
Detailed Description

struct A3DRWParamsProEData

Reading parameters specific to Pro/ENGINEER CAD files.


Public Members

A3DUTF8Char *m_pcCodePageName

Code page to use for text conversion to Unicode.

The values for CodePageName are those usable in the iconv GNU Package Example: EUC-JP for Japanese files.

A3DBool m_bDisplayTolerance

With a value of TRUE, read and display the tolerances for dimensions.

A3DBool m_bDisplaySubpartAnnotations

With a value of TRUE, access to the PMIs in subparts in an assembly.

A3DProESessionColorType m_eSessionColorType

Defines the default PMI color type.

A3DProEFamilyTables m_eFamilyTables

How to read family tables.

The following enums are available: A3DProEFamTabAcceleratorFileOnly: Nothing will be loaded if there’s no XPR/XAS. A3DProEFamTabOrUseTessellation: XPR/XAS will be used first; if not available, the tessellation will be used. If tessellation isn’t available, nothing will be loaded. A3DProEFamTabOrUseWireAndGeneric: XPR/XAS will be used. If not available, the tessellation will be used. If tessellation isn’t available, the wire that represents the family table will be used. If the wire isn’t available, the generic part will be loaded. Be sure to see this warning regarding this setting.


A3DBool m_bBoolOpUseGenericIfNoTess

With a value of TRUE, display the generic form of the element if boolean operation and no tessellation to represent it.


A3DBool m_bFlexCompUseGenericIfNoTess

With a value of TRUE, display the generic form of the element if flexible component and no tessellation to represent it.


A3DBool m_bHideSkeletons

With a value of TRUE, hides all skeleton type elements from the file.

A3DBool m_bReadExplodeStateAsView

With a value of TRUE, create a view for each explode state.

A3DBool m_bDisplayVisibleDatum

Manage the visibility of datum entities.


A3DProEReadConstructEntities m_eReadConstructEntities

Control the sketch reading.

A3DBool m_bComputeHomeView

With a value of TRUE, there will be an additional view that reflects the current states (orientation, explode, …).

A3DBool m_bHandlePMIScreenLocation

With a value of TRUE, treat screen location in markup reading.


A3DBool m_bIsometricDefaultView

If true, default is isometric else it’s trimetric.
