C# Library Loader

The C# API for HOOPS Exchange simplifies loading and initializing the required binaries, providing streamlined access to its functionality. This guide explains how to use the Library class to set up HOOPS Exchange for your applications.

using TS3D.Exchange;

static void Main(string[] args)
    // Load and initialize the library

    // HOOPS Exchange ready to use!

    // Terminate HOOPS Exchange


The Initialize method of the Library class handles the entire process of loading and initializing the HOOPS Exchange binaries. Here’s its signature:

static public void Initialize(string hoopsLicense, string binFolder);

The function performs the following:

  1. Load Binaries: It dynamically loads the required binaries into memory. The path to these binaries is provided via the binFolder parameter.
  2. Bind Functions: Once the binaries are loaded, all HOOPS Exchange API functions from the Direct.API namespace are mapped to C# delegates.
  3. License Verification and Initialization: The Initialize method automatically invokes the following functions: - A3DLicPutUnifiedLicense() to verify the provided license. - A3DDllInitialize() to initialize the HOOPS Exchange library.
  4. Error Handling: If any step fails, an InitializationException is thrown with a detailed error message.

Parameter Details

License Information

The hoopsLicense parameter expects a valid license string. If you’ve followed the environment setup tutorial, this license is available as the HOOPS_LICENSE.KEY constant in the hoops_license.cs file.

Binary Folder

The binFolder parameter is a string specifying the directory containing the HOOPS Exchange binaries. Ensure this folder contains the appropriate binary for your platform:

  • Windows: A3DLIBS.dll
  • macOS: libA3DLIBS.dylib
  • Linux: libA3DLIBS.so


To clean up and release resources, call the Library.Free() method when HOOPS Exchange is no longer needed. This effectively calls A3DDllTerminate() before releasing HOOPS Exchange binary from memory.

Full Example Usage

using TS3D.Exchange;

static void Main(string[] args)
        // Initialize the library
        Library.Initialize(HOOPS_LICENSE.KEY, PATH_TO_A3DLIBS_DIR);

        // Perform HOOPS Exchange operations here
    catch (Library.InitializationException ex)
        Console.WriteLine($"Initialization failed: {ex.Message}");
        // Ensure proper cleanup