
class PlaneLocator : public MarkupModel

A locator designed to position a plane.

It has custom drawing (draws the plane, point and normal) and also handles panning so that the panning is done in the plane.

Public Functions

PlaneLocator(View *view)

Creates a plane locator for the given view.

void setup(const Vec3d &point, const Vec3d &normal)

Sets the initial point and normal for the plane locator.

Vec3d point() const

Returns the updated plane locator point.

void setPoint(const Vec3d &point)

Sets the plane locator point.

Vec3d normal() const

Returns the updated plane locator normal.

void setMaximumExtent(double maxExtent)

Sets the maximum extent of the plane.

If not set (or set to cee::UNDEFINED_DOUBLE), the extent will be calculated based on the bounding box of the view.

double maximumExtent() const

Returns the updated plane locator extent.

If maximum extent has not been set directly by calling setMaximumExtent(), the extent will be calculated from the views bounding box and this function returns cee::UNDEFINED_DOUBLE.

Color3f planeColor() const

Returns the color of the locator surface plane.

void setPlaneColor(const Color3f &color)

Sets the color of the locator surface plane.

void setPlaneOpacity(float opacity)

Sets the opacity of the locator plane.

float planeOpacity() const

Returns the opacity of the locator plane.

Color3f centerPointColor() const

Returns the color of the sphere indicating the locators rotation point.

void setCenterPointColor(const Color3f &color)

Sets the color of the sphere indicating the locators rotation point.

Color3f arrowColor() const

Returns the color of the sphere indicating the locators rotation point.

void setArrowColor(const Color3f &color)

Sets the color of the arrow indicating the locators normal.

bool surfaceVisible() const

Returns the plane surface visibility.

void setSurfaceVisible(bool visible)

Sets the plane surface visibility.

bool borderVisible() const

Returns the plane border visibility.

void setBorderVisible(bool visible)

Sets the plane border visibility.

void planeNavigationOnMousePressEvent(MouseEvent *mouseEvent, const Vec3d &rotationPoint)

Processes mouse press event.

void planeNavigationOnMouseMoveEvent(MouseEvent *mouseEvent)

Processes mouse move event.

void planeNavigationOnMouseReleaseEvent(MouseEvent *mouseEvent)

Processes mouse release event.