class DataPartSymmetricTensor : public RefCountedObject
Symmetric tensor result values for a part.
A symmetric tensor result is a set of 6 values for each item. The values are specified as xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, zx
See also
Public Functions
Constructs an empty object.
size_t count() const
Returns the number of result values.
const SymmetricTensor &value(size_t index) const
Returns the result value for the given index.
SymmetricTensor &value(size_t index)
Returns the result value for the given index.
const double *rawValuePointer() const
Returns a raw pointer to the value array.
double *rawValuePointer()
Returns a modifiable raw pointer to the value array.
void resize(size_t count)
Sets the number of values in the object.
Count is the number of symmetric tensors
The current values in the object will be kept up to the given count (if shrinking).
void setValue(size_t index, const SymmetricTensor &value)
Sets the value at the given index.
The specified index must be a valid index. Either call one of the setValues() methods or call resize() prior to calling this method.
void setValueUndefined(size_t index)
Sets an undefined value at the given index.
The specified index must be a valid index. Either call one of the setValues() methods or call resize() prior to calling this method.
void setValues(const std::vector<SymmetricTensor> &values)
Sets the vector values from a std::vector of SymmetricTensors.
void setValues(const double values[], size_t symmetricTensorCount)
Sets the vector values from an array of doubles.
The array must be at least symmetricTensorCount*6 items long, as symmetricTensorCount is the number of result values, not the number of floats in the array.