained in the IdTran object prior to drawing the edges for an element.The underlying model information is accessed using the GridFun attribute object. Set the GridFun and IdTran objects using
. The visualization contexts Shrink and ShrinkType can be used to control shrink.- Errors
void vis_SegmentSetContinuous(vis_Segment *p, Vint flag)
set continuous line mode
Indicate the start of a new continuous line. When in continuous line mode, successive lines drawn with
line style will have their end curves matched for a continuous cylindrical display. A new call with flag set toVIS_ON
indicates the start of a new continuous line and terminates any previously continuous line. If flag is set toVIS_OFF
the continuous line mode is terminated. Default value for flag isVIS_OFF
.- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Segment object.
flag – Flag for beginning of new continuous line
x=VIS_ON Starts continuous line mode =VIS_OFF Terminates continuous line mode
7.4. 2D Domains - Contour
Represent isovalues of scalar fields on triangular and quadrilateral cells. Isovalue displays may be generated as discrete contour lines or color filled surfaces between contour lines. Color may be mapped to the scalar field magnitude.
The Contour module may be asked to return the contour levels intersecting each exterior edge of a cell. This information may be used to track individual contour lines from cell to cell. For example, a single contour line may be tracked over a surface without searching every cell by using the contour exit edges and cell adjacency information provided by the application. The methods associated with a Contour object are the following.
Begin and end an instance of an object, return object error flag
- create an instance of a Contour objectvis_ContourEnd()
- destroy an instance of a Contour objectvis_ContourError()
- return Contour object error flag
- compute gradients of a scalar fieldvis_ContourComputeNorm()
- compute normals to curvilinear surfacevis_ContourCurv()
- draw isovalues on a curvilinear surfacevis_ContourGetExit()
- get isovalue intersection informationvis_ContourPolygonData()
- draw isovalues on PolygonData primitivevis_ContourSetObject()
- set pointers to attribute objects.vis_ContourSetTopology()
- set input cell topologyvis_ContourTrav()
- traverse and draw a group of element faces.
Instance a Contour object using vis_ContourBegin()
Set attribute objects using vis_ContourSetObject()
The current face topology is specified using vis_ContourSetTopology()
Draw isovalues on faces using vis_ContourCurv()
The convenience routine, vis_ContourTrav()
will traverse and draw isovalues on a group of element faces.
7.5. Attribute Objects
A Contour object uses DrawFun, Levels,
ColorMap, TransMap and
objects to define attributes required to generate a contour
visualization. The color of contour lines may be mapped to scalar field
magnitude. All color filled contours drawn between contour lines are
color mapped to scalar field magnitude. If a TransMap
attribute object is not set any specified constant transparency or
transparency mapping is ignored. Use a DataInt
object to activate data interpolation. Use a IsoClip
object to activate isosurface clipping. If model traversal is performed
using vis_ContourTrav()
, then a
object is required and
objects are optional for specifying entity color and transparency. A
Contour object uses the following VisContext
Color |
Contour color if color not mapped to field value. Accent color. |
Draw |
Flag to call graphics attribute and graphics primitive drawing |
Flags |
OR the following flags: VIS_ISOVALACCENT marks the isovalue |
Frequency |
Frequency with which contour lines are labelled. If Frequency = |
IsoValInterp |
Interpolation method. |
IsoValType |
One of the following contour types: VIS_ISOVALLINE draws discrete |
LineWidth |
Line width of line contours |
LineStyle |
Line style of line contours |
MapColor |
Flag to map contour line color to field value, Color is ignored. |
MapTrans |
Flag to map transparency of color filled surfaces to field value, |
PointSize |
Point size multiplier |
Refinement |
Level of refinement |
Reflect |
Flag to reverse sense of output polygons. This flag is useful to |
Shade |
Attribute to determine the type of polygon normals generated. |
Shrink |
Shrink factor used during model traversal only |
ShrinkType |
Shrink type used during model traversal only |
Size |
Unit line width of cylindrical line style. |
Transparency |
Color filled surface transparency if transparency not mapped to field |
The Contour object calls the following grid functions set in the GridFun attribute object.
