OpenFOAM Plugin
Ceetron OpenFOAM Data Provider Plugin has been developed using Data Provider Framework.
The provider can be plugged into applications based on CEETRON Envision for Desktop. This includes CEETRON Envision Demo Analyzer and the RemoteModel server (UgServer) in CEETRON Envision for Web. The same plugin can be used both on web and desktop.
The cdp_OpenFoam plugin provides the following data based on a given ModelKey:
Meta data about the given model: Number of states (OpenFoam increments), geometries (OpenFoam parts + boundaries), results
CAE model with elements and nodes
Results: Scalar, Vector, Displacements (mesh changes according to the time-step for OpenFOAM AMI results) and Tensor
Rigid body transformations
Element sets
The cdp_OpenFoam plugin also supports communicating updated data to the host application. This is done via the
This methods allows for notifying the host application that data has changed and the host will then ask for the updated
data whenever needed.
The following modifications are supported in the cdp_OpenFoam plugin:
Results: Modified, added and deleted -> supported if all results are added/removed together with the state folder
States: Modified meta data (name and reference value), added and deleted -> recognizes single or multiple states and their results (added/delete), then sorted according the reference value
Geometry: Modified -> NOT YET SUPPORTED : However, Geometry changes such as AMI points update are handle
The OpenFoam data provider plugin will then be used as first priority to open all your .foam files. If the built-in openFoam reader should be used, just delete the cdp_OpenFoamPlugin plugin from this path.
Available Options
The following options are supported by the OpenFOAM Data Provider:
Name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
boolean |
true |
Load Boundary Parts |
boolean |
true |
Load Cell Zones |
boolean |
false |
Load Face Zones |
boolean |
true |
Provide node average results |
boolean |
false |
Hide Parallel Interfaces Between Processors |
boolean |
true |
Request to load local mesh first, if not found then use global mesh + cellzones |
boolean |
true |
Load Global Mesh i.e from constant/polyMesh + cell zones |
boolean |
true |
Load Local Meshes i.e from constant/region*/polyMesh |
string |
U=Velocity;p=Pressure;rho=Density;T=Temperature;g=Gravity |
boolean |
false |
Ignores the processor folder to use the reconstructed mesh in folder constant |
For EnvisionWeb, use the RemoteModel.setReaderOptions()
to specify these options before opening a file.
For EnvisionDesktop, use the
to specify
these options before opening a file.
Use in Envision for Desktop
Load the OpenFOAM data provider plugin using
or load
multiple plugins at once using
Use the ReaderSettings::addDataProviderSettings()
to specify these options before opening a file.
See the list of available options for the OpenFOAM data provider in the list above.
for (size_t i = 0; i < cee::imp::cae::DataSourceCae::readerSettings().dataProviderSettingsCount(); ++i)
cee::imp::cae::ReaderSettingsDataProvider& settings = cee::imp::cae::DataSourceCae::readerSettings().dataProviderSettings(i);
if (settings.providerIdString() == "OpenFoamProvider")
settings.setBoolValue("LOAD_BC_PARTS", true);
settings.setBoolValue("NODE_AVG_RES", true);
Use in Envision Demo Analyzer Desktop
To use your data provider with Envision Demo Analyzer Desktop. When installed, the data provider plugins are in the DataProviders folder below the Analyzer executable. You can change this location by defining the environment variable CEE_DATA_PROVIDERS_FOLDER to point to the folder where your cdp_OpenFoamPlugin is located. Envision Demo Analyzer will load the data providers from the specified folder.
Polling of the data provider can be controlled by two settings in the Advanced panel of the Settings dialog:
Enable Data Provider polling
Show last state when a state is added
In the Settings dialog under the Data Provider panel there are specific settings for this plugin such as:
Load boundary parts: boundaries are read as parts and their name are followed by the suffix [BC]
Provide node average results: compute point data from cell data
Hide parallel interfaces between processors: filter the BC parts whose names start with keyword ‘procBoundary’
Result names mapping : possibility to express in the results list custom name for instance U [Velocity OpenFOAM keyword] = Velocity [custom name]
once any of this settings edited, please reopen your case to account for this modification.
Use in Envision for Web
Data providers can be used with the RemoteModel server (UgServer). To load your data provider, set the CEW_UG_DATA_PROVIDER_FOLDER environment variable to point to the folder with your data provider. The UgServer will load all data providers in the specified folder. The data provider needs to comply to the following naming scheme:
cdp_OpenFoamPlugin.dll (Windows), (Linux)
The server will list the registered OpenFOAM data provider plugin when a file is opened.
A data provider plugin can have a set of reader settings. For EnvisionWeb, use the
to specify these options before opening a file.
