Distribution Content

  • client

    The client part of CEETRON Envision.

    • CeeEnvisionWebComponents.js: A minified version of the Envision for Web client.

    • CeeEnvisionWebComponents.d.ts: TypeScript declaration file for all the components

  • server/UgServer

    The ready-to-run server for remote CAE models (RemoteModel) in the ug component. The server consists of:

    • The CeeUgServer.node Node.js Add-on for reading, managing and creating visualizations of CAE data. You should use the Add-on appropriate for your license, see the License section below.

    • JavaScript files implementing the WebSocket server.

    • package.json file describing the dependencies (of which there is just one - Socket.io).

    The server has an optional REST API for adding models and for querying models. These options can be enabled with environment variables.

    See the Getting Started section for instructions on how to start the server.

    Docker version: https://hub.docker.com/r/ceetron/envision-ug-server/

  • server/CugServer

    A high performance stateless REST-API based server for the ConstantRemoteModel with very low server resource usage.

    Models needs to be converted into a CUG database format before they can be streamed. See (cee.cug) for more info.

    Docker version: https://hub.docker.com/r/ceetron/envision-cug-server

  • server/GeoServer

    A high performance stateless REST-API based geometry server with very low server resource usage. The server is written purely in TypeScript and only requires Node.js to run (no native Add-on), and there is no web-socket dependency.

    From the client, the GeometryModelRemoteLoader can be used to progressively populate a GeometryModel. The loader supports an optional low res GeometryModel that can be used to show a low res version of the model while the full res version is being downloaded. The DemoAppGeo example application includes a demonstration of this.

    The server uses a generic DataStore, and comes with implementations of a Redis based and File based DataStore.

    Docker version: https://hub.docker.com/r/ceetron/envision-geo-server/

  • Documentation

    Detailed documentation for each class and function in CEETRON Envision for Web. Open Documentation/index.html to start browsing the documentation. You can also access the latest documentation at https://docs.techsoft3d.com/ceetron/latest/envision-web/index.html

  • Examples

    Example client applications demonstrating how to use CEETRON Envision for Web:

    • CloudPost: A post-processor powered by Envision. Written in TypeScript, but JavaScript files are also included. Uses JQueryUI

    • Angular: A simple post-processor powered by Envision using Angular as the UI toolkit.

    • React: A simple post-processor powered by Envision using React as the UI toolkit.

    • Svelte: A simple post-processor powered by Envision using Svelte as the UI toolkit.

    • Vue: A simple post-processor powered by Envision using Vue as the UI toolkit.

    • DemoAppUg: An app showcasing some of the features of the Remote Model. Written in JavaScript.

    • DemoAppCug: An app demonstrating the constant remote model. Written in TypeScript, but JavaScript files are also included.

    • DemoAppGeo: An app demonstrating some of the features of the Envision geo module. Written in TypeScript, but JavaScript files are also included.

    • DemoAppUsg: An app showcasing some of the features of the Unstruct Surface Grid client side FEA model. Written in TypeScript, but JavaScript files are also included.

    • MinimalGeoTypeScript: A minimal example of how to get Envision geo module up and running using TypeScript.

    • MinimalUg: A minimal example of how to get Envision up and running using JavaScript.

    • MinimalUgTypeScript: A minimal example of how to get Envision up and running using TypeScript.

    • MinimalUgTypeScriptGlobal: A minimal TypeScript example of how to import Envision using a global script reference and a global variable definition.

    • MultipleViews: A minimal example for creating, managing, and syncing multiple views in Envision Web.

    • Usg_RemoteMonitoring: An app demonstrating streaming/monitoring of a live feed of simulation results.

    • Usg_RemotePlayback: An app demonstrating animation playback of a FEA model with multiple states.

    Docker version of examples: https://hub.docker.com/r/ceetron/envision-examples/

    A more complete example, Analyzer Cloud, can be found at https://analyzer.ceetron.com. This is a web based post-processor that uses CEETRON Envision for Web. You can try this with your own data by using Docker: https://hub.docker.com/r/ceetron/analyzer-cloud

  • TestModels

    A few VTFx test models used by the example apps.