Figure 7-2 illustrates fringes and contours of displacement on the external faces of a finite element model.
Figure 7-3 illustrates contours of displacement on all internal and external faces. Notice that this technique yields a wire frame isosurface representation.
7.6. Function Descriptions
The currently available Contour functions are described in detail in this section.
vis_Contour *vis_ContourBegin(void)
create an instance of a Contour object
Create an instance of a Contour object. Memory is allocated for the object private data and the pointer to the data is returned. By default all attribute object pointers are NULL. The cell topology is set to a 4 noded quadrilateral element.
Destroy an instance of a Contour object using
void vis_ContourEnd (vis_Contour *contour)
Return the current value of a Contour object error flag using
Vint vis_ContourError (vis_Contour *contour)
- Returns:
The function returns a pointer to the newly created Contour object. If the object creation fails, NULL is returned.
void vis_ContourEnd(vis_Contour *p)
destroy an instance of a Contour object
Vint vis_ContourError(vis_Contour *p)
return the current value of a Contour object error flag
void vis_ContourSetObject(vis_Contour *p, Vint objecttype, Vobject *object)
set pointers to attribute objects
Set a pointer to an attribute object. If an IsoClip attribute object is set then isosurface clipping is activated. To deactivate isosurface clipping, set a NULL IsoClip object pointer. If a DataInt object is set then data interpolation is activated. To deactivate data interpolation, set a NULL DataInt object pointer. The GridFun and IdTran objects are only used by
.- Errors
is generated if an improper objecttype is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Contour object.
objecttype – The name of the object type to be set.
x=VIS_COLORMAP ColorMap object =VIS_DATAINT DataInt object =VGL_DRAWFUN DrawFun object =VIS_GRIDFUN GridFun object =VIS_IDTRAN_COLOR IdTran color map index object =VIS_IDTRAN_DATAINDEX IdTran data index object =VIS_IDTRAN_TRANS IdTran transparency map index object =VIS_ISOCLIP IsoClip object =VIS_LEVELS Levels object =VIS_TRANSMAP TransMap object =VIS_VISCONTEXT VisContext object
object – Pointer to the object to be set.
void vis_ContourSetTopology(vis_Contour *p, Vint shape, Vint maxi, Vint maxj)
set cell topology
Set cell topology. All subsequent draw and computation methods, assume cells of this topology. Refinement is only to Serendipity and Lagrange finite element topologies and polygon shapes. See section Computational Cells for a description of element topology conventions.
- Errors
is generated if a maxi or maxj less than 0 or equal to 1 is input.VIS_ERROR_ENUM
is generated if an improper shape is input.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Contour object.
shape – Shape parameter
maxi – Topology parameter
maxj – Topology parameter
void vis_ContourGetExit(vis_Contour *p, Vfloat s[], Vint *flags)
get isovalue intersection information
Get isovalue intersection information. If there are no isovalue intersections then flags = 0. If isovalue intersections occur, then the bits in flags are set to the intersected edges.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Contour object.
s – Array of scalar field values.
flags – [out] Bit flags of edges intersected by isovalues
void vis_ContourCurv(vis_Contour *p, Vfloat s[], Vfloat x[][3], Vint vflag, Vfloat v[][3])
draw isovalues on a curvilinear surface
Draw isovalues of scalar field s over a surface with point locations x and optional normals v. Data value interpolation, if requested, is performed. If normals are not supplied by the user, this function will calculate them if the Shade visualization context is set to
.- Errors
is generated if no DrawFun or VisContext attribute objects are set.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Contour object.
s – Array of scalar field values.
x – Array of locations.
vflag – User supplied face normal flag
x=VIS_NODATA No normals provided =VIS_VERTEXDATA Vertex normals are provided
v – Array of user supplied normals
void vis_ContourPolygonData(vis_Contour *p, Vint polygontype, Vint npts, Vfloat x[][3], Vint nrws, Vfloat d[], Vint vtflag, Vfloat v[])
draw isovalues on PolygonData primitive
Draw isovalues of scalar field d over a PolygonData graphics primitive. This function has the same prototype as the PolygonData drawing function. Use this function to draw the output from a Threshold object which is performing data interpolation for generating a contour plot on a cutting plane.
