Fixed Bugs List
As of 2025-01-29
As of HOOPS Exchange 2024.6.0, the list of fixed bugs for each release is now included directly in the release notes for the corresponding version.
HE 2024.5.0
SDHE-21685: Fixed an error while calling the TranslateToPkParts function.
SDHE-21664: Fixed the missing tool “Redline Note” in Export3DToHtml.
SDHE-21658: Upgraded the libexpat dependency to version 2.6.2.
SDHE-21514: Fixed a missing solid body part in Solid Edge assembly.
SDHE-21493: Fixed a translation error with Creo geometry.
SDHE-21448: Fixed layer issues upon exporting to STEP.
SDHE-21445: Fixed a performance issue on ACIS SAT export for helical parts.
SDHE-21426: Fixed an issue with Revit unique ID.
SDHE-21422: Fixed an issue upon calling A3DAsmModelFileTranslateToPkParts.
SDHE-21268: Fixed incorrect geometry position in NWD file.
SDHE-21210: Fixed incorrect PMI positioning.
SDHE-21153: Fixed parsing errors with 3D sketches.
SDHE-21124: Fixed an error upon calling A3DComputeModelFilePhysicalProperties.
SDHE-21116: Fixed incorrect units upon exporting from NWD to GLTF.
SDHE-21102: Fixed unsupported behavior while importing DWG files with certain fonts.
SDHE-20914: Fixed incorrect tessellation with predefined levels.
SDHE-20335: Fixed incorrect NURBS faces from NX files.
HE 2024.4.0
SDHE-21516: Fixed crash upon reading from 3DXML
SDHE-21471: Upgrades dependencies
SDHE-21457: Fixed crash upon copying references
SDHE-21455: Fixed no young modulus in SolidWorks materials
SDHE-21438: Fixed issues with sewing function
SDHE-21382: Fixed incorrect linked geometry information in NX datum
SDHE-21305: Fixed issue while importing from PROE/Creo
SDHE-21139: Fixed issue while reading from Catia model
SDHE-20979: Fixed issue from exporting from DWG to GLB
SDHE-20796: Fixed incorrect part definition attribute names in CATIA V5
SDHE-20548: Fix missing files at import
SDHE-20389: Fixed incorrect import of suppressed product occurrences in NX
SDHE-19859: Fixed missing data in NX file
HE 2024.3.0
SDHE-21457: Fixed crash upon copying references
SDHE-21410: Fixed issue while performing a product occurrence deep copy
SDHE-21336: Fixed issue with dylib files
SDHE-21252: Fixed incorrect material property in CATIA
SDHE-21223: Fixed incorrect scale of SolidEdge parts upon import
SDHE-21203: Fixed error upon importing from ACIS
SDHE-21135: Fixed missing assembly upon importing from SolidEdge
SDHE-21129: Fixed incorrect filename in JT datasets
SDHE-21128: Fixed incorrect filename in JT datasets
SDHE-21127: Fixed incorrect behavior in incremental load in JT
SDHE-20993: Fixed issue with area matrix of inertia of cube with unit length
SDHE-20919: Fixed incorrect import upon reading from STEP with accented characters
SDHE-20904: Fixed empty import of CATDrawing file
SDHE-20864: Fixed incorrect import of STEP annotations
SDHE-20743: Fixed issue exporting to STEP on Linux
SDHE-20646: Fixed error while importing from SAB
SDHE-19905: Fixed incorrect body names upon importing from CATPart
SDHE-19583: Fixed incorrect symbol for PMI in Creo
SDHE-19334: Fixed extra geometry in Catia V5 PMI FCF frame
SDHE-18706: Fixed default name for CATIA V5 Datum
HE 2024.2.0
SDHE-21291: Fixed issues while loading empty NWD models
SDHE-21241: Fixed missing NWD Metadata
SDHE-21206: Fixed incorrect reading of IFCSITE upon reading from IFC
SDHE-21199: Fixed incorrect modeller type upon reading .DXF files
SDHE-21191: Fixed crash while importing from .stp file
SDHE-21190: Fixed crash while reading from .ipt file
SDHE-21189: Fixed crash while reading from .CATPart file
SDHE-21188: Fixed crash while reading from .x_t file
SDHE-21187: Fixed crash while reading from .sat file
SDHE-21186: Fixed crash while reading from JT file
SDHE-21183: Fixed NWD Metadata not read
SDHE-21180: Updated FreeType to remove ZLib dependency (CVE)
SDHE-21173: Fixed incorrect JT colors
SDHE-21134: Fix crash upon calling A3DCrvNurbsCreate
SDHE-21132: Fixed error while loading from CATIA
SDHE-21119: Fixed performance issues with ODA dependencies
SDHE-21073: Fixed incorrect tessellation at standard medium LOD
SDHE-21065: Fixed missing parts while importing from JT
SDHE-21042: Fixed incorrect sew while running on memory intensive contexts
SDHE-20997: Fix security issues
SDHE-20955: Fixed bug while exporting PRC
SDHE-20948: Fixed out of memory issues upon reading from DWG
SDHE-20913: Fixed performances and accurracy issues with tessellation of surface
SDHE-20749: Fixed missing Revit Linked File path
SDHE-20559: Fix inconsistency issues with Inventor custom attribute names
SDHE-20522: Fixed error while importing CAD assembly
SDHE-20400: Fixed crash upon loading CAD file
SDHE-20263: Fixed issues with materials in Inventor
SDHE-20199: Fixed invalid tessellation
SDHE-20011: Fixed incorrect units with NX
SDHE-19071: Fixed long exporting from JT to STEP
SDHE-18602: Fixed segfault with A3DAsmModelFileLoadFromFile
HE 2024.1.0
SDHE-21079: Fixed 3DXML file import issue
SDHE-21071: Fixed SolidWorks file import issue
SDHE-21052: Cleared SegFault error from reading PMI data
SDHE-21028: Patched DLL vulnerability
SDHE-21001: Patched DLL vulnerability
SDHE-20964: Fixed parts display on IFC file
SDHE-20757: Fixed empty file error after CATIA to PK file conversion
SDHE-20696: Missing inner loop in IFC revolved model (IFCARBITRARYPROFILEDEFWITHVOIDS)
SDHE-20692: Fixed incorrect shape of IFCSWEPTDISKSOLID
SDHE-20682: Restored Creo family tables behavior
SDHE-20638: Fixed tessellation data read error
SDHE-20595: Fixed object positioning error
SDHE-20519: Corrected face trimming in NX file
SDHE-20434: Fixed CATIA V5 file access error
SDHE-20327: Fixed JT assembly loading error
SDHE-20279: Updated STEP assembly export for use in SolidWorks 2018
HE 2024
SDHE-21027: Fixed vulnerability issue with jtstep30.dll
SDHE-20999: Fixed marshalling issue with C# API
SDHE-20969: Fixed missing layers with Revit
SDHE-20942: Fixed memory corruption when parsing from PRT
SDHE-20941: Fixed memory corruption when loading from PRT
SDHE-20940: Fixed memory corruption when loading from PRT
SDHE-20939: Fixed memory corruption when loading from PRT
SDHE-20881: Fixed missing import of hidden surface in CATPart
SDHE-20873: Fixed segmentation fault while converting from Creo
SDHE-20858: Fixed visibility of sketches in Solid Edge
SDHE-20851: Fixed missing parts in IFC
SDHE-20847: Added support for MicrosoftDirect3d HLSL 6.3.9600.16428
SDHE-20833: Fixed DWF file imported as hidden objects
SDHE-20828: Fixed segmentation fault while importing from Creo
SDHE-20790: Fixed error while loading with tessellation
SDHE-20789: Fixed error while loading from SolidWorks
SDHE-20719: Fixed incorrect bend tessellation for IFC file
SDHE-20668: Fixed shape rendered correctly
SDHE-20667: Fixed IFC geometry not rendered correctly
SDHE-20666: Fixed IFC Fillet shape rendered as a chamfer instead
SDHE-20663: Fixed IfcTendon not loaded from IFC
SDHE-20658: Fixed CAD files not being converted when using multi process
SDHE-20639: Improved CREO performances
SDHE-20624: Fix PDFParser.dll not compiled with DYNAMICBASE option
SDHE-20590: Improved loading time for IFC
SDHE-20541: Fixed incorrect face trimming with NX
SDHE-20495: Fixed Solid Edge simplification ASM hidden by default
SDHE-20457: Fixed crash upon closing a model file loaded from Creo
SDHE-20402: Fixed missing holes upon importing from IFC
SDHE-20337: Fixed infinite loop in sample code
SDHE-20336: Fixed crash from importing from ASM
SDHE-19978: Fixed issue while importing from IFC
SDHE-19977: Fixed performance issue while importing from IFC
SDHE-19937: Fixed missing material properties with NX
SDHE-19895: Fixed performance issue while loading from IFC
SDHE-19881: Fixed performance issue while loading from IFC
SDHE-19859: Fixed missing data in NX file
SDHE-19849: Fixed performance issue while loading from IFC
SDHE-19760: Fixed incorrectly placed edges in DXF
SDHE-19677: Fixed performance and missing part issues while importing from IFC
SDHE-19656: Fixed performance issue with IFC
SDHE-19641: Fixed performance issue with IFC
SDHE-19637: Fixed performance issue with IFC
SDHE-19636: Fixed performance issue with IFC
SDHE-19617: Fixed performance issue with IFC
SDHE-19413: Fixed DXF files loaded with empty composite curves
SDHE-19300: Fixed performance issue with IFC
SDHE-19194: Fixed performance issue with IFC
SDHE-19127: Fixed missing line pattern while converting from DXF to STEP
SDHE-19126: Fixed incorrect import of polylines in DXF
SDHE-19070: Fixed missing point geometry in CATPart
SDHE-19049: Fixed opening issue in IFC
SDHE-18558: Fixed performance issue with IFC
SDHE-18044: Fixed incorrect geometry while importing from IFC
SDHE-17883: Fixed Creo attributes non imported from sub-assemblies
HE 2023 SP2 U2
SDHE-20812: Fixed segmentation fault upon calling A3DAsmModelFileTranslateToPkParts()
SDHE-20791: Fixed crash while importing Revit 2024 models
SDHE-20775: Fixed regression on edge curve geometry upon importing from CATPart
SDHE-20751: Fixed missing holes in beam while importing from IFC
SDHE-20740: Fixed issue upon importing from CATIA and ProE to Parasolid
SDHE-20734: Fixed error upon importing BREP data from JT
SDHE-20593: Fixed issue with TranslateToPkParts function returning undetermined number of bodies
SDHE-20524: Fixed crash upon importing from SolidWorks
SDHE-20446: Fixed incorrect import of SolidEdge Pipe Elements
SDHE-20424: Fixed incorrect split at seams after calling AdaptAndReplace function
SDHE-20422: Add support of missing features in SolidEdge
SDHE-20338: Fixed crash upon exportign to STEP on Linux/Apple environments
SDHE-20294: Fixed incorrect import from Parasolid
SDHE-20207: Fixed geometry part in RVT file
SDHE-20119: Fixed incorrect Frames while importing from Solid Edge
SDHE-20087: Fixed incorrect text alignment for DXF files
SDHE-19921: Fixed issue with Solid Edge Assembly with Frame Conversion
SDHE-19905: Fixed incorrect body names upon importing from CATPart
SDHE-19368: Improved documentation page about binary distribution
SDHE-18846: Fixed Revit geometry not read
SDHE-18805: Fixed missing Features in SolidEdge
SDHE-18555: Fixed incorrect object placement in linked Revit Files
SDHE-17957: Improved Revit Support
SDHE-14032: Fixed missing Features in SolidEdge
SDHE-14031: Fixed missing assembly Features in SolidEdge
SDHE-13193: Fixed error while loading from Revit
HE 2023 SP2 U1
SDHE-20589: Fix error while reading back exported binary STL
SDHE-20572: Fixed regression about displayed parts in Inventor
SDHE-20547: Fixed crash while loading Navisworks into DemoViewer
SDHE-20448: Fixed default visibility issues within Solid Edge assemblies
SDHE-20445: Fixed Solid Edge coordinate system transforms
SDHE-20412: Fixed Solid Edge coordinate system too large
SDHE-20394: Fixed empty scene upon reading from IFC
SDHE-20379: Fixed Solid Edge coordinate system too large
SDHE-20374: Fixed default visibility issues within Solid Edge assemblies
SDHE-20276: Fixed error while loading IFC files
SDHE-20273: Fixed PMI visibility incorrectly updated while changing view in HTML export
SDHE-20272: Fixed incorrect display of PMI highlight in HTML export
SDHE-19950: Fixed error while importing some geometries in IFC
SDHE-19941: Fixed Solid Edge materials issue
SDHE-19890: Fixed units not preserved in a GLTF export
SDHE-19709: Fixed error while importing geometry from IFC
SDHE-18522: Fixed coordinate system size in Solid Edge
HE 2023 SP2
SDHE-20502: Fixed 3MF reader importing invalid files to empty models
SDHE-20413: Fixed error while loading big NavisWorks files
SDHE-20394: Fixed empty scene upon reading from IFC
SDHE-20340: Fixed regression upon reading from .DAE file
SDHE-20301: Fixed empty scene upon reading from IFC
SDHE-20283: Fixed error while importing from Creo
SDHE-20276: Fixed error while loading IFC files
SDHE-20220: Fixed error when translating from IGS to Parasolid
SDHE-20114: Fixed error while trying to load large 3DXML files
SDHE-19948: Fixed error generating a flat tessellation in STEP
SDHE-19891: Fixed regression of JavaScript errors reported in monolithic HTML
SDHE-19871: Fixed error where Exchange incorrectly loads invalid .slx formats
SDHE-19753: Fixed error where Exchange falsely reads .zip files
SDHE-18927: Fixed error while exporting to DAE
SDHE-13106: Fixed error with binary STL files not read by Exchange
HE 2023 SP1 U1
SDHE-20365: Fixed error while loading Inventor assembly
SDHE-20318: Fixed regression when reading DAE files
SDHE-20313: Fixed duplicate elements when importing Revit Family files
SDHE-20310: Fixed empty Inventor files
SDHE-20208: Fixed incorrect transform in STEP view
SDHE-20095: Fixed error while loading from JT
SDHE-20058: Fixed missing PMI data from STEP
SDHE-20040: Fixed incorrect camera position in STEP view
SDHE-20033: Fixed issue with A3DConvertPDFToWebFormat with Chinese characters
SDHE-19733: Fixed missing attributes in NX
SDHE-19167: Fixed performances upon loading some NX files
SDHE-19042: Fixed incorrect import of GSMTranslate from CATIA V5
SDHE-19007: Fixed extra geometry displayed after reading from CATIA V5
SDHE-17870: Fixed incorrect part position from STEP file
HE 2023 SP1
SDHE-20365: Fixed error while loading Inventor assembly
SDHE-20350: Fixed error while loading JT file
SDHE-20349: Fixed error while loading JT file
SDHE-20313: Fixed duplicate elements when importing Revit Family files
SDHE-20310: Fixed empty Inventor files
SDHE-20298: Fixed missing information for cylindrical mapped texture in SolidWorks
SDHE-20295: Fixed issue while loading from Parasolid 34.1
SDHE-20278: Fixed crash while loading JT files
SDHE-20241: Fixed error while loading from CATIA V5
SDHE-20223: Fixed crash while loading CATProduct files
SDHE-20221: Fixed empty Inventor file
SDHE-20208: Fixed incorrect transform in STEP view
SDHE-20194: Fixed regression about DWG visibility in 3D mode
SDHE-20184: Fixed error while loading from CATIA
