
class ParticleTraceGroup : public RefCountedObject

Configuration of a group of particle trace objects.

To visualize features of a vector field, it is possible to define streamlines; the paths of mass less particles through the flow. Streamlines can be computed based on specification of single points. Animated display of movement along the streamlines is a powerful and direct way to show the features of the flow.

Particle traces is defined by a vector result defining the vector field and an array of trace seed points. The particles traces uses 3D primitives such as cylinders, spheres, lines, ribbons or comets. A scalar result can be mapped as fringes onto these primitives.

The particle trace can be animated. Control the animation using UnstructGridModel::setParticleTraceTime().

A ParticleTraceGroup is featured on a model through UnstructGridModel::addParticleTraceGroup().

Public Types

enum VisualizationStyle

Visualization style for a particle trace.


enumerator CYLINDERS

Draw the particle trace lines as 3D cylinders.

enumerator SPHERES

Draw the particle trace points as spheres.

Spheres also have a pulse count for starting particles at regular intervals. Spheres requires shader support (OpenGL 2.0)

enumerator RIBBONS

Draw the particle trace lines as ribbons.

enumerator COMETS

Draw the particle trace points as comets.

Comets also have a pulse count for starting particles at regular intervals. Comets requires shader support (OpenGL 2.0)

enumerator LINES

Draw particle traces as lines.

enumerator ARROWS

Draw the particle trace points as arrows.

Arrows also have a pulse count for starting particles at regular intervals. Arrows requires shader support (OpenGL 2.0)

enum ScaleMode

Scaling mode for particle traces.



Absolute scaling of vectors.


Scales vectors relative to model extent.

Public Functions


Constructs an empty particle trace group.

std::vector<Vec3d> seedPoints() const

Returns an array of the current seed points.

void setSeedPoints(const std::vector<Vec3d> &seedPoints)

Sets the seed points to use for particle tracing.

There will be one trace computed from each seed point.

bool visible() const

Returns true if this group is visible.

void setVisible(bool visible)

Sets visibility for this group.

int vectorResultId() const

Returns the id of the current vector result used to calculate particle trajectories.

void setVectorResultId(int resultId)

Sets the id of the vector result used to calculate the particle trajectories.

int mapScalarResultId() const

Returns the id of the scalar result mapped on the primitives.

Returns -1 if none.

void setMapScalarResultId(int resultId)

Sets the id of the scalar result mapped on the primitives.

Set resultId to -1 to clear the mapped scalar result.

bool computeForward() const

Returns true if the particle trace will be computed forward from the seed points.

void setComputeForward(bool compute)

Sets if the particle trace will be computed forward from the seed points.

bool computeBackward() const

Returns true if the particle trace will be computed backward from the seed points.

void setComputeBackward(bool compute)

Sets if the particle trace will be computed backward from the seed points.

int maximumNumberOfPointsToCompute() const

Returns the maximum number of points to compute for this group.

void setMaximumNumberOfPointsToCompute(int maxNumPoints)

Sets the maximum number of points to compute for this group.

double extrapolateRatioLength() const

Sets the ratio length relative to the frame bounding box to test when moving out of the part.

void setExtrapolateRatioLength(double extrapolateRatioLength)

Returns the ratio length relative to the frame bounding box to test when moving out of the part.

VisualizationStyle visualizationStyle() const

Returns the visualization style.

void setVisualizationStyle(VisualizationStyle style)

Sets the visualization style.

Color3f color() const

Returns the base color of the primitives.

void setColor(const Color3f &color)

Sets the primitive color.

ScaleMode scaleMode() const

Returns the scale mode for these particle traces.

double scaleFactor() const

Returns the current scale factor.

void set3DPrimitiveRadius(ScaleMode mode, double scaleFactor)

Sets the 3D primitive radius.

If relative scaling is used, a factor of 1 (default) will give a size of 0.006 times the largest extent of the model’s bounding box.

double pointSamplingNumberOfPulses() const

Returns the number of sampling pulses.

void setPointSamplingNumberOfPulses(double numPulses)

Sets the number of sampling pulses.

double cometLength() const

Returns the length of the comet primitive.

void setCometLength(double length)

Sets the length of the comet primitive.

double arrowLength() const

Returns the length of the arrow primitive.

void setArrowLength(double length)

Sets the length of the arrow primitive.

double ribbonRelativeWidth() const

Returns the width of the ribbon primitive.

void setRibbonRelativeWidth(double relativeSize)

Sets the width of the ribbon primitive.

double ribbonRelativeThickness() const

Returns the thickness of the ribbon primitive.

void setRibbonRelativeThickness(double relativeSize)

Sets the thickness of the ribbon primitive.

double minimumTraceTime(size_t frameIndex) const

Returns minimum trace time.

double maximumTraceTime(size_t frameIndex) const

Returns maximum trace time.

bool ignoreClipping() const

Returns true if the trace will ignore clipping, false if the trace will be clipped.

void setIgnoreClipping(bool ignore)

Sets if the trace will ignore clipping.

bool isPrecomputed() const

Returns true if the particle trace group is precomputed.

Precomputed particle traces cannot be altered or moved.

void setTraceData(size_t frameIndex, const std::vector<ParticleTraceData> &groupDataArr)

Sets the particle trace data for the given frame.

Allow for user defined particle traces in the unstruct grid model.

Pre-requisites for using this method:

  • The particle trace group must already have been added to an unstruct grid model

  • The model must have some content - the given frame index must exist and have some model in it.

  • If using scalars, there must be a scalar in the model for the scalar mapping to work

void traceData(size_t frameIndex, std::vector<ParticleTraceData> *groupDataArr) const

Gets the particle trace data for the given frame.