
class ViewerPropertyHandler

Property handler for viewer properties.

Public Types

enum PropertyKey

List of property keys for ViewerPropertyHandler.



Animation frames per second.


Enter the duration (in seconds) of the first frame for animation in selected view.


Enter the duration (in seconds) of the last frame for animation in selected view.


Number of steps for particle tracing.


If true and there is animation, it will start automatically when loaded.

enumerator HALO_COLOR

The color of halos in the viewer, e.g.

those used to highlight parts


Index of cutting plane to animate.


Number of frames to include in the cutting plane animation.


The distance length (delta) between each frame in the animation (in the direction of the cutting plane normal)

enumerator VIEW_TITLE

Custom title for view.

Public Functions

ViewerPropertyHandler(PropertySet *propSet)

Creates a viewer property handler from a given property set propSet.

Variant propertyValue(PropertyKey key) const

Returns the property value for the specified property key.

Returns an empty Variant if the property key was not found.

void setPropertyValue(PropertyKey key, Variant data)

Sets the property key and value to this handlers property set.

If key exists in the property set, the paired property value is updated to data. Otherwise the key/value pair is added to the property set.

double defaultFramesPerSecond() const

Returns the frames per second for the animation.

void setDefaultFramesPerSecond(double animationFPS)

Sets the frames per second for the animation.

int firstFrameDelay() const

Returns the first frame delay in milliseconds.

void setFirstFrameDelay(int milliSeconds)

Sets the first frame delay in milliseconds.

int lastFrameDelay() const

Returns the last frame delay in milliseconds.

void setLastFrameDelay(int milliSeconds)

Sets the last frame delay in milliseconds.

int numberOfParticleTraceAnimationSteps() const

Returns the number of steps to use for the particle trace animation.

void setNumberOfParticleTraceAnimationSteps(int numAnimationSteps)

Sets the number of steps to use for particle trace animation.

bool hasStartAnimation() const

Returns the flag that controls automatic start of the animation, if any.

void setStartAnimation(bool start)

Sets the flag that controls automatic start of the animation, if any.

Color3f haloColor() const

Returns the color of halos used in the viewer, e.g to highlight parts.

void setHaloColor(const Color3f &color)

Sets the color of halos used in the viewer, e.g to highlight parts.

int animatedCuttingPlaneIndex() const

Returns the index of the cutting plane to animate.

void setAnimatedCuttingPlaneIndex(int index)

Sets the index of the cutting plane to animate.

int animatedCuttingPlaneNumberOfFrames() const

Returns the number of frames for the cutting plane animation.

void setAnimatedCuttingPlaneNumberOfFrames(int numFrames)

Sets the number of frames for the cutting plane animation.

double animatedCuttingPlaneDistancePerFrame() const

Returns the distance per frame for the cutting plane animation.

void setAnimatedCuttingPlaneDistancePerFrame(double distance)

Sets the distance per frame for the cutting plane animation.

Str viewTitle() const

Returns view title.

void setViewTitle(const Str &title)

Sets view title.

Public Static Functions

static Str propertySetClassType()

Returns the class type of the property set.

static bool isValidPropertySet(const PropertySet &propSet)

Returns true if the specified property set is a valid viewer property set.