SDHE-20167: Fixed crash while initializing HOOPS Exchange
SDHE-20165: Fixed incorrect import of Chinese node names from GLB files
SDHE-20134: Fixed hidden model in imported DWG 3D model
SDHE-20095: Fixed error while loading from JT
SDHE-20071: Fixed error while using A3DCrvBlend02BoundaryCreate()
SDHE-20040: Fixed incorrect camera position in STEP view
SDHE-20015: Fixed missing values in PMI from SolidWorks files
SDHE-19979: Fixed memory leak
SDHE-19968: Fixed error while opening from CATIA V5
SDHE-19906: Fixed incorrect edge curve geometry in imported CATPart
SDHE-19879: Fixed incorrect value set by AdapBrepInModelFile function
SDHE-19775: Fixed PMI Dimension not loaded from DXF files
SDHE-19740: Fixed inconsistent B-rep obtained from simplified STEP models
SDHE-19733: Fixed missing attributes in NX
SDHE-19726: Fixed crash while loading HOOPS Exchange
SDHE-19680: Fixed performance regression while loading from Revit
SDHE-19269: Fixed performance regression while exporting to JT
SDHE-19238: Fixed failing font face name import with some characters
SDHE-19113: Fixed JT files not loaded with latest version of Android
SDHE-19054: Fixed error while loading Revit 2016 Family file
SDHE-19000: Fixed crash while loading from Revit
SDHE-18891: Fixed issues while compiling against A3DLIBS from Linux
SDHE-18789: Fixed incorrect part show/hide in Revit
SDHE-18513: Fixed sizing issue with PMI in DWG
SDHE-18217: Fixed incorrect spherical faces from CATIA V5
SDHE-18135: Fixed incorrect spherical faces from CATIA V5
SDHE-18134: Fixed incorrect spherical faces from CATIA V5
SDHE-17987: Fixed IFC strings displayed as raw elements
SDHE-17955: Fixed missing elements from DWG file
SDHE-17870: Fixed incorrect part position from STEP file
SDHE-17757: Fixed incorrect world origin coordinates in Revit
HE 2023
SDHE-20028: Fixed crash while importing IGES file
SDHE-19961: Fixed SolidWorks k-factors not retrieved for sub-nodes
SDHE-19960: Fixed incorrect simplification with A3DSimplifyModelFileWithAnalytics
SDHE-19931: Fixed incorrect color
SDHE-19930: Fixed crash upon calling A3DAsmModelFileLoadFromFile
SDHE-19924: Fixed overlapping items in imported files
SDHE-19904: Fixed issue upon loading from Solid Edge
SDHE-19891: Fixed regression of JavaScript errors reported in monolithic HTML
SDHE-19884: Fixed crash upon loading from SolidWorks
SDHE-19854: Fixed missing geometry when converting an IPT file
SDHE-19840: Fixed issue upon loading from NX
SDHE-19815: Fixed issue upon loading from Creo 7
SDHE-19809: Fixed failing import of IFC
SDHE-19781: Fixed incorrect export of wireframe to STEP AP242
SDHE-19780: Add support for JAMA IGES files
SDHE-19766: Fixed unresolvable node references in JT exports
SDHE-19763: Added an option to distinguish Creo PMIs with same dimension
SDHE-19748: Fixed A3DRootBaseAttributeRemoveAt not removing the attribute on first call
SDHE-19741: Fixed incorrect import of Creo 7.0 files
SDHE-19729: Fixed error upon calling A3DPRojectPointCloud2
SDHE-19682: Fixed crash upon reading from STEP
SDHE-19672: Fixed crash when translating Revit files
SDHE-19644: Fixed crash upon importing from Solid Edge 2022
SDHE-19629: Fixed crash upon opening CATIA files with PMI
SDHE-19625: Fixed crash upon calling A3DAsmModelFileLoadFromfile with Revit
SDHE-19619: Fixed missing surfaces on IGES model
SDHE-19593: Fix support for kA3DTypeRiDirection
SDHE-19586: Fixed loading of Revit files
SDHE-19563: Fixed incorrect thread hole position from Creo file
SDHE-19490: Fix display of Parasolid part names
SDHE-19469: Fix import of DXF files
SDHE-19458: Fix incorrect edge angle in tessellation
SDHE-19416: Fix memory leaks on file import
SDHE-19412: Fix error while loading Creo file
SDHE-19408: Fixed crash converting DXF file to STEP
SDHE-19403: Fixed opening of Creo 4.0 top assembly
SDHE-19398: Fixed incorrect parsing of CREO PMI
SDHE-19390: Fixed crash upon reading SolidWorks B-Rep data
SDHE-19378: Fixed loading of IFC file
SDHE-19133: Fixed DXF elliptical arcs
SDHE-19086: Fixed crash upon calling A3DAsmModelFileLoadFromFile with Revit
SDHE-19067: Fixed incorrect SW-Configuration Name in CAD assembly
SDHE-19038: Fixed crash upon loading from JT containing B-Rep
SDHE-18755: Fixed lock upon loading SDLASM file
SDHE-18717: Fixed DWG/DXF text position
SDHE-18707: Fixed missing markup text after exporting to PRC
SDHE-18665: Fixed visibility in Revit Design Option
SDHE-18525: Fixed Revit shapes displayed as bounding boxes
SDHE-18514: Fixed Revit tessellation replaced by bounding boxes
SDHE-18512: Fixed position and color of DWG PMI
SDHE-18426: Fixed incorrect orientation of wire edges in Tess3D
SDHE-18390: Fixed incomplete import of composite GDT
SDHE-18230: Fixed crash upon calling A3DCollisionCompute
SDHE-18194: Fixed size of annotation in CATPart
SDHE-18158: Fixed invalid ACIS curves and surfaces with coincident control points
SDHE-18025: Fixed orientation of Dimension Leader Lines from CATIAV5
SDHE-17652: Fixed Issue with Nested Parameter Sets
SDHE-17607: Fixed an issue in the translation of links from annotations to faces in CATIA
SDHE-17352: Fixed mispositioned PMI leader from CATIA file
SDHE-17351: Fixed issue with line styles in HOOPS Exchange
SDHE-13970: Fixed missing PMI data from CATIA assembly
SDHE-12247: Fixed evaluation of curve length
SDHE-12101: Improved reading of Type properties with Revit files objects
SDHE-11975: Fixed parameter range for ellipse
HE 2022 SP2 U1
SDHE-19798: Fixed error upon reading SAB file
SDHE-19749: Improved performances of GLTF Export
SDHE-19745: Improved performances of GLTF Export
SDHE-19681: Fixed partial import upon reading CV5 file
SDHE-19676: Fix broken STEP export when decimal character is changed
SDHE-19663: Fixed error upon importing cylinders from NWD
SDHE-19632: Improved performances of GLTF export
SDHE-19628: Fixed error upon loading from NX
SDHE-19606: Fixed incorrect PMI with JT
SDHE-19604: Fixed errors with IGES NURBS
SDHE-19599: Fixed crash upon importing IFC
SDHE-19597: Fixed crash upon importing IFC
SDHE-19575: Fixed incorrect torus data when calling A3DSimplifySurfaceWithAnalytics
SDHE-19525: Fixed missing model in the capture of 3DXML output file
SDHE-19522: Fixed incorrect geometry with accurate tessellation
SDHE-19518: Fixed CV5ImportedBodyName being sometimes empty in CV5 models
SDHE-19496: Fixed missing symbols in some NX PMIs
SDHE-19435: Improved performances upon exporting to GLTF
SDHE-19430: Fixed crash upon reading some IFC files
SDHE-19400: Fixed incorrect colors with JT 9.5 files
SDHE-19104: Fixed incorrect text from in PDF
SDHE-19075: Improved performances with GLTF Export
SDHE-18892: Fixed missing datum association within CV5
SDHE-18873: Fixed incorrect toroidal NURBS data
SDHE-12705: Fixed extra geometry with JT files
SDHE-12283: Fixed issues upon rendering with specific fonts
SDHE-12040: Fixed incorrect spacing between lines of text in CATIA
SDHE-12035: Fixed incorrect PMI tessellation with JT
HE 2022 SP2
SDHE-19552: Fixed error upon importing from NX
SDHE-19540: Fixed failed assertion upon calling A3DCollisionCompute
SDHE-19500: Fixed crash upon calling A3DMiscComputeBoundingBox
SDHE-19493: Fixed incorrect value on NX Datum Target PMIs
SDHE-19488: Fixed error upon loading from SolidWorks
SDHE-19467: Fixed error upon loading from SolidWorks
SDHE-19410: Fixed loss of PMI link
SDHE-19345: Fixed crash upon calling A3DGet3DPDFStrams
SDHE-19330: Fixed loss of K-Factors upon translation from SLDPRT to STEP
SDHE-19304: Fixed errors when converting parts with convergent bodies to STL
SDHE-19291: Fixed error upon reading from STEP from Linux
SDHE-19265: Fixed incorrect name changes upon calling A3DAsmModelFileSew
SDHE-19260: Fixed error upon calling A3DCurveLength on poly-line
SDHE-19245: Fixed missing NURBS upon exporting to IGES
SDHE-19185: Fixed missing semantic reference after surface offset
SDHE-19037: Fixed error upon converting IFC to PNG/PDF
SDHE-19014: Fixed issue while loading complex inventor 2022 assemblies
SDHE-19008: Fixed issue with RTF parsing on Linux
SDHE-18986: Fixed error with collisions
SDHE-18934: Fixed messages using standard output instead of reporting callbacks
SDHE-18600: Improved performances on A3DComputeOrthoHLROnModelFile3
SDHE-18375: Fixed incorrect sphere after CopyAndAdapt split on ACIS file
SDHE-17893: Fixed encoding of attributes
SDHE-17865: Fixed error while reading from JT
SDHE-17851: Fixed memory leak upon calling A3DColisionCompute
SDHE-17844: Fixed freeze upon loading from STEP
SDHE-17412: Fixed incorrect face color in Inventor
SDHE-12134: Fixed incorrect conversion result with Parasolid
SDHE-12051: Fixed incorrect UV curves on spherical face from STEP
HE 2022 SP1 U1
SDHE-19447: Fixed visibility of datum planes in Creo files
SDHE-19380: Fixed error upon loading Creo 8.0 files
SDHE-19252: Fixed NURBS faces in CATIA V5
SDHE-19195: Fixed missing T sections upon importing from IFC
SDHE-19158: Fixed cut-off in small max coord height faceting values
SDHE-18974: Fixed missing leaders in Creo
SDHE-18971: Fixed incorrect placements in Creo
SDHE-18963: Fixed incorrect placements of datum targets in Creo
SDHE-18962: Fixed appearance of dimension in Creo
SDHE-18956: Fixed appearance of dimensions in Creo
SDHE-18955: Fixed flipped PMI in Creo
SDHE-18839: Fixed failed loading upon reading from Inventor
SDHE-18518: Improved performances of DWG conversion
SDHE-18395: Improved texture retrieval
SDHE-17513: Fixed incorrect results with A3DAsmModelFileSew
HE 2022 SP1
SDHE-19226: Fixed incorrect results and missing lines when computing HLR
SDHE-19213: Fixed PMI Viewing in SolidWorks File
SDHE-18913: Fix HTML export when using non-default configuration
SDHE-18889: Fixed crash upon reading some Revit files
SDHE-18808: Fixed incorrect curve with translation to Parasolid
SDHE-18749: Fixed a crash upon importing from JT 9.5
SDHE-18724: Fixed crash upon reading Revit model
SDHE-18541: Fixed incorrect UV curve after splitting a STEP file
SDHE-18530: Fixed wrong UV curve after splitting from STEP
SDHE-18385: Fixed crash upon importing from Revit
SDHE-18144: Fixed crash upon importing from IGES files
SDHE-18138: Fixed incorrect transparency from SolidWorks
SDHE-18105: Fixed units inconsistency
SDHE-18065: Fixed incorrect UV curves after converting to NURBS
SDHE-17888: Fixed export of Revit textures to FBX
SDHE-17820: Fixed colors when exporting to STEP
SDHE-17513: Fixed incorrect results with A3DAsmModelFileSew
SDHE-17401: Fixed color when exporting to JT
SDHE-17365: Fixed A3DGraphCameraData parameters read for Creo
SDHE-12484: Fixed issue upon reading from Inventor
SDHE-12263: Fixed incorrect revolution faces from Inventor
SDHE-12219: Fixed colors upon exporting to STEP
HE 2022 U2
SDHE-18585: Fixed DFX files not reading the correct unit
HE 2022 U1
SDHE-19220: Fixed empty translation of Rhino model
SDHE-19204: Fixed missing polygon from tessellation
SDHE-19201: Fixed output from A3DRepresentationItemExportToAcisBuffer
SDHE-19200: Fixed corrupted STP exported from HE 2021 SP2 U2
SDHE-19152: Fixed memory issues
SDHE-19151: Fixed memory issues
SDHE-19150: Fixed memory issues
SDHE-19149: Fixed memory issues
SDHE-19148: Fixed memory leaks with exporter
SDHE-19147: Fixed memory leaks with exporter
SDHE-19145: Fixed memory leaks with exporter
SDHE-19139: Fixed memory issues
SDHE-19138: Fixed incorrect mesh when importing from CATIA V5
SDHE-19128: Fixed import of Creo NEU files
SDHE-19093: Fixed incorrect export from FBX
SDHE-19076: Fixed incorrect color overrides in PRC exports
SDHE-19052: Fixed error upon reading from ASM
SDHE-19034: Fixed sketch data curve type for SolidWorks files
SDHE-19032: Fixed missing PMI references on Creo 7 models
SDHE-19027: Fixed missing value in feature tree
SDHE-19005: Fixed memory issues
SDHE-19004: Fixed memory issues
SDHE-19003: Fixed memory issues
SDHE-19002: Fixed memory issues
SDHE-19001: Fixed memory issues
SDHE-18998: Fixed memory issues
SDHE-18977: Fixed error while converting to PDF
SDHE-18972: Fixed datum tags moved
SDHE-18967: Fixed missing reference dimension
SDHE-18964: Fixed split of combined tolerance/dimension
SDHE-18960: Fixed datum targets moved
SDHE-18959: Fixed incorrect export to PDF
SDHE-18957: Fixed inconsistency with leading 0 in tolerances
SDHE-18949: Fixed support for coordinate systems
SDHE-18928: Fixed incorrect thread depth in SolidWorks file
SDHE-18903: Fixed unexpected UV computation for Parasolid face
SDHE-18885: Fixed decimal separator
SDHE-18277: Fixed incorrect thread depth from SolidWorks file
SDHE-18233: Fixed missing attributes after using A3DAdaptAndReplace
SDHE-18059: Fixed missing faces upon reading from STEP
SDHE-17768: Fixed missing or incorrect faces from Inventor
SDHE-17767: Fixed missing faces from Inventor
SDHE-17766: Fixed incorrect faces from Inventor
SDHE-17623: Fixed missing faces from Inventor
SDHE-12448: Fixed incorrect faces from Inventor
SDHE-12273: Fixed incorrect thread depth and pitch from SolidWorks
SDHE-12177: Fixed missing faces from Inventor
SDHE-12106: FIxed incorrect face conversion from Inventor
SDHE-12056: Fixed incorrect faces upon reading from Inventor
HE 2022
SDHE-19148: Fixed memory leaks with exporter
SDHE-19147: Fixed memory leaks with exporter
SDHE-19145: Fixed memory leaks with exporter
SDHE-19057: Fixed incorrect characters upon exporting to SAT
SDHE-19034: Fixed sketch data curve type for SolidWorks files
SDHE-19027: Fixed missing value in feature tree
SDHE-18953: Fixed incorrect transform upon exporting to STEP from Linux
SDHE-18905: Fixed crash upon computing HLR
SDHE-18856: Fixed invalid CATIA V5 file after export
SDHE-18824: Fixed error upon loading CATIA files with relative paths
SDHE-18748: Fixed missing faces with IGES files
SDHE-18708: Fixed unexpected size increase in PDF exports
SDHE-18643: Fixed crash upon exporting from CV5 to IGES
SDHE-18614: Fixed error upon importing from NX
SDHE-18575: Fixed missing window cutouts upon importing from IFC