- Errors
is generated if no DrawFun or VisContext attribute objects are set.VIS_ERROR_VALUE
is generated if nrws is not equal to 1.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Contour object.
polygontype – Type of polygon to draw
npts – Number of vertices in polygon primitive
x – Vertex world coordinates
nrws – Number of values in d vector, must be 1.
d – Array of scalar field values.
vtflag – Normal vector and vertex texture coordinate flag.
v – Normal vectors and texture coordinates. Normal vectors for each facet or vertex appear first followed by texture coordinates for each vertex.
void vis_ContourComputeNorm(vis_Contour *p, Vfloat x[][3], Vfloat v[][3])
compute normals to curvilinear face
Compute normals to a curvilinear face. The normal vectors, v, are computed at point locations, x.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Contour object.
x – Array of locations.
v – [out] Array of normal vectors at each point.
void vis_ContourComputeGrad(vis_Contour *p, Vfloat s[], Vfloat x[][3], Vint nflag, Vfloat v[][3])
compute gradients of a scalar field
Compute gradients, v, of the scalar field, s, at the point locations, x. An option is provided to normalize the computed gradient vectors. The gradient vectors will be tangent to the face at the point locations, x.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Contour object.
s – Array of scalar field values.
x – Array of locations.
nflag – Normalize flag
v – [out] Array of gradients
void vis_ContourTrav(vis_Contour *p, vis_State *state, vis_Group *group, vis_ElemDat *elemdat)
traverse and draw a group of element faces.
Traverse and draw isovalues of a scalar field contained in state on a group of element faces specified in group with optional normals specified by elemdat. If the elemdat object is NULL this function will calculate face normals if the Shade visualization context is set to
.If color mapping is turned off, the isovalues are drawn with the constant color specified in the visualization context unless an IdTran attribute object is set which contains a color map index for each element. If a
IdTran attribute object has been set then a DataIndex drawing function is called with the value contained in the IdTran object prior to drawing the faces for an element.The underlying model information is accessed using the GridFun attribute object. Set the GridFun and IdTran objects using
. The visualization contexts Shrink and ShrinkType can be used to control shrink.- Errors
7.7. 3D Domains - Threshold
Represent isovalues of scalar fields within tetrahedra, pyramids, wedges and hexahedra. Isovalue displays may be generated as discrete isosurfaces or color filled volumes between isosurfaces. Color may be mapped to the scalar field magnitude. The Threshold module may be asked to return the threshold levels intersecting each exterior face of the cell. Use this information to track individual threshold surfaces throughout a volume. The methods associated with a Threshold object are the following.
Begin and end an instance of an object, return object error flag
- create an instance of a Threshold objectvis_ThresholdEnd()
- destroy an instance of a Threshold objectvis_ThresholdError()
- return Threshold object error flag
- compute gradients of a scalar fieldvis_ThresholdCurv()
- draw isovalues within a curvilinear volumevis_ThresholdGetExit()
- get isovalue intersection informationvis_ThresholdSetElemNode()
- set input polyhedral cell connectivityvis_ThresholdSetObject()
- set pointers to attribute objects.vis_ThresholdSetParami()
- set parameters for visualizationvis_ThresholdSetTopology()
- set input cell topologyvis_ThresholdTrav()
- traverse and draw a group of elements
Instance a Threshold object using vis_ThresholdBegin()
Set attribute objects using vis_ThresholdSetObject()
The current cell topology is specified using vis_ThresholdSetTopology()
If the current cell topology is polyhedral, ie VIS_SHAPEPOLYHED, it
is recommended for performance reasons that the polyhedral node
connectivity be entered using vis_ThresholdSetElemNode()
and the use of it toggled using vis_ThresholdSetParami()
Draw isovalues in cells using vis_ThresholdCurv()
The convenience routine, vis_ThresholdTrav()
will traverse and draw isovalues in a group of cells.
