Solid Edge Reader

Solid Edge

File Extension


Supported versions

1 to 20 - ST1 to ST10 2019 to 2024


wy ly my an in


c_green Supported (computed)


c_green Supported


c_red Unsupported

Solid Edge is a powerful 3D CAD software widely used in industries such as manufacturing, engineering, and architecture. Known for its robust modeling capabilities and synchronous technology, Solid Edge enables precise and efficient design of complex products. Its proprietary file formats ensure detailed and accurate representation of 3D models, making it ideal for advanced manufacturing and collaborative engineering projects.

Our support for Solid Edge covers reading most version of the format in B-rep.

How to Import from Solid Edge

To load a Solid Edge file, use A3DAsmModelFileLoadFromFile(). The A3DParamsLoadData structure is used to customize general loading behavior. Additionally, the A3DRWParamsSolidEdgeData structure can be used to specifiy load options specific to the Solid Edge format. This structure is available as a field of A3DParamsLoadData:

A3DAsmModelFile* pModelFile = 0;

A3DRWParamsLoadData sReadParam;
A3D_INITIALIZE_DATA(A3DRWParamsLoadData, sReadParam);
sReadParam.m_sGeneral.m_bReadSolids = A3D_TRUE;

// Configuration specific to Solid Edge
sReadParam.m_sSpecifics.m_sSolidEdge.m_bLoadAllConfigsData = A3D_TRUE;

// ... set other A3DRWParamsLoadData fields as necessary

A3DAsmModelFileLoadFromFile("path/to/file.asm", &sReadParam, &pModelFile);

See Simple Load and Export for more about loading model files.


Solid Edge uses Parasolid as its core geometry engine. Therefore, the reading of the B-rep in our Solid Edge reader is based on our Parasolid Reader. This allows you to query the full topological and geometric model defined in a Parasolid file.

Our reader supports the following geometries from Solid Edge:

  • Surfaces: Blend surface, B-spline surface, Cone, Cylinder, Offset surface, Plane, Sphere, Revolution surface, Swept surface, Torus.

  • Curves: B-spline, Circle, Ellipse, Intersection curve, Line, UV curve.

HOOPS Exchange provides evaluators that let you directly query all the geometry types available in Parasolid.

Additionally, you can ask HOOPS Exchange to approximate any specific geometry and provide it in a standard NURBS form.


To obtain tessellation data from Solid Edge, HOOPS Exchange computes them upon reading from B-rep.


The Solid Edge reader supports generic materials properties, with the exception of elongation factor.


Views and PMI are not supported by HOOPS Exchange reader.