
class ReaderSettings

Settings manager for the different CAE file formats supported by ImportCae.

Public Functions


Constructs the reader settings object.

const ReaderSettingsMarc &marc() const

Returns Marc reader settings.

ReaderSettingsMarc &marc()

Returns Marc reader settings.

const ReaderSettingsPtc &ptc() const

Returns PTC reader settings.

ReaderSettingsPtc &ptc()

Returns PTC reader settings.

const ReaderSettingsOpenFoam &openFoam() const

Returns OpenFoam settings.

ReaderSettingsOpenFoam &openFoam()

Returns OpenFoam settings.

size_t dataProviderSettingsCount() const

Returns the number of data provider settings that are available.

const ReaderSettingsDataProvider &dataProviderSettings(size_t index) const

Returns DataProvider reader settings for the data provider with the given index.

ReaderSettingsDataProvider &dataProviderSettings(size_t index)

Returns DataProvider reader settings for the data provider with the given index.

void addDataProviderSettings(const cee::imp::cae::ReaderSettingsDataProvider &cdpSettings)

Add reader settings for a data provider.

void setEnsuresUniqueResultNames(bool ensure)

Sets to true to ensures that all result names are unique.

bool ensuresUniqueResultNames() const

Returns true if all result names are set to be unique.

void setUsesUndefinedResults(bool use)

Sets to true if undefined results should be used.

bool usesUndefinedResults() const

Returns true if undefined results are used.

bool isGlobalCoordinateTransformationEnabled() const

Returns true if results are transformed to the global coordinate system.

void enableGlobalCoordinateTransformation(bool enable)

Enable/disable transformation of results to the global coordinate system.

void excludeElementCategory(cee::ug::Element::Category category)

Sets given element category to be excluded.

void clearExcludedElementCategories()

Clears existing excluded element categories.

const std::vector<cee::ug::Element::Category> &excludedElementCategories() const

Returns all existing excluded element categories.

int getCategoryBottomSectionId(int categoryId) const

Return the sectionId chosen for Bottom in the correspondng category. Returns -1 if categoryID not found.

int getCategoryTopSectionId(int categoryId) const

Return the sectionId chosen for Top in the correspondng category. Returns -1 if categoryID not found.

std::vector<int> getSectionCategoryIds() const

Returns all category ids the user has specified to change the default behavior of sections.

void setTopAndBottomSectionIdForCategory(int categoryId, int sectionIdTop, int sectionIdBottom)

Set per categoryId the two sections to be used as Bottom and Top result.