7.8. Attribute Objects
A Threshold object uses DrawFun, Levels,
ColorMap, TransMap and
objects to define attributes required to generate a threshold
visualization. The color of isosurfaces may be mapped to scalar field
magnitude. All color filled volumes drawn between isosurfaces are color
mapped to scalar field magnitude. If a TransMap
attribute object is not set any specified constant transparency or
transparency mapping is ignored. Use a DataInt
object to activate data interpolation. Use a IsoClip
object to activate isosurface clipping. If model traversal is performed
using vis_ThresholdTrav()
, then a GridFun
object is required and IdTran
objects are optional for specifying entity color and transparency. A
Threshold object uses the following
VisContext components.
Color |
Threshold color if color not mapped to field value. |
Draw |
Flag to call graphics attribute and graphics primitive drawing |
Flags |
OR the following flags: VIS_CREATEPOLYHEDRON generates polyhedral |
IsoValInterp |
Interpolation method. |
IsoValType |
One of the following threshold types: VIS_ISOVALSURFACE draws |
MapColor |
Flag to map isosurface color to field value, Color is ignored. |
MapTrans |
Flag to map transparency of isosurfaces or color filled volumes to |
PointSize |
Point size used for points |
Refinement |
Level of refinement |
Shade |
Attribute to determine the type of polygon normals generated. |
Shrink |
Shrink factor used during model traversal only |
ShrinkType |
Shrink type used during model traversal only |
Size |
Transparency |
Color filled surface or volume transparency if transparency not |
The Threshold object calls the following grid functions set in the GridFun attribute object.
Figure 7-4 illustrates isosurfaces of displacement. The feature edges of the finite element model are also drawn for reference.
7.9. Function Descriptions
The currently available Threshold functions are described in detail in this section.
vis_Threshold *vis_ThresholdBegin(void)
create an instance of a Threshold object
Create an instance of a Threshold object. Memory is allocated for the object private data and the pointer to the data is returned. By default all attribute object pointers are NULL. The cell topology is set to a 8 noded hexahedral element.
Destroy an instance of a Threshold object using
void vis_ThresholdEnd (vis_Threshold *threshold)
Return the current value of a Threshold object error flag using
Vint vis_ThresholdError (vis_Threshold *threshold)
- Returns:
The function returns a pointer to the newly created Threshold object. If the object creation fails, NULL is returned.
void vis_ThresholdEnd(vis_Threshold *p)
destroy an instance of a Threshold object
Vint vis_ThresholdError(vis_Threshold *p)
return the current value of a Threshold object error flag
void vis_ThresholdSetParami(vis_Threshold *p, Vint ptype, Vint iparam)
set parameters for visualization
Specify parameters for controlling visualization. The parameter
is used to enable the use of the user specified polyhedral connectivity usingvis_ThresholdSetElemNode()
is off.- Errors
is generated if an improper ptype is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Threshold object.
x=THRESHOLD_USERELEMNODE Enable using polyhedral connectivity
ptype – Parameter type to set.
iparam – Specifies the integer value that ptype will be set to.
void vis_ThresholdSetObject(vis_Threshold *p, Vint objecttype, Vobject *object)
set pointers to attribute objects
Set a pointer to an attribute object. If an IsoClip attribute object is set then isosurface clipping is activated. To deactivate isosurface clipping, set a NULL IsoClip object pointer. If a DataInt object is set then data interpolation is activated. To deactivate data interpolation, set a NULL DataInt object pointer. The GridFun and IdTran objects are only used by
.- Errors
is generated if an improper objecttype is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Threshold object
objecttype – The name of the object type to be set
x=VIS_COLORMAP ColorMap object =VIS_DATAINT DataInt object =VGL_DRAWFUN DrawFun object =VIS_GRIDFUN GridFun object =VIS_IDTRAN_COLOR IdTran color map index object =VIS_IDTRAN_DATAINDEX IdTran data index object =VIS_IDTRAN_TRANS IdTran transparency map index object =VIS_ISOCLIP IsoClip object =VIS_LEVELS Levels object =VIS_TRANSMAP TransMap object =VIS_VISCONTEXT VisContext object
object – Pointer to the object to be set.
void vis_ThresholdSetTopology(vis_Threshold *p, Vint shape, Vint maxi, Vint maxj, Vint maxk)
set cell topology
Set cell topology. All subsequent draw and computation methods assume cells of this topology. Refinement is only applied to Serendipity and Lagrange finite element topologies and polyhedron shapes. See section Computational Cells for a description of element topology conventions.
