HOOPS Exchange 2017 SP2 U2

Fixed Bugs

Issue Number Description
29270 Parsing error when reading IPT file in tess only.
29593 Cyrillic characters get lost at Export
30087 NX 10 and PMI Issue
29783 CATIA PMI: Datum Targets are not converted
28638 CV5 PMI: CAX-IF / Missing datum targets
27994 STEP file Twisted Face
30026 Error loading ACIS binary file
29270 Parsing error when reading IPT file in tess only.
29593 Cyrillic characters get lost at Step Export
30087 NX 10 and PMI Issue
29896 JT Tessellation files read empty
29132 NX Point is represented as two identical items in HOOPS Demo Viewer
29129 NX Datum Planes not showing up in HOOPS Demo Viewer
29775 Increased sewing time for some files in 2017 SP2
29506 SW hidden and suppressed parts are visible in BREP mode
29947 3dm B-reps with units in feet are handled incorrectly
28222 Crash with I-deas file with VS2013 builds
29131 NX Model missing Datum Axis in HDV
30008 Unable to import SolidWorks assembly
29565 face based on revolution surface is not displayed in a step file
29580 Bad faces exporting a Step file to Parasolid
29583 Wrong Parasolid exported from a step file
29584 Wrong Parasolid exported from a step file


Import Parasolid parts directly into Exchange. New API to import Parasolid parts directly into HOOPS Exchange. Please see A3DPkPartsTranslateToA3DAsmModelFile() for more information.