See the list of available options for the OpenFOAM data provider in the list above.
this.m_model.setReaderOptions("OpenFoamProvider", {
"LOAD_BC_PARTS": true,
"NODE_AVG_RES": true
Version 1.15.0 [May 29, 2024]
CAE-1362 : Add support for multi-dimensional (vector, tensor) node-averaged results for sampled surfaces
Version 1.14.0 [March 1, 2023]
CAE-901 : Modify triSurface parts support using triSurface patches for large number of sampled surface
Version 1.13.0 [November 11, 2022]
CAE-899 : Add flag (IGNORE_PROCESSORS_FOLDERS) to ignore processor folders in decomposed meshes. The mesh will be load from folder /constant/polyMesh
Version 1.12.0 [June 23, 2022]
CAE-768 : Support for node average in triSurface parts
Version 1.11.0 [May 24, 2022]
CAE-719 : Add logic to load local mesh as priority first, if not found load global mesh + cell zones
CAE-526 : Add support for loading cell results in triSurface parts
Version 1.10.0 [April 13, 2022]
Built with CDP 7.0 (used by C3 4.5, CDC 3.10)
Version 1.9.0 [March, 2022]
Adding the possibility for loading local or global polymeshes [SDC-190]
Version 1.8.0 [December 17, 2021]
Upgraded to Ceetron Data Provider Framework 6.0
Version 1.7.0 [November 5, 2021]
Adding support for point result data such as “pointScalarField”
Version 1.6.1 [October 25, 2021]
Fixed reading of empty cell zones in multiple output formats.
Version 1.6.0 [September 17, 2021]
Adding support for results in single-line format.
Applying cell values in faces for the following boundary condition types: uniformFixedValue, slip and symmetry.
Version 1.5.1 [February 5, 2021]
Bug Fix : Handling cellZone reading when labelList is in the same line
Version 1.5.0 [October 19, 2020]
Speed improvements when getting geometry for larger cases.
Version 1.4.3 [October 06, 2020]
Ignoring Cells Zones for multi-region meshes.
Version 1.4.2 [September 29, 2020]
Fix: No suffix CZ for part names created from cell zones
Version 1.4.1 [September 29, 2020]
Fix: Reading when empty cellzones found.
Adding Part from elements not belonging to any cellZone.
Version 1.4.0 [September 24, 2020]
Added reading of Cell Zones as parts
Added reading of Face Zones as parts
Version 1.3.3 [July 29, 2020]
Fixed issue with FaceList reading of polymesh
Version 1.3.2 [July 17, 2020]
Fixed an issue with OpenFOAM folders with symbolic links not working
Linux version is now built with Ubuntu 16.04 to fix intermittent crashes on some specific OpenFOAM files.
Version 1.3.1 [July 17, 2020]
Fixed an issue with OpenFOAM folders with symbolic links not working
Version 1.3.0 [July 11, 2020]
Creation of makeCustomName and makeIdString methods from openFoam resultNativeNames
Using idstring to be compatible with previous reader : vdm idstrings
Version 1.2.0 [May 27, 2020]
Added nodeAverageAwareBoundaryConditions to reproduce previous reader implementation
Defining method close() for provider
Added custom results namings, idString.
Added units in provider
Matching result_names_mapping (default values) with vdm reader.
Forcing states id to start by 1000 and be of type : 1001,1002,1003,…..
Fix field reading when finding the data in the same line of the keyword uniform or non-uniform.
Version 1.1.0 [April 21, 2020]
Added SimulationInfo for openFoam DP cases
Fix orientation of facenodes to point outwards the face of each cell.
Fixed metadata of boundary ids, when filtering some BCs. Now the Ids are consecutive (Part1, all_BCs_part1, Part2, all_bcs_part2, etc …).
Memory footprint test by changing cdp_int_t to cdp_ubyte_t for arrays containing element faceCount, element nodeCount and element face nodeCount if element is polyhedron type
Parallel strategy to get geometry deploying threads for each part.
Parallel strategy to get results by part deploying threads for each part.
Extended partInfo to include parentId and also added attributes.
Defined DisplacementResult from state folder points
Poll for changes taking into account added/edited/removed single or multiple states. Regardless of the manipulation to the state folder’s, it is more stable now.
Compute average node result from volume data
Reading boundaries values from file.
Added method filterBoundaryByName(..) in order to filter the boundaries pathName starting with the keyword ‘boundaryProc’. Added as readerSetting.
Added option to create nodal results from cell data. Added as ReaderStetting
Added link between AnalyzerDesktop Setting to cdp_OpenFoamPlugin. User can change settings in Ceetron Components based applications that will be set when starting the plugin.
Version 1.0 [November 27, 2019]
First test version
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