SDHE-18484: Fixed duplicated root node upon exporting to FBX
SDHE-18368: Fixed crash upon sewing SolidWorks part
SDHE-18354: Fixed crash upon importing from GLTF
SDHE-18283: Fixed crash upon loading from SolidWorks
SDHE-18277: Fixed incorrect thread depth from SolidWorks file
SDHE-18061: Fixed missing parts in STEP files
SDHE-17756: Fixed incorrect color from STEP file
SDHE-17454: Fixed issue with SolidWorks flexible assemblies
SDHE-13277: Added support for Reference Dim and Ordinate Ref Dim
SDHE-12906: Fixed missing parts upon exporting to STEP
SDHE-12714: Fixed crash upon importing from SAT
SDHE-12683: Fixed parts exported as assemblies upon exporting to Parasolid
SDHE-12368: Fixed memory leaks with SolidWorks files
SDHE-12273: Fixed incorrect thread depth and pitch from SolidWorks
SDHE-12219: Fixed colors upon exporting to STEP
SDHE-12098: Fixed handling of boolean in some IFC models
HE 2021 SP2 U2
SDHE-18851: Fixed a crash upon calling A3DPkPartsTranslateToA3DAsmModelFile
SDHE-18842: Fixed A3DCrvLineData incorrect when creating a line with large coefficients
SDHE-18841: Fixed missing face colors from STEP
SDHE-18781: Fixed invalid FBX files upon export
SDHE-18626: Fixed colors not read from STEP file
SDHE-18567: Fixed colors of transparent surfaces not displayed
SDHE-18556: Fixed a crash upon reading 3DXML file
SDHE-18301: Fixed wrong face colors from STEP file
SDHE-18282: Fixed Parasolid and reading BTI/InstanceId from OnShape
SDHE-18258: Fixed incorrect shape of IFC data
SDHE-18204: Fixed missing piping geometry from CATIA V5 assembly
SDHE-18159: Fixed Rhino model not translated correctly
SDHE-18147: Fixed duplicate attribute of IFC
SDHE-18121: Fixed memory leaks
SDHE-18093: Fixed STEP file not imported correctly
SDHE-18001: Fixed partial import of some IFC files
SDHE-17831: Fixed wrong face colors from STEP file
SDHE-17765: Fixed incorrect Surfaces on some CATPart files
SDHE-17654: Fixed JT Structure issue
SDHE-17516: Fixed error upon importing some FBX file
SDHE-17377: Fixed error upon importing from FBX
SDHE-12905: Fixed missing parts from 3DXML
SDHE-12824: Fixed missing items from 3DXML
SDHE-12759: Fixed change of assembly structure in exported Parasolid
SDHE-12700: Fixed incorrect colors in STEP model
SDHE-12646: Fixed addition of additional top level node during X_T export
SDHE-12339: Fixed error in ACIS kernel from exported files
SDHC-18244: Fixed SIGSEV occurring during conversion of 3DXML File
HE 2021 SP2 U1
SDHE-18719: Prevent initialization failing when only core logic binaries are available
SDHE-18660: Fixed a crash upon exporting to IGES
SDHE-18658: Fixed incorrect loading of UG file
SDHE-18642: Fixed missing virtual components
SDHE-18612: Fixed crash upon exporting to FBX
SDHE-18606: Fixed incorrect import from some SOLIDWORKS 2020 files
SDHE-18603: Fixed a crash upon reading from JT file
SDHE-18592: Fixed error while reading from IPT file
SDHE-18577: Fixed segmentation fault upon calling A3DAsmModelFileTranslateToPkParts
SDHE-18572: Fixed missing curve color from Rhino
SDHE-18570: Fixed incorrect handling of IFC attributes when title collides with IFCPROPERTYSET
SDHE-18545: Fixed crash with JT reader
SDHE-18543: Fixed crash upon reading from empty NX assemblies
SDHE-18524: Fixed incorrect Parasolid files exported using multi-proc
SDHE-18521: Fixed error handling upon reading from Revit
SDHE-18517: Fixed error while importing a SolidWorks part
SDHE-18474: Fixed segmentation fault upon reading from Inventor files
SDHE-18472: Fixed error upon loading from SolidWorks assembly
SDHE-18467: Fixed crash upon exporting from CATIA V5 to STEP
SDHE-18418: Fixed incorrect error message upon loading DXF files
SDHE-18318: Fixed incorrect conversion of special characters in attributes values with Revit
SDHE-18312: Fixed incorrect encoding of metadata characters with Revit
SDHE-18240: Fixed report of missing files from internal SolidWorks assemblies
SDHE-18052: Fixed incorrect conversion from STEP to Parasolid
SDHE-17982: Fixed loading of attributes
SDHE-17793: Fixed crash with Viewer sample upon reading from U3D
SDHE-17571: Fixed crash upon calling A3DRiRepresentationItemComputeTessellation on macOS
SDHE-12357: Fixed STEP AP242 not supporting material
HE 2021 SP2
SDHV-10432: Fixed incorrect edge trimming upon reading from Parasolid
SDHE-18658: Fixed incorrect loading of UG file
SDHE-18642: Fixed missing virtual components
SDHE-18606: Fixed incorrect import from some SOLIDWORKS 2020 files
SDHE-18592: Fixed error while reading from IPT file
SDHE-18572: Fixed missing curve color from Rhino
SDHE-18570: Fixed incorrect handling of IFC attributes when title collides with IFCPROPERTYSET
SDHE-18521: Fixed error handling upon reading from Revit
SDHE-18517: Fixed error while importing a SolidWorks part
SDHE-18493: Fixed missing area and volume attributes in Revit
SDHE-18472: Fixed error upon loading from SolidWorks assembly
SDHE-18468: Fixed incorrect import of JT views
SDHE-18418: Fixed incorrect error message upon loading DXF files
SDHE-18412: Fixed error while reading from 3DXML
SDHE-18398: Fixed error while loading SLDASM file
SDHE-18384: Fixed incorrect tessellation on NX file
SDHE-18372: Fixed incorrect decimal in CREO 4
SDHE-18337: Fixed incorrect reading of nested STPX
SDHE-18275: Fixed incorrect faces from IGES tessellation
SDHE-18274: Fixed missing CAD view from JT file
SDHE-18240: Fixed report of missing files from internal SolidWorks assemblies
SDHE-18211: Fixed crash upon reading from CATIA
SDHE-18092: Fixed missing Link to Part Instance from CATIA
SDHE-18073: Fixed support for I-DEAS 6.5
SDHE-18056: Fixed incorrect Linked Item from CV5
SDHE-18052: Fixed incorrect conversion from STEP to Parasolid
SDHE-18024: Fixed missing Linked Item in CATIA V5
SDHE-18016: Fixed IFC not loading with specific system language settings
SDHE-17985: Fixed incorrect geometry upon reading from IFC
SDHE-17982: Fixed loading of attributes
SDHE-17920: Fixed missing geometry upon reading from JT 10.3 files
SDHE-17912: Fixed missing Link to Face on Sheet Metal Part from CATIA
SDHE-17793: Fixed crash with Viewer sample upon reading from U3D
SDHE-17714: Fixed incorrect cut of elements from IFC import
SDHE-17586: Fixed typo in A3DTopoFaceData documentation
SDHE-17571: Fixed crash upon calling A3DRiRepresentationItemComputeTessellation on macOS
SDHE-17376: Fixed SolidWorks file PMI viewing off
SDHE-13090: Fixed missing hole in IFC’s IFCSHAPEREPRESENTATION
SDHE-12414: Fixed IFC classification attributes reading
SDHE-12396: Fixed incorrect STEP loading
SDHE-12357: Fixed STEP AP242 not supporting material
SDHE-12098: Fixed handling of boolean in some IFC models
HE 2021 SP1 U1
SDHE-18319: Fixed incorrect visibility in Revit Design Option
SDHE-17994: Fixed unread properties in some SolidWorks parts
SDHE-17972: Fixed incorrect distance information in 3D PDF measurement properties
SDHE-17444: Fixed reading of IFCGRIDAXIS AxisTag property in IFC
HE 2021 SP1
SDHE-18288: Fixed incorrect unit in DWF model import
SDHE-18285: Fixed incorrect import of IPT extension
SDHE-18245: Fixed import failing on SolidWorks models
SDHE-18227: Fixed crash upon using A3DAsmModelFileTranslateToPkParts on Rhino model
SDHE-18212: Fixed crash upon using A3DAsmModelFileTranslateToPkParts on Rhino model
SDHE-18161: Fixed crash upon calling A3DAsmModelFileTranslationToPkParts on Rhino model
SDHE-18160: Fixed crash upon calling A3DAsmModelFileTranslationToPkParts on Rhino model
SDHE-18068: Fixed error upon reading from Creo
SDHE-18053: Fixed error upon reading from SolidWorks
SDHE-18015: Fixed incorrect unit upon reading from DWG
SDHE-17864: Fixed crash when loading some IFC files
SDHE-17824: Fixed missing solid body name in Inventor part files
SDHE-17803: Fixed missing metadata from STEP AP242 file
SDHE-17444: Fixed reading of IFCGRIDAXIS AxisTag property in IFC
SDHE-16172: Fixed length of Leaderline in PROSTEP
SDHE-12820: Fixed missing hold and thread data from Creo file
SDHE-12805: Fixed missing hole from Creo file
SDHE-12663: Fixed incorrect reading of CATProduct
SDHE-12259: Fixed incorrect hole and thread feature data from Creo file
SDHE-12185: Fixed crash upon exporting from Rhino to Parasolid
HE 2021 U1
SDHE-17924: Fixed crashed upon reading some DWG files
SDHE-17889: Fixed incorrect UV coordinates within Revit importer
SDHE-17679: Fixed file model not loaded upon reading some Solid Edge files
SDHE-17567: Fixed missing version details upon calling A3DGetFileInformation on some formats
SDHE-17559: Fixed with relative placement of notes in CATIA
SDHE-17455: Fixed bad encoding in Parasolid attribute (SDL/TYSA_UNAME)
SDHE-14622: Fixed various visibility issues within CATIA V5 captures
SDHE-14622: Fixed missing geometries from Creo
SDHE-12549: Fixed incorrect loading of some STEP242 files
SDHE-12091: Fixed alteration of mode file structure upon reading specific JT files
SDHE-12053: Fixed error upon reading from some ProE files
HE 2021
SDHE-17929: Fixed invalid Creo file not read since HE 2020 SP2
SDHE-17900: “Fixed CV5 not loaded correctly with “”Read Feature”” option”
SDHE-17899: Fixed bad quality of CV5 import in B-Rep and Tessellation
SDHE-17894: Fixed error upon opening some SOLIDWORKS files
SDHE-17860: “Fixed incorrect import of SAT file when the first string of attribute is “”%”””
SDHE-17842: Fixed textures not read in FBX materials
SDHE-17815: Fixed error upon reading some STEP files
SDHE-17801: Fixed missing attributes within NX file
SDHE-17800: “Fixed crash upon reading CATIAV5 files with “”Feature Tree”” set”
SDHE-17600: Fixed missing link to body from CATIA
SDHE-17597: “Fixed incorrect loading of CATIA V5 files when “”Read Feature”” is set”
SDHE-17569: Fixed duplication of faces with CREO assembly features
SDHE-17409: Fixed missing colors in FBX
SDHE-17407: Fixed error upon reading from CATIA V5
SDHE-17347: Fixed missing external reference within CATPart components
SDHE-17338: Fixed incorrect import of some curve styles in CATIA V5
SDHE-14450: Fixed missing extrusions upon importing from IFC
SDHE-13749: Fixed missing PMI from Creo view
SDHE-12433: Fixed missing GD&T symbols upon reading from CATIA V5
SDHE-12278: Fixed error upon reading binary FBX files
SDHE-12164: Fixed error upon reading from some ACIS files
SDHE-12160: Fixed an error upon loading from some ACIS files
SDHE-12113: Fixed Copy-and-Adapt failing with some Inventor files
SDHE-12065: Fixed incorrect unit upon exporting from Inventor
SDHE-12038: Improved performances upon loading from DWG
HE 2020 SP2 U2
SDHE-17602: Fixed bad quality of some objects in BRep mode
SDHE-17565: Fixed support for paths longer than 270 characters on non-Windows platforms
SDHE-17557: Fixed a crash happening upon exporting some files to STEP
SDHE-17511: Fixed incorrect size upon converting some faces to NURBS
SDHE-17507: Fixed a crash on PRT files upon calling Adapt-And-Replace function
SDHE-17505: Fixed incorrect or missing faces upon converting from CATIA V5
SDHE-17504: Fixed shrunk NURBS faces upon converting complex faces from CATIA V5
SDHE-17502: Fixed shrunk NURBS and errors upon converting complex faces from CATIA V5
SDHE-17478: Fixed quality issues upon reading CATIA V5 files
SDHE-17410: Fixed shrunk NURBS surfaces upon converting from CATIA V5
SDHE-17399: Fixed quality issues upon reading from CATIA V5
SDHE-17396: Fixed shrunk faces upon converting to NURBS from CATIA V5
SDHE-17378: Fixed missing metadata from STEP AP242 files
SDHE-17371: Fixed missing data from imported CATIA V5 files
SDHE-17368: Fixed crash upon calling Adapt-and-Replace function on PRT files
SDHE-17364: Fixed quality issues upon reading from CATIA V5
SDHE-17348: Fixed incorrect surface tessellation upon reading some CATPart files
SDHE-17346: Fixed incorrect surfaces upon reading some CATPart files
SDHE-17344: Fixed missing ISO Fit information from Creo hole feature
SDHE-13587: Fixed missing fit information from Creo hole feature
SDHE-12478: Fixed invalid structure of JT export
SDHE-12444: Fixed incorrect faces on exported STEP models
SDHE-12389: Fixed import error upon loading some IFC files
SDHE-12322: Fixed incorrect node names upon reading some IFC files
SDHE-12295: Fixed incorrect orientation of faces upon reading STEP files
SDHE-12244: Fixed incorrect length of axis when importing from CATIA
SDHE-12132: Fixed a crash upon importing a JT file on Linux
SDHE-12085: Fixed incorrect import of meshes upon importing into Parasolid
SDHE-12081: Fixed incorrect reading of CATIA V5 files
SDHE-12064: Fixed missing association with Datum tag in CATIA
SDHE-12054: Fixed incorrect surfaces upon importing CATIA V5 files
SDHE-11979: Fixed crash upon reading Inventor files
37168: Fixed a crash upon calling A3DAdaptAndReplace
37150: Fixed an issue where CopyAndAdapt ended up with shrunk NURBS in CATIAV5
37143: Fixed an issue where CopyAndAdapt ended up with shrunk NURBS in CATIAV5
37136: Fixed incorrect faces with CATIAV5
37128: Fixed incomplete support of metadata within STEP files
37108: Fixed an issue where CopyAndAdapt ended up with shrunk NURBS in CATIAV5
37075: Fixed empty surfaces upon reading CATIAV5 files
36960: Fixed incorrect tessellation data upon reading CATIAV5 parts
36914: Fixed reading of Inventor assembly file
36904: Fixed incorrect tessellation data upon reading CATIAV5 parts
36745: Fixed reading of Inventor assembly file
36684: Fixed a conversion error with SOLIDWORKS assembly files
36529: Fixed incorrect surfaces upon reading CATIAV5 files
36515: Fixed missing association with CATIA datum tag
36462: Fixed incorrect reading of CATIAV5 file
36452: Fixed mesh support in SOLIDWORKS 2020
36341: Fixed a crash upon reading a JT file on Linux
36068: Fixed with axis lengths imported from CATIA
35944: Fixed incorrect orientation of faces within STEP files
35879: Fixed incorrect reading of IFC node names
35602: Fixed wrong faces upon reading STEP models
