
Detailed Description

struct A3DCopyAndAdaptBrepModelErrorData

Copy and convert to NURBS error result.

paiErrors corresponds to a set of indexes and error codes

  • paiErrors[0] = type the topological element
  • paiErrors[1] = error status
  • paiErrors[2] = number of indexes to find element (0 = brepdata, connex = 1, shell = 2, face = 3, loop = 4, coedge /edge = 5)
  • paiErrors[3] = first index
  • paiErrors[3+paiErrors[2]] = last index

Public Members

A3DEntity *m_pEntity

Entity which have error during function call.

A3DUns32 m_uiNbError

Number of elements in error.

A3DInt32 *m_paiErrors

Index and error code of each element.