- Errors
is generated if a maxi, maxj or maxk less than 0 or equal to 1 is input.VIS_ERROR_ENUM
is generated if an improper shape is input.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Threshold object.
shape – Cell shape parameter
maxi – Topology parameter
maxj – Topology parameter
maxk – Topology parameter
void vis_ThresholdSetElemNode(vis_Threshold *p, Vint ix[])
set input polyhedral cell connectivity
Set polyhedral element connectivity. This information is currently only required for element shape
. The use of polyhedral connectivity is optional and is toggled usingvis_ThresholdSetParami()
.- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Threshold object.
ix – Element connectivity
void vis_ThresholdGetExit(vis_Threshold *p, Vfloat s[], Vint *flags)
get isovalue intersection information
Get isovalue intersection information. If there are no isovalue intersections then flags = 0. If isovalue intersections occur, then the bits in flags are set to the intersected faces.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Threshold object.
s – Array of scalar field values.
flags – [out] Bit flags of faces intersected by isovalues
void vis_ThresholdCurv(vis_Threshold *p, Vfloat s[], Vfloat x[][3], Vint vflag, Vfloat v[][3])
draw isovalues within a curvilinear volume
Draw isovalues of scalar field s within a volume with point locations x and optional gradients v. Data value interpolation, if requested, is performed. If normalized gradients are not supplied by the user, this function will calculate them if the Shade visualization context is set to VIS_VERTEXSHADE.
- Errors
is generated if no DrawFun or VisContext attribute objects are set.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Threshold object.
s – Array of scalar field values.
x – Array of locations.
vflag – User supplied normalized field gradient flag
x=VIS_NODATA No gradients provided =VIS_VERTEXDATA Vertex gradients are provided
v – Array of user supplied normalized gradients
void vis_ThresholdComputeGrad(vis_Threshold *p, Vfloat s[], Vfloat x[][3], Vint nflag, Vfloat v[][3])
compute gradients of a scalar field
Compute gradients, v, of the scalar field, s, at the point locations, x. An option is provided to normalize the computed gradient vectors. These normalized gradients may be used to implement gradient shading of isosurfaces.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to Threshold object.
s – Array of scalar field values.
x – Array of locations.
nflag – Normalize flag
v – [out] Array of gradients
void vis_ThresholdTrav(vis_Threshold *p, vis_State *state, vis_Group *group, vis_State *statev)
traverse and draw a group of cells
Traverse and draw isovalues of a scalar field contained in state in a group of cells specified in group with optional normalized gradients specified by statev. Only elements which have a shape accepted by
are processed. If the statev object is NULL this function will calculate element node normalized gradients if the Shade visualization context is set toVIS_VERTEXSHADE
.If color mapping is turned off, the isovalues are drawn with the constant color specified in the visualization context unless an IdTran attribute object is set which contains a color map index for each element. If a
IdTran attribute object has been set then a DataIndex drawing function is called with the value contained in the IdTran object prior to drawing the element.The underlying model information is accessed using the GridFun attribute object. Set the GridFun and IdTran objects using
. The visualization contexts Shrink and ShrinkType can be used to control shrink.- Errors
- Parameters:
7.10. 2D Contour Line Labeling - IsoLabel
Add labels to isolines generated by Contour. These labels are positioned on the screen based on device or world coordinate spacing intervals. Labels can be oriented along the isolines or horizontally, and can take the color of the lines at their point of insertion or their own color. Labels can also be added at specific isovalue frequencies to avoid overloading the image. The methods associated with a IsoLabel object are the following.