35509: Fixed invalid export of JT structure
32910: Added support for missing information when reading Creo PMI
HE 2020 SP2 U1
37070: Removed duplicate symbols in iOS binaries
36920: Fixed JT to SAT conversion failing with GNU/Linux
36861: Fixed an issue with attributes reading for Revit reader
36848: Fixed missing attributes when reading some DWF files
36597: Fixed missing weld symbols upon reading some CV5 files
36588: Add support for IfcRevolvedAreaSolid upon reading IFC files
36507: Fixed syntax error with tolerance values within exported STEP files
36465: Fixed syntax error with exported STEP files with unattached annotations
36335: Fixed missing read density upon reading Solid Edge files
36049: Fix Time value of User Define Attribute with NX
35711: Fixed a crash occurring when reading some IFC files
35311: Fixed missing bend surfaces upon loading IFC files
34641: Fixed missing parts upon loading IFC files
32813: Fixed incorrect orientation of PMIs with CATIA V5
31324: Fixed wrong sectioning of some model file with A3DComputeOrthoHLROnModelFile
HE 2020 SP2
37038: Creo stability improvements
36948: Parasolid stability improvements
36795: CREO: Support assembly level features
36755: Improvement of FBX reader to support version 7500 in binary
36702: Fixed vulnerability with BIBUtils
36680: Fixed issue with Creo colors that were wrongly recovered
36639: SolidWorks import stability improvements
36592: FBX reading improvements
36542: CATIA V5 reader stability improvements
36510: Fixed regression of A3DComputeOrthoHLROnModelFile3 API
36502: Parasolid reader stability improvements
36488: CATIA V4 reader stability improvements
36466: Creo feature improvements for holes and threads
36442: Fixed reading error for DXF file
36431: Fixed reading error for DWG file
36356: Creo feature improvements for holes and threads
36347: Fixed issue with Creo color intensity support
36336: Solid Edge reader improvements for assemblies
36232: Fixed issue for Creo color intensity support
36158: Fixed reading error for a STEP file
36120: Missing attributes in Creo
36050: NX reader: Support of User Define Attributes
36048: NX reader: Support of User Define Attributes
36046: NX reading improvements
36026: Creo feature improvements with holes and threads
36024: VDA reading stability improvements
35970: Fixed geometric error for CATIA V5 reader
35933: Creo feature improvements for holes and threads
35916: Creo feature improvements for holes and threads
35887: IGES reading stability improvements
35747: IGES reading stability improvements
35688: Fixed geometric error for NX reader
35655: Inventor reading improvements
35561: IFC reader improvements
35355: Changed accuracy in PRC2XML sample where float values where casted to integers
35200: Fixed geometric error for NX reader
35184: Fix incomplete data for annotation PMI for SolidWorks reader
35100: Fixed an error for A3DComputeOrthoHLROnModelFile3 function
35044: Improvement of Creo color intensity support
34652: Fixed an issue for the model comparison function
34564: Fixed an issue for attributes access in NX reader
34277: Fixed an issue when reading a PRC file
34256: Support of Creo assembly features as BREP
33593: Support of Creo assembly features as BREP
33592: Support of Creo assembly features as BREP
33591: Support of Creo assembly features as BREP
33501: Support of Creo assembly features as BREP
33379: Fixed issue for FBX reader
33205: NX user defined attributes support
33136: Fixed a documentation issue about supported formats
32611: Fixed a documentation issue about the Linked item information
32017: Support of Creo assembly features as BREP
31535: Support of Creo assembly features as BREP
31500: Fixed an issue with u177 RTF code not correctly retrieve on Linux for markup definition
31412: Support of Creo assembly features as BREP
30940: Improvement of axis dimensions
28880: Support of Creo assembly features as BREP
28869: Support of Creo assembly features as BREP
26493: Creo boolean operation B-rep support
24060: Support of Creo assembly features as BREP
HE 2020 SP1 U1
36508: Fixed incompatibility issue with Linux
36226: Fixed error upon loading top assembly only NX files
35845: Fixed A3DAsmGetFilesPathFromFile wrongly reporting no missing files with JT
35184: Fixed incomplete data for annotation PMI with SolidWorks
HE 2020 SP1
36344: Fixed missing geometry reference for Creo
36178: Removed an unwanted exception on Windows upon importing Revit files
35902: Fixed A3D_COEDGE_BAD_ORIENTATION_DATA error upon calling A3DCopyAndAdaptBref on some NX Files
35710: Removed unexpected duplication of family geometries with Revit
35659: Fixed data loss with TranslateToPkParts upon reading convergent model data on Linux
35610: Fixed missing curved upon calling CopyAndAdapt on some Parasolid files
35588: Fixed missing curved upon calling CopyAndAdapt on some NX files
35445: Fixed huge delay upon reading metadata with Revit files
35345: Fixed blank display within HE Demo on some Inventor files
35197: Fixed parsing error upon reading some Solid Edge file
35100: Fixed a crash with A3DComputeOrthoHLROnModelFile3 function
34542: Fixed crash upon converting Revit to HSF
34176: Fixed order of configurations tree with SolidWorks
34175: Fixed incorrect Alphabetic (Literal) order of configurations tree with SolidWorks
33668: Fixed incorrect PMI positions (GDT and Datum) with Creo
33257: Fixed incorrect assembly feature organization with Solid Edge files
32163: Fixed tessellation errors with Inventor reader
29994: Fixed unexpected conversion of control characters upon reading PTC 4.0 files
HE 2020 U1
35846: Fixed a parsing error when reading a SolidWorks file
35731: Upgraded FreeType dependency for vulnerability purpose
35606: Fixed a regression with missing UV Curves when calling CopyAndAdapt on NX files
35514: Fixed failing conversion of some surfaces when calling CopyAndAdapt on Creo files
35433: Fixed missing Handle and Type attribute data when reading a Revit file
35408: Fixed wrong names attributed to Part and Assemblies when reading STEP files
35354: Added Handlers as persistent ID’s on Revit entities
35309: Fixed a regression with missing UV Curves when calling CopyAndAdapt on NX files
34643: Fixed wrong curves when converting a cylinder in SolidWorks files
34587: Fixed wrong curves when converting a sphere in NX files
34050: Fixed a case where a PMI semantic link was lost when reading a Creo file
34038: Fixed a case where a PMI semantic link was lost when reading a Creo file
HE 2020
26946: PMI: Projected tolerance zone not detected for second tolerance in composite control frame
30849: Failure in the multi-process Parasolid export with several files – Part II
33240: NX Import Crash
33579: Datum target orientation wrongly recovered
33619: Problem in revolution surface conversion from IGES
33670: Progress reporting inconsistent
33875: Split torus not working
33876: Split cylinder fails
33877: Split torus fails
33984: NX version 1872.900 not supported by HOOPS translator.
34010: Hole fit informations from SolidWorks file
34057: Wrong revolution splitting
34058: Missing UV curves from SLW file
34238: Wrong closed NURBS splitting
34454: Wrong circular pattern spacing
34520: Missing status flag in pattern data
34523: Missing limit face data in NX Symbolic Thread
34541: 3DXML with 22+ structure levels does not load #4435
34609: Missing Cosmetic thread data
34618: Wrong Hole Direction from CATIAV5 file
34628: Cannot load inventor file
34642: Wrong revolution face conversion from SLW
34706: Missing UV curves from Parasolid file
34716: Wrong UV curve on a cone from Inventor
34717: Wrong UV curve on a sphere from NX
34722: Regression CopyAndAdapt does not work with NX model
34742: Datums not recognized in CATIA V5 (.CATPart) file
34747: Not precise CopyAndAdapt of offset face in CV5
34791: Split of revolution face does not work. SLW file
34806: GSMRotate feature by two elements not implemented
34829: can we get access to the entity name in .model files?
34832: Case #36963: Support NX 1872 version
34888: Case #37302: Not reading Inventor 2020 assemblies with PMIs
35012: Case #37086: STEP export crash
35082: Attached SAB file does not load
35099: Attached SAT file does not load
35145: Converter Crash on CATPart conversion
35307: Feature pattern unequal spacing wrong steps. Regression.
35361: Cannot import a iam file
HE 2019 SP2 U2
34430: Fixed reading which created empty scenes with OBJ files
34672: Improved the subdivision in surface approximation which led to a huge number of control points with A3DCopyAndAdapt functions
34681: Fixed a regression introduced in A3DAdaptAndReplace with extremely small edges
34800: Added missing support for helical curves
33990: Added an option to support lines types with OBJ export
34072: SolidWorks reader does not process all configurations
34213: Slow performances on SolidWorks reading in B-rep mode
34238: Improve CopyAndAdapt conversions when m_bSplitClosedFaces is enabled
34527: OBJ export doesn’t take ModelFile Unit into account
34694: Exporting to PRC containing a real type generic attribute causes crash
34887: Exporting to PRC containing a real type generic attribute causes crash
34695: Fixed missing faces when reading CATIA V5 files.
34784: Getting Node Data from a PMI node always returns empty attributes.
33563: Improving profile tolerance for PROE files
33566: Dual-Dimension not converted correctly
33669: Indication missing in PMIs in converted Creo 4.0 part
34177: Change the behavior of the SolidWorks configurations repair when enabling the m_bLoadAllConfigsData option
34719: A3DPDFGetBOMInfo returns 0 elements in iNumberOfElements
HE 2019 SP2
31898: Fixed sub-assembly not loaded because of files with same CLSIDs and because of a CLSID not found in the sub-assembly file
33259: CV5 import fails
31825: Inventor assembly incorrectly displayed
30369: Transformation Problem with Inventor Data
33610: PS to STEP incorrect
33893: Load wrong for SolidWorks configurations
33588: CREO: PMI Color issue
31529: Bridge is losing the CATPart color
33859: Wrong curves color from Creo file
33981: Parasolid export performance improvements
33438: Import NX wrong scaling
33489: Linked curves when reading a .stp file
33578: Text color not correctly converted on Creo file
33649: Wrong error code returned
32481: Very bad STEP import, bad trimmed torus
31747: Support of Inventor Positions
29480: Inventor reading improvements
31950: CATIA tessellation issue with features
31609: Matrix feature is missing faces
33934: Missing linked items for dimensions in semantic PMI
24936: (NIST) Missing references from datums to geometric tolerances
33546: Reading of a wrong part in CATIA assembly tree
33547: Reading of a wrong part in CATIA assembly tree
33727: Reading of a wrong part in CATIA assembly tree
34115: Crash when opening a custom PRC
34638: Fix error in Makefile
30034: Inventor parts loaded in BRep, not in Tess mode
34563: OBJ Files not Importing
33655: NX reading improvements with Parasolid geometry
34490: Large STL files reading improvements
34321: Large STL files reading improvements
34477: Crash on accurate tessellation
HE 2019 SP1 U1
32910: ProE features
34073: Missing PMI in SLW
34298: Infinite import
33785: ACIS read
34206: JT 10.3 read
34204: JT 10.3 read
34185: JT 10.3 read
HE 2019 SP1
33969: ACIS reading improvements
33933: NX reading improvements
33856: Wrong revolution conversion with AdaptAndReplace
33836: Incorrect Parasolid conversion
33816: DeepCopy error
33790: Converting SLDPRT file results in empty scene
33788: TranslateToPkParts returns A3D_ERROR in multi process
33786: Import file raises access violation exception
33780: FBX export Unicode support
33751: TranslateToPkParts: STL units conversion fix
33702: NX assembly does not convert
33700: SolidWorks file not displayed
33689: DeepCopy and PMI
33676: Improving of TranslateToPkParts in multi-proc
33636: Missing CATDrawing text data in Viewer sample
33626: reading normal data in IFC file
33611: Question about support of 3DXML BRep
33552: The cascaded attributes do not handle face color entity reference
33551: Memory release improved
33542: JT file not loaded
33531: A3DMDFCFRowDatumData doesn’t return correct m_eModifier as saved in STEP AP242 file
33521: STEP file does not open
33494: Glb files with specific primitives were not converted
33492: STEP reading improvements
33466: Conversion of a NX assembly file failed
33450: DWG missing 3D geometry
33425: Doc face indexes
33390: bad_cast exceptions
33349: Inventor reading improvements
33348: Inventor part blank display in BREP
33315: Revit read
33314: Revit read
33313: Revit read
33267: Standard Tessellation improvement
33241: Unexpected buffer value in IGES header when coming from a Parasolid session
33238: IFC file didn’t open in previous version
33218: Can’t read NX file with feature
33209: A3DComputeModelFilePhysicalProperties fails
33177: Correct recovery of helix curve trim in BRep mode conversion
33164: Runtime error when computing physical properties
33118: Bad accurate tessellation
33117: Accurate tessellation improvements
33114: Bad accurate tessellation SLW
33111: Bad accurate tessellation
33109: Bad accurate tessellation
33086: #3700 Issues with GLTF files - no transparency
33042: Can’t read file with features.
33006: ACIS export improvements
33005: ACIS export improvements
32987: Color information is lost when the representation item is converted into an ACIS buffer
32961: Compute UV curves of periodic faces improvement
32937: Color assignment problem colors ignored
32905: ACIS R25.0 file fails to read
32899: Cannot import Revit file with access violation exception
32843: Sphere lost their face name during STP conversion
32778: A3DAsmModelFileSew crashes when options initialized but not set
32723: Pattern master is missing from the pattern definition
32486: CV5 reader is missing some info for the feature to be correctly defined.
