HOOPS Exchange 2023 SP2 U2

Format Updates


Updated Version



See File Formats for the list of all supported formats.

New version for Open Design Alliance

Within the context of supporting Revit 2024, we have updated the binary dependencies to ODA to 24.8. This update fixes several bug related to our Revit support. All platform packages are updated, except for Android.

For more information about package content, see Distributing Your Application.

See also

CATIA V5: Publications Support

In this version, we have added support for reading CATIA V5 publications from CATIA files. This feature allows you to access publication information in CATIA V5 files, providing valuable insights into references for various entities such as geometry, topology, features, attributes, and annotations.

For more information about the publication API, look at our dedicated section in the Programming Guide.

Solid Edge: Support for Assembly Geometry Redefinitions

In this release, we have introduced support for assembly geometry redefinitions in Solid Edge. Now, HOOPS Exchange can correctly import design operations defined at the assembly level, ensuring a higher level of model fidelity. This enhancement includes support for the following assembly-level features:

  • Cutouts, revolved cutouts, holes, rounds, and chamfers.

  • Frame Components

  • Pipes

  • Adjustable Components

  • Weldments

These enhancements provide you with a more powerful and versatile API, enabling you to work with complex assembly geometries with ease.

API Changes

Fixed Bugs

The list of fixed bugs can be found on the fixed bugs page.