Begin and end an instance of an object, return object error flag
- create an instance of a IsoLabel objectvis_IsoLabelEnd()
- destroy an instance of a IsoLabel objectvis_IsoLabelError()
- return IsoLabel object error flag
- clear the contentsvis_IsoLabelSetObject()
- set pointers to attribute objectsvis_IsoLabelSetParam()
- set parametersvis_IsoLabelDraw()
- draw labels
Instance a IsoLabel object using vis_IsoLabelBegin()
Set attribute objects using vis_IsoLabelSetObject()
Set integer or floating point control parameters using vis_IsoLabelSetParami()
and vis_IsoLabelSetParamf()
, respectively.
The IsoLabel module is designed to accumulate contour segment information from the Contour module and use this to generate a set of labels which will annotate each of the isovalue lines which are represented by the contour segments. As part of this process, IsoLabel will geometrically merge all the contour segments into a set of isovalue line strips. Then it will perform a label positioning analysis for each contour line strip and optionally ensure that they are non-overlapping from the current graphics view.
In order to capture contour segment information the IsoLabel
object must be installed in a Contour object using
The current cached contour segments of the IsoLabel
object should be erased using vis_IsoLabelReset()
All contour segments must then be generated by the Contour
object in the usual way. The IsoLabel
object will cache contour segment information during this process. The
labels are not generated until vis_IsoLabelDraw()
is called. If the label positioning is graphics view dependent then the
graphics output from IsoLabel
should not, in general, be retained but instead drawn in immediate mode.
The VisContext
module is used to pass the current graphics modelview, projection and
viewport to IsoLabel.
7.11. Attribute Objects
A IsoLabel object uses DrawFun, Levels, ColorMap, and VisContext objects to define attributes required to generate labels. The label color may be mapped to scalar field magnitude, or it may have a constant color. A IsoLabel object uses the following VisContext components.
Color |
Label color if color not mapped to field value. |
DeviceOffset |
Offset of bottom middle label position display from anchor |
DeviceSize |
Approximate distance between labels in device coordinates |
DistTol |
Tolerance in world coordinates used to merge isolines |
Flags |
Only one flag is currently supported: VIS_BACKPLANEFLIP used to |
Format |
Format to be used in label |
MapColor |
Flag to map label color to field value. x=VIS_MAPCOLOR_NONE Uses |
Position |
Positions the label relative to the location it is drawn. |
PointSize |
If Spot is flagged, indicates the point size to be drawn |
ProjMatrix |
Projection matrix, used with device sizing |
Size |
Approximate distance between labels in world coordinates |
SizeType |
Specify either world coordinate sizing or device sizing |
Spot |
Flags whether to draw a point at the label’s anchor location |
TextBox |
Width and height of a single raster text character in pixels |
Viewport |
Viewport limits, used with device sizing |
XfmMatrix |
Modelview matrix, used with device sizing |
7.12. Function Descriptions
The currently available IsoLabel functions are described in detail in this section.
vis_IsoLabel *vis_IsoLabelBegin(void)
create an instance of an IsoLabel object
Create an instance of a IsoLabel object. Memory is allocated for the object private data and the pointer to the data is returned. By default all attribute object pointers are NULL. The cell topology is set to a 4 noded quadrilateral element.
Destroy an instance of a IsoLabel object using
void vis_IsoLabelEnd (vis_IsoLabel *isolabel)
Return the current value of a IsoLabel object error flag using
Vint vis_IsoLabelError (vis_IsoLabel *isolabel)
- Returns:
The function returns a pointer to the newly created IsoLabel object. If the object creation fails, NULL is returned.