32392: No material name
32207: missing cross highlight and semantic for DATUM_FEATURE connected with a complex SHAPE_ASPECT
32140: JT Export: Bad handling of units decimeter, centimeter and micrometer
31953: Some vertices were wrongly recovered
31743: CATIA Semantic PMIs Modifiers
30211: Crash on Win32 when loading PDF files
29618: Inventor Linux UTF-8 improvements
28827: Cannot load PDF file
28746: SW files with Virtual components produced sometimes unexpected results
28741: SolidWorks Virtual Component Empty configuration when m_bLoadAllConfigsData is set to true
28412: SolidWorks configuration issue
26654: NX Misplaced PMI
25903: Accurate tessellation improvements
24948: A3DAsmGetFilesPathFromModelFile exception abort with surrogate pair
24528: Wireframe and nodes are located far away from the IFC 3D model
23060: Linestyle or point style is incorrect
21036: Accurate tessellation improvements
34047: SolidWorks file not imported correctly
HE 2019 U1
33557: SolidWorks reading improvements
33545: SolidWorks reading improvements
33525: API: Add missing symbols
33515: HOOPS Exchange 2019 JT export is not readable in Solid Edge and Inventor
33374: Loop Added at Apex of cone
33370: A3DProjectPointCloudManagerCreateFromModelFile fails
33356: SolidWorks reading improvements
33310: Semantic pmi creation issue
33288: A3DMarkupGDTData below, before, after and above fields were not correctly set at creation
33138: Accurate tessellation stability improvements
33075: HOOPS Exchange 2019 JT export is not readable in Solid Edge and Inventor
32889: No linked item associated to the PMI
32387: Hidden objects are imported even when toggled off
30590: STEP - Add support of NURBS with negative weight
33567: SolidWorks reading improvements
HE 2019
33190: Wrong unit for hole diameter value
33189: failed to read tapered hole
33187: COLLADA file opens empty
33141: Accurate tess issue
33113: Bad accurate tessellation
33110: Bad accurate tessellation
33008: ACIS import and export improvements
33007: ACIS reading improvements
32997: Problem with converting .rvt file
32980: Accurate tessellation improvements
32941: Revit file supported in HE2019
32936: Documentation fix
32898: Revit improvements
32887: Revit improvements
32874: Position for hole is on the hole border instead of the hole center.
32842: A3DAsmProductOccurrenceDeepCopy crashes with root PO of Creo models
32841: JT: Reader improvements
32836: Bug in HE collision example
32770: SolidWorks: Reader improvements
32761: Additional body
32759: Datum has no linked references on this NX file
32755: The recovery of PMIs prevents the conversion of this CV5 file.
32745: Incorrect sup and inf tolerance values
32729: Unit/Scale with JT import: bad measuring in HDV
32725: DeepCopy stability improvements
32701: Incorrect unit format in step export
32691: Copy&Adapt improvements
32690: Export STEP242: wrong face highlight
32679: Conversion of this NX file doesn’t work.
32675: The layer names of an OGES were not correctly recovered
32671: Markup: undocumented Index for reference
32656: NX Feature improvements
32648: NX: Correction of inferior tolerances values
32575: A Creo files conversion failed
32539: NX Views import problem
32532: The conversion of this NX12 file failed.
32531: Measurements on DWF and DWFx files don not match AutoCAD viewer’s
32527: NX View name changes
32524: C&A improvements with the KPE mode
32522: STEP: Reader improvement
32471: feature issue: no connection for the pattern master and a second direction that shouldn’t be given.
32461: A3DAsmProductOccurrenceDeepCopy const correctness fix
32455: curves outside the surface domain after using ConvertToNurbs
32440: Tessellation chord height defined by ratio leads to coarse tess for model with big dimension
32438: Conversion introduces extra geometry
32436: Addition of new setting IncludeHiddenRIs for the PhysProps computation
32407: JT: Better display
32347: Parasolid files do not open
32338: Deep copy improvements
32332: Exported STEP242: Improvements
32289: Missing semantic information while importing step 242 file
32255: two byte input filename corrupted in DWG import
32251: PhysicalProperties are wrong on this Inventor file
32223: Accurate tessellation improvements
32209: STEP: Reader improvement
32189: export groups of attributes to Step
32187: Some COLLADA files were wrongly converted
32186: Some COLLADA files can’t be opened on our side.
32175: infinite loop in STL reader if endsolid line isn’t present
32157: Regression importing a model with HE 11.1.10
32155: Regression importing a model with HE 11.1.10
32111: B-rep adapter take an infinite time
32079: Views missing in SLDPRT file
32063: Step export missing face.
32053: Const correctness API isn’t respected…. Confusing API and reducing user experience.
32035: cpp API: ProductOccurrenceArray resize corrupts memory
32016: Step export error on 2 faces.
32012: STEP file hangs endlessly in A3DAdaptAndReplaceAllBrepInModelFileAdvanced
32010: Error reading an inventor part file in B-rep mode
31988: OBJ file import problem
31977: An angular dimension got a support line too long.
31922: Solid Edge import skip empty properties
31897: After a conversion of an IFC file, some parts of the model were at wrong positions.
31885: Crash at U3D Export.
31866: “Up To Next” feature hole are imported as “Blind” one
31862: Markups linked by position should be effectively linked
31832: Step export, tessellation issue are degrading after step export
31831: Step export, tessellation issue
31763: Cannot get file path name of PO
31755: Solid Edge: Filepath return by the API
31744: A3DSurfNurbsCreate returns A3D_SRF_CANNOT_CREATE_CANONICAL
31713: Missing faces in ACIS model imported
31610: Wrong cross highlight in NX assembly
31600: Incorrect SAB with wireframe conversion to Parasolid X_T
31499: Parasolid export improvements
31497: Iterative tess improvements
31496: IGES tessellation improvements
31029: Invisible PMIs
30970: A3DMiscReferenceOnTopologyCreate should return error when called with invalid data
30464: Parasolid import improvements with UTF-8 data
30398: Can’t read PDF from SolidWorks
30300: Missing patch references in Creo file
30274: SolidWorks import not possible
29784: CATIAV5 linked items
28626: IFC 4 Missing geometry
28343: Issue in BRep mode import for Inventor files
28290: Incorrect surface in STEP file
28278: Recovery of this Inventor assy was not possible
28030: Issue in Tess mode recovery for Inventor files
28021: JT: Model tree changes
27663: views are wrong in JT file if attributes are not imported
27659: Some elements were shifted in 3DPDF Creation - Rhino format
27255: CV5 material attributes improvements
27218: IGES tessellation improvements
27061: N/A
26898: OBJ textured file with material correctly support in Tetra4D Converter 2019
25924: JT: Visibility in view changes when ReadAttributes=false
25655: The BRep conversion of this CV5 file is now supported
25608: NX parsing issue fix
25198: JT Export - loss of a lot of tessellated faces information
25111: Wrong visibility of items in views
22936: U3D can’t be imported
22900: PMIs support for 3DXML file
33239: Bad spherical geometry translation
HE 2018 SP2 U2
32654: Wrong Counter Bore diameter and depth values
32638: Semantic PMI in mm instead of inch
32507: Missing info for thread from NX…
32493: Failure on reading SLDASM in B-rep mode
32479: A3DTopoEdgeGetSurfaces() crashes
32473: feature issue: a second direction that shouldn’t be given.
32465: Bug
32426: HOOPS Exchange does not identify proper Clearance or Collision result
32422: Wrong hole direction from Creo file (M12)
32408: Imprecise data in Creo hole feature
32386: IGES - Tessellation deleted by sewing after loading with TessOnly
32385: Missing curves from IGES file
32380: Empty model when loading XML
32361: Collision isn’t detected
32304: Issue with Accurate tessellation on this STP file conversion
32252: Accurate Tessellation was wrongly recovered on this STL export
32211: Bad unit of a tolerance value from STEP file
32206: The unit in some DWG files was not correctly recovered
32011: Inventor file conversion is Hanging
32009: Inventor file takes more than 1 hour to be read
31547: Add/Implement support of additional search directories for XML files
32655: Wrong hole diameter in Creo model
HE 2018 SP2 U1
32328: N/A
32274: Sample viewer doesn’t draw PMIs text
32229: Volumetric Physical Properties Not Computed
32170: Sew process on this IGES file failed
32161: Solid Edge test model is translated to Parasolid with several problems
32121: Some Attributes were missing at the STP AP242 export
32077: Compute Physical Properties Differences
31965: Conversion of an 3DXML file failed
31906: Long STL conversion time
31505: DWG 3D: Extra lines
29863: PMIs are broken in JT file
28338: Inventor -> IGES improvements
25066: JT PMI-references incorrect
32856: A3DcollisionCompute crash
HE 2018 SP2
31964: Crash reading PMI in HOOPS 2018 SP2 Preview
31948: Importing a Creo file with Features loses colors
31895: Moment of inertia wrong results.
31878: Accurate tessellation improvements
31865: SolidWorks new objects parsing support
31828: DWG file isn’t displayable
31827: Text not converted in AutoCAD files
31766: IFC single-quote character support
31759: Solid Edge: model display
31753: C++ API RI::PointSet creation fails
31666: Memory issue in the C++ API
31664: Memory issue with RepresentationItem in C++ API
31659: Autodesk SAT files support added
31652: DWG conversion consumes too much memory
31644: Missing colors Rhino file.
31635: C++ API LayerEntity.IsEmpty() value
31623: JT can’t be loaded in BREP mode
31612: Regression: colors are lost when exporting NX file to IGES
31525: ACIS reading improvements
31524: Error when building TranslateToPkParts sample on macOS
31509: Regression SLW: Missing bodies
31506: NX Feature: Crashes on Linux
31504: Regression Sew: Two items instead of one
31501: Feature: Cannot read back PRC on Linux
31498: Regression: bad placement of tess in wxt WriteTess
31492: ACIS reading improvements
31472: ACIS export error checked
31457: Empty scene after STEP import
31454: JT import random crash
31438: Exporting a cone to .3MF or .STL, exporter hangs, never finishes
31419: 3DXML: ReadAttributes setting is not working
31407: 3DXML reading improvements
31400: IGES reading improvements
31331: SLW: Empty poster for configuration
31268: Crash if an incorrect entity is provided to A3DTess3DGet
31233: Helix results in non-manifold mesh.
31230: Some PMIs were invisible at view activation
31210: End of a leader pin reference frame was missing
31208: Some PMIs were invisible at view activation
31205: Some PMIs were duplicated at view activation
31204: Some PMIs were duplicated at view activation
31203: Some PMIs were duplicated at view activation
31189: Multi-threaded export from SolidWorks model produces invalid result
31163: Missing colors in shells of DFX files
31130: PAR-324: Calls to A3DRWParamsTranslateToPkPartsData never return for this assembly
31012: Bad color of part in Solid Edge ST10 assemblies
30984: A3DCopyAndAdaptBrepModelAdvanced return A3D_TOOLS_SPLIT_FAILURE
30979: crash when data are initialized but not set.
30975: A3DAsmModelFileData::m_eModellerType is Unknown for DWG files
30866: Inventor issue
30855: JT PMI text was scrambled on a specific file
30474: Support sections visualization in final package Sample Viewer
30354: Solid Edge - Strange attributes in .par file
30329: SolidWorks assembly missing bodies
30010: DWG: Cannot load files / A3D_EXCEPTION in x86
29853: DATASET_DATE_RELEASED attributes not correct
29785: PMI texts were missing in conversion result
29504: IDEAS stability improvements on Linux
29292: IDEAS stability improvements on Linux
29268: CATIA PMI are longer than expected
29220: Texts are missing in DWG file read with ReadDrawings=false
28359: IDEAS stability improvements on Linux
28239: ACIS export improvements
27916: Ideas: Cannot load file on Linux x64
27913: Reading files exported in IGES: A few color issues
27889: Regression IGES - Wrong color
27281: visibility isn’t correct when reading construction entity
26817: PRC Export with BREP compression crashes
26284: PMI vertices were not load in a specific JT file
25727: IDEAS files fail on Linux
24464: PAR-257 Surface Problem - Extra Surface (SLW)
31974: Missing coordinate systems with deep copy
HE 2018 SP1 U1
31790: Issue in specific CV5R28 file conversion
31661: Removal of the MP mode with wxt in the TTPP sample
31571: MP wxt is now working on Linux
31567: A3DAsmProductOccurrenceEdit stability improvements
31536: CV5-6 R2018 reading improvements
31495: Incremental load improvements with NX files
31491: MP wxt is now working on Linux
31465: CATIA V5 files open empty
31459: Fail to read some SolidWorks files
31445: Parasolid file does not open in all machines
31439: Exporting a cone to ACIS (.SAT or .SAB) throws an exception inside the A3D export call
31382: Crash while rereading Parasolid entities
31352: ProE Thread pitch value appears incorrect
31274: Crash while rereading Parasolid entities
31196: Problem with import of CATIAV5 tessellation
31100: Geometric tolerances from Creo 4 missing
31094: GD&T tolerances missing from Creo4 file
30044: SolidWorks regressions: bad default views when comparing the posters
30014: JT: Duplicated PMI references
29940: Creo GD&T Gp0 missing at import
29701: incorrect geometry
26741: STEP: A3DAdaptAndReplaceAllBrepInModelFile returns A3D_LOOP_BAD_ORIENTATION_DATA
31921: BrepAdapter sample crashes with a particular file
HE 2018 SP1
31427: ACIS export error
31410: SolidWorks assembly crash
31387: NX plane in wrong location
31317: A3DRiRepresentationItemSet() could be used to set only a coordinate system
31273: Crash at Parasolid bridge
31266: 3DXML file seems not loaded correctly
31250: Can’t read XT file
31218: The created PDF files are much bigger than before
31164: Bad import of the color model
31154: Better makefile settings in the samples
31131: Giant datum symbol
31126: References for Creo4 driving dimensions missing
31125: Meta data missing from ifc file
31045: STL file is not readable
31040: Regression Export U3D
31039: Incorrect import of sketches
31036: A3DTessBase for RiCurve ptr is randomly null
31026: STL export unit issue
31008: ACIS reading improvements
30989: DWG: colors are missing
30976: Invalid DrawingModel data for DWG files
30966: STL export in Inch on Linux
30962: TTPP hangs during conversion
30959: Random value of validation property report
30937: problem with Chinese characters
30931: Extra body in NX part
30930: NX planes
30903: X_T BREP reading error
30850: Infinite loop for incorrect STL
30845: problem to open IPT files
30827: 3DXML naming issue
30799: Simple 20 triangle STL file fails to import
30798: Exploded views not correct
30776: Export ACIS: ProE assembly part getting scaled
30759: wrong return
30738: Library Lock in UTF8 Conversion Function Causes Unexpected Error
30718: Long loading time
30712: Parts hidden in assembly explosion
30711: Faulty arrangement of parts in assembly: exploded view is incorrect
30690: Creo File could not be opened
30681: Import .model files fails
30672: SolidWorks - File not correctly imported
30669: Copy&Adapt improvements
30668: Copy&Adapt improvements
30661: Failure when reading DWG files
30658: Samples improvements
30638: STL reading improvements
30621: A3DSurfProjectPoint API memory improvements
30618: Communicator stuck while creating a stream cache for a specific inventor part
30604: JT: Wrong scaling in a file
30560: CV5 shattered mode improvements on Linux
30541: NX Linux stability improvements
30478: A3DAdaptAndReplaceAllBrepInModelFileAdvanced removes entity of type
30460: OLE non-native data not displaying
30435: IFC imprecise tessellation
30386: Error while converting CATIA file - Invalid format
30376: CATIA v5 ASM: Import not possible
30367: Chinese text conversion failure in DWG
30336: JT: Chinese characters?
30283: CATDrawing Linux stability improvements
30282: Export STEP and STL: bad geometry
30273: JT files have incorrect scale
30268: Windows sample test script improvements
30233: STL export unit issue on Linux
30230: STEP Export ends up with corrupted tessellation
30084: Misplaced 3D Annotations from Creo
29993: Failed to convert the numbers of the PMIs
29992: The color of the part is not converted.
