
class DataPart : public RefCountedObject

A part in the geometry.

Consists of a collection of node coordinates and a collection element connectivities.

A DataPart has an element object and a nodes object.

A DataGeometry contains a collection of DataPart objects.


Each part will have it’s own part settings (visibility/color/result visibility/highlighting/…). Part settings are available through UnstructGridModel::partSettings() specifying the geometry index and id of the requested part.

Each part needs a unique id. This id is set in the constructor. Get the id of an existing part using id().


Example of a simple part containing two triangles:

Create the DataNodes object and set the node coordinates for this part.

cee::PtrRef<cee::ug::DataNodes> nodes = new cee::ug::DataNodes(false);
nodes->setNode(0, cee::Vec3d(0, 1, 0));
nodes->setNode(1, cee::Vec3d(0, 0, 0));
nodes->setNode(2, cee::Vec3d(1, 0, 0));
nodes->setNode(3, cee::Vec3d(2, 0, 0));
nodes->setNode(4, cee::Vec3d(2, 1, 0));

Create the DataElements object and specify the connectivities for this part. This part contains two triangles.

int c[] = {0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4};
std::vector<unsigned int> eltNodes1(c, c+3);    // First triangle
std::vector<unsigned int> eltNodes2(c+3, c+6);  // Second triangle
cee::PtrRef<cee::ug::DataElements> elements = new cee::ug::DataElements(false, 0);   
elements->addElement(cee::ug::Element::TRIANGLES, eltNodes1);
elements->addElement(cee::ug::Element::TRIANGLES, eltNodes2);

Create the part object and set newly created nodes and elements objects to this part. Specify a unique id when creating the DataPart.

int partId = 1;
cee::PtrRef<cee::ug::DataPart> part = new cee::ug::DataPart(partId);

Add the part to the geometry. (geo is the DataGeometry object this part belongs to.)


See the complete source code at: UnstructGrid: Simple model with two triangles


Public Functions

DataPart(int id)

Constructs an empty part with the given id.

int partId() const

Returns the id of the part.

const DataNodes *nodes() const

Returns a pointer to the nodes objects of this part.

DataNodes *nodes()

Returns a pointer to the nodes objects of this part.

void setNodes(DataNodes *nodes)

Specifies the nodes for this part.


The added object is reference counted and should never be created on the stack or deleted!

const DataElements *elements() const

Returns a pointer to the elements object of this part.

DataElements *elements()

Returns a pointer to the elements objects of this part.

void setElements(DataElements *elements)

Specifies the elements of this part.

See DataElements for more information on supported element types.


The added object is reference counted and should never be created on the stack or deleted!