void vis_IsoLabelEnd(vis_IsoLabel *p)
destroy an instance of an IsoLabel object
Vint vis_IsoLabelError(vis_IsoLabel *p)
return the current value of an IsoLabel object error flag
void vis_IsoLabelSetObject(vis_IsoLabel *p, Vint objecttype, Vobject *object)
set pointers to attribute objects
Set a pointer to an attribute object. A ColorMap object is only required if the VisContext attribute MapColor is set to either
. The Levels object is used for color map interpolation, line frequency of labels being drawn, or for the labels being displayed - the latter if the integer parameterISOLABEL_LABELUSELEVELS
is set toSYS_ON
.- Errors
is generated if an improper objecttype is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to IsoLabel object.
objecttype – The name of the object type to be set.
x=VIS_COLORMAP ColorMap object =VGL_DRAWFUN DrawFun object =VIS_LEVELS Levels object =VIS_VISCONTEXT VisContext object
object – Pointer to the object to be set.
void vis_IsoLabelDraw(vis_IsoLabel *p)
draw the labels
Draws the labels to the
object or, ifISOLABEL_DATA
is enabled, sends the label information to a call tovgl_DrawFunPolyPointData()
for the user to draw the label with a custom function.- Parameters:
p – Pointer to IsoLabel object.
void vis_IsoLabelReset(vis_IsoLabel *p)
clear the contents
Clear the information accumulated from the Contour object.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to IsoLabel object.
void vis_IsoLabelSetParami(vis_IsoLabel *p, Vint type, Vint value)
set parameters
void vis_IsoLabelSetParamf(vis_IsoLabel *p, Vint ptype, Vfloat fparam)
set parameters
Specify parameters for controlling the positioning of labels.
The parameter
toggles the generation of avgl_DrawFunTextPlane()
primitive. The text plane will be oriented tangent to each segment. This primitive can be used to orient subsequent text drawing. By defaultISOLABEL_TEXTPLANE
is set toSYS_OFF
.The parameter
to toggle between drawing the labevgl_DrawFunPolyPointData()
for each label to be drawn. If disabledvgl_DrawFunTextDC()
is called for each label, if enavgl_DrawFunPolyPointData()
is called for each label. This function allows users to draw their own custom labels. Ifvgl_DrawFunPolyPointD()
called, then nrws is set to 1: and the data is the value to be By defaultISOLABEL_DATA
is set toSYS_OFF
.The parameter
is used to specify that the labels are to be drawn using the text labels contained in the Levels attribute. In this case, if a text label has been defined in the Levels a object at a particular level it will replace the normal value la drawn for that level. By defaultISOLABEL_LABELUSELEVELS
is set toSYS_OFF
.The parameter
is used to specify the frequency, in value space, at which labels are drawn on lines. Set to zero to draw labels on e If set to a non-zero value, then the lowest-valued label drawn refers to this entry in the Levels object, followed by 2*n, Defaults to 0.The parameter
is used to toggle the display of overlapping labels. If disabled and if two labels are determined to be overlapping, further from the lowest and highest isovalues defined in Levels These labels are considered more important. By defaultISOLABEL_OVERLAP
is set toSYS_OFF
.Segments obtained from the Contour module are internally merge strips. Spacing between labels is determined on each strip based the VisContext parameters Size or DeviceSize.
The parameter
is used to specify a fraction reference curvature which limits the placement of labels. The reason for this being that strips of rapidly varying orientation can lead to bad positionin labels particularly ifISOLABEL_TEXTPLANE
is enabled. This effect can be reduced by specifying a fraction of maximum curvature allowed on a segme used to place a label. The reference curvature is defined as the reciprocal of the worl coordinate extent of all contour segments. By defaultISOLABEL_CURVFRAC
is set to .05 or 5 percent.- Errors
is generated if an improper ptype is specified.
- Parameters:
p – Pointer to IsoLabel object.
ptype – Parameter type to set.
x=ISOLABEL_TEXTPLANE Toggle orientable raster font =ISOLABEL_DATA Toggle vgl_DrawFunPolyPointData =ISOLABEL_LABELUSELEVELS Toggle Levels labels =ISOLABEL_LINEFREQUENCY Frequency of labelled lines =ISOLABEL_OVERLAP Toggle non-overlapping labels =ISOLABEL_CURVFRAC Curvature tolerance
fparam – Specifies the value that ptype will be set to.