29985: Wrong character and position of PMI in Creo file
29984: The PMI is not displayed when the view is applied
29959: 3DM conversion problem
29932: Cyrillic characters get lost on import files with Cyrillic names
29887: Some Datums are missing from CATPart
29834: Loading of NX file takes 15 hours
29762: Bad trimmed faces on STEP file
29740: Defective results on JT file
29710: IGES export improvements
29708: MP wxt stability improvements
29644: HDV CAD Tree differs when NX assembly is loaded
29616: Multi-process Linux stability improvements
29609: Error in export to STEP AP242
29525: JT reading improvements
29450: Some faces are split after step export
29383: Crash when loading NX file
29336: JT reading improvements
29277: Export PDF: Crashes export file on Linux x64 and x86
29266: Multi-process Parasolid export improvements
29061: Poor tessellation at import
29060: Regression SolidWorks: bad-looking part
29040: Creo PMI improvements
28934: A3DComputeOrthoHLROnModelFile3 fails on sectioning in low LOD
28849: Missing a part in Solid Edge assembly
28801: Creo PMI improvements
28732: SolidWorks parsing improvements
28619: Corrupted step geometry being split.
28617: Step Reader issue with surface
28608: SolidWorks Assembly with internal parts => issue with shattered loading
28588: Can’t Read CATDrawing: A3D_LOAD_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT
28395: NX reading improvements
28026: A3DAsmGetFilesPathFromModelFile doesn’t return the saved path of the part
28008: NX9: Filtered items should be hidden by default
27728: IGES model tree improvements
27279: SPR 962607: Part Orientation is changing on opening 3DXML file in eDrawings
26959: Parasolid buffers improvements for NX reading
26943: IGES export surface improvements
25794: Parasolid export improvements
25006: Wrong color display on SolidWorks file
24778: NX file has extra surface
24624: parsing issue
24110: Fail to load the specific NX large assembly
24056: Filtered solid are loaded even if ReadActiveFilter=true
23821: ReadHiddenObjects=false doesn’t work on this NX file
23433: PPC improvements
31502: ACIS to XT improvements
HE 2018 U3
31009: PSBodyShopPath improvements on Linux
31002: KeepParsedEntities mode improvements
30972: KeepParsedEntities mode improvements
30904: PAR-319: Solid Edge part fails to convert to PKPart
30729: Creo 4.0 - M030 is not recognized by Exchange
29524: DWG file in Communicator
31031: Bridge process fail, hangs and crash
HE 2018 U2
30987: DWG: Missing 3D elements
30943: N/A
30922: Missing geometry when importing DXF file
30916: Bad reading of DXF file with ReadDrawings=0
30831: DWG incorrect placements
30778: DWG: Fail to read whole data
30485: Display range incorrect in viewer
30484: MText is displayed incorrectly
30459: Raster Image not displaying in Container Object
30457: Text is positioned slightly higher
30456: Text extend beyond boundary
29216: DWG: Missing tolerances
30988: DWG: Missing geometry
HE 2018 U1
30761: HOOPS Exchange Demo 2018 - slow to start
30508: SolidWorks part BREP blank display
30404: SolidWorks CAD conversion quality regression
30396: Text from drawing are wrong after PRC export
30388: A3DRootBaseSet doesn’t overwrite the m_ppAttributes
30371: JT - one file corrupts another - uninitialized memory as name
30205: Attribute cleaning
29950: Infinite Loop reading CATIA
29813: SW incorrect Parts and sub-assemblies transformation BREP Mode
29275: Export HTML and SCS: Cannot export file on Linux x64
28782: __PRC_RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE_PersistentID attributes are duplicated
27152: File is locked when invalid for HOOPS Exchange on Windows.
30762: HOOPS Exchange Demo 2018 - “Unsupported Operation” displayed
HE 2018
30517: Crash on STEP assembly export with long names
30512: Export to STEP creates a garbage file when SetCurves is on
30491: Content of JT files v9.5 are not displayed
30471: Bridge XT crash
30461: Polylines not displaying
30458: Text Inside Blocks and Groups do not display
30436: HOOPS Exchange for IOS Parasolid
30431: B-rep creation errors
30416: DumpFeatureTree Linux compilation fails
30370: Regression colors have changed in JT asm
30356: Bad SAT export
30343: IGES: Crash during sewing
30335: JT: Cannot load model error
30322: Fixed linking problems on Linux
30281: NX shattered mode improvements
30280: ACIS reading stability improvements
30245: wxt bridge crash
30226: Solid EdgeFile Produces Parsing Error (code 22)
30176: STEP import improvements
30169: Querying RiSet information on Feature Base Entity return error code
30155: NX 8.5 files fail to convert correctly
30151: IFC with wrong colors
30145: A3DProEFamTabOrUseWireAndGeneric behavior change
30112: Shattered - When loading a STEP file in shattered mode: Crash
30108: Circular Pattern Missing for PRO/E
30081: JT has tessellation errors
30063: Creo file Crash at A3DAsmModelFileTranslateToPkParts.
30050: CatPart import, huge geometry
30022: UV computation on torus
30012: STL previously generated by HX and re-read by HX: Empty files
30000: NX11 file not read
29998: Samples warning removal
29974: DWG files with unicode characters not read on Linux
29967: STEP: Crash during sewing of a file
29964: healing isn’t fully repair a model as it used to do
29877: Can not load ifc file
29857: CV5 shattered mode improvements on Windows
29800: CV5 PMI improvements
29789: Component tree of IGES file shows wrong names
29773: Parasolid tess Export improvements
29772: Parasolid tess reading improvements
29754: A surface is missing in a SolidWorks file.
29718: A3DRootBaseGet is adding attributes.
29715: Parasolid export improvements
29709: STEP export: wrong material
29702: IFC geometry is wrong
29663: Exchange Export does not keep Parasolid product structure
29624: Error when importing NX
29617: SolidWorks parsing improvements
29614: STEP import improvements
29477: ACIS geometry regression
29448: STEP unit tolerance issue
29396: Material information when defined inside bodies for CV5
29370: 3DXML resource improvements
29360: DWG not read on Linux
29319: A3DRootBaseGet is adding attributes.
29303: Composites are failing for A3DCrvBaseGetAsNurbs()
29293: .hsf file not read on Linux
29286: STEP import improvements
29159: STEP export improvements
29102: “Crash” or “Couldn’t load model file” when testing some DWG files
28990: Parsing error on CatPart
28915: Some DWG files are not loaded
28842: WXT: Regression Rhino issue with placement
28733: Could be related to issue#29506
28674: Incorrect rendering of SolidWorks configuration
28484: SolidWorks parsing improvements
28469: Parasolid export improvements with Rhino files
28251: PMI exported in PRC look different
28112: Wrong color when reading Inventor tessellation.
27971: files open empty
27828: A3DProjectPointCloudManagerCreateFromRI crash with Igs files
27735: N/A
26680: Persistent ID Added features duplicated
26672: Persistent ID Assembly Pattern
26637: CV5 reading improvements
26520: Inventor reading improvements
26510: JT: A3DAdaptAndReplaceAllBrepInModelFile returns A3D_TOOLS_NURBSCONVERT_3D_FAILURE
26354: ACIS export improvements
26218: A3DCompareFacesInBrepModels stuck when tolerance is between 1 and 1.5
25516: A3DAdaptAndReplaceAllBrepInModelFile returns A3D_TOOLS_COMPUTE_UV_FAILURE (IGES)
23181: Inventor multi-part assembly crashes prc2xml
16324: IGES model tree improvements
30625: NX stability improvements
HE 2017 SP2 U2
30026: Regression in the product
30013: NX Shattered: Solids should be displayed
30008: Unable to import SolidWorks assembly
30007: Regression NX: Wrong color
29947: Rhino Wrong unit for feet
29896: JT are open empty
29783: CATIA PMI: Datum Targets are not converted
29775: Sewing performance improvements
29737: Catproduct infinite load
29593: Export improvements regarding UTF-8 strings with STEP
29584: Wrong Parasolid exported from a step file
29583: Wrong Parasolid exported from a step file
29580: Bad faces with a Step file
29565: Face missing when reading a step file
29564: Face missing when reading a step file
29506: SW hidden and suppressed parts are visible in BREP mode
29270: Can’t read file in Tess only mode
29132: NX Point is represented as two identical items in HDV
29131: NX Model missing Datum Axis in HDV
28638: CV5 PMI improvements
28222: IDEAS stability improvements
28137: Inventor: Wrong/Missing faces
27994: STEP file Twisted Face
27901: NX SHATTERED: Some solids should be hidden
23602: NX tessellation issue fix
30087: NX: Missing ref for FCF
HE 2017 SP2 U1
29756: Problems with HOOPS Exchange 2017 SP2 and NX PMI
29693: STEP export stability improvements
29615: A3DAsmGetFilesPathFromModelFile is throwing an exception
29537: (NIST) NX: Datums on geometric tolerances incomplete
29269: Font not detected correctly for CATIA
29188: Curves in exported HTML are black
29187: Missing faces when exporting a PDF to HTML
29135: Fix of FilePathName API
28705: Export SCS or HTML is not working with these files
30095: N/A
HE 2017 SP2
29563: STP produced by HOOPS Exchange not readable in CV5
29520: File format detection improvements
29515: Inventor stability improvements on Linux
29459: Fail to read Solid Edge File
29456: BreakPoint and Heap Corruption with the function A3DComputeFaceArea
29455: Segmentation fault during import of a STEP model
29437: Crash at import
29414: Potential buffer overrun
29398: Can’t open SolidWorks file
29394: Unable to import Solid Edge file.
29363: One Solid Edge file not read on Linux64
29348: Copy&Adapt improvements
29335: Unable to load Parasolid file with sample PRC2XML on iOS
29296: .stp.Z file not read on linux32, but read on linux64
29247: SolidWorks stability improvements
29233: I-DEAS reading improvements
29231: Inventor: Crash when importing Inventor file in B-rep mode
29194: ACIS reading improvements
29190: Can’t open Solid Edge file
29177: Pb with A3DAsmModelFileLoadFromFile
29173: CAD file fails to import
29164: Sewing improvements on IGES file
29163: Sewing improvements
29106: Cannot load xas file
29099: STL model tree changes
29098: ST9 Solid Edge MP5 Part file import not possible, parsing error
29084: A3DGetFileFormat not correct output
29082: Can’t open SolidWorks file
29077: IGES Sewing
29074: HOOPS Part Viewer/Demo Viewer does not display anything in Graphics Area when opening a 3dxml file.
29039: Reading in Tess mode is importing the BREP
29022: no A3DMiscMarkupLinkedItem stored
29015: Exchange is unable to read SAT data exported by itself
28995: SLW Import issue 32 bits only
28986: Can’t reread PRC generated with compressed BREP
28946: Memory usage is too high
28943: Export Step scaling issue, root PO transformation
28889: Serialization issue can’t re read exported PRC
28793: Cannot read STEP.Z files on linux32
28756: Can’t load v26 sab files
28750: SolidWorks nested sub-assemblies incorrect transformations
28730: BreakPoint and Heap Corruption with the function A3DComputeFaceArea
28701: Crash on ACIS export
28668: Creo 4.0 reading improvements
28634: IGES tessellation improvements
28572: Can’t open CATDrawing
28536: VRML reading improvements
28461: ACIS reading improvements
28369: Creo: Improve reader
28345: Linux x86 reading issue with .stp.z files
28231: NX file not read in HOOPS Exchange
28225: Export step, step is missing a face
28220: Creo: Reader improvement
28171: IGES stability improvements
28096: Not able to create the scs file of a x_t file
28039: IGES stability improvements
28033: Inventor stability improvements on Linux
27987: Crashes when converting to PRC files that were exported to JT 9.5 with HOOPS Exchange
27953: JT missing PMI link to solids
27800: NX, AdaptAndReplace failure.
27775: ACIS reading improvements
27455: Can’t open ACIS file downgraded from ACIS 27 to 23
27058: Missing character in a note
26833: NX: A3DAdaptAndReplaceAllBrepInModelFile(Advanced): Missing faces
26776: JT 10.2 Improvements
26588: Scaling transformation has no effect
26238: Copy&Adapt improvements
25974: JT ULP improvements
25095: -10007 error on a NX file
24130: Reading of semantic PMI under Linux shows different results
24121: ACIS reading improvements
23252: missing surfaces
20714: 3DXML; Wrong welding symbol
19071: Default.stp to xt causes face loss
19002: Elements not sewn as expected
29582: Missing faces with a Step file imported in HPDV 2017_SP1
HE 2017 SP1 U2
29101: Step Export problem
29081: SolidWorks assemblies initial view, User-defined views support
29024: Cannot import ACIS V23 SAb file
28973: Can’t read assembly VRML on Linux
28956: Can’t read Solid Edge file
28932: Can’t read Solid Edge File
28919: Regression: CV5-CV4 assembly missing parts
28821: Missing component in 2017 SP1
28810: Export STEP AP214: Scale issue
28341: ACIS to Parasolid conversion failed
28238: ACIS export crash with JT file
28229: Crash reading Solid Edge assembly
28051: Can’t load a PRC file generated from a PDF file
29144: missing nodes in CATIA files
HE 2017 SP1 U1
28840: SolidWorks parsing improvements
28828: Copy&Adapt improvements
28816: DLL Minor Version of 2017sp1 is 0
28652: Can’t read STL file on Linux
28614: N/A
28314: Export STEP improvements
27893: 3DXML - Item should be hidden
27891: 3DXML - Missing colors
27593: CV5 import empty
28945: False importer version in A3DSDK.h
HE 2017 SP1
28815: ProE reading improvements
28808: Solid Edge Can’t load model file
28795: Fail to read Unicode on Linux
28669: A3DTopoFaceGetShell is crashing with access violation
28623: Accurate Tessellation is wrong
28577: Crash Export VRML
28555: NX file does not open
28509: incorrect Export step
28492: Inventor reading improvements
28463: Cannot load Step model
28458: can’t open NX11 Data
28457: Unable to read Creo file
28452: Failed to open ASM file from Creo
28421: SLW to STEP improvements
28385: Exported STEP file size improvements
28358: Accurate tessellation issue.
28352: Face colors in NX file randomly change on Linux
28342: STEP reading
28339: CV5/CV4 reading improvements
28334: VRML or XML with non ascii characters file name wrong export name
28333: Point Sets in NX file get randomly marked as visible on Linux
28299: Unable to read attached NX 11 file
28272: Solid Edge attributes are missing
28264: Rhino reading improvements with Visual Studio 2015
28237: Export ACIS improvements
28226: Export Steps can’t be opened in SolidWorks
28221: Poster: Default view poster is empty
28198: Export STL with UseHeightInsteadOfRatio export empty files
28186: Random behavior for NX files on Linux
28185: Random behavior for NX files on Linux
28175: SLW: Bad geometry for holes
28174: Sewing improvements
28118: SLW to STEP improvements
28107: Improve Bridge_XT for Rhino files
28106: Improve Bridge_XT for Rhino files
28105: Improve Bridge_XT for IGES files
28104: Improve Bridge_XT for Rhino files
28103: Improve Bridge_XT for Rhino files
28102: Parasolid healing improvements
28094: Sldprt export to STEP, the step file is scaled up by 25.4. Not able to work around
28087: Error when importing Solid Edge file
28084: SolidWorks Linux performance
28074: STEP export crash
28072: Crash when loading attached JT
28065: U3D color improvements
28042: Can’t load Rhino file with external references on Linux
28037: NX11 reading improvements
27974: Improve Bridge_XT for Creo files
27965: Loading this step leads to empty scene
27950: Missing faces when reading Step file
27890: incorrect geometry in STEP file
27820: JT PMI in wrong position
27790: Rhino support for block occurrence
27780: PRC result from A3DCompare not readable
27605: ACIS export improvements
27441: PDF file fails to open
27439: A3DAsmProductOccurrenceGetIdentifier doesn’t return the same value from CAD file and From PRC
27348: Misplaced parts and instancing in Rhino file
27230: Misplaced parts in Rhino file
27087: wrong accurate tessellation for step file
27086: Tessellation accurate improvements
26881: CATIA file’s taking a long time to load and leave with error Unknown Format
26742: Performance issue for inventor file
26428: 3DM Files Not Processing in Viewer
26388: Improve Bridge_XT for CATIAV5 files
26312: Solid Edge - Crash on multiple import with tessellation and activated construction & references
26096: CV5 assembly reading improvements
25102: Parasolid export improvements with STEP files
24621: Rhino file reads in empty
24277: Parasolid export issue
24080: A3DMiscUTF16ToUTF8 fails to convert umlauts
23300: Wire frames in JT
22280: Rhino reading improvements
22227: Rhino file artifacts
22203: STEP reading improvements
21431: STEP reading improvements
21369: rendering
20385: Wrong display of tolerance value
20264: issues with CURVE_BOUNDED_SURFACE
19696: Rhino reading improvements
19336: STEP AP242: PMI semantic not converted
28855: Customer can’t create file.
HE 2017 U3
28154: Error reading ipt file in Tess Only Mode. Regression from 2016 SP2
28150: Export PRC crashes on HED 2017
28169: Missing Attributes on IFC Read
HE 2017 U2
28223: Missing VRML colors
28124: IGES reading improvements with Visual Studio 2015
28116: Error loading JT-BREP
28027: Export ACIS is crashing
28025: 2017 Behavior change in PRO export to ACIS
27799: Can’t access geometry in JT file
27768: Support Summary: Getting hatching pattern data will generate allocation error on Windows, segfault on Linux
27764: HOOPS Demo Viewer physical property are given in the wrong unit.
28234: ACIS export improvements
HE 2017 U1
27924: N/A
HE 2017
28276: Wrong tessellation
28038: Parasolid reading stability improvements
27997: N/A
27915: Parasolid bridge Rhino regression
27897: NX: Bad posters for some files
27855: SW, Missing part file in BREP mode
27850: NX stability improvements
27844: Creo file conversion fail
27818: SolidWorks assembly not up to date
27810: Can’t import entire SolidWorks assembly
27756: N/A
27741: JT imported as tess
27726: Crash with Translate to PK Part
27683: STEP writer improvements
27681: Import concatenated ACIS File
27647: HPDV crash
27638: SLW: Cannot read file
27636: ACIS reading improvements
27635: Parasolid healing stability improvements
27623: N/A
27622: N/A
27519: STEP reading improvements
27511: API fails to import PDF
27488: STL Wrong computation of center of gravity.
27478: ACIS: Reading issue
27385: Name of A3DAsmPartDefinitionData isn’t exported to step
27384: initial position of part is wrong when exporting to step
27376: Linux name encoding.
27349: Not able to open sat file
27308: missing parts reading step
27286: KPE mode stability improvements
27217: Solid Edge reading improvements
27195: CATIAV5: Performance drop during A3DAdaptAndReplaceAllBrepInModelFile(Advanced)
27168: Adapt&Replace improvements
27158: SolidWorks reading improvements
27139: Failed to open IGS file using HoopsExchange (file specific)
27134: No distinction between hidden and removed state
27127: Parasolid export improvements
27033: Infinite planes in surfaces
27011: Step positioning
27001: Step surfaces wrong color
26990: Visitors issue
26893: SolidWorks: Missing cube
26863: Break with A3DDllSetCallbacksProgress: PRC
26811: getting unexpected point projection results with new Hex block model
26807: Feature request for Creo Layers
26633: Exchange tessellation for CAD model appears incorrect
26601: Solid Edge assembly file parsing issue
26505: Solid Edge ST9 support
26131: NX: Unable to read data
25992: ACIS color improvements
25802: N/A
25709: N/A
25472: 2+GB IGES files support
25377: N/A
25103: ACIS reading improvements
24749: TfStrongAssert when exporting part of Inventor Assembly
24703: Tessellation improvements
24463: Missing references
24242: step file crashes viewer.exe & appears incomplete in HOOPS Exchange Demo
23434: IGES export improvements
23417: CV5 fillet conversion improvements
23256: Inventor geometry error
21476: PRC deserialization fix
20066: IGES reading improvements
28972: Can’t read Creo file
HE 2016 SP2 U3
27587: SolidWorks face name cleanup
27513: Hide Parts in HLR Mode using Views. Crash when computing HLR
27497: HLR stability improvements
28552: N/A
27388: CATIA File can’t be open
27375: Creo part can’t be loaded
27359: Can’t load NX assembly NX
27331: HLR stability improvements
27412: Can’t open CATIA assembly
27242: Stability improvements
28316: A3DAsmModelFileExportToPrcStream return A3D_INVALID_ENTITY_NULL
HE 2016 SP2
27232: Inventor Model Colored Incorrectly
27133: ACIS export improvements
27132: ACIS export improvements
27131: ACIS export improvements
27125: ACIS export improvements
27103: ACIS export unit improvements
27074: N/A
27059: N/A
27057: CV5 view improvements
27056: CV5 view improvements
27017: Inventor reading improvements
27008: CV5 view improvements
27003: STEP writer improvements
26986: Infinite Loop reading NX file
26958: Inventor geometry error
26935: STEP orientation healing improvements
26933: Encoding of Chinese characters
26929: A3DSurfBaseGetAsNurbs takes too long
26918: Wrong node names on STEP Export
26895: Wrong interpretation of Korean directory names
26894: Wrong behavior with non unicode string
26871: Sewing improvements
26834: N/A
26825: Parsing error for Solid Edge ST8
26798: Tessellation improvements
26784: CV5 reading improvements
26760: CV5 parsing improvements
26713: Missing uv trim curves for some faces
26703: SAT file cannot be load using library, but demo app opens it
26628: Reader SAT Single-entity files explode into multiple entities
26580: Single-entity files explode into multiple entities when translated to X_T
26579: -10007 error when importing sat file
26574: Copy and Adapt improvements
26561: PMI has wrong orientation
26536: Performance issue when loading big PRC files
26529: Parasolid export improvements
26360: N/A
26353: Inventor reading improvements
26335: STEP orientation healing improvements
26222: ACIS reading improvements
26186: NX Datum has no references
26147: Parasolid export improvements
26086: N/A
25818: Sewing improvements
25801: U3D reading improvements
25730: Case sensitivity in CATIA assembly (Linux)
25723: CV5 drawing improvements
25680: Inventor: API A3DCurveLength hang
25510: N/A
25430: Can not extract 3d stream from PDF file
25340: transparency is broken when reading this PDF in HED
25317: Parasolid evaluation improvements
25220: N/A
24988: N/A
24817: Missing leader for Driven Dimensions
24548: ACIS export issues
24336: N/A
24208: SLW: Views are duplicated
24132: Datum should be hidden in views
24010: Corrupted 3DXML
23601: N/A
23032: Creo reading improvements
23007: IGES export performance improvements
22786: A3D_DEFAULT_COLOR_INDEX as Color in A3DTessMarkupData
20610: Different results in Sewing on Linux
19898: U3D file format not recognized
19389: N/A
19331: New validation props settings in 3DR
16344: step file displays incorrectly
13366: STEP reading improvements
27397: CATIA CGR file are long to open
HE 2016 SP1 U6
26797: Creo reading improvements
26694: Inventor Geometry reading error
26460: CV5 loading improvements
26027: SolidWorks configurations improvements
24672: Cannot delete prototype with A3DAsmProductOccurrenceEdit
26810: CV5-6 R2016 support
HE 2016 SP1 U5
26822: Adapt&Replace improvements
26325: Adapt&Replace improvements
26835: Sewing improvements
HE 2016 SP1 U4
26375: Sewing stability improvements
26346: Sewing stability improvements
26743: STEP: Crash during sewing
HE 2016 SP1 U3
26754: 3DXML: Misplaced parts
26670: Crash computing planar section on model file with Exchange - started with Exchange 2016 SP1
26587: Missing uv trim curves for some faces
26582: A3DExport not identifying
26577: 3DXML import empty
26499: CV5 reading improvements
26442: 3DXML reading improvements
26379: CV5 parsing improvements
26365: A3DFaceUVPointInside improvements
26296: NX parsing improvements
26276: CV5 PMI improvements
26108: N/A
26105: CATIA V5 - 64-Bit & B-rep - incorrect colors
26014: ProE: Wrong tolerance limits for angle checks
25969: NX: PMI - Missing references, modifier and undetected composite datum in one file
25954: Tiff is recognized as 3ds
25947: 3DXML reading improvements
25884: A3DGetFileFormat performance improvements
25866: CV5 parsing improvements
25580: N/A
25444: 3DXML reading improvements
25300: BREP cant be loaded from CATIA file CH
26779: N/A
HE 2016 SP1 U2
26542: A3DCompareFacesInBrepModels get stuck for Tolerance between 1 and 1.5
26521: Exported Step file is incompatible with SolidWorks
26413: CGR parsing improvements
26345: Dependencies not listed for Creo
25509: Improve A3DAdaptAndReplaceAllBrepInModelFile
26583: missing HEPB in Linux
HE 2016 SP1
26297: Density issue
26239: CV5 reading improvements with PMI
26234: Parasolid export improvements
26211: Bad B-rep on SAT export
26165: Creo blends ConvToNURBS improvements
26157: N/A
26146: bug fix
26133: Parasolid export improvements
26130: m_bFitAllToUpdateViewCameras not working properly
26091: ACIS 25 and 26 support
26074: NX: Slow load
26071: SLW: Wrong display of weld symbols
26065: Creo parsing improvements
26064: IFC: Missing colors
26049: N/A
26048: DLL info addition
26045: ProE: Arrow issues
26023: Creo: Balloon leader attachment issue
26022: ProE: Missing arrow
26021: Creo: leader line misplaced
26012: SolidWorks body name improvements
26007: Issue fixed in 2016_U2
25942: Export IGES issue
25935: IGES: Solid only imported with hidden elements enabled
25921: IFC: Cannot load file properly
25911: IFC: Missing color
25909: Cannot load huuuge CatProduct file with sample Viewer
25897: SLW: Cannot load file with Variable Patterns
25888: IFC: Boolean operations
25853: Regression
25850: SLW: Cannot load files
25849: SLW: Cannot load file
25841: ReadHiddenObjects=false doesn’t work on this NX file
25838: NX: Missing parts
25810: STEP writer improvements
25806: IGES: Wrong patch/trimming curve
25803: JT reading improvements
25788: ProE: PMI Radius dimension Wrong Arrow Direction
25766: STEP writer improvements
25706: Incremental load improvements
25698: CV5 reading improvements
25677: Visitor stability improvements
25561: IFC reading improvements
25544: Solid Edge Sheet metal visibility when ReadConstruction&Ref=true
25526: ProE: Wrong tolerance value display
25525: ProE: Roughness should be displayed in views
25524: ProE: Leaderline too long for balloon
25523: ProE: Misplaced datum
25480: ACIS export improvements
25416: Incremental load improvements
25405: Incremental load has been updated
25393: incremental load
25385: ReadAttributes setting is not working
25237: NX: Bad views
25187: JT - Transformation issue
25065: CV5 reading improvements
24963: Missing spatial modifiers for position tolerances
24913: Copy and Adapt improvements
24881: Solid Edge Alternative Assemblies
24747: ProE: Cables are too thick
24500: NX mold assembly is missing parts in latest Exchange versions
24318: STEP writer improvements
24285: conversion speed
24228: STEP writer improvements
23969: bugfix
21992: STEP writer improvements
21540: Leaderline too long for balloon
21536: Two arrows instead of one for radius dimensions
21470: Pro/E part file cannot be opened
21217: Custom Color not saved in STEP/IGES
21140: Misplaced screen note
20259: wrong PMI filtering
19817: Misplaced screen note
19809: STEP writer improvements
16783: STEP writer improvements
16492: Transparency issue on SolidWorks
26416: NX parsing improvements
HE 2016
25840: integration issue
25662: SE Persistent ID
25661: Inventor Persistent ID
25660: Parasolid export improvements
25653: ACIS reading improvements
25641: NX: Dimension leaders without any point
25640: Missing datum ref
25623: API fix for UTF-8 support
25605: CV5 density retrieval improvements
25550: bug fix
25540: CV5 reading improvements
25533: NX reading improvements
25528: ProE: Arrow should be outward instead of inward
25527: ProE: Missing stub for driven dimensions
25494: ACIS reading improvements
25490: Inventor reading improvements
25479: ACIS reading improvements
25453: SolidWorks placement improvements
25447: Creo views improvements
25417: SolidWorks incremental load improvements
25413: Can´t open NX10 Assembly
25410: Solid Edge reading improvements
25402: Parasolid export issue
25375: NX reading improvements
25371: A3DGetFileFormat PDF issue
25351: ProE PMI Negative Dim values
25347: A3DGetFileFormat UTF-8 issue
25338: A3DCrvTransformGet API improvements
25318: SLW: Non-default configurations loaded will be flagged as
25309: API fix for UTF-8 support
25308: ifc-Format: No Colour in HOOPS DemoViewer
25305: Creo PMI improvements
25303: ACIS reading improvements
25302: ACIS reading improvements
25301: CV5: Composite datum not detected
25298: Inventor B-rep improvements
25297: Inventor B-rep improvements
25296: Inventor B-rep improvement
25295: ACIS reading improvements
25294: ACIS reading improvements
25293: ACIS reading improvements
25291: NX: Missing references
25286: N/A
25277: N/A
25263: NX: Crash in 64bit
25261: Solid Edge parsing improvement
25257: NX reading memory improvements
25246: Creo incremental load improvements
25235: NX reading improvements
25230: Copy and Adapt improvements
25213: JT: Missing density
25212: Solid Edge: wrong density volume unit
25211: Package improvement
25209: JT: Cannot load model
25205: Shattered ProE: Model is hidden in views
25203: Wrong color in shattered mode
25201: vc110 stability improvements
25189: ACIS reading improvements
25185: NX parsing
25178: CATDrawing - Drop out polyline partly
25170: ACIS reading improvements
25168: NX reading improvements
25161: API fix for UTF-8 support
25137: Simplify APIs orientation improvements
25134: Transformations are wrong when importing with TessOnly
25120: SolidWorks memory improvements
25119: Creo memory improvements
25115: SolidWorks configurations improvements
25101: Creo parsing improvements
25093: PMI are not loaded
25078: SolidWorks incremental load improvements
25064: NX reading improvements
25058: ACIS reading improvements
25057: ACIS reading improvements
25054: Copy and Adapt improvements
25053: STEP reading improvements
25052: Copy and Adapt improvements
25051: Copy and Adapt improvements
25050: Copy and Adapt improvements
25034: Copy and Adapt improvements
25033: SolidWorks incremental load improvements
25030: ACIS reading improvements
25005: Mass properties
24994: API fix for UTF-8 support
24982: API fix for UTF-8 support
24978: ACIS reading improvements
24976: case insensitivity on Linux
24974: Missing enum for datum target symbols
24973: JT color improvements
24962: Tessellation improvements
24961: Symbolic threads are misplaced while showing NX file.
24955: Solid Edge parsing improvement
24949: CV5 reading improvements
24946: Copy and Adapt improvements
24942: SolidWorks incremental load improvements
24935: PMI: CATIAv5: missing tolerance and datum modifiers
24931: SolidWorks incremental load improvements
24925: PMI: ProE: Wrong tolerance zone type for the second tolerance row
24922: NX: No leader information for dimensions available
24916: A3DMarkupDimensionData.m_eSymbol is always returning 0
24912: PMI:NX: Wrong tolerance information for multiple tolerance rows
24910: placement issue
24905: API fix for UTF-8 support
24904: PMI: CATIAv5: Wrong tolerance zone type
24889: SolidWorks incremental load improvements
24888: SolidWorks incremental load improvements
24884: SolidWorks views wrongly scaled
24880: Incremental load improvements
24873: NX incremental load improvements
24857: API fix for UTF-8 support
24855: A3DGetFileFormat fails with extension .PDF in uppercase
24830: Cannot get lines data of IFC file
24786: Incremental load not working with Pro/E assembly
24775: Only wire is displayed in shattered mode
24724: RootDirRecursive setting
24690: STEP reading improvements
24671: parsing issue
24668: ACIS export improvements
24657: N/A
24608: Step PMI display
24565: ACIS reading improvements
24553: wrong colors
24538: Parasolid export issue
24524: Inventor B-rep support
24519: A3DProjectPointCloud error with STEP file
24501: CV5 incremental load improvements
24468: Blank Inventor 2015 parts in B-rep Mode, ok in Tess Mode
24412: Creo reading improvements
24375: body name issue
24293: STEP reading improvements
24185: Inventor reading improvements
24154: bug fix
24102: ACIS reading improvements
24040: Copy and Adapt improvements
24021: PRC deserialization fix
24004: Creo reading improvements
23999: NX reading improvements
23944: Copy and Adapt improvements
23624: ComputeUV bug
23513: Export STEP: Cannot read back step file in NX or SLW + split surfaces
23467: STEP reading improvements
23347: Wrong cross-highlight
23131: PMI scale
23035: SolidWorks transparency improvements
22486: Parasolid export improvements
22250: Inventor reading improvements
22191: STEP parsing improvements
22067: Creo memory improvements
21656: ProE: Misplaced note
21546: Datum should be hidden in view
21363: memory issue
20607: PDF files cannot be read correctly in 3DR
20582: ACIS reading improvements
20529: wrong filtering in views for parts
20400: Parasolid reader improvements
18859: Tessellation improvements
16489: SolidWorks reading improvements
15086: Memory issue with PRC compression
25940: Conversion issue has been fixed in Creo reader
HE 2015 SP2 U2
24120: ProE colors
23538: bug fix
24837: ProE Part transformation
HE 2015 SP2 U1
24859: CV5 loading improvement
24842: Inventor Linux Missing resources
24801: U3D Material shininess greater than 1
24799: Inventor B-rep
24728: Cross section
24661: Inventor Duplicated bodies
24503: bug fix
24883: Solid Edge parsing improvement
HE 2015 SP2
25127: Solid Edge color improvement
25017: Creo parsing improvements
24809: Custom symbol not display correctly
24768: A3D_LOAD_CANNOT_LOAD_MODEL for a CV5 file
24756: parsing issue
24755: parsing issue
24754: parsing issue
24745: parsing issue
24744: can’t find hepb.dll
24725: empty configuration
24716: SolidWorks: Surface visibility
24696: parsing issue
24682: Creo crash
24658: parsing issue
24656: Interrupted leaderline
24654: Wrong anchor point for FCF
24653: Ordinate origin should be hidden in view
24652: Note shouldn’t be filtered in view
24651: Misplaced note
24650: No symbol for stub
24649: PMI should be displayed in view
24627: NIST: Datum shouldn’t be displayed in view
24604: parsing issue
24591: Fail to load Creo file
24575: parsing issue
24561: Exchange isn’t using the substitution font for tolerance text
24554: bug fix
24551: Creo parsing improvements
24549: parsing issue
24534: visibility issue in view
24533: visibility issue in view
24529: wrong color
24513: SolidWorks part, Body Visibility
24510: missing attributes
24489: bug fix
24470: PDF parsing issue
24467: SE Incorrect part visibility
24466: SE wrong display of assembly feature
24458: bug fix
24447: bad geometry
24440: scale issue
24439: parsing issue
24437: Korean characters in attribute names
24423: parsing issue
24418: PMI font on Linux
24417: parsing issue
24415: bug fix
24413: Wrong size for text
24404: infinite loop
24383: Missing leaderline for datum A
24362: crash
24349: missing comma in header
24345: A3DProjectPointCloud2 or A3DProjectPointCloud A3DBool bUseExactComputation seems to have no effect. tessellated data
24344: exception raised: Point Cloud Projection using tessellated data
24335: Cannot load file when RedPMI=true
24326: bug fix
24307: N/A
24268: missing bodies
24261: tessellation issue
24259: body name issue
24237: loop orientation issue
24235: loop orientation issue
24219: 3D curves vs. UV curves
24205: Parasolid reader issue
24192: support for CATIA V5 r24 latest service packs & hotfixes
24176: parsing issue
24159: NX: Unnecessary parts are shown
24150: Flippable annotations
24148: Text Variable is not converted
24147: NX: Color of the bracket is invalid
24127: Model should be hidden in view
24126: JT: Missing linked item
24113: Wrong view names under Linux for JT parts
24100: density support
24097: Attached NX file is failed to open in HOOPS viewer
24094: Parasolid reader issue
24076: The tolerance values are correct in HOOPS release 710.
24073: Incorrect density
24068: Cannot load model when FitAllToUpdateViewCameras=”true”
24062: parsing issues
24052: infinite loop
24051: parsing issue
24043: Missing text
23932: memory leak
23910: Missing PMI in the sample Viewer in release x64 mode
23906: Cannot load config directly in HOOPS Exchange Demo
23888: inconsistent display of catpart within Viewer & HOOPS Exchange Demo
23886: Incorrect and missing CATIA dimensions
23875: PDF parsing issue
23854: Read hidden object option is not taken into account for NX
23722: MASS properties incorrect
23720: bug fix
23634: infinite loop
23511: bug fix
23425: crash
23234: Hang loading JT file in HOOPS Exchange Publish 2015 - Linux
22648: Wrong camera
22644: link between pmi and geometry
22495: crash
22339: parsing issue
21817: Datum Target terminating with X are not managed
21562: Wrong link between annotation and geometry
21512: Datum A, B, C should not be displayed
21503: annotation is lost in space
21239: Cannot display SolidWorks file contents
21214: Misplaced driven dimension
21173: Misplaced symbol in table
21147: Leader too short for datum
21119: Missing stub
21108: XXX characters in empty note
21097: Empty notes with XXXXXX
21083: leaderline interruption
19918: A3DPDFMakeSnapshotFromModelFile produces wrong images from views
19912: pmi bug
19826: Incorrect PMI placement
16883: Missing parts
15016: tessellation issue
26265: Better Creo reading stability
HE 2015 SP1 U2
23818: broken search paths
23777: sw missing file occurrences or file paths
23613: bug fix
24195: PDF parsing issue
HE 2015 SP1 U1
23916: bug fix
23794: bug fix
23723: SW samples from DS site give wrong mass properties
23707: parsing issue
23546: N/A
23961: bug fix
HE 2015 SP1
24155: Characters in the table should be centered rather than aligned left
24031: bug fix
23923: parsing issues
23919: parsing issues
23917: ComputePhysicalProperties return wrong value
23892: bug fix
23864: Crash in sample viewer
23855: missing faces
23826: crash
23824: parsing issues
23813: parsing issue
23793: A3DSurfBaseGetAsNurbs return codes
23779: bug fix
23778: inventor file crash exchange on Linux
23757: crash
23702: parsing issues
23689: parsing issue
23681: crash
23678: crash
23675: visibility issue
23670: STL export issue
23662: crash
23630: crash
23620: parsing issue
23607: parsing issues
23603: parsing crash
23578: Wrong visibility in views
23576: parsing issue
23561: CATProduct cannot be opened by 8.0 used to work in 7.2
23547: parsing issue
23536: name attribute support for CV5R24
23523: crash
23510: Can’t load IFC files with comments in the header
23509: crash
23504: parsing issue
23488: Cannot load slw file
23487: cannot load slw files
23470: parsing issue
23468: parsing issues
23450: Cannot load SLW files
23449: Cannot load NX file
23431: crash
23423: Crash when loading jt-ulp file
23419: missing B-rep
23414: Regression: Missing texture
23406: parsing issue
23403: No texture in B-rep mode when drag and dropping the file in HOOPS Demo 2015 U1
23398: missing B-rep
23387: parsing issue
23379: SolidWorks asm loading failure on Linux
23374: cannot load file anymore
23355: Empty file
23321: markup with no tessellation
23264: missing font loading
23251: visibility issue
23120: parsing issue
23118: bug fix
23109: crash
22924: Inconsistent progress callback during STEP export
22872: parsing issue
22798: parsing issues
22709: JT crash
22344: Creo: missing parts on scene
22198: Missing line under dimension
22163: Wrong link between annotation and geometry
21902: Wrong reference on multi-part-faces
21852: Cannot load a CATPart model file
21660: Wrong stub orientation
21555: Wrong alignment between dimension and FCF
21554: Bad extension line for driven dimensions (radius dim)
21530: leaderline too long for driven dimension of radius
21510: Missing leader
21507: No Unit and Type for angle dimensions
21506: Bad leader for angular dimension
21180: missing surfaces in Parasolid export
21172: Misoriented note
21145: Wrong ordinate dimensions
21142: Misaligned dimensions
20530: compound body issue
20203: sewing issue
19905: A piece of a Surface finish annotation is misplaced
18237: bug fix
17568: consistency issues
17124: Section body shouldn’t be displayed by default
17083: Misplaced ordinate dimensions
24402: bad views
HE 2015 U1
23424: consistency issues
23385: bug fix
23352: performance issues
23338: crash
23309: performance issues
23308: missing data with ReadHidden flag
23288: reader issue
23274: API issue
23236: bug fix
23235: parsing issues
23232: ProductLoadStatus issue
23228: Cannot load Inventor files
23207: memory leaks
23199: missing data with ReadHidden flag
23176: parsing failure
23147: parsing failure
23143: parsing failure
23124: parsing failure
23100: undefined symbols
22991: visitor issue
22975: parsing issues
22965: SLASM incomplete if ReadHiddenObjects is false
22906: Failed to open the NX assembly
22785: TfStrongAssertFailed because of empty MkpAnnotationItem
22721: No highlight
22656: performance issues
22591: crash
22478: CV piping
22435: consistency issues
22378: parsing issue
22116: crash
21901: Parasolid writer issue
21629: consistency issues
21558: Note should be written in two lines instead of three
21529: Wrong alignment of driven dimensions compare to their leaderline
21513: Hidden PMI in views
21485: No space before and after FCF values
21330: CV5 parsing improvements
21141: Misplaced FCF
21090: Misplaced dimension
21089: Misplaced cumulated dimensions
21087: Misplaced dimensions
20393: support for multiple connexes as one part in Parasolid export
20335: placement issue and missing surfaces
20328: missing surfaces
20327: STEP orientation healing
20286: STEP orientation healing
20048: SmartHeap issues
19900: Wrong camera in views
19480: bad geometry
19337: Missing body in NX 8.5 part
18962: consistency issues
18893: Parasolid writer issue
18564: ug nx part names corrupted
18135: Parasolid sewing fix +various improvements
17998: consistency issues
17953: consistency issues
17931: IGES tolerance issue
17609: consistency issues
17140: issue with the accurate tessellation
17088: STEP orientation healing
16793: missing surface
16618: Parasolid writer issue with face mode
16597: consistency issues
16490: Visibility issues on SolidWorks files
16400: SLW: Color bugs on several SolidWorks parts
16373: consistency issues
16036: consistency issues and conversion speed
16014: manage A3D_LOAD_MISSING_COMPONENTS error in Parasolid bridge
15766: Extra visible parts
15201: consistency issues
14522: consistency issues
24095: NX: Hatching lines are not converted
HE 2015
22993: parsing issues
22967: NX attributes
22964: add ability to compute face edges on 3DTessData
22962: PRc twice bigger with new reader
22919: missing free calls
22911: parsing issues
22901: infinite loop
22895: Cannot load CV5 file
22894: Cannot load CATPart
22828: consistency issues
22813: No geometry
22800: crash
22799: parsing issue
22781: parsing issue
22770: crash
22756: tessellation issue
22737: Tessellation calculated with A3DRiRepresentationItemGetTessellation differs of the initially loaded tessellation
22714: Parasolid export issues
22700: parsing issues
22685: PMI crash bug
22684: consistency issues
22673: Wrong leader for CATDrawing
22672: parsing issues
22664: Viewer sample improvements
22616: tessellation issue
22610: parsing issue
22598: Viewer sample improvements
22547: missing API checks
22503: parsing improvements
22494: Viewer sample improvements
22453: Crash in Draw.cpp for VRML files
22452: Cannot load Inventor file
22434: Bad display of surface finish
22432: Misplaced datum target
22415: parsing failure
22377: parsing issues
22372: Missing stub for FCF
22354: Parasolid export issues
22336: export setting issue
22331: Viewer sample improvements
22300: infinite loop
22273: placement issue
22257: crash
22242: parsing issues
22239: parsing issues
22219: parsing crash
22161: copy and adapt bug
22148: crash
22140: crash
22136: Error when calling A3DRootBaseGet on a drawing view
22100: parsing failure
21988: Some IFC files taking too much time to be read
21987: parsing failure
21985: parsing issues
21976: Display of tolerances
21942: parsing issue
21935: placement issue
21921: Missing PMI
21919: Ug visibility issue
21917: No link between annotations and geometry
21890: parsing failure
21858: missing attributes
21856: CAD file is imported in STAR-CCM+ 6.04 but not 9.04
21819: parsing issue
21767: Wrong tolerance on geometric tolerancing area
21673: No hatching for PMI region
21634: parsing issues
21601: Missing part
21579: No link between annotations
21578: No link between annotations and geometry
21576: No links between annotations
21571: Missing information in A3DMkpMarkupData for Datum
21570: Bad display of annotations
21569: Missing annotations
21567: Support of views
21560: Misplaced datum
21547: Leader too short for datum
21544: Misplaced datum
21508: Bad geometry
21488: No hatching for PMI regions
21405: Surface visibility by default
21380: Incorrect leader
21212: wrong color for dimensions
21207: parsing failure
21165: Wrong leader for datum
21155: Misplaced datum attached to dimension
21149: Wrong line
21148: Wrong arrow style
21133: Misplaced datum with no leader
21125: Datum text is misoriented
21114: Misplaced 3d centerline
21110: backslash after surface finish value
21107: Missing arrows
21103: hidden pmi should be shown
21102: NX8: Missing leader on datum
21094: parsing failure
21084: Missing multiple leader for welding symbol
21050: PDF parsing issue
21040: tessellation issue Candidate for 7.2 Hot Fix
21038: Can’t use Exchange in a separate library on Linux
21028: parsing issues
20963: exploded solid
20962: crash and consistency issues
20920: issues with self-intersecting curves
20831: NX surface name issue
20814: PMI shouldn’t be displayed
20781: NX model tree issue
20710: Wrong anchor point+missing stub
20352: Parasolid export improvements
20287: scale issue
20071: SolidWorks SLDASM reading error
20058: No link + No highlight
19960: Missing linked items
19785: No link between GT and dimension
19543: Wrong color for parts
18336: JT reading improvements
18308: Transparency issue
16483: Bad conversion of a SolidWorks assembly
16071: consistency issues
16021: issues with CURVE_BOUNDED_SURFACE
15798: crash
15768: part/ subassembly with instance are missing
15767: Visibility issue
15763: bad display of tessellated PMI
15720: Tessellation bug
15632: Cannot load SLW file
14993: placement issue
14204: Parasolid export issues